emypony · 8 months
more text posts bc they make me mentally unwell
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^ senti if she ever was on a soulium body lmao
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ok literally all of them are Senti bc she makes me obsessed she could be so many things
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neonip · 1 year
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lostacelonnie · 1 year
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tiny sentifelis. reblog
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ofhereternity · 2 years
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my 2 absolute most fav honkai characters yes, yes. and i think they should kiss
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blazingblorbos · 1 year
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aspennntree · 11 months
sentifelis server is brewing be careful you might see a lot of honkai art from me soon
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didiwaffles · 2 years
I love the idea of Senti and Felis.
Since Felis and Hua are canonically besties, Hua probably likes and treasures her more than anything in the world. So, her feelings were probably passed onto Senti (just like with Kiana) and she would absolutely shower Felis with love and affection.
But then we get an unstoppable duo of two silly lazy dorks. They would together mess with everyone and then get out to sleep away all their problems completely unpunished. Like you know how Felis doesn't mess with certain people because she's afraid of them? Now imagine if she knew there would be no consequences whatever she steals.
We'd finally get to see Kalpas's face.
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yeet-noir · 10 months
as a twin, i need to know your thoughts on the twin rep in this series? hilarious? inspiring either you or your sister to commit identity fraud? If one of you ends up in a magically induced coma/death, will the other try to gaslight the public into thinking tht ur still alive for your son's pool party?
Okay yes I hate the twin rep I think it so surface level. Disclaimer this is totally not that serious, but it is something I find just so annoying in media in general so ML isn't unique in this.
Every twin in this show is a copy paste and recolor of the other twin. And not to mention their names are just the same names, but with another variation of it. We have Emilie and Amelie and Alya's twin sisters Ella and Etta. It's hilariously stupid and inconsequential, but still just so lazy. And to some extent Felix being like twin through sentification(?) of Adrien and having them be the exact same is so funny at least that grew on me lol
And don't get me wrong I know this happens irl where parents do similar sounding names for their twins and color code them. I was the "pink" twin and @amimons was the "purple" one. However, growing once we were old enough to dress ourselves we started fighting our mom about our twinning looks haha
Plus most twins are fraternal and while I am identical it doesn't mean we are a copy and paste of each other those descriptors are just describing how the eggs were fertilized. So there is my silly twin rant about how I think twins in media in general annoy me knvljsdfnv
I also get asked if me and my sister ever switched places so I do love these questions about identity fraud and gaslighting people at a pool party. I don't think we feel inspired to do that.... yet...
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edibleartsncraftz · 1 year
YOU. SENTIFELIS TRUTHER. I hope you have a good day !!! Remember u are loved and things will get better for you. Always.
Tysm :']
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emypony · 10 months
"wtf I wanna see my girlfriend NOW!!"
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neonip · 1 year
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ballroom dancing gays
embarrassed senti is just yes
i felt like senti would be the one wearing a suit and felis would wear a dress but i switched it because why wouldn't you want felis in a suit
i hate u emypony how dare you curse me with this rarepair that i fell in love with but has no content
i don't know how to use tumblr this is weird
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lostacelonnie · 5 months
Sighs....... i need 2 draw sentifelis......
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hi hello!!!!
all things sentifelis reverist calico and the herrscher of sentience live here!!!!!
im chronically sleepy but sometimes i draw
youll see me reference my gf from time to time, this is because senti is my gf :3
i am a lesbian but only have eyes for senti!!!
she/it/star please!!!
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christophe76460 · 5 months
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La personne et l'œuvre du S.E : Troisième partie ( l'oeuvre du S.E depuis la pentecôte dans le ♥ de l'homme) CHAP VIII << LA PLÉNITUDE DE L'ESPRIT>>. XI/ L'Esprit doit nous remplir chaque jour d'avantage. 2/ la plénitude de l'Esprit nous fait grandir chaque jour dans la vie spirituelle ( suite)
Et se remplir à mesure qu'il s'agrandir : Cité par TOPHET, OP. CIT, Ex; de Pierre et frappant. Deux fois nous le voyons rempli de l'Esprit; Act : 2/4 et 4:8. Aprés cette expérience et sa doutes grâce à elle, Dieu lui montre à propos de Corneille qu'il est encore plein de préjugés judaïques et doit les abandonner; Act : 10/10--16. Il obéit et fait ainsi un grand pas en avant. Plus tard, par ce que Pierre est un homme comme nous, il commet la faute que Paul lui reproche vivement : Galat : 2:11--14,ce cas confirme donc ce que nous disons, un homme rempli de l'Esprit peut encore pécher? Mais il peut et doit grandir spirituellement, grâce à cette expérience même.
3/l'augmentation de la plénitude de l'Esprit en nous implique une victoire progressive sur le péché :
Nous ne serons pleinement semblables à J.C que dans la gloire, dit l'Ecriture, Or, ce qui nous empêche de lui ressembler, c'est toujours le péché. Par conséquent, aussi longtemps que nous serons ici- bas, nous aurons de nouvelles victoires à remporter sur cette terrible ennemi. Si non, il est évident que nous n'aurions plus aucun progrès à faire. Si aujourd'hui nous sommes remplis de l'Esprit, nous aurons la ✌ sur tous les péchés dont nous sommes conscients. Mais demain, si nous cintuons à grandir et à nous élever sur le chemin de la sentification, l'Esprit nous révèlera d'autres choses sur nous- mêmes, d'autres devoirs non encore accemplis, d'autres péchés que nous avions ignorés jusque là. En effet, plus nous avançons dans la vie spirituelle, plus notre horizon s'élargit, plus la lumière se fait vive et la conscience délicate et plus aussi nous apprenons à connaître la perfersion : À sui
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aspennntree · 3 months
garuda garuda garuda garuda hua hua hua hua hua !!!!!
here here here here !!!!!!!!!!!!
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didiwaffles · 2 years
Ur reblogs and tags literally make my day, thank you so much. Idk if u know since we aren't mutuals for too long but like!! I see u in my notifs and i light up like !!! ✨ Yes!! The waffles Honkai mutual!!
The waffles Honkai mutual
Now that's the name worthy to be remembered by!
But also same! Though my memory is shit and I literally forgot why but whenever I see you I'm like ah yes I love this person! don't remember why but who cares!
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