#selkie ezra x reader
grogusmum · 1 year
Seven Tears part 6
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WORD COUNT: 2500ish
SERIES SUMMARY: Months after being abandoned, she does something rash and summons a selkie, who wishes to bring her comfort and maybe more.
CHAPTER SUMMARY: Summer moves quickly on Roan Inish, Pearl and Cee grow close and the baby is born, but the fall brings the annulment at last, and with it there is retaliation and a choice is made.
WARNING: Olde Timey gender norms and sexism, though set in mid-20th century Ireland, and Ireland's predominantly white, Reader is physically undescribed, as are her blood relatives, her missing spouse, and his family are white, reader gives birth (not described), Cee in peril, ANGST, Colin and Jamie continue to be horrible people, Ezra is a selkie, yes, it deserves its own warning, excessive use of pet names, painful cliffhanger - its going to be okay, I promise! (as always see something say something. please let me know in my DMs if there is a warning I missed)
A/N: Welp, at 364 days since the last update- it hasn't been a literal year since the last chapter... After I finally got it down and started editing I realized why I had such a block. At least part of it anyway... This is a tough one. I understand why I kept diverting to writing side fics with sexytimes, new-fangled doodads, flashbacks of shenanigans, and so forth. While I was figuring out this chapter, and well into writing it, I spent most of the time saying to Ezra, can we just make breakfast and snuggle??? Of course, he's no help because he says yes let's. Like so many of my penultimate chapters, it's a cliffhanger and a painful one, and I am so very sorry. But I am not stopping and taking a break to do other fics. I will be writing part 7 this weekend.
Gaelic Translation (with a dash of history)
Móra dhuit ar maidin: good morning, is a twist on the traditional Dia dhuit ar maidin which means God (be) with you. Some believe this is where the infamous “Top of the Morning” Mor meaning big, Mora believed to be a “lost word”. However, it was discovered that in fact, this is one of the quite rare surviving pagan blessings. Mór was a significant goddess (note: attributes quite different to the Morrigan or Mór Ríon, even if sometimes mixed together) with many avatars. Of course, this all can be debated to the end of time, when one’s religion and language are made illegal so much is lost.
Gaeilge translation
A ghrá: love
Mo stór: Literally translating to “My treasure,” this phrase is often used to mean “my darling.”
Part 5
Series Masterlist
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‘You would have to become a selkie yourself.’
Ezra stopped further conversation that night about it. “Today has been long and arduous, and not the hour for decisions of this magnitude, Moonbeam.” He had said, then unfairly distracted you as only he can.
Your time on the island was magical. You cleaned out the other cottages and your parents brought some basic furniture. The cottages were sparse but appointed with the necessaries to visit comfortably. The visits from your family and Tilda and Fergus were lovely. Because your relocation was for your safety and protection, no one knew beyond that circle. You knew you would miss your friends and cousins. But for now, you were distracted from missing them too badly because Cee came to visit, often. It was new to her, and she found it great fun. She would look at her human feet or hands and laugh with wonder, she would tell you later ‘wonder at their ridiculousness’. You noted fondly that she had a little bit of her father’s laugh.
The first time she came up out of the water you got to see the transformation firsthand. Her flippers felt for the seam under her snout, invisible to the eye. She then pulled it apart and a blonde teenager emerged. 
Blonde. You looked at Ezra, flabbergasted. To which he said-
 “There is a saying, my Pearl, all toads are frogs but not all frogs are indeed toads. Uncommon it may be, but one needs only look for the sea storm in her eyes to know.”
Cee came and went from the shoals, and Ezra reminded you not to worry, that as your belly rounded with every week that passed, he would be the worrier in the family.
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Spending the morning fishing with your Da and Thomas, Ezra is gone when you wake. This is his way of thanking them as they usually have other supplies for you. Cee emerges from her bed which is curtained off in one corner of the great room, as you set out two bowls of porridge. 
“Móra dhuit ar maidin (MOR-uhg(w)itch air MA-jin), Cee”
“Móra dhuit ar ma–” Cee yawns openly, “jin. Where is me Da?” 
She, then, sniffs the oats hopefully.
“Fishing,” You tell her. “Why don' you cut some apples, dear.” 
“With hooks and a line?” Cee chuffs as she sets to the task. You can not help joining her mirth. 
You are with Cee on your own for the first time-
“You must have missed Ezr- your Da. I did not know I was keeping him from anyone- I would have encouraged him to visit. I am truly sorry, Cee.”
“‘tis the nature of things,” Cee says, mouth full of apples and oats, “besides if he were to slip back into his pelt and visit, he could not return to you for seven years. He has loved you a long time- everyone knows that!”
You are taken aback, you hardly register the sweet knowledge that she and others in his pod knew his love for you, thinking about the fact that if he goes in he can not return for seven years. Seeing her come and go, you assumed, with no small amount of relief, that bit was a myth, and you tell her so.
“Oh, I can come and go, because I am a natural-born selkie. Da was turned.”
“How was he turned?”
“Well,” Cee starts, “ehm, that is probably a story he ought tell you. Though he don' really like to tell that tale.”
By the time of Ezra return, Cee’s words were pushed out of your mind. For the pair of you had gathered seaweed and dug clams for luncheon, and you had felt your first real kick from the baby.
“Pearl! Come sit,” Ezra pulls you into the house. “You need to rest.”
Sitting you down by the fireplace, he settles on his knees, splaying a large warm hand on your lower belly, soft brown eyes on you, hoping to feel another kick. 
“How does everyone?”
“Very well, Moonbeam,” Ezra absently runs his hand over the expanse of your middle, then drops his head on your lap. “Patrick had some supplies for us as well.”
“Any news?”
“What, a ghrá (uh GHRAH)?”
“Colin and his brother are still ragin’. Dierdre is making progress with the annulment, tis not sitting too well, it seems.”
“Pity sake”
“He deserves none," Ezra's eyes darken and you see his selkie nature for just a moment.
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On the longest day, your water breaks at 4 a.m. The gift of midsummer's day is that daylight is already breaking, and Ezra can take the currach out right away and fetch your mam. The whole of the family comes back with Ezra and waits outside the cottage as Deirdre and Felicia help you bring young Rory into the world, with Ezra attached to your side. 
When Rory's shoulder breaches its final barrier with your last mighty push, he slips like a seal into your mother’s waiting arms. 
Ezra kisses your glistening brow and with a whoop, he runs to the window to shout to kin both seal and man-
“Tis a boy! With a shock of red hair from who knows where!” To which everyone whooped and laughed hardily.
“It’s midsummer! That’d be the faeries doing!” Hugh calls.
“Someone tell that boy to hush,” Deirdre says to no one in particular, shaking her head and crossing herself. She hands off the swaddled babe to Felicia, who brings him to you. Your Mam goes to the fireplace takes up an iron poker and draws talismans into the ash, muttering about faeries, calling St. Bridget to protect the home and all dwelling within.
You, Ezra, Rory, and Cee grow more in love with every passing day. There is nothing Cee enjoys more than when Rory is in his boat cradle, being lulled in the shallows tethered to a rope you hold fast to. During his fussy times, it is the only thing that calms him. She swims round and round it, bobbing up to check on him. Ezra barks his laugh at Cee’s antics and in the evenings he holds his son close, nosing his cheek and murmuring in the old way. And of course, any chance he gets, he brings you closer to him than many would find humanly possible. Nights are spent worshipful, in one another's arms. When the babe is wakeful, Ezra brings him to you, and when Rory is fed and dozing he silently takes him back to his cradle.
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Summer rushes past as it has a habit of doing and autumn comes. Plans are set for this morning to go to the mainland to sign papers for your annulment. 
“Tis finally here,” you sigh, kissing Ezra, the baby dressed and ready for a boat ride. “I’ll go to the church and get this settled at long last and meet you at the pub?”
“Agreed, mo stór (mu store)” Ezra says as he carries out a basket to the currach, he sets it in the boat and then helps you aboard, as you hold Rory. 
The tide is with you as is the wind, so your trip is uneventful and swift. Ezra kisses your cheek and takes the baby for Tilda and Fergus to see and you head up to St Bridget’s to finally wash your hands of Colin. You smile as you walk the familiar cobbled road, excited butterflies in your belly. You remember to be watchful, knowing Colin and Jamie, this day is sure to stir up a hornet's nest. All is quiet, but you start to feel as though it is too quiet.
Ezra brings Rory into the pub, head up, bursting with fatherly pride, and Tilda comes round the board, hand on her heart. She takes up the baby as she gives Ezra a peck on the cheek. 
“You may never get the wee one back,” Fergus laughs. 
“Look how big you’ve gotten!” She coos.
“He is but a weed of a thing, growing faster-” No sooner does Ezra sit to catch up with his friends, does Hugh run into the bar, holding a stitch in his side. Ezra stands, his nostrils flaring as his eyes go dark, as if the barometer just fell and he could feel a dangerous storm brewing.
“I was- I was down at the docks-” he gasps trying to catch his breath. “Cee was there, knew it was the- the big day. But Colin-” 
Ezra was on him, hands like vices on his shoulders. 
“Ezra!” Tilda commands. He let go but the huff of his breathing bristles his mustache.
“What about Colin,” Ezra’s voice is like nothing they have ever heard. Rory fusses.
“He’s got Cee in a net, started dragging her out. Da -.”
Ezra bellows. 
“Watch over Rory, Tilda. Hugh, does she know?”
“No, I came here first. Thomas has a boat- one with a motor-” 
“Good lad,” Ezra breathes and storms from the pub, Hugh following behind.
At the dock, Ezra prowles up and down, until Thomas comes into view.
“Over there!”
Ezra looks at the small vessel with an outboard motor, mildly distrustful. 
“Hugh stay at the dock and keep watch. We will get to the boa-”
“No. Go back to the island.”
“I need my pelt.”
Cee twists and bites at the net, angry at herself for getting caught. Knowing this was to get to you and Ezra. Other seals surround her, trying to help.
She barks, nostrils flaring, pointing with her nose behind her. Two seals peel off and go in the direction she indicates, while one stays with Cee.
Soon enough two gray seals like torpedoes reach Ezra, flanking the port and starboard bows. Their heads come above the surface and one barks.
"Go on ahead to the island, in the hamper at the end of the big bed. Fast. Meet me back at this boat. Mind the propeller," Ezra shouts over the wind and motor.
The seals put out a burst of speed, porpoising in and out of the water. 
"What are you going to do?"
"You have to tell her," Ezra's voice breaks, eyes rimmed red. "Tell her,  I will return even if she can't bring herself to come to me. I will-"
"I promised," he wails, "I have never promised anyone anything- only she! But I can't let Cee-"
"She'll understand."
"I'm deserting her!"
"I will tell her."
"Is there anything to write with?"
Thomas rummages a bit and pulls from his pack, a small notebook with a pen tucked in its spine.
Ezra takes it and begins scribbling frantically.
Jamie’s boat speeds along, gulls scold them, and seals chase. Colin and Jamie jeer at them, determined to take their offense out on the young selkie. Heedless of the long-held taboo and the consequences that can befall entire villages, for harming a seal. Whether or not they know Cee was a selkie or a seal, they laughed in bad humor and wondered if one of them would make wife of her. They are both quite lucky Cee could not hear their base chatter. 
After chewing at the net for some time, Cee finally breaks through the net, barking a laugh of triumph. When she slips free, she rolls and tumbles with her companion in celebration. When she has had her fill, she bobs in the water watching as the craft continues east. Cee barks at the other seal and sets after the boat at top speed. Only after she chews the netting that held her captive to shreds, does she make way to the mainland. But it is not long before she is faced with her mistake. 
You arrive at the pub in good spirits, but your relaxed smile is wiped clean off at the sight of the faces within. Your face falls further seeing Tilda with Rory, and Ezra nowhere to be found.
For the second time today, Hugh bursts in like the devil is at his heels-
"Is she alright?" Tilda says standing.
"She is! She- she got away, but she's ragin' on the stand!"
The lot of you pour out of the pub. Fergus tosses out a lone customer and locks up behind. Hugh hastily explains what he knows, as your eyes become saucers. At the beach Cee is half out of her coat,  as she is covered with the blanket that Tilda had the forethought to bring, she seethes-
"Da went after 'em. He didn’ know I broke free on me own until after he’d done it! He's angrier than I have ever seen!"
"Are you alright? Are you hurt at all?" Your eyes search her.
"He's not mad at that- well he is bu' he's fit to be tied because-" Cee's words pull up short, she looks like she might cry. "He thought- he- put on his pelt. I- I'm sorry."
You look as though you've been struck in the face, but you rub her shoulder absently hoping she knows you do not blame her. 
"He's gone after the boat, he wi- he'll sink it," Cee finishes.
"Where's Thomas?" Asks Hugh.
"I'm here!" Thomas runs down the rocky steps, and hands you the note.
My shining Pearl,
I am loath to break my promise and beg your forgiveness.
Do I dare remind you that we spoke of you coming with me? 
Though I admit that conversation was far from over.
Do I presume to ask for this gift? 
Would you don a silken seal coat, mo ghrá? 
Would you do this for me though I hardly deserve it? 
Yours forever,
When you finish reading, you find yourself turning a lost circle, pebbles shifting underfoot. 
"I- he-" You look down at the note again, eyes brimming with unshed tears.
"He didn't want to!" Thomas says, beside himself.
"Of course, he didn't," Dierdre soothes. 
Trembling, you rush to Tilda grasping her hands. Blinded by the tears that refuse to fall, you don't see what everyone else can see plain, she knows your question and hates the answer.
"The Maiden and the Seal-lord! She- she was able to take her grandmother's pelt! You have one from yours, yes? Please yes!"
The waves crash, as though very ocean can not abide your tears.
"Darlin, my seal gran has too many greats in front of it to tell us, even if I could dig it up and give it to you," Tilda holds your panicked face in her worn hands. " Which I would, I most surely would. But it would not transform you- for no matter how close I hold you as kin, you must be a blood relation. Your way… if you wish it, it will be harder." 
Your wail breaks her heart, gulls echo your cry. 
You take Rory in your arms, the note crushed in your hand, and climb Widow’s Rock.
Deirdre sends everyone back to the house and carefully climbs the rock. She wraps her arms around you and Rory. 
"For right or wrong, God forgive him. He will sink that boat and come back to you, even if he can't take off his coat."
You nod in response, eyes on the open water-
"I need to talk to Cee.”
Part 7
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If you care to read more of my stories you can find my masterlist here and if you would like to be tagged for any of my fics you can find my handy dandy taglist form here.
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ladyxskywalker · 2 years
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AUG 2022 (part two)
fandoms featured on this list; moon knight, pedro pascal characters, misc./multi fandom 💫
thank you to the amazing fic writers for sharing some wonderful stories with all of us ! & to the kind readers for their support. 💙
please assume that all works & the blogs they belong to are 18+ only
mature adult content will be marked with a double asterisk **
be sure to check all warnings & tags before reading, feel free to skip if something isn't for you
& of course, enjoy responsibly
all the love xo A ☕
hope you enjoy ! & happy reading ! 🤗
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please send me things to read ! favorite fics or something you've written that you're proud of ! 💌
find more monthly fic recs over on my masterlist, Sept 2022 coming soon ! ✨
please let me know if you would like to be removed
✨ new authors & characters added for the first time !
✨ some authors are mentioned more than once throughout the list, check to see if your works are there !
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✨ Marc Spector
Bruises by @stevenngrant
✨ Steven Grant
Before and After by @marvelousmermaid (gn!reader) (pre/post breakup, nightmares, sad ending)
P.S. I love you! by @nowritingonthewall (steven, marc, gn!reader)
Prompt – patching up a wound by @magpie-to-the-morning **
✨ Dave York
Still Worship, Desires and Complications by @ezrasbirdie (dave york x f!reader x marcus pike) (cw: mmf, daddy kink, injuries, adult content) **
✨ Ezra (Prospect)
Daze by @iamskyereads (slice of life) (domestic ezra universe) (prof!f!reader) (cw: children) **
In the Dark (series) by @frannyzooey (cw: age gap) (f!reader) **
Seven Tears (series) by @grogusmum (selkie!ezra) (f!reader) **
✨ Jack ‘Agent Whiskey’ Daniels
Sweet Thing by @clydesducktape (gn!reader) (cw: food mention)
✨ Javi Gutierrez
Art Imitating Life by @the-blind-assassin-12 (f!reader)
✨ Javier Peña
For You by @ezrasbirdie (f!reader) **
✨ Marcus Pike
Marcus Watching Antiques Roadshow Tipsy (imagine) by @youvebeenlivingfictional
Starting Over (series) by @wardenparker , & @absurdthirst (f!reader) (cw: pregnancy, divorce)
✨ Oberyn Martell
Oberyn and the Merling (series) by @grogusmum (merling!gn!reader) *
✨ Pero Tovar
I Won’t Give Up by @writeforfandoms (a/b/o au) (alpha!pero) (omega!f!reader) **
The Smell of Fresh Bread by @absurdthirst (f!reader)
✨ Misc. Pedro Pascal Characters
How Did You Love (series) by @writeforfandoms (f!reader)
✨ Alfred Pennyworth (The Batman)
None for You by @squidlywiddly87 (cw: age gap, dom/sub themes) (black!f!reader) **
Penny For Your Thoughts (series) by @eupheme (cw: age gap, daddy kink) (f!reader) **
Slip Into Your Skin by @stargirlfics (black!f!reader) **
✨ The Amazing Spider Man (Andrew Garfield)
Approach Shift (series) by @psithurista (f!reader) **
✨ Clyde Logan (Adam Driver, Logan Lucky)
Beautiful Eyes by @hopeamarsu (gn!reader) (cw: drink mention)
✨ Dragon Age
The Last Warlord: That Which is Valued Most (series) by BlueEyedBadger on ao3
✨ Flip Zimmerman (Adam Driver)
Can’t Wait to See You Glow by @hopeamarsu (f!reader)
Ember of a Dying Flame by @hopeamarsu (gn!reader) (cw: blood, injuries)
✨ Jim Hopper (Stranger Things)
Thots about Hopper by @letterfromvienna (cw: age gap) (f!reader) **
✨ Joel Miller (The Last of Us)
A Fascination by @iamskyereads (cw: age gap) (f!reader) **
First Watch by @the-blind-assassin-12 (cw: guns, violence, explosions, sex) *
Warmin’ Up by @pumpkin-stars (afab!reader) **
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check out part one for more fic recs; star wars, rogue one, the mandalorian, & triple frontier
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chaoticgeminate · 2 years
Iridescence Fictional Universe Masterlist
Welcome to my most ambitious writing project yet, I hope you find something you enjoy here.
Went ahead and made a taglist, so if you haven't joined it yet and you'd like updates to this series please follow this link :)
As I add more to this universe I will generally make edits to this page, including creating an organized timeline of published stories and a glossary of characters. Pay attention to updates made to the list of unreleased stories, certain ones are going to have coded readers so I'm going to be as open and transparent about it where I can be.
Each of the titles are their own mini-series and worlds, all interconnected into one massive fictional world.
Any and all asks/requests are welcome, whether you are curious about a certain story or an event that happens for a specific pair or even world building stuff.
If you would like to become a side character for the 'verse just hit me up in DMs :)
The Series Rating is 18+ and I ask that all minors respect that rule, some of the parts will feature semi-graphic descriptions of violence and gore or concepts of death, there will likely be smut, and regardless of the individual rating of each segment I'm going to tag everything as M.
Happy reading 💖
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World Building Snippets:
Origins of Magic
Were-kin vs Shifters
Dieties, Priest(ess), Protector
Currently Released WIPs:
Chasing Shadows - Shade!Thief x Purple Witch fem!Reader
Precious Sea Glass - Dragon!Pero x Nereid fem!Reader
Blood Price - Regent Lord!Max x Light Elf fem!Reader
Sparkling Embers - Hellhound!Javi Gutierrez x Half-Pixie fem!Reader
Hunter's Gambit - Werewolf!Frankie x Selkie fem!Reader
Whiskey Serenades - Coyote Shifter!Jack x Foxwoman fem!Reader
Clear Skies - Mage!Marcus Moreno x Astromancer fem!Reader
Locked & Loaded - Dave York x Psychic fem!Reader
Forest Affairs - Sidhe!Din Djarin x Sidhe Green Witch!Reader
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Series To Come:
Tempting Fates - Incubus!Oberyn x Nymph!Ellaria x Magician fem!Reader
Sunset at Noon - Dark Elf!Ezra x Cambion fem!Reader
Spell Stalkers - Javier Peña x WereJaguar (Latina) fem!Reader
Resonating Heartbeats - Marcus Pike x Voduun (Black) fem!Reader
Bloom Again - Dryad!Maxwell Lord x Floraed (AMAB) fem!Reader
Untitled - Mage!Dieter Bravo x Shaman fem!Reader
Untitled - Empath!Zach Wellison x Wind Dragon fem!Reader
Untitled - Saytr!Charlie x Faun fem!Reader
Untitled - Dreamwalker!Nico x Apothecarian fem!Reader (has Fibromyalgia)
Untitled - Domovoi!Gio x Haltija fem!Reader
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insomniamamma · 3 years
Masterlist: Oh crap I guess I write fic now (and some original art)
Egret AU:
Greenhorn: Young!Ezra x F!reader
Fairy Tale of Puggart Bench: Young!Ezra X F!reader
Entangled: Young!Ezra x F!reader
Nightswimming: Young!Ezra x F!reader
Prickle: Ezra x F!reader w/Cee
Brigand: Ezra x F!reader w/Cee
Rain: Ezra x F!reader w/Cee
Pigment: Ezra x F!reader w/Cee
Where the Heart is: Ezra x F!reader w/Cee
Clean Dirt: Ezra x F!reader w/Cee
Ribbons and Wings: Ezra x F!reader w/Cee
Screaming Mimis: Ezra x F!reader w/Cee
Sacellum: Ezra xF! reader w/Cee
Safe: Ezra x F!reader w/Cee
Found: Ezra x F!reader w/Cee **smut**
Night of Hunters: Ezra xF!reader w/Cee
Fancy: Ezra x F!reader w/Cee
Indulgence: Ezra x F!reader
Christmas in the Ephrate: Ezra x F!reader w/Cee
Seasonal: Ezra x F!reader w/Cee
Ezra + Little Microfic: Ezra x F!reader
Glory: Ezra x f!reader
“Ferris Wheels Are For Old People”: Ezra x F!Reader w/Cee
Liminal: Ezra and Cee (no reader insert)
“Surf City Goodness”: Ezra x F!reader w/Cee
Late Bloomers: Ezra x F!reader w/Cee
Tricks (Or How Bee Girl Got Seduced Into A Life of Crime): Ezra x F!reader w/Cee
Euphemisms: Ezra x F!reader
To Have and to Hold: Ezra x Gn!Reader
Persistence: Ezra xF!Reader w/Cee
Remain Nameless: Ezra and Cee w/Gn!Reader
Collide: Ezra x Gn!Reader
Stuck: Ezra x f!reader
Ezra + Hopeful Microfic: Ezra and Cee
Tessellation: Ezra and Cee
Soft!Ezra headcannons
The Mandalorian:
Blue Morning: Fennec Shand x f!Twi’lek reader
The Shallow: Din Djarin x F!reader
Dragon AU:
Dragon: Boba Fett x Gn!Reader
Small Stakes: Boba Fett x Gn!Reader
Bright Lights, Big City: Boba Fett x Gn!Reader
Atin’ika AU:
Stubborn: Din Djarin x Gn!reader
Hands: Din Djarin x Gn!reader w/Grogu
The Song of the Wrong Response: Din Djarin x Gn!reader
Triple Frontier:
About What We Want: Frankie Morales x f!pregnant!reader
Vanilla: Frankie Morales x f!reader **smut**
Pumpkin Guts: Frankie Morales x f!reader
Frisbees and Cherry Trees: Frankie Morales x f!reader
Over Easy: Frankie Morales x f!reader
Changes: Frankie Morales x f!reader
Maze (Changes AU): Frankie Morales x f!reader
The Triple Frontier Boys and Kittens
The Triple Frontier Boys and Spiders
House Comes With A Bird:
Ephemera: Nico (House Comes with a Bird) x f!reader.
Surrender: Nico (House Comes with a Bird) x f!reader
Nautical Twilight: Nico (House Comes with a Bird) x f!reader
Sometimes You Can’t Make It On Your Own: Nico (House Comes with a Bird) x f!reader
Nico NSFW Alphabet
Somnophilia with Nico
The Last of Us:
In The Light They Both Look The Same: Joel Miller x f!sexworker!reader
Year of Kisses: 
Closing Time: Marcus Pike x f!reader
Glory: Ezra x f!reader (Prickle’verse AU)
The Shallow: Din Djarin x F!reader
Tessellation: Ezra and Cee
Fan  Art:
Fae King Ezra
Haunted Din
Naga Oberyn
Nico on the rooftop in a sunset made beautiful by smog
Selkie Cee
Original Art:
Art thing(webcomic IDK what the actual title is yet):
Panel 1 comms array
Panel 1 progress vid
Panel 2 control console (in progress)
J! as a Mandalorian:
used this Halloween photo as reference:
j!TheMando progress
j!TheMando progress 2
j!TheMando progress 3
j!TheMando progress 4
j!TheMando progress5
j!TheMando progress so far
Rainer Maria Rilke
aesthetic game
queen of poisons
Azra Tabassum (Ezra vibes)
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Your Oberyn fic is probably the best I’ve read so far, I was wondering though, if you have any Pedro Pascal fic recommendations from other writers? I trust your judgement 😌
This is such an amazing compliment. Thank you so much. I will be honest, I do not read ANY Oberyn. (His character is probably tied for the hardest to write and I have a lot of reasons for steering clear) I read a lot of Javi TBH. I will try to keep the list somewhat sorted by which Pedro, but honestly go peek the masterlist of anyone below and you won’t be disappointed.
The only Oberyn I did read is by @absurdthirst and it is an Oberyn x reader x Tovar fic called “The Spaniard” and oof it was delicious. 
Oh gosh. I am so behind on so much but I have a few fics/people that literally rock my entire existence and I think about them constantly. I am also tagged in the masterlists of all of these people and I suggest you message them and get on them as well.
Amas Veritas (Javi), WOMAN (Javi), Faculae (Din) by @steeeeeeeviebb are incredible series. Fun fact, WOMAN is what got me into the Pedro Character fic world and sparked my obsession because I randomly found it and was like WHOMST is this Javi person--OOF ITS OBERYN FUCKING MARTELL--let me dive into this. So if you enjoy my shit--thank her.
Fun Times in Babylon (Javi) by @qveenbvtch is my comfort fic. It feels like coming home and is legit just...I could go on for hours. One day I will write a love letter/dissertation to this fic.
For all things Frankie see @softpedropascal **
For all things Veracruz see @flightlessangelwings **
**These girls have literally devoted so much time to these two boys that their characters are so fleshed out. It’s impressive as hell. Smut, HCs, fluffy things, angst --they have it all. 
For introducing me to my daddy!kink (lots of Whiskey & Maxwell Lord) and so many other things see @zeldasayer her Javi series Futile Devices is very raw and honestly one of the most well written pieces of literature I have read period on or off the internet. Although the Javi is very different from the Javi we know--just go read it. She has also written the only fic I have ever gotten off to--YEAH I SAID IT.
@rae-gar-targaryen has a really good Ezra series that is delightfully sinful
@fleetwoodmactshirt has some lovely Ezra HCs/one shots and plans for an amazing Selkie AU.
@pettyprocrastination has written one of my favorite poly pieces and OCs I have EVER read in which you are the third in the failing (soon to recover) marriage of Maxwell lord and his wife Valarie. 
omfg @loversandantiheroes has written a Whiskey series called Hotel Hobbies that is so perfect and yet I hate it so much because it makes me yearn for that yee-honk loser. 
I’m sure I have forgotten a few but these stick out in my mind and these amazing people are usually in my DMs/texts every day. It’s all very good stuff. 
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grogusmum · 11 months
Seven Tears (Part 7 and epilogue)
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WORD COUNT: 3500ish
SERIES SUMMARY: Months after being abandoned, she does something rash and summons a selkie, who wishes to bring her comfort and maybe more.
CHAPTER SUMMARY: After Ezra is forced to make a terrible choice, his Moonbeam goes about setting it right.
WARNING: Olde Timey gender norms and sexism, though set in mid-20th century Ireland, and Ireland's predominantly white, Reader is physically undescribed, as are her blood relatives, her missing spouse, and his family are white. Violence, Drowning, Near Drowning, mention of blood (As always see something say something. Please let me know in my DMs if there is a warning I missed)
Series Masterlist
Part 6
Gaeilge Translations (at the top and bottom of the fic to be closer to where they occur)
Rón Inis Island of the Seals
M’fhíorghrá My true love
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Ezra's eyes fixed a path to Rón Inis (Roan Inish), watching for the seals as he began to undress. 
“My most sincere apologies to you, Thomas - I am fully aware that this is more than you bargained for.”
Thomas laughed a bit awkwardly, looking everywhere but at Ezra’s backside. And when the first seal was spotted, Ezra pitched himself over the side of the boat. The seals circled Ezra, the pelt in their strong jaws. Once he had it in his hands, something in him changed. With a momentary look at Thomas, he galvanized his plan and his promise, then dove deep into the fathoms, wrapping himself in the seal-coat. 
Down, down Ezra went, the pelt and he merging, coming together like raindrops. Bubbles whirled around him, and his seal brothers stayed close to his side. They broke the surface, breaching high in the air, seawater rained down on Thomas and the little outboard. Back in the seal skin, Ezra's lungs grew stronger, and his sleek hydrodynamic body flew through the water. He could not help but show off a few corkscrews, twisting easily, but while his body seemed to celebrate, his mind was on Cee, on reaching the boat before the unthinkable. On he pressed, when his mind gravitated to you pain gripped his chest, then anger would rise again. This cycle continued, round and round, until he could see another seal, a smaller one. He broke the surface for air, and there was Cee, who slammed into him barking and butting her head against his. His barks are stern, eyes searching her.
‘Yer free! What happened?’
Cee told Ezra the tale of her capture and the threats she heard.  
‘Chewed clear through the-’ She barked triumphantly, then her brown eyes turned wide. ‘What are you doing here? Like that?’
‘I could never leave you to break free on your own, Cee. Never.’ Ezra rubbed his face on Cee’s.
‘That is not for now. Go to the Rock, get to them. Tell them what happened. I have to see about the Kelly Boys. I will do more than shred their nets’ His bark was a snarl, then Ezra kissed Cee’s brow and took off in the direction Cee had come. He sent the other seals with his daughter, wanting to keep them out of harm’s way.
Ezra fumed. He tried not think on the notion that he needlessly donned his pelt. But he did, and with every passing moment, he was prepared to take down the vessel plank by plank. 
Finally, it came into view, he took one more deep breath before going below with no plan to come up until he was on them. Ezra smirked at the ship, it was smaller than a mackerel yowl. He sped up to grab the remains of Cee’s net in his strong jaws and then under the boat he went. The boat lurched, and when he was sure he had gotten their attention, he wrapped the net in the rudder and prepared to board. 
Ezra reveled in their shock-turned-horror, from the moment Colin and Jamie grasped what was happening when the first cleat was pulled from the stern after the line got fully tangled in the rudder to the moment he shot out of the water and landed square on the mainsail, still in a harbor furl, and there came a mighty crack. Colin came at Ezra. For any other man, under any other circumstance, Ezra would have admired his puck. But not him, not the man who seems hellbent on your pain. Ezra’s powerful jaws closed on his arm, and there, too, was a satisfying crack, and the taste of blood. Jamie was knocked off the starboard side, and Ezra brought a half-conscious Colin over the side with him. When the cleat broke free, it left a length of line, now attached to the rudder, Ezra took it up in his mouth and wrapped it three times around the two men. Binding them together, to bear the fate they offered up his Cee. He knew no power would offer them reprieve. No silken pelt would save them from their fate. Then he bashed the hull of the boat like a bull until its foundering was assured. When his work was done, Ezra left when without a backward glance.
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It is just you and Rory, on Widow’s Rock. You know soon it will be too chilly, that you will have to bring your wee one inside, but for now, you just cannot bring yourself to leave. You need to know Ezra is safe, that he has not come to harm while doing whatever he has done. 
“He will come, you know.”
You smile sadly and pat the rock for Cee to sit upon. 
“I know. If he can, he will.”
Having gone back to the house, Cee is dressed in some of your old clothes, the blanket folded over her arm. She opens it and wraps you and Rory in it, and you give her a watery smile, then you look back out over the water, hoping to catch a glimpse. 
The three of you sit in silence, waiting. Cee smiles first. 
Ezra swims up, and you can not help the tearful laughter of relief as he bobs in front of you. His brown eyes, full of sorrow. He comes closer and rests his head on your knee, eyes going from you to Rory and back. 
“M'fhíorghrá (MEER-ggrah), my Ezra,” your hand goes to the side of your seal man’s muzzle. He leans in as you caress it. Your tears continue. “‘tis true, we never did finish discussing my joining you in the sea. But we don need to. Mo ghrá, there is nothing else to discuss. I will join you. You have to know I would. Without hesitation!”
Ezra looks at Cee.
“It will have to be. For the magic to work, you must be without reservation,” Cee explains. Ezra keeps a close eye on your reaction, then barks and whines. You look at Cee. “Da said, it is his turn to feel selfish. That he is taking you from what you love.”
Your lips purse in a tight smile, thinking of that day, when he first came to you. Turning, you hand Rory to Cee, and give her the blanket. Then you slip off your shoes and off the rock, then into the cold water. Ezra’s eyes go wide, and then slowly close as you wrap your arms around his neck. His head tucks into the crook of your neck, and his whiskers flex and relax. You stay this way, moments stretching. Only when your start to shiver that you break away from each other. 
“What do I need to do, Cee? Please tell me you know.”
“I do, but it can' be done before the full moon.”
The Brennan family sits once more around their supper table, heartsick, but determined to support you. Still, supper sits mostly untouched. Rory, chewing a hard biscuit in the highchair each one of the Brennan children sat in at his age, including your Da.
“Seven Years... What about the baby?”
“He will come with me after I’ve transformed. He is like Cee and will take to it without trial. We just need to prepare him. He will go to the sea, regardless, it’s only a matter of time, he is borne of a selkie man. I will not be parted from my child, nor my love. But Mam, just like Cee, he will be able to visit you any time, even when I can not.”
“When she goes in, it will have to be without qualm, Cee reiterated.
“Which means I - I need to know you to be alright with this choice I am making. Please.”
“What happens if you go in - you go in, and you do have reservations?” Felicia asks.
“She will drown.”
The table silences. You look into each of their eyes, desperate to show your love for them, but your determination to be reunited with Ezra, to have your little family together.  
“When I was a child, would you not have followed me, to the moon, if need be? Or Felicia, Hugh, or Thomas?” You look at your parents. Their eyes go bright and with small smiles they nod together, all the assent you need. 
Deirdre clears her throat, picks up her fork, and then puts it down again.
“Well, we will have to see about renting one of the Conneeley cottages on the island, then. Much better for Rory’s comings and goings, hmm? What’s the difference, fishing from Rón Inis or here? Hugh, you can go with yer Da and get off to school.” Patrick chuckles, and Hugh looks stunned.
You too are stunned. Whether all of that comes to be or not, your family… your dear family-
“Thank you, Mam, Da- everyone.” 
You count down the days. Back on the island, you and Rory go to the water to meet Ezra, and the three of you play with the water. Rory slaps at it and kicks his little feet. Laughing when it comes and trying to follow when it retreats. You can not understand Ezra’s bark exactly, but Rory listens like he does. One morning, changing his nappy, you notice webs between his fingers, you check, and they are between his toes, as well. You wonder if he will leave before the full moon, and you have to remind yourself that you are not being left behind.
“Look at you, more and more like your father each day.”
When you meet Ezra at the water’s edge for Rory’s “lessons”, you show him. Ezra lets out a barking laugh, rolling in the surf. This brings other seals to the beach, Rory laughs at their joyous antics, his dark eyes smiling. Ezra presses against you as he watches his little boy, and then you feel his snout nuzzle you. When you lean into it, Ezra rumbles in his throat and suddenly throws himself into the surf, gamboling excitedly. 
You watch the moon swell each night, missing Ezra’s human touch. Knowing what he meant when you told you the bed was too big. You tell yourself it will not matter when you are a seal as well. You hope.
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“Well dear, I think you are correct. As a seal, you will be able to,” Tilda clears her throat delicately, “commune with him in a way that will not leave you wanting. I am sure of that.”
“I am truly sorry, Tilda” you cringe, “to be so brash, but-”
“I am glad you came to talk,  you must sort out these thoughts, so you are ready with your whole heart for tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow,” you echo. You examine the flip of your stomach. Realizing they are butterflies of excitement. Hoping they are, only, butterflies of excitement.
You talk and she feeds you, and when you leave you feel better. Not only incredibly full of food and still holding on to the warmth of Tilda’s hugs, but just having said it out loud, diminished your fears. 
After an endless night, the morning breaks, and Cee helps you close up the cottage. Dust covers for the furniture, and all but a few clothes are boxed up to go to your sister’s, Cee makes sure there is little food to bring to your parents’ with the help of her bottomless stomach. Your mother is adamant that they are moving to the island, and Tilda is for it, but it takes time to move them. For now, Rory’s things are to be left at the cottage, but you box it all up for them. 
By lunch, everything is ready, and your brother comes in the jon boat to help bring your things back. 
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You had thought your transformation would happen off Rón Inis. 'No Widow’s Rock is better,'  Cee had told you. When you pondered if it was due to you and Ezra meeting there, if the magic was deeper, Cee shrugged and said, 'Probably, but honestly, Widow’s Rock has deeper waters surrounding it at hightide'… she is a practical girl. You had lunch with your family, Cee, Tilda, and Fergus. It seemed some rumors had started going round, especially after Jamie’s boat was found. Your cousin Courtney, for whom you stood as her Maid of Honor, ended up at your parents’ doorstep.
She met Cee, and Rory. Then she cried and told you she was pregnant and wished the babies could be friends. You gave her a hug and went to your childhood bedroom with your sister. ‘I have to be without regret, I can’t be worrying about Courtney’, you told her, and Felicia threatened to tell her off.
As the moon rises, in a simple dress, you stand on Widow’s Rock, the water lapping at your feet. Your family watches from high on what is left of the beach, the full moon’s high tide taking more of it than usual. Seals watch from the rocks further out. Ezra, Cee, and Rory are in shallow waters where the land and ocean meet. You think only of your goal, your desire. Your goodbyes have been made, besides it’s not goodbye. It is 'until we meet again', your Da had said. And you repeated, 'until we meet again'. You look at Ezra, Rory, and Cee. Ezra is itching to be with you. You can see it in his keen eyes. Cee holds Rory, who watches with interest at what his mummy is up to. Ezra nudges Cee, and with a nod, she calls -
“It is time.”
Without hesitation, you plunge into the deep waters. Opening your eyes in the cold and dark as you come out of your dive and break the surface, the water is like glass. Kicking your feet to stay afloat as you unbutton your dress, trying not to think too much about your family on the shore. You let the dress go. Then, turning to orient yourself toward Ezra and Cee, you await what is to come next. But there is no more instruction. Seals and selkies you presume, slip gracefully into the water from the rocks and encircle you. You know you need to take deep breaths and ready your lungs. As they surround you, long trails of seaweed in their mouths. As Cee had explained, you take the ends of several and hold them at your chest and the seals circle winding the kelp tightly, binding your arms across your chest. You can hear Cee talking, but it's not to you, perhaps an explanation to your family. With your arms bound, your legs work harder. Soon, there is a tickle of vegetation against your legs. You marshal your breath, deep and controlled. It will happen soon. You can still hear Cee. She’s a good girl, you think, as you begin to sink, one last breath to take in and hold. Not that you expect it to save you, just give you time. To your family, you think, don be afraid. Legs and arms bound tight by the wrappings. All you can do is sink below. Was that Ezra calling you, barking for you? Sounds muffle. You can still see the moon. You focus on it. The seals orbit. Your lungs scream, and you try not to let your body's instinct to thrash take over as bubbles start to rise from your nose. You can not hold onto that last precious breath of air any longer. You only feel the animals now, their flippers grazing you gently. 
'Tabhair chugam mo chóta róin síoda' (tur xu’m mu xo t-uh roan shi d-uh), you think just as everything goes black, 'Ezra, m’fhíorghrá, táim réidh.' (MEER-ggrah, Tam REEg)
(Translation: Bring me my silken coat, Ezra, my true love, I am ready)
Ezra watches your slow descent into the sea, he waits as the surf pulls at him just as every instinct in his body and mind is screaming to go after you, but to go in early could ruin all. He looks to Cee, knowing she will be the one thinking more clearly on it. She is watching the spot where you disappeared below the surface. His worried eyes follow hers just as bubbles appear, and he can hear your family murmuring. Then the murmuring turns to keening.
Ezra crashes into the water, and like a bullet, he speeds to you. You aren't far, and seals still swim around you. Ezra sees you when they break formation. Broken ribbons of seaweed still wrapped around your form. He comes in and kisses your muzzle, nips your neck, and starts to pull away the let over bindings. 
You startle awake, eyes opening wide, and you see Ezra. He kisses and wraps himself around you as you rise through the depths, to the world above. Your sleek body is now perfectly suited to the cold waters.
The cheers and cries of relief sound when you breach and make for land. 
On the strand, right where you left them is Cee and Rory. You come up to them, Ezra by your side.  Cee puts Rory down, and he pats your head, and Ezra barks a laugh. 
"Alright Rory, your turn," Cee says. 
How will you ever fully repay Cee? She is still a child and has been a teacher and guide, like no other. 
Rory slips into the water like the little Waterbaby he is, between you and Ezra. You feel him beside you, rolling in the surf, instinct telling him what to do. His hand runs down your flank, you feel his little feet, then after another roll, they no longer feel like hands and feet but flippers, his soft skin now furry. You lift a flipper to look between Ezra and yourself, and there is a fluffy seal pup, barking happily. 
You cover him in kisses, barking, 'What a clever boy you are'. 
Ezra nudges him with his nose and kisses his head.
 Your human family rushes to you, cheering and well-wishing. You look up at them all, and you hope your face can express how much you love them and how you can never fully express how much their support has meant. 
In all the commotion, Cee's transformation has gone unnoticed until she is in the water with you, a seal again. 
The four of you bark happily at the Brennans and slip into the sea. One backward glance sees them waving. 
You know that for your family seven years with feel like a long time, but you will be back. 
You and Ezra, with Rory and Cee, make for Ròn Ins, the Island of the Seals with your selkie family, whole and safe.
"And just before the stroke of midnight, they have made it back to sea
And she's donned that magic seal-coat and become a maid selkie.
Now they've gone into the ocean, hand in hand into the sea,
She has gone along -- a fair seal-bride for her selkie."
The Maiden and the Selkie (Heather Dale)
Seven years later…
Your Mam had done as she promised. She, your Da, and brother Hugh moved house to the island. Felicia and her husband moved into the Brennan house behind the fishmongery, and Thomas stayed on the mainland as well, working the family business. 
Your time as a seal moved quickly, and you loved it. You visited both the strand of your village and the sands Ròn Ins to see your family, but you looked forward to being able to talk to them, and hold them. 
On the day that marks the seventh year, you and your pod excitedly follow the jon boat that brings Felicia and Thomas to the island. With them is Felicia's husband Dermot, a child, and what looks perhaps like a friend of Thomas'. 
On the sand are Dierdre, Patrick, and Hugh, a young man now, cheering your return. 
The four of you galumph your way right into your cottage to take off your pelts. Ezra and Cee, of course, pull them off without hesitation. Rory, who has visited his Nana and Granda often over the years, also pulled open the invisible seam without a second thought. You, however, balk. Cee and Rory dress quickly as they make their way out to the many hugs and kisses awaiting them, leaving you with Ezra. 
Your beautiful seal man kneels next to you, his warm wide hand cupping your snout. 
"Pearl, it is alright, mo stóirín (mu store-EEN), take your time." 
You pull at the seam, and your seal-coat pulls away. Your head and shoulders emerge, and your arms come around Ezra's neck. You laugh, and you notice it's a bit more of a bark than before. Half in and out of your silken pelt, Ezra has you, and just as that first night, so long ago he turns you in his strong arms so you are on his lap, as your pelt slips the rest of the way off. 
Rocking you slowly, his face in the crook of your neck Ezra murmurs- 
"Mo shíorghrá (muh HEER-ggrah), Nil aon tintean mar do thintean fein" (neel ain tintin marr duh hin-tin fane)
"Ezra, m’fhíorghrá, (MEER-ggrah) you are my home."
The End
Gaeilge Translations
Tabhair chugam mo chóta róin síoda, Ezra, m’fhíorghrá, táim réidh Bring me my silken coat, Ezra, my true love, I am ready
Mo stóirín my little treasure/darling
Mo shíorghrá My eternal love
Nil aon tintean mar do thintean fein there is no hearth like your own hearth
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If you care to read more of my stories you can find my masterlist here and if you would like to be tagged for any of my fics you can find my handy dandy taglist form here.
A/N: Well, we've reached the end of the tale of the Seven Tears, and I can't lie, I am feeling pretty emotional about it. I am so very grateful to everyone who took the time to read it - waiting for unpredictable updates, including an unintentional break of a year. To those that shared their thoughts about it, sent requests and seal pics and gifs, found comfort in it, and cheered me on, a very special shout out.
Topping out at 21k words (not including the side fics), about the size of a novella, this little story has meant a lot to me. Selkie stories are bittersweet at best, but most often frought with sorrow and yearning for what one can't have. I've always known I would subvert this with my fluff, with the hope it would not come off too... saccharin. I've thought about tinkering with it more, but I think that's down the line. For now, I am content. And I hope you are too, dear readers. 💚
I know I will visit them again, and asks and requests are always welcome.
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writeforfandoms · 1 year
Year of Myth
Each month of 2023, I will post a fic featuring a Pedro character as a mythological creature of some sort. Some I have teased already. Others may be a surprise. 
So I invite you all to get a nice cuppa tea (or coffee), get cozy, and join me for...
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In All My Dreams I drown - selkie Ezra x f!reader -  This story is based off the Tumblr myth that returning a selkie’s coat is tantamount to marriage. Throw in some Ezra and, well... You’ll see.
Dance in the Fire - werewolf Pero x f!reader - Really, you don’t mean to get into trouble, but you do. Fortunately, there’s a handsome werewolf to help you back out of trouble. ...More or less.
Daughter of the Sea - mer Dave x f!reader - When you find an injured mer washed up on shore, you’re not sure if you can help, but you try your best anyway. 
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Read all of Oonajaeadira's works. She has the most fabulous writing. (And some Tovar, too!)
Grogusmum has a Tovar fic that is off to a great start, and I am very partial to her selkie!Ezra fic.
ohheyitsokay has excellent works - "hey batter, batter" is fantastic and lovely and dreamy (TF baseball boys, reader x Frankie)
writeforfandoms has some Tovar works and several others
mandocrasis has excellent works, I especially like her "study sessions" 'verse with Din
I know there are some that I'm missing but I also just dumped a lot on you, sorry!!
I agree, @oonajaeadira's fics are fab! I love her writing! I know I spent a whole weekend reading through everything
I wil definitely check out @grogusmum , @ohheyitsokay, @writeforfandoms & @mandocrasis
I'm pretty sure I read some of their fics here and there, but oh boy there are so many good fics out there, it's almost impossible to keep up with all the talent in this fandom
Thank you lovely anon! Don't be sorry. We all gotta share some love for our favorite writers <3
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ladyxskywalker · 2 years
Hi A!
I always love your recs lists. So I'm going to be brave and do some self promotion and then run away!
You might be interested in
(I apologize if these are fics you've seen)
Oberyn and the Merling (Oberyn x merling!Reader)
A Galaxy Far Far Away
(Din Djarin x Earthling!F!Reader with Grogu)
In Which Stories As Told By Grogu Djarin
Seven Tears (selkie!Ezra x f!Reader)
Here's my masterlist I've also written for Pero, Frankie, Javier P, Javi G, Dieter
oh my goodness thank you so much friend 🤗 !
I know who this is 💞 & I can not even begin to tell you how much I enjoy your grogu pov stories ! they always put a smile on my face.
I will absolutely check out your masterlist, so excited to read more !! 📖☕️💕
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Mike’s Fic Rec
Here are some of the fics that I’ve really enjoyed and/or am currently following! Each title is a link to the first part of that series.
One day, I’ll try to organize this a little better.
If you’re interested in anything I’ve written, here’s my Masterlist!
On Tumblr ~*~*~*~
Asterism (Paz Vizla x Reader) and Force Majeure (Pax Vizla x Jack Daniels x Ezra x Din Djarin x Reader) by @plexflexico
A Proper Mandalorian Courtship (Paz Vizla x Reader) and Urgency (Paz Vizla x Reader) by @anxiety-riddled-mando 
Coruscations (Obi-Wan Kenobi x OFC) and Unholy (Sith!Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader) by @beskars
Baar Bal Runi Series (Din Djarin x Reader / Body Swap AU) by @di-kut 
Back to You (Poe Dameron x Reader / Modern AU) by @twomoonstwosuns 
Whiskey & Gin (Agent Whiskey x Reader / 1970s AU) and Futile Devices (Javier Peña x Reader / Call Me By Your Name AU) by @zeldasayer
Room 205 (Javier Peña x OC) by @honeybeeespeaks
Of Princes & Berries (Oberyn Martell x Reader) and Honey & Velvet (Maxwell Lord x Reader) by @forever-rogue
The Woodmere Estate Series (Ezra x Reader / 1930s AU) by @hdlynnslibrary
A Gilded Lie (Maxwell Lord x Reader) by @maxlordd
Footprints in the Sand (Oberyn Martell x Ellaria Sand x Reader) and With Cherries On Top (Max Phillips x Reader / The Proposal AU) by @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa 
Anything and Everything Ezra Related and Sanctuary (Tovar x Reader) by @rzrcrst (Currently Unavailable)
Woman Series (Javier Peña x Reader) and Amas Veritas (Javier Peña x Reader / Practical Magic AU) by @stevieharrrr (Currently Unavailable)
On AO3 ~*~*~*~
Our Bodies Safe to Shore (Obi-Wan Kenobi x Rex / Selkie AU) by dharmaavocado (@dharmaavocado)
Sightless Bird (Alexsandr Kallus x Garazeb Orrelios) by WoodlandGoddess1
The Diva and Her Bodyguard (Paz Vizsla x Loysia [OC]) by Primarybufferpanel
Brute Force (Alexsandr Kallus x Garazeb Orrelios) by mistr3ssquickly
Maybe Today, Maybe Forever Universe (Javier Peña x Reader) and Moonbeams (Ezra x Reader / Werewolf AU) by freedomatsea (@hopelikethesun)
Cabin in the Woods (Alexsandr Kallus x Garazeb Orrelios / Human!Zeb - Modern AU) by sempaiko (@sempaiko)
Under-Covers (Alexsandr Kallus x Garazeb Orrelios) by mudkipwrites
I’ll try my best to keep this updated!
~ Mike
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grogusmum · 1 year
APRIL: Budding Moon
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WORD COUNT: 800ish
SUMMARY: Ezra tells his precious pearl about his first love, a young sailor. This takes place after part 5 series masterlist
WARNING: EXCESSIVE USE OF NICKNAMES Selkie Ezra can't be stopped, he is a menace to my heart. mentions of pregnancy. That's about it.
A/N: Here is the April installment of The Wheel of the Year, my theme for @yearofcreation2023, in May, many apologies! May's installment will be posted before the month is out.
Organized by the effervescent @oonajaeadira and @writeforfandoms According to some European folklore, April’s full moon is a time of transformation and metamorphosis. It is said that during this time, witches and other magical creatures were able to shape-shift and take on new forms. Well, I couldn't resist playing in that sandbox!
Gaelic translations
Mo stór - my treasure
Mo stóirín - my little treasure
Mo fhíorghrá – my true love
Mo ghrá – my love
Mo mhuirnín dílis - “my own true love” or “my faithful darling
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“Tell me of your first love, Ezra.”
“So young were we, my moonbeam. I was seven years in my seal coat, and he was so beautiful, a sailor… our time together was short but full.”
“Will you tell me?” You snuggle beside Ezra in your soft bed, your new home on Roan Inish, like a cocoon.
Yes, you have visits from family and you love nothing more than your time with Cee, but there are days on end where it is just the two of you, growing closer as new life grows within your belly.
“It is an age-old tale, mo stór (mu store), saved him from drowning, his boat tossed by the sea, caught in a storm to beat all. When I got him on land, I could not leave him. I took off my pelt for the first time since my transformation. It didn hurt. It never hurts, but I was quite overwhelmed. I hollered and near cried at the sight of my human form. I was just a boy, barely 14 when I was changed and then I was suddenly a man. The seal pays much less mind of such things, my Pearl.”
"My own? How did-" Confusion etches your features, "the tears? He didn't call you."
"So young and impetuous! Offered one transformation without tears. Used it up first chance I got. I wonder how things might have been different if I had waited..."
You look at one another, mapping what could have been-
"What was he called?"
“Angus," Ezra smiles fondly.
You hummed your approval-
"A handsome sailor named Angus? Didn't stand a chance. I would have taken my pelt off too."
"Not a ghost of a chance!" Ezra chuckles, kissing your forehead, pleased you understand. "Well, this fine sailor lay prone in the sand while I had myself a right fit, and when I tired myself out, I laid myself right down next to him and fell asleep. When I woke, he had covered my vulnerable person in his peacoat. But he was gone. My pelt safely tucked under me," Ezra pauses here to allow for the weight to settle.
"Good man," you nod.
"I soon found myself clothes to cover my wicked nakedness," Ezra cheekily nudges. "And went to return his coat. It took some time to find him. He was son of the lighthouse operator.”
“Did he know what you were? Did he know what you had done for him?”
“Slow down a tick, mo ghrá (mu graw) – It was not he who came to the door but his mother, I told her my intention to return his coat. Now then, as much as today, a young man calling on another with smitten eyes is sorely frowned upon, to say the least. And I don know if you have noticed this about me, Moonbeam, but I have great difficulty keeping my feelings under wraps.”
Ezrs noses your cheek with a smile. You curve further into him, hooking a leg around his and scoff lovingly-
“Hard to believe, I know. She saw right through me, like I was made of onion skin. Ran me off. But my sailor saw the exchange from his window and found me later.”
“He didn’t”
“He did.”
“Did he love you as quickly as I loved you?”
Ezra looks at you with hesitation.
“When did you know you loved him?”
“It’s alright, I want to know. I know you have a big heart, and that you have loved others as much as you love me.”
Ezra gently takes your chin between his thumb and first finger, leveling your eyes with his.
“I have loved. Tis true, but my shining pearl, I have loved none as I love you.”
“Not even your beautiful sailor, Angus?”
“He was close, I dare not deny it. He was a close second. He took me to a boat house to talk. Yes, he knew what I was the moment he saw me on the beach. And twas I who pulled him from Lir’s fathoms. He kissed me in thanks. And I dare say to stop was an arduous task, once we started. We continued to meet surreptitiously.”
“Is it the same, loving a man? As loving a woman?”
“Love is love, of course, mo stóirín (mu storeen). But if I were to consider it the same, I would be guilty of being woefully inattentive to so many wonderments. Though putting a finger on it is no easy thing. There is a particular beauty and energy that men display and the same for women, and of course, there are those that defy those expectations and, well, that is just thrilling…”
“Our feelings grew, we would steal away, charting one anothers vestiges, discovering the bliss each location had to offer," Ezra runs his deft fingers along the dips and swells of your body, eyes on yours, searching for any sign discomfort in hearing about his past lover. He finds only interest and warmth and rubs his cheek on yours. Suddenly, his eyes turn sad-
"By and by, it became difficult for him to explain his disappearances. And of course a sailor must return to the sea.”
“So must a selkie,” your voice is smaller than you intended.
"Mo mhuirnín dílis (mu voor-neen deelish) I will convince you yet..."
Ezra wraps around you, pulling you impossibly close, filling in any space between you. The firelight flickering in his soft eyes. "There is no power that could pull us asunder, save were you ever to wish it."
You lay there quietly, fingers skating his cheek, chin, his brow, the slope of his nose.
"Never, Mo fhíorghrá (moh hear-graw), never, I sooner turn selkie myself."
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For more selkie Ezra or any of my writing, you can find my masterlist here, and if you care to be tagged for future fics, follow this link to my handy dandy taglist form!
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grogusmum · 2 years
Closer (a Seven Tears ficlet)
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I can't help but think of the fox and the little prince and the wish to be tamed when I think of the early days, of Ezra watching from afar, wishing to be summoned. More specifically, this is set after Ezra becomes addicted to making her laugh and before reader meets Colin.
As this is set in the early side of the mid 1900, here Reader is a young adult living at home before her marriage. If you want to read this in some kind of order with the main fic, I'd say read it after part 3.
W/C: 600ish
WARNINGS: Though set in Ireland, and Ireland's predominantly white, Reader is physically undescribed, as are her blood relatives, her missing spouse and his family are white, selkie Ezra is a Ezra and a selkie. Soft fluffle ahead.
A/N: The lovely Ash @mandoblowmybackout had chatted with me about a little headcanon about Ezra and his moonbeam before our Tale of the Seven Tears begins, of them playing and being silly together.
Although it was as of yet unwritten, I assured Ash that this is indeed canon... now it's official.
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It was one of those precious sunny summer days so you pushed through your chores quickly. Wanting to get to the strand as soon as possible, as you were sure that funny seal would be there, that he would not be able resist basking on the warm rocks.
You snatched your cardigan off the hook by the door, shouting that you were going to dig clams. Your mam called back, something about taking your little brother with you, but you were on your bicycle and down the road before she finished. Traipsing down the rock steps, clam rake and basket in hand, you looked out over the water. It was almost low tide, you could bring home some clams for chowder or stew and perhaps avoid getting into too much trouble. You drew in a deep breath. Sea birds cried and yes, there they were. The seals. The rocks were covered in black and gray seals. 
Ezra knew she would not be able to resist such a beautiful day at the shore, he held out hope she would swim, despite it being unlikely. It didn't matter so long as he got to see her. Maybe coax a smile and a laugh. Have her attention if only for a bit. 
He shot through the water making his way to the rocks. He picked one of the rocks closest to the shoreline, but not that one, Widow’s Rock was not for him. Ezra lounged with the pod, stretching out under the bright sunshine. He was not tired, on the contrary, he was excited. But Ezra was not immune to the soporific effects of the sun heated rock, the snores from his siblings, nor the lapping of the water… he began to doze off as well, but movement to his left woke him…
It was you. He watched as you sat on the bottom step to take off your shoes, then tuck your socks in them. He slid off the rock and into the cool water, thinking about how to catch your eye. 
You made your way to the water's edge and onto a crop of rocks. Ezra rolled and barked. You smiled and sat down, watching him slip through the water like a torpedo. Half out of the water he regarded you, his front flippers on a small rock. Then Ezra stretches his neck and pulls back, so that he goes from having a long neck to no neck at all. You laugh and he is hooked, he does it again. You respond in-kind, you elongate your neck and then bring down you neck and pull up your shoulders mimicking his movements. 
He laughs back. 
Back and forth you stretched out to him nose pointing and he scrunched up, then he elongates his neck and you retract. You had such a fit of laughter you stopped, shaking your head. Then you regarded him, and reached out your hand. You should not, as fun and friendly as the seals can be. They are wild. Even if this one was… selkies too, you reminded yourself, are wild. 
Ezra stopped, big brown eyes on you then your hand. 
He should not. Regardless he stretched his neck, nose pointed- reaching for your hand. 
Suddenly a large seal, a cow, barked at Ezra, eyeing him,  full of warning.
At the same moment your younger brother, Hugh, called your name from the top of the path, then started to make his way down.
You pulled your hand away, startled, at the same moment his head pulled away with a jolt.
Ezra looked at you, did a twist, eyes not leaving yours and then ducked under the water.
Until next time.
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For more Selkie Ezra or my other writing you can find my masterlist here
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grogusmum · 1 year
Hazel !!! I saw your selkie Ezra post and you have provided so many prompts that I would love to see you write.
What’s the limit on prompts to send in? right now number 8. “i can’t sleep without you here” from the soft smut list is tugging at my heart strings🥺 (but I think about them all the time, so there are others I could send in…👀)
Aw lol m'dear!
I would LOVE to see the 8, idk that I'd be able to get to all 8 but I will pick the ones that speak to me and the one here 🥺 is pulling at my heartstrings too!! Thank you for the request, Ash 💚
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W/C: 500ish
A/N: part of the Seven Tears 'verse.
WARNING: Though set in Ireland, and Ireland's predominantly white, Reader is physically undescribed, as are her blood relatives, her missing spouse and his family are white, selkie Ezra is a Ezra and a selkie, oh and possessive Ezra, needy Ezra, Ezra dealing with "modern" conveniences.
Gaelic Translations:
Mo stór: my treasure
Mo stóirín: my little treasure 
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Ezra's eyes map a pencil line fissure along the ceiling, and shifts disgruntled under the wedding ring quilt. The bed feels large. The back of his hand absently passes over your cool pillow. 
Huffing, he throws the bed clothes off and goes to the sitting room. 
Pacing, he looks out the windows as he passes each one. At the front door he opens then closes it, his mustache bristling. 
His dark eyes fall on the large black telephone and his brows knit. He has seen you use it. You told him how in case he needed to call you at the mongery, but he has never wanted to tangle with it.
He hates the thing… it is loud and diverts you from him. Sometimes having to leave, like tonight at supper.
Of course, Ezra cares very much for your family, and when Deirdre called and asked if you would help with your sick brother and father, he  completely understood. He just wishes he had gone too. But it is a terrible fever going round, and they are trying to keep exposure down. 
Ezra stares at the fool contraption, with a hesitant hand he picks up the heavy receiver and puts it to his ear, as you had done. There was a tone, loud and unnatural. He does not like it. He looks at the paper beside the telephone your parent's exchange on it, and dials slowly. The rotary dial whirring.
There is a sound of ringing and suddenly a loud click-
" 'llo, Brennan residence"
"Moonbeam," Ezra is unnecessarily loud. "Is it you on the other end of this monstrosity?"
He hears a quiet chuckle.
"Ezra, my love, here I am."
"No, you are there and I am, as you are aware, here. And I have to use this infernal doodad!"
"These doodads make it so we can speak to one another when parted."
Ezra knows, and is grateful- but not happy about it.
"I can not sleep without you here, moonbeam. The bed is too big. It goes on for absolute leagues!" 
You smile, you can hear his pout. After a moment,
"Everyone is asleep here. Why don't I wash up, and meet you outside."
You hear noises, boots maybe, the door, then the loud clunk and ring of the bells within the telephone- the base falling to the floor.
"Yes, mo stór (mu store), yes!" 
"We have to hang up, Ezra."
"Of course! Yes," Ezra says as he picks it up and puts it back on the table, you hear him mutter, diabolical machine, under his breath. "I am on my way to you, moonbeam!" 
Ezra hangs up the handset and flies out the door, sweater in hand. He pulls it on as he makes his way to the house behind the fishmongery. 
When he knocks, it is quiet but urgent. Thankful he only waits a few moments before you open the door to him. 
Ezra pulls you out of the house and envelopes you in a hug. His face, hidden in the crook of your neck.
"Mo stóirín (mu store-een)," he says, like a sigh of relief. And then the nips and kisses begin…
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grogusmum · 3 months
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Seven Tears (complete series)
RATED: T (thus far)
WARNINGS: Olde timey gender norms, spouse abandonment, mentions of food. Though set in Ireland, and Ireland's predominantly white, Reader is physically undescribed, as are her blood relatives, her missing spouse and his family are white. Angst, but you know it's me, so soft angst. Ezra is a selkie, yes, it deserves its own warning. (See individual chapter warnings)
There are many legends of the Selkie, from Scotland and Ireland to Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and the Shetland Islands. All different, but they have a family resemblance. Our tale is set in Ireland.
Months after being abandoned by your husband, you do something rash, you summon a selkie, who wishes to bring you comfort and maybe more.
Can also be found on Ao3
microfic challenge: Ezra and Slow
Additional Content:
selkie!Ezra's fine new sweater (photo edit)
Fae King Ezra (doodles)
Fae King Ezra & faerie Cee
Fic Fan Art:
Selkie Ezra by @shite-art
Art Commission:
Scents of the Season by @shite-art
Kitchen Haircut by @miranhas-art
Main Masterlist
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grogusmum · 2 years
Seven Tears part 5
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W/C: 2800ish
SERIES SUMMARY: Months after being abandoned, she does something rash and summons a selkie, who wishes to bring her comfort and maybe more.
CHAPTER SUMMARY: Pearl and Ezra move to Rón Inis. Pearl learns there that her selkie love has his own past.
WARNING: Olde Timey gender norms and sexism, mentions of spouse abandonment,though set in Ireland, and Ireland's predominantly white, Reader is physically undescribed, as are her blood relatives, her missing spouse and his family are white, church nonsense and fisticuffs, food, reader is pregnant, Ezra is a selkie, yes, it deserves its own warning. Excessive use of pet names.
(as always see something say something. please let me know in my DMs if there is a warning I missed)
NOTES: I thought that we were coming to he end of our story, but I was surprised to find out I was wrong. There is more to tell, and more selkie myth I really wanted to include. So I hope you are interested in several more chapters. Happy birthday, Kindred! Enjoy💚
Swept Away
Part 1
Part 4
M'fhíorghrá my true love
Gaeilge translation
A ghrá love
Sláinte health or cheers
A stór my treasure
Rón Inis Island of Seals
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Deirdre and Felicia are in the kitchen, Thomas and Patrick in the back bringing wood in when Ezra gives a knock as he walks in the door. Hugh, your younger brother was on the couch with you, both seemingly occupied by the crossword puzzle in the evening paper. Hugh looks very much like an Irish setter who sits on their owner's feet when feeling protective. Ezra smiles at the scene in the parlor, the smells of a roast and potatoes, the fire crackling. He, of course, brings with him the smell of the sea.
You look up and extract yourself from the afghan on your lap and Hugh, handing him the paper. You pull Ezra by his jacket toward the fire to warm him up. 
“Alright, Ezra?” Hugh asks.
“Just so,” Ezra smiles and then wraps his arms around you, quietly in your ear, “are you alright, moonbeam?” 
“I am,” you murmur, “now.”
“Suppers on the table,” Felica calls.
While everyone eats, you tell them what happened, Ezra squeezes your hand under the table occasionally, then Deirdre and Patrick tell their tales of the visit to St Bridget's and with Colin. 
The stories are interrupted periodically by different members of the Brennan Clan when emotions run high.
“But he is not an actual selkie!” Cries Hugh.
“Don be daft, of course he is, lookit him,” Thomas says, tossing a roll at him. Thus earning a glare from their father.
It seems everyone at once knew and did not know that Ezra is truly a selkie. 
"Don tell me everyone knew but me?" Hugh wailed.
Deirdre, of course, nods, being the only one who was told outright. Then comes a murmuring of the rumors and guesses. Your hands shake as you confirm it, looking at Ezra for help. He just raises his glass, winks-
 "Sláinte" (slawn-cha)
Your family laughs and raises their glasses, once over the shock, the relief you feel stings the corners of your eyes.
“It was only a matter of time before the seal people mixed with the Brennans!” Patrick proclaims above the din.
In the past, they had chosen not to talk about Colin since his desertion, speaking of him only if you wished it. He has shown his colors, was what your Mam would say. But the notion that he would return after all this time and why set everyone's blood to boil anew. Whenever he is mentioned this night, they practically hiss at his name. Muttering curses.
You chose to keep the story of becoming sick to yourself, and of Jamie and Colin fairly brief, being more interested in the part you did not know, like Deirdre’s trip to see Father O'Brien-
“How could he talk to you like that, Mam?” Hugh says scandalized.
“What about annulment?” Felicia asks.
“Oh I am going to the Bishop next, this is not over.”
You sigh, and Ezra puts an arm around you.
Then Patrick’s conversation with Colin-
“Did you pan him out, Da?” Hugh asks.
“Someone beat me to it.” Patrick winks at the pair of you.
You smile a little here and cock your thumb at Ezra, and your brothers erupt. Thomas who is next to him claps his shoulder. Felicia smiles into her lap and sneaks a look at you.
“To my way of thinking, it is my pearl here who truly deserves that honor.” Ezra calls over the pleased chatter and kisses your forehead.
Hugh agrees and surprisingly so does Deirdre.
After a moment everyone settles down.
“So what'll you do now?” Felicia asks. Diedre starts clearing plates, her nervous energy needing to be harnessed for something.
“Well, That of course depends on Moonbeam here. But I’ve spoken with Tilda, from the pub? She is sort of a cousin of mine. She has offered us one of the cottages on Rón Inis (Roan Inish).”
“Wait, she is a Conneely?” You say in wonder, “How did I not know that.”
“You’ve only known her by her married name, love,” Deirdre says over her shoulder  from the sink.
It is a commonly held belief that the Conneelys were well mixed with seal folk, no more so than by the Conneely's themselves, so no one questions Ezra’s claim, they just exchange looks.
Your Da looks down at the table.
“It’s not far, a row boat will do”, you assure him.
“I know,” he says with a sad smile, “ I know, darlin’ we would just miss seeing ye everyday.”
 “I know.”
Ezra squeezes your knee, and looks at you, his eyebrows lifted in question.
“So, you would come with me?”
You nod. Then a smile breaks wide-
“Yes, Ezra. I would.”
Deidre comes back to the table, the iron skillet in her hand, and smile on her face. She does not hide the tears in her eyes. You jump up from the table and hug her.
“Tis not far, Mam, just a row.” 
“You are right, tis just a row!” She shakes off her thoughts of being lonesome for you and puts down the skillet of fresh apple cake on a trivet. “Plates, Hugh.”
Your younger brother pops out of his seat to pull the dessert plates down from the shelf above the sideboard, the ching of silver means he remembers the forks.
“There is much to plan, but for now, let us enjoy some of your mother’s fine cake,” Patrick says, sending a wink your way.
The preparation was swift and quiet. You parents worked on the annulment, deciding you can come to the mainland when needed instead of waiting as it can take months. Your family helped you pack and loaded everything on his fishing boat, you’d have to row a curragh (cah-ra) as well, so you had means to get to and fro as needed. 
When the early morning of your departure arrived, you both looked at the somewhat bare little house you had shared. You had decided to only take what was indisputably yours. Which meant anything you brought with you, wedding gifts given to you from your family (thankfully that included the bed, which was a gift from your parents), and anything  you bought or made after Colin left. Only months ago you would have left this house without a backward glance, but now, it was the home you had made with Ezra, where you fell in love with him. 
Ezra finds you in the bedroom folding some linens. He looks at them, then you. Searching. You look up from the laundry and smile.
“Never let it be said I left a mess behind.”
“We should go, Moonbeam”, Ezra says it like a question. His head cocked to the side, searching your face, for reservations, for fear, for regret. 
“We should.” You say looking at him with nary a sign of trebiation. He smiles a huff and bumps his head to yours. You folded the wedding ring quilt and laid it on a blanket rack that rested by the wood stove. Neither had come from your side.  
You open the door to find Tilda and Fergus. Fergus carries a large basket filled to the brim. Tilda, a large something, wrapped in a sea green blanket.
“Just want to keep you fed while you settle in,” she smiles, kissing you both on the cheek. 
“Wanted to see you off,” Fergus explains, giving Ezra a squeeze on the arm.
The four of you walk together to the dock, your siblings and parents are already there. Not that you can see them in the half light, but dark heads bob in the water. Ezra’s family has come too. He watches the water, with a lopsided smile. 
“Do you mind two more,” asks Fergus amiably.
“More hands make lighter work!” Patrick says, shaking his hand.
Your father explains that they would have to use the curragh and jon boat to bring everything to the shore. As the sun rises in earnest and you become anxious to set off. 
You and Ezra get in currah, a funny round wicker boat, your two brothers in the flat bottomed jon, the rest board the fishing boat.
"Are you ready, a stòr?"
"I am ready, m'fhíorghrá (MEER-ggrah) ."
The sun told you it was mid morning when the island was in full view, and by this time Ezra’s family had made their presence known to all of you. They gamboled, rolled and ducked under the boats. Their excitement growing.
While most of the seal were curious of all three vessels, there was one, small light colored seal, that stuck close to your boat. Eying you occasionally, but watching Ezra. 
“Who is this,” you ask. 
“This lovely pup is my-” Ezra looks down at her, giving her such a warm look you should have guessed the answer,. “She is my daughter, Cee.”
Ezra looks to you, wondering if this will make a difference. 
“Your… daughter?” you say a smile slowing growing. You look down at her, leaning down close. “Hello Cee! Why, aren’t you wonderful!” 
Cee rolls in agreement, Ezra gives his hearty laugh and you just beam at the two.
For a time, you let your mind wonder at the life Ezra had known before you, in the sea and out of it. Would it be inappropriate to ask? You know the reputation of selkie men. Some have been confirmed and some debunked with your time with Ezra. Do you want to know?
“How old is she? Cee?”
“Fourteen.” Ezra says, still looking at his seal daughter.
Two sevens, you think. Two possible visits, two possible other lovers. You can not change a selkies nature, and you surely do not want to change Ezra’s so you sit with this, settling yourself with the knowledge, that you knew in abstract but…
“A ghrá? I can see the wheels whirling,” he smiles kindly, he nods to Cee and she dips into the sea and visits another seal beside your fathers fishing boat. “You can ask me anything, I am but an open book to you, to be perused in your good time.”
“Where is her mother?”
Ezra eyes softened still, your question was matter of fact, though not cold, he could see you trying. He smiled. 
“She is no longer with us, she passed many, many years ago. Cee was on land with her mother, she would not part from her. But when she fell ill, she brought Cee to the waters edge and introduced us properly and I helped Cee transform, so she could join me when it was time. She was 7. The fates were looking favorably upon us. I could leave the water and help her.”
There was so much more to this story you want to know but there is something more pressing-
“I, we…” you look down at your belly, that is still not giving away the secret of the life growing within. 
“Yes,” Ezra eyes shine and his face radiating adoration.
“Ours?” You ask rhetorically, smiling eyes wet, a hiccup of a laugh.
“Ours.” Ezra repeats.
Oh, he wants to close the distance and wrap himself around you, blasted boat… later, he reminds himself. We have all the time in the world, especially if-
“Did you love her very much?”
“I did, though I must admit, there was another. I could not have her so I tried to put her out of my mind. Move on and find something for myself.” 
“Oh,” you say your voice sounding small, and Ezra looks at you. His eyebrows drifting up. “Oh,” you say again. Your face warms, both in embarrassment and pleasure. 
“Oh,” he repeats playfully.
“Was there anyone else,” you say feeling more confident. You looked at your seal man, he could have had one hundred lovers. It does not matter. He loves you, and he always has. You were having his baby. 
“One other, a fellow,” Ezra says grunting into the oars. “Before I ever laid eyes one you.”
You are only taking by surprise momentarily.
“Did he summon you?” 
“A stór, I am not avoiding your inquiry indefinitely, but we are to come ashore momentarily.” Ezra settles the oars in the boat. “I will regale you the tale of my first love, if you wish it, at a more opportune time. Perhaps not in front of your family.” 
“Well, it would be a fine how do you do, to be accepting of us and not you and your fellow.” 
“Truly, my Moonbeam, I heartily agree, but you would be surprised. Regardless, it would perhaps be unseemly to speak of any past sweethearts with your parents, at all. 
“Can’t argue with that,” you laugh and the jolt as the curragh beaches. 
The fishing boat stayed in the deeper waters, and the small boats were loaded running back and forth. The many hands did make swift work. Soon, your sister, Felicia, was busy sweeping the sand out of the cottages. Your father was up on the roof of the largest cottage, inspecting the thatch. While your mother hollered for him to get his fool self down before he fell off and let one of his sons do it. 
“Get up there, Thomas!” Deirdre shouts. “Hugh help your sister.”
Inside, you were getting an impromptu lesson in seaweed soup and how to use it in seafood chowder, from Tilda. Ezra and Fergus were shuttling back and forth from the strand with the last of the furniture, baskets and creates.
“I should help,” you look at them apologetically.
“You need to learn this recipe handed down from the seal people in my family. And you will have plenty of work once we leave. Rest, you are doing so for two.”
You look at her thunderstruck.
“Cousin Ezra confided in me, when he was looking for advice on what to do with, when your-”
“Yes that,” she says as though finding something distasteful stuck to her shoe. You can not help but smile.
“Thank you,” you suddenly wrap your arms around the older woman, “Thank you for this. We can never truly repay you.”
“You can,” Tilda says, and she walks over to the large basket,beside it is the large something. Tilda set it down and unwrapped it reverently.  
“Use this cradle for your babe.”
Your eyes were saucers, it was a tiny boat, encrusted with shells and carved with intricate design.
“Carved from the mast of a sunken ship. Been in my family for generations.”
“Tis beautiful, Tilda! I will use it with honor.”
You placed it next to the fireplace, next to Ezra’s pelt awaiting it’s new home and then turned back to the cauldron Tilda was filling with seaweed.
Once the bed was restrung and made up, and Patrick was satisfied with the state of the thatch, your family bid you farewell. It was tearful, but there were many reminders that you would have to go to the mainland weekly for supplies and that they were welcome on the island whenever they wished. Soon it was just you and Ezra. You smiled, and the you made your way into the cottage closed the door on a very long day. Settled into the two chairs by the fire, you put your feet up thankfully on a small stool. Then you opened you eyes wide and sat up-
“Where is Cee?” you cry.
“Cee will come and go, my pearl. She is quite independent having spent the lion's share of her remembered life in the water.” 
“Oh,” you then add quietly. “I didn't know I was taking you from someone, Ezra.” 
“Oh Moonbeam,” Ezra takes your hand, looks around, “I will miss our settee, come-”
You stand, and he brings you onto his lap, tucking you into him. 
“Is she okay, does she prefer being in seal form?” 
“Yes, most Selkies, yearn for the sea. Though, this island feels different. Liminal. A place between. She may be of a mind to come and stay for a spell and then be on her way. So long as she has control over her coat, she will feel at ease.”
“And you?”
“I, a chuisle mo chroí (ah coo-shil mu cree), am at ease where ever you are and yearn but for one thing. You know what that is?”
You look down, playing with the buttons of his shirt-
“Me?” You look at him, bashfully.
“You,” he says. “And soon there will be a little one.”
“Will- what-”
“Someday the child will enter the sea, and will not want to return to land. It is different for every one. We, you will have to be ready. My own, do you think you can do this?”
Ezra watches you closely, you are struggling. Trying. 
“Not so little that as a pup or babe that they still need their mama. But no one can stop the march of time anymore than the ebb and flow of the sea.”
“What if I want us all to be together?”
Ezra looks you in the eye. You wait patiently.
“There is one thing, but you would need to want it with your whole being.” 
“What is that?” You say quickly.
“You would have to become a selkie yourself.”
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grogusmum · 2 years
At Sea
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A Seven Tears One-Shot
W/C 1200ish
WARNING: PiV sex in the ocean, rough sex, biting, feral Ezra, selkie Ezra, yes, he will always require his own warning. Set in Ireland, reader is undescribed physically.
As always see something say something. Message me in my DMs and I'll add it.
A/N: Set before Swept Away somewhere between part 2 and 4 no new revelations on the plot of the main story, so if smut is not your thing, you will not be missing anything. I'm still new to writing smut, not 100% sure how this came out. But I am yeeting it into the void and running!
(Happy birthday Adira! Have a smut💚)
4/8/23 did some editing, mostly some typos and grammar issues found.
A stóirín little treasure 
Is tú mo stóirín you are my little treasure
Grá Geal Mo Chroí shining or bright love of my heart
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You have never made love in the ocean. The exhilaration, from both the water and the side of Ezra it seems to bring out of him, is unlike anythingyou have ever felt. 
The full moon rises, its glow sparkling over the waves. Ezra holds you right where he wants you, firmly in place against the ocean's pull. One arm around your waist, the other hand holding the back of your neck, as he presses his length into your core. Your eyes locked…
He had warned you, as you walked the stretch of shoreline together hand in hand that night, pebbles crunching underfoot. You told him your fantasy, but the Irish Sea, even in summer, is pretty chilly. Your two previous partners were not very keen. Ezra pulled you to him, settling into his favorite place, the juncture of your neck, his warm breath fanning over it-
"Mo stóirín (mu store -een),” he started, his voice low and rough, “I will happily make this fantasy real for you but I must warn you. Even out of my pelt, you and I in coital bliss at sea…"
Ezra pulled away to look at you. His chin up, hooded eyes downward, watching you closely. His hands ran up and down your sides under your sweater. 
"I dare say it will bring out a carnality in me that I am hesitant about putting on display."
"Do you worry you would hurt me?"
Ezra leveled his eyes with yours-
"I will never cause you harm, moonbeam"
"Then I think I can handle seeing a little of the seal, my love," you smirked.
The greedy desire that spread across Ezra's face might have alarmed someone who did not know him. But you did. You knew he would keep you safe and that he has been holding back. And you welcomed allowing him to let go.
You looked up and down the strand, Ezra was reminded of seeing you swim so long ago. Finding the it free of anyone you pulled off your sweater then your dress. Ezra pulled off his own sweater and undershirt, then while unbuckling his pants, you began to assist him.  You heard a hum like a growl as you free him of the last of his clothes. 
You gave a yelp as he hauled you into the surf. Once deep enough to swim, he circled you, making you feel not unlike prey, and you got the distinct feeling that he plays with his food.
Ezra keeps his eyes on yours, watching for apprehension or pain. 
"I always feel safe with you Ezra, I trust you…"  Ezra presses his forehead to yours, then you let out a moan as he begins to move, he blows air through his nose, bristling his mustache with an animalistic grunt as he sets a frenetic pace, pistoning his hips into your center. Giving the seal the lead.
Your legs wrap around his waist and you hold on to the back of his neck, as he devours you chest, shoulder and neck.
"Sometimes…your pull on me is so strong. You are as the tide. Sometimes. I think I'm drowning in you," you confess, each sentence punctuated with his thrusts and your gasps.
Ezra takes you to shallower waters, the surf is mid-tide and falling. The moon is doing her magic he thinks, there is some danger he must be mindful of. Be careful of the riptide. He must keep his precious pearl safe. 
He brings you to the shoreline where the waves crash, he blocks most of its force from you, wide and solid digging his feet in the peebles and sand for purchase. 
“Mo stóirín, you smell…” Ezras noses your neck, chest, and lower when the water rolls back revealing more of you. "Ripe."
Your hands go into his wet curls, as he rubs his nose and cheek up your torso and brings your hardened nipple into his warm mouth. The cold of the ocean and the heat of his mouth, the heat he is building at your core is overwhelming and almost disorienting. His tongue plays with the sensitive bud and he gives an experimental nip. Your eyes roll as your back arches, pressing your breasts into him. 
The pebbles rolled soft and round by the churn of the ocean shift under you.
“Is tú mo stóirín (Iss too mu stor-een), grá geal mo chroí (Graw gee-yal mu kree)," Ezra croons his poetry while he still has you tight in his arms as he ruts into you. His nips become bites, though he lavs over them with his tongue. When you whine at the feeling, he snarls possessively.
Suddenly he flips you with almost alarming strength and ease onto your stomach, bringing your hips up and with the crash of a wave he sheaths himself into you once more. The squeal of his name sends him into a frenzy.
 Ezra pulls you upright again, your back pressing against his broad chest. One arm tight across your chest, and the other between your legs. He slaps the bundle of nerves there and you gasp his name in surprised pleasure, as you tighten around him. He continues his assault with deft fingers pressing quick circles as he coos-
“You can do better than that, my pearl. Cry my name for the heavens to hear.”
The waves crash, his hands move to your hips with an arduous grip, and he brings them to him hard and fast. Slamming you into his pelvis. He spills into you with a near roar, and with it what feels like a spring, coiled tight in your belly finally releases and lights start to pop in front of your eyes.
You cry out his name, blissed out.
“That's it moonbeam, so good for me” he croons in your ear, forehead on your shoulder while grinding slow and deep-
"If I am the ocean, you are the moon. I am ensnared by you, your loveliness, the heart that lives on your sleeve, your love of the sea. You may think it is the other way around but it is I, that is helpless, irreparably caught in your pull, long before a single tear fell. ” 
He slowly pulls out and you whimper at the loss.
“Oh I am not done with you yet, my pearl,” with supreme gentleness he turns you to face him again, setting you on his lap, your thighs caging his hips and you slip together once more. It is slow and languid. The water seems to have calmed some too, playing at your waist, with slow draws, matching the energy of your coupling. He is softening within you, but neither of you wish to separate.
Ezra suckles at you neck and nips your chin, the man is back in full reign, with his insistent but gentle touch-
“Moonbean, how do you fair?”
“I am wonderful, Ezra, exhausted… and probably terribly sore. But wonderful.”
“My shining pearl. A stór. That, I have always known.”
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You can find more of my writing here MASTERLIST and if you would care to be tagged for this or any of my writing fill out my taglist form
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