#seiya pls
wildflower-otome · 2 months
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Seiya: 'Fufu-, my chest is always available. To hold you, that is.' Misa Isshiki: 'N-No way, I don't need any hugs!' Seiya: 'Ah, you're not the hugging type. I see, you're more demanding than I thought.' Seiya: 'Very well. I am always ready to strip at any time. Let's continue this at my place——!' Misa Isshiki: 'Let's not!!!'
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seiya-starsniper · 1 year
For the blossoming romance asks: 18? 💜
Cecccciillllllll thank you for this lovely ask, I had so much fun writing it 💖💖
Bit early for Saturday, but this fill does kind of fulfill the prompt "Touch Starved" for Dreamling Week too 👀
blossoming romance writing prompts
hello/goodbye hugs that linger
Hob Gadling, Dream has found, is rather fond of hugging. 
At the end of a long night spent conversing at The New Inn, Hob had wistfully asked Dream “a hundred years, then?” perhaps expecting the same answer Dream had provided him for the last 600 years. But his time imprisoned has changed him, and so Dream instead says, 
“I’ve heard that friends meet more often than merely once a century.”
The smile on Hob’s face grows slowly. It starts with surprise and wonder, a slight quirk of the lips, as if the immortal cannot believe what he has just heard. Then it grows into a blinding thing, full of teeth and unrestrained joy.
“Next week then?” Hob asks. “Perhaps next Saturday at 7pm?”
Dream thinks of his duties, of all the rebuilding he must do for his realm, of the still missing dreams and nightmares, and the vortex that is threatening to destroy the very fabric of the universe.
“I believe I shall be able to make it,” Dream answers, a small smile creeping up his own face.
“Wonderful!” Hob exclaims. “I shall see you here again, then.”
When they stand to depart the pub, Dream finds himself suddenly enveloped in warmth and the smell of old wood smoke and beer. He freezes, uncertain at first of what is happening until realization dawns upon him seconds later. 
Hob is hugging him.
Dream does not know for how long Hob embraces him, but it is over too soon for his liking when the man releases Dream from his hold.
“Sorry, probably should have asked first if you were the hugging type,” Hob says, suddenly shy and refusing to meet Dream’s eyes.
“I…I am not sure that I am,” Dream answers honestly. “It has been some time since someone last held me. At least a century, if not more.”
Hob’s eyebrows raise suddenly, alarm written all over his face.
“There’s a story behind that, isn’t there?” he asks, and Dream can feel the ache in Hob’s voice as he voices the question.
Dream nods. “I am not ready to tell it, yet. Perhaps next week. Or the week after.”
“However long you need,” Hob reassures him. “I’m not going anywhere, my friend.”
On the evening before their next meeting, Dream is exhausted. He has unmade his favorite creation, killed a dream vortex, fought with his favorite arcana, and discovered his sibling had intervened in his realm in a petty attempt at sibling rivalry. All within the span of a week.
It is. A lot.
Dream considers canceling their meeting. Reaching out to Hob in a dream and asking to postpone their appointment until Dream can collect himself and feel less unmoored.
But Saturday comes, and Dream finds himself standing just outside The New Inn, contemplating why he has not yet entered.
“My friend!” he hears from directly behind him.
Dream turns and there Hob is, dressed in an outfit similar but not exactly the same as the one he wore last week. The brown leather jacket is the same, as are the shoes, but his trousers are a different color and he’s wearing some sort of graphic tee shirt instead of a plain white one. 
“Hello Hob,” Dream greets, trying his best to smile, despite his exhaustion.
Hob’s brow furrows. “Are you all right, my friend?” he asks, concerns clear in the tone of his voice.
“I am…fine,” Dream answers though he is anything but.
Hob huffs disbelievingly. “No, I don’t think you are,” he says. “Ah fuck it.”
Hob pulls Dream into his arms and Dream gasps at their sudden closeness. Hob still smells like old wood smoke, and Dream wonders if this is his natural scent, or if it is some sort of cologne he wears, whose purpose is to drive Dream to madness with how much he wants to inhale it. 
Dream’s exhaustion lowers his inhibitions, and before he can think better of it, he finds himself wrapping his arms around Hob’s back and burrowing his face into the other man’s shoulder. He thinks the wood smoke smell is strongest here, in Hob’s jacket, and he wonders what Hob has done to imprint this smell into the material. 
“There, there,” Hob says, rubbing smooth circles into Dream’s back. “I’ve got you, old friend. I have you. I’m here.”
Dream finds himself clinging to Hob, perhaps more than is socially acceptable amongst humans, but the other man doesn’t seem to mind. They stand there, just holding one another, until a bar patron from inside emerges, forcing them to break apart and move away from the entryway to the pub.
“I don’t think the pub is the best place for our meeting tonight,” Hob says, once the other person is out of sight. “My flat is not too far from here, if you don’t mind a walk? I’ve got a bottle of mead old as Queen Elizabeth herself in the fridge. I think you may need it.”
“I believe,” Dream answers, his tongue heavy like molasses in his mouth, “that you may be correct.”
Hob smiles. “And I can hug you all you want in the privacy of my living room.”
“I would like that,” Dream says, and finds that he means it. Already his heart is lighter after Hob’s embrace, and perhaps it will grow lighter still, with each subsequent one, given freely, by his oldest friend.
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goddess-reborn · 17 days
Xavier — Relax Time ‘Heart’ (Affinity Lvl 80)
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sleepybeaaans · 19 days
finally. 👏🏻
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1 down, another 1 to go. ✨
and 2 baby bunny cards in 1 pull? damn.
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und8e2ff · 5 months
I feel like Shun is, liek... very slightly not-smart?
Shun has common sense and all, and he has some basic life skills under his belt, but when it comes to the things he doesn't know???
He really don't be knowin that shit fr
Shun is proficient at basic arithmetic.
But if you show him the algebraic equation y = mx + b and ask him what the equation is/what it's used for, this young man will stare at that shit for a good minute and say with his WHOLE chest...
Shun, and he's being so serious rn: Oh, this is like morse code, right? *a bunch of nonsensical beeps* Is this the one they use to track butterfly migration patterns?
And I don't think Shun has a hard time learning new things, he just...
Like, idk how else to put it. He just doesn't know what he DOESN'T KNOW, liek-
Listen- Shun's just a lil guy, okay?
he is v smol and he can't fit all them neurons in his tiny lil head, okay?
Shun doesn't know what an educated guess is or how to make one. He just starts talking and he swears the words coming out of his mouth makes sense.
it's not his fault. he had to eat bread without a toaster at the Graad Foundation, okay?
Basically, Shun is a smort lil guy until he isn't.
That's it. That's the post.
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beldaroot · 1 year
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minato is so oblivious to the fact that his two best friends can't stand each other lol
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vampyrebellion · 4 months
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Some sketches from the beginning of the year ✌🏻
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quixoticprince · 2 years
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Late to the news- but my boy is getting his god cloth self in tencent And I want him  🖐
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bowcrazy · 2 years
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Downloadable icons + wallpapers posted to celebrate the official twitter reaching the 100,000 followers mark! They can originally be found here
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hitsuyou-fukaketsu · 1 year
Mr akehoshi was the kind of person who fell sick due to stress and his physical condition was never the best. The last time Subaru saw him was when he was already in jail, he looked worse than ever. He lost his shine and his smile.
Honestly I think it's one of the reasons Subaru is amicable and forgiven with Eichi, as opposed to others like Hokke (although it's their point to disagree on everything). Subaru values his family a lot, above anything else, and he will be friendly with those akin to his father (other case is Nagisa)
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otra-dimension · 2 years
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I miss Seiya being expressive so here are some screenshots of him being him
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faerdhinen · 1 year
hello im really trying to free space up and earn some cash so i have listed things on mercari, im very flexible with prices and will work with you. i just really need the cash! i have mostly jojos bizarre adventure and saint seiya merch, please have a look!
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joowee-feftynn · 6 months
some older adults underestimate zoomers' knowledge about older pieces of media, like I just saw someone say dragon ball z and sailor moon would be considered ancient to this generation and I was like "excuse me?????"
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mequetrefis · 1 year
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Hello tumblr.. *drops this here*
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rooftopwreck · 1 year
❄️- what is your favorite season?
Tragically, I live in the tropics so I get two seasons: Summer or Monsoon and I haven't ventured far enough </3 the one I most want to experience is autumn/fall, the crunchy leaves? summer heat fading but it's not too cold yet but I can start wearing all my jackets and coats? and all the foggy spooky vibes? the colours? I need to experience this
🍩- current mood?
Inspired and excited! I'm working on another piece of art rn and hoping that I get access to new Hozier tracks in the next 35 minutes bc timezone benefits
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und8e2ff · 5 months
Saint Seiya Fun Fact:
Did you know Shun's only opponent to call him by his name is Ikki in the Galaxian Wars arc? Every other opponent Shun has fought exclusively calls him Andromeda.
there is a lot of misogyny being directed at this 13yo little boy
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