#seiji yokohama
videgme · 6 months
requiem de mime - seiji yokoyama 1986 réquiem | videgme SUBSCRIBE HERE → youtube.com/@videgme?sub_confirmation=1 Watch music captioned in 30 languages
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retrosofa · 5 months
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Let's see some trivia for Cutie Honey episode 8: "The Devil Beckons From the Deep Blue Sea."
Screenwriter: Keisuke Fujikawa
Art Director: Mataharu Urata
Animation Director: Joji Kikuchi
Director: Osamu Kasai
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Yoko, a "popular radio personality" from the last episode of Microid S, makes a cameo in this episode. If you look very closely, you can see her in a crowd at the Toyo History Museum. Eiji Suzuki did key animation for this episode of Cutie Honey as well as the final episode of Microid S, which probably explains Yoko’s appearance here. 
Originally created by the “godfather of manga,” Osamu Tezuka, Microid S previously aired on Cutie Honey’s time slot, taking over from Devilman. All three series featured Masaki Tsuji as the head screenwriter. 
According to the official English Cutie Honey scripts, the Toyo History Museum is located in Yokohama, which was also the primary setting for Microid S. Perhaps both series exist in the same universe?
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The prayer Danbei recites when he thinks Seiji has drowned is Namu Amida Butsu. This prayer asks the release from suffering and death in this world into the Pure Land.
That's all for episode 8!
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betopandiani-mar · 2 months
A busca
Tenho observado tanto em redes sociais, como no meu entorno uma busca espiritual desenfreada, não sei se este é o termo correto.
O que me chama a atenção é algo simples. O nosso desafio é um mergulho em nosso ser, em nossas emoções, ou a nossa essência, mas a busca espiritual que observo tem sido fora, e isso por si só é uma incongruência.
Vou dar um exemplo; a busca por vários cursos, gurus, mapa astral, apometria, ayahuasca, rituais, mantras, livros etc.
Não quero ser mal-entendido, pois pessoalmente não sou contra a nenhuma destas escolhas, muito menos terapias com florais ou homeopatia. Mas tudo isso não faz sentido se não fazemos a nossa lição de casa.
Falo isso porque durante a minha vida eu participei de grupos de vivência, e mais especificamente tive uma convivência muito próxima com o Robert Happe durante 30 anos. O Robert foi um grande professor, assim como o Seiji Yokohama, e o que eu aprendi basicamente com eles foi prestar atenção em mim, no que sinto.
Acontece que pensamos e sentimos o tempo todo. O que sentimos é mais profundo e silencioso, e o que pensamos na maior parte do tempo está ligado a um tipo de reatividade diante da nossa percepção em relação a tudo que nos expomos.
Relacionamentos, nossa saúde, nossa profissão, e até o nosso lazer. Os pensamentos nos levam a nos distanciar do que sentimos, pois nos perdemos em formulações mentais que muitas vezes são armadilhas para nos afastarmos do simples.
Neste ponto volto a me referir pela busca do que está fora. Essencialmente este é o desafio; será que estamos sendo eficientes nesta busca espiritual ainda presos a um padrão mental predominante? Mas alguém pode falar; “mas Beto é isso que quero quebrar...”
Nos anos que frequentei os grupos de vivência o que era valioso para mim girava em torno da experiência do mergulho no sentir, e isso me mostrou que o maior desafio da humanidade é ser.
Prestar atenção no que sente é fundamental. Este exercício é diário e sem fim. O que você sente diante dos seus relacionamentos, filhos, pais, parceiros, amigos e na sua atividade profissional? Preste atenção nas suas emoções diante do outro, e não se distraia com os pensamentos que estas relações provocam.
“Pense com o coração, e traduza com a mente” Quero dizer, que ao se conectar com o sentir, naturalmente iremos ouvir a nossa intuição, e é ela que nos leva para níveis mais sutis. Outra armadilha dentro das nossas relações é aquele famoso comentário: “a mais se ele não fosse assim, ou ah se as pessoas não fossem egoístas, ah se o mundo tivesse mais gente honesta.”
Pois é, mas não viemos aqui consertar o mundo nem as pessoas. Não viemos resolver os problemas, mas sim nos resolvermos diante deles.
Isto muda a perspectiva, pois saímos da mente julgadora para a busca de um olhar honesto com as nossas atitudes. Nos observarmos com isenção é fundamental, e isso ainda é um desafio.
O que vale a pena ser considerado é a respeito das nossas escolhas originárias de nossos pensamentos; faça esta pergunta para si. Estou plenamente feliz, e em paz?
Pois tudo gira em torno de frequências. O que pensamos, o que falamos, e como lidamos com as nossas emoções. Este nível de frequência atraí experiências equivalentes, pois se a nossa consciência vibra nesta faixa energética, o que vamos viver se equivale. Isto acontece por um motivo simples. Não seríamos capazes de entender uma experiência mais sutil que vibra além da nossa faixa vibratória.
Não pode acontecer algo maravilhoso em nossa vida se escolhemos alcançá-las através dos nossos desejos. Os desejos não estão muitas vezes alinhados com as nossas necessidades. O desejo está ligado a mente, e a necessidade com a alma. A alma busca experiências, e aqui chegamos no âmago do que estou procurando decifrar.
O mundo atual nos afasta das experiências verdadeiras por nos distrair no universo virtual, nos mantendo na mente. Enquanto perdemos a conexão com o sentir, nada destas buscas terão valor. É como uma reação química, que para acontecer precisa do reagente. No caso o reagente é aquilo que fazemos diante da experiência. Por isso a experiência é tão valiosa e é imprescindível.
Observar como nos comportamos diante do outro, diante do que sentimos é a chave. Preste atenção durante o seu dia, e fique quieto ou quieta por algum tempo meditando sobre como foi seu dia procurando lembrar do que sentiu diante de uma conversa, de uma dúvida, ou de algum conflito.
O desafio é saber o que você faz com você diante do que sente. Pode parecer muito exotérico o que vou falar, mas comigo sempre foi assim.
Ao se tornar mais consciente de algo que ainda não havia percebido, você abre uma porta para um nível mais sutil da sua percepção, e é ele que irá te guiar intuitivamente. Não é um processo tão lento como se pode imaginar, ainda mais nestes tempos tão intensos onde tudo se transforma rapidamente.
Atenção plena e vontade são bons ingredientes para lermos os sinais que a Vida nos envia o tempo todo, mas eles só irão ser percebidos pelo sentir.
Boa viagem, e um abraço
Beto Pandiani
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yukyuknisa · 5 months
One Day: Seiya no kara Sawagi Episode 7 English Sub - Full Episodes
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One Day: Seiya no kara Sawagi Episode 7 English Subtitles
Three people come from different backgrounds and face their own troubles. Their fate leads them to face each other as their destinies become intertwined. At 0AM on December 24th, a fatal shooting case took place at a Yamashita wharf in Yokohama. When Suguroji Seiji wakes up, he finds a dead person right in front of him. The dead person was shot in the head. Suguroji Seiji can’t remember anything about what happened, but he becomes the prime suspect. He is chased by the police. He follows his blurred memories and tries to find clues about the murder. Tachiaoi Tokio is a chef of a famous restaurant in Yokohama. The restaurant has been there for 80 years and through 3 generations. Since his wife died, Tachiaoi Tokio has been alone. He has decided never to fall in love again. On Christmas Eve, he is busy preparing meals for his restaurant, which is completely booked. At that time, a male stranger breaks into his restaurant. Kurauchi Kikyo works as a newscaster for a local TV station in Yokohama. She has hosted her news program for 10 years. Suddenly, she is informed that her news program is canceled and she will be transferred to a cooking program. Nevertheless, Kurauchi Kikyo heads out to the shooting murder case site to cover her last news story. (Source: AsianWiki)
⬇️⬇️Watch One Day: Seiya no kara Sawagi Episode 7 Eng Sub - Full Episodes⬇️⬇️
Website : https://dramasian.xyz/search/One+Day%3A+Seiya+no+kara+Sawagi
Native Title: ONE DAY~聖夜のから騒ぎ~
Country: Japan
Episodes: 10
Aired: Oct 9, 2023 - ?
Aired On: Monday
Original Network: Fuji TV
Duration: 54 min.
Content Rating: Not Yet Rated
Also Known As: ONE DAY: Wonderful Christmas Ado , One Day: Christmas Eve
Screenwriter: Tokunaga Yuichi
Director: Suzuki Masayuki
Genres: Thriller, Mystery, Comedy, Life
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nadnadayu · 5 months
One Day: Seiya no kara Sawagi Episode 7 English Sub - Full Episodes
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One Day: Seiya no kara Sawagi Episode 7 English Subtitles
Three people come from different backgrounds and face their own troubles. Their fate leads them to face each other as their destinies become intertwined. At 0AM on December 24th, a fatal shooting case took place at a Yamashita wharf in Yokohama. When Suguroji Seiji wakes up, he finds a dead person right in front of him. The dead person was shot in the head. Suguroji Seiji can’t remember anything about what happened, but he becomes the prime suspect. He is chased by the police. He follows his blurred memories and tries to find clues about the murder. Tachiaoi Tokio is a chef of a famous restaurant in Yokohama. The restaurant has been there for 80 years and through 3 generations. Since his wife died, Tachiaoi Tokio has been alone. He has decided never to fall in love again. On Christmas Eve, he is busy preparing meals for his restaurant, which is completely booked. At that time, a male stranger breaks into his restaurant. Kurauchi Kikyo works as a newscaster for a local TV station in Yokohama. She has hosted her news program for 10 years. Suddenly, she is informed that her news program is canceled and she will be transferred to a cooking program. Nevertheless, Kurauchi Kikyo heads out to the shooting murder case site to cover her last news story. (Source: AsianWiki)
⬇️⬇️Watch One Day: Seiya no kara Sawagi Episode 7 Eng Sub - Full Episodes⬇️⬇️
Website : https://dramasian.xyz/search/One+Day%3A+Seiya+no+kara+Sawagi
Native Title: ONE DAY~聖夜のから騒ぎ~
Country: Japan
Episodes: 10
Aired: Oct 9, 2023 - ?
Aired On: Monday
Original Network: Fuji TV
Duration: 54 min.
Content Rating: Not Yet Rated
Also Known As: ONE DAY: Wonderful Christmas Ado , One Day: Christmas Eve
Screenwriter: Tokunaga Yuichi
Director: Suzuki Masayuki
Genres: Thriller, Mystery, Comedy, Life
0 notes
aulianadd · 5 months
One Day: Seiya no kara Sawagi Episode 7 English Sub - Full Episodes
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One Day: Seiya no kara Sawagi Episode 7 English Subtitles
Three people come from different backgrounds and face their own troubles. Their fate leads them to face each other as their destinies become intertwined. At 0AM on December 24th, a fatal shooting case took place at a Yamashita wharf in Yokohama. When Suguroji Seiji wakes up, he finds a dead person right in front of him. The dead person was shot in the head. Suguroji Seiji can’t remember anything about what happened, but he becomes the prime suspect. He is chased by the police. He follows his blurred memories and tries to find clues about the murder. Tachiaoi Tokio is a chef of a famous restaurant in Yokohama. The restaurant has been there for 80 years and through 3 generations. Since his wife died, Tachiaoi Tokio has been alone. He has decided never to fall in love again. On Christmas Eve, he is busy preparing meals for his restaurant, which is completely booked. At that time, a male stranger breaks into his restaurant. Kurauchi Kikyo works as a newscaster for a local TV station in Yokohama. She has hosted her news program for 10 years. Suddenly, she is informed that her news program is canceled and she will be transferred to a cooking program. Nevertheless, Kurauchi Kikyo heads out to the shooting murder case site to cover her last news story. (Source: AsianWiki)
⬇️⬇️Watch One Day: Seiya no kara Sawagi Episode 7 Eng Sub - Full Episodes⬇️⬇️
Website : https://dramasian.xyz/search/One+Day%3A+Seiya+no+kara+Sawagi
Native Title: ONE DAY~聖夜のから騒ぎ~
Country: Japan
Episodes: 10
Aired: Oct 9, 2023 - ?
Aired On: Monday
Original Network: Fuji TV
Duration: 54 min.
Content Rating: Not Yet Rated
Also Known As: ONE DAY: Wonderful Christmas Ado , One Day: Christmas Eve
Screenwriter: Tokunaga Yuichi
Director: Suzuki Masayuki
Genres: Thriller, Mystery, Comedy, Life
0 notes
sellyanggraini · 5 months
One Day: Seiya no kara Sawagi Episode 7 English Sub - Full Episodes
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One Day: Seiya no kara Sawagi Episode 7 English Subtitles
Three people come from different backgrounds and face their own troubles. Their fate leads them to face each other as their destinies become intertwined. At 0AM on December 24th, a fatal shooting case took place at a Yamashita wharf in Yokohama. When Suguroji Seiji wakes up, he finds a dead person right in front of him. The dead person was shot in the head. Suguroji Seiji can’t remember anything about what happened, but he becomes the prime suspect. He is chased by the police. He follows his blurred memories and tries to find clues about the murder. Tachiaoi Tokio is a chef of a famous restaurant in Yokohama. The restaurant has been there for 80 years and through 3 generations. Since his wife died, Tachiaoi Tokio has been alone. He has decided never to fall in love again. On Christmas Eve, he is busy preparing meals for his restaurant, which is completely booked. At that time, a male stranger breaks into his restaurant. Kurauchi Kikyo works as a newscaster for a local TV station in Yokohama. She has hosted her news program for 10 years. Suddenly, she is informed that her news program is canceled and she will be transferred to a cooking program. Nevertheless, Kurauchi Kikyo heads out to the shooting murder case site to cover her last news story. (Source: AsianWiki)
⬇️⬇️Watch One Day: Seiya no kara Sawagi Episode 7 Eng Sub - Full Episodes⬇️⬇️
Website : https://dramasian.xyz/search/One+Day%3A+Seiya+no+kara+Sawagi
Native Title: ONE DAY~聖夜のから騒ぎ~
Country: Japan
Episodes: 10
Aired: Oct 9, 2023 - ?
Aired On: Monday
Original Network: Fuji TV
Duration: 54 min.
Content Rating: Not Yet Rated
Also Known As: ONE DAY: Wonderful Christmas Ado , One Day: Christmas Eve
Screenwriter: Tokunaga Yuichi
Director: Suzuki Masayuki
Genres: Thriller, Mystery, Comedy, Life
0 notes
jobamakes · 2 years
[Project Story] Sugoi Muscle Party
What is it? Dj Event + Promotional Videos When: 2020 Where: Vietnam Roll: Co-organizer / Designer / Video Director What I Did: Organized an event with japanese bodybuilders and made funny videos with the guest DJs lifting weights to promote them. With: Thibaut Rabier
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I always had a strong natural attraction towards japanese people, since Brazil - which has the bigger japanese community outside Japan, and weirdly enough, most of people are not aware of this.
So did Thibaut, he lived a few years in Tokyo when he was young, and as soon as we started hanging around Hanoi, we ended up meeting a lot of Japanese people. I didn’t know at that time, but Vietnam is one of the biggest markets for Japanese and Korean companies, so you have a huge amount of expats from both countries working everywhere around Vietnam.
From all those incredible japanese people, we crossed paths with Seiji Yokohama. Always with an easy smile on his face, he used to DJ a lot (of good house music) around Hanoi and we ended up being friends. On one of those endless nights on Kobala’s rooftop, we were just having a laugh the three of us as usual, and I’ll never forget this exact moment when the idea of uniting Japan and Muscles came up simultaneously. A PARTY INSIDE A GYM WITH JAPANESE BODYBUILDERS we shouted as one.
Those 3 words sounded really amazing, screaming them out loud, drunk, in a rooftop in Hanoi at 2am - sugoi means amazing btw.
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SMP vol. 01 poster design
We did a first event, just the three of us, which was just to set up the music genre. Then for the second event, we teamed up with Tony From Japan, a Japanese bodybuilder that has a private gym in Hanoi, and Toby aka Tobiceps, a UK DJ, good friend of ours, and gym fan as well. Both got nice pecs.
Tony’s gym was too small for an event, so we decided to do it at Kobala’s, the birthplace of the idea. We managed to bring a few dumbells and equipments from Tony’s anyways, and turn Kobala into a gym. It worked like a beauty.
Promotional DJ set for SMP vol. 02 featuring Tobiceps, guest DJ, inside Tony’s gym.
The party was an absurdity. Tony couldn’t stop lifting weights in front of the DJ booth, people were just throwing yoga balls at each other and the lifting games we did had people going mad, all of it under pumped 80s Italo Disco tracks.
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Tony and Seiji, which had just turned Dad that week.
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Some pictures from SMP Vol.02 by Tobiceps. Here I’m trying to motivate a party goer to lift that sh* up in exchange for tequila.
We didn’t manage to take off a lot of shirts though, our dream of a party inside a gym playing 80s track with everyone lifting weights shirtless was still ongoing.
But we knew this wasn’t gonna happen in north Vietnam, so we decided to make the vol. 03 in Saigon, Vietnam’s party capital. We started enhancing the promotional material as well, doing funnier videos showcasing the guest DJ in weird situations, all related to the 80s gym esthetics.
As for the the posters, I took reference from the 80s/90s jav porn VHS covers.
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poster design for SMP vol.03, others editions here
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Never had so much fun in my life shooting those SMP vol.3 promotional videos haha
The promotion worked perfectly and Saigon edition was pure madness, the best party we ever did in Vietnam.
Later on, Vietnam went through a few other covid waves that held up the organization of others SMP but we managed to organize 2 more editions, one with Rob, longtime welsh friend, and a last one in Saigon with Robat, french filmmaker and DJ, goof friend of ours too. We lost Seiji though for those last editions, he had to come back to Japan unexpectedly =/ But we made a blood promise before he left: we’re bringing SMP to the (few) gyms of Japan.
Can’t wait for the next one !
More pictures: vol.2 / vol.3 / vol.5 More videos: vol.4 / vol.5
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seneca-milestone17 · 2 years
the wheels go round and round (Chapter 30)
final chapter is out! 
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26573278/chapters/102141882
— The Open Future —
There is something to be said about newly born babies; mainly on the fact that they are so small and so fragile, like a single gust of wind can break them.
And it probably will, Dazai thinks as he gazes upon the little thing in Suzu’s arms.
The birth had been an expected event. Dazai had pulled strings with Kouyo to get Suzu settled into one of Yokohama’s prime hospitals in preparation for the birth, doing the same for Yosano to be accepted that same day because the girl had insisted and Dazai knows the urge to be sure just in case.
Poor Seiji has been a nervous wreck ever since the labour had begun. It had taken an exasperated Natsume and an equally rattled Fukuzawa to grab the expecting father by the arms and have him take care of errands for them just to keep him busy.
“She’s so small,” Atsushi whispers to him with wide eyes that are just that shade of awe in them.
“She is, isn’t she?”
Humming, long fingers settle themselves over a bed of silver, feeling No Longer Human keep the tiger at bay.
Dazai has to applaud himself for the foresight of having sent the rest of the children to Hirotsu and Kouyo to babysit in the meantime. He doesn’t think he can wrangle Seiji and Fukuzawa into calming down while also caring for eight children who are all capable of causing mass destruction at a whim, even with Natsume helping. Atsushi had only been brought along because his Ability still requires constant supervision under Dazai. At least Yosano had made herself useful by accompanying Suzu in labour.
“Looks like the President wins the bet,” Yosano points out as they all collectively gawk at the new addition.
It takes a few moments for Dazai to recall what she is referring to before he is able to form a Cheshire grin that is edging on predatory.
“I do believe you owe me a writing set, Natsume-san,” he ironically purrs at the writer whose face has grimaced.
“Now hold on, it’s not even official what her name will be!”
Suzu is quick to join in, smiling as she does so. “Actually, we talked it over and we agreed that the President’s suggestion for a baby girl’s name is a fine one. That’s why her name is Kyouka.”
Fukuzawa looks vindicated whilst Seiji look as though he’s about to start questioning why they’re even here if not to coo over his daughter.
“On that note,” the new father narrows his eyes at Dazai. “President, please hold her.”
The grin falls from Dazai’s face.
“A good idea, Seiji-kun,” Now it’s Natsume’s turn to have that Cheshire grin in place. The bastard. “It makes sense, doesn’t it? Seeing as he’s the grandfather and all.”
Dazai is about to protest that no, just because he constantly jokes about being Seiji’s adoptive father and guardian doesn’t automatically make him a grandfather – he is only twenty-three, edging on twenty-four! – when Suzu calls him over to come closer.
Because Dazai can’t bring himself to be an asshole to Suzu right now, he listens and approaches the bed.
Kyouka had been tiny at a distance but seeing her up close has somehow made her even smaller. It’s supposed to be scientifically impossible, an argument against the physics, but that is what Dazai perceives the moment he lays on the little bundle dozing in her mother’s arms.
“Here you go, President,” she then says, leaning forward for him to take the bundle. “Be careful now.”
There are about a thousand remarks Dazai can make in response to such a statement, from joking about how he’s always careful down to a sarcastic reply of dropping the baby, but all of them are swept away as he tries – and fails – to mimic the proper holding technique necessary to hold a baby.
The newly-born Izumi Kyouka is in his arms, peacefully asleep and still so innocent.
…Dazai takes it back. She’s not just tiny, she’s hopelessly microscopic in his arms. It feels as though he is about to break apart just trying to keep her safe and it feels like she doesn’t even weigh a single thing because she’s just that small.
He thinks he has found a new thing to fear and isn’t that amazing?
“Can I see her too?” Atsushi tugs at his pant sleeve to gain his attention and it’s taking everything Dazai has not to drop Kyouka in surprise.
Fukuzawa comes forward to grab at the child, letting him get a closer look at the baby, and there is a gasp of awe, of surprise, that sounds exactly what Dazai is feeling right now.
“She’s so pretty!”
“Of course she is,” Yosano chuckles from the side, all smiles in contrast to her default expression. “She takes after her mother.”
“Thank goodness for that,” Seiji says in sincerity that has them all laughing quietly.
Suzu turns her eyes to the frozen form beside her bed and smiles. “Alright there, President?”
“…Just fine.” Is all of what Dazai can bring himself to say.
What else is there to speak about? How much he’s scared shitless just holding this tiny bundle in his arms? How about the thought of dropping her having the ability to make his blood freeze? How her breaths are so miniscule, it’s as though they’re not even there?
It’s all a new experience, completely unexplored territory. Dazai has dealt with children before, but never this young, never this small.
(it’s terrifying)
“I see,” the smile on Suzu’s face brightens as she holds her arms forward and it’s everything Dazai has not to shove the child back immediately. “How do you feel?”
“What do you mean? I’m perfectly fine.” And because Dazai is nothing if not a master at acting, he pretends that he is exactly as he says.
The sharp look the woman throws at him says she doesn’t believe him.
“Oh that’s right.” Seiji perks up, looking like he’s just remembered something important. He turns to Dazai and, without preamble, says, “You’re the godfather. Congratulations.”
For the second time that day, Dazai is left reeling.
“I mean, it’s only right.” So says Seiji, nonplussed and completely relentless in his assault. “You named her so take responsibility.”
“Now hold on—“
“Give it up, Dazai-san. You’re outnumbered.”
The expression on Dazai’s face must have been something else because immediately after that, Natsume and Yosano simultaneously burst out laughing.
“Serves you right, President!”
“I told you so.”
Fukuzawa looks pleased as he ruffles Atsushi’s hair. Come to think of it, Dazai recalls the man saying that unexpected things happen whenever people bet against Dazai and certainly that is the case most of the time, but never to this degree and certainly not at him!
At the bed where Suzu has taken to cooing at the still dozing Kyouka, he hears the mother talk to her still dozing child in whispering tones.
“You see? They’re an odd bunch. Crazy eccentrics and the weirdest group in the world, but they’re not that bad.”
You will live an interesting life from here on.
Not for the first time, Dazai is helpless against forces he cannot control.
Unlike last time, however, he takes this one with grace and a shit-eating grin.
Because somehow, in some way, the Armed Detective Agency has gathered together once again, with more members in addition. Sure there are still some matters left that require his attention – and so many of them located abroad too… – but they can be fixed.
He has time for that now.
Nobody has to die anymore.
Dazai is not a writer like Natsume, nor is he an artist. No; he is a sinner who has more blood on his hands than what his good deeds can cover and he is not afraid to admit that.
But here, in this hospital room with the little new baby in their midst, he thinks he can write a better ending than what they had last time.
A Happy Ending where everyone is free.
An open future, for everyone.
Let’s do it then.
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z-ko · 7 years
Emeraldus no Theme  from Space Fantasy Emeraldus/スペースファンタジーエメラルダス (1978) by Seiji Yokohama/ 横山菁児
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traghoul · 2 years
i was gonna write a longer post abt kenta but nah he don’t deserve it anyways he’s a business student in his third year of university ( he was able to double up on courses and essentially bypass being a second year. ).  he dreams of working in high level corporate finance -   a hedge fund manager , other investment banker or stockbroker.    he’s currently dating a girl in her second year of a hospitality degree program.  she fits what he views as his ‘image’ better.
he met seiji in high school.   he never joined in on the group teasing but he was always one to make a backhanded comment.   he forgot his lunch one day and seiji offered to share hers.     and that’s all it was supposed to be but three months of lunches later he just decided she was his girlfriend.  (  he won’t admit it,  but he thought seiji was cute.   it’s just uncool to like her   )     seiji was overjoyed since she didn’t have a friend at her school much less a boyfriend! 
kenta laid out a few rules :   she couldn’t talk to him at school because he was studying.  she couldn’t come over to his house ( seiji essentially lived alone so there were no witnesses to their relationship )   he wouldn’t save her number in his phone but he’d come over when he felt like it.   (  oddly enough ,  he was at ease when he put his head in her lap and let her pet his hair.  )      she didn’t tell her siblings she was dating until after graduation -   when he decided it was okay.   their former classmates were not aware of their relationship prior to graduation. after graduation things detoriated -  quickly.    everything she did annoyed him and she needed permission to do anything.   since seiji didn’t have friends in school he wasn’t concerned about losing her to someone else but seeing her out with individuals like yuu.    he grew insanely jealous because she saw how happy she was and got it in his head that she was going to realize how bad this relationship was and leave him for someone who made her smile like yuu?    and he could not have that. and it just . . .  . it got to the point as seen with those panels because seiji was reaching her limit.     and then she found him cheating with his current gf ,  he told her she should’ve just died then and slammed the door on her.    she didn’t go home after that but between then and her returning home,  he’d come in and cut up ten of her fifteen jumperskirts  for no apparent reason
needless to say that is why seiji avoids him like the plague.   thinking abt him makes her clammy and seeing him makes her want to push through the walls?at some point her brothers became aware of exactly what he put her through and what sort of things he said to her.    while under promise to not do anything themselves, this information was leaked to certain individuals who would later cut out his tongue  ,  left size ________. prints of a sketcher all over his jaw, broke 23 out of 24 ribs ,  decided to come back and break the last one, punctured both lungs and left his liver so bruised he’d have died from that alone& committing other actions before leaving an unrecognizable man in a yokohama dumpster, setting it on fire.
i’d say such a shame but it rly isnt
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redsamuraiii · 4 years
14 Slice of Life Anime to Watch
For those who don’t watch anime, the first thing that comes to mind at the mention of the word “anime” is those pervertic lewd jokes which they’ve seen on clips and meme circulating the internet. I don’t even know what anime are those.
But little do they know of the wide variety of genres available from war action, crime thriller, historical fiction to slice of life. So sharing here is a list of slice of life anime which I’ve watched and hoping to discover more of such genres.
They’re basically a relatable and chill anime with no complex plot involving die-hard enemies out to destroy you, that sort of thing, the only enemy these characters are trying to defeat is life itself or their inner-self.
They’re just stories of characters just going about their daily lives, trying to find their place in the world. I not only like the heartwarming relationships they shared but the scenery of these places too which are simply beautiful. 
They’re so pleasant to watch. It's kind of like the anime version of curling up under the blanket on a rainy afternoon and just feeling good, makes you feel all calm and relax, when you simply want to chill and switch off your mind. And hey, if you know any similar type of anime that I don’t, please share with me! I’m currently looking for more of such anime to watch in these stressful and uncertain times!
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Only Yesterday (1991)
Taeko Okajima is single 27 year old who has lived her whole life in Tokyo. She decides to take a trip to visit her family in the rural countryside of Yamagata to get away from the city life. During her stay, she finds herself increasingly nostalgic and wistful for her childhood self, while simultaneously wrestling with adult issues of career and love, and the decision to leave her city life behind.
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Whisper of the Heart (1995)
Shizuku Tsukishima is a book-worm who spends her summer vacation reading and translating popular foreign music into Japanese. With aspirations to one day become a writer, Shizuku can't help but notice that the name Seiji Amasawa appears on every one of the books she borrows from the library. Her meeting with this person changes her life which led to a discovery of her hidden dreams.
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From Up on Poppy Hill (2011)
Umi is a high school girl, living with her family in the beautiful seaside town of Yokahama Bay. Each day she raises a pair of flags in anticipation of the return of her sailor father, who went missing years ago. One day she meets Shun, a member of the school's literature club, and the two students decide to restore the school's rundown clubhouse to its former glory.  
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Hanasaku Iroha (2011)
Ohana Matsumae is a 16-year-old from Tokyo, who is left in the care of her estranged maternal grandmother, following her mother's elopement with her boyfriend. Ohana arrives at her grandmother's country estate to realize she is the owner of a Taishō period hot spring inn called Kissuisō. Little does she knows that she’s about to bring all the employees closer together as a family.
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Non Non Biyori (2009)
The story takes place in the countryside small town village of Asahigaoka, a place lacking many of the conveniences that people from the city are accustomed to. The nearest stores are a few miles away and one of the local schools consists of only five students, each of whom is in a different grade of elementary or middle school. Hotaru Ichijo, a fifth grader from Tokyo, transfers into Asahigaoka and has to adjust to countryside life with her new friends.
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Flying Witch (2016)
The story is about Makoto, a young witch from Yokohama, who moves to Hirosaki, Aomori to live with relatives as part of her training. What follows is Makoto's daily life as she gets used to her new environment. Her relatives and the new friends she makes there are introduced to the customs and peculiarities of witchcraft. It’s kind of like Kiki’s Delivery Service with a touch of Harry Potter.
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Yuru Camp aka Laid-Back Camp (2018)
It follows  Rin Shima, a solo camper who befriends Nadeshiko Kagamihara and the girls from the Outdoor Activities School Club, as they share their love of nature and camping. You’ll go on an adventure with them to various campsites, from pitching tents to gathering firewood, and eating under the stars. If you love this series, please know that there will be a new season coming January 2021!
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Long Riders (2016)
Upon seeing someone ride on a bike, college student Ami Kurata buys a folding bike and takes up cycling with her friend Aoi Niigaki. After meeting experienced cyclists Hinako Saijo, Yayoi Ichinose, and Saki Takamiya, Ami starts going further into the world of road cycling and soon forms her own team, Fortuna.
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Yama No Susume aka Encouragement of Climb (2013)
Aoi Yukimura is a quiet girl who prefers staying indoors and is afraid of heights. When she reunites with her childhood friend Hinata Kuraue, who is outgoing and loves mountaineering, they decide to climb a mountain together, in order to see a sunrise they saw together when they were younger. Along the way, they meet several other girls who are also interested in the outdoors, and begin a series of adventures on various mountains across Japan.
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Sakura Quest (2017)
Yoshino Koharu is a young woman from the countryside who is hell bent on finding a job in Tokyo, but only met a series of rejections. The only job offer she received was from a tourism board of an economically struggling Manoyama, a small town in the countryside. Left with no other options, Yoshino reluctantly agrees to take on the role as “Queen” of Manoyama who will aid the Board of Tourism in their efforts to revitalize Manoyama. Determined to bring excitement to the dying town with the help of local residents, the queen enacts a series of projects to highlight the beauty and charm of Manoyama's culture. 
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Yokohama Kaidashi Kikō (1998)
Set in a peaceful, post-cataclysmic world where mankind is in decline after an environmental disaster. The reduced human population has reverted to a simpler life. It follows the story of Alpha Hatsuseno who is an android that runs an out-of-the-way coffee shop, on the lonely coast of the Miura Peninsula of Japan, while her human "owner" is on a trip of indefinite length. It shows her daily activities, either alone, with customers, or on occasional trips through the countryside. It brings out the small wonders of everyday life.
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Minami Kamakura High School Girls Cycling Club (2017)
It follows the life of Hiromi who just moved from Nagasaki to Kamakura and wants to learn the ride a bicycle in order to explore the coastal city! Her passion for cycling allowed her to make new friends with similar interest, and eventually forming their own cycling club in school, attracting more people as they discover the wonders of Kamakura and friendship. There’s even a cycling tip video clip at the end of every episode, so better watch out for it if you’re interested in cycling!
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Super Cub (2021)
An ongoing anime about a lonely girl, Koguma, who lives alone with no parents and no friends nor hobbies feeling her life empty, until one day, when she bought an affordable second hand super cub bike to ride to school that her life began to change gradually, from meeting new friends with similar interest, to exploring new places she’s never been to before, feeling her life began to expand.
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Let’s Make a Mug Too (2021)
Another ongoing anime about Himeno Toyokawa who moved to back to her father’s hometown of Gifu Prefecture to start over a new life after he lost his job in the city and lost his wife due to illness. While her father decides to open a café, Himeno discovers her interest in pottery and ceramic art, a craft that is popular in the prefecture and met new friends who are both experienced and new to the craft. She hopes to help her dad make foodware for the café.
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miimpii · 3 years
Hello Miss Hanesawa Ryo, Sugita Naoto here. Due to recent incident in Yokohama... Mr. Sawamura has ordered ten dozens of cheese tarts as part of his de-stressing method as the other assistants are not in today we believe that we might not have anyone but ourselves to finish it off so he asked me to send it to your way instead. Please enjoy these three boxes.
He sent a message along with: Amakusa Seiji's record is too vague. I don't trust him. Enjoy the cheese tarts and text me if you are up for a spar.
     THE letter, accompanied by the three boxes of what seemed to be cheese tarts, caught the medium by surprise. However, it was not the dessert that astonished her, but rather, the person who decided to send them along with the note. Ryo always thought Akihiko was only mean towards her simply because of their family rivalry (which she honestly paid no attention to, nor understand why it would even exist), but never did she expect him to have a change of heart after the numerous times he had acted towards her. Though she would admit, it was a nice surprise, although she was uncertain if she could even finish every cheest tart on her own.
     BUT the next thing she read on the letter made her tilt her head slightly. “Seiji-sensei? What about him?” Ryo mumbled to herself, while the spirits decided to open a box of cheese tarts to either take a bite or...curiously look at the pastry with eager eyes (and fingers/claws). She decided to fold the letter neatly and kept it in the pocket of her hoodie, before she took one of the boxes in while the other boxes flosted beside her. “Maybe I should give some to Tsu-san or Sacha-jisan.”
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9.6.2. The comfort women
Question 9: Korea's situation after Japan's withdrawal › 6. The comfort women and wartime laborers › 2. The comfort women
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9.6.2. The comfort women
  The allegation made by the present-day South Korea that “Japan forcibly transported South Korean women against their will to have them serve as sex slaves” is grounded on the repetitive reporting by a Japanese newspaper, The Asahi Shimbun.
  A man named Seiji Yoshida made numerous false statements in the 1980s that he had forcibly taken away young Korean women by order of the military to make them serve as comfort women. He later published a book based on his own testimonies. Although his testimonies were his own fabrication against the fact, several mass media, mainly The Asahi Shimbun, frequently reported the “Yoshida Testimony” as truth, and the report spread around the world. In 1995, Yoshida admitted that his testimonies and publication were fictitious and not the truth. In 2014, The Asahi Shimbun retracted all 18 articles published in the past and made an apology.
  The summary of the articles published in The Asahi Shimbun and later retracted as well as the published dates are shown below in accordance with the materials disclosed by The Asahi Shimbun.
  [ The Asahi Shimbun articles in relation to Seiji Yoshida that were subject to retraction]
Publication date Summary of the article Headline ● March 7, 1980 Morning paper (Kawasaki/East Yokohama edition) Based on the interview with Yoshida, it said in the article that “Yoshida had visited  the Korean Peninsula twice in the past to ‘kidnap’ Korean people”. The  article included the testimony that Yoshida joined the police force there to  recruit 100 young people and send them to Japan as laborers and that they  used violence against those who resisted. Series: South Korea/Koreans 2 (27) Loyal execution of orders, Wooden sword pointed at resisters September 2, 1982 Morning paper (Osaka Headquarters edition) The article was a summary of Yoshida’s speech in an assembly held in Osaka City.  Yoshida stated that there were about 6,000 Koreans forcibly transported  to Japan under his direct supervision, among which 950 were comfort women. A Korean woman testified; I was forcibly taken away with violence October 19, 1983 Evening paper In the  article, Yoshida was introduced as someone who used to be named “Demon for  impressment” for compulsorily recruiting 6,000 Koreans. It is explained in  the article that Yoshida even invaded rice fields, factories, and places for  weddings, urging young people at random. Sitting on a hill in South Korea is a Monument of apology built by “Demon for impressment” November 10, 1983 Morning paper The  article introduced his statements, such as, “The compulsory recruitment that  can only be described as kidnapping, performed by the state at best, is about  to be shrouded in darkness of history after a little over 30 years.” “HITO”: Mr. Seiji Yoshida December 24, 1983 Morning paper It  reported the unveiling ceremony of the Monument of Apology that Mr. Yoshida  built in South Korea. The article also introduced his statement, “I am  responsible for forcibly taking many of you before WWII.”   One-person apology - Unveiling ceremony in South Korea ● January 17, 1984 Evening paper (Osaka Headquarters edition) In the  beginning of the text, it stated that Mr. Yoshida was part of the operation  for forceful transportation of Koreans. The article introduced the unveiling  ceremony of the Monument of Apology that Mr. Yoshida built in Cheonan-si,  South Korea. Series: An aching scar – Aftermath of forceful take-away of Koreans (1) A bridegroom stolen for forced labor July 9, 1986 Morning paper In the article, Mr. Yoshida was referred to as being involved in taking control of the forceful transportation of Koreans including comfort women. Assemblies held in Thailand and Osaka on August 15 to commemorate the victims of wars in Asia June 19, 1990 Morning paper (Osaka Headquarters edition) Mr.  Yoshida’s statement was introduced in the article. He said, “I had taken away  a number of Korean women to make them serve as comfort women. I was proud to  be called ‘Demon for impressment’ at that time.” I burnt a name list by gubernatorial order to destroy evidence May 22, 1991 Morning paper (Osaka Headquarters edition) Some  statements Mr. Yoshida gave at the assemblies were introduced by citing from  a book that recorded his speech at the assemblies. One of his statements introduced  was, “One of the things that I feel most ashamed of and troubled about is  that I had forcibly transported 950 comfort women.” Women in the Pacific War –Forcibly mobilizing comfort women by pointing wooden sword October 10, 1991 Morning paper (Osaka Headquarters edition) The  article included an interview with Mr. Yoshida. He said he “twisted the arm  of a young mother, kicked and beat her up to put her in a wagon” when  forcibly taking away young mothers to make them serve as comfort women. Women in the Pacific War – Separating mothers from babies in their arms January 23, 1992 Evening paper The  article introduced Mr. Yoshida’s statement, “We transported comfort women to  battlefields, confined them there for a year or two, gang-raped them, and  abandoned them on the battlefield when the Japanese army retreated.” “MADO”: From the office of editorialists – Comfort women March 3, 1992 Evening paper While  mentioning that there were many letters received from readers regarding Mr.  Yoshida’s confession, the editor introduced opinions that denied the alleged  acts of brutality by the Japanese army. The editor concluded that although  there are things we don’t want to know or we don’t want to believe, we cannot  leave our mark in history without confronting that feeling of reluctance. “MADO”: From the office of editorialists – Recognition of history May 24, 1992 Morning paper It reported that Mr. Yoshida would leave for an apology tour to South Korea. It  also mentioned his statement, “I want to enter history books as a Japanese  who had been directly involved in acts of brutality and later came to  apologize.” “Now is the time to apologize myself”, a witness of kidnapping to visit South Korea in July August 13, 1992 Morning paper It  reported that Mr. Yoshida apologized to former comfort women in South Korea. Mr. Yoshida apologizes to former comfort women in Seoul January 25, 1994 Morning paper It  reported that the newspaper had received several tens of phone calls from  surprised readers in response to the testimony by a former leader of a  mobilization unit who confessed his involvement in forcible transportation of  comfort women in Korea. Mr. Yoshida was introduced in an anonymous manner. Investigative reporting steers the nation
  The two articles that have been retracted or  partially retracted this time (marked with ● before the publication date) as  well as 13 disclosable articles out of the 16 articles that were already  retracted in August are shown here.    We have postponed the disclosure of the  article dated May 22, 1991 (marked with ○ before the publication date)  because the article included numerous citations from a book. However, we  decided to disclose it taking into consideration the fact that a third-party  committee pointed out that the exclusion of the article from publication is  not appropriate.    We determined that it is appropriate  the 3 articles in the opinion columns including “KOE”, “RONDAN”, and “My  critique on newspaper articles” that are contributed by outsiders, should  remain undisclosed on newspaper.   All the articles cited above shall not  be deleted from the database (where readers can view previous articles of The  Asahi Shimbun), but instead, a note shall be included to inform readers  that the testimonies given by Seiji Yoshida were evaluated as false.
(December 23, 2014, p37 Morning paper, Tokyo Headquarters, The Asahi Shimbun)
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  In-house News and Messages
This page contains announcements by The Asahi Shimbun and articles related to such matters as its coverage of the “comfort women” issue and the “Yoshida testimony,” some articles of which the Asahi has retracted.
  A report by a third-party committee on the Asahi’s past coverage on “comfort women”
Regarding Asahi’s coverage of Yoshida Testimony
PRC: Asahi lacked fair, accurate reporting on Yoshida testimony (11/12)
Summary of views of Press and Human Rights Committee (11/12)
Asahi to establish public editor system under action plan (1/5)
Regarding Asahi’s coverage of ‘comfort women’ issue
Asahi to reform its news gathering in response to examination of past 'comfort women' coverage (12/26)
Asahi Shimbun president: We will review reporting and checking system (12/22)
Asahi president responds to questions about panel's report on past 'comfort women' coverage (12/26)
Third-party panel gives 3 assessments on international influence of Asahi's coverage on comfort women issue (12/23)
Asahi president: Company will sincerely implement wide-ranging recommendations (12/27)
Third-party panel criticizes delay in retracting 'comfort women' articles over Yoshida testimony (12/23)
Asahi third-party panel says neglecting erroneous articles on 'comfort women' coverage 'betrayed readers' (12/22)
  For a period of 14 years from 1980 to 1994, The Asahi Shimbun has posted a total of 18 articles relating to the alleged forcible transportation of comfort women. The newspaper finally retracted all 18 articles on December 23, 2014, 34 years after the first publishment of the related article. There were many readers during the 34 years who had believed that the articles posted on The Asahi Shimbun were true, when in fact, they were not. The “former leader of a mobilization unit” referred to in the snippet of the Asahi Shimbun article dated September 2, 1982 was about a man, Seiji Yoshida, who told lie after lie.
  During the period of 34 years, the articles reporting that “the Japanese had forcibly taken away Korean women to have them serve as comfort women” were read and received as truth all around the world. Some UN-related organizations as well as state and city assemblies in the United States that took the articles as truth voted to condemn Japan. Then somewhere along the line, the number of comfort women being reported as “forcibly transported” swelled to as many as 200,000. As of 2020, even after the articles were retracted as being false, many unforgiving people still believe the false information that “the Japanese had forcibly taken away Korean women to have them serve as comfort women” and demand compensation and an apology from the Japanese government.
  Can everything be forgiven if The Asahi Shimbun retracted the articles as false only 34 years later and after putting Japan in this position? How will the immense shame brought to Japan and the Japanese people be remedied?
  The only way that The Asahi Shimbun can be excused for posting the false articles 18 times may be for them to at least post articles on the newspaper to announce the retraction of the same articles 18 times in the same way, with the same scale, in the same posting position, and in the same manner of posting as the original articles.
  Especially influential was a memorandum explaining the terms that was published in conjunction with an article headlined, “Comfort Stations: Documents Show Military Involvement” prior to then Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa’s visit to South Korea for the Japan-Korea summit. The description was as follows: “Comfort women: In the 1930s, there were many cases of rape by Japanese soldiers in China, so comfort stations were established to suppress anti-Japanese sentiment and prevent sexually transmitted diseases. According to the testimonies of ex-soldiers and military doctors, about 80% of the women who worked there were Koreans from the beginning of such facilities. When the Pacific War began, Korean women were forcibly taken in under the name of “volunteer corps”. The number is said to be between 80,000 and 200,000.” (Asahi Shimbun, January 11, 1992, morning edition, front page). This memo article contains errors and inaccuracies.
  It is true that the Asahi Shimbun was the most prolific in reporting on comfort women, including these errors and inaccuracies.
  However, the Asahi Shimbun has won several court cases regarding these reports. In one case, the court denied a request for the newspaper to publish an apology ad because it did not recognize the defamation of ordinary Japanese people who had sued the newspaper, claiming that the article targeted the former Japanese armed forces and government and not the plaintiffs. In another case, the high court ruled that the Asahi Shimbun's coverage of the comfort women was “not sufficient to find that it played a major role” in influencing the international community.
  Then, who spread false information about the comfort women to the world?
  Although the trial did not hold the Asahi Shimbun responsible for its false reporting, this does not eliminate South Korea's condemnation of Japan and its demand for an apology and reparations, nor does it erase its false record-keeping at the United Nations human rights body.
  Moreover, Kiyoshi Nishikawa, former section head of the Department of Interior in Gangwon Province, who was in charge of maintaining the peace of Gangwon Province, testified in Last testimony of official in the Government-General of Chosen that there is no way it was possible to forcibly take away young women. There were no incidents of kidnapping young women in Gangwon Province with a population of 1,571,502 (according to “Yearbook 1941 of Government-General of Chosen”). If such a serious incident had happened in his assigned area, it would have been highly unlikely not to have Mr. Nishikawa’s involvement. Thus, we believe as a fact that there was no single incident of kidnapping young women in the peaceful Gangwon Province.
  Similarly, if even a single young woman was taken away in other provinces, such “kidnapping” would have been a serious incident since the Korean Peninsula was calm and quiet with no bombing attack by U.S. forces or no demand of compulsory contribution of goods.
  For your reference, the female population ranging from infants to the elderly in Jeju Island as of 1944 is estimated to be about 150,000. Under such circumstances, who and how in the world can as many as 200,000 women be taken away, as some people are alleging, to have them serve as comfort women or sex slaves?
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masked-buffoon · 3 years
Chapter 2: Twisted (Part 4)
Warnings: none...? (enjoy it for now XD)
Author notes: a kind of transition... More action in the next part, I promise!
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Dazai-san's office was quiet when I entered, without bothering to knock on the door. It was not yet the middle of the afternoon, and the warm sun rays shone through the imposing bays, bathing the room with bright light. I sat down on the couch and contemplated how peaceful it was without my superior, before demanding my mind to come up with a plan to erase the slave trading company from the world. The orders given by the higher ups of the organisation had been clear; I could not let these people run free, for they had betrayed their contract with us and deserved to pay for our losses. In a way, the whole Port Mafia worked like an enterprise, a business, except it was led by a ruthless man who commanded countless armed men ready to kill on a single word from him. I sighed and closed my eyes. Ambushing them would be quite a difficult task. The location of the warehouse made it impossible to surround with the men and there was a single entrance, heavily guarded. Inside were stored the slaves, from different origins, whom I ideally wanted to spare from the fire, so launching a massive and blind attack was also not an option. Going all out for them in the open was not a wise plan, and I thought eliminating them from the inside was a much better strategy. As such, I had ordered the investigation team to gather information about Samejima Seiji that we could use against him.
For the moment, I could simply rest in the serene atmosphere of the empty office, without worrying about being beaten up by my whimsical executive. Erasing an entire organisation... I was not sure I could do this within a single night, just like Dazai-san and his partner, Nakahara-san, had done some time ago. This achievement had given them the title of sōkoku, double black, the strongest and most feared duo of the underground. I did not possess my superior's extraordinary foresight and intelligence, nor was I half as strong as Nakahara-san. His gravity manipulation ability was made for combat, it was undeniable, whereas mine... I did not even know how it could prove useful, considering I could not even control it. I was worthless, and deserving of the executive looking down at me. At least, if I could succeed this mission on my own, I would perhaps make sure he would not slap me upon returning by the end of the week.
A knock interrupted my train of thoughts and I groaned an annoyed "come in", much like Dazai-san each time someone would bring in a new pile of paperwork. It was Taneda-kun, the subordinate I had scolded in the torture room.
"Ogawa-san... I am there to bring you the intel we gathered about Samejima Seiji." He timidly said, putting the documents on the table in front of me.
"That's a thin file..." I grimaced before sighing.
"The man isn't very interesting..." He conceded "Shall I leave you alone?"
"Please." I nodded.
Once the door closed, I took a look at the information I had requested. There was not much, indeed, nothing exploitable at the very least. He did not even have a family I could have used to lure him into a trap, and despite being able to hack into his offshore accounts, stealing his money would not erase his organisation. As I was thinking about a strategy, at least a dozen of ships all around the world was transporting his slaves, which would bring in another tremendous amount of money. The fact he liked tennis was useless for the Port Mafia as well. The only thing I could use was his lewd tastes for women, but being the head of a slave trading company, he could surely have all the women he wanted for his personal pleasure. Finally, I came to believe it would be easier to drop a bomb on the warehouse and make them disappear all at once.
Once again, a knock disturbed me and, frankly annoyed, I stood up to open the door myself.
"I asked to be left alone —" I started grumbling before cutting myself "Oh. Yamada-san."
"I'm equally pleased to see you, Ogawa-kun. There is someone on the line who requests to talk to you." He gave me his most contemptuous look.
"I have a phone. Why didn't that person call me directly?" I crossed my arms.
"It is rather urgent, so I would appreciate that you do not ask any questions. For my and your sake." He replied curtly.
I was forced to follow him in the corridor, toward his office. It was fancier than Dazai-san's, heavily decorated with luxuries he would not be able to afford, did he not occupy such an important position in the Port Mafia. Without waiting for him to suggest it, I took a seat in front of the desk. He handed me the phone.
"Ogawa Yōko." I introduced myself "I was told you wanted to talk to me."
"Yes, indeed."
My blood froze in my vessels and my hand started shaking uncontrollably as I struggled to keep holding the phone. It could not be... I breathed out and tried to calm myself down. I could not let him hear how frightened I was.
"Dazai-san." I clenched my jaw "What would you want from me?"
"Tell Yamada to leave us alone." He ordered.
I did as told and, as the door closed, brought the phone back to my ear.
"I heard you interrogated a prisoner earlier. Is that right?"
"It is." I nervously tapped my finger against the desk "I gave my written report to Yamada-san and ordered an investigation on Samejima Seiji, the leader of the slave trading company we are after. I also obtained the location of their headquarters."
"I know the details, the report was sent to my mailbox." He stated, making me frown "Which is why I know the man was released. What I want to know is why. You are perfectly aware that we don't let them go."
"I judged he did not need to die and simply made sure he disappeared from Japan." I answered concisely.
"You are a fool for thinking he could be harmless." He scolded me, rather harshly despite his poised tone "Now that he is gone, we can't even know if he isn't going to inform his boss, and any plan we can make won't change the fact we lost the upper hand of surprise effect...!"
I sighed, slightly.
"The man chose China to start his new life with his wife and future child. I made sure they were escorted by our men from Tokyo to Beijing, and also personally called our contact within the Chinese embassy to provide them with a new identity, which means we can find them anytime. Besides, I do not think he would even try to go against us... Not after how I threatened him in the torture room." I explained.
"Oh? And how did you threaten them, Ogawa-kun?" He sounded more curious than angry.
"Oxytocin." I said, staring at a painting on the wall "With his pregnant wife at my mercy, obviously. Then, I crippled him by shooting a bullet in his hip. I made sure to send them a souvenir from their stay among us as well, to remind them we are watching."
"Excellent." He somewhat chuckled at the other side of the line "It seems I was wrong for worrying. Yamada only mentioned you had released our prisoner in the wild, after all, I could not help wanting to question you about your clumsy mistake."
"I understand..." I relaxed a bit "But my report contained everything I told you, including the methods of torture and details about their release... You said you had received it in your mailbox... But it was a handwritten version I had submitted to Yamada-san."
"Is that so? Perhaps I should have a talk with him, then... Anyway, I entrust you with taking care of that company, so no matter what that second in command says, you have free reins." He declared "Try not to disappoint, this time."
"Of course, Dazai-san." I accepted his orders.
Having been officially appointed to the task, I left the office of Yamada-san, not without a slight smirk as I gave him the phone back. Our superior wanted to have a few words with him about the reporting incident, and if he had expected that his false report would have doomed me, his lie would actually get him quite a lecture. However, I knew that he would not be demoted, because Dazai-san needed a stupid pawn he could move as he wished. The greedy man was the perfect tool for that motive, easily controlled and manipulated, quick to kiss up the higher ups and too nearsighted to see he was being played with. Quickly, I made my way back toward the executive's office, the only place where I could focus properly without being disturbed. There was no point in launching an attack on the organisation, we would have to kill them from the inside. I could still exploit his weakness for women and attempt to seduce him — I had been taught by Ane-san herself — but seeing as I lacked many feminine attributes, I would not even be able to get a glance from him. Disguising myself as a slave disgusted me, for I had been in their stead only a few months ago and entering the company undercover sounded like a waste of time. They were not that powerful, it was only the location of the warehouse which made it complicated. Then, I had an idea. Slaves were captured to be sold. As much as I despised this business, it was one of the Port Mafia's most important income, a market a powerful organisation like us could not neglect. Slaves were sent overseas, of course, but there were auctions in Yokohama as well. I had been the product of one of them, so I knew for sure such events occurred. I had seen different kinds of brands on many girls' skin, marking them for life as properties, and I recalled that particular company had been present as well. I only needed to know if they were to participate in another auction soon, or if there was a way to invite them to a scheduled one. Once everything would be settled, it would be my turn to infiltrate the event.
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Esse filme conta a história de Shoya Ishida, um bully, e Shoko Nishimiya, uma menina com um tipo de deficiência auditiva. A história começa quando Shoko Nishimiya chega na escola nova e apesar de no início os outros colegas terem curiosidade sobre a situação dela, logo começam a entender que ela era diferente e a maltratam. Um dos garotos que sempre insistia era Shoya, que constantemente implicava com a menina chegando até a extremos físicos. Porém, anos depois, quando ele e todos os seus colegas (que também o apoiavam) percebem que o que faziam era errado, Shoya se vê em uma situação onde ele era a “vitima”.
Minha opinião (sem spoilers): Sem dúvida é um dos filmes mais incríveis que eu já vi, a forma como a história se desenvolve não forçando o relacionamento dos personagens. Não é apenas uma história sobre bullying, apesar de ser um ponto bem forte do filme, é também uma história de empatia, nos lembra que quando somos crianças não temos ideia do que estamos fazendo ou das consequências dos nossos atos. Sem contar as várias vezes que o expectador consegue se encontrar no filme, tanto no passado quando os mostra crianças que apenas fazem besteiras para poderem se encaixar em grupos sociais, quanto nas cenas do presente, onde os personagens são adolescentes e conseguem de certa forma, identificar seus próprios erros e aprender com eles. Não é só um filme bonitinho, com uma história sobre superação que poderia passar na Disney, é algo que acredito que as crianças deveriam ver para poderem entender sobre suas próprias atitudes. (Lembre-se de ver a classificação indicativa!)
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Uma adolescente chamada Makoto Kono em seu terceiro ano do ensino médio passa por eventos estranhos até que descobre que ela tem a capacidade de viajar através do tempo.Com o tempo, ela tenta usar esse novo poder para sua vantagem e como meio de ajudar o presente, mas logo descobre que a manipulação do tempo pode levar a grandes consequências.
Minha opinião (sem spoilers): Uma das coisas coisas que mais me chamou atenção foi com certeza a personagem principal, ela não meiga e dócil, ela é destemida e foi muito bem desenvolvida durante o filme. Particularmente, não achei a história muito original e o final não foi algo que me agradou muito, mas sinceramente, já era o tipo de final que eu esperava. Apesar disso, você fica tão envolvido com os personagens e nessa mistura de ficção científica com comédia, ação e romance que se tornam algo muito cativante e divertido. Realmente, é um excelente filme.
A história se passa em Yokohama em 1963 e acompanha Umi Matsuzaki, uma menina que vive em uma pensão e acaba conhecendo Shun Kazama, um menino membro de um clube escolar. Entretanto, a sede do clube é ameaçada de demolição, fazendo com que Umi e Shun se unam para tentar fazer com que um empresário local reconsidere a decisão. Um filme que mostra uma grande parte da história do Japão e a importância das bandeiras estendidas pelas causas as quais as pessoas da época lutavam. Sem contar a quantidade de personagens carismáticos e divertidos que se encontram no filme.
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Minha opinião (sem spoiler): Não me lembro da última vez em que eu vi um filme onde eu gostasse de todos os personagens, a forma como cada um, seja o principal ou apenas uns que tinha apenas duas falas, foram representados e criados de uma forma tão natural e divertida que é impossível não se apegar. A animação em si não é uma das melhores mas quase não é reparado isso, você fica tão envolvido com o roteiro que por um momento você esquece que é um filme. Ele traz a força que os jovens tem para mudar o que está acontecendo no mundo, mesmo que os adultos não escutem ou achem bobo. Sem contar os momentos românticos que te deixam com o coração na mão torcendo para que eles consigam resolver os seus problemas e fiquem juntos. Studio Ghibli, obrigada por esse e por muitos outros filmes dessa lista♥️
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A história nos apresenta Hana, uma universitária que se casa com um lobisomem e tem filhos com ele. Porém, ele morre de forma misteriosa a obrigando a cuidar de seus filhos metade lobos e tentar interagi-los na sociedade sem que o seu segredo seja revelado. Um filme lindo e emocionante, que mostra a força de vontade materna e a dificuldade em criar os filhos para o mundo e de certa forma os proteger dele.
Minha opinião (sem spoilers): A primeira coisa que eu fiz depois de ver esse filme foi abraçar a minha mãe. Uma história que te faz chorar várias vezes ao longo do roteiro e que nos faz perceber a forma como as mães se sacrificam pelos filhos. Ele faz uma boa mistura de fantasia com realidade, com uma carga bem sentimental, sem ser piegas, e estes dois aspectos são combinados com perfeição neste anime lindíssimo. Apesar de eu ter chorado várias vezes ao longo da história, não é um filme depressivo, na verdade você se sente bem em como todas as coisas acontecerem, simplesmente te dar um ar de: É, é a vida. E a história também conta com vários momentos cômicos sendo nos apresentados pelas crianças-lobo.
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Esse filme sem dúvida dispensa apresentações. Mas é sempre bom lembrar porque sempre tem um perdido. Aqui,te apresento a melhor criação do Studio Ghibli, vencedor do Oscar de melhor animação em 2003. A viagem de Chihiro.
uma menina de dez anos que se encontra em mudança junto com a sua família. Para economizar tempo, seu pai toma um atalho, porém acabam perdidos e chegam a um estranho túnel. Ao atravessá-lo, a família se depara com um povoado abandonado; os pais da jovem encontram um restaurante e decidem comer alguns alimentos ali deixados, enquanto que a menina vai investigar o lugar. Uma vez chegada a noite, ela se aterroriza ao ver que o povoado está cheio de espíritos. Tentando encontrar seus pais, descobre que eles foram transformados em porcos pela bruxa Yubaba (Natsuki). Com isso, a personagem tenta achar uma maneira de romper o feitiço, resgatar seus pais e retornar à vida humana, enquanto trabalha para a bruxa em sua casa de banhos termais.
Minha opinião (sem spoilers): Então kkk, o enredo em bem maluco e a história pode não fazer muito sentido no começo, mas eu garanto que é um filme muito bom. Esse foi o primeiro filme de anime que eu assisti e eu me lembro de ficar procurando por dois dias pra ver se teria uma continuação (ainda não desisti de dar sonho). Sinceramente, acho a Chihiro uma personagem incrivemente corajosa pra idade dela, além de ser bastante destemida. Uma das coisas que me surpreende nos filmes de anime é a capacidade de fazer crianças bem novas, serem legais. E a Chihiro é o tipo de criança que faz você querer ter sido amigo dela nessa idade, talvez por ela ser muito nova ela encare as coisas de um jeito diferente. Se eu estivesse no lugar dela, provavelmente eu iria enlouquecer. Mas talvez, seja mais fácil para uma criança “aceitar” uma realidade mágica, não questionar como ou porque as coisas acontecem com os feitiços e mesmo assim nada disso distrai ela do seu verdadeiro intuito. Salvar os seus pais. O filme tem uma animação perfeita, uma história perfeita, personagens perfeitos. Enfim, tudo perfeito. Então, assista! Vlw mais uma vez Studio Ghibli♥️
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As irmãs Satsuki e Mei se mudam para o campo para ficar mais perto do hospital onde sua mãe está internada. Lá conhecem os Totoros, adoráveis criaturas místicas e alegres, que só podem ser vistas pelas crianças. Com eles, as duas irmãs viverão mágicas aventuras no campo. Um filme que mostra uma relação ótima de família, principalmente de irmãs, sem contar a quantidade de personagens otimistas e a forma incrível como o filme dialoga com o público mesmo depois de tantos anos.
Minha opinião (sem spoilers): O filme mais antigo dessa lista... Mas também o mais good vibes e alegre também. Todas as coisas, desde o relacionamento das irmãs até a interação delas com esse mundo fantástico nos mostra a verdadeira beleza do filme, quase como uma válvula de escape. É um filme que te deixa realmente feliz, que te faz olhar pra um problema como *citando uma das críticas que eu vi sobre esse filme:O copo está meio cheio, mas não esquecemos que ele também está meio vazio*. Não ignoramos os problemas porque não é assim que eles vão embora, mas olhar eles de uma outra forma, talvez de uma forma mais infantil e inocente nós traga uma perspectiva que aquilo que parecia um monstro de sete cabeças, na verdade era só a sombra de roupa pendurada pendurada no armário. Se em crianças lobo nós vimos uma mãe incrível que cuida dos filhos, nos vemos um pai incrível que cuida sozinho de suas duas filhas. Não deixando os problemas externos afetarem na sua relação com as filhas, mas as incentivando a explorar e acreditar. Esse filme realmente é uma obra prima, que nunca deve ser perdido com o tempo.
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Shizuku, uma estudante que sonha ser uma escritora e decide, durante o verão, ler vinte livros. Mas, curiosamente, todas as edições que Shizuki pegou na biblioteca já haviam sido lidas por um tal de Seiji Amasawa. No decorrer da história, ela descobre que um garoto que implicava com ela era o Seiji, que a essa altura já o chava de Príncipe do livros, em seus sonhos.
Minha opinião (sem spoilers): É muito difícil fazer e/ou achar um enredo realmente bom pra esse filme, normalmente isso é algo que eu levaria em consideração, já que essa é a forma que o filme nos é mostrado. Mas, eu assisti esse filme por recomendação (não me importando com o enredo péssimo) e por isso eu faço a mesma coisa pra vocês. Assistam Sussuros do Coração, esse foi o primeiro filme do Studio Ghibli (que a essa altura sabemos que o melhor estúdio de filmes animes). Esse filme nos mostra um gênero muito interessante no cinema, chamado de Slice of life. Ele é comum entre as animações japonesas e alguns dos filmes já citados nessa lista estão dentro desse gênero. Mas nenhum deles retrata isso tão bem quanto Sussuros do Coração. Slice of life aborda um ar mais mundano em suas histórias, que normalmente representa a vida pura e simples de seus personagens, enquanto eles seguem em sua rotina e passam por situações normais, presentes na vida da maioria dos seres humanos, como o amadurecimento, relacionamentos e ambientes familiares. É daí que vem seu nome (literalmente “pedaço de vida” em inglês). E isso aborda muito bem o que acontece nesse filme. Não tem nada épico, com grandes heróis ou um drama cativante.
É apenas uma jovem adolescente prestes a entrar no ensino médio. Ela experiencia situações comuns a garotas de sua idade, como sentimentos em relação a garotos, cansaço em relação aos estudos, e a dúvida que a permeia por todo o filme; como será seu futuro. No início eu me identifiquei muito com ela por causa disso (e também por ela ter uma compulsão por livros kkk) mas eu percebi que é algo que qualquer adolescente pode se identificar e talvez seja por isso que seja tão bom. Nós prendemos a grandes histórias mirabolantes, cheias de ação e de plost twist, que as vezes nos subestimamos o simples e o normal, quando na verdade, isso pode se tornar uma história maravilhosa. E Sussuros do Coração é a prova disso♥️.
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Miyo é uma jovem adolescente apaixonada por Hinode, um garoto com quem estuda. Na cabeça dela, os dois se conheceram no último festival de inverno e ele se declarara para ela. Só que há um detalhe: momentos antes de eles se encontrarem, Miyo, infeliz com sua vida, acabou comprando uma misteriosa máscara de gato, que realmente a transforma em gato. Então, o dia em que Hinode e ela se conheceram, Miyo era na verdade Taro, uma gata branca. E ela se encontra com Hinode (que pensa que ela é apenas uma gata de rua) todas as noites, passando horas com ele para depois voltar para sua casa.
Minha opinião (sem spoilers): Esse é um dos filmes mais bonitinhos que eu já vi, criada totalmente pela Netflix Japão e que me deixou ansiosa por meses, para conseguir superar minhas expectativas. Olhos de gato é um anime quase conto de fadas, e apesar de ser realmente algo muito bonito de ser ver, o filme trata de assuntos como: dificuldade dos jovens em comunicação (especialmente para falar seus sentimentos), a dissolução do núcleo familiar, a perda da identidade em função da pessoa querida, a pressão familiar em relação ao futuro dos jovens, o medo dos jovens de seguir o que o coração manda, e a facilidade da manipulação da cabeça dos adolescentes quando suas vidas não são satisfatórias. E apesar do início ser um pouco confuso, o filme ele da tempo de explicar e conseguir terminar sem pontas soltas. É realmente, uma história muito boa e que consegue ultrapassar suas expectativas.
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Ele abre o início de estação chuvosa em Tóquio. Takao Akizuki é um estudante de 15 anos que mata aulas para dedicar-se ao que mais gosta: desenhar sapatos, no jardim de Shinjuku Gyoen. É justamente nesse local, que ele encontra Yukari Yukino, uma misteriosa mulher de 27 anos. E os dois começam a conversar praticamente todos os dias de chuva e criam um relacionamento onde tentam se ajudar ao mesmo tempo que não interferem na vida um do outro.
Minha opinião (com spoiler: mas por um bom motivo): Uma das coisas que me incomodou muito durante o filme, é que havia uma atração amorosa entre os personagens, e apesar de eu entender que isso foi muito importante para ambos durante a história, ainda não me deixou mais confortável. O que acho que você precisa saber é que eles não se beijam, e nem tem nenhum tipo de relação amorosa física ou realmente explicita. Não quero dizer se eles terminam “juntos” ou não porque quero dar o menos de spoiler possível, mas o que você precisa saber é que ambos os personagens tem os seus problemas e tem essas questões mal resolvidas nas vidas deles, mas esse amor que sentem um pelo outro é o que dá força pra eles realmente começarem a correr atrás da sua própria felicidade. Então, assista o filme e você entenderá, e vai perceber quanto a história é fascinante e faz atribuições a várias realidades de muita pessoas, desde distúrbios alimentares a dificuldade de expressar as suas vontades porque elas parecem bobas ou não suficientes. É um filme que consegue ser simples e complexo, e de toda essa lista, é o que tem a animação mais bem feita.
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A história de Hotarubi no Mori e se foca em uma pequena garota chamada Hotaru. Ela se perde em uma floresta que popularmente é dita como uma floresta em que se reside vários espirítos. Na floresta Hotaru se depara com um jovem utilizando uma máscara de raposa. Ele se diz um espirito com uma maldição que no momento que um humano tocá-lo ele irá desaparecer. Não é um filme fácil de assistir, acredito que ele cause muitas emoções, mas acho que todos deveriam assitir pelo menos uma vez Hotarubi no Mori.
Minha opinião (sem spoilers): Pra mim, esse filme é obra de arte. De todos que eu citei esse é meu filme de anime favorito. Não é um filme fácil de assistir e nem algo que vai conseguir te satisfazer no final. Mas a obra em si e a forma como ela é desenvolvida a tornam o suficiente pra ela ser perfeita. Não posso dizer o porque dele não poder ser tocado por humanos e usar uma máscara,já que isso seria um spoiler, mas posso dizer que o desenrolar da história nos leva a revelações incríveis e nos mostra que amar demais as vezes pode sufocar uma pessoa. Além disso, a animação nos faz perceber que relações e sentimentos não são criados apenas no toque, mas em uma abertura do coração. Nos mostra que conversar com uma pessoa é mais importante do que ela realmente é por fora. E eu sei que todo mundo já conhece esse clichê de: “Ah não se pode julgar um livro pela capa, nem as pessoas pela aparência e blá blá blá” mas sabemos que na realidade não é assim. Nós vivemos em uma sociedade onde a aparência e a atração são mais importantes do que a essência de cada pessoa. O fato de você ser gordo demais ou magro demais, irá interferir na sua vida, assim como outros aspectos na sua aparência. Mas ver em um filme como esse, chegar a conclusão de que um amor e um relacionamento tão bonito assim pode existir– e realmente existem– nós deixa em paz com o mundo e com nós mesmos de uma forma inacreditável. Eu chorei com esse filme e choro todas as vezes que eu assisto esse filme. Mas eu fico feliz por enteder o que ele diz, entender o que o criador queria dizer. E acredito que sou uma pessoa melhor por acreditar no que ele diz. Nunca pensei que um filme de apenas 30 minutos fosse me tocar tanto, nem me fazer chorar. Mas ele é realmente merecedor de todos os aplausos de um público emocionado igual seria a um longa metragem num cinema.
Todos esses filmes estão na Netflix, exceto por Hotarubi No Mori e O Jardim Das Palavras(YouTube). Espero que tenham gostado😁♥️
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