ragazzoarcano · 1 year
“Ti sto parlando come se ti conoscessi da secoli.
Accade sempre così
quando due si capiscono.”
— Ernest Hemingway
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esperimentox · 4 months
💡 QUAL è la corrispondenza tra anni e secoli? #maestra #scuolaelementare...
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besthousereview · 1 year
12 Best Wood Slat Bed Frames of 2023 - According to Experts
Looking for the best wood slat bed frame? Our post will provide you with all the information you need to find the best fit.
With this post, you'll save time and make sure that you're getting the best one at great value.
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marcoferrara1971 · 2 years
Pratola Peligna 4. Storia. Si suppone che in epoca romana vi sorgesse uno sconosciuto pagus (villaggio) peligno, che avrebbe partecipato con Corfinium alla guerra sociale contro Roma nel 91 a.C., ma mancano ritrovamenti che ne provino l'esistenza. Una tomba del VI secolo, con corredo ostrogoto, attesta l'esistenza di un insediamento, forse coincidente con la località Fara de Campiliano, citata nei documenti dei secoli successivi...
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crosmataditele · 7 months
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Orazio e Pete
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alexjcrowley · 10 months
You know what I am fucking tired of inly talking of anglophone media on here
I am URGING everybody who see this post to watch the I Can Quit Whenever I Want trilogy (in italian: Smetto quando voglio) and I am going to convince you to watch it because it's hilarious and it's good and its only sin is not being an american/british product. (Also I found out there's a Spanish movie inspired by it, but I am talking about the italian trilogy).
Take Breaking Bad. A college neurobiologist professor desperately needs money, so he decides to start making drugs. Because he is a genius, though, he creates the formula of a new drug that, being new, isn't technically illegal. You follow me?
Okay, now let's give it a Ocean's 11 twist. To create and sell these drugs, Neurobiologist Professor needs the help of a few friends. These friends are all brilliant laureates, with several PhDs, who, due to corrupt state of Italian academia, are forced into minum wage jobs: you got two latinists working at a gas station, a chemist washing dishes at a Chinese restaurant, an anthropologist pretending to be an ignorant so he will get hired for low-budget jobs (yes, him having a degree in anthropology is actually making it harder for him to be hired), an archaeologist who supervises road work and, my personal favourite, an econmic professor who loses more than wins money at poker.
They're a bunch of disillusioned adults, well in their 40s, who were brilliant and were let down by their country's academia, that hires people based on political affiliation and recommendations rather than actual merits. All they're trying to do is better their pretty miserable lives and fuck the system that fucked them.
And that's just the premise of the first movie. It's a comedy, it's a mafia movie, it's a Shawshank Redemption parody, you got drugs, objectively badass villains, political humour, chases, jumping from moving trains, more and more wild characters adding up (all with their special academic field, you might as well create your OC based on your major). It's like if Guy Ritchie directed Breaking Bad but all of the characters were played by the male cast of The Office.
The third movie is one of the few movies that made me cry not at the end, but at the start. I don't even wanna spoil but there's a story of friendship and revenge for the ages. I could talk about it all day.
I want to be honest, these three movies aren't very politically correct- and I use the expression in a positive way. Sadly there are some stereotypes portrayed in the movies (the first especially), but I still think they're very valid products.
So please, please, even if it's not in English, give it a try. You won't regret it. Here's the link to watch it (there are subtitles in a lot of language on this site, not just english)
Here you got the trailer
And here is the way the movie starts, I translated it in English.
"In Italy, a drug to be defined as such must be registered in the list of illegal molecules of the Ministry of Health. Cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, methadone, ecstasy and roughly 200 other molecules are part of that list. If a molecule is not in that table then you can produce it, you can take it, but above all you can sell it. At 24 I graduated in neurobiology with honors, I have a master's degree in computational neuroscience and one in molecular dynamics. In recent months I have formed a gang that manages a turnover of hundreds of thousands of euros, I am accused of manufacturing and dealing in drugs, armed robbery, kidnapping and attempted murder. My name is Pietro Zinni... and I'm a university researcher."
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istoowrong · 4 months
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viendiletto · 4 months
“Parla di Sgarbi anche il NYT oddio che vergogna per l’Ital-” la quasi totalità delle opere antiche nei musei statunitensi è rubata.
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der-papero · 1 year
Team: Antonio, potresti integrare il nostro tool nel tuo plugin VSCode? Io: ma certo! quali output ha il vostro tool? Team: beh, vediamo, esporta in file testo, in un formato binario proprietario, in un ... Io: c'è per caso un output JSON? Mi verrebbe molto comodo! Team: MA OVVIAMENTE! Io: uaaaa perfetto, mi aiuta tantissimo, risparmiamo tanto lavoro e viene un prodotto migliore! Team: Perfetto!!
Faccio una prova, e ottengo questo:
{ "output": [ .... .... .... ] }
Io che li richiamo:
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buscandoelparaiso · 8 months
ma io il finale della terza stagione di gomorra non me lo meritavo
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deathshallbenomore · 2 years
in un mondo di gente insospettabile che fa coming out come monarchica dinanzi alla morte del monarca di un altro paese, io sono quella che ride coi memini sui procioni depressi. in questo frangente i’m not like other girls (gn)
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evadingreallife · 10 months
Another year another comix school joke
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hiberno · 10 months
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gregor-samsung · 1 year
“ Nell’anno 2030 la federazione asiatica comprendeva la maggior parte di quel continente dalla Siria alle Indie ed alla China. Le maggiori varietà di stirpi e di lingue e di razze vi si incontravano per l’eguale ricchezza di agricoltura, di industria e di scienza pratica. La strada ferrata corse quell’anno la prima volta da Stoccolma a Pechino e da Pietroburgo a Calcutta. Allora si pensò ad un congresso di tutti i popoli del mondo, cioè delle tre gran federazioni: l’europea, l’americana e l’asiatica. Quel congresso si raccolse a Costantinopoli sotto la presidenza di Adolf Kurr e trattò tutte le quistioni che interessavano il bene dell’umanità. Prima di ogn’altro si discusse quella della scienza. E il presidente stesso, sorto con una lunga orazione a provare che la moltitudine e malvagità dei libri aveva prodotto infin allora la diversità delle classi e le più perniciose rivoluzioni, propose la distruzione universale di essi libri; dopoché una società di dotti ne avrebbero ricavato un indice enciclopedico. Il che fu fatto a gran vantaggio degli uomini. E poi dopo molte altre deliberazioni di senno altissimo, il congresso si sciolse proclamando Adolfo Kurr gran patriarca del mondo e benefattore del genere umano. Questi contava allora ottant’anni di età, e morì tre anni dopo, e gli successe per libera elezione Samuele Dalnegro di Pisa, economista celebratissimo. “
Ippolito Nievo, Storia filosofica dei secoli futuri, Carlo Mancosu editore (collana Lo Scrigno n° 6), Roma, 1993; pp. 71-72.
[1ª Edizione originale: 1860]
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stoportotouch · 2 years
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🎉 he's suffering! 🎉
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omarfor-orchestra · 1 year
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