gravityrooom · 1 month
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aradxan · 2 years
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AlexBack @ReziztenCIA666 Replying to @ReziztenCIA666 @Ivangarme and 21 others #EEUU💥#OPIOIDES @StateDeptSpox @StateDept @SecBlinken @BarackObama @HillaryClinton @_VicenteSerrano El presidente @lopezobrador_ insistió en la prepotencia, arrogancia y la forma en que los republicanos quieren sacar raja política con el caso Matamoros. youtu.be/6g9EzHuRhZI
#EEUU💥#OPIOIDES @StateDeptSpox @StateDept @SecBlinken @BarackObama @HillaryClinton @_VicenteSerrano El presidente @lopezobrador_ insistió en la prepotencia, arrogancia y la forma en que los republicanos quieren sacar raja política con el caso Matamoros. https://t.co/N87Ul9lvmy pic.twitter.com/0PkMYfVlck
— Alex Back (@ReziztenCIA666) March 10, 2023
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zahrabasiri · 1 year
Could I ask you guys to do a favour for me? I don't know if you've heard it or not but there is some news going on that our protests have succeeded and morality police has been shut down. This is a half truth. And half-truths are worse than lies. Let me explain.
While it's true that it has been "shut down" (at least in theory) it's nothing to celebrate about. As it's just a strategy to calm the people (the gullible ones at least) and show themselves as good people to the outside world. As soon as they feel the protests are dying down they will bring it back tenfold.
Hijab is still a law in the constitution. You will still not be serviced anywhere if you're not a hijabi. there are still polices and extremists who will crackdown and arrest women who are not wearing their hijab. So just because the morality police is disbanded doesn't mean that there is a freedom to choose at all.
Furthermore, simply the shutdown of the morality police is NOT the Iranian people's goal In these protests. We don't just want the morality police gone. We want THE ENTIRE REGIME gone.
So I want you guys to once again be our voices and let everyone know that this war is still not done, and ask them to not turn their attention away from us. I will now copy and paste the text you will need to tweet (or you can use your own words) and the organizations you need to tag. Remember the hashtag #mahsa amini as well.
*Some international news sites are talking about the Iranian people winning the revolution because the morality police has stopped working. The work of morality police has not been stopped and only its name has been changed*
*This is a PR move by the regime to quiet the upcoming nationwide protests. After 3 months of violence, rape, imprisonment & murder of protesters, it’s too little too late. This uprising is no longer just about draconian dress codes. The Iranian people want democracy.*
@wolfblitzer @ABaerbock @CNNPolitics @CNN @cnnbrk @CNBC @Europarl_EN
Please do not turn your attention away from us. Do not allow them to slaughter us in silence.
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Carlos Latuff: Bombing of Al-Ahli Arab Hospital couldn't be possible without the US "ironclad commitment" to Israel.
Congratulations @POTUS @JoeBiden @SecBlinken you're funding the genocide in #Gaza.
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stationnn · 4 months
نحن بصف فلسطين ولن نستسلم حتى تتحرر".. رسالة مؤثرة من ‎#أمريكية إلى فلسطين، تؤكد فيها تضامن كثير من الأمريكيين معها على الرغم من الموقف الرسمي الداعم لإسرائيل في حربها على غزة.
‎#ابو_عبيدة ‎#ابوعبيده ‎#إسرائيل_إرهابية ‎#الاباده_الجماعيه ‎#القبة_الحديدية ‎#اليمن ‎#جنوب_افريقيا ‎#جنود_الاحتلال ‎#حرب_غزة ‎#حلل_يا_دويري ‎#خان_يونس ‎#خانيونس ‎#طوفان_الاقصى ‎#غزة ‎#غزة_الآن ‎#غزة_العزة ‎#غزة_تستغيث ‎#غزة_تنتصر ‎#غزه_تقاوم ‎#غزه_مقبرة_الدبابات ‎#فلسطين ‎#فلسطين_حرة ‎#فلسطين_قضيتنا ‎#كتائب_القسام ‎#ولعت ‎#رفح_تحت_القصف
‎#FreePalestine ‎#Gaza ‎#Gazabombing ‎#Hamas ‎#IsraeliNewNazism ‎#Isreal_is_ISIS ‎#IsrealiTerrorist ‎#IsrealiWarCrimes ‎#PalestineGenocide ‎#Netanyahu_A_criminal_of_war ‎#IsraelGazaWar ‎#HumanRights ‎#Palestine ‎#AlJazeera ‎#GazaHospital ‎#CNN ‎#BBC ‎#IsraelTerrorism ‎#CeaseFireInGaza ‎#TerroristIsraeliForce ‎#EthnicCleansingOfPalestine ‎#GazaHolocaust
We are on Palestine's side and will not surrender until it is free" This is a touching message from #American to Palestine, emphasizing the solidarity of many Americans with her despite the official position supporting Israel in its war on Gaza.
@ABC @almaniadiplo @amanpour @AmnestyAR @ANCYLhq @antonioguterres @benshapiro @Bundeskanzler @cgtnarabic @chedetofficial @clashreport @CNNPolitics @drfahrettinkoca @EmineErdogan @EmmanuelMacron @EP_President @fahrettinaltun @FoxNews @GermanyDiplo @hrw @iascch @ICRC @IntlCrimCourt @JPN_PMO @JustinTrudeau @KamalaHarris @khamenei_ir @KimJongUnArabic @KremlinRussia_E @Min_JCS @mog_china @Myanc @NBCNewsWorld @NewsNow4USA @Pontifex @POTUS @RishiSunak @RonaldLamola @RTErdogan @SecBlinken @SecDef @SpokespersonCHN @TheEconomist @TheUKAr @trthaber @UN @UNGeneva @UNICEF @UNWatch
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marykk1990 · 5 months
My next post in support of Ukraine is:
Next site, since all of Ukraine is under another huge attack from terrorist muscovy, I'm just going to share a few pics of 4 metro stations. 1st pic, Kyiv. 2nd pic, Kharkiv. 3rd pic, Lviv. (I've been advised that the 4th pic isn't Odesa. It popped up when I was looking for images of a Ukrainian metro for Odesa, so apologies for my mistake. I guess it is in another country. Thank you, @samotnya, for the heads-up) These stations are filled with sheltering people now.
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I also just want to add how disappointed & infuriated I am that the so-called partners of Ukraine are still allowing terrorist muscovy to bombard Ukrainian cities back to the stone age. Especially with my own country, POTUS, SecBlinken, SecDef, & JakeSullivan46
Слава Україні 🇺🇦
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ahaura · 7 months
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(Nov. 13)
@theCCR: BREAKING: Palestinians are suing @POTUS, @SecBlinken, & @SecDef to stop U.S. support for Israel’s unfolding genocide, asking a U.S. Court to enforce the most basic & important legal—and moral—obligation in the world – preventing genocide. Read more: [Link]
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a-person-on-earth · 4 months
Dr. Omar Suleiman on X: "This is insanity. The amount of people walking around in every mosque of America who have lost tens of relatives, and now Palestinian Americans from my community turning up dead and abducted. Where the hell are you @POTUS @SecBlinken? https://t.co/g1s8IXbgKx" / X
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zvaigzdelasas · 10 months
[BBC is UK State Media]
The leaders gave the junta seven days to reinstate President Mohamed Bazoum, who is being held captive. Earlier, the junta warned it would resist any "plan of aggression against Niger" by regional or Western powers. Meanwhile hundreds of coup supporters protested outside the French embassy in the capital Niamey[...] "Such measures may include the use of force," and military chiefs are to meet "immediately" to plan for an intervention, the [ECOWAS] statement added.
30 Jul 23
I strongly welcome and support the leadership of ECOWAS Heads of State and Governments to defend constitutional order in Niger. The legitimate, democratically-elected government must be reinstated immediately.
@SecBlinken on Twitter, 30 Jul 23
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darkeagleruins · 1 month
Shanghai Communist party boss Chen Jining gave Blinken the ultimatum as they met at the start of his 3-day visit to the country.
“Whether China and the US choose cooperation or confrontation, it affects the well-being of both peoples, of nations, and also the future of humanity.”
Blinken is expected to give China his own ultimatum as the U.S tries to stop them from sending technology to Russia that can be used for weapons systems.
We all know that @secblinken made millions of dollars from China.
How do we know that?
Because former ODNI John Ratcliffe told us he did. If anyone would know for sure, it's the position of the ODNI to know that information.
We also know that China started donating heavily to UPENN when Joe Biden and Antony Blinken started their Think Tank at UPENN. Now we also know that everyone on Joe and Antony's UPENN, Chinese financed Think Tank has been given positions in the Biden administration from the Secretary of State all of the way through the Ambassador program.
That Blinken is in China AGAIN while Hamas is holding American hostages and the Iran gave up their Diplomatic Immunity so their country is fair game for a retaliatory attack if Iran's proxies step out of line, leaves only the imagination on why another trip to China by our Secretary of State was even necessary.
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itsmythang · 7 months
This is why
@SecBlinken is State Department Bae. Speak that French Secretary Antony Blinken AKA BAE!!!!!
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aradxan · 2 years
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reportsofawartime · 5 months
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@GonzaloLira1968さんのお父さんからメールが届きました。ゴンサロ・リラさんが亡くなった。彼は昨日2024年1月11日、ウクライナ時間の午後11時から12時の間にハリコフの病院で亡くなった。 米国政府は、米国人ユーチューバーが戦争を批判したとしてウクライナに逮捕され、死ぬまで放置されたことを容認した。それが彼の唯一の罪だった。彼は私たちの多くと同じことをし、最終的な代償を払いました。 YouTuber になるために命を犠牲にする必要はありません
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mkultra2030 · 7 months
@rtvenoticias @DebatAlRojoVivo
MONTAJE🇬🇧🇺🇸🇮🇱@EP_President @ZelenskyyUa🇺🇦#UCRANIA #WALKINGDEAD @joebiden🇺🇸@netanyahu🇮🇱
PUT000 VAMPIR0TRANZGENER0🤜@vonderleyen PUERK0ZKUL0Z🤜@ONU_ES @NATO-https://pic.twitter.com/lZ6dL5xIhk @SecBlinken
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Después que el presidente de #PALESTINA,MAHMOUD ABBAS se negara a recibir una llamada de @JOEBIDEN, ... ahora #EEUU e #ISRAEL , "discuten"instalar un GOBIERNO INTERINO.
EN #GAZA con el aval de la @ONU_ES. Pero que derecho tiene estos #genocidas decidir por los #palestinos?.. https://pic.twitter.com/uyLyZniY74
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