#seblaine au
seblaineaddict · 7 months
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You Kissed My Flaws...& Made Them Perfect
In a world where every single person has a Soulmate bearing their identical Soulmark and is bound by law to pursue a life with their Soulmate once located, Sebastian and Blaine are gay as a rainbow men from very different countries, who have never met....yet.
Sebastian Smythe is a charming, devilishly handsome (and doesn't he know it!) 30 year-old commitment-phobe still living in his native Paris, where he is an LGBTQ+ Rights Lawyer. He is highly promiscuous, enjoys the finer things in life, especially very expensive Wines and Spirits and First Edition Science Fiction novels, comes from old and new money, and is a bit of a risk taker, to boot.
As far as his 'love life' goes, he pretty exclusively prefers hookups and shuns anything serious, to which end he has never sought out his Soulmate. He really doesn’t see the point, is 100% against people being forced into 'unnatural' liaisons with someone they have never met, just because they share some unremovable (believe me he has tried to remove it - many times!) permanent Body Art that's branded into their skin.. somewhere...on their bodies, and he is determined to challenge, then ultimately overthrow, the Law that decrees you will become bound to your Soulmate from the very second you locate them.
29 year-old jaded (hopeless!) romantic Blaine Anderson is an equally gorgeous (though with a much more dapper and sweet side) Broadway star who lives in Upper Manhattan, New York, and is currently playing Elder Cunningham in The Book Of Mormon. He has had a similarly privileged upbringing to Sebastian, albeit in the US, and is not in the best place in himself. when our story begins
He (spectacularly!) failed to find his Soulmate after a long, long, long and arduous quest to do so, then gave up on men completely after his Fiancé Kurt, with whom he shared a tumultuous, unequal and in truth pretty freaking toxic six year long relationship, finally broke off their engagement. His heart is bruised and battered, and his self-esteem is in tatters, after Kurt slowly but surely eroded the very essence of Blaine and dulled the shine of everything about him that made him so unique and so vibrant….
...then fucked Blaine's co-star and ran off into the sunset with him…
What will happen when (via Grindr - of course!) these two polar opposites discover they are intrinsically and irreversibly linked? Can twin flames bound by law to meet, then pursue a life together, no matter how much the Fates seem to be weighted against them, make a go of things without killing each other in the process? Can an arranged (by law!) relationship ultimately beat the odds and lead to a happy ever after?
Well..you're going to have to read their story to find that out, but rest assured it will not be short on drama, heartache, pining, Angst, laughter, happiness, many hilarious and absolutely NOT so hilarious misunderstandings, and of course…a great deal of good old fashioned…
…hot sex! Oh, yes, and romance and Love of course, too! 😏😉
The unexpected news is - this is actually going to be turned into a fic! Yes..despite still having been unable to update my three ongoing Longfics, due to my increased commitments, I sat down last night to write a short bio to accompany this graphic, and..it took on arms and legs. So yes. A fic it shall become. Either a One-Shot or at most four chapters, but definitely a fic. Soon... And now that I have managed to make time to write, I'm determined to update my other three fics by New Year's Eve! 
Wishing everyone a fantastic 10 Days Of Seblaine, and also an amazing 12th (ahhhhh!) Seblainiversary on 8th November!
10 Days Of Seblaine 2023
6th November 2023 : Day 1: Soulmates/Soulmarks
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calsvoid · 2 months
i love a good one fell first the other fell harder ship but i refuse to believe that canon seblaine is like that alright they were both dopey and in love with each other during their friendship and just refused to talk about it okay and do i have any evidence to back this up not really but shut up they were both in love
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akfanficlove · 4 months
A 5-year-old Blaine can't contain his excitement about his Valentine's Day gift for his new best friend Sebastian. After hours that feel like days that feel like months, he's finally able to give him his present - only to he hit with a wave of disappointment when instead of smiling brightly, Sebastian frowns and scratches the back of his head. What does he mean, Valentine's not that big of a deal?
Read the whole story here ♥️
@seblaineworld thank you for organizing this Seblainintine's event 🙏
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endiness · 1 year
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NIGHTFLASH AU - villain!sebastian x hero!blaine | moving on was always easy for me to do. it hits different... it's different 'cause it's you.
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gleekingdom · 5 months
I'm looking for a seblaine rp where they are both young adults.
It would be interesting to make Dalton like a college but we don't gotta do that.
I'd just really like to rp one of my favorite ships with someone. Where they grow and learn from eachother.
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lusthurts · 5 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Glee Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Sebastian Smythe Characters: Sebastian Smythe, Blaine Anderson Additional Tags: Airports, Christmas, Infidelity, but it might not actually be infidelity, POV Sebastian Smythe, Journalist Sebastian Smythe, Reunions, Ten Years Later Summary:
It's December 2023, almost 10 years since the last time they spoke, and Blaine and Sebastian run into each other while stranded at the airport trying to catch flights home for the holidays. As they reminisce and get to know each other all over again through coffee, drinks, and the tension that's never left, they find something they've both missed for far too long.
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imogenlefay · 7 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Glee Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Sebastian Smythe Characters: Blaine Anderson, Sebastian Smythe Additional Tags: 10 days of Seblaine 2023, Day 10: I Want You Back, Season 6!AU, Depression, Hurt/Comfort Summary:
Season 6!AU. After being dumped, dropping out of college, and returning back to Ohio in shame, Blaine isn't sure how his life could ever take a turn for the better. Sebastian wants to change his mind.
Written for 10 Days of Seblaine, Day 10 aka final day. At this point thanks so much to @seblaineworld for organizing the megaevent! It's been a lot, but definitely worth the effort.
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pseudowoodo · 2 years
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And I'd have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling kids!
Scooby-Doo au: Sam and Blaine get really into the idea of ghost hunting and decide to set themselves up as teen detectives. Tina doesn’t wanna be left out so joins in to make sure they don’t die and Sebastian gets involved to fund the operation/make fun of them/spend more time with Blaine. They mostly solve mysteries by accident and the culprit is usually just Sue, but hey, it’s a fun way to spend senior year.
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jammie3132 · 7 months
Fandom: Glee Pairing: Blaine Anderson & Sebastian Smythe Summary: How Sebastian and Blaine met their daughter 10 Days of Seblaine 2023 Day 5: Parent AU Part 1 of Poppy's Little Angel Dedicated to @seblaineaddict
Back during the Great Warbler-New Directions Show Choir Feud of 2011-2012, if you asked Sebastian Smythe if he hated Kurt Hummel, you’d never receive a straight answer. He’d say something about how dogs within a 10-mile radius of Hummel singing need noise cancelling earphones or it was animal cruelty.
Or, how Hummel constantly looked constipated.
Or, Hummel should learn to count to 8 so maybe, just maybe, he could pretend to know how to dance.
However, he’d never say he hated Kurt Hummel because he didn’t. The boy fascinated him. What the hell kind of voodoo fairy magic did the guy possess to get someone as amazing as Blaine Anderson fall for him? It was impossible to understand…much like Hummel’s wardrobe choices.
Then in 2013 Sebastian Smythe watched Blaine Anderson propose to Kurt Hummel. That’s when he began to hate Kurt Hummel.
But today, almost a decade later, Sebastian Anderson-Smythe hated Kurt Hummel more than he had ever hated anything, including his father when he threatened to disown him for dropping out of Columbia. The SOB (Hummel, not his father…this time) had Blaine in court with yet another frivolous attempt to get money…aka, make their lives miserable because they had the audacity to get married when Blaine was his soulmate.
Yet he, Blaine’s husband and true soulmate, wasn’t allowed to be in court to support him. So, what if the first time he saw the delusional asshole after reconnecting with Blaine, Blaine and Sam basically had to tackle him so he didn’t punch him and get arrested? Although, watching Brittany smack and then verbally humiliate Hummel in front of a nightclub full of onlookers with cellphones was almost as satisfying as if he’d done it himself.
Last he checked Beautiful Blonde tells off friend’s jealous Ex had almost 2 million views.
Sebastian walked to their bookcase and picked up their wedding photo. It was hard to believe it had only been 5 weeks. As he put it back on the shelf, for the first time he realized what Blaine else put on the shelf. The items told the story of how they got to this point.
Their wedding photo was front and center. Next to it was their Tonys for West Side Story along with a photo of the two of them looking dapper in their tuxedos.
It was unusual for an actor in revival to win Lead Actor in a Musical, but he’d known for years Blaine was the perfect Tony. There was never a doubt in anyone’s mind he would win.
His win was the polar opposite. An actor from a revival winning Featured Actor? You didn’t win unless you were a Hollywood actor slumming on Broadway. At least that’s what one of the guys he beat was screaming at his agent during the afterparty. Let’s just say those in the theater community didn’t take the term slumming well.
On the other side of the wedding photo were two others. One was from the first time they met. They looked so young…him in his Dalton uniform, Blaine in the infamous grey striped cardigan. Thad gave it to them as a wedding gift. He said he knew from that moment they’d wind up married someday.
The other photo was his favorite (except the wedding photo, of course). It was a picture from the first day for the entire cast. While they were mingling and introducing themselves, the director came to him and asked him to come with him. He wanted his Tony and Riff to begin working on their dynamic.
He hadn’t taken three steps when he heard You’ve got to be shitting me! followed by Blaine running across the stage, jumping into his arms and knocking them both to the ground.
The actual photo was the two of them sitting on the floor laughing. At some point they held it together long enough to tell the rest of the cast and crew they’d known each other back in Ohio. Also, that while Blaine was friendly (like a puppy), he wouldn’t be tackling anyone else…at least until he knew them better.
Instead of getting to know each other, the director sent them off to get reacquainted. There was a lot to talk about but he thought it best to get through the hard stuff first.
Blaine Anderson? Not Anderson-Hummel or worse, Hummel-Anderson?
Nope, Kurt always said hyphenating our names wouldn’t work for Broadway marquees.
I’ve got to ask. How freaked out is your hubby going to be about me being Riff to your Tony?
Sebastian, the universe has a wacky sense of timing but sometimes you have to trust everything will work out how it’s supposed to.
I don’t understand.
(Blaine pulls his phone out of his pocket and smiles) Today the universe decided to bring you back into my life at the exact same time
I had Kurt served with divorce papers.
No shit?
Oh, it gets better. Since Kurt was throwing one of his temper tantrums and wouldn’t speak to me unless I gave up Tony, which I obviously didn’t, my attorney suggested I wait 30 days to file so I could serve him with legal separation papers at the same time.
Did it work?
The text I received was from my attorney saying mission accomplished. That means Sam, Santana and Brittany are taking me out tonight to celebrate. Want to come?
As a date?
No, but not as a fuck you to Kurt either. We both know I did a shitty job hiding my attraction to you back in high school.
We both did, but it’s nice to hear you admit it.
Well, we’re about to spend A LOT of time together. If things work out in ways I hope they might, I don’t want you to believe you were a rebound or worse, I was using you to get back at Kurt.
Yes, Sebastian
I would love to go out and celebrate with you and your friends tonight. But could you do me a favor?
Warn Santana so I don’t get a drink thrown in my face.
I can try but she’s been plotting her revenge against you for years.
When he heard the key in the lock, Sebastian quickly straightened the shelf then hustled to the couch to make it seem like he hadn’t been waiting. Seeing the man he loves walk into the apartment looking completely exhausted but wearing a smile, allowed him to (somewhat) relax. “Everything went ok?”
Blaine took off his blazer and tie as he sat beside him. “As ok as things could go when dealing with Kurt. The judge threw out his claim for half my stake in the musical as well as his renewed claim for spousal support.”
“So, in other words, a colossal waste of time?”
“Yup. However, he will think twice before filing for another obvious cash grab, the judge’s words. Kurt was ordered to pay all my attorney’s fees.”
“About fucking time! Damn it B, you’ve been divorced from his sorry ass for a year, and you were legally separated from his gay face for 8 months prior to that!”
“We’ve been married 5 weeks, 5 fucking weeks! We lost half our honeymoon because you had to come back for this bullshit!!”
Blaine kissed his love then went to their bedroom. Less than 15 minutes later he was back wearing lounge pants and an NYU t-shirt, while carrying two beers. “Feel better now that you got that off your chest?” he asked as he rejoined his husband.
“No…maybe a little. I, I just can’t stand the thought of you alone with that asshole, and I’m assuming Berry.”
“Don't pull the alone card. You know Santana was with me. Brittany would’ve come too, but you know, the restraining order.”
Nothing came from Brittany and Hummel's viral moment. It was months later when things went off the deep end.
Sebastian, Brittany, Sam and Santana all took the day off for Blaine's divorce hearing. They were there for support, but ready to be rebuttal witnesses if necessary. When Kurt took the stand, for reasons unknown to this day, he was stupid enough to go on a verbal diatribe on how he backed into a corner and forced into getting married in a tacky barn, in a tacky suit, with tacky guests he never would’ve invited. He wouldn't stop with the tacky-tacky-tacky…bitch-bitch-bitch…until Brittany ran to the witness box went all MMA before the bailiff could pull her off. Kurt refused to press charges but was awarded a restraining order.
“Did Santana have to take the stand?”
“No, but Benj made it back from LA in time to testify.”
“How did that happen?”
“One of the investors asked where I was and Benj told them in court because Kurt was going after half my stake. Long story short…meeting went from three days to one but the by time he and Justin made it to the airport it was past midnight here.”
“Is that why he didn’t call?”
“Pretty much. I would have won without him, but since Benj was part of Machiavelli the Musical from the beginning he could refute all Kurt's claims he contributed to songs I wrote. You should have seen Kurt's face when my attorney asked him to sing one of his contributions. He…” Blaine ended his explanation when Sebastian’s phone rang (and he ignored it) for the fourth time during their short conversation.
“Aren’t you going to get that? Someone seems awfully determined to speak with you.”
“It’s my Aunt Marie. As much as I love my cousin, I couldn’t deal with any of Penny’s drama. Today my focus was you and what was happening in court…which I wasn’t allowed to attend.”
Blaine rolled his eyes before pulling Sebastian down until his head was in his lap. In the 18 months they’d officially been together (he was legally separated!), he’d learned running his fingers through his (now) husband’s hair was the best trick to calm him down.
Their sex life was anything but calm.
“We already covered this…at nauseam. The reason you were asked not to attend is because you, my big…strong…incredibly sexy husband, cannot control your disdain for my former husband. Your protective nature is one of the many, many reasons I love you.”
“A huge portion of our strategy was to demonstrate how irrational Kurt truly is. My attorney was able to get him to throw a tantrum on several occasions. He was even able to get Rachel to corroborate several points of Santana’s testimony on threat of perjury.”
“Bas, my love, my day in court with Kurt went better than expected with him having to pay my attorney fees. The judge also laid into him on how a finalized divorce, unless it involves children or fraud, means final…closed…the end. Move on!” Sebastian’s phone rang again, but this time Blaine could reach it. “Talk to her. While you’re doing that, I’ll call for pizza. I’m starving.”
Blaine went to the kitchen to call their favorite pizzeria and then Sam to answer any questions he might have about what happened in court. He assumed Santana had already called him with her version (he was right). It was almost 45 minutes later until he rejoined Sebastian on the couch with their freshly delivered dinner. He was still on his phone and speaking in French, but not with his Aunt Marie.
“Grandmother, this is a lot to ask…But…But…Yes, Ma’am…Yes, Ma’am…No, Ma’am…I’ll talk to Blaine…Yes, immediately…I promise…Yes, I’ll call Aunt Marie…Grandmother, Blaine is here. I’ll call back soon. Bye.” Sebastian ended the call and asked “How much of that did you understand?”
“You really didn't say much. What I don’t understand is why you were talking with your grandmother.”
“Aunt Marie she thought Grandmother was the best person to tell me what’s going on.” Blaine reached for his hand to give him an anchor. “Whatever it is, I’m right here.”
Sebastian kissed him, hard, and then put their foreheads together. “I love you so much. I love the life we’re building so much. I…”
“Bas, you’re beginning to scare me.”
“Sorry, it’s…Penny had her baby this morning. She’s decided to put her up for adoption. Since this wasn’t her original plan, she hadn’t vetted any potential parents and she doesn’t want to hand over the baby to strangers. B, Penny wants us to adopt her.”
“The baby is a little girl?”
Sebastian pulled back and stared into Blaine’s eyes. He didn’t look confused...or crazy. “Yes, but you heard the part of how Penny wants us, you and me, to adopt her…right?”
“It’s not up to us.”
Huh? “Then who the hell is it up to?”
“The baby.” Blaine grabbed a piece of pizza before getting off the couch. “You start packing while I call Benj and Justin to tell them I’m going to Paris for a while. I’ll book plane tickets for first thing in the morning but could you pull our passports out so we don’t forget them? And call your Aunt Marie or Grandma to tell them we’re coming, but don’t want to see anyone until we’re settled. I’ll arrange…”
His husband kept rambling but Sebastian had stopped listening at The baby. “What the hell do you mean adopting a baby is not up to us, it’s up to the baby?! She’s not even a day old! Don’t you think this is something we should discuss?”
“That’s what the long-ass flight to Paris is for. And trust me on this…in the end, the decision of whether or not we’re about to become Daddies is up to that little girl.”
“Papas.” Sebastian’s response stopped both of them in their tracks. For the first time he didn’t sound like he was in freak-out mode. “She’s French. We’d be her Papas.”
“You’re right but let’s go ahead and put it on a list of things to discuss on the plane.”
Blaine turned to leave (again) but Sebastian stopped him (again). “You don’t think this is crazy? We’ve only been married 5 weeks!”
“Oh, I think this is completely insane, but what did I tell you the day we reconnected at West Side Story?”
Sebastian immediately knew what he meant. “The universe has a wacky sense of timing but sometimes you have to trust everything will work out how it’s supposed to.”
“Last time, the universe brought me you on the day I served Kurt with divorce papers. And I promise, I’m keeping an open mind on all this, but after what I went through in court today…”
“Maybe the universe decided to get a little more wacky to make up for your ex being delusional.”
Blaine took a bite of his pizza and then walked out of the room before Sebastian could interrupt him yet again. It was his turn to be overwhelmed.
Why the hell did he say It’s up to the baby to decide? He was barely into the process of developing Machiavelli the Musical into a full-blown Broadway production and for some unknown reason had agreed to star as Machiavelli. This was going to take a massive amount of his time for the foreseeable future. Sebastian was fully onboard but…
A baby?
Yes, his partners were ubertalented and more than capable of holding things down if he was in Paris for longer than he anticipated but…
A baby?
He took a few deep breaths, devoured his pizza, opened another beer and got to work on what needed to be done. As much they were still wears his heart on his sleeve Blaine Anderson and overly self-confident Sebastian Smythe, this time Blaine Anderson-Smythe had to be the levelheaded one.
A little over 36 hours later the potential fathers were in a private waiting room at the hospital. They had met the head of Child Services and the attorney Blaine’s father arranged for them. There was only one more person left to meet.
Blaine was sitting on a small loveseat while Sebastian was pacing the room, little pink blanket in hand.
They’d agreed not to get ahead of themselves by running out to a store and buy a bunch of baby stuff to take with them. When Blaine got back from meeting his partners, he found out he agreed.
Sebastian called Brittany and they bought out the baby girl section at Macy’s. After an hour of But Blaaaaaaine, he agreed to bringing two outfits and the little pink blanket but…
“I thought we agreed to leave the blanket in your suitcase for the time being?”
“Hospitals are so cold. What if she’s cold?”
Blaine sighed then stood and wrapped his arms around his husband. The pacing was getting annoying. “Bas…”
They both froze then turned to face the door as the wails of a distraught baby filled the room. “Mr. and Mr. Anderson-Smythe, I’m Margot from Child Services. You spoke earlier with my supervisor. This is the child you’ve come all this way to meet. I’m sorry but the nurses report she’s been like this for as long as she’s been with them. The doctors insist she is perfectly healthy…”
Blaine let go of Sebastian and pushed him toward the transit crib. “Maybe she’s cold.”
He’d been holding it together for so long, it took Blaine everything within him not to burst with happiness as the man he loved wrapped the tiny girl in the little pink blanket then instinctively cradled her in his arms. “Are you cold, Angel? I brought you this blanket from NYC. My friend Brittany went to the store with me to find it. I’m glad she did because I wouldn’t have known to wash it first. Or that they make special detergents for babies. Or…”
“Bas” Sebastian reluctantly looked up to see Blaine holding his phone. After he took a picture, he asked “Do you realize she stopped crying the moment you wrapped her in the blanket?”
“She did?”
“The adoption lady was so shocked she left to talk to the nurses. We’ll probably see one of them soon with a bottle. Let’s go sit down. I’m kind of amazed you’re still standing.”
It was only a few moments after they were settled that the expected nurse and bottle appeared. She began a tutorial but, once again, Sebastian was a natural. “I take it you’ve done this before?”
“Never. She was just hungry. Were you hungry, Angel?”
“Alright, but when she’s finished…”
Sebastian handed the bottle to Blaine and began to gently rub the baby’s back, quickly earning him the desired results. “Are you ready for the rest of your bottle, Angel?”
Blaine gave the nurse a wink and promised if they needed anything they would use the call button. It wasn’t long before the bottle was discarded and the three of them were cuddled together on the love seat.
“I think she likes us B.”
“I think she likes you.”
It was only then Sebastian realized he hadn’t given Blaine a chance to hold the baby. “I’m sorry…I didn’t realize. Here you go, Angel. There’s someone else who really wants to meet you.”
They both quietly giggled after Blaine let out a sigh of relief. He’d been worried the once cranky baby wouldn’t take to him in the same way she did with Sebastian and start crying again. “Hello, little one. My name is Blaine.”
“But you can call him Daddy.”
Blaine kissed the baby’s forehead, then his husband. “Daddy? Not Papa?”
“If she calls us the same thing it would get confusing.” Sebastian leaned over and returned Blaine’s kiss. “You were right. She had to be the one to decide if she wanted to be our daughter. The fact she’s sleeping so peacefully must mean she knows she’s safe.”
“Safe?” Blaine questioned the wording because it wasn’t the one he expected.
“I thought you might get freaked out if I said love so soon.”
“Bas, new mothers talk about the overwhelming feeling of love they feel when they see their baby for the first time. I’m sure it’s natural for fathers too.”
Sebastian didn’t ask, just lifted the baby back into his arms. “Are you sure? Because I don’t know if I could let her go…”
Blaine answered him by beginning to sing to the baby.
One look at you My whole life falls in line I prayed for you Before I called you mine
Oh, I can't believe it's true sometimes Oh, I can't believe it's true
I get to love you It's the best thing that I'll ever do I get to love you It's a promise I'm making to you
Whatever may come, your heart I will choose Forever I'm yours, my forever is you
I get to love you I get to love you
By the time he finished, Sebastian was a blubbering mess. “That’s the song you wrote me for our wedding.”
“I remember. It was only 5 weeks ago” Blaine jokingly replied. “But seriously, are we really going to do this?” He held up his hand to stop an immediate response. “Getting the musical up and running on its own will be time consuming but I also agreed to play Mach for the first year. I mean, hopefully it’s a big enough hit we get to worry about my handing over the role. What I’m trying to say is, we agreed, if we do this, we don’t want her raised in daycare. That means for the next 18 months to 2 years, if not longer, you will be her primary parent…some days more like a single parent. Are you ready for that?”
“With the exception of you, I have never wanted anything more.” Sebastian looked down at the baby and asked “Angel, are you ready to go back to NYC and have fun with your Poppy while your brilliant Daddy works to win some more Tonys?”
He lifted the baby’s arm and began to lightly shake it while saying in a high-pitched voice “Yes, Poppy. As soon as the doctors say I can fly I want to go to NYC and have lots of fun with you and Auntie Tana and Auntie Britt and Uncle Sammy. Daddy will sing me songs and I will always know how much he loves me. And when Daddy’s new musical wins lots and lots of Tonys, everyone will cheer his talent and proclaim him to be the most talented Daddy in the whole wide world.”
It was Blaine’s turn to cry. “Then there is something the three of us better do soon so we can share our news.”
“We have to help her choose her name.”
From Blaine: *attached photo* Sebastian and I are pleased to announce Miss Angelica Penelope Anderson-Smythe chose us to be her Poppy and Daddy. Of course, we emphatically agreed.
From Sebastian: *attached photo* Poppy’s Little Angel
The Prince, Niccolò Machiavelli 1513. Original title: De Principatibus (Of Principalities). I see this parody along the lines of A Very Potter Musical.
I Get to Love You: Bronleewee, Matthew; Eckford, Margaret 2016
It might seem like there is a bunch of unnecessary backstory (especially the Kurt/court stuff), but it pays off in the final entry.
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seblaineworld · 7 months
that kind of love (8207 words) by ArwenP
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Glee
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Sebastian Smythe
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Sebastian Smythe, Cooper Anderson, Blaine Anderson's Father, Blaine Anderson's Family, Original Anderson-Smythe Child(ren), Poppy Anderson-Smythe, Oliver Anderson-Smythe, Grace Anderson-Smythe, Everett Anderson-Smythe
Additional Tags: have you heard of dysfunctional families, yes that is the andersons, and for once our boys are not being idiots, Family, Family Feels, Family Fluff, Light Angst, Blaine Anderson deserved better, Seblaine Week 2023, 10 Days of Seblaine, Parents
Series: Part 2 of 10 Days of Seblaine, Part 8 of Seblaine Week 2023, Part 2 of the life we made, Part 7 of Seblaine as Parents
There they are, right in front of Blaine - his parents. His parents, that don't know he's married, or that he has kids himself, despite not being completely cut off from his life.
His son running into them in the middle of a café seems like the perfect moment for them to find out though.
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daisyishedwig · 9 months
The desire to make Sebastian Smythe cry as he desperately pretends he doesn't care is strong today.
But I'm at work so I can't do anything about it.
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seblaineaddict · 2 years
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Seblaine Week 2022
Day 5: Time Travel
The Quantum Bridge: A Tale Of Two Daltons
The story goes: Bas is at Dalton during the 1811 Regency period and Blaine is there during 2011. They meet and fall hard for each other (Bas is still promiscuous and out, but is instantly enchanted by Blaine), when Blaine accidentally falls through a hole in 2011 and ends up in a completely new time and space during a Warbler practice session.
I'll write this fic one day as it appeals to me a lot - especially since 1812 was actually a Leap year which has really interesting potential, but for now, here's the Graphic.
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calsvoid · 8 months
can my brain stop braining why am i thinking of another seblaine fic idea i literally never write
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akfanficlove · 4 months
Barely back at Dalton and Blaine is already cracking under the workload. On a lonely Friday night in the library, he eventually snaps and starts spiraling into a full blown panic attack - only for Sebastian to grab his hand and calm the storm. A touch that makes something in his stomach... flutter?
Read the whole story here ♥️
Thank you to @seblaineworld for organizing Seblainintine's 2024!!
(Don't ask me what the picture has to do with the story cause it doesn't at all. I clicked on the wrong GIF and somehow can't delete it without recreating the whole post. So I sorta can't replace it it and sorta... well... don't want to? Cause... I mean, it IS fire... so, doesn't bother me if it doesn't bother you. )
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endiness · 1 year
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Seblainintine's Weekend 2023 | @seblaineworld | Love and Romance Supervillains!Nightflash AU
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gleekingdom · 8 months
Okay I really need more roleplays/ I usually rp as Blaine or Sam, Sebastian is a maybe but I'm not quite as experienced with him.
But I want someone to write a fun rp with against my Sam or Blaine. Here are the ships I want or am willing to do.
Sam x Blaine ( I can be Either of the two you choose whoever you wanna be in this ship and I'll just be the other one)
Sebastian x Blaine ( Honestly since my Sebastians a little rusty I like rping Blaine against the character of Sebastian)
Finn x Blaine ( I would be Blaine and I only rped it once, I didn't ship it til I rped it but it was super cute)
Finn x Sam ( There cute, I'd be Sam)
Sebastian x Sam ( I can be either but I'd prefer being Sam)
Blaine x Jeff ( I once saw fanart of it and found it cute, I'd be Blaine)
Jesse x Blaine ( I'd be Blaine, I think this would be and interesting dynamic)
Hunter x Blaine ( Me as Blaine)
Sam x Rachel ( me as Sam) ( and it's the only straight ship I feel like rping)
Blaine x Elliot ( this one just would be cool in the fact they barely interacted in the show so we'd kinda make up there dynamic. Me as Blaine)
Please don't ask for klaine it's fine if you like it, but I personally don't like it as much anymore.
I am 22 so at least be 18 or older and I rp on discord so dm me if you want my pin to rp.
We can come up with ideas together or you can tell me a idea you have with the ship you want from these.
Thank you ^^
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