#season 8 whitewash
lupinusalbus · 1 year
Whitewashing of DT in Fanfiction
I don't read a lot of fanfiction, although there are a few I've enjoyed thanks to the references I've seen on this site. But I recently have looked at a couple of Jon/Dany fics which rewrite season 8. I was curious, so I took a look at them.
In these pieces, Dany has been totally transformed into a sympathetic character by making some changes from S8 such as:
Changing her motive for being in the North with Jon from what was presented in her ambiguous conversation with Sansa in the library at Winterfell. In fanfiction Dany's motives are being presented as "selfless." Her lines about her ambition for taking the iron throne are softened and deleted.
Sansa is presented as being grateful to Dany for coming North. Their relationship is friendly and cordial, with Sansa happy that Jon has "found someone."
Dany is apologetic to Samwell Tarley for executing his father and brother. She tries to gain Sam's sympathy, explaining that she was mistreated by her brother and sold to a warlord.
When the truth about Jon is revealed, Dany is grateful that she is "not alone anymore" as a Targaryen.
Sansa thinks Jon only needs time to "come to terms" with his sexual relationship with Dany. Then all will be well between the two of them.
I skipped around a lot, but DT usually survives King's Landing, and she and Jon end up ruling together. I don't think any of this is ever going to happen in the books. As much as I disliked some of the show's twists and turns, there's no way that D&D would have changed the ending from GRRM to this extent.
Something I find really interesting is that all of this acknowledges that the character of Sansa is very key to the Jon/Dany plot. It is necessary for Sansa to either be made into a ruthless, vindictive villain, or else for her to be totally sympathetic to Dany in order for these "fictions" to function. I think it likely from what was presented on the show that Sansa is going to reveal Jon's identity as a way of destabilizing Dany and of protecting Jon from himself. Jon will choose Sansa and the Starks. That "thread" from the show strikes me as being very authentic. The consequences for Jon and Sansa are something they will both have to grapple with.
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“The way Francesco Artibani disses the Winx Club community after they call out on the whitewashing of Aisha and Flora and replies back to them “It’s just a printing error” really ticks me off. Is he some kind of Butch Hartman???”
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mhsdatgo · 2 months
Do you think the show is biased against the Greens vs. Team Black? If so, how should the show have demonstrated that both teams are awful, in your opinion?
Hello anon!
I've got a lot to say on this one.
First of all, yes. I totally think that the show had some obvious kind of bias towards the Blacks. Not necessarily with the way the Greens were treated as devils with no likeable qualities except for Alicent (even if there are several instances of them doing so) but more because of the way the Blacks were whitewashed.
Look, you'll never catch me not expressing my contempt for this woman, no matter the fact she was brought up by a man who did nothing but spoil, enable and indulge her in everything and anything she says and does. I can see the path they're taking in the show by adapting her as an irresponsible woman who flees at the minimal inconvenience and cowers to her dad at any minor inconvenience, but literally everything that makes her Rhaenyra Targaryen, Rhaenyra Targaryen, is removed.
She just looks like the next girlboss Targ Dragonrider queen after Daenerys. They basically made GOT season 8 and sent show!Rhaenyra as an apology. But in doing so they basically made her... Boring. Her and her children, which I don't love or hate. (The closest one I am to "liking" is Jace, I guess, but the leaks are just making me rethink everything again.)
I would've loved it if they had given us ONE pre-Dance book!Rhaenyra scene that would've made her appear more ruthless than what we have on the show, and not just the time when she offered 10 year old Aemond to be tortured. Make her ask Daemon to go after Vaemond (sorry pookie) like she did in the books, make her feed his corpse to her dragon. Sure that wouldn't have made me change my mind about how much I dislike her bUt it WOULD'VE made me go "damn she stands on business."
I wanted her to act out of grief and insist on going to war when she miscarried Visenya and lost her father, because although I don't think that the Greens did kill that poor little girl (she had dragon features and was likely going to die anyway) I do think that Rhaenyra should've been allowed her pain and the irrational and impulsive thinking that comes with it.
Where do I even begin with this one?
Olivia Cooke SLAYED. Lemme just start with that. She took the whole cake and ate it too and left no crumbs. The direction they've taken with her is a realistic one, at least for the actions and decisions she's taking. Reckless, for sure. Risky, deathly even. Her fear is realistic, even for someone as Alicent Hightower no matter how much determination had protected her from dread.
What I don't like is the way she was treated as everyone's object and her shutting up about it. From Rhaenyra to Larys, everyone uses her for their own disgusting pleasures or outlet of frustration. And she's made to take it without fighting back even once. The one time she does, bless her, she's treated as a woman who's gone mad.
Now, I would've been fine with her taking all these hits if only they knew how to make Alicent change properly and completely from there. If it was me, the incident at Driftmark would be my start to revenge. No longer would I look at Rhaenyra with hope to reconcile with her. No longer would I bear any more of Viserys' shit when it's clear his first daughter (the image of his first wife) bears way more importance to him than me and all the four kids he forced me to have combined.
They'd have to nightly talk me out of suffocating him with my pillow a minute more for every wince and ache my now eyeless son suffers, for a month straight if not more. I wouldn't eagerly stand by his side and listen to his last words only to mistake them for permission to go along with my plans. I'd stand there passively at best, waiting for him to be done, before leaving the room.
Everything else can just be left the same way it was. Her fear when she realizes the effect Viserys' death has on her and her children is realistic. I'd break down for a moment too. I'd act as soon as I could too. I'd cry tears of relief, dread, grief (depends on how you interpret that scene) too. After letting his stinky ass rot for a fortnight. I would've preferred this to be a "there was a plan, but we weren't ready to act it out" situation more than a "what the fuck is going on" situation.
I'd also slap that "you toil in service of other men" dialogue from Rhaenys right back in her face (sorry grandma) since if we're talking about the show, it's literally the only thing she has done throughout the season.
House Velaryon.
HEAVY on this one. They have been done so wrong on so many levels. Every single one of them.
Laena was made to "pursue" Daemon, she changes from a precious, small and shy little girl to a confident, seductive young woman (teenager for fuck's sake, screw everyone who thought making her change this way would've been good) and later on a side piece, "the one Daemon settles for because he can't have Rhaenyra" even if it was known that she was the only one he was never unfaithful to, "she's made her peace" (WTF???????).
It apparently never hits Corlys that the bitch who he believes has made him childless (I AM TALKING ABOUT DAEMON) deserves no support from him and his house or that Luke should actually become a ward there at Driftmark if he's so adamant on keeping this farce that he's a Velaryon and the next Lord of the Tides.
Vaemond is seen as the odd, evil and power hungry one for pointing out that his house is falling into an OBVIOUS bastard's hands whether this kid likes it or not (even as my support for this claim goes as far as questioning Luke's parentage) and to add insult to injury he's made to say Rhaenyra is a whore, which never happened in the books.
The Silent Five are removed completely, Vaemond's sons as well (@redrosesandcharmingsouls knows I was FROTHING at the mouth waiting for Daemion Velaryon to make an appearance but the motherfuckers couldn't even give me that) so that we don't have any kind of reason to believe an execution so brutal and unjust had any repercussions on the support House Velaryon has on the Blacks overall. They are made into Rhaenyra's cheering squad through and thorough, even if they have every reason to be anything but.
The Laenor situation is actually really fucking funny. They made him leave instead of killing him to not bury the gays and they aren't aware that this has totally fucked everything up. Like thanks for telling me ALL of Rhaenyra's children are bastards. Cool, HOW THE FUCK TO YOU HANDLE SEASMOKE NOW?
Aegon II.
No this isn't an apologist post. I'm actually slithering on the ground on my knees for TGC daily but Aegon is a clusterfuck right now, no matter how you look at it. They tell us he's a psycho drunken rapist and he likes to watch children fighting every Sunday and when you actually see his adult version he's a crying love starved bitch of a man and he winces and frowns when Vaemond's head is cut off.
Instead of taking the throne to protect his children, he takes it because he's forced. And that makes Alicent the villain in everything once again. Now it doesn't matter if you look at the book version or what we see of the show version, everywhere you look this is just out of character.
It's inconsistent. He's made the worst thing ever so people can say "See??? They believe a rapist is better to put to the throne than our girlboss virtuous heir!!!" you either make him a psycho or a touch starved baby, why make both?
So yeah, I think this is all. For now. We'll have to see how this show progresses to see if I change my mind in any way.
Thanks for the ask!!!! ^_^
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winxwannabe · 10 months
Thoughts on/Rating the S9 images that will probably be wrong in 3 months LETS GO -
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Tecna is the best. Hands down, 10/10. I don’t care if they threw it together at the last minute to avoid backlash, give whoever designed her a goddamn raise. The bob with purple streaks, the vinyl skirt, it’s so perfect I can’t handle it. Me to Reboot Tecna:
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Please let that be real. Please let the metal arm stay, Straffi.
My girl Musa is an official SHORT QUEEN, a popular headcannon that’s been going for years. I’m thrilled someone finally listened. Her iconic pigtails are also back, which is a bonus is my book (do they kinda look like Marinette’s from Miraculous? Yes, because Rainbow’s gotta steal one thing per season for Winx). The outfit isn’t my favorite, but better than others I’ve seen her in. A very respectable 8.5/10.
Rainbow’s art department raised enough money for brown paint, which is great news for Aisha! No more whitewashing! Her braids are stellar, her look is sporty, just very cute in general. The color scheme is very different from her original look, but I like it. Give Aisha bright colors. Let her be happy. And now tallest girl? 9/10
Flora’s look is the most similar to the OG series. Really the only difference is that weird ass green jacket - thing looks like it came off a one-day Project Runway challenge. It seems waaaay too structured compared to the rest of the outfit. That’s legit my only note. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it, I guess. 7.5/10
Bloom’s look says 2 things; “I’m Bella Thorne from Shake It Up!,” and Certified Horse Girl™️. I do not vibe with either. Bloom is not either. Why is she in pink again? Why is her belt so big - Bloom is so impatient and always in a rush, do you think she has time to put a belt on every day? I get the skirt is paying homage to the S3 one, but the rest is…a choice. This would be lower if Bloom wasn’t my favorite character. But she is, and it’s not the worst look. 6/10.
No, no, the worst look here is your favorite Solarian princess and mine, Stella. I get Rainbow was trying for a new look, but it doesn’t land for me. I don’t like the sunglasses, I don’t like that her dress is pink because that’s never really been Stella’s primary color - it’s more Flora and Tecna’s (and now Bloom’s I guess because UGH). She’s also wearing sleeves, which Stella rarely wore in the series because she is the fairy of the sun and I always thought that was a cool wardrobe detail. The only times she’s worn long sleeves (as a primary outfit in the season) were in S6 with her Alfea uniform, and Season 8, which barely counts. Just…make it orange. Or yellow, or even blue. It would fix so much. 5/10 for doing this ray of sunshine so dirty.
Also, if we can afford new civilian and transformation outfits for the girls, we can do the same for Ogron and the Black Circle. C’mon guys. Also! Why does Ogron have a dark dragon? What the fuck does that mean? Please do not pull a S8 Valtor on the Wizards. They don’t deserve it. And probably get Duman in there before the fans come after you.
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babbeldumpsterfire · 7 months
At the risk of being blocked by half the fandom (lol), can I say that... SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT
I kind of liked the idea of Izzy's redemption through a death arc? Sadly the show only got 8 episodes so it's quite apparent that it was a rushed affair with little to no emotional payoff, having him die like that, with no sacrifice for his family or anything similar. But I do understand why he died: he was Ed's past, he was the embodiment of all the toxic Blackbeard shit they did together, he was right in saying he had kept Ed from becoming what he was, because that's how their relationship was written in the first season! I know this fandom has all but whitewashed Izzy since the beginning of the hiatus after s1, making him into a completely different character, to the point where all the shit he did was scrubbed off to make him more palatable. But what happened remains on screen! He had to die so that Ed could be free. Well, it wasn't actually necessary of course, but it's symbolic. It fits well. I just wish they had a couple more episodes to make it less rushed. Izzy was never the poor innocent mew mew the fandom wanted him to be, I am very grateful that the writers kept that characterisation
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binniesunderworld · 10 days
*future hotd spoilers*
so i believe that helaena IS pregnant with maelor, but im really worried about how the show will integrate cause she didn't look visibly pregnant in s1 so she might be at most 3-4 months along? and s2 starts 10 days after the s1 finale. so will she be pregnant when rhaenyra takes KL? is she gonna give birth while hostage or will she unalive herself while pregnant, adding to the tragedy?
sorry for the wall of the text, but the timeline of this show is soooo confusing and i have zero idea where they're taking it!
Well, I'll take this part of the book as a basis:
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Well, it's no secret that Maelor was born the same year that Helaena danced with Jacaerys. It's pretty obvious that Maelor was conceived that same night, we had a jealous Aegon who probably found this as a good excuse to hang out with his wife and have a good hardcore sex session. I wouldn't be surprised if the writers take that as an example and put episode 8 as the time of conception, what terrifies me is if they put Helaena as a victim who was abused by her "possessive psycho" husband and this resulted in a pregnancy (and having TB whispering in my ear "rapegon" for the next 2 years).
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Assuming episode 8 is Maelor's conception, this occurs only a few days before episode nine, hence three weeks or less before the start of season 2. So Helaena wouldn't even be two months pregnant before b&c, which would explain her lack of a belly in the previews we've had of her.
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I honestly don't know what they will do with Maelor. In the intro you can see how Aegon and Helaena have three children, but I don't know if this has any relevance (I hope it does).
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Considering that the writers like cliché, I wouldn't be surprised if Helaena has a miscarriage (as a parallel to Rhaenyra's). Of course this would be a big mistake, since Maelor is the reason Daeron commits so many war crimes, but then again the writers don't seem to care much about the latter. Another thing I consider likely they will do is Helaena giving birth as a hostage and, in an attempt to whitewash TB, Rhaenyra sparing the baby's life (just as Aegon II spared Aegon III's life).
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baileypie-writes · 2 days
~Why Glitter Force is Problematic~
In case you don’t know what Glitter Force is, it’s the English dub of the anime Smile Precure. It was produced by Saban, and released on Netflix in 2016.
Not long later, they did it again. Only this time, with the season Doki Doki Precure, which they changed to Glitter Force Doki Doki.
Instead of keeping everything the same, Glitter Force changed way more than necessary. It’s also racist and homophobic. So let’s talk about the changes.
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~1. Name Changes~
For some reason, Saban decided to be racist and remove all Japanese culture from Smile and Doki Doki Pretty Cure; whitewashing it. They renamed almost everything, even things that didn’t need to be.
Smile Precure Name Changes:
Miyuki Hoshizora/Cure Happy - Emily/Glitter Lucky
Akane Hino/Cure Sunny - Kelsey/Glitter Sunny
Yayoi Kise/Cure Peace - Lily/Glitter Peace
Nao Midorikawa/Cure March - April/Glitter Spring
Reika Aoki/Cure Beauty - Chloe/Glitter Breeze
King Pierrot - Emperor Nogo
Joker - Rascal
Wolfrun - Ulric
Akaoni - Brute(was also changed from a demon to a troll)
Majorina - Brooha
Akanbe - Buffoon
Cure Decor - Glitter Charm
Smile Pact - Glitter Pact
Decor Décor - Charm Chest
Princess Candle - Princess Wand
Märchenland - Jubiland
Bad End Kingdom - Shadow Realm
Nanairogaoka Middle School - Rainbow Hills Middle School
Candy and Pop’s names were kept, I’m assuming because they were already English.
Doki Doki Precure Changes:
Mana Aida/Cure Heart - Maya Aida/Glitter Heart
Rikka Hishikawa/Cure Diamond - Rachel/Glitter Diamond
Alice Yotsuba/Cure Rosetta - Clara Yotsuba/Glitter Clover(this one makes no sense to me)
Makoto Kenzaki/Cure Sword - Makenzie Mack/Glitter Spade
Madoka Aguri/Cure Ace - Natalie Miller/Glitter Ace
Joe Okada - Johnny
Princess Marie Ange - Princess Marie Angelica
Ai - Dina
Sharuru - Kippie
Raquel - Rory
Dabyi - Davi
Jikochuu - Distain
Leva - Riva
Gula - Gura
King Jikochuu - King Mercenare
Lovely Commune - Glitter Pad
Cure Lovead - Glitter Charm
Love Heart Arrow - Glitter Heart Arrow
Magical Lovely Pad - Glitter Crystal Pad
Oogai Town - Seashell Bay
Oogai Middle School - Seashell Bay Middle School
Trump Kingdom - Splendorious
These aren’t even all the changes. They changed all the names of the attacks as well.
~2. Cut Episodes~
Again, Saban wanted no Japanese culture in the dub. So any episode that contained too much Japanese culture was cut. In total, Glitter Force cut 8 episodes. They cut way more in Glitter Force Doki Doki, but I don’t wanna take the time to find out why.
1. One episode was cut because it was a festival episode. The girls went to their town’s festival, which obviously was Japanese culture. And they also wore yukatas.
2. Most episodes containing Akane’s family restaurant was cut, since they serve okonomiyaki, a Japanese food. This food appeared once in Glitter Force, but they referred to it as “Japanese pizza”. Which isn’t even what the food is.
3. There was an episode with Japanese culture that stayed in the dub. And that was the one where the girls go on a field trip to Kyoto and Osaka. Although, in Glitter Force, they call it the “Asia Pacific Expo”. Now Saban, I don’t know if you know this, but Asia is a continent with many countries. And each one had its own unique culture. So you should’ve just called it the “Japanese Expo”.
4. Last one I’m gonna mention is the episode we’re Akane is assigned the task of showing an English exchange student around the school. She teaches him Japanese, and shows him her culture.
All these cut episodes resulted in plot holes and ruined character development.
~3. Toned Down Emotional Scenes~
For some reason, Saban decided that children can’t handle anything too emotional. So any scene that seemed “too much” to them was toned down.
1. There was an episode where Cure March’s siblings are caught up in the middle of a battle. A big attack heads towards them, and March isn’t able to stop it in time. The attack hits, and a big cloud of dust envelops the children. Luckily, when the cloud clears, it’s revealed that the other Cures stopped the attack, saving the kids. In Smile Precure, there’s silence leading up to the reveal, making the viewers believe that the children are seriously injured, or worse. However, in Glitter Force, we hear the kids talking before the dust clears, saying things like: “Wait, it didn’t hit us!” and “What? We’re okay?”. This completely ruins the suspense and emotion of the scene.
Shortly after, all March’s sibling run to her, hugging her. They’re all crying, and share a happy, emotional moment together. In Glitter Force, however, this moment is ruined by dialogue. The littlest brother asks why everyone is so sad, and a sister tells him that they’re not, and that they’re crying because they’re happy. That was completely unnecessary. And frankly, I think kids could tell that they were happy tears.
2. In the final episode, the Candy has to go back to her homeland, so she says goodbye to the girls. Candy is crying a lot, but the girls just smile, letting her know that it’s okay. When Candy’s gone, the girls break down, finally allowing themselves to cry. It’s a very sad moment, which makes the reunion even better. But in Glitter Force, the girls stay smiling the entire time, even after Candy leaves. Emily even goes as far as to call her dramatic.
All these changes paint the picture that kids are too sensitive, and should only watch happy things. This is just ridiculous to me.
There are a few, minor details that were completely unnecessary for Saban to edit out, which gives the impression of being homophobic.
1. In the episode in Smile Precure where the girls get transported into the fairytale “Cinderella”, Reika gets casted as the Prince. In Smile, Miyuki, who’s Cinderella, sees her as charming and handsome. However, in Glitter Force, all their interactions and dialogue are done in a joking matter, making sure the audience knows that they don’t like each other like that. That was unnecessary, as in the original, it’s never implied that they shared romantic interest. They were just following the story. In another scene, Reika catches Yayoi when she falls. We see Reika from Yayoi’s point of view, and there are sparkles, insinuating that she sees her as incredibly handsome. She’s seen blushing a moment later. These tiny details were cut in Glitter Force. Because heaven forbid that a girl finds another girl handsome.
2. In Doki Doki Precure, there’s an episode where we really get to see Rikka and Mana’s friendship in greater detail. Rikka always makes sure that Mana is being responsible, and keeping her on top of things. Her fairy partner, Raquel, compares Rikka to being Mana’s wife. This wasn’t insinuating romantic interest. It was just comparing her traits to traits of a wife. But of course, Glitter Force can’t have anything related to two girls being together. So they changed the comparison to Mana’s mother.
These changes may be minor, but that’s exactly what makes it homophobic. They were tiny scenes that weren’t made to be taken super seriously. But the idea of two girls liking each other bothered Saban to much, that they felt the need to edit them out.
3. I heard rumors that the crew at Saban harassed one of the voice actors for being a part of the lgbtq+ community. I’m not sure if this is true though. So do with this information what you will.
~Stop Supporting Glitter Force~
The amount of people who still support Glitter Force really pisses me off. Like, I get if you didn’t know about Smile Precure. But there are people who know that Glitter Force is racist and homophobic and still call it the wrong name and watch it like nothing’s wrong with it. They either deny that it’s problematic, ignore it, or simply don’t care.
“But they made it easier for English kids to understand!”
I’m sure kids would’ve understood just fine if you kept the Japanese culture. Kids aren’t so sensitive, that the moment something is slightly different, they shut down. I mean, look at Disney. They explore different cultures in their movies all the time, and are still the most successful movie company in the world. Mulan and Encanto are super popular, despite the fact that they take place in and contain culture from China and Colombia. So if Glitter Force kept the characters original names and the culture, I’m sure the kids couldn’t care less.
“B-But it was my childhood!”
It was mine too. But guess what? I got over it. And you know why? Because I don’t want to support something racist and homophobic. Besides, just switch to Smile Precure. It’s really not that hard. It’s not like it’s a completely different show. It’s just the original, better, non-problematic version. There’s no need to be a baby about it. Just because something was your childhood, it doesn’t excuse the fact that it’s problematic.
I also want to point out that Smile Precure was made to aid the children who suffered from the 2011 tsunami in Japan. All the Cure’s names are things that make people happy, and the anime’s title, Smile Precure, is a reminder to smile through the tough times. So the fact that Glitter Force takes that meaning away is just awful.
Thank you for reading all this. I didn’t even get to go through all the changes Saban did, but I went through the most important. Let me know if this informed you in any way!
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citruscitrushope · 5 months
Hiiiii. I saw your responses on another users asks about Lalaloopsy lore and would LOVE to talk Lalaloopsies with you. Please info dump to me 🙏
I want to hear it all (if that’s okay with you obvi)
On it! Under a cut cuz it's so long
So Lalaloopsy was originally created in about 2009 as Bitty Buttons, but the same had some copyright disputes so it was changed about about 12 dolls? The original 8 and the four succeeding them have very rare versions with this packaging.
Dolls were released in waves of about eight every season or so, outside of limited editions and such.
Initially, the canon was limited to the descriptions on the backs of the boxes, some books, and a few web and DS games, before the first animated universe came about, consisting of web shorts and a movie.
Eventually Nick Jr. picked up the franchise for six more movies, more shorts, and a two season TV series. Like all of the VAs for the franchise were nobodies except in the Lalaloopsy Girls movie for some reason.
Then the Nick show caused a lawsuit since the company behind Lalaloopsy (MGA) didn't pay as much for it as they said it would, which I assume didn't help with the steady decline of the brand (cheaper dolls, less creative ideas, etc), before Netflix picked it up for a show.
The Netflix show sorta bombed, they only made five dolls and some minis and I don't think anyone really cared outside of existing fans, a lot of which were turned off by the more realistic direction taken for the dolls and changes to the story, with fan favorite characters being omitted such as Peanut and Cloud E.
Lalaloopsy sort of died after the Netflix show until the 10th anniversary re-released in 2021ish, old and new dolls just like the old ones coming out and old songs and movies getting YouTube uploads. Nothing's really happened since but hey.
Fun facts: the series was racist a lot, I think they've been getting better but c'mon, Mittens, Mango, Sahara, Yuki, Feather, the fact that Dot was the darkest character and got like no merchandise, the whitewashing of Cinder, I think they've been rectifying some of these things lately thankfully.
They've tried to ride the coattails of mlp (ponies) and monster and ever after high (girls) to eh results
The Babies Diaper and Potty Surprise dolls probably foreshadowed the oddly scatalogical direction MGA has taken in recent years
Like everyone is neurodivergent coded in the Netflix series
People thought Suzette La Sweet and Crumpet Hearts were getting married in the Sew Royal Tea Party bundle
I think Rosy's design had to get changed because of violating Red Cross guidelines at some point
For some reason Bundles is shown with a pacifier a lot even though she's never come with one outside of a mini, same with Rosy's hat and Misty's gloves
(My dad used to put my dolls up in trees and it made me sad, that's neither fun nor a fact but)
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sillyprettyfairy · 26 days
I prayed to every deity for many years for winx club to abandon the main series entirely and just commit to a full reboot because of the eternal retconning, whitewashing, confusion on target audience, etc. I sat in the trenches of the fandom as a teenager as season 8 was teased and aired and even watched the episodes fan-translated before they were officially released in English.
And today I rejoice. We are, as they say, so back.
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cicada-circuitry · 2 months
#God tho this does make me want to pull back up that notebook fic snippet i had#of Margo confronting Molly about this too but like with science.#Margo would know. Just saying. She knows. ⃪ does this mean you have Molly/Margo fic?
Hi anon! sorry this is now several days late but boy do I. ( watched FAMK for the first time in February, wound up with Pages and pages of fic snippets (for a couple ships, margo x molly included) in chicken scratch on physical paper which is always a great sign that im being normal about a show, thought I'd cure myself if I just watched the whole thing a second time and absolutely only made it worse. )
I meant to answer this ask by just typing up the quick excerpt of the fic I was talking to myself in the tags about but...... started typing and did not stop. It lives over here now! Was not the one of the notebook fics I thought would see the light of day but you know? why not.
(I assume if you're here you, like me, have already read all the fics to be found but if you have Not read everything in that tag already, highly recommend. this fandom may be small but boy did it have good food on offer when I rolled in four years late fresh off a few episodes and absolutely screaming.)
Since I went ahead and dropped that one on ao3 at like 4am i'll throw in something a little more typical of the the notebook archives - how about this thing that exists entirely bc i noticed that used bookstore you can see beside the Outpost in season 1 and it gave me Ideas
Sometime post crossword-quiz / pre- run-in at the Jazz club.  
Margo walks fast past the Outpost on her way over to Bargain Books. When she can, she prefers to park down at the other end of the street and not have to go by that eyesore of a bar in the first place, but when you double the size of the astronaut program with twenty female ascans, you turn street parking into a blood sport. On her salary, no way is she playing chicken with the corvettes, not even to avoid mustering a polite smile for a coworker at his inebriated worst. 
Most days, that’s only an issue if she swings by after dark, the hour when everybody’s trickling out and stumbling home for the evening. Otherwise, the dingy whitewashed plywood keeps a nice impenetrable wall between book-seeking passers-by and drunken test pilots. Today, however, a spell of perfect weather is conspiring against her. Someone has the door propped open with a rusty paint can, letting the sound of laughter of clinking glass spill through it onto the sidewalk. 
A flash of green catches Margo’s eye before she can make it past. Despite herself, she recognizes that shade in an instant. It’s the flannel shirt she had to reprimand earlier that afternoon for bringing a lit cigarette into the sim. Molly Cobb, bent over a pool table, chin twisted up towards Patty Doyle, grinning like a woman about to win.  
Just Margo’s luck that this is the perfect time of day—indoor light matching outdoor light—for Molly to catch her eye straight through the open door as she makes her shot. 8-ball, dead in the pocket. 
For no reason she can think of, Margo feels heat rushing up into her cheeks. 
She stalks into Bargain Books in a hurry. 
The sweater-vested owner behind the front desk gives her the polite nod reserved for a good customer (and disinterested conversationalist) as she beelines for Paperback Fiction. She finished Matheson’s Ride the Nightmare last night— should have picked up two when she noticed how short it was in the first place, but nothing else tickled her fancy when she was in here a week ago, so here she is again, browsing spines. Maybe it's time to cave and finally grab a 10¢ copy of Rosemary's Baby from the stack on the end, seeing as it’s the one highly recommended title in her genre-of-choice the entire country seems to have read in the last couple years, but she already knows the ending (and the entire premise of demonic pregnancy does not appeal for tuning out after the work day). 
She’s dubiously eying the back-cover blurb on a Chandler detective thriller instead when a voice over her shoulder says, “Oh, Patty loves this shit.” 
To her great chagrin, Margo jumps, gasps, and drops her book. “Jesus, Molly.” 
“My bad.” 
Molly squats down to pick it up, slouchy brown corduroy flexing over her thighs. She fixes a bend in the cover before offering it back to her, but when Margo tries to take it away, Molly doesn’t let go. Instead, she adopts a playfully quirked brow and tugs it back towards herself inch-by-inch, bringing Margo, frowning, a step closer than she was before. “Came here to see if I could talk you into a drink.” 
Margo’s voice comes out approximately four steps too high as she looks around for some explanatory audience and says incredulously, “In there?” with a jerk of her thumb towards the Outpost’s adjoining wall. 
“Yeah. NASA central, shithole though it may be, but I never see you around.” 
“Well, I’m not an astronaut.” 
“Neither are the five white-shirts who monopolize the best booth in the back six nights a week. They don’t check for a pin at the door, Madison. That’d be no way to run a business. It’s a bar. Come have a drink with me.” 
“With… you.” She asks because she expects there to be an and. Me and the other ascans. Me and the rest of you white-shirt types in the back. Me and Patty Doyle. 
But Molly just raps the cover of The Lady in the Lake with her knuckles and says again, “With me.”
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zevraholics · 2 years
ZevWarden Week 2022
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What is it? A week (this year, September 4th - 10th) of creating new fan content, sharing it, and celebrating the wonderful relationships between your favourite Grey Warden(s) and Zevran Arainai. How to participate: Feel free to follow the daily prompts as inspiration for whatever ZevWarden-related content your heart desires. Fics, art, meta discussions - everything goes! Remember to tag your works appropriately (ie. #nsfw or #zevistair) and most of all, have fun!
Sunday, September 4: Culture
Monday, September 5: Gold
Tuesday, September 6: Fights and Reconciliation
Wednesday, September 7: Alternate Universes
Thursday, September 8: Promises
Friday, September 9: Death
Saturday, September 10: Seasons
Like previous years, we took each prompt and gave it two different spins. Choose whichever inspires you, or take the base prompts in your own direction!
Tag your content with #zevwarden week 2022 or tag us on your post and we’ll reblog it here. *Any art found to be whitewashing Zevran will not be shared.
Day 1 - Sunday, September 4 - Culture
Culture shock "Now, if it is all the same to you, I would prefer not to speak more of Antiva. It makes me wistful and hungry for a proper meal." What does Zevran think about life in Ferelden that we don't get to see in-game? If your Warden and Zevran ever travel anywhere else, what's familiar and what comes as a surprise?
Cultural exchange "Loving a place is not the same as never desiring to be elsewhere." Either at home or abroad, do the Warden and Zevran experience new foods, festivals, or traditions together? How do Zevran and the Warden deal with their cultural differences and similarities?
Day 2 - Monday, September 5 - Gold
Trinkets "You do seem to stumble onto treasure on a regular basis, somehow." Between the infamous earring and all the looting the Warden does over the course of the Blight, it’s easy for the pair of them to accumulate quite a few trinkets. Are there any things in particular they each collect? What kinds of things do they save for each other?
Money "Ah, the bustle of a market district! The pickpocket's home away from home!" We know a little bit about Zevran's relationship to money, but what about the Warden's? Do Zevran and the Warden have enough of it, post-Blight? Do they have more than they know what to do with? How do they make a living and how do they spend what they've got? Also fun for this prompt: stories about stealing or bartering.
Day 3 - Tuesday, September 6 - Fights and Reconciliation
Arguments "You are a very frustrating person to deal with, do you know that?" Do the Warden and Zevran ever fight, either verbally or with weapons? Perhaps your Warden or Zevran (or both) get into a disagreement with somebody else. How do they resolve it or fail to resolve it?
Kiss and make-up "Running a bit hot and cold, are we? Fair enough. Let's get back to business." What helps the Warden and Zevran deal with tension after a tough moment? Are they quick to forgive or does it take them a little longer to work things out? Do they prefer to work things out with conversation or more physically?
Day 4 - Wednesday, September 7 - Alternate Universes
Variations on DAO "Taliesen offered to come to the ambush with me and I said, 'Taliesen, I don't need any help. This Grey Warden is a new recruit. How hard could it be?' But then, if I had been more open-minded to his help, either you would be dead or I would be. So it was better I refused. Huh." What would happen if Zevran met your Warden before the contract? Does your Warden end the Blight in a way the game's endings don't allow? This version of the prompt is for reimagining the story of DAO in a new way.
Completely new setting "I feel like we've just entered a Grand Cleric's bedchambers, where no one has gone before." Got an idea for the characters as vampires, mermaids, or living in a painstakingly historically accurate Qing Dynasty, China? The crew playing D&D in a college AU? Go wild.
Day 5 - Thursday, September 8 - Promises
Promises kept "In truth, for the chance to be by your side, I would storm the Dark City itself." Which promises do Zevran and the Warden make to each other? How do they come to make those promises? Are there ever moments when there is a price to be paid for keeping a promise?
Promises broken "What are promises? There are many kinds, spoken and unspoken, and yet we break them all the same, yes? They do not matter." Do Zevran and the Warden ever break a promise made to each other? Why do they break it—is it for a good reason? How does the other party react?
Day 6 - Friday, September 9 - Death
Near-death experiences "I landed in the river and nearly drowned. I was fished out by some urchins who robbed me blind. Made off with my boots, too. At least they didn't cut my throat." Zevran and the Warden meet for the first time in a failed assassination attempt. Whether dramatic or humorous or some of both, Zevran and the Warden have had many brushes with death in their adventures. Share a moment from one of those times.
Laid to rest "It's unfortunate, but death comes to us all. If not me, then some wasting disease. Or a fall down the stairs.Or at the hands of a darkspawn. It's all relative, in the end." No one escapes death. This is the prompt to share a moment of triumph after a battle, complex feelings after a successful assassination, or offer a character a peaceful death at home.
Day 7 - Saturday, September 10 - Seaons
Seasons of the year "In Antiva it rains often, but the flowers are always in bloom... or so the saying goes." Do Zevran and the Warden celebrate holidays together? Which, and how? Does Zevran struggle with Fereldan winter, and the Warden with Antivan summer? What specific activities do they enjoy doing in each season?
Seasons of life "It's true. I live a charmed life. One of the prostitutes that raised me was a fortune teller. Said I wouldn't die young. She was rather startled by that." As characters hit new life milestones and grow older, what is a significant event that happens in their lives together? Did either of them expect or even wish for that milestone to happen in their life?
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thesunfyre4446 · 1 month
Honestly, do you think the season will be good? The fact that it has 8 episodes still leaves me with doubts, and I really want and hope that there is development of the characters, especially the green ones.
mmm well, the trailers looked good, also the wigs & costumes look better then last season.
but there are some... concerning leaks going around lol the cast is really good and the show has a lot of potential to be great. i'm really hoping the writers will take brave decisions & actually invest in character development because that's their Achilles hill. in s1 characters seemed to do things because it served the plot, and not because it actually made sense of their character (especially rhaenys & alicent and rhaenyra post driftmark arc & daemon chokes rhaenyra etc. ..). some characters were whitewashed & others villainized to the point it was ridicules.
so i honestly don't know. they have great actors. and the trailers looked good. i'm actually hopeful for the greens ever since the "green trailer" came out. it looks like tom & the greens will get the screentime they deserve.
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astramachina · 2 months
For those of you who've been following me for a while now, there's a good chance you got to experience my journey reading the Remembrance of Earth's Past series last year. I loved Three-Body Problem, but The Dark Forest and Death's End were like pulling teeth. Both books had their very very good moments, but getting through them was a tedious experience I considered giving up on on multiple occasions. I will give it to Cixin Liu tho, I needed to know how the series ended and that alone was the sole reason I pushed towards the finish line. Any author that can make me tough out bad writing for the sake of seeing the end deserves some kind of award (and he won a ton anyway, so).
I approached the Netflix series with zero expectations given their propensity for shitty adaptations (One Piece notwithstanding), but after watching the first episode I was left cautiously optimistic.
Having watched all 8 episode I'm still unsure how to feel about it. I spent most of the series hitting pause to rant at my roommate about it, both positively and negatively.
I had many issues with the books, but some of the more obvious ones came from a writing standpoint. I love hard sci-fi. I could not excuse the sheer length of those final two books. The atrocious treatment of women as objects to romance and use as bartering for the main character. The abysmal MCs (specifically Luo Ji) that made me want to yell to the high heavens due to annoying they were. The lack of human connection between characters.
For books so steeped in sociopolitical and ethical commentaries, the flagrant misogyny and homophobia was eye-rolling. And not even in a "This is Bad" sort of way, just in a "This is So Fucking Boring" kind of way. I cannot speak for the author's biases, because the contents of a book in no way reflects the views of an author or their character.
Where the books shone the brightest were during the battle scenes, the looming dread, genuinely horrific thought experiments.
And, surprisingly? It feels like the people at Netflix thought the same.
I've never watched Game of Thrones but I understood why people were against it from the get-go. That, along with the whole "whitewashing" thing which I consider to be interesting. For starters, you're using whitewashed wrong. Yes, they moved the central story from China to England which was... a fascinating choice, but of the core five (that quickly became the core four), only two of them are white. I'm not saying it was okay for a western adaptation to take a cast and further diversify it, I'm just saying that that's not whitewashing.
That aside, I did like some of the choices that were made from a narrative standpoint. Reshuffling and streamlining events, for one. Removing the whole plot line about Luo Ji hunting down a woman who he invented in his head in order to marry her? I'm not entirely sold on the idea of taking core events and divvying them up between four different people, but I do understand what they're trying to do.
The book series failed at crafting believable and impactful relationships between its human characters, which made the narrative feel hollow and one-dimensional. This adaptation aimed to change this by slapping a band-aid over the issue. Like I said, I'm still unsure of how I feel about this.
A lot of unnecessary stuffing was removed to make a suitable run time, and I say unnecessary because there's really no scenes that are making me go "oh, I wish this had been included". Was some stuff rushed? Yes. The passage of time could have been outlined a little better, but that's a small nitpick on my end.
The scale of things was toned down, and I don't think Netflix has the capability (or budget) to tackle space battles.
Honestly? I don't really see this getting a second season for a variety of reasons, and I'd be okay with that.
It was an "okay" watch, in the end.
Tho, I'm still flabbergasted by the random "gory scary jumpscare" scenes????? Where did those come from??? I don't remember anything like that being in the books but, you know. I've read a lot more books since finishing these, so.
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lolotheparagon · 4 months
Sofia the First Season 2 in a Nutshell
Two Princesses and a Baby - 10/10
Amber wishes she wouldnt have to share her birthday with her twin James, so he gets magically turned into a toddler. Hijnks ensue. Another brilliant moment of character growth for Amber and showing how much she really cares for James, despite them being polar opposites.
The Enchanted Feast - 9/10
Miss Nettle returns disguised as a visiting sorceress in order to steal the amulet but Sofia is having none of that shit so she gets her critter army to stop Nettle. Also Snow White is here in properly the best media appearance she will ever get since Kingdom Hearts
The Flying Crown - 3/10
Sofia befriends the brooding jock Prince Hugo cos apparently she doesnt have a life. Look, I know you need to work with him to do your flying derby race, Sof, but dont bother with this Hunter expy.
Mom's The Word - 10/10
Its Sofia's first Mother's Day in the castle and she gets left out when her mother is spending more time with Amber and James. One of the show's core themes is teaching kids about blended families and Sofia struggling to adjust sharing her mother with her step siblings is very potent.
The Silent Knight - 4/10
Aunt Tilly falls for some NPC knight, when Cedric is right over there. Like show, if you were gonna ship any couple. I want sorceror failhusband and chaotic adventurer wife. Or hell, the drama teacher Miss Elodie for a gay option.
Enchanted Science Fair - 7/10
James, Amber, Vivian, Khaled and Desmond fight each over a science project but they all realise that Sofia is always right and they would all be dead without her.
King For A Day - 6/10
James tries being king to see what its like and yknow, this episode's hilarious to watch in hindsight cos its revealed James isnt even the heir to the throne lol
When You Wish Upon a Well - -4/10
Amber does something incredibly illegal but gets off the hook cos Sofia and their dad are enablers
Gizmo Gwen - 8/10
Aw cool, a castle maid who's also an inventor and engineer! What a wonderful addition to the ca-annnnd she's not gonna appear for the rest of the series, is she?
Sofia the Second - 10/10
Sofia learning about how to keep promises even if it means giving up something else? An evil Sofia clone who's a delightfully evil gremlin? Sign me the fuck up!
Mystic Meadows - 8/10
Sofia's girl scout group goes to a wizard retirement home where Cedric's parents live and she helps Cedric win his dad's approval and stop his micromanaging bs. Also, Hell canonically exists in Sofia the First and that fact alone is both disturbing and hilarious
Princesses to the Rescue! - 9/10
James and his friend Jin get captured by a discount Tai Lung and their dads end up being captured too cos theyre that stupid. So its up to Sofia, Jun and Amber to save the day. Also Mulan is here and its a nice touch they gave her the armour she worn throughout most of her original movie.
Ghostly Gala - 7/10
On Halloween, Sofia befriends the undead and convinces everyone in the castle that they're not seeing things, honest. Seriously, this girl could befriend Eldritch monsters and convince everyone that they're chill.
The Emerald Key - 10/10
A Hawaiian princess has lost a precious heirloom and washes up on the shores of Enchancia, calling for help. Another Hawaiian princess shows up, declaring shes the real deal. The Enchanican royal family immediately decide the best way to tell these two indigenous princesses apart is to get them to partake in white royal etiquette and activities and automatically assume the one doing the best at all of them is the real princess. Sofia realises that the imposter is always the whitewashed one.
Scrambled Pets - 5/10
Pet hijinks: the episode
The Princess Stays in the Picture - 3/10
Man, after Amber became a good person, the writers really doubled down on making her friend Hildegarde the new alpha bitch. Supposedly this was the episode to humanise her but honestly after watching this whole series, she really hasnt improved since this episode so it feels like lightning in a bottle we will never get again. The highlight was definitely Sofia yelling at Hildegarde's constant know it all attitude.
Baileywhoops - 8/10
Finally, Baileywick gets a good episode. I love the idea that Baileywick is such a good steward that EVERY OTHER STEWARD IN EVERY KINGDOM WANTS TO BE HIM OR WANTS HIS JOB. He's like the Alfred of this show.
The Curse of Princess Ivy - 10/10
Amber steals Sofia's amulet out of jealousy, unleashes an evil princess by mistake and now all hell's broken loose. Sofia really rakes Amber over the coals in this special and its glorious. Again, another episode that develops Amber as a character and its great to see the message of earning forgiveness and actually putting the effort in to change, instead of putting pressure on the victim to just enable their abuser's behaviour. Rapunzel's there as well with a banger song.
Winter's Gift - 8/10
Sofia meets a fawn named Autumn, who freezes everything she touchs and she fucking hates it. (Hmm, wonder why Elsa or Anna didnt show up in this ep?) However, Autumn fears the witch who gave her the powers in the first place won't do it cos she hasnt got her a nice enough gift in return. Turns out the witch is super nice, actually.
The Leafsong Festival - -8/10
Clover's dragon friend Crackle gives up her fire powers so she can be in a talent show but she has to get it back or THE ENTIRE KINGDOM WILL FREEZE TO DEATH AND APPARENTLY A SMALL DRAGON CAN MELT A KINGDOM'S SIZED COAT OF ICE.
Substitute Cedric - 10/10
Cedric begrudgingly decides to be substitute at Sofia's school for a day but turns out he really enjoys teaching and helps the kids practice magic on some wizard bullies. Cedric becoming more of a cool uncle is the best. Also, Sofia yelling the phrase "prank day is over!" to the wizard bullies as a war cry is really badass.
Clover Time - 4/10
Clover acts like a shitty roommate to Sofia, which is weird cos I thought Clover already lived with Sofia. Yknow, him being her pet and all.
In a Tizzy - -5/10
Ruby gets her own fairy godmother to help her build a cart and practice for a go-cart race. Thats neat! And yet, this all could've been solved if Ruby's mum was in the episode
A Tale of Two Teams - 6/10
I love how despite being a royal for like a year now, Sofia always chooses her old friends whenever she can. Neat how this is the episode where Jade actually needs glasses as her vision is causing her problems during kickoff. Amber also learns to manage and be a good coach. Man, the writers really put their all into giving Amber little intricacies with her character and James has...knight stuff
The Littlest Princess - 7/10
Sofia befriends a group of freeloading spirites who cause havoc in the castle and has to find a way to convince them to leave since that's the only way to get rid of them. I like how Sofia's flaw of being too trusting to everyone she meets causes trouble and Miranda gets to shine as being the best parent/role model in Sofia's life.
Buttercup Amber - 10/10
For some reason, Amber joins Sofia's girl scout camping trip and unlike the last experience with Baileywick, this one is actually fun. Seriously, Amber brought her entire wardrobe of dresses to camp and the girls inspire her to create a huge tent out of them. Nice to see Amber has changed a lot since Season 1 already.
Carol of the Arrow - -8/10
Ah yes, I love watching Sofia the First talking about anti-royalism, despite being set in a world where the royals are super friendly and interventionalist, there is no classism between the royals and commoners and that colonialisation doesnt exist. And yet we have a non-furry Robin Hood trying to help the common folk and Sofia's standing there like 'oh she's my fave celeb i cant be a royal!! i'll pretend to be a commoner again so i can show her royals can do something' but SHE'S GOT NO REASON TO HIDE HER IDENTITY COS SHE'S A FAMOUS PRINCESS AND ISNT EVEN HIDING HER NAME AND APPARENTLY FEM ROBIN HOOD FINDS OUT ABOUT HER AND REALISES OH HEY MAYBE ROYALS ARENT LAZY GOOD FOR NOTHINGS AFTER ALL. WASNT THERE A SCENE FROM TWO EPISODES AGO WHERE THE ROYAL FAMILY WAS GIVING AWAY FREE GIFTS TO ALL THE PEASANT CHILDREN IN ENCHANCIA. WHERE DID SHE GET THIS PRECONCEPTION FROM? ASPFSCEVRH WHAT IS GOING ON??!
Sidekick Clio - 3/10
Hildegarde acts like an abusive bitch to her friend Clio but instead of Clio leaving her and finding a new group of friends, she forgives Hildegarde after one apology. Oh and before you ask, Hildegarde doesnt retain her lesson from this in later episodes. I feel so sorry for Clio. Especially since she has a lot of fun potential as a side character.
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“Some people need to realize that representation and races in Winx matter the MOST because this is why Winx is iconic: real friendship, multiracial cast (heck, PoC children even could SEE THEMSELVES in those fairies!) without "token friend of different race" trope and no stereotypes of their races, and each one got a backstory and actual flaws. I could care less about the S8 art style because I'd still watch but the whitewashing from WoW, Season 8 is just very bad to say at least.”
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thephantomcasebook · 1 year
So apparently both Olivia and Emma will be filming in Spain this month (where they film King's Landing exterior scenes) and this only means one thing: the fall of KL is happening in S2 which is a bit too much isn't it? Considering the season will only have 8 episodes…everything is going to be rushed and there will be no time for proper character development, especially for team green. And sadly I already see lots of people justifying this mess and claiming it's all going to be fine because they'll be moving the Battle of the Gullet to season 3 and Rhaenyra taking the city is the perfect ending because they shouldn't just let her sit the whole season in Dragonstone doing nothing and having no win. Rook's Rest and its aftermath with Aemond being crowned as regent would have been a much better season finale but by the look of things right now this battle will probably happen in episode 4 or 5 and Blood & Cheese in episode 1 or 2…
There's a little speculative inside baseball going on right now of what people are talking about in production that I hear going around private fan discords.
1.) Is that the scene in question is another attempt by Alicent to prevent the full scale war after finding out about what happened between Aemond and Luke above Ship Breaker Bay. Apparently Alicent will completely and totally throw Aemond under the bus, in fact, she'll throw all of her children under the bus trying to maintain peace with Rhaenyra, including offering herself as a hostage.
This lines up with a rumor going around in December that Alicent will be framed as being a secret Rhaenyra sympathizer working against Aemond and Criston's war effrort, and that she would be portrayed as, basically, being a captive of her own children and Lord Commander. This was something that apparently Cooke pitched right after Sapochnik got the boot by HBO/Warner.
I'm not saying this is true, cause you've got be fucking retarded to write Alicent Hightower - the woman who loves her children more than life itself - in such a bullshit manner. But if this does turn out to be the case, it might be one the biggest character missteps/betrayals since Jaime took Brienne's virginity and then went to die with Cersei in Season 8 of GOT.
2.) The other speculative rumor is that this scene takes place post "Blood & Cheese" in which Rhaenyra apparently either never knew that Daemon was targeting Jaehaerys or that they were trying to assassinate Aegon and got Jaehaerys instead. Either way, Rhaenyra is apparently absolved in involvement of this monstrous murder by the writers, and she is trying to apologize to Alicent, but Alicent goes fire and brimstone and vows to help Aemond and Criston make Rhaenyra pay for what she and Daemon have done to her baby boy.
This seems a little more believable, in that I can completely see the writers continuing to try and whitewash Rhaenyra further by making Daemon the monster and Rhaenyra his pigeon. It would also fit with Condal's vow to make Daemon more unlikeable and tarnish him in the eyes of the fandom.
My opinion is that I'd prefer the latter much more than the former. I mean, I'm perpetually super annoyed that they're still trying to whitewash Rhaenyra and make her seem a better person than she ever was for going on thirty years of continuity. But I can live with it if it means getting a more book accurate Alicent who will kill every memeber of team black she lays her Mutha'fuckin eyes on!
I am also 1000% done with whatever fucking girl-crush cutesy bullshit going on between Olivia Cooke and Emma D'arcy. If they want to be friends on their own time, go fucking nuts - by all means get matching t-shirts and B&B with their boyfriends on a doubles vacation, and all that shit. But when it starts to effect the work and they aren't mature enough to play the characters as written without putting their own bullshit into it and it starts to show on screen, than we've got a problem.
I'm telling you, right now, if those December leaks turn out to be true and we get an Alicent who is actively working against her children and who proclaims Aemond a monster to a woman who just murdered her granchild cause she's in love with her, I'm gonna lose my fucking mind.
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