#seamoon is also cool
ryctone · 2 years
happy 196th day tell me what are your cookie run ships
Well; Aloe x Cyborg had become a favorite ship for me for a while now!
There's also Cream Unicorn x Leek, gotta love me some rarepairs.
And I've had warmed up to Hero x Lemon after some time.
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scoliosisrobot · 7 days
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I'm officially a con guest!!
Come see me and many other cool cosplayers at Cosplay Blitz³ this June 29-30 at Ayala Malls Circuit Activity center!!
Feel free to ask for a pic or chat for a bit !! I'm not entirely sure if I'll be having merch so theres a very slim chance (i have no moneys). Also huge thanks to y'all for the love n support!! -SeaMoon
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fuzzkaizer · 8 months
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"... a Polish built pedal from the early/mid 80s. ... Currently there's not much info (if any) out there about Satronik ...
So you're probably guessing that the Fuzz Sustainer almost has to be a Big Muff then... And it IS, kinda.
If you were to plug into it and close your eyes you would swear it was one of the beefiest and buzziest and wooliest of Muffs you ever heard! And it did all that while still retaining articulate, thick bone-crushing harmonics.
The sound sits somewhere between a late 70s IC Muff and a Civil War Muff. And honestly is one of the better BMP copies I've ever played. But that's what's crazy; inside the Fuzz Sustainer is not a copy, and not really derivative of anything (I can think of, at least)!
It's running off a 741 chip (*see DOD 250 or Seamoon Fresh Fuzz), and a duo of silicon transistors, a metal can BC109 (I've also seen a unit with a BC108C in its place) and an oddly shaped BC149.
If you're familiar at all with Big Muff circuits you can tell right away that this is something totally different. So it's pretty cool that they were able to achieve an almost identical tone and texture."
cred: tonemachinesblog.com
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skybristle · 1 year
In your HC post about the rankings of the legendary/ancients are the groups of legendaries and ancients linked together by the graph supposed to be family? Like the ones under children of the tree? I think that’s a cool HC. Outside of the HC do you ship any of the legends/ancients? Sorry if I got it wrong I’m tired and don’t have my glasses.
sometimes but not exclusively !! what their relationship is is written next to the line linking them :] [though in mt's case, the elemental legendaries ARE his kids]
also i kind of perfer the ancients as a queerplatonic mess of relationships and vaguely poly but also not and mostly unlabeled. I am the ceo of hollycheese though! i also enjoy purelily [but as qpps]
as for legendary ships - besides seamoon, no not really
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moonlightcookie · 3 years
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ok heres the big seamoon angst comic story idea. wanted to post this b4 i forgot abt it FCGVBHJN
i got the absolute Biggest Brain idea 4 a comic/animation while at work [8:35 AM] for backstory: instead of actually residing IN the city of wizards, moonlight has like. a base/safehaven on the moon where she watches over the CoW. bc safety reasons i guess LOL [8:35 AM] where shes at, she can also see the ocean [8:37 AM] she sees the TOFW, and hopes that sf will actually be able to reach her this time b4 being frozen [8:38 AM] but she feels like she cant actually go down and just see sf herself, bc shes got this super important duty/oath she must attend to, right [8:38 AM] so theyve never actually met at this point, just longing from afar [8:39 AM] ok so one day moonlights just doin her shit.....and happens 2 look over at the ocean and notices the TOFW is gone, and a large darkness in its place [8:40 AM] so obv shes worried like "did she get frozen again?" and so she decides yknow what Fuck staying here im gonna check it out [8:42 AM] eventually she gets JUST close enough to see sf in the depths of the ocean, in her dread trident form, jus. sitting there on her throne [8:42 AM] moonlight gets fucjing Pissed [8:43 AM] shes feeling hurt and angry (mostly hurt) that sf has apparently chosen to just. Give Up [8:43 AM] this hurt is what causes her to become crescent moon [8:44 AM] so she leaves and goes back 2 the moon, mad as hell for a few weeks [8:45 AM] eventually fire spirit shows up n is like. Bro we cant just sit here and let her like. destroy herself [8:45 AM] n moonlight has had time 2 cool down n so shes like. ya ur right. im tired of being angry [8:48 AM] so she decides to enlist the help of wizard, alchemist, and avocado (hoping that since shes a blacksmith, she'd be able 2 build/make other things too) to create like. a pathway leading 2 a portal where sf can just go thru to actually get to the moon [8:48 AM] n so theyre like Hell Ya!! [8:49 AM] they (avocado, alchemist,  n wizard) start building this pathway in the ocean.....stairs leading to a platform with the portal that moonlight n wizard made(edited) [8:55 AM] and when its finished, they meet up w peppermint n sorbet shark to go see sf [8:56 AM] n shes pretty easy 2 find since they built it like. right in front of her throne LOL [8:58 AM]
[8:58 AM] like this but still far enough away where she cant really see it, just faint lights she doesnt bother 2 check out [9:01 AM] SO. they tell sf abt the pathway n shes like No it wont work, it's useless, i'll just get my hopes up again, etc [9:02 AM] then they all notice a bright light way up, in the distance, where the portal is [9:02 AM] its moonlight (full moon form), just standing at the top of the platform(edited) [9:03 AM] then she slowly starts descending the stairs, afraid that sf might not even want to see her anymore [9:04 AM] as she's going down, sf gets up from her throne, slowly walking towards the stairs [9:06 AM] about maybe like. 1/3 of the way, moonlight starts running down the stairs [9:06 AM] sf's also now Running towards n up the stairs(edited) [9:08 AM] they meet like halfway on the stairs [9:09 AM] and theyre embracing each other tightly n both crying like super hard   and moonlights like sorry i never did this for you b4, ive been watching you this whole time [9:09 AM] and sf's like no its not ur fault, im the one who let go.........n basically theyre apologizing n comforting each other [9:11 AM] then they descend the stairs together and thank everyone 4 helping save sf and all tht sappy shit [9:12 AM] then moonlights like Hey i noticed this pretty coral reef n it looked p warm, u wanna visit it with me [9:12 AM] and sf's like hell ya [9:14 AM] eventually while spending time at the warm n bright reef together, sf's form starts 2 morph into luminous coral [9:14 AM] and basically her hope and happiness is returned
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tiggyloo · 4 years
Hey, people are calling me lesbianphobic just because I keep denying that SeaMoon is cannon or implied to be cannon
Even if it is canon it doesn't mean they HAVE to be lesbians. Other sexualities exist besides lesbian. Also, they still have literally never interacted within the canon of the game, unless you want to count Sea Fairy's comment that she trusts Moonlight. But that's still a stretch on having any kind of real relationship, as Moonlight still hasn't even acknowledged SF at all.
If one or both ARE lesbians? Cool! That's super great! But there is no concrete evidence of that. One or both being lesbians is strictly headcanon.
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eyebaus · 5 years
what about sea fairy?
overall: who? / i hate them / i dislike them / kinda wanna fight them / they’re alright / i like them / i love them / *accidentally drops thousands of pictures of them*
opinion: again, who??? / the purest bean / cinnamon roll / who knows really / sinnamon roll / the problematic fav / SO fricking COOL
otp(s): seamoon...... ( ; _ ; )
other ship(s): hm.....hm?
#noromo ship(s): her and firespirit! :]
crack ship(s): none....
fav headcanon(s): shes fire spirits big sister! they were raised in the same places! but also escaped at young ages since sea fairy knew it wasn’t her or fire spirits real home and that they were stolen from their original parents while sea fairy was already slightly taught by her guardians, but fire spirit was taken as a baby and the fire guardians were going crazy and grieving causing abnormalitys of weather in the dragons valley.
she used to have pigtails!
she still cares about fire spirit a lot and treats him very well despite him showing fear towards her (yknow.....memory loss)
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lesbiangemma · 3 years
i also have a ton of puzzle sets posted on my blog, including a massive seamoon one :)
I just checked out the seamoon one and I think it’s so cool!! It’s really creative and well put together. Perfect timing too because I’m running out of things to do this summer djskfj and it looks like fun!! c:
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