#scotty t
hubfordrinking · 5 months
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abbycadoodle · 4 days
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crushes ...........
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papanowo · 8 months
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yall ever think about how weird they look to other people
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vildo · 1 month
I can’t trust those who don’t like TAS
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okaylokii · 6 months
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They are on a bus fr
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forecast0ctopus · 17 days
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i think spock and scotty talk about physics. for fun
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lemonemenom · 1 year
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*whispers* they know we’re still here right?
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garneneva · 6 months
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Finally finished this!!!
turns out Bones is really hard to paint/draw and Spock low-key looks more like Sarek but I'm actually very pleased with how it turned out!
This is based on “the creation of Adam” which I believe was originally painted by Michelangelo but please correct me if I'm wrong!
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holodeck-enthusiast · 3 months
Star trek TOS gives us the hope that everything in the medical industry will be shiny and glittery as fuck in the future. Knowing this I can sleep well tonight.
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evviejo · 2 months
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STAR TREK // S1E10 The Corbomite Maneuver What's the mission of this vessel, Doctor? To seek out and contact alien life. And an opportunity to demonstrate what our high-sounding words mean.
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jim-kirks-bubble-butt · 5 months
star trek tos cuntiness ranking
for context i am 4 episodes into season 2
Spock- should come as a surprise to no one. i knew it from the moment he raised his eyebrow. and from his eyeshadow. my number one cunt.
Uhura- who else can pull off bright green hoop earrings and a red longsleeved minidress? no one (except for spock). did you see her in the mirrorverse episode? motherload of cunt.
Bones- eyebrow raise once again. always on the bridge for no reason. also he’s a doctor. incredible amount of grumpiness in the most sassy old man way ever. call him dr. leonard mccunt.
Chekov- only seen him in 3 episodes but he came out swinging. backtalks everyone. including any omnipotent beings he comes across. chekov’s gun? no. chekov’s cunt.
Kirk- could be cuntier but it is understandable when you see who he’s up against. throws himself against any and all enemies despite having a stun gun. tits always out. ass fat. james t. cunt.
Chapel- could serve more, understandable that she does not. she is a woman with a job. crushing on a gay man when uhura is right there. however she gets points for being a space nurse and having a full face of makeup the whole time. i’d say an average amount of cunt.
Sulu- a difficult decision, but he gets points for his eyeshadow. it’s not as much his lack of cunt as much as how much cuntiness everyone around him exudes. goofy lil’ guy. like to fence shirtless down the hall. also an average amount of cunt. basically tied with chapel.
Scotty- i’m sorry scotty truthers i love him dearly. unfortunately he is more wet cat man than cunt serving king. in love with his ship. getaway driver for the landing party. slightly less than average amount of cunt.
thank you for your time and consideration.
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abbycadoodle · 26 days
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to boldly serve !!!!!!!!!!!
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Someone posted this in a Trek group:
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Counter theory:
"My theory was always that Spock was the unhinged and wild one -- a rebel by Vulcan standards -- and he radicalized "stack of book with legs" Jim Kirk.😂
Spock was the one out there mind melding with every Horta, Nomad and V'Ger while Jim and Bones absolutely panicked in the background.
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Then Jim usually ended up being the one to get Spock out of it, too. The Apple, Operation Annihilate, A Private Little War, The Infinite Vulcan, TMP . . . How many times did we see Kirk have to carry Spock body and limb and slightly on fire back to the ship after he got into it?
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The amount of shit Jim has to do for Spock in Star Trek III alone.
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Spock is like the Enterprise housecat who stubbornly insists on being an outdoor cat and keeps escaping, later having to be carried back indoors. He keeps causing mischief but everybody loves his ass anyway.
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Kirk and Spock were chaotic messes who loved their frontier first contact work in TOS and onward -- they deserved each other.😂👌
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Shit, cat got out again.
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alspacedout · 8 months
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god, she's a star!
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doyouwanttoseeabug · 7 months
Star Trek crew but they're all different species hear me out:
Jim - Jim has to remain human. He's the humanist human around, and also there is infinite comedy in the idea of a bunch of other species making exhausted eye contact whenever he pulls his bullshit.
Spock remains Vulcan obviously.
I initially thought Tellarite Bones BUT I think Andorian Bones fits better. Adding an extra-spicy layer to his Thing with Spock if their grandparents were literally shooting at each other. Every time Jim is Extremely Jim, Bones pulls out the ushaan-tor with a Dammit Jim I'm a doctor not a duellist but DON'T TEMPT ME
Romulan Uhura. No listen, trust me on this. Escaping from the Romulan empire because her love of languages leads her to a love of other cultures and a fiercely anti-imperialist anti-hegemonic stance. Her poise and calm comes from a lifetime of lying to the Tal Shiar, who were aggressively trying to recruit her before she joined Starfleet. How did she become an expert in diplomacy? Well her favourite childhood hobby was not getting dissapeared by the state so the rest came naturally.
Klingon Rand was revealed to me in a dream.
SCOTTY is the Tellarite. Jim rings down to engineering all meek like "hello Scotty can you tell me why the "ship is about to explode" light is flashing" and Scotty's like your mother was a leper and your father was a clown. Yeah the engines are fucked.
Chekov is Orion for The Angst TM
I know I KNOW that the Federation hadn't made contact with the Cardassians in TOS but Cardassian Sulu. He's so nice and smiley and polite :) and he's just saying Captain that if you want anyone poisoned I might know a guy :) the guy is me, Captain :)
I really wanted a Ferengi on here but no one fits so. Ferengi Chapel I guess. She's actually incredibly nice and way more professional than Bones but occasionally there's a gleam in her eyes and you just know she's thinking Oh, if I wanted to, I could rip these suckers off.
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warpfactor9 · 7 months
how am i supposed to be normal about star trek when [cunty spock voice] why THANK you, CAPTAIN mccoy.
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