floresenfermas · 2 months
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BUKOWSKI SCHULTHEISS. Ediciones La Cúpula, 2023.
He vuelto de lleno e inesperadamente a Charles Bukowski (aunque no es menos cierto que acudo a su poesía con asiduidad) con un cómic en el que el dibujante alemán Matthias Schultheiss ha adaptado ocho narraciones de uno de los miembros más destacados del realismo sucio.
A Bukowski lo conocí recién aterrizado en la universidad con El capitán salió a comer y los marineros tomaron el barco, un magnífico libro (traducido al español precisamente por quien está considerado su mayor discípulo en nuestra lengua, Roger Wolfe), una especie de diario de los últimos meses de su vida, escrito con el singular estilo con el que cimentó su prolífica obra. De ahí pasé a leer todas sus novelas, dando comienzo mi festín con la fabulosa La senda del perdedor, a la que siguieron Cartero, Factótum, Mujeres, Hollywood, Pulp, innumerables poemarios, relatos, diarios...
La magistral adaptación al cómic de Matthias Schultheiss (existe una versión anterior en blanco y negro), edificado con sus exquisitos dibujos, sirve como excelente muestra del Universo Bukowski: el perdedor y sus múltiples derrotas, los trabajos precarios de una vida sórdida, el alcohol y las prostitutas o las mugrientas habitaciones de hostales de ciudades deshumanizadas.
Leyendo el cómic me ha hecho recordar aquellos lejanos años universitarios en los que quise comerme el mundo y sólo fui capaz de mordisquearlo, hasta que éste me devoró a mí, y como un moderno Jonás aún salgo y de nuevo soy engullido por este monstruoso Leviatán que significa vivir, o más bien sobrevivir en un mundo cruel y absurdo.
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godysseus · 8 months
The Berliner urge to add a dj set and a beer bar to absolutely any event imaginable.
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Rockin and Rollin in Overdrive
From the moment my feet hit the ground I was a gear jammer, runnin my rig at 205, yeah, my whole life I jammed those gears flyin through my years rockin and rollin in overdrive and rammin straight through anything that got in my way,
No matter the weather, never used no breaks slidin sideways through the twist and turns a white knuckle ride all day long and every night, I was a gear jammer; now it is 2023 and I’m rollin up on 57 and you know I’m still jammin them gears hard so when you see me comin better get outta the way because I’m runnin hot and I aint gonna slow down, yeah, I’m runnin straight through, jammin these gears, death is hot on my burning wheels, but I got too many miles left to run so I’m jammin these gears, and rockin and rollin in overdrive.
Can’t believe the state I’m in, but I paid for breakin the speed limit, and by the time Death catches me I’ll leave my mark because I rammed my way through life and just kept on truckin, jamming these gears, rockin and rollin in overdrive so catch a glimpse when you can because you know I’m much faster then the law will allow comin up fast on 57 but I won’t use no breaks, jamming these gears rammin down on 58 and by time Death catches me I’ll have rammed my way through jammin hard on these gears and she knows when I come I’ll be rockin and rollin in overdrive!
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mamagraf · 2 years
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fatehbaz · 1 year
great news
at least 2.5 million ants for every human being
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Headline, image, caption, and text as published by: Shannon Banks. “How many ants live on Earth? At least 20 quadrillion, scientists say.” Mongabay. 12 December 2022. [Reporting on this new paper: P. Schultheiss et. al. “The abundance, biomass, and distribution of ants on Earth.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119 (40). September 2022.]
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frenchcurious · 4 months
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La ville de Dessau et la brasserie Schultheiss-Patzenhofer ont commandé la construction du restaurant Kornhaus, conçu par Carl Fieger en 1929. - source Bauhaus Dessau.
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transsexualhamlet · 4 months
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i think i hauve covid
[Zvorr on deviantart, Effects of Lightning Strikes on the Human Body (recolored), Jose Gabriel Alegria Sabogal
Jen Mazza, Natalie Schultheiss, Tracery by Timothy Cleary (recolored)
Takato Yamamoto, adapto on tumblr, The Incredulity of St. Thomas]
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itsbenedict · 2 months
Bullet Proof: Postmortem
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Waaaay back in the day, when I was 19 and I'd just discovered Dangan Ronpa (back when we put the space in the title, because all we had was the Orenronen LP and we called Ultimates "Super High-School Levels"), I decided to do my own. That was the heyday of forum adventures on the MSPA Forums, and there were no standards. I didn't know how to draw, but I decided to learn. I wanted to make a thing!
I got a good ways into it, honestly! It went through a few format changes, skipping over a couple cases in the middle in an abridged format on Tumblr, but I'd finally found my groove for the fourth case, playable from the perspective of the murderer. It was going well!
Then the MSPA Forums got hacked and the admins didn't keep any backups and everything was lost.
So that sucked! And once it became clear they were never going to recover the forums due to a mix of security incompetence and not giving a shit, I didn't really have a choice but to try and reboot it. I'd lost all the text, apart from a few garbled pages from a corrupted archive snapshot.
But... I've got way too much else I want to do at this point, and it's not looking too likely I'm going to have the time to come back to it. So if you want to know everything about what happened and where it was going...
You've clicked the readmore. So you do want to know all that. Here goes! Activate theme music.
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You remember how it opened, right? It was a forum adventure, and at the time, I asked the readers to select an SHSL talent and gender as the protagonist entered the American branch of Hope's Peak Academy.
That was diegetic. "Alice Bayko" was an SHSL Impostor, or- I actually kinda waffled on having her not technically be SHSL anything, as she infiltrated the school with a false identity. She has, however, forgotten this, and her original identity and mission, leaving her with nothing but the mask. I believe there was a scene planned, or maybe a scene that did happen, I forget- where Alice would be called upon to demonstrate some sort of stage magic trick... and completely not know how to do any of that.
But what was she up to?
Well, that's a good question, with a complicated answer. Let's start pulling back the layers, here.
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Seventeen students, and of the seventeen... somewhere between six and nine of them could be considered secret masterminds. Hilariously, I seem to have ordered this old banner issue in order of who's the most technically the ultimate mastermind, which was very cheeky of me. Would've been fun if someone ever caught that.
Let's start with...
Mastermind Level 1: Disguise
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This creepy kid, SHSL Prodigy Billy Bookerton, was supposed to be the original secret mastermind in charge of the school. As came up in the adventure proper, this iteration of Hope's Peak was intended to be a safehouse from the ongoing despair apocalypse pictured in the Danganronpa canon. The son of the headmaster, he would control their Monokuma puppet and be in charge of faking to the outside world that this Monokuma-themed airship was in fact a murder-happy despair cult (like everywhere else on Earth somehow.)
This was not supposed to be a secret to the student body. And this 27-year-old man was not supposed to wake up in the body of a malnourished child and pose as a student. After events occurred, he found himself like this, with a note in his own handwriting instructing him to lay low and play this role.
What events occurred?
Mastermind Level 2: Blackmail
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Also explained in the adventure proper, since these two were culprit and victim of the playable case 4: Gwendolyn and Ursula Schultheiss, SHSL Sysadmin and SHSL Retro Gamer nothing at all. Gwen was admitted to Hope's Peak on the basis of an actual talent, and pretty quickly gained control of their computer systems, sneaking Ursula in under the guise of Sakura Aran, and learning about the plan to escape Ultimate Despair by disguising the school and taking to the sky.
She thought that plan was really stupid.
Specifically, she thought Ultimate Despair was a flash in the pan, and it was ridiculous to think that some student riots all the way in Japan posed some sort of apocalyptic threat. (In her defense, this is a reasonable thing to think! It is ridiculous! Danganronpa's worldbuilding is fucking nonsense! But unfortunately for her, we're rolling with it.)
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So she and Ursula hatched a plan to get rich. Hope's Peak is full of the progeny of the super-rich, like the Bright conglomerate. Obviously people like this would have loads of incriminating secrets, with which they could be blackmailed, and by which they would deserve to be blackmailed because screw those nepo babies. The plan was to run a Deception Game, not a Killing Game- they'd steal Billy's remote-control scary apocalypse terrorist, and pit everyone against each other in a contest to uncover each other's darkest secrets.
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Once they had the dirt, they'd pretend to lose control and land the ship somewhere safe and sound, and Hope's Peak could deal with the scandal of the Monokuma hijacking and the consequences of their bonkers overreaction to some airhead fashionista's trendy protest.
If you recall, their plan went like this:
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Each of them assumed that the other had somehow betrayed them and hijacked the school's systems on their own- Ursula retained control of the damaged Monokuma puppet, and Gwen retreated to her secret closet base to try and wrest control of the systems back from whatever super-hacker Ursula found to compromise her control. It took Gwen a few chapters (and accidentally murdering her sister) to realize that there was a...
Mastermind Level 3: Reality TV
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It all started with SHSL Heir Henry Bright, heir to the Bright Conglomerate and active vice director of the company. Specifically, he directed vice. The Bright Conglomerate, in his opinion, did things too by-the-book, and were passing up big opportunities for growth in the organized crime sector. He was fostering connections with the Hit Deck (which led to the altercation that led to his and Dominique Martine's deaths in case 2), and...
Unlike Gwen, he didn't think the emergence of Ultimate Despair was nonsense. No, it was a growth opportunity. His plan was to invite a film crew to the airship and broadcast an exciting (fake) killing game to pander to this emerging despair-based market! With illicit funds provided by his contact in the Hit Deck (in exchange for his help securing a place on the ark for the Hit Deck's boss and trusted confidantes, posing as students), he assembled a team. Bribed some students, located an SHSL Doctor and some effects artists for realistic murder effects, did some networking, and...
...well, word gets around. The team he put together had bigger ambitions. A creative vision. One that had no room for executive meddling. They cut him out of the production team and forced him into the cast.
(I'm honestly not sure if this layer of convolution was necessary- I was on the fence about cutting him from the cast. The show's team might've found out about the school just because Gwen and Sakura screwed up the school's stealth measures. He's gotta kind of be there to explain the Hit Deck's presence, though, since aside from Dom none of them were actual Ultimates.)
Realer Reality TV
Before I reveal the members of the final mastermind tier, let's go over how they did this.
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I never ended up using this portrait, but this is Davi Rossi, SHSL Doctor, though he prefers "Ultimate Necromancer". He's a graduate of the original Hope's Peak in Japan, and his technology is the cornerstone of the whole setup here- underneath the school, in the restricted areas in the body of the ship, he has a whole secret lab with vats of glowy chemicals and fancy futuristic surgical tools.
He can bring back the dead.
Well, sort of. He can do all sorts of repairs on ordinary tissues- lose a limb, get a vital organ mashed up, bleed out, he can fix that. He can make alterations to the body, too- such as surgically reverting someone's apparent age, or implanting remote-control death chips, or strategically weakening someone's skull.
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He can even fix a certain degree of brain damage- the kind of stuff that might occur if you suffer blunt force trauma or total deoxygenation, where the brain is still mostly intact.
As a result, most victims are recoverable. When someone dies, he can bring them back again and again. However: he can't fully reconstitute the brain, and he has a number of limitations when it comes to working with it:
If the brain is completely torn apart or otherwise destroyed, he cannot revive the victim.
He can't directly mind-control anyone, nor can he insert false memories.
He can delete and rearrange memories, but not read minds, and memory deletion is episodic- he can't mess with specific facts, only spans of time.
I think I... also made an exception so he could delete specific people? Which is clunky and doesn't really make sense in hindsight.
There's still a lot you can do by cutting up and rearranging the filmstrip of someone's memory- but except in one specific case, he only ever really used it to delete the last loop.
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In case it wasn't obvious, this isn't the first killing game. This show has multiple seasons. It's been going a while- and while injuries that destroy the brain are rare, they're not nonexistent, and so there's quite a few students who died before the story began. There used to be a lot more students! That's why all the dorm rooms have bunkbeds!
And there's also unfortunately the one who received a fatal injury in this loop by blowing himself up with an improvised explosive device. Sorry, Mill!
(There's actually only a few people physically present running the show, since the show's been running for years now and they found that they really didn't need more than a skeleton crew to run it- Davi and some student plants, along with Monokuma drones and countless hidden cameras, are all that's necessary for production on the ground. There's no adult film crew present on the ship.)
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(♪ Kids with guns. Kids with guns. Taking over. But they won't be long. ♪)
Davi is also responsible for rigging up the masterminds with the mental control rigs for the two Monokumas- and has a third Monokuma of his own, who was going to show up to treat Martha's injury during case 4, I think in literally the very next update planned before the forums exploded.
So who are the people in control of these Monokuma knockoffs?
Mastermind Level 5: Case 5
All that I just mentioned about Davi? You learn about this in the fifth case, after case 4 in which you play as either Sakura or Gwen after killing their sister and trying to avoid getting caught in the trial. You can't win case 4, but you can successfully stall and bullshit long enough for the trial to be interrupted by a sudden explosion before you can be executed.
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Prior to case 4, Billy has disappeared into a secret passage, trying to track down the mastermind. Likewise, Flopsy-Turvy, Alice's rabbit, has also disappeared into a secret passage. Billy remains missing during case 4's trial.
After the explosion, the Monokumas call off the trial and lead the whole class to Davi's secret lab, which is the site of a set of murders.
Davi has been murdered via various small lacerations all over his body, including a slit throat.
Billy has been blown to bits by an explosion.
If Gwen or Sakura was executed during the trial, their corpse is found on a table in the lab.
Flopsy-Turvy, who was a robot all along, has been reduced to mechanical smithereens.
Violette, not dead anymore, but unable to speak aloud due to an incompletely healed throat injury
Some completely unfamiliar redhead kid, who doesn't know jack about anything and doesn't know how he got here.
The two survivors of this scene are naked save for some towels they found, and appear to have been spilled out from a couple of big glowy specimen tanks which were broken in the explosion that killed Billy and Flopsy. More on them later.
The subsequent investigation reveals all that stuff I just told you about Davi, blowing the setup wide open. In the course of that investigation, two of the masterminds find themselves confessing their involvement. After all- Davi's dead. There's no way they can run another season without someone to bring people back to life!
One in particular confesses before the other one- she doesn't care anymore, and she's happy to watch her co-conspirator squirm to try to avoid revealing his evil machinations to the people he desperately wants to think he's cool.
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Lilakali Bhallu and Raymond Rizzini are my favorites. They suck so much. They hate each other quite a lot, and have gotten together and broken up like three different times. Their collective theme song is No Children by The Mountain Goats. They're like 25 at this point, stuck in the bodies of the teenagers they were when the show started filming and they fully agreed to be part of the production.
Why? Well, Lilakali hates everyone and enjoys seeing them turn on each other like rabid wolves repeatedly- and Raymond craves acceptance and is using his memory privileges and surveillance abilities to try over and over again to be Popular In High School (to no avail.) They're both pretty pathetic people.
Notably, they are both real students who're supposed to be here. I don't remember if I ever had Lilakali make any predictions, and she'll insist she's just making shit up, but I was gonna have her predictions all come true, because the Fortune Teller thing is a real talent. And Raymond really can make a pretty mean burger. (Cheekily, that old Tumblr post was supposed to have taken place in a previous season- you might notice Gwen in the background, who in this iteration was never convinced to leave her room for meals, instead sneaking out at night to raid the cafeteria.)
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Lilakali also has an Edgy Backstory- she grew up in the circus, apprenticed under her grandmother, who refused to let her socialize with kids her age. She was supposed to learn the family divining techniques, not dance around like some harlot with a pack of urchins! Her grandma taught her to hate the world, and herself, and accidentally also her grandmother. One day, in a moment of perfect nihilist clarity, she took a Sixlizard cigarette lighter out of the trash, wandered amongst the tents, and burned down the entire circus, killing her grandma in the process. She looks back on that moment fondly as the happiest she's ever been.
Anyway. Those two are my favorites, but they're not the ultimate masterminds. In fact... they're quite sure there's supposed to be a third mastermind, and they suspect this third mastermind of having erased their memories of them and killing Davi. They can tell their memories were edited- they're fully aware of how the tech works and what the signs are, and they can tell there's big ugly gaps and gashes in their recollection of the past. Someone was missing, and Davi was being all cagey and weird about it. And last loop...
Well, what happened last loop is the direct cause of case 5. And at the end of the investigation... the two Monokumas go dead, and one giant Monokuma shows up, furious that Davi is dead and forcing the students to go to trial one more time. This will be the final execution- catching Davi's murderer.
Mastermind Level 6: Sailing No More
It doesn't take long into trial 5 for the identity of this giant Monokuma to be revealed- it's a mechsuit with a living person in it, not a robot, and he unmasks himself during the trial without too much objection once people start questioning... that confused redhead kid who they found at the crime scene. That character introduces himself as... the Super High-School Level Pilot, Nolan Cubbins.
Wait. What?
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Didn't that guy die?
Well, you see--
--oh, shit, I forgot Tumblr has an image limit of 30 images per post. Uh, gonna have to break this up into two posts. Continue reading here!
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ajarofpickledtears · 1 year
tfw you think the Maier / Mayer / Meier / Meyer situation is confusing and then find out that
Scholz, Schulz, Schultz, Schulze, Schultze, Schult, Schulte, and Schultes apparently all are variants of Schultheiß (or Schultheiss / Schultheis)
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dannyreviews · 5 months
Cinema Legends Turning 100 in 2024
Even though there is one more month to go in 2023, I thought I would get a head start on this post. Without further ado, the centenarians for 2024.
Eva Marie Saint - actress
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William Russell - actor
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Robert M. Young - director (Update: Died On February 6, 2024 at 99)
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Lee Adams - lyricist
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Priscilla Pointer - actress
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Ann Vernon - actress (Update: Made it to 100)
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Krishnaveni - actress
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Mimis Plessas - film composer
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Maria Riva - actress
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Joyce Randolph - actress (Update: Died On January 13, 2024 at 99)
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Ted Hartley - actor, producer
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Nadia Cattouse - actress
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Woody Woodbury - actor, comedian (Update: Made it to 100)
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Meta Velander - actress
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Pia Velsi - actress (Update: Made it to 100)
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Yatsuko Tan'ami - actress
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Bo Bjelfvenstam - director, screenwriter, actor (Update: Made it to 100)
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Jean Harlez - director
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Madeline Anderson - director
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Alfred Hoffman - actor
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Kang Cheng - director
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Fada Santoro - actress
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Walter Schultheiss - actor
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Donald Pelmear - actor
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Teresa Cunillé - actress
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Ip Chun - martial artist, actor
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Rolf Schimpf - actor
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Terry Gibbs - film score musician
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Elaine Schreyeck - continuity supervisor
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Stanley Sopel - producer
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Eunice Christopher - actress
(no photo available)
Gloria Stroock - actress
(no photo available)
Robert Porter - producer
(no photo available)
Pat Jaffe - producer, editor
(no photo available)
Norbert Terry - director, producer
(no photo available)
Alice Toen - actress
(no photo available)
Richard Gilbert - director, producer
(no photo available)
Ronald Spencer - director, producer
(no photo available)
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mickpro · 1 year
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A Couple Of Winos (1991)
Charles Bukowski & Matthias Schultheiss
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volterran-wine · 2 years
what artists do you think inspire Caius' paintings?
• — 𝐶𝑎𝑖𝑢𝑠' 𝐴𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝐵𝑟𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒
If anyone was unaware, Caius is in my worldbuilding (and many others) a true artist who has been using this hobby as a way to ground himself through the ages. A lot of the palazzo’s artwork is his doing though he prefers to stay anonymous a lot of the time. And if you are curious, this is Caius’ artist tag on my blog. 
Well, Caius has been an artist for many centuries at this point in time. And I do believe that he is cocky enough of a person to consider himself in a different class and league than human artists and painters.
I believe that he was ahead of his time quite a lot since he was able to dedicate more hours, energy and precision into his craft due to vampirism. In short; Caius was creating highly detailed Romanticism and Realism paintings long before other artists were able to.
If I was to describe his artistic style I would say that he paints with the brilliance of the Renaissance, mixed with the deep emotions of the Romantics and finishes his masterpieces with he flourish and storytelling of the mythical greeks. 
But, if you were to ask Caius about a couple of his favourite artists through the ages he would mention; Germán Gedovius, Edwaert Collier, Nathalie Schultheiss, Peter Paul Rubens, Caspar David Friedrich and Ferdinand Keller.
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Johann Rosenmuller (1617-1684) - Ecce nunc benedicite ·
Markus Flaig, Margit Schultheiss
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mariacallous · 1 year
Wage and employment benefits to lifelong learning—continuing education outside the formal education system and throughout a worker’s career—vary based on the composition of hard and soft skills required for a job, find Tobias Schultheiss and Uschi Backes-Gellner of the University of Zurich. The authors use a machine learning algorithm to classify Swiss job descriptions along a hard- to soft- skill continuum, where hard skills include concrete knowledge, such as knowing how to operate a certain machine, and soft skills include attributes such as leadership ability. Job classifications were then matched to lifelong learning decisions and professional outcomes of respondents to the 2011 and 2016 waves of the Swiss Microcensus of Continuing Education. In harder-skill occupations, where skills tend to depreciate over time, lifelong learning is primarily a hedge against unemployment risks rather than a boost to wages. In contrast, in softer-skill occupations, lifelong learning instead mostly acts as a boost for promotion and leads to larger wage gains.
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comicshopsaar · 2 months
Die Haie von Lagos von Matthias Schultheiss ist ein fesselnder Dreiteiler, der als Meilenstein in der deutschen Comicliteratur gilt. Die Geschichte spielt in Lagos, wo der Abenteurer Patrick Lambert von Soldaten aufgegriffen wird und in ein mysteriöses Geschäft verwickelt wird, das höchste Kreise der nigerianischen Regierung betrifft. Die Erzählung erforscht tief, was Lambert gesehen hat und wie er in die komplizierten Machenschaften hineingezogen wird. Der Comic zeigt die brutale Realität eines Landes, das von Korruption, Gewalt und Umweltzerstörung geprägt ist, und beschreibt einen aussichtslosen Kampf um Macht und Magie vor dieser düsteren Kulisse.
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SCHULTHEISS MAGDEBURG >>> In medieval Germany, the Schultheiß was the head of a municipality (akin to today's office of mayor), a Vogt or an executive official of the ruler. As official (villicus) it was his duty to order his assigned village or county (villicatio) to pay the taxes and perform the services due to the ruler. 
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