#scarlet spiral
fiannalover · 5 months
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This scene is extremely good at recontextualizing Kieran's entire deal because like. Yes, the two DLCs were a result of his lifelong resentment of being othered and losing the one thing he banked his entire mental wellbeing at bubbling over and exploding.
But he's also Just Like That. With absolutely no evidence his first thought is that he will be the next one. The moment you shake him out of it he Figures It Out immediately, but The First Thought is that. King of pessimistically overthinking and jumping to conclusions.
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jadeazora · 5 months
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Well, I haven't actually pretended otherwise, but it's cool that we have a more antagonistic rival that's actually relevant to the story, and that we had a bit of a hand in his downward spiral/him becoming that way.
(had to make one of these Joker memes at least once in my life ig)
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stuck-in-jelly · 2 years
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I'd say come pick up your kid but i don't think you even remember having one you bitch
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agentc0rn · 8 months
I’m sure people already pointed out the parallels between Volo and Kieran, which are pretty uncanny, but I wanted to further expand on that.
Both believed in legendary/mythical beings of their respective culture, and eventually grew obsessive with them.
They were keen to find the truth and which consequently triggered a major event that summoned antagonistic entities (aka giratina and Loyal Three).
They each sought power, but in their own ways - Volo was bent on domination and world erasure while Kieran wanted strength to prove himself but in a misdirected way.
What makes their parallels even more evident is that these two share extensive knowledge on the lore with us because of their lineages that had ties with the legendary/mythical Pokémon.
Additionally, Volo and Kieran project their perceived image onto the pokemon especially because of their past. They depended on these pokemon as sources of comfort, as answers to the reason the way things are, and as figures of admiration they wanted to emulate.
Last but not least they are strong, and after fighting them, they give you an important item that gives you a direct contact/connection with the pokemon lol
I like how we have someone who devoted most of their life to pursue a mythical being and a kid who idolizes a misunderstood being and relates to it but then takes it up a notch beyond "normal".
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notmoreflippingelves · 8 months
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touhoutunes · 5 months
Title: Awakening
Arrangement: ぱらどっと
Album: spiral world
Circle: 給食頭蛮
Original: A Soul as Red as a Ground Cherry
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“Kaine,” Web of Spider-Man (Vol. 3/2024), #1.
Writer: Steve Foxe; Penciler: Greg Land; Inker: Jay Leisten; Letterer: Frank D’Armata
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Pokemon Mainline Game Plot Summaries, Written from 3 am to 4:30 am:
Cutting off for Scarlet Violet spoilers and the whole thing got rather long.
Considering the plots I can only imagine what insanity they'll spit out next.
Kid fights the Yakuza who are trying to capture a newly born god.
Guess what, yakuza didn't die out. Kid 2 fights a foreign invasion of yakuza creepin in on his/her country and then goes to beat up the other country for not doing a good job.
Two different groups of enviromental terrorists plan to mess up the country (if not the planet) by drying out or rising the water levels. Also there's a meteor hurdling towards the planet so good luck with that.
Hypocritical Jerk says "emotions and free will are dumb we should all be the same (read: just like me)" so he finds a way to torture minor gods to create chains to bind the gods of creation to his will. His attempts piss off Literal Pokemon Lucifer.
Pokemon PETA with their figurehead Green-haired Player Character Wannabee Rival are here to say that Pokemon should be free and are willing to go Deus Vult on you over it. Turns out they mean your Pokemon should be free because the higher ups want to be the only people with Pokemon.
Sequel series has Pokemon PETA branch off into two opposing groups. The Bigger Jerk Side plan to resurrect the dead god-dragon by fusing the living fragments from the previous game to its corpse.
Local Flashy Idiot decides to murder the planet because he hates how everyone else looks unfabulous. This will be achieved with an ancient kill-sat tower that killed the region before because an ancient king had it made to resurrect his dead beloved Pokemon.
Global enviromental betterment organization is helping out NotHawaii. A bunch of random thugs are messing things up. Turns out the leader of the later is salty about not being able to be a gym leader while the leader of the good guy side is psychotic and tried to make her children into perfect hosts for extradimensional pokemon and merges herself with a giant murder jellyfish.
See 8 but now postgame includes fighting every other boss from the previous games from realities where they won and have gone on a Supervillain Dimensional Invasion scheme.
Ancient kings murdered an eldritch spacemonster. Its blood has leaked through the ground and creates hellspots where Pokemon turn into warped versions of themselves. There's a prophecy/calculations that the thing will wake up some day and a CEO who's trying to help the region wants to murder it harder but early so it can't cause trouble… and to save the energy crisis I guess. The Evil Team are actually a bunch of rowdy groupies. Also the princes have stupid hair and made things worse because they wanted glory.
Isekai into Meiji Era Island Nation where the local organization is sending people out into genuine terrifying life-threatening danger to study Pokemon and grok whats in each area even though the locals can explain stuff. Also there's this thing with what apparently is Pokemon God's blessing being showered down on the pokemon revered as living gods by the locals. Turns out some Absolute Idiot decided to break time aND IT turns out to be Plot 4 but its someone who may be the last survivor of a doomed civilization who either wants to murder or wants to Be Pokemon God and has made a pact with Lucifer to ruin God's day.
Traditional school easter egg hunt goes off the chains because the local Professors apparently broke time. There's three paths you can take for the plot at your leisure before stopping the time break: gym fight, perfect sandwich resource gathOH GOD THE BOSS FIGHTS, and anti-bully bullies whose teachers quit to get away from the nonsense.
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divine-swag-summit · 1 year
Higher Bracket Round 2: Match 11
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Photo credit for The Scarlet King: @ghostie-goo Photo credit for The Spiral: @kurulover
The Scarlet King(SCP Foundation) vs The Spiral(The Magnus Archives)
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mattibee · 5 months
honestly im still not wrong about terastalling being/causing a manifestation of dreams and desires but it sure is also timey wimey i guess
#coatlythoughts#didnt expect the seeing the dead at the crystal pool to come around in that way tbh#it is strange though.. why did terapagos do that..#and it like. i think implies that you gave an alternate dimension arven his parent back? since they say theyll go home and read briars book#and you have the book arven has throughout the sv main story..#but that also happened?? in our universe?? thats the hint for that cutscene??#like you could say maybe prof had multiple copies but idk the scribbled name implies its The Copy from their childhood no?#tbh i dont really like it having actual spacetime powers so im going to pretend thats also a dream/desire#the player wishes for their friend arven to have had a better life somehow#and terapagos manifests a token that may or may not indicate that you influenced that in another timeline#just like the paradox pokemon are a token that may or may not indicate that the prof's 'paradise' is real#though i guess the scarlet/violet books being real throws a wrinkle into it since they also saw the paradox mons#BUT THAT WAS ALREADY A WRINKLE CAUSE PROF DIDNT SEE THEM UNTIL THEY MADE THE TIME MACHINE!!!! AUGH!!!!!!!#terapagos itself might also be a manifested token of briar's desires for heath to be right if we wanna keep spiralling about it#not only wanting terapagos to be real for vindication reasons but also her desires to control and understand terastalling further#what better way to fufill that than a pokemon you can catch that has. immense control of that energy#basically what im saying is its all a dream but like in a fucked up way thats also real#paradox mons is tulpas i think
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malaroots · 1 year
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kiss kiss fall in love~
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helluvatimes · 4 months
A French Kiss In The Garden
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A particular outstanding one in a field of Scarlet Spiral Flag or French Kiss in the botanic gardens. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.
Two stops of negative exposure compensation was needed for this shot. Colours were straight-out-of the camera. When composing, I would usually place the subject off centre for a stronger composition but with some exceptions. This was just one of those exceptional cases.
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do-rey-me · 1 year
my body: hey you know how youve been struggling a lot with depression lately? how abt a disease that forces you to isolate yourself from everyone and also plays right into your eating issues! does that help? :)
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mirai-desu · 1 year
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Eliza and William Moments » Series 2, Episode 6
“Before we dine, I want to give you a present. It's a parting gift of sorts.” “Didn't know you could sew. ... Oh, Ivy?” “Well, I made such a mess of the first set that she insisted.” “Well, thank you. Look, Eliza, whether I like it or not, I leave for Glasgow at the end of the week. But, ever the optimist--” “No you're not.” “Pardon? “An optimist. You always say that, but we both know you don't want to go to Scotland. So let's not pretend.” “Well, there goes my rehearsed speech.” “Well, uh, I haven't rehearsed this but... I'm going to say it anyway.” “Am I going to need more whiskey?” “I have a proposal, William. I would like to offer you a job.”
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colourful-void · 2 years
mutuals and or ffriends who have finished sv and or do not fear spoilers can i get some help pls? im trying to find all the black spikes to pull them out the ground but im awful at navagating this game's enviroments and ive been searching for 3 hours now with very very very little success. does anyone know of a guide or something or some way to get some HINTS cause i do still like the idea of the challange its just way too hard for me for their location? i dont wanna get spoiled on whats BEHIND THE DOOR. I DO NOT KNOW. DO NOT TELL ME. i just need to get. spike. please help!!
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Rabsca from the Pokemon franchise is an Avatar of the Spiral.
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