queen-scribbles · 9 months
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I splurged and got all my Andromeda Six girls from @gncrezan and look how great they turned out!
Clockwise from top left: Savi [Kitalphan], Aurah [Tilaari], Rue [Human], Faith [Human]
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seawing-vibes · 5 months
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HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYPONY ! ! Here’s some art summary thangs <3 ! Template is by Mintcokev on DeviantArt !! I did one of full pieces and one of Sillay Doodles
Explanations of every piece & stuff is below read the readmore ! + links to the full work if its posed online !
First Template:
January -> This Sora Piece ! I am honestly still super proud of how it turned out , it was fun to work on and looking at it still gives me that nice vibe I was in while drawing it
February -> This headshot of my OC Elk! I developed and expanded on her story this year and did some headshots for their TH, still super proud of how the shading came out here ,,
March -> lmao nothin , not sure what happened in March but I dont have anything there aside from sillay Doodles
April -> This design of Blaze! One of my fav designs I’ve done recently .. shes just so sillay To Me
May -> This piece of my friend and I’s cat ocs ! Stickpaw & Frostclaw, two silly fellas <3 something possessed me here I’ve never drawn a kibby this well since and Im still super proud of this
June -> This reference of my oc Dee!!!! ITS DEE ! ! EVERYONE SAY HI TO DEE <3 ! ! ! ! ! I was so happy to finally give her a proper ref , shes one of my favorite ocs of all time and this came out so well , it looks so much like her!!!!
July -> This artfight attack! This piece was honestly just a blast to work on, the background and frame design and expression were all fun to illustrate
August -> These refs of my lomp ocs! Lomps are fictional guys made by my good friend and August was just the Month for them. These guys are (bottom to top) Fizz, Roe, and Skipper! They’re . Normal <3
September -> This piece of my fursona Kenny ! ! Just a fun piece to work on again, the colors came together way better than I thought they would
October -> This piece of my oc Houndcall! They’re feeling normal about their leader being possessed! This was like a weird experimental painted piece and ou .. I really loved working on it I wanna do more things with that method
November -> Not posed online! Surprisingly, this is a wip of a self-portrait I’m doing for class! Fathead Minnows and Rainbow Trout !! This canvas is massive (taller than me ,, which aint much but still!!) and I’ve been cracking at it for a while but hammered out the details of the trout in November so! It’s acrylic but I really wish I could’ve done oil instead .. acrylic dont blend well
December -> The final fella ! My idiot son ! Also not posed online , this is a linocut printed on hand-made paper! Fun fact, I make my own paper and my own Lino cuts as my main medium, I just cant afford the proper transfer ink, but I got some from school to use so ! My idiot dragon linocut son was born ! I hate him because he wont print proper but this piece ended up working out. Its lino-ink on handmade paper with red micron pen over it
Second Template:
January -> DNA Helicase
February -> Valentine’s Day Gift <3 !
March -> Not (publicly) posted online doodle of my epic oc Anton Bayheart giving his grandson a thumbs up :)
April -> Not (publicly) posted doodles of my ocs Sebastian (left) and Dee (right) (you saw her ref earlier <33) having a normal convo !
May -> A shot from This video of my friends ocs … the one depicted is Quickpaw <3
June -> Not posted doodle of Breezewhipser giving Rippletooth some good advice (it was not good advice) (ripple just learns hes aro)
July -> Not (publicly) posed doodle of my Oc’s Garret (BALD) and Benny (TIRED) . Also just two normal guys (they’re divorced) (and obsessed with eachother)
August -> This doodle of my ocs Savi & Skipper (Skip’s ref is in August first template <3) . Music taste
September -> a small part of this cat sketch page ! Beetlekit getting bullied by his cousins
October -> This doodle of Skipper . I appreciate him
November -> I dont know where this came from actually. Its my friends oc’s Redstone and Bumblebuzz staring kitty-like at my oc Specklestep (she is married to Red and Bumble is their daughter)
December -> Doodle of Tide from this whiteboard ! !
Have a great new year everyone ! ! ! Thanks for reading through all that if you did lmao
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sidesketchestuff · 1 year
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This is the start of an Owl House themed challenge I’m giving myself this June
Name: Ublekk Savi He/They Bigender
Graysexual Age: 16 Track: Abomination
Nationality: Finnish Race: Witch-Biped Mire demon hybrid
A Long time member of Hexside’s Markmanship team.
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omegaplus · 2 years
# 4,079
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Cheapo’s (Mineola), 2022.
Well, it didn’t take long for Mr. Cheapo himself to issue those June coupons. Two weeks ago I had one in May for 20% off everything and it helped. After my visit to Sunday Records, my visit to Commack’s Cheapo’s became my second most-expensive visit. Now I had the urge to visit the other location while the coupon was still good. There’s no quit in me or my wallet.
It’s the halfway mark in June and also my record-store tour. I have five more stops to go before I call it quits for the year. Summer’s here for long highway rides to essential places, sweating and sitting in traffic under the hot sticky sun while your car radio is keeping you occupied with the tunes of yesteryear. That’s what my trips were and are still made of, and that’s called ‘making the best of it’.
No traffic on the Long Island Expressway. No traffic on the Northern State Parkway. Just a few turns and I’m here before 3PM. This time around, Mr. Cheapo himself (his real name is Stu) was in the store. There were three other helpers of his constantly running around bagging new arrivals, re-pricing titles, and sorting out their selections. It took me a good five minutes to walk around and get a feel of where I would attack. The best part? No one was playing Kate Bush on the overhead. That made my visit all the difference.
The first destination is in the back of the store where all of the old jazz, soul, and R&B vinyl bins are. Always. It’s a great area in the store where you can simply hide out of sight and stay with yourself as you focus on the hunt. The first thing I look for thumbing through the jazz section is Roy Ayers. To this day, I only seen Everybody Loves The Sunshine once and I’ve yet to come across a copy of A Tear To A Smile. Snake eyes on both of them. But, there’s still plenty of more jazz / fusion artists I’ve yet to discover and records to own. There’s no shortage of used George Benson records, including a $25.00 copy of Erotic Moods. The usual suspects of the (Hubert & Ronnie) Laws brothers, David Sanborn, Earl Klugh, Billy Cobham and more all attended the bins; always on time, attentive and stay for the entire time. And, if you’ve followed Vinyl Frontier and other crate-digging pages for some time, you know records like Rasa’s Everything You See Is Me are a staple in every vinyl collector and producer’s staple. It’s the second time I’ve seen it, and for $3.00, why not? Now how many more times am I going to run into Herbie Mann’s Push Push in my lifetime?
At the back corner of the store and above the alphabetized used records was the showcase of cassettes locked up behind the sliding plexi-glass. His two locations are the only stores on the island that does this. I never understood how Cheapo’s ubiquitous and more expensive CDs were not secured while the less-than-500 cassettes he’s selling for no more than $5.00 each were locked up. It sure takes a lot to protect that $14.00 Billie Eilish tape that’s sitting there. It only took me five minutes to find almost nothing until I finally found Madonna’s Immaculate Collection. Don’t you fucking judge me. It’s not so much a piece of my Atari childhood, but it’s one of a handful of cassettes my younger bro- destroyed because single digits don’t know the value of things. A special sight to behold was a rare Skinny Puppy VIVIsectVI tape sitting pretty for $9.00.
I gave the vinyl searches a break and noticed a couple of shelves housing 12” techno / dance singles. Pass. I see two other shelves of various other electronic titles. Look who’s going to keep that industrial quotient up by snatching VNV Nation, Die Krupps, and a Cyberaktif CD? A few feet over to the right and there’s a small area of used metal and hardcore discs. It’s about time I finally introduce Bad Brains in my collection. I grab another essential item on my want list: Indecision’s Release The Cure. Three down, two more to go. What else was sitting there? Les Savy Fav’s Inches. Years after the fact and the Brooklyn goth girl still has a lingering effect on me. I discovered -Fav through her via “Hold On To Your Genre”. Now, it’s time to see if that album sounds mostly like it.
The search continues through the used CD columns again starting with the letter ‘A’. It was a breeze flying right through them as there were dividers for dedicated artists I didn’t care for. Once again I bolstered my alternative collection by finding two albums by Live and Hole’s Live Through This only just because. There were no shortage of everything Henry Rollins and even a couple of strays in Bjork, Savages, and Dead Kennedys. One disc, The Posies Dear 23, was one I originally passed up but decided to take back because we all have to start somewhere. And there they were: four Sonic Youth discs all grouped together. Three of them: Experimental Trash, Jet Set, And No Star, Washing Machine, and Daydream Nation were the very ones I purchased from Cheapo’s Commack location that Summer before entering my community college era. Just a little behind was Skinny Puppy’s Too Dark Park, one of the initial four albums I purchased with those Sonic Youth discs from the same visit. What an anniversary moment did I just experience?
12” hip-hop / rap singles? Nothing. Hardcore and punk 45’s? Zero. Once again my fingers found themselves rifling through the 7” singles section. $1.99 all un-priced paper sleeves and $2.99 for picture sleeves unless otherwise. You’ll see below a few components of my Atari childhood I’d take home with me. But while -I was thumbing through them, some of those label paper sleeves started to look pretty appealing to me. I find orange ones from Roulette, CMYK bullseye sleeves from Capital, and Uni’s swirled sleeve. One after another they kept on going. ABC’s blue and white stripes, RCA’s sunset colors, Atlantic / Atco’s vertical CMY stripes, Kirschner’s rainbow wave…even one from The Wiz, a former electronics giants hat-tipped by former New York Jet and Super Bowl champion Joe Namath whose famous tagline (“nobody beats the Wiz!”) was always delivered with a Southern drawl and a smile. There were at least ten more I picked out solely based on the paper sleeve design; an aesthetic not really touched on in the collectors world. It’s that moment when I knew I have a serious addiction because I couldn��t help myself. I was just buying for the sake of buying regardless of who was on wax. The low sticker prices and nice designs are a dangerous combination of not knowing when to fucking quit. But Stu came over and saw I was having a blast. He came over and asked me if I visited his other location (Commack) recently. Of course I did, Stu. Two weeks ago I spent almost $350.00 there. “Oh, you’re fine” Stu said assuring me I would be taken care of.
Now that I went crazy over choosing my 45′s, I decided to give the vinyl sections one final look. The Rolling Stone’s Their Satanic Majesties Request was on my mind once again. It was one of my dad’s records before selling that along with the entire collection for $50.00. The least expensive copy they had - the lenticular version - sold for $55.00, which meant I had to pay more for his mistake. The other record I remember of his, Kiss’ Rock ‘N Roll Over, was sold beaten and bruised for $35.00, but a newly-sealed re-issue was stickered for...$25.00? I shook my head and decided to go for them both after my entire record store tour was over. 
I just about had it for the day. Before cashing it all in, I asked one of the guys to get the keys for the cassette cabinets and I had him fetch me the Madonna tape. A quick look to my right and I took two other tapes from Jackie “The Joke Man” Martling. A Mineola native, it was only fitting for a record store in the same town as his to carry them. He was responsible for putting the Long Island comedy scene on the map, and as we all know, was Howard Stern’s former joke writer. Those heave-haws, chuckles, wheezes, and guffaws were heard to be believed.
Both of us head back to the front counter to count me out and - oh, shoot - I almost forgot to look through the used hip-hop CD section. Stu taught the new guy to punch everything in on the register, so that bought me only five more minutes time to quickly peruse the upper four racks on the wall near the register. Nas’ Life Is Good was up for grabs and both Craig Mack and Salt-N-Pepa were my golden-era acquisitions. One final pick I was glossing over was The Notorious B.I.G.’s legendary album Ready To Die. My Brentwood-era friend and across-the-street neighbor Reggie made me a tape copy an I kept it all this time. I was thinking of holding off on getting the CD only because I wanted a real cassette copy (also see The Wu-Tang Clan’s 36 Chambers); the way it was meant to be. I ended up buying it because I can always find the tape later. Now I had it for the day. Seriously. I made it in time before one of the guys gave me a final total. 
“OK. That’s $238.92” That’s with the 20% off? Not so fast! 
That’s more like it. A little more than half the load of the Commack location and with a better number out of pocket. Debit card swiped, pinned, and approve. They almost had no bags to give, but they managed to dig out an old one which everything fit perfectly in. They gave me the goods and we thanked each other for facilitating a purchase well done. With two hands, I walk out and took a deep breath. Another purchase crossed off the record-store bucket list. I load up my purchase in the trunk, hop in my vehicle, and go around the block in order to head west on Jericho Turnpike / Route 25. It took me fifteen minutes of baking hot 85* sun and sweat to do. I must’ve done something right. A half-a-mile before reaching the Northern State Parkway, I look to my right. It’s Stu driving his blue Nissan Rogue in the lane next to me. He doesn’t look amused. In his mind he’s thinking about how I drove him fucking crazy because twice I held him back from going home due to my constant searching for one more thing.
There were piles and piles of discs and many records from previous purchases still sitting on my floor, waiting to take up shelf space. I put the Mineola purchase on the floor and start taking them out. Immediately there’s something wrong. Stu’s employees gave me the wrong Tool album. I ended up getting the non-deluxe (stereoscopic) disc version of 10,000 Days. I saw a copy that was falling apart and brought the request to get a new one, thinking they’d give me one brand-new and sealed but nope. Great. $14.00 gone to pot. Looks like I’ll have to leave it to myself to get what I want next time.
Krush Groove: motion picture soundtrack LP
Spyro Gyra: Carnaval LP
David Sanborn: Taking Off LP 
Lee Ritenour: Captain Fingers LP 
Rasa: Everything You See Is Me LP
Ronnie Laws: Fever LP
Hubert Laws: Say It With Silence LP
Earl Klugh: Living Inside Your Love LP
Billy Cobham: Magic LP 
George Benson: Blue Benson LP    
Nas: Life Is Good CD
Salt-N-Pepa: Very Necessary CD
Craig Mack: Project: Funk Da World CD
Notorious B.I.G., The: Ready To Die CD
Tool: 10,000 Days (non-deluxe) CD
Live: Four Songs CD
Bjork: Selmasongs CD
Henry Rollins: Big Ugly Mouth CD
Hole: Live Through This CD
Dead Kennedys: Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables CD
Bad Brains: self-titled CD
Posies, The: Dear 23 CD
Les Savy Fav: Inches CD
Savages: Adore Life CD
Die Krupps: Odyssey Of The Mind CD
Peaches: The Teaches Of Peaches CD
VNV Nation: Matter + Form CD
Cyberaktif: Temper CD
Indecision: Release The Cure CD
Dead Kennedys: In God We Trust, Inc. / Plastic Surgery Disasters CD
Live: Mental Jewelry CD
John Cougar Mellencamp: “Paper In Fire” 7”
Bangles: “Hazy Shade Of Winter” 7”
Mike & The Mechanics: “All I Need Is A Miracle” 7”
‘Til Tuesday: “Voices Carry” 7”
Loverboy: “Working For The Weekend” 7”
Glenn Frey: “The Heat Is On” 7”
Fabulous Thunderbirds: “Wrap It Up” 7”
John Cougar Mellencamp: “Small Town” 7”
Jackie ‘The Joke Man’ Martling: Hot Dogs And Donuts CS
Madonna: The Immaculate Collection CS
Jackie ‘The Joke Man’ Martling: Rollin’ With The Punches CS
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the-tired-commander · 2 years
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I posted 5,592 times in 2022
That's 3,973 more posts than 2021!
563 posts created (10%)
5,029 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,658 of my posts in 2022
#eod spoilers - 98 posts
#gw2 - 91 posts
#guild wars 2 - 89 posts
#end of dragons spoilers - 76 posts
#thank you again for the ask! - 67 posts
#not gw2 - 63 posts
#damai vespati - 61 posts
#sylvari - 24 posts
#show and tell - 23 posts
#next day reblog - 21 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#also i am fighting off making a joke anytime someone says they drew their very attractive character to ''get them out of their system''
My Top Posts in 2022:
Honestly my favourite memory of running around the labyrinth is when I was in with a big squad and Steve was being a pest
And the commander just typed in chat
"ive had enough of you
And that is the only time I have ever felt bad for Steve cause my god did we listen to the commander
129 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
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Hi! :D
138 notes - Posted April 21, 2022
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Happy Pride!
This has been incredible to work on! There are 170 characters here, with only 5 of them being my own.
See the full post
146 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
dammit i can't find the actual post but last night I saw someone said something about a necromancer commander being a necromander and I could not get it out of my head
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necromander tag, its what all the goth commanders deserve
257 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Sylvari Anatomy
By your friendly local plant nerd
I love plants, always have, probably always will. I’m even qualified as a horticulturalist. I also study mycology, with a real interest in lichens. So when I first saw sylvari, I was immediately taken by them. I love them as a concept! That being said, I am not completely savy with the lore of guild wars 2. So a lot of what I will say will be coming from my plant knowledge side instead of my lore knowledge side. So some of this might be completely against stuff said in the game and that’s fine! This is just me having fun.
So let’s talk about plant people.
434 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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tomorrowedblog · 5 days
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Friday Releases for June 7
Friday is the busiest day of the week for new releases, so we've decided to collect them all in one place. Friday Releases for June 7 include Bad Boys: Ride or Die, Hit Man, The Exorcism, and more.
Bad Boys: Ride or Die
Bad Boys: Ride or Die, the new movie from Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah, is out today.
This Summer, the world’s favorite Bad Boys are back with their iconic mix of edge-of-your seat action and outrageous comedy but this time with a twist: Miami’s finest are now on the run.
Hit Man
Hit Man, the new movie from Richard Linklater, is out today.
Oscar-nominated director Richard Linklater’s sunlit neo-noir stars Glen Powell as strait-laced professor Gary Johnson, who moonlights as a fake hit man for the New Orleans Police Department. Preternaturally gifted at inhabiting different guises and personalities to catch hapless people hoping to bump off their enemies, Gary descends into morally dubious territory when he finds himself attracted to one of those potential criminals, a beautiful woman named Madison (Adria Arjona). As she falls for one of Gary’s hit man personas — the mysteriously sexy Ron — their steamy affair sets off a chain reaction of play acting, deception, and higher stakes.
The Exorcism
The Exorcism, the new movie from Joshua John Miller, is out today.
Academy Award-winner Russell Crowe stars as Anthony Miller, a troubled actor who begins to unravel while shooting a supernatural horror film. His estranged daughter, Lee (Ryan Simpkins), wonders if he’s slipping back into his past addictions or if there’s something more sinister at play.
The Watchers
The Watchers, the new movie from Ishana Shyamalan, is out today.
From producer M. Night Shyamalan comes “The Watchers,” written for the screen and directed by Ishana Night Shyamalan and based on the novel by A.M. Shine. The film follows Mina, a 28-year-old artist, who gets stranded in an expansive, untouched forest in western Ireland. When Mina finds shelter, she unknowingly becomes trapped alongside three strangers who are watched and stalked by mysterious creatures each night.
I Used To Be Funny
I Used To Be Funny, the new movie from Ally Pankiw, is out today.
I Used To Be Funny is a dark dramedy that follows Sam Cowell (Rachel Sennott), an aspiring stand-up comedian and au pair struggling with PTSD, as she decides whether or not to join the search for Brooke (Olga Petsa), a missing teenage girl she used to nanny. The story exists between the present, where Sam tries to recover from her trauma and get back on stage, and the past, where memories of Brooke make it harder and harder to ignore the troubled teen’s sudden disappearance.
Banel & Adama
Banel & Adama, the new movie from Ramata-Toulaye Sy, is out today.
Banel and Adama are fiercely in love. The young married couple lives in a remote village in northern Senegal. For them, nothing else exists. But for the rest of their tight-knit village, duty dictates that Adama soon accept the role of chief. The young man and his lovelorn wife have their own plans — until something in the air changes. The rains do not come, the cattle begin to die, the men leave.
Longing, the new movie from Savi Gabizon, is out today.
Daniel Bloch is shocked to discover a startling secret from his past and is immediately consumed by the extraordinary twists of a new life he never could have imagined. With each new encounter, Daniel uncovers a deeper layer of this fascinating mystery until he arrives at a crossroad in his own life.
Fantasmas, the new TV series from Julio Torres, is out today.
Writer, director, and comedian Julio Torres spins a fantastical six-part tale of when he lost a gold oyster earring. In his search to find the precious object, Julio reflects on the offbeat characters he encounters in introspective, often eerie, and always comedic vignettes set in a dreamy, alternate version of New York City.
Queenie, the new TV series from Candice Carty-Williams, is out today.
Queenie Jenkins is a 25-year-old Jamaican British woman living in south London, straddling two cultures and slotting neatly into neither. After a messy breakup with her long-term boyfriend, Queenie seeks comfort in all the wrong places and begins to realize she has to face the past head-on before she can rebuild.
Becoming Karl Lagerfeld
Becoming Karl Lagerfeld, the new TV series from Isaure Pisani-Ferry, Jennifer Have, and Raphaëlle Bacqué, is out today.
Becoming Karl Lagerfeld plunges us into the heart of the 70s, in Paris, Monaco, and Rome, to follow the formidable blossoming of this complex and iconic personality of Parisian couture. Between glamour and clashes of egos, grandiose parties and destructive passions, discover the story of Karl before Lagerfeld.
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geekcavepodcast · 28 days
Longing Trailer
Daniel Bloch discovers that he had a child years ago with an old girlfriend twenty years ago. His son Alan is recently deceased. Daniel finds himself desperate to learn about his son's life from those who knew him.
Longing stars Richard Gere, Suzanne Clément, and Diane Kruger. The film is written and directed by Savi Gabizon and is a remake of Gabizon's 2017 film of the same name.
Longing releases to select theaters on June 7, 2024, and On Demand and On Digital on June 28, 2024.
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coolbud13 · 5 months
Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 29th June 2023 Written Update
Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 29th June 2023, Written Update on WorldofEntertainment.in Upon finding out that Savi is going to college, Bhavani asks Ashwini and Harini about it. As it is Ninad’s birthday today, Bhavani tells him to relax. This is why Savi gets spoilt, says Bhavani. It is only through Savi becoming an officer that their family can break out of poverty, says Ninad. In response,…
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SAVI PhD student Christian Benning will be performing live with Oliver Xu in New York City on Weds 14 June 2023 on Fifth Avenue.
We wish Christian every success for this major concert!
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queen-scribbles · 2 months
I have been a good girl and worked on fic stuff(writing/editing etc) first so now it is
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fanalarm · 1 year
FanAlarm June 5th
This is the blog of a dev trying to develop a concert alert app.
fanalarm.ca Updates on my little site.
Currently working on adding TicketMaster APi information into my little app Still working on the backend I found out what I would want to get from their API which endpoint I needed to call to get the information I needed And then I made the hard call between sql and nosql I had thought that nosql was the way to go no matter what because it was the more modern approach to things and seemed to be the way all technology was going I mean it's so easy no rules just save my data and give me it.
But then I worked at a startup that made the hard decision of moving all their data from mongodb to sql. Because they had so much info and needed fast reads SO... when I made my app I was like should I just go straight to SQL ? But then with all the rules I was like I WANT MY MONGODB BACK But thinking about the fact that this concerts app is basically also a data app and would need fast reads for a lot of data I concluded SQL was for me even though the setup was going to take up a lot more time Hopefully im tech savy enough to have set it up the proper way and I didn't cause myself a lot of tech debt SO WHAT I HAVE ACCOMPLISHED IS finally setting up all the tables, and now making a python script to go through the ticketmaster api and adding that data into my db (eventually I am thinking of making this a job in EC2 instance in AWS and looking for new entries from TicketMaster periodically )
NEXT STEPS finishing my python script adding it to EC2 and working on the frontend of these concerts/artists
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bollywood143114 · 1 year
Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin: Virat-Sai and Satya's final shoot, show lovers will get a big shock
Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin Today Episode: Viewers of Star Plus serial Gum Hai Kisii Ke Pyaar Mein are going to witness a remarkable twist in the story line. Where you will find that Ayesha Singh, Neil Bhatt and Harshad Arora will be completely cut from the show. In fact the makers are preparing to bring a long leap in the show and in such a scenario the story of the show will go forward by 20 years. Where Benu and Savi will grow up. In such a situation, we inform you that Neil, Ayesha and Harshit will bid adieu to the story of Goom Hai Kisii Ke Pyaar Mein when… that is, when these three will shoot for the last time. June 15 Ayesha, Harshad and Neil goodbye! According to media reports, there will soon be a long leap in the story of Gam Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein, after which Ayesha, Neil and Harshad Arora will bid adieu to the show. Under such circumstances, the makers will shoot its last episode on June 15. But it is difficult to say whether this date is correct or the journey of these three in the show may go further. Although the show's leap is said to be fixed, then the show's entire story will revolve around Venu and Savi. Gum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein has been receiving a lot of love for decades and that's why the show is maintaining its top-3 position in the TRP chart. While the twists and turns in the show are liked by some people, the love triangle ending in the same story is bothering people a bit. We tell you that soon you will get another new story in the show, where you can enjoy the show with new twists and turns in Savvy and Venu's life. DISCLAIMER Thanks For Visit Our Site www.bollywoodofindia.com . We’ve taken all measures to insure that the information handed in this composition and on our social media platform is believable, vindicated and sourced from other Big media Houses. For any feedback or complaint, reach out to us at [email protected] Read the full article
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hockeylvr59 · 2 years
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I posted 2,314 times in 2022
1,811 posts created (78%)
503 posts reblogged (22%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,102 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#cavalanche - 1,619 posts
#cale makar - 1,113 posts
#colorado avalanche - 550 posts
#taylor makar - 370 posts
#my gifs* - 364 posts
#umass - 261 posts
#ppenguins - 115 posts
#scf celebrations - 110 posts
#nathan mackinnon - 93 posts
#cale cam - 91 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#posting this separately since taylor tube is going to be massive and may take a couple days to post depending on how cale plays tonight
My Top Posts in 2022:
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263 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
Cale + single mom w/ daughter + valentine’s day blurb
Did I send myself an ask as a reminder to write a blurb idea I had? Absolutely. Did I then not write it for 3.5 months. Also yes. But better late than never right? Also used the prompt:  “Thank you for being born" as inspiration. (1,189 words)
“Mom, mom, mom. Wake up!” With a groan, you stirred into consciousness as your five-year-old daughter Savannah burst into your room. 
“We knock…” You mumbled under your breath as Savy jumped onto the bed completely brushing your reminder off. 
“Look what Cale left for me!” She stated, shoving something into your face as your mind processed her words. Cale was your boyfriend of about four months now though you’d met last spring. Focusing your eyes on the item Savy had shoved in front of you, you realized that it was a light pink rose. 
“Mmm….pretty.” You replied, your brows furrowing a little in confusion. 
“He brought breakfast too…donuts…come on mom!” 
Just as quickly as she had jumped up on the bed, Savy took off again, racing back to the kitchen. Swinging your legs out of bed, you stood and stretched, looking out the window at the snowy Denver streets. Following after her after throwing on a hoodie, you nearly gasped when you reached the kitchen. On the counter stood two vases, one full of a half dozen pink roses matching the one Savy had shown you while the other contained what had to be over two dozen mixed roses in varying shades of red, pink, and white. In front of each vase stood an envelope labeled in Cale’s familiar script. Savy had clearly already opened the one addressed to her and you shook your head at her eagerness and impatience. 
“Well…what did yours say?” You asked her not even pretending to believe she didn’t already know. 
“He wants to take us for dinner tonight.” Savy relayed. “Does that mean I get to get all dressed up mom?” 
Opening up your own envelope, you skimmed the note, your cheeks flaring at some of the extraneous content. It essentially stated the same thing regarding dinner plans for the three of you and you nodded at Savy murmuring that yes you both would be getting all dressed up to go out tonight. But first, Savy had to get to school so she needed to go get dressed and have a donut for breakfast while you went to get changed to take her to school. 
As you changed, you thought about how Cale had snuck into your apartment this morning using the key you’d given him only weeks before when you’d had an emergency at work and had asked him to pick up Savy from a gymnastics lesson. You weren’t opposed to the idea and thought it was honestly super thoughtful. Cale wasn’t the most romantic person but apparently, Valentine’s day made him go all out. 
____ By the end of dinner, you were once again left amazed at just how thoughtful Cale was. Because of Savy you were fully expecting that dinner would be at some family-friendly restaurant. And that would have been fine, you were used to that and it was already more than enough that he was including Savy in the plans without complaint. (He had never complained about you being a single mom and that was one of the reasons you were so in love with him.) But instead of your expectations, you had pulled up to a restaurant you’d been dying to try after hearing about it from your coworkers. 
You’d looked at Cale in confusion but he just shook his head and offered a hand out to you, his expression telling you to just trust him. After helping Savy out of the car, Cale took her hand as well and guided the two of you into the restaurant. 
You’d been seated out on the patio with heaters all around you, just the three of you, and your eyes went wide taking it all in as Cale pulled out first Savy’s chair and then your own. It wasn’t long before a waiter came out with a bottle of wine and a small bottle of sparkling wine for Savy, filling your cups before leaving. While you and Cale had the normal restaurant menus, a special menu had clearly been created just for Savy and you looked at Cale. He didn’t explicitly say it was his doing but it was clear that it had been and included all of her favorites as options. 
You’d watched with obvious heart eyes as Cale talked to Savy throughout dinner, helping her decide on a meal choice, talking about how her day at kindergarten had gone and all of the valentines and candy she’d received from her classmates. Cale never talked down to her, he treated her a bit like she was an adult and Savy loved him for it, smiling and giggling all through dinner. Nothing made your heart feel fuller than watching the two of them and knowing that Cale adored Savy just as much as he adored you. 
All the while, Cale shared little touches with you throughout, drawing you back into the conversation when you sat back to just watch. Dating hadn’t been easy with a 5-year-old but Cale always did his best to balance making sure you both felt special and had his attention and while he was making an effort for Savy that he hadn’t forgotten about you. 
Dinner was delicious and while you thanked him, Savy had jumped in asking about dessert. As you chastised her, Cale just smiled and murmured asking how she felt about going to get ice cream on the way home. There was no way she was turning that down and so off you’d gone to get ice cream before returning home where Savy had asked Cale to stay and watch a movie with her. 
Though you’d sent him a look that he didn’t have to, Cale had agreed and after you got Savy bathed and changed into pjs, she’d settled onto the couch rambling to Cale about the movie that she wanted to watch with him. Assuring your daughter that you would join them soon, you moved to get changed yourself and start a load of laundry after cleaning up the bathroom from her bathtime mess. By the time you finished tidying up and returned to the living room you could see that Savy was asleep draped over your boyfriend’s lap while he brushed his fingers through her hair gently. You’d moved quietly, so quietly Cale evidently hadn’t heard you because as you approached the couch you heard him whispering softly.
“You and your mama have changed my life in ways I never imagined. I love her more than I thought possible and even if you’re not mine genetically, maybe someday you can be mine by choice. Thank you for being born and for lighting up our lives.” 
People said that Valentine’s Day was a hallmark holiday. That may be true, but not even hallmark could encompass the love you felt for Cale at that moment in a card. You may not have been dating very long but you knew now that whenever Cale asked you to marry him, the answer was going to be yes because you had never met anyone else like him before and you knew that you never would again. He was truly one of a kind.
269 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
If anyone needed a reminder on how great of a person josty is....
291 notes - Posted March 16, 2022
Last Name || Cale Makar
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Authors Note: So I was going to write a second part of my Cale/Nate threesome fic with both being All-Stars but then Nate had to go and break his nose. So instead we’re going to celebrate Cale being an all-star with a cliché plot line because well...I wanted to. 
Warnings: cursing
Word Count: 4,787
Vegas. It was usually associated with flashing neon, gambling, shows of all different types including magic. Yet for you, it was associated with hockey. The NHL All-Star Game to be specific. After all, it wasn’t every day that your best friend was named an NHL All-Star. And it certainly wasn’t every day that he invited you along for the ride. 
You’d met Cale your freshman year at UMass in a hundred-person lecture. Back then he was just a rosy-cheeked boy who had picked the spot two chairs down from you. You had no idea the superstar that he’d become. Yet, getting to know him…well it didn’t surprise you in the slightest. Cale was…well a number of things really. He was focused and driven. But he was also thoughtful, both in a studious manner but also just being considerate to those around. 
In the two years that he was at UMass you were friendly but not overly close. You had a few of the same classes together, you occasionally studied together, you followed each other on social media but it wasn’t like you hung out. 
Then, just like that, he was gone. Leaving you to follow along with his career and life through Avalanche social media just like anybody else. Occasionally you’d be included in a ‘close friends’ Instagram story or a snap chat but it wasn’t like you actually communicated. 
Two years passed. When you graduated with your bachelor’s, Cale had sent you a snap of congratulations. When you posted about uprooting and starting a job in Denver of all places, he’d dmed you, promising to take you to dinner once you were settled and he was back in town. 
And because he was Cale, he made good on that promise. One dinner led to another and before you knew it you were spending more time on Cale’s couch than your own. He was just as easy to be around as he always had been, neither fame nor money changing him in the slightest. It wasn’t long before he wasn’t just the only person you knew in Denver, he was your best friend. 
You hadn’t been shocked in the slightest when Cale was named to the all-star team, that had been inevitable. You had been shocked when he’d proposed that you take a few days off work and come along. Though you’d protested because he was already bringing his parents along, Cale wouldn’t take no for an answer and it was hard to deny him when those blue eyes looked at you like that. 
Arriving in Vegas had been a welcome change to the freezing temperatures in Denver. You’d followed Cale through the airport to the gate his parents were soon to be arriving at and settled into a seat to wait. You’d never met Cale’s parents before and admittedly you were a little bit nervous about it. Apparently, you had no reason to be because as soon as she’d finished hugging Cale tight, Laura had greeted you and wrapped her arms around you in a hug as well proclaiming that it was wonderful to finally meet you and asking how you were finding living in Denver so far. 
Gary had greeted you with a brief hug as well before falling into conversation with Cale, the interaction between them looking like this is what always happened when they were together thereby making you smile. 
You hadn’t been sure how much Cale had told his parents about you, but as the four of you rode in an Uber to the hotel, Laura peppered you with friendly questions that suggested Cale talked about you quite a bit with at least his mom. It was a little bit of a weird feeling but it wasn’t something that made you uncomfortable, in fact, it was reassuring that Cale considered you the kind of friend that you’d tell your parents about. 
After checking in, you’d gone to your respective rooms to get settled before going out to dinner. There you took a quick shower, changed into something nicer than travel clothes, and just took in the view from your hotel room until Cale texted asking if you were ready. 
Throughout dinner, you chatted with Cale and his parents about so many things and in a way, it felt not too dissimilar to conversations with your own parents. Of course, you didn’t request embarrassing childhood stories from your own parents the way you did Cale’s but Laura was all too willing to share cute stories about Cale and his brother Taylor when they were kids. You couldn’t decide whether you liked the stories themselves better or the way they made Cale’s cheeks flush varying shades of red. 
As if the conversation wasn’t good enough, the food at Hell’s Kitchen was absolutely amazing. This was definitely a trip you weren’t likely to forget anytime soon. 
Promising you’d see them tomorrow for the skills competition, you said goodnight to Cale’s parents and followed Cale through the Vegas Strip to head over to where Nazem Kadri was performing in his skills challenge tonight to pre-film for television tomorrow. Watching Naz you mumbled to Cale that the NHL didn’t even know the rules for its own event causing him to check that no one else had heard you before laughing softly and agreeing. 
By the time Cale left you at your hotel room door, your stomach was filled with warmth and your muscles were aching from the fatigue of the day. 
Snuggled into one of the most comfortable hotel beds you’d ever experienced, you didn’t awake until there was a knock on your door. Groaning softly you pulled yourself out of bed and padded to the door, peeking to see who it was before opening the door to a familiar figure. 
“Hey.” Cale greeted. “Shit did I wake you?” He asked a bit softer seeing your rumpled morning state. As you nodded at him softly while yawning you watched as he brushed his fingers through his hair. “Sorry.” He murmured. “I uh…just wanted to see if you wanted to grab breakfast with me. I’m going to be in media and stuff most of the day.” 
The sheepish look on his face made you smile and you took in his appearance a little more closely. Sweats sat low on his hips and a t-shirt covered his torso and he looked the epitome of casual and comfortable. Though you were still exhausted, it was impossible to say no when he looked at you with a quirk on his lips and those blue eyes bright and pleading. Biting your lip you swore to yourself that those eyes were going to be your undoing someday even if the two of you were just friends. 
“Yeah…yeah, we can do breakfast. Just give me like five.” You replied. 
“Are you sure? You can go back to bed if you want?” Cale questioned, his voice deepening for a moment before returning to its normal timbre. 
“Yeah. I’m sure.” You replied. “I can always nap later while you do media or whatever.” You assured him, already turning to dig through your suitcase for something more appropriate for breakfast. Cale watched for a minute before turning away, letting the hotel door fall mostly closed. 
Quickly changing, you tidied up your hair before brushing your teeth and applying deodorant. Deeming yourself ready, you grabbed shoes and your phone and room key before wrenching the door open again and smiling at the sight of Cale scrolling through his phone in the hall. 
See the full post
293 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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508 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
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rivaltimes · 2 years
The US House of Representatives passes two bills to protect access to abortion
The US House of Representatives passes two bills to protect access to abortion
Archive – Demonstration in defense of the right to abortion in the United States – Riccardo Savi/ZUMA Wire/dpa – File The United States House of Representatives approved this Friday two bills aimed at restoring the right to abortion after the US Supreme Court revoked the Roe v. Wade ruling on June 24, which had protected the constitutional right to abortion since 1973. termination of pregnancy in…
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aesterblaster · 2 years
Isagi during pride month is like one of those hes confused but hes got the spirit memes....Bachira is dying laughing as he starts freaking out over getting "cisgender" on a uquiz
He buys a gay flag instead of an ally flag on accident and then doesnt know what to do with it so he just kinda keeps it in his room
Says "Im sorry ..but Im straight :(" to anyone getting a lil too close to him on the field with the upmost sympathy and then is like "no its ok..love who you love" when they panic and start to deny it
"If trans people change their name...can I change my name? Can I be like 'noel yoichi'??? or is that a trans thing that i cant do??"
Makes instagram posts on the dawn of june 1st like "Thinking of bi people everywhere right now..." with no fucking context and a rumor that he's bi as well starts bc of it and he's not tech savy enough to clear it up properly so the rumor just keeps spiraling
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greenlivvie · 3 years
role of race in bad art friend
link to main page about bad art friend
This is the narrative pushed out solely by Larson and her people, and it is the one that is most difficult to battle - because it is hard to bring facts into this. I would like to explicitly state that I have no idea if Dawn Dorland is a racist, or has committed race-based transgressions on people of color. I can only talk about it in the context of the facts at hand, and try to examine if Dawn's actions were solely motivated by race, as so many people on writer Twitter claim.
the idea
I don't know if this was the first time Larson was hearing of it: according to the chat transcripts submitted to court, it is clear that her friend Alison (who is white) suggested she send the article to a group of writers of color, so they could "draaaaag her(Dorland)" when the she tries to come forward with (very legitimate) claims of plagiarism. Larson replies by calling it a "really good idea". Now I don't know about you, but to me it looks like she is weaponizing the feelings of writers of color to counteract a (what she knows to be legitimate) plagiarism claim. To me, it looks like the whole "white woman angry at an Asian woman's success" narrative is deliberately manufactured by Larson and her defenders to label Dorland's claim as a racist action. It is also important to note that the timestamp here is June 16, 2017. Dorland had not taken any legal action yet. She had not sent any cease-and-desist letters, she had not contacted Larson's employers. Larson and her friend were already talking about using race to deflect from plagiarism claims - claims that had not been made. This shows that the Dawn "taking it too far because race" narrative was literally created before she took any actions.
the evidence
There is zero evidence that Dawn Dorland did anything because of her, or Larson’s, race. If there is, then it isn’t out yet - and given how most of writer Twitter wants to paint this woman’s actions as race-driven, I’m going to assume that if there was any evidence regarding her being motivated by race, then it would be out by now.
the argument
Most people who claim Dorland’s motivations have something to do with Larson’s race paint the following picture: 1) Dorland is a narcissist with a white savior complex, 2) Larson refused to fawn at Dorland’s white-savior-ish actions so Dorland got angry, 3) Dorland is now angry at Larson for painting her as a white-savior and wants her to suffer, and that 4) Dorland feels she is owed something as a white woman who inspired a story written by a woman of color.
Let’s break it down:
We have no reason to believe Dorland has a white-savior complex, period. She gave her kidney in a blind donation, she couldn’t have possibly known the race of the person the kidney was going through. She has never claimed to “save” any people of color. She has never asked for praise for saving a person of color. There is z-e-r-o evidence to support the claim that Dorland has a white-savior complex.
There is zero evidence to support the claim that Dorland got angry at Larson because Larson wasn’t reacting to her FB posts. First, it is important to note that the group in question was a private group created by Dorland to talk about her surgery (the exact size is still debatable), and from the first post, she makes it absolutely clear that people are free to leave. From FB metrics, Dorland saw that Larson was reading her posts but not reacting to them, and because she thought they were friends and she was sharing private medical info in the group, she messaged Larson telling her to leave the group if she didn’t want to stay. She emailed Larson only when she heard from her friend Tom Meek that Larson was writing a story on kidney donation, which Meek thought was inspired by her. Apart from letting Larson let know that she was free to leave the group, Dorland didn’t react at all to Larson’s inactivity. 
Dorland actually hasn’t commented on what she thinks of Larson calling her a white savior. The only thing Dorland has asked for is the removal of the letter that Larson plagiarized - that’s it. That is literally it. She has not once claimed she is bothered by Larson’s white-savior character
Dorland’s claim is that she is owed something because a deeply personal text was stolen from her - one that she was gaslighted about, even though literal text was lifted from the letter. We can’t know her personal motivations, but we do know that there is no evidence to suggest her actions would be different if it was a white man who stole from her.
in conclusion
Is it possible that everything being said about Dorland’s motivations being race-motivated is true? Yes. But it is also possible that Helen Mirren is a cannibal. Or that Jimmy Carter is a stripper. We don’t say any of these things are true, because any claim we make in a logical discussion has to be based on evidence. The evidence states that the narrative of Dorland taking it too far because of race was created before she took any actions at all. There is no evidence to support race had any role in Dorland’s actions.
We can’t ask Dorland to prove she was not being racist, just like we can’t ask Jimmy Carter to prove he is not a stripper - the burden of proof lies on the people alleging something about someone. The people claiming Dorland’s actions had anything to do with race need to back it up with evidence - and so far none of them have.
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