roses-and-elixir · 1 year
Kiwi and blueberry satni?!?!? Never had that combo but I'm gonna try it tomorrow if I get the chance hehehe 😅😅
Omg sis try it out!! I usually have blueberries with greek yoghurt and honey but wasn’t feeling anything sweet so just threw it all in to use it up. Was pleasantly surprised- lemme know if you like it.
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0nl0n · 1 year
Solarballs Oc doodles lol
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Heartbreak Feels So Good
Santiago Garcia X Plus Size F!Reader Platonic!Frankie Moraxes X Reader
Your eyes were glazed over, staring at the way his arm was wrapped so tightly around her waist, when had they arrived? There was no warning, nothing that could stop the way your heart shattered in your chest. Support and acceptance, that was the only thing that Frankie was looking for. a/n:there be smut ahead! minors do not interact warnings:angst, heartbreak, kinda mean Santi, sad Frankie Part 2
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Your eyes were glazed over, staring at the way his arm was wrapped so tightly around her waist, when had they arrived? There was no warning, nothing that could stop the way your heart shattered in your chest. Support and acceptance, that was the only thing that Frankie was looking for. How were you going to be able to sit idly by like there was nothing wrong, like you weren’t breaking apart inside? Santi had caught your gaze, the way your mouth hung open just barely as you stared at the couple in front of you. There was a deep pain in your eyes, one that Frankie clearly hadn’t caught onto yet.
“C’mon, you know damn well I’m the best thing that ever happened to you,” You were poking fun at the way Frankie all but laid himself on top of you.
“And you’re right, which is why I’m not moving until one of us has a decent nap,” Frankie buried himself further into your embrace, sighing contently.
You’d been friends longer than you could remember, helping pick up the pieces when he came back home from being overseas. It was no surprise that he struggled with PTSD, all the boys did, but Frankie sought out your comfort the most. He’d moved into your home after a few months, afraid he’d relapse and ruin the life he was trying so hard to rebuild. It was nice to come home to a home cooked meal everyday, the way your eyes would light up whenever he stepped foot over the threshold.
“Well I already had my nap, so why don’t you get a few hours before we go out later tonight,” It was something the two of you did everyday.
“Are you sure, I don’t want to have you fall asleep and then the guys get all upset,” Frankie knew Benny would get on your ass if you were late, it was more funny than anything.
Frankie was a cuddler and you weren’t going to deny him something that kept him sane on the worst days. He never overstepped his boundaries, keeping his hands in proper places so as not to grope you when he was trying to sleep. It wasn’t like you would push him away, your heart racing every time he crawled into your bed, or made his way to the couch. Benny had joked countless times that you and Frankie should just bite the bullet and finally get together.
Only, you weren’t the one Frankie wanted.
“You guys make a great couple, I’m happy for you,” If Frankie caught on to the way your voice wavered he didn’t say anything, his girlfriend seemed so genuine and kind, who were you to come between that?
“It means a lot, why don’t we sit down and have a drink so everyone can finally meet her?” Frankie was lovestruck, anyone with two working eyes could see how much he adored her.
“I’ll see if I can wrangle the boys up, just give me a few,” You turned before he could see the tears well up in your eyes, running over to where Will and Satni were standing together.
They’d protested going out tonight at all, Will claiming he had important matters to attend to in the morning while Santi grumbled he’d wake up hungover again. Frankie all but begged everyone to come out, including you since he’d moved out a few months prior. It was obvious as to why he’d suddenly decided to get an apartment, and you weren’t going to deny him his freedom, so why did it hurt so badly watching him drive away?
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” Santi’s hands cupped your cheeks, brow furrowing as he wiped the tears from your face.
“I need to leave, I can’t be here anymore,” Could you really tell them the truth, that you were in love with your best friend and knowing that he was happier with someone else was tearing you apart?
“How about this, I’ll go say a quick hello and goodbye and I’ll take you home, okay?” Santi had always been there for you, albeit silently at the worst times, but right now you couldn’t be in that bar.
You nodded slowly, trying to calm down your breathing as you struggled to keep yourself from panicking. Will’s arms wrapped around you in a tight hug, squeezing all the air out of your lungs until you finally calmed down. He was the best when it came to bear hugs, wrapping his arms around you and squeezing until you were out of breath. Santi’s voice was somehow louder than the entire bar, he didn’t sound mad at Frankie which you were thankful for but there was an edge to his voice. What had you done to deserve this level of kindness from him?
“Hey, what’s going on?” Frankie was nervous, had something happened that he wasn’t aware of?
“I’m gonna take her home, we’ll talk later okay? It was nice to meet you Viv, sorry I couldn’t stay longer,” Santi didn’t want to come off rude, Frankie was his friend first but right now you were in pain and he couldn’t ignore that.
“Have her text me when you drop her off,” Frankie still looked worried, which was making your heart break more.
“I’m gonna stay with her Fish, I’ll let you know when we get to her apartment,” Santi turned without another word, walking over to where you were standing with Will.
The three of you hadn’t noticed the way Frankie’s face fell, the way his brow furrowed slightly for a brief moment before his attention was back on the woman beside him. He couldn’t worry about things when he had Viv to introduce to everyone, but damn, why did watching you leave with his best friend irritate him so much?
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧
The drive was silent, after saying a quick goodbye to Benny and Tom you were headed back to your apartment. Santi was a great driver, but the silence was beginning to slowly drive you mad as you watched the sights pass by. The air was still warm, clinging to your skin like a warm hug after a rough day. That’s exactly what this was, a rough day, though you wouldn’t really be able to call it that, this day was going to happen sooner or later.
“Is it my fault for developing feelings and not telling him?” You glanced over at Santi, lips pulled into a frown as he kept his eyes on the road.
“Absolutely not, the way he acted towards you, we all thought that one day he was going to show up at the bar and announce that you guys were dating,” Santi ran a hand over his mouth.
He’d been angry that Frankie seemed to be leading you on for months on end, sleeping in your bed when his nightmares became too much, or cuddling together on the couch like a couple would. Frankie was never shy about how he felt towards the women he's dated, which was why when he never made things official with you everyone started to get concerned. The final shoe dropped tonight, reminding everyone that Frankie didn’t lead with his heart.
“You don’t have to stay tonight, I’ll be fine on my own,” You didn’t want to feel like a child, like you were seconds away from having another breakdown.
Well I call bullshit on that, you’re clearly upset so I’m not leaving,” He pulled into the driveway so smoothly even you were shocked. 
Your house was a little bit off the beaten path, that was mainly because you didn’t want to have too many neighbors surrounding you. Benny had joked that he was going to build a house directly next to yours so he could annoy you daily. Frankie had defended you from Benny’s terrible ideas the entire day, promising that he would be the one to build the house. That would never happen though, he’d find someone that he’d spend the rest of his life with and forget about you entirely. The car stopping jerked you out of your thoughts, now it was time to head inside and drink away your sorrows in the safety of your home.
Santi didn’t wait for you to get out of the truck, rushing around to your side and opening the door like a gentleman. It brought a small smile to your lips, the guys didn’t treat you any differently than they did one another, so this was new. You rested your hand on his bicep, slipping out of the car slowly as your heels touched the ground below you. Unfortunately it had been raining earlier which meant the grass was slick, you screeched and threw yourself into Santi’s arms. He caught you easily, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing you back against the side of his truck. Your eyes locked for a moment, a thousand emotions running through your mind as you stared back at the man you’d called a friend for over a decade.
Neither of you were sure who leaned in first, lips pressing together softly, gentle pecks as your arms slid up and around his neck. You’d always wondered if the rumors about Santi were true, but your heart had been so focused on Frankie that you felt almost bad for thinking about Santi that way. You couldn’t stop the whimper as Santi’s tongue slid into your mouth, your body heating up as his grip tightened further on your waist.
“We should get inside before someone sees us,” You and Santi both knew that no one would see you, but the thought of getting caught in such a compromising position shouldn’t have been so hot.
“Let’s go,” You slid your arms down to his hands, walking towards your house with a confidence you weren’t sure you truly had.
Santi’s gaze was locked on the way your hips swayed, the dress you wore clinging to your curves so deliciously. How had he managed to keep his hands to himself for so long? Frankie be damned, you were gorgeous and Frankie was a fool for ignoring the signs. You unlocked the door quickly, kicking off your heels and tossing your keys in the bowl right inside of your door. Santi wasted no time kicking off his own shoes and hanging up his coat, the least he could do was make sure not to leave your foyer all cluttered. His hands found their way to your sides, squeezing the plush flesh beneath his fingers. The moan you let out was downright sinful, his cock had been straining against the zipper of his jeans nearly the entire drive home.
“Fuck, I’m gonna fuck you until you can’t walk hermosa,” You were practically dripping at that point, reaching back to grab his hands.
“Please, I need you so bad,” Your voice was breathy, whimpering as his hands slid to cup your chest.
He could feel the way you were practically spilling out of your bra, clearly one of your more “fancy” ones as you’d come to call them. Santi turned you towards the kitchen, spinning you around so your back was against the island. You didn’t hesitate to jump up onto the cool surface, reveling in the way it cooled your skin slightly. 
“I’m gonna strip these clothes off of you, and then I’m going to get down on my knees and eat this pretty pussy until my face is soaked,” Your core was throbbing, Santi’s fingers sliding along your upper thigh as his hands slid beneath the fabric of your dress.
Without giving yourself a single second to doubt the decision, you slid your dress up and off your body. You’d worn a matching set for the night, hoping that Frankie would be the one to strip it off your body before coming to the true realization. No, there was not going to be any thoughts of that man while Santi was doing sinful things to your body. Santi pulled off his shirt quickly, tossing it aside carelessly and turning his full attention back to you.
“Fuck, please,” Your back arched into the air, nails digging into the marble countertop.
“Good girl,” Santi gripped the sides of your panties, pulling them down and off your legs quickly.
He eyed the way your cunt glistened in the dim light, nothing but the moonlight showing your skin. Santi had a reputation, and he was about to make sure that you knew what the truth was when it came to him. Pressing a gentle hand against your chest he pushed until your back was flush to the countertop. He pressed soft kisses to the inside of your thighs, biting gently with each moan you let out. Your thighs were thrown over his shoulder, exposing your body to him entirely. 
“Sweet pussy is dripping for me, isn’t she?” Santi slipped two fingers into your entrance slowly, giving you time to adjust to the stretch.
“Only for you, holy fuck!” You couldn’t stop the moans, reaching down to grip the roots of his hair as the tips of his fingers stroked that spongy spot so deep inside your core.
“Gonna make you forget your own name,” Santi’s lips wrapped around your clit, suckling gently as he continued to move his fingers.
You were almost ashamed at how fast your orgasm creeped up, legs shaking over his shoulders as you tried to stave off the euphoric feeling. Santi of course was not having that, doubling down with his fingers and mouth, flicking the tip of his tongue over your clit as your walls tightened around his fingers. Your cum dripped down his hand as he continued his ministrations, overstimulating you to the point you’d thrown your head back with a scream, gushing over his fingers pressed inside your body. Santi smirked victoriously, pulling his fingers out slowly so as not to hurt you.
“That feel good?” You could hardly nod, eyes fluttering shut as your body rode the waves of pleasure.
“I’m totally riding your face one of these days,” Shit, you hadn’t meant to say that out loud, now Santi was going to think you were weird.
“Baby you can ride my face for the rest of my life and I will die happy,” Santi pulled your hips to the edge, pressing kisses all over your stomach and chest.
You snuck a hand to your back, unclasping the uncomfortable bra and sliding the straps down and off your arms. Santi’s eyes locked on your chest immediately, hands cupping the soft flesh with awe.
“I never knew you had your nipples pierced,” He ran the tip of his thumb over your left nipple, breath hitching at how the stiff peak seemed to tighten underneath the callous.
“Had em since I was nineteen, no one’s ever gotten to see em before,” It was a secret you were going to take to the grave, not wanting to admit something so risque to your closest friends.
Santi leaned down slightly, taking your nipple between his lips, flicking his tongue ever so gently over the stiff bud. Your hands tightened in his hair, back arching into his face as you struggled to catch your breath. He’d barely done anything to you and yet you were already on the edge once more, how many times was he going to get you to cum before he found his own release?
“Bedroom, please,” It’d be easier on the both of you if you were in your bed, you didn’t want the night to end too soon.
Santi stepped away from you, helping you down off the counter before sliding his hands behind your thighs to wrap around his waist. You were horrified at the yelp you let out, gripping onto his shoulders so that you would not hit the ground. Most men you’d been with had complained about carrying you around, Santi acted like it was a personal mission to get to your bedroom without you touching the ground. Though once you were finally in your room he threw you onto the bed, unbuttoning his jeans slowly.
Your eyes were glued on the way his cock was straining beneath his jeans, how would he manage to fit with that monster of a cock he was carrying around? Would he let you choke on it and bring him that sweet bliss of relief, or was he going to pin you down to the bed and fuck you until you were crying. Santi kept his eyes on you as he pushed his jeans and briefs down his legs, watching how your eyes widened when his naked cock hit the air. Santi was absolutely huge, there was no way he was fitting.
“Get on this bed, and get that cock in me before I die,” You spread your legs wide, running your pointer and middle fingers over your slick cunt, gently rubbing your clit for the added stimulation.
Santi didn’t waste a second, crawling over your body with a determined expression on his face, you weren’t leaving this bed until he had his fill. He grabbed the backs of your knees, pressing them up to your shoulders as he lined the tip of his cock up to your dripping cunt. Sliding in slowly Santi kept his gaze on your face, slowing down if you looked to be in any amount of pain. This was meant to be a pleasurable moment, and Santi wasn’t going to ruin that by hurting you in any way.
“Holy fucking shit, please tell me you’re in,” Your legs were shaking uncontrollably, hands clutching the bed spread harshly.
“Only halfway, do you need me to stop?” You shook your head frantically, rolling your hips down as best you could given the position.
Santi groaned, slipping the rest of the way inside in one final push. It felt as if the tip of his cock was in your throat, he was surely going to be the death of you tonight. He pulled back slowly, giving you time to readjust before slamming his hips forward. Your scream was guttural, head thrown back into the plush pillows as you struggled to breathe. Santi built up a slow but harsh pace, hips slapping against yours before he began to build up speed. Your core tightened with each stroke of his cock, bringing your body higher, and higher.
“You like when I fuck this perfect pussy? Stretch you open so that only my cock can satisfy you?” Santi was struggling for air, hands gripping your thighs even harder.
“Oh fuck, I’m gonna cum!” You reached a hand down, rubbing your clit in quick circles.
“Cum all over my cock like the good girl you are, I know you wanna soak my cock,” The room was filled with the sound of your moans, and the sound of skin slapping together.
Your thighs locked on his sides as you squirted over his cock, breath stuttering in your chest as your peak continued to climb steadily. Santi didn’t slow down his thrusts, merely laid your legs down before pulling out and flipping you onto your stomach. He pulled you to your knees, shoving your head into the pillows as he slid his cock back into your slick cunt.
“Fuck baby, this pussy was made for me,” Santi slapped your ass hard, gripping the plush muscle as he pulled you back against his hips.
You weren’t sure if you’d cum again or were still riding the waves of your first orgasm still, he was determined to keep his word it seemed.
“Where do you want me to cum?” Though he sounded breathless, Santi was still somehow more level headed than you were.
“In-Inside!” You were on birth control anyway, and the thought of letting him finish inside you fueled something inside of you.
It only took a half a dozen more thrusts before his hips were stilling, warmth spreading through your entire lower half as he came deep inside of you. He didn’t pull out right away, instead stayed seated inside you and tried to slow his heart. Had Santi not had a grip on your hips, your body would’ve slumped into the mattress entirely. He pulled out slowly, laying you down against the bed before running into the bathroom to get a damp washcloth to help clean you up. You hardly noticed him, wincing slightly as he wiped the cum that had started to drip out of you.
“Do you need me to get anything?” Santi threw the washcloth into your hamper, laying down beside you.
“No, but thank you for asking,” You rested your head against his chest, snuggling into the soft skin.
He smelled like the cologne he always wore with a hint of sweat and something almost spicy, it was intoxicating. He chuckled lowly and moved to pull the comforter over the two of you, wrapping you up in his arms as you finally settled. Sure there would be questions in the morning of how you moved forward after all this, but for right now it was time to sleep.
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧
Santi was the first to wake in the morning, groaning at the way the sun was peeking through your blinds so easily. He rolled over, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you flush to his chest. You let out a small sigh, snuggling deeper into his hold as you clung to the offer of sleep. The two of you would’ve gladly gone back to sleep, had it not been for someone banging on your front door. Had Santi promised he would visit one of the guys and was running late? There was nowhere you had to be anytime soon so they definitely weren’t here for you.
“Stay here, I’ll go see who it is,” Santi pressed a kiss to your hair, slipping out of the bed and grabbing his briefs.
Even if it was some annoying people trying to promote their church, no one needed to see his naked body at seven in the morning. The banging continued as he made his way down the hall, brow furrowing for a moment. He hadn’t thought to check the peephole, to see who had caused a ruckus this early in the morning. Once the door was opened Frankie pushed his way inside, stopping dead in his tracks as he took in Santi’s near naked appearance.
“What the fuck is going on?” Frankie sounded angry, and then it dawned on him, neither of you had texted when you got back to your house.
“Listen, I completely forgot to text you and by the time I realized you were already here,” Okay, maybe that was a lie and Santi had forgotten entirely, but he couldn’t tell Frankie the truth right now.
“No, instead of letting me know you guys made it back here safe you two ended up fucking,” Frankie wasn’t even looking at him anymore, eyes locked on your clothes that were scattered in the kitchen.
How could he even defend himself, the two of you threw caution to the wind and spent the night together, there was no denying it. That was the real kicker though, Frankie was mad that you had hooked up with Santi, even after denying you for years.
“You have no right to be mad at us right now, she had shown you for years how much she loved you and now that you have someone she’s going to move on,” It was the truth and it was tearing Frankie apart inside.
He’d always seen you as a friend, someone there to help pick up the pieces when he couldn’t bear to do it himself. Sure you were absolutely gorgeous, but he was afraid of ruining the friendship the two of you had, and now here you were, in the arms of his best friend. 
“You’re right, I have no right to be upset, but even if the feelings weren’t mutual she’s still my friend and I don’t want to see her get hurt,” Frankie would take down anyone that hurt you, no matter who they were to him. “You know I’d never hurt her, we’ll have a discussion like adults and see what the future holds for us,” Things were going to be different whether you wanted them to be or not, but Santi wasn’t going to leave while you were asleep.
Frankie glanced over at your open door, debating whether or not he should say anything before leaving. Santi shook his head, your wounds were too fresh, you would need time to heal and come to terms with the fact that Frankie had found someone else. He left without another word, shutting the door quietly behind himself. Santi stood in the entryway, trying to figure out exactly where the two of you were headed.
It couldn’t be that hard, right?
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mangosimoothie · 2 years
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Santi Tattoos - art by Roxi Santi
- 8 tattoos - 10 swatches (individual, and full set at 100% or 75% opacity) - upper chest category - enabled for random - download
Roxi Satni is a Mestiza tattoo artist working out of Mexico City and Los Angeles. If you want some truly beautiful and unique artwork from a lovely person, check her out :)
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
The ask with deity Y/n gave me a thought of bullying Santi
There are some goddesses of eternal maidenhood
Now imagine you taking the eternals chastity oath. A goddess of eternal maidenhood. No sex shall you have.
In other words Satni got cock blocked and can't do anything about it :D
Like that would stop him.
Yes, he may be extremely frustrated about the fact that he seemingly can't fuck you. But that just makes you eternal temptation.
Santi will have the best time of his life trying to invite you into sex and perversion as seductively as he can. You will give in one day, you will- He knows.
One day, you'll beg for his tongue and cock and he'll show you that maidenhood is moot compared to the pleasures of the flesh you were gifted. It is there to be enjoyed, after all.
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xoteajays · 1 year
YOU MADE ANGELO AN OFFICIAL BABY, AHHHH!!! I love him so much already (and am also taking at least a tiny bit of credit since I sent the ask that inspired him, just so you know 🤭).
And since I love him already, I would like to formally request the prompt A wearing B’s clothes from this prompt list for him and Rome!! I am so ready to be feral about my godson and his boyfriend <3.
Hope you’re doing well, lovely!!! 🩷🩷🩷
i knew if i was going to commit to adding these two new fast and furious ocs (satni and yara my loves) then angelo had to made a real oc too. he's my sonboy! and he's finally got a surname now asfdsdkljh
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This whole 'boyfriend' situation is something new for Roman, but it's not for Angelo.
Angel had had boyfriends before, even back in California where the most he'd ever done was kiss and hold clammy anxious hands, hidden away out of the view of prying judging eyes. He doesn't push Roman, but he does find himself falling into old patterns.
Patterns like wearing whatever clothes are within reach, not worrying about whose they might actually be. The shirt is large on him, which should be his first give away - but it's late in the night and he's tired and he doesn't really care that it falls too big on his frame when he yanks on it on and promptly falls asleep.
When he wakes in the morning, he feels a calloused hand fumbling up his side under the fabric, feels warm breath on the back of his head. Roman huffs into his tangle of long dark hair. Angelo chuckles, but doesn't move much, just shuffling to get more comfortable on his pillow. The hand peels away from his skin and there's a dip in the bed as Roman moves, hovering over the shorter. Angelo opens an eye to peer up at him. He's shirtless, Angel resists the urge to peer lower and take in his bare skin.
Roman's eyes are instead focused lower than Angel's face, his lips pursed in thought.
“Is that my shirt?” he asks finally. Angelo glances down, pulling on the front of the shirt to look at it. It's too big on him, and it's not quite his style anyway, even if it is just a plain tee.
“Must be.” A pause. “That a problem?”
Roman doesn't answer quickly. He keeps staring. He guides a hand to hem of the shirt, shoving underneath the fabric, his warm fingertips trailing over Angelo's stomach and up his chest. Angelo's heart flutters, gaze still focused in on Roman's face, examining the flickering expression.
“Nah, not a problem at all,“ he says finally. The hand still under his shirt glides down his side, settles on his hip, squeezing. He leans in, a breath away from Angelo's lips. “In fact, keep it on.”
Roman's kissing him before Angelo can say anything in reply; not that Angelo has much to say anything, instead just flinging an arm over Roman's neck, dragging him closer.
They were going to be late. Dom was going to be annoyed and they're both going to catch the teasing of a life. Somehow Angel couldn't find it within himself to care - or to even finish the thoughts.
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zoranphoto · 1 year
SPREMA SE REVOLUCIJA U NJEMAČKOJ? Zahtjev je radikalan, moglo bi se podijeliti društvo: Sindikat je odlučan i sve glasniji, ohrabrila ih Ljevica
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Prava radnika stoljećima su alat borbe sindikata, političara i poslodavaca, a sami radnici najčešće sve promatraju kao statisti. No, kroz povijest su se prava radnika poboljšavala kako je civilizacija napredovala i bogatila se, a rasla su i udruženja radništva, sindikati, cehovi i slično. Da se kotačić još malo pomakne, čini se da se trude radnici sindikati radnika u metalskoj industriji u Njemačkoj.
Zanimljiva ideja
Naime, IG Metall, sindikat radnika u njemačkoj metalskoj industriji, najavio je u četvrtak odlučniju borbu za uvođenje četverodnevnog radnog tjedna, a tu inicijativu je podržala i stranka Ljevica. “To je sljedeći korak u jedan atraktivni industrijski radni svijet u kojem se rad i privatni život dobro nadopunjuju”, rekao je predsjednik IG Metalla Joerg Hofmann. Jedan od najutjecajnijih sindikata u Njemačkoj koji predstavlja i zaposlene u automobilskoj industriji, najavio je kako će četverodnevni radni tjedan uz zadržavanje pune plaće biti jedna od glavnih stavki budućih pregovora o kolektivnim ugovorima. Hofmann je ukazao na to da je metalna industrija i u prošlosti bila predvodnik “naprednih pregovora” za njemačku industriju. Tako je u pregovorima 1978. izborila 35-satni radni tjedan koji u međuvremenu vrijedi za zaposlene ne samo u metalskoj nego i u elektrobranši.     Spomenuo je iskustva iz Švedske, Islanda ili Belgije pokazuju da ovakva organizacija rada podiže produktivnost i smanjuje radni pritisak. “Četverodnevni radni tjedan za zaposlene predstavlja manje stresa i više vremena za život”, zaključio je Schirdewan.
Poslodavci nisu oduševljeni
Predstavnici poslodavaca su odbacili prijedlog sindikata ukazujući na već sad skraćeni radni tjedan od 35 sati u usporedbi s drugim gospodarskim oblastima. “Uz to treba pridodati drastično porasle cijene energenata koje nas opterećuju kao i cijene prilagodbe industrije novim ekološkim zakonima”, rekao je Gerhard Erdmann iz uprave Saveza metalske industrije. Što će iz svega izaći, ostaje za vidjeti. Dnevno.hr Photo by Ingo Joseph   Read the full article
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shirodraws · 3 years
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Just a little doodle XD
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yt-happyhomemaker · 5 years
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Kara Chutney for breakfast today with idly. #breakfastmenu #idly #karachutney #chutni #chutney #satni#putchutney #simplebreakfast #happyhomemakerkitchen #Happyhomemaker #happyhomemakerTamil #happyhomemakerchannel #happyhomemakertamil https://www.instagram.com/p/B3gWg5Hl9ek/?igshid=18id2qc7wshpj
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frisk238 · 3 years
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aggie with @shirodraws !!! <3 drawing satny and stuff y'no.. XD
we didnt draw that long to fill whole page this time uwu
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roses-and-elixir · 3 years
Ngl but the best present you can get someone is a box of mangos
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bangladeshifoods · 5 years
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Reposted from @fatimab716 - Lai fata chutney - satni with rohu mass 👌😋🧡💛 . . . . .. #laifata #chutney #satni #rohufish #dinner#deshifood #followme #yummyfood #nomnom24x7 #tastyfood #cravings #favoutites #photooftheday #spices #eateat #deliciousfood #foodblogger #foodfood #foodlover #foodgram #yougottaeatthis #buzzfeedfood #foodholic #eatthis #instafoodlover #mycooking #banglafoodie #instafood https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt-5DyCFLpi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vgboio3zgy4n
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lumiere-angel-90 · 5 years
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so cuuuuuuute
Satny and Livra : @shirodraws
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maritimehockey · 2 years
This is a very niche post aka I want to save it somewhere for myself. Jakub Brabenec and Oliver Satny dancing at practice yesterday. Good lord I miss hockey. Now we have to wait until Feb at the earliest.
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zalimaaa · 2 years
i feel so sad knowing most of my mutuals have never had blackberry satni/sakhni
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zoranphoto · 1 year
DRAMATIČNO RASTE BROJ MRTVIH, NADE JE SVE MANJE! Gotovo 16 tisuća poginulih: Bespomoćno slušaju kako ljudi zovu pomoć, da bi na kraju utihnuli
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Više od 15.000 ljudi je poginulo, a deseci tisuća su ozlijeđeni nakon potresa magnitude 7,8 koji je u ponedjeljak pogodio Tursku i Siriju. Spasilački timovi traže preživjele u tisućama srušenih zgrada usred ledenih vremenskih uvjeta nakon više od 125 naknadnih potresa koji su pogodili regiju. Turski predsjednik Recep Tayyip Erdogan priznao je “nedostatke” u odgovoru države na katastrofu, ali je inzistirao da je situacija sada “pod kontrolom”. U međuvremenu, zapadne sankcije kompliciraju napore da se isporuči pomoć Siriji, a aktivisti strahuju da bi režim u Damasku mogao spriječiti pomoć žrtvama u područjima pod kontrolom pobunjenika.
  07:25 Raste broj mrtvih Broj smrtnih slučajeva u Turskoj porastao je na 12.873 tijekom noći, s 12.391 kasno u srijedu, objavila je državna agencija za katastrofe. Najnovija brojka iz Sirije iznosi 2.992. Time se ukupan broj mrtvih popeo na 15.865.   07:20 Dvije žene pronađene žive u Turskoj nakon 62 sata ispod ruševina Fatma Demir i njena sestra Merve spašene su u srijedu u Turskoj nakon što su provele 62 sata ispod srušene zgrade. Fatma (25) je ispričala spasiocima da je u trenutku potresa pored nje bila njezina rođakinja Husra. “Kad je došlo do potresa, betonska ploča je pala na mene. Pala sam na pod”, ispričala je Demir i dodala da je nekoliko puta pokušala doći do Husre, ali da je nije mogla dohvatiti. Timovi za potragu i spašavanje u gradu Gaziantepu na jugoistoku Turske nastavljaju tražiti ljude koji su zatrpani ispod ruševina.   07:10 Komplikacije u Siriji Dok je Turska primila mnogo potpore i pomoći, analitičari upozoravaju da bi sirijske žrtve mogle postati taoci zapadnih sankcija uvedenih protiv vlade usred više od desetljeća dugog građanskog rata u zemlji. Neka područja koja su najviše pogođena potresom kontroliraju vlada predsjednika Bashara al-Assada, a druga oporbene snage koje podržavaju Turska i SAD, kurdski pobunjenici i sunitski islamisti��ki borci. Sirijska vlada kaže da je postavila više od 100 skloništa opremljenih zalihama pomoći u područjima koja kontrolira. 07:05 Prolazi 72-satni ‘prozor za spašavanje’ Više od 90 posto preživjelih nakon potresa spašeno je u prva tri dana, rekao je za AFP Ilan Kelman, profesor katastrofa i zdravlja na Sveučilištu u Londonu. Prošlo je nešto više od 72 sata od prvog potresa koji je pogodio Tursku i Siriju. “Općenito, potresi ne ubijaju ljude, urušavanje infrastrukture ubija ljude”, rekao je Kelman, koji je objavio istraživanje o odgovorima spašavanja nakon potresa. Najhitniji čimbenik je pružanje medicinske pomoći ljudima zatrpanim pod srušenim zgradama prije nego što im “tijela otkažu” ili iskrvare, rekao je. Vrijeme je također ključni faktor, a “to je potpuno protiv nas” u Turskoj i Siriji, rekao je Kelman. Na područjima pogođenim potresom trenutno su niske temperature, kiše i snijeg. “Ovo nažalost znači da je hipotermija moguća, a ljudi vjerojatno umiru zbog vremena”, rekao je Kelman. Oni koji ipak uspiju preživjeti hladnoću i ozljede i dalje trebaju hranu i vodu. Bez vode, mnogi ljudi “počet će umirati nakon tri, četiri, pet dana”, rekao je Kelman. 07:00 Preživjeli u neljudskim uvjetima Preživjeli su ostavljeni da se otimaju za hranom i skloništem, a u nekim slučajevima bespomoćno gledaju kako njihovi rođaci traže spas, da bi na kraju utihnuli pod ruševinama, prenosi AFP. “Moj nećak, moja šogorica i sestra moje šogorice su u ruševinama. Zarobljeni su ispod ruševina i nema znakova života”, rekla je za AFP Semire Coban, odgajateljica u vrtiću u turskom Hatayu. “Ne možemo doći do njih. Pokušavamo razgovarati s njima, ali ne reagiraju… Čekamo pomoć. Prošlo je 48 sati”, rekla je. Dnevno.hr Read the full article
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