#sasha larkin
annieqattheperipheral · 3 months
shocked ultimate hockey nerd matthew tkachuk wasn't included in this challenge, guess that'd be unfair to everyone else, but his long-time apprentice was:
runner-up and winner are so completely unsurprising lmao. hockey nerd families amirite
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neillesimstories · 8 months
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ruins of the old theater is a perfect place for the parties!
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carpe-mamilia · 1 month
List 5 topics you can talk on for an hour without preparing any material.
I was tagged by @bunny-banana - thank you!
1. 19th century fashion. How it changed over time, the various layers and garments, how the industrial revolution changed manufacturing, the disappearance of regional fashions... God, Common Misconceptions alone would take more than an hour.
2. Detectorists. Beautiful, warm sitcom that explores friendship, disappointment, history, the relationship between people and landscapes. There's a very subtle mysticism all the way through and the music (by The Unthanks and Johnny Flynn) is glorious.
3. Sasha Regan's all-male Gilbert & Sullivan productions. They are SO GOOD OMG. Absolutely magical pieces of theatre: fluid, poignant, beautifully staged, very funny, very queer, gorgeously sung.
4. Fin-de-siècle gothic horror. Go on, ask me about invasion narratives, hypocrisy, and homosexuality in Dracula/ The Picture of Dorian Gray/ Jekyll & Hyde. I actually did an off-the-cuff mini lecture about queerness in Dracula once when we were doing a New Year's Eve party on zoom in 2020 as a forfeit. But I was pissed as a newt so I don't remember any of it.
5. Various poems by Philip Larkin - most specifically Church Going, An Arundel Tomb, and First Sight
Tagging @vinceaddams @mischieffoal @shimyereh @stoportotouch @hegodamask
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interact-if · 2 years
Hi! If it's alright to ask, I wanted to ask if you know of any IFs that have Eastern European/Slavic ROs, or are written by Slavs?
Hi Anon,
We found a few games with ROs of Eastern European background/heritage or with authors of Slavic background.
Slavic Authors:
Demon Mark: A Russian Saga by Lorraine Fryer and Vladimir Barash
The Spirited: Origins by @yuveim
Wintersands (VN) by Whaever Studios
East European/Slavic Characters:
Florrie (Polish heritage) from Body Count by @bodycountgame
Wesley (Polish heritage) from Hollowed Minds by @shai-manahan 
Cyrus (Russian), Celina (Polish), Rose (Polish) from Larkin by @larkin-if 
Grayson (Polish/French) from Mirror Mine by @if-mirrormine
Martin Přehrádka (Czech) from Nor Are We Forgiven by @norareweforgiven-if
Sasha from Sinners and Saints by @sinnersandsaints-linwrites
Zero (Bulgarian), One (Polish-German), and Five (Croatian) from The Numbers Game by @thenumbersgameif 
Dmitri (Ukranian), Roman (Russian), and Natalie (Polish) from Untitled Hospital Simulator by @fiddles-ifs
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hauntedppgpaints · 2 months
wait good morning please please talk about your a/b/o au. sitting so patiently and interested
WAUHG ty for asking im in love with this au
it all started with this post (thank you for your tags cam) about a younger alpha fucking an older omega out of menopause and back into fertility. cam's tags about bee and EJ caught my attention, and i brought it up to some friends in a hockeyblr discord. almost 1000 messages later, and it's a whole, league-wide au.
(TW for discussion of fertility issues, miscarriage, and abortion under the cut. CW for various kinks, including free use, and some questionable age gaps in relationships)
the pairings so far are (and bear with me, there are some weird pairings):
joel farabee(A)/erik johnson(O) and dylan larkin(A)/steve yzerman(O) in a polycule
Sasha Barkov(A)/Roberto Luongo(O)
Matthew Tkachuk(A)/Paul Maurice(O)
Auston Matthews(A)/Patrick Marleau(O)
Matthew Knies(A)/John Tavares(O)
William Nylander(A)/Henrik Lundqvist(O)
Dylan Strome(A)/Alex Ovechkin(O)/Nicklas Backstrom(O)
Quinn Hughes(A)/Henrik Sedin(O)Daniel Sedin(O)
Connor Dewar(A)/Brandon Duhaime(A)/Marc-Andre Fleury(O)
Connor Bedard(A)/Nick Foligno(O)
Tim Stutzle(A)/Claude Giroux(O)
Sean Couturier(A)/Danny Briere(O)
it started with me finding the idea of bee breeding EJ really hot, here's a little snippet i wrote about it:
bee meeting ej and loving his scent, but a certain previous captain he had taught him all about respecting an older Omega's space, especially in a new environment like getting traded to a new team. so he greets EJ like normal, and keeps his nose to himself. until EJ goes through a hotflash, and his scent pours out of him. EJ himself is fine, mildly irritated about the hotflash, but nothing else. his pheromones, however, are going fucking bonkers. and Bee is open-mouthed panting over the smell and it is known that alpha saliva can help soothe cramps eventually the hot flashes get so strong that bee has to say something. "hey, ej… if you ever. uh. need any help with anything, you can. hit me up, anytime, bud." ej just tilts his head in obvious confusion. way to explain yourself, bee. "like… with your-" another hot flash comes, and ej's scent of ripe omega floods the room. bee cant help the sudden pooling of alpha saliva that falls out of his mouth. he wipes it away as best he can. "with your heat flashes, or whatever." he explains. ej furrows his brow more, until it hits him, what bee is trying to say. his scent sours, and he curls in on himself a little. "sorry, i know i smell horrible right now. i'll get better scent blockers soon." bee's jaw drops. "no!! do not-" get with the program, bee. "you don't smell bad, bud. you smell-" more alpha drool. "fuck, dude, you smell so fucking good. i just wanted to. y'know. offer my help, if you ever need it." Cut to Bee, nose deep in EJ's cunt. EJ's got a fistful of Bee's hair, keeping him right where he wants him as Bee eats him out. Bee has his hand around his knot, because it fucking hurts, how hard he is, but he's happy right where he is. He'll knot his own fist, if EJ prefers it. Anything to get at the source of the smell. EJ doesn't experience full heats anymore, since he's going through menopause. he doesn't think he can get pregnant anymore, so he doesnt bother with a condom and he fucking loves how Bee fills him. he honestly thinks that even if he could get pregnant, he wouldnt put a condom on Bee because he's addicted to how much cum Bee fills him with
then it evolved to bee getting EJ pregnant, and EJ announcing his retirement, only to miscarry. bee and ej mourn for a long time, and eventually steve yzerman reaches out to them when word gets through the league grapevine what they're going through, and talks to them about carrying a child when the omega is older (since he and dylan went through it as well.)
the four of them bond over being old omega/young alpha couples, and they eventually all start sleeping together.
bee & ej do try again, and it takes- twins.
some of their kinks include a lot of switching (bee loves getting fucked by any designation), cockwarming (EJ buys a faux knot and knots Bee's mouth, and Bee falls into subspace right then and there), a LOT of wet&messy sex, frottage, kneeling, dirty talk about bitching bee from both ej and dylan
the team starts gossiping about Bee having two omegas at home And he overhears but doesn’t get it cause. He technically does have two omegas at home. And another alpha. But he doesn’t get the connotation of it “Yeah, EJ and Stevie” “Who tf is stevie” “Yzerman” “YOU HAVE STEVE YZERMAN AT YOUR HOUSE?” "Yeah, he's nesting with EJ right now" "STEVE YZERMAN IS NESTING WITH YOUR OMEGA?" "Okay first of all, EJ isn't mine, so go ahead and jot that down" “And Dylan’s hanging out with me, making sure I can keep the rest of the house safe” “Dylan….” “Larkin” “You have a rival team’s Captain and GM in your house, helping you through the post-pregnancy nesting.” So many teammates are gonna be like "... are you fucking Steve Yzerman." "I mean. he's usually fucking me, but yeah, sometimes." "WHAT"
This polycule is perfect because whenever Bee wants to do stereotypical alpha shit (very rare, usually only if the rut is really bad), he’ll go to Dylan instead of EJ and they can fight and fuck nasty through the worst of it When he’s at the peak of his rut, and he knows he wants a knot in his ass, instinct is fighting tooth and nail to not take a knot, so he knows Dylan can fight/wrestle him down and make him take one (consent was given prior to rut). Even as it swells inside him he’s gonna fight and claw at Dylan, even as his ass greedily milks Dylan’s knot
and now we move on to matthew tkachuk/paul maurice.
matthew, who's own rut cycle is a fucking mess when he gets to the panthers. it takes several months of a lot of visiting dynamic doctors and therapists to learn ways to handling his body trying to self-regulate after getting out of a really stressful situation with his previous team & coach.
It's after a good practice when a pseudo rut hits. Everyone is already showered and getting ready to pack up and head out, when Matthew hunches over with a quiet grunt. Scents and sounds become suddenly almost overwhelming- he can smell each and every teammate's scent, can identify everyone's secondary gender, and it's a lot. He keeps his eyes shut as he starts to do the breathing and focus exercises the trainers had taught him when his pheromones started going all whacky. He loses track of time, and when he opens his eyes, the locker room is empty. Except for Paul. Who is an omega. That Matthew is definitely into. But he's the head coach. But- "You alright, Matthew?" Paul asks. His scent (which is normally slightly muted, due to age) is in full bloom right now, ripe and making Matthew's mouth water. "Yeah," He pauses to wipe some drool about to fall out of his mouth. Gross. "Yeah, just. Dealing with some shit right now. Sorry if I smell gross." Matthew replies, shifting in his pants to try and give his hardening cock some breathing room. Paul catches the move, and his scent is. Hm. Definitely interested.
as their relationship progresses, they learn that, while matthew certainly likes the idea of getting fucked by paul, his body has an overwhelmingly negative reaction to it. no matter how they try, his alpha hind-brain just says no. but matthew is undoubtedly the submissive one in their relationship. thankfully, paul can work with that.
“Stay.” Paul commands with a point. Matthew squirms briefly, but stays kneeling in front of the couch, naked as the day he was born. Paul turns and heads to his room to grab a few extra towels, and a toy for Matthew. By the time he gets back, Matthew has his cock in hand, slowly grinding his knot into his fist. “Stop that.” Paul barks, and Matthew lets his cock go like it’s on fire. Paul drapes a few towels down on the couch, one at the foot of the couch in front of Matthew, and offers Matthew the toy. It’s basically a fleshlight, meant to lock around an alpha’s knot and pulse. “Put this on.” Matthew pauses briefly, before taking the toy and slowly fitting it over his knot, whimpering as it locks into place. As he does, Paul undresses, and sits down on the couch. Matthew starts open-mouthed panting at the scent of a horny omega, flushing bright red at the sight of Paul’s cunt and legs covered in slick. “How good are you at eating pussy, Chucky?” Matthew somehow manages to tear his eyes away from Paul’s cunt, and grins briefly. “Wanna find out?”
JESUS this got really long. if anyone wants to know more hmu
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artisticlegshake · 11 months
Brittyn Ledbetter - DC2
Ava Ding - YOKO’S
Channing Embry - NEXT STEP
Daphnie Braun - LARKIN
Allison Shin - THE ACADEMY
Isabella Tjoe - YOKO’S
Kelsie Jacobson - LARKIN
Kate Jarboe - EXPRESSENZ
Anistyn Larsen - CSPAS
Sasha Milstein - THE ROCK
Kinsley Oykhman - THE ACADEMY
Sydney Bridgewater - NEXT STEP
Fiona Wu - YOKO’S
Annabella Atkinson - THE ROCK
Alexis Alvarez - CLUB
Rory Frye - CSPAS
Emilie Ko - YOKO’S
Roxie Onellion - THE BASE
Keelyn Jones - DANCEOLOGY
Ingrid Wirtz - LARKIN
Aria Du - YOKO’S
Savannah Manzel - LARKIN
Kiera Sun - WESTSIDE
Joy Lin - YOKO’S
*Top 13 in bold!
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carmodance · 1 year
TDA Las Vegas 2023 Predictions
I know this is more than 20 in each lol but I really couldn’t narrow it down! I always want everyone to do so well!
MINI TOP 3: Elsie Sandall, Brooklyn Ward, Lilly Anderson
TOP 10: Mila Ayshford, Tatum Self, Bella Charnstrom, Kendyl Miller, Mika Takase, Mya Lanigan, Lucia Piedrahita, Emery Duffin, Stevie Menne, Malia Scott, Melina Biltz, Harper Anderson, 
TOP 20: Madisyn Amos, Neala Murphy, Tillie Kuhl, Alivia Hughes, Addyson Paul, Stella Brinkerhoff, Ruby Taylor, Tabitha Nan, Savannah Jackson, Ruby Kramer
JUNIOR TOP 3: Kiera Sun, Kelsie Jacobson, Savannah Manzel
TOP 10: Kinsley Oykhman, Kate Baldwin, Roxie Onellion, Aria Du, Kate Jarboe, Ingrid Wirtz, Fiona Wu, Keelyn Jones, Channing Embry
TOP 20: Aurora Andreski, Avery Maycunich, Harper Ducale, Tiara Sherman, Sasha Milstein, Esprit Frank, Alexis Alvarez, Tessa Ohran, Karyna Majeroni, Lyric Okrusch, Piper Perusse
TEEN TOP 3: Crystal Huang, Izzy Howard, Isabella Lynch, Keira Redpath
TOP 10: Kortlynn Rosenbaugh, Claire Monge, Makaia Roux, Leila Winker, Tori Chun, Madison Ronquillo, Kylie Kaminksy, Brooke Toro, Mya Tuaileva, Kamri Peterson, Kira Chan, Maliah Howard, Laci Bloss
TOP 20: Amaya Weeks, Tiffany Robinson, Sofia Andrus, Sophia Sands, Victoria Johnson, Alexis Mayer, Vivienne Mitchell, Jenna Jarboe, Natalie Breen, Ceilidh McSeveney, Lily Allen, Dilyn Bray, Stella Condie, Addison Middelton
SENIOR TOP 3: Carley Thinfen, Ava Wagner, Emma Donnelly
TOP 10: Hailey Meyers, Emma Hellenkamp, Rylee Arnold, Kaitlyn Tom, Courtney Chiu, Ayla Rodriguez, Isabella Jarvis, Gianna Mojonnier, Brooklin Cooley, Avery Lau, Kennedy Barry
TOP 20: Emily Haas, Gigi Van Den Bosch, Cayla Bennish, Addison Leitch, Mia Ibach, Phoebe Campbell, Michelle Cheng, Natalie Bowen, Sami Sonder, Mia Larkin
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xoxoproject21 · 1 year
Best dancer predictions (Las Vegas)
Here are my predictions. Please keep in mind that i don't know all of the dancers which are competing and just because I am not including a dancer doesn't mean I don't think they are good. I made these just for fun.
Mini female best dancer:
Winner: Lilly Anderson (larkin)
1st runner up: Elsie Sandall (club)
2nd runner up: Harper Anderson (Larkin)
3rd runner up: Lucia Piedrahita (Danceplex)
Top 10:
Bella Charnstrom (Larkin)
Malia Scott (Larkin)
Emery Duffin (DC2)
Madisyn Amos (Club)
Kendyl Miller (Club)
Brooklyn Ward (CSPAS)
Mya Lanigan (Evolve)
Alivia Hughes (DC2)
Melina Biltz (The rock)
Mika Takase (Nor cal)
Top 20:
Ruby Taylor (CSPAS)
Stella Brinkerhoff (CSPAS)
Bella Linman (Club)
Tatum Self (Club)
Navy Forrest (Club)
Harper Schwalb (Club)
Tillie Kuhl (Larkin)
Kendall Brown (South Tulsa)
Mini male best dancer:
Winner: Tristan Jones (Gotta Dance)
Junior female best dancer:
Winner: Savannah Manzel (Larkin)
1st runner up: Kiera Sun (Westside)
2nd runner up: Kelsie Jacobson (Larkin)
3rd runner up: Kinsley Oykhman (The space)
Top 10:
Tahari Conrad (Larkin)
Roxie Onellion (The base)
Keelyn Jones (Danceology)
Ava Ding (Yoko's)
Isabella Tjoe (Yoko's)
Fiona Wu (Yoko's)
Sasha Milstein (The rock)
Tiara Sherman (The rock)
Tessa Ohran (CSPAS)
Top 20:
Daphnie Braun (Larkin)
Ingrid Wirtz (Larkin)
Aria Du (Yoko's)
Annabella Atkinson (The rock)
Karyna Majeroni (The rock)
Alexis Alvarez (Club)
Kate Jarboe (Expressenz)
Kylie Lawrence (CSPAS)
Madison Machado (DC2)
Avery Maycunich (The Difference Dance Company )
Junior male best dancer:
Winner: Aiden Ecenbarger (Next step)
Teen female best dancer
Winner: Izzy Howard (Westside)
1st runner up: Crystal Huang (The rock)
2nd runner up: Keira Redpath (Larkin)
3rd runner up: Isabella Lynch (Danceology)
Top 10:
Madison Ronquillo (Nor cal)
Maliah Howard (Michelle L)
Ellie Duffin (DC2)
Claire Monge (Larkin)
Makaia Roux (Danceology)
Victoria Johnson (The rock)
Carissa Hsu (N10)
Stella Condie (CSPAS)
Kamri Peterson (CSPAS)
Kira Chan (Elements)
Top 20:
Lilly Allen (Kim Massay)
Kylie Kaminsky (Danceology)
Brooke Toro (Danceology)
Alexis Mayer (The rock)
Amaya Weeks (Club)
Kortlynn Rosenbaugh (Club)
Addyson Smith (Elite)
Vivienne Mitchell (CSPAS)
Mya Tuaileva (CSPAS)
Teen male best dancer:
Winner: Hudson Pletcher (Prodigy)
1st runner up: Patricio López (Flashdance)
2nd runner up: Cooper Macalalad (The base)
Senior female best dancer:
Winner: Ava Wagner (Larkin)
1st runner up: : Emma Donnelly (Danceology)
2nd runner up: Avery Lau (South Tulsa)
3rd runner up: Addison Leitch (Dmitri's)
Top 10:
Isabella Jarvis (Larkin)
Carley Thinfen (Nor cal)
Kaitlyn Tom (Nor cal)
Kennedy Barry (Danceology)
Hailey Meyers (Danceology)
Clara Gough (South Tulsa)
Adare Haas (Expressenz)
Brooklin Cooley (Club)
Zoe Ridge (CSPAS)
Mia Ibach (The rock)
Top 20:
Brielle McCoy (Kim Massay)
Mini Preston (Larkin)
Mercedes Lorentz (Larkin)
Emma Hellenkamp (Danceology)
Rylee Arnold (CSPAS)
Bryten Belka (CSPAS)
Courtney Chiu (Studio Fusion)
Michelle Cheng (Studio Fusion)
Senior male best dancer:
Winner: Garris Munoz (South Tulsa)
1st runner up: Isaiah Villegas (DC2)
2nd runner up: Drew Rosen (Danceology)
3rd runner up: Skai Llorente (Encore Performing Arts Center)
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bumblebeeappletree · 9 months
Sasha Duerr uses just about anything to dye clothing: from kitchen waste (coffee grounds, avocado pits, and onion skins) to invasive "weeds" (wild fennel, oxalis) to the leaves, fruit, or petals of nearly any tree or plant (maple, pear, cherry, fig, acorn, fern, dahlia, poppy, lavender, etc).
Inspired by permaculture, Duerr believes in a slower approach to textile dying- she founded the "Permacouture" Institute to help advance Slow Textiles- both as a way to respect the environment, but also because she believes that plant-based color is more beautiful and truly alive.
"Natural dyes harmonize with each other in a way that only botanical colors can,” she writes in her book The Handbook of Natural Plant Dyes(*). “A natural dye, a red for example, will include hints of blue and yellow, whereas a chemically produced red dye contains only a single red pigment, making the color less complex... The unique qualities of naturally dyed textiles can often make the color vibrate or glow, which is truly magical."
The colors produced by plants may be magical, but the process to create them- believes Duerr- is really quite simple. To prove just how accessible the organic botanical color really is, she helped create the Fiber and Dye Walk at the California College of Arts and Crafts (where she teaches). In a simple walk through the campus, there are over 30 plants and trees that can be used as dyes, including, apple, aloe, bamboo, cherry, eucalyptus, fig, ivy, olive, juniper, lily, rosemary, and wisteria.
This isn’t new information, as Duerr points out, during World War Two our grandparents were using things like red cabbage as a dye, but quickly the knowledge is becoming lost. When Duerr began to educate herself in organic botanical color sources, she turned to farmers and indigenous communities in an attempt to catalog what was once more common knowledge.
Duerr doesn’t want to teach the world to create color from our surroundings- in a sense Slow Color- simply so we’ll all become better stewards of nature and our shared culture, it’s also for us as human beings. “Much of what has become problematic in our modern lives,” she believes, “is related to our having forgotten how to connect with simple rhythms of nature”.
In this video, Duerr takes us for a tour of all the dye plants in the garden of a home she happens to be housesitting; she brews up a few batches of natural color from the leaves of a fern and fig and loquat trees; she gives us a tour of her natural-dyed wardrobe (including pieces from her bioregional knitwear collection Adie + George, created and run with partner Casey Larkin); and finally, she dyes a secondhand silk shirt for that evening’s event using the loquat leaves from the tree outside the house.
* Her book’s complete title is The Handbook of Natural Plant Dyes: Personalize Your Craft with Organic Colors from Acorns, Blackberries, Coffee, and Other Everyday Ingredients.
Original story here: http://faircompanies.com/videos/view/...
Adie+George: http://adieandgeorge.tumblr.com/
Sasha's book: http://www.timberpress.com/books/hand...
Originally posted on YouTube on February 13th 2012
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chrancecriber · 2 years
A State Of Sundays 065
Channel: Electric Area (Sirius 52, XM 52)
Airdate: December 25, 2011 - December 26, 2011
Airtime: 06:00 AM - 06:00 AM
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EST)
06:00 AM - 08:00 AM: Progressive Sessions
Mike Foyle - Pandora (The Blizzard Remix)
Marcus Maison/Will Dragen/Amba Sheph - Reign (Another Dimension)
Cassius - The Sound Of Violence [Cinelli Remix]
Erik Arbores - Bliss
16 Bit Lolitas - You Are An Astronaut
Deadmau5 - Some Chords
Coldplay - Paradise [Fedde le Grand Remix]
Blake Jarrell/Michael S - Say What You Will [Dohr/Mg Remix]
AN21 & Max Vangelli - Swedish Beauty
Dirty South/Thomas Gold/Kate Elswort - Alive
Tiesto & Hardwell - Zero 76
Sharam Jey/Nik Valentino - The More That I Do [Marco V Remix]
EDX/Sarah McLeod - Falling Out Of Love
Eric Prydz - 2Night
Veracocha - Carte Blanche [Dabruck/Klein Mix]
Nadia Ali - At The End [Hardwell Remix]
Depeche Mode - Never Let Me Down Again [Prydz]
Tomcraft - A Place Called Soul
Fatboy Slim - Ya Mama [Moguai Remix]
Coldplay/Swedish House Mafia - Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall
08:00 AM - 06:00 PM: Trance Top 100
Libra presents Taylor - Calling Your Name
Armin van Buuren - Face To Face
Delerium/Leigh Nash - Innocente [Tiesto Mix]
Gouryella - Ligaya
ATB & Dash Berlin - Apollo Road
Alex Morph - Walk The Edge [B2B Mix]
Markus Schulz - Do You Dream
Push - The Legacy
W&W - Alpha
Imogen Heap - Hide & Seek [Tiesto Remix]
Cosmic Gate - Exploration Of Space
Arksun - Arisen
Kaskade/Deadmau5/Haley - I Remember
Aly & Fila - Lost Language
Armin van Buuren - Coming Home [Arctic Moon Remix]
OceanLab - Sirens Of The Sea
Three Drives On A Vinyl - Greece 2000
OceanLab/Gareth Emery - On A Metropolis Day [Myon/S54 Mashup]
Alibi - Eternity [Armin van Buuren Mix]
Cygnus X - Superstring [Rank 1 Remix]
ATB - 9 PM (Till I Come)
4 Strings - Take Me Away (Into The Night)
AvB f/ Gabriel & Dresden - Zocalo
Gareth Emery - Exposure
Orjan Nilsen - La Guitarra
Conjure One & Sinead O'Connor - Tears From The Moon [Tiesto Remix]
Arty & Mat Zo - Rebound
Armin van Buuren presents Gaia - Stellar
Armin van Buuren - Imagine
Markus Schulz/Jochen Miller - Rotunda
Armin van Buuren/Christian Burns - This Light Between Us
Dash Berlin/Cerf/Mitiska/Jaren - Man On The Run
Shogun - Skyfire
Armin van Buuren/Shah/Chris Jones - Going Wrong
John O'Callaghan - Big Sky
Ferry Corsten - Beautiful
Armin van Buuren presents Gaia - Status Excessu D [ASoT500 Theme]
Bedrock - Heaven Scent
Arty - Around the World
Lange - I Believe [Tandu Remix]
Push - Universal Nation
Tiesto - Lethal Industry
Headstrong/Stine Grove - Tears [Aurosonic Remix]
RAM - RAMsterdam [Jorn van Deynhoven]
Armin van Buuren - Blue Fear
Tiesto ft. BT - Love Comes Again
Yahel - Voyage
The Quest - C-Sharp
Orjan Nilsen - Between The Rays
Ridgewalker/El - Find [Andy Moor Remix]
Markus Schulz - The New World
Tiesto - Suburban Train
Armin van Buuren & Jan Vayne - Serenity
ATN - Miss A Day
Sunlounger & Zara - Lost
Armin van Buuren pr/ Gaia - Aisha
Cass & Slide - Perception
William Orbit - Barber's Adagio..[Ferry Corsten]
Ferry Corsten & Betsie Larkin - Made Of Love
BT - Flaming June
Chakra - Home
Above & Beyond ft/Zoe Johnston - No One On Earth [Gabriel & Dresden Mix]
Dash Berlin f/ Emma Hewitt - Waiting [Vocal Mix]
Armin van Buuren & Susana - Shivers
Above & Beyond/Andy Moor - Air For Life
Armin van Buuren - Sail
Tiesto - Flight 643
Andain - Beautiful Things [Gabriel & Dresden]
Chicane - Saltwater
Armin van Buuren - Communication
Energy 52 - Cafe del Mar
Veracocha - Carte Blanche
Paul Oakenfold - Southern Sun [Tiesto Remix]
OceanLab - Satellite [Above & Beyond Mix]
Armin van Buuren & Justine Suissa - Burned With Desire
Sasha - Xpander
System F - Out Of The Blue
Tiesto - Elements Of Life
Paul van Dyk - For An Angel 09
Motorcycle - As The Rush Comes [G+D]
Tiesto - Adagio For Strings
Dash Berlin - Till The Sky Falls Down
Delerium/Sarah McLachlan - Silence [Tiesto Remix]
Armin van Buuren pr/ Gaia - Tuvan
Rank 1 - Airwave
06:00 PM - 12:00 AM: Armin van Buuren - Superglow @ DC Armory
12:00 AM - 02:00 AM: Progressive Sessions
Sebastian Ingrosso/Alesso - Calling [Instrumental Mix]
Bas van Essen - Walk Away
Deadmau5 - Where My Keys
Coldplay - Paradise [Fedde le Grand Remix]
Depeche Mode - Never Let Me Down Again [Prydz]
Dash Berlin/Jaren/Cerf/Mitiska - Man On The Run [Dash Berlin 4AM]
Matisse & Sadko/Ollie James - We're Not Alone (Hi Scandinavia!)
Sharam Jey/Nik Valentino - The More That I Do [Marco V Remix]
EDX/Sarah McLeod - Falling Out Of Love
DJ Remy & Roland Klinkeberg - Till Ya Drop [Rene Amesz Remix]
Cassius - The Sound Of Violence [Cinelli Remix]
Eric Prydz - 2Night
Fatboy Slim - Ya Mama [Moguai Remix]
Blake Jarrell/Michael S - Say What You Will [Dohr/Mg Remix]
Dominik de Leon - Gray
Mischa Daniels/Sandro Monte/J-Son - Simple Man
StoneBridge/Tamara/Flash Republic - Trip'en
Dirty South/Thomas Gold/Kate Elswort - Alive
16 Bit Lolitas - You Are An Astronaut
Deadmau5 - Strobe
02:00 AM - 03:00 AM: Trance System
Erik Arbores - Take It
Above & Beyond/Zoe Johnston - You Got To Go [Kyau & Albert Remix]
W&W/Ana Criado - Three O'Clock
Dash Berlin/Jonathan Mendelsohn - Better Half Of Me [Alex Morph Remix]
Orjan Nilsen - Viking
Marcel Woods - Inside Me [Bassjackers Remix]
BT/Adam K - Tomahawk
John O'Callaghan/Kathryn Gallagher - Mess Of A Machine [Tyas Remix]
Jochen Miller - Bamm!
03:00 AM - 04:00 AM: ASOT Classics Playlist
Moby - After [Ferry Corsten Fix]
Mat Zo - Synapse Dynamics
Armin van Buuren - Communication
Chicane - Saltwater
Bedrock - Heaven Scent
Markus Schulz - The New World
Above & Beyond/Andy Moor - Air For Life
Simon Patterson - Miss You
Dash Berlin - Till The Sky Falls Down
Tiesto - Driving To Heaven [Mat Zo]
BT - Dreaming
04:00 AM - 06:00 AM: Downtempo Sessions
Mark Otten - Promise Of The New World
Collective Sound Members - Honestly For You
Jan Vayne - Paris [Envio's Chillout Mix]
Julian Vincent & Cathy Burton - Certainty [Andy Prinz Chill Out]
Armin van Buuren & Justine Suissa - Burned With Desire [Chillout Mix]
Signum - Secret Thoughts [Chillout Mix]
Robert Nickson - Spiral [Chillout Mix]
Chris Reece - Madonna's Secret
ATB - Remember That Day
Ascension - For A Lifetime [Chillout Mix]
Susana & Dark Matters - Unwind Me
Hammer - Deep Blue Ocean
Collective Sound Members - Passion
Ferry Corsten - Twice In A Blue Moon [Gabriella's Sky]
Jan Vayne - 10pm [Subsphere Chillout Mix]
NOTE: Due to the data from Area Playlist, the tracklist from the official ASOT site is incorrect.
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neillesimstories · 8 months
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unfortunately that party didn't last long as the police found out about it somehow ! but teenagers managed to run and got only warning, no one was arrested 😮‍💨
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musical-dreamcasts · 3 years
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Spring Awakening - Courtney Stapleton (she/her) as Ilse Neumann, requested by @a-rose-remembered
Birthday: August 27, 1993 (age 28)
Birth Place: Maidstone, Kent, England
Theatre credits include: Belle (Beauty and the Beast), Standby Zoe/Alana (Dear Evan Hansen), Alternate Seymour/Parr (Six), Swing/Ensemble/Dance Captain (Bat Out of Hell), Sasha Larkin (Soho Cinders), Ensemble/Understudy Éponine Thénardier (Les Misérables), Ensemble/Cover Ali (Mamma Mia!)
(Pictured on the right is Krysta Rodriguez, who played the role in the 2015 Deaf West Broadway revival production)
Credits: Ruth Crafer, Joan Marcus
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hauntedppgpaints · 2 months
really in the mood to write in the beej au... if anyone has requests, i would be most appreciative........ updated pairing list under the cut!
Joel Farabee(A)/Erik Johnson(O)/Dylan Larkin(A)/Steve Yzerman(O)
Sasha Barkov(A)/Roberto Luongo(O)/Matthew Tkachuk(bitched A)/Paul Maurice(O)
Auston Matthews(A)/Patrick Marleau(O)
Matthew Knies(A)/John Tavares(O)
William Nylander(A)/Henrik Lundqvist(O)
Dylan Strome(A)/Alex Ovechkin(O)/Nicklas Backstrom(O)
Connor Dewar(A)/Brandon Duhaime(bitched A)/Marc-Andre Fleury(O) (& Nathan MacKinnon(A) occasionally)
Connor Bedard(A)/Nick Foligno (O)
Tim Stutzle(A)/Claude Giroux(O)
Sean Couturier(A)/Danny Briere(O)
Spencer Knight(A)/Sergei Bobrovsky(O)
Mitch Marner(O)/Simon Benoit (O)
Clayton Keller(A)/Shane Doan(O)
Sam Ersson(A)/Ivan Fedotov (O)
Cole Caufield(A)/Arber Xhekaj(ATO)/Carey Price(O)
Jeremy Swayman (A)/Linus Ullmark (B)/Tuukka Rask (O)
Zdeno Chara(OTA)/Brad Marchand(A)
Sidney Crosby(B)/Alex Nedeljkovic(O)
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artisticlegshake · 2 years
1st Victoria Johnson - THE ROCK
1st Kylie Kaminsky - DANCEOLOGY
2nd Savannah Manzel - LARKIN
2nd Keenan Mentzos - PULSE
3rd Keelyn Jones - DANCEOLOGY
4th Glee Dang - EDX
4th Ava Ding - YOKO’S
5th Kortlynn Rosenbaugh - CLUB
5th Lilly Allen - KIM  MASSAY
5th Vivienne Robillard - THE ROCK
6th Taylor Morrison - DC2
6th Fiona Wu - YOKO’S
7th Daphnie Braun - LARKIN
7th Joy Lin - YOKO’S
7th Sophia Xiao - YOKO’S
7th Ingrid Wirtz - LARKIN
7th Sophia Cialkowski - NORETTA DUNWORTH
7th Alexis Mayer - THE ROCK
7th Fiona Sartain - DANCEOLOGY
8th Tahari Conrad - LARKIN
8th Sasha Milstein - THE ROCK
9th Brealyn Schaffer - YOKO’S
9th Tiara Sherman - THE ROCK
9th Sydney Kelly - CLUB
9th Tori Chun - PULSE
9th Siena Paradeau - LARKIN
9th Sophia Dasalla - CLUB
9th Alexis Alvarez - CLUB
10th Lucy Cavender - BOBBIE’S
10th Harlow Pike - LARKIN
10th Kate Jarboe - EXPRESSENZ
10th Malaya DiMonte - ART & SOUL
10th Faith Crain - PRODIGY
*all JP!
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prideknights · 4 years
Say Their Names
Day 1 of Tumblr’s #ActsOfPride campaign:
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These are the black trans lives we have lost due to violence in the United States since 2009. Sadly, this is most likely not a complete list as many of the souls we have lost go unreported or were misgendered. They will not be forgotten.
Caprice Curry, 31 - Killed January 17, 2009 Jimmy McCollough, 34 - Killed April 14, 2009 Foxy Ivy, mid 30s - May 23, 2009 Christopher Jermaine Scott, 36 - Killed July 1, 2009 Beyonce (Eric) Lee, 21 - Killed July 26, 2009 Tyli’a Mack, 21 - Killed August 26, 2009 Dee Green, 25 - Killed October 26, 2009 Toni Alston, 44 - Killed April 3, 2010 Chanel (Dana A. Larkin), 26 - Killed May 7, 2010 Sandy Woulard, 28 - Killed June 21, 2010 Victoria Carmen White, 28 - Killed September 8, 2010 Stacey Lee aka Stacey Blahnik, 31 - Killed October 11, 2010 Tyra Trent, 25 - Killed February 19, 2011 Marcal Camero Tye, 25 - Killed March 8, 2011 Miss Nate Nate, 44 - Killed June 13, 2011 Lashai Mclean, 23 - Killed July 20, 2011 Shelley Hilliard, 19 - Killed October 23, 2011 Chassity Nathan Vickers, 32 - Killed November 17, 2011 Githe Goines, 23 - Killed December 29, 2011 Crain Conaway, 47 - Killed January 17, 2012 Deoni Jones, 23 - Killed February 2, 2012 Coko Williams, 35 - Killed April 4, 2012 Tyrell Jackson, 23 - Killed April 4, 2012 Paige Clay, 23 - Killed April 16, 2012 Brandy Martell, 37 - Killed April 29, 2012 Tracey Johnson, 40 - Killed July 5, 2012 Tiffany Gooden, 19 - Killed August 14, 2012 Dewayne “Deja” Jones, 33 - Killed August 26, 2012 Kendall Hampton, 26 - Killed August 29, 2012 Evon Young, 22 - Killed January 1, 2013 Cemia “CeCe” Dove, 23 - Killed March 27, 2013 Kelly Young, 29 - Killed April 3, 2013 Ashley Sinclair, 30 - Killed April 11, 2013 Fatima Woods, 53 - Killed May 30, 2013 Jock Maurice McKinney, 50 - Killed 12 July, 2013 Diamond Williams, 31 - Killed July 14, 2013 Domonique Newburn, 31 - Killed August 20, 2013 Islan Nettles, 21 - Killed August 20, 2013 Artegus Konyale Madden, 37 - Killed September 1, 2013 Terry Golston, 44 - Killed September 6, 2013 Eyricka Morgan, 26 - Killed September 24, 2013 Brittany Stergis, 22 - Killed December 5, 2013 Kandy Hall, 40 - Killed June 3, 2014 Yaz'min Shancez, 31 - Killed June 19, 2014 Tiffany Edwards, 28 - Killed June 26, 2014 Mia Henderson, 26 - Killed July 16, 2014 Aniya Parker, 47 - Killed October 3, 2014 Ashley Sherman, 25 - Killed October 27, 2014 Gizzy Fowler, 24 - Killed November 12, 2014 Lamar Edwards, 20  - Killed January 9, 2015 Lamia Beard, 30 - Killed January 17, 2015 Ty Underwood, 24  - Killed January 26, 2015 Yazmin Vash Payne, 33 - Killed January 31, 2015 Taja Gabrielle DeJesus, 36 - Killed February 1, 2015 Penny Proud, 21 - Killed February 10, 2015 Keyshia Blige, 33 - Killed March 7, 2015 London Chanel, 21 - Killed May 18, 2015 Ashton O’Hara, 25 - Killed July 14, 2015 India Clarke, 25 - Killed July 2, 2015 Shade Schuler, 22 - Killed July 29, 2015 Amber Monroe, 20 - Killed August 8, 2015 Kandis Capri, 35 - Killed August 11, 2015 Elisha Walker, 20 - Killed August 13, 2015 Kiesha Jenkins, 22 - Killed October 6, 2015 Zella Ziona, 21 - Killed October 15, 2015 Veronica Banks Cano, mid 30s - Killed February 19, 2016 Maya Young, 25 - Killed February 21, 2016 Demarkis Stansberry, 30 - Killed February 27, 2016 Kedarie Johnson, 16 - Killed March 2, 2016 Shante Isaac, 34 - Killed April 10, 2016 Keyonna Blakeney, 22 - Killed April 16, 2016 Tyreece Walker, 32 - Killed May 1, 2016 Mercedes Successful, 32 - Killed May 15, 2016 Goddess Diamond, 20 - Killed June 5, 2016 Deeniquia Dodds, 22 - Killed July 13, 2016 Dee Whigam, 25 - Killed July 23, 2016 Skye Mockabee, 26 - Killed July 30, 2016 Rae'Lynn Thomas, 28 - Killed August 10, 2016 T.T. Saffore, mid-20s, Killed September 11, 2016 Crystal Edmonds, 22 - Killed September 16, 2016 Jazz Alford, 30 - Killed September 23, 2016 Brandi Bledsoe, 32 - Killed October 12, 2016 Noony Norwood, 30 - Killed November 5, 2016 India Monroe, 29 - Killed December 21, 2016 Mesha Caldwell, 41 - Killed January 4, 2017 JoJo Striker, 23 - Killed February 8, 2017 Jaquarrius Holland, 18, - Killed February 19, 2017 Keke Collier, 24 - Killed February 21, 2017 Chyna Gibson, 31 - Killed February 25, 2017 Ciara McElveen, 21 - Killed February 27, 2017 Alphonza Watson, 38 -Killed March 22, 2017 Kenne McFadden, 27 - Killed April 9, 2017 Chay Reed, 28 - Killed April 21, 2017 Brenda Bostick, 59 - Killed April 25, 2017 Sherrell Faulkner, 46, Died May 16, 2017 Ava Le'Ray Barrin, 17 - Killed June 25, 2017 Ebony Morgan, 28 - Killed July 2, 2017 TeeTee Dangerfield, 32 - Killed July 31, 2017 Jaylow McGlory, 29 - Killed August 4, 2017 Kiwi Herring, 30 -Killed August 22, 2017 Kashmire Redd, 28 - Killed September 4, 2017 Derricka Banner, 26 - Killed September 12, 2017 Candace Towns, 30 - Killed October 31, 2017 Brooklyn BreYanna Stevenson, 31 - Killed November 27 2017 Brandi Seals, 26 - Killed December 13, 2017 Celine Walker, 36 - Killed February 4, 2018 Tonya Harvey, 35 - Killed February 6, 2018 Phylicia Mitchell, 46 - Killed February 23, 2018 Amia Tyrae, 28 - Killed March 28, 2018 Sasha Wall, 29 - Killed April 1, 2018 Nino Fortson, 36 - Killed May 13, 2018 Gigi Pierce, 28 - Killed May 21, 2018 Antash’a Devine Sherrington English, 38 - Killed June, 2018 Diamond Stephens, 39 - Killed June 18, 2018 Cathalina Christina James, 24 - Killed June 24, 2018 Keisha Wells, 50s - Killed June 24, 2018 Sasha Garden, 27 - Kille July 19, 2018 Vontashia Bell, 18 - Killed August 30, 2018 Dejanay Stanton, 24 - Killed August 30, 2018 Shantee Tucker, 30 - Killed September 5, 2018 Londonn Moore, 20 - Killed September 8, 2018 Ciara Minaj Carter, 31 - Killed October 3, 2018 Regina Denise Brown, 53 - Killed October 10, 2018 Tydi Dansbury, 37, Killed November 26, 2018 Keanna Mattel, 35 - Killed December 7, 2018 Dana Martin, 31 - Killed January 6, 2019 Jazzaline Ware, 34 - Killed March 25, 2019 Ashanti Carmon, 27, Killed March 30, 2019 Claire Legato, 21 - Killed April 15, 2019 Muhlaysia Booker, 23 - Killed May 18, 2019 Michelle “Tamika” Washington, 40 - Killed May 19, 2019 Paris Cameron, 20 - Killed May 25, 2019 Chynal Lindsey, 26 - Killed June 1, 2019 Chanel Scurlock, 23 - Killed June 5, 2019 Layleen Polanco, 27 - Killed June 7, 2019 Zoe Spears, 23 - Killed June 13, 2019 Brooklyn Lindsey, 32 - Killed June 25, 2019 Denali Berries Stuckey, 29 - Killed July 20, 2019 Kiki Fantroy, 21 - Killed July 31, 2019 Pebbles La Dime Doe, 24 - Killed August 4, 2019 Bubba Walker, 55 - Killed July 2019 Tracy Single, 22 - Killed July 30, 2019 Bee Love Slater, 23 - Killed September 1, 2019 Bailey Reeves, 17 - Killed September 2, 2019 Ja’Leyah-Jamar, 30 - Killed September 13, 2019 Itali Marlowe, 29 - Killed September 20, 2019 Brianna “BB” Hill, 30, Killed October 13, 2019 Yahira Nesby, 33 - Killed December 19, 2019 Monika Diamond, 34 - Killed March 18, 2020 Nina Pop, 28 - Killed May 3, 2020 Tony McDade, 38 - Killed May 27, 2020
All of them should still be here with us today.
Say their names.
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xoxoproject21 · 1 year
Radix protégé 2023 predictions
Lucia Piedrahita (Danceplex)
Madisyn Rose Amos (Club)
Top 5:
Mya Lanigan (Evolve)
Everleigh Soutas (Pave)
Skye Harrell (Mather)
Ruby Taylor (CSPAS)
Top 15:
Brooklyn Ward (CSPAS)
Stella Brinkerhoff (CSPAS)
Mika Takase (Nor Cal)
Tenley Anthony (Danceplex)
Leilani Lawlor (K2 studios)
Addyson Paul (Pave)
Mila Renae (Studio X)
Katy Lawrence (Summit)
Tova Thompson (Summit)
Stella Barnes (Impact dance studio)
Melina Biltz (The rock)
Helena Olaerts (Mather)
Roxie Onellion (Base)
Top 5:
Skyla Lucena (Stars)
Carrigan Paylor (Summit)
Kinsley Oykhman (The academy)
Victoria Martinez (Evoke)
Top 15:
Avery Maycunich (The Difference Dance Company)
Emily Polis (The Vision Dance Alliance)
Georgia Beth Peters (JBP Entertainment)
Devyn Scherff (Studio 19)
Karyna Majeroni (The rock)
Sophia Schiano (Danceplex)
Paislyn Schroeder (Cypress Dance Project)
Vanessa Soto (Dance Deluxe)
Tayah Klimuck (Evoke)
Madison Carmody (Impact)
Sasha Milstein (The rock)
Kira Chan (Elements)
Avery Cashen (Distinction Dance Company)
Top 5:
Kylee Ngo (Melodic Remedy Dance Studio)
Caleb Abeda (Larkin)
Coltrane Vodicka (Evoke)
Haileigh Brennan (Impact dance studio)
Top 15:
Failenn Daley (The colony)
Kenzie Jones (Danceplex)
Alexis Mayer (The rock)
Victoria Johnson (The rock)
Leila Winker (Millennium Dance Complex - Nashville)
Angelina Elliot (Summit)
Addison Middleton (Academy of Nevada Ballet Theatre)
Mya Tuaileva (CSPAS)
Vivienne Mitchell (CSPAS)
Angelika Edejer (Evoke)
Madison Ronquillo (Nor Cal)
Riley Zeitler (Westlake)
Emma Mather (Mather)
Sabine Nehls (The rock)
Top 5:
Emily Madden (Mather)
Keagan Capps (The pointe)
Iliana Victor (Stars)
Zoe Konhilas (Danceplex)
Top 15:
Ava La France (Nor Cal)
Jordyn Green (Nor Cal)
Cayla Bennish (The Rock)
Anthony Ciaccio (The basement)
Alex Dinero (Danceplex)
Ally Tyrna (Dancezone)
Isabel Joves (Impact dance studio)
Sophia Albornoz (Mather)
Levi Sherman (Summit)
Mia Ibach (The rock)
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