#santa fe high school
trench · 1 year
Was a vigilante judge removed from Texas school shooting case?
Back in late March, I posted about how the defense for Dimitrios Pagourtzis wanted Judge Jeth Jones removed from the case. If you’ll recall, in 2018, Pagourtzis carried a shotgun and a .38 pistol into Santa Fe High School in Santa Fe, Texas. While clad in a black trench coat and a t-shirt that read ‘Born to Kill’, Pagourtzis opened fire, killing two teachers and eight students, while injuring 13…
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reportwire · 2 years
Gun violence: Victims in Santa Fe school shooting families invited to White House signing of gun reform bill
Gun violence: Victims in Santa Fe school shooting families invited to White House signing of gun reform bill
WASHINGTON, D.C. (KTRK) — Some families from Santa Fe are heading to the White House to witness history. They were invited to watch as President Joe Biden signs the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the most significant gun legislation passed in decades. “So thrilled, we are all going to be at the White House on July 11,” Christina Delgado said. The Santa Fe mother has been working with the…
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thequeenofsastiel · 1 year
Please reblog I'm very curious
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playitagin · 1 year
 2018 Santa Fe High School shooting
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On May 18, 2018, a school shooting occurred at Santa Fe High School in Santa Fe, Texas, United States, in the Houston metropolitan area. Ten people – eight students and two teachers – were fatally shot, and thirteen others were wounded.
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Dimitrios Pagourtzis, a 17-year-old student at the school, was taken into custody. The shooting is the third-deadliest high school shooting in the United States, after the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in 2018 and the Columbine High School massacre in 1999.
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empress-hancock · 4 months
Those other countries around the world find male violence funny. They say "we're not laughing w you ppl we are laughing at you", they find women and children experiencing male violence funny, that's why they joke about it.
The fact that so many mass shootings in the US are based on misogyny (boy is rejected, man wants control over ex wife, man is angry at women in general for not dating him, etc) is something that even people in the US aren’t well aware of, so I think it’s possible that a lot of people outside the US aren’t aware either, but I’m sure plenty of people (men) would find a sick amusement in it if they did know, and possibly even start bringing up the fact that women and girls end up bearing the brunt of the issue.
Aside from women and girls, though, other common causes for mass shootings are racism, prejudice against other religions, and homophobia. But sooooooo many people want to pretend it’s just particularly disturbed men who can’t control themselves and they refuse to acknowledge that a lot of mass shootings are targeted and deliberate
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str4wb3rry-newsboy · 4 months
just watched the somerville high school production of newsies everyone has been talking about and oh my god.
the fight scene was so heartbreaking i cant. race holding onto jack as he panics saying "i cant go back" when he sees snyder? race pulling jack away telling him "we have to go" as jack tries to go after crutchie who is yelling "jack! race! please! youre right there!" while hes dragged off stage? fucking sobbing.
and santa fe ??? starting with jack going "no no no no crutchie no" ???? my heart has been shattered.
how the hell does a high school pull this off😭😭
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fulllmoonpills · 5 months
just watched a darling high school slime production of newsies. Race was the CUTEST little twink. During Brooklyn’s here, Spot pushed him out of the way like move bitch 🙄 but Race still demanded to stand within two feet of him (I’m thinking the actors HAD to be sprace shippers). Jack took his hat off like five times during Santa Fe. And all of the newsies responses to the erster line were comedy gold. AND LETTER FROM THE REFUGE!!! Davey kept putting his hands on his hips like a sassy karen. Jack was such a sad boy and I was SO into it. His little “Shut up.” after Davey tells him it’s good to have him back was ADORABLE
And the best part? Jack DANCED
here’s a little screencap of jack sitting on pultizers desk
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I went to see a local middle school production of Newsies Jr. and it was super cute and here are my...
The production started with the choir singing "Home on the Range" a capella. 💯
It was very fun and moving to see child characters played by real kids. Jack was a little scrappy guy (David, Crutchie and Katherine were all taller). Racetrack had very pink cheeks. Albert was wearing an enormously oversized vest and shirt with rolled up pants. Pigtails was the dirtiest newsie. Buttons had the most emphatic New York accent.
David and Les showed up to sell in matching argyle sweater vests.
Pulitzer who was the only character not played by a middle schooler for some reason (he looked like a weird high schooler least or maybe he was in his 20s). He was a head taller than Hanna, Seitz and Bunsen, who were a comedy trio behind him, constantly cowering but then egging each other on.
Crutchie was so excited to teach Les to sell and looked on with pride as Les scammed that lady.
The kid playing Snyder was doing some kind of strangled, raspy villain voice that was hilarious and scary by turns.
At Medda's, David introduced himself as "Davey" and then looked so annoyed at himself.
Morris kept trying to give various newsies papes, even after they said they were striking.
Racetrack went around kicking the bundles of papes off the stage. He was absolutely that kid who always slides on his belly to the front of the pic, cheesing.
Katherine was a big girl with glasses and know-it-all energy and she had objectively the best voice. She killed Watch What Happens!
In the fight, Crutchie got knocked to the ground while three uniformed cops plus Snyder crowded around, kicking him. People in the audience were audibly upset. ACAB!
Jack picked up Crutchie's abandoned crutch with the strike banner still attached and he had it on the fire escape during Santa Fe. He sang the line "dumb crip's just too damn slow." This was the only time anyone said the c-slur in the whole play. He was so sad and he got angrier and angrier as he sang but that last note was beautiful.
They played "Money Money Money" by ABBA during the intermission, and I ran into Seitz in the ladies restroom. She was about 4'11" tall and asked me if I was enjoying the show. Of course!
Crutchie tried to get to his feet during his song, but he couldn't do it.
Bunsen made a big deal about concealing Katherine with his body and then dramatically revealing her.
In his office, Pulitzer said to Jack, "I'll see to it your pockets are filled with enough cash to take you to ... where was it again?" And then both Delancey brothers, who had gnarly bruises in their faces from the fight, sang out "Santa Feeeee!"
The Brooklyn newsies all had red bandanas.
After they made up after the rally, David initiated a spit shake with Jack, but Jack really horked up a loogie and David super regretted it.
David got right in Pulitzer's face to tell him circulation was down and Pultizer got mad and shoved him backward and David just grinned.
Crutchie and Jack hugged and then hugged again.
Pulitzer got booed during the bows!
The crew was mostly very queer high school students.
Some of this stuff might be in the Newsies Jr. script and not unique to this production, but it was all delightful.
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youthereader · 5 months
Near Zero part 5.
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PAIRING: cillian murphy as j. robert oppenheimer x fem!reader
SUMMARY: 1.3k words. Brought on as part of the Manhattan Project, your old physics professor sees you in a new light.
RATING: E; (no smut in this part) mentions of infidelity
A/N: Although based on real life characters, this is J. Robert Oppenheimer as played by Cillian Murphy, a fictional character, and does not intend to be accurate. This is merely for entertainment. It's been months but I'm finally back! Thank you for your patience and Happy 2024!
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You remember Robert’s note every so often over the next week. You have little time to plan anything properly about your Santa Fe trip, but you fantasize when you’re alone enough. You have only been to the town on your way to Los Alamos months ago, and you were different then. You hadn’t known what this part of the world was capable of.
This dreaminess seeps into your life when you walk into the center of town to buy lighter fluid. You’re out of matches and may have to resort to a flint if you don’t hurry along to the store – and on the way in, you see Kitty, a basket in one arm full of packages from the butcher.
“You again,” she murmurs, flashing her perfect teeth.
She keeps the door open, people moving past both of you. She gives a nod to some women drifting past. It reminds you of high school.
“Robert mentioned something about you and the boys going off on a weekend trip next month,” she says, and you watch her face for any sign of suspicion. “But he can’t have you all to himself all the time, dear. I can’t have you over for my wives’ club since you’re so busy…”
Your eyes meet and you realize she absolutely does not see you as a threat. She’s trying to make friends.
“Unfortunately,” you say, though you’re pretending a little.
“There you go!” she laughs, hitting your arm playfully. “So, you understand my issue. We cannot go on knowing each other and not seeing one another. This town is small enough as it is…”
She trails off, looking behind her at the customers, something passing over her face.
“Did you know I’m a botanist?” she says eventually, glancing back at you. “I’m not just Robert’s wife.”
“Of course, you’re not,” you say.
“And I suppose you have no garden outside that godforsaken shack you’re in,” she goes on, having recovered from whatever she was feeling a breath beforehand. “I’m going to have to give you some type of succulent.”
“A succulent?” you repeat with a smirk.
“Yes, dear. A cactus. Something.”
You appreciate this, having someone that isn’t from T building to talk to. You give a shrug.
“I’m sure you’ll come up with something.”
“Yes, and then you can come visit us again to pick it up,” Kitty conspires, smiling again. “Or Robert can drop it off at yours…”
You think of him visiting your house under innocent circumstances, hoping the irony doesn’t show on your face. You clear your throat.
“I’ll let you go,” you say, and she nods.
“Suppose I ought to get back to the brat,” she sighs. “He’s with a neighbor. Unless you’d like to join me?”
You shake your head automatically. “I need to get back to work.”
Kitty rolls her eyes. “I’ve heard that one before. Ta-ta.”
You watch her leave, and then finally walk into the store. Your head is full of Robert again; he must have mentioned Santa Fe while passing through his house. You can picture him bringing up this idea as if he hadn’t come up with it the night of the dinner party. Your face feels warm, remembering his lips on yours, the way he caught your hand in his.
You light a cigarette as you leave for lunch a week later, almost running into a uniformed officer. He calls you by your last name and you glance up, confused.
“Ma’am, Colonel Nichols wishes to speak with you.”
You feel some colleagues’ eyes on you, aware of Robert being within earshot, too.
You can’t think of what else to say, given that you see there’s little choice in the matter. The young officer turns his heel, and you follow him out. You suck on your cigarette, exhaling to the side as you exit the building, keeping a brisk pace so you’re not left behind.
You only feel mild irritation when you arrive at Nichols’ office, since he doesn’t care that your lunch break is only so long, and there are only so many opportunities to take it throughout a busy workday.
You should have gauged Robert’s reaction on your way out, as Nichols does not seem pleased to see you despite his request.
“Please have a seat,” he says, barely looking up from his papers.
You would rather stand. You would rather not be there at all by how cold he is, by how your stomach growls. You don’t often listen to your body’s signals when you’re in the labs, but now you can’t ignore your rising hunger. You take a short inhale of your cigarette before mashing it in the ashtray in front of you, taking the seat he offers.
“I understand you have requested a weekend pass,” he says, finally looking at you.
His eyes behind his spectacles are pale and assessing. The blue smoke of your cigarette still lingers above your heads as you place your hands in your lap.
“Yes, was my application efficient?” you ask, and he smirks.
“You have never requested a pass before this week,” he says. “Why is that?”
You glance away, unsure of whether this is a joke. He has no right to know such a thing, your cheeks burning with embarrassment, nonetheless. Admitting the truth, that you haven’t wanted to leave because you had no reason to, made your life sound so small and sad. You refuse the mortification.
“I’ve been busy, or is that not a good enough reason, sir?” you retort, and he blinks, unmoved.
“It has nothing to do with Dr. Oppenheimer being present among the visitors of Santa Fe?” he says.
You freeze, wanting your cigarette back, wishing you had known it would be this way. Was he insinuating something, had he seen something? Heard a rumor?
“Dr. Oppenheimer and several of my colleagues will be in Santa Fe,” you say, drawing in a breath. You let it go, to seem bored by his invasiveness. “Are we not meant to spend time with one another outside of a laboratory? I would have thought the Army endorsed that kind of morale building among its ranks.”
You’re laying it on thick and he notices it, frowning ever so slightly.
“Oppie might not even come, he’s so busy,” you add with a half laugh. “And Feynman was always more fun. He is not pathologically introverted.”
“I would have thought you have been described as such, before this pass request came through,” Nichols drawls.
“Not diagnosed as such,” you say, a smile on your lips that you let fall instantly, knowing it to be a disturbing sight to some.
You no longer wish to pretend.
“Will I be allowed to leave Los Alamos or not?” you ask, and Nichols looks down at his papers, an open file.
“For now, yes,” he says.
You stare at one another, waiting for the silence to be broken. You refuse to blink, to further unsettle him. You despise being controlled and have not felt this type of outrage in a while.
“You may leave,” he says, and you rise from your chair.
He adds as you turn your back:
“Be careful, with what you share about the project.”
You always are. You turn back, frowning at him.
“Of course. Loose lips and all.”
He gives his own false smile, echoing you: “Of course.”
You find Robert later, who takes your elbow and steers you back out, making a show of insisting you get something to eat like you originally planned.
“Will you have lunch, then, Oppie?” someone teases, and he laughs softly.
When you are alone in the hallway, you stop, your voices lowering.
“Nichols knows. How does he know?”
“A guard, perhaps,” Robert says, and he is not anywhere near as concerned as you.
You stare at him. “Robert, I am being serious.”
“As am I,” he says, and he touches your cheek, then your shoulder, sighing. “My darling, I’m sorry you’re put through this.”
“I’m a willing participant,” you retort, and he shakes his head, just the once. “Will you please enlighten me-?”
“I have a file. And they watch me,” he whispers.
You look towards the entryway to the hall you occupy, then back at Robert. A distinct fear settles into you, deep down, to your marrow. You suppress a shiver.
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Thank you for reading! I know I vanished for a while, but I hope to write more consistently. I have a nine month-old baby and it's hard to find time for creative things, so I'm very grateful to anyone who's been hanging out for more of this story! If you'd like to be added to a taglist, hmu! 🥰
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trench · 1 year
Santa Fe High shooter ordered for mental evaluation despite prior incompetence ruling
(Trench’s Note: As I was in the middle of writing this, tragically, another school shooting took place in Texas. I’ll, more than likely, address that shooting in my next post.) In May 2018, a school shooting occurred at Santa Fe High School in Santa Fe, Texas, which was carried out by Dimitrios Pagourtzis, then 17 years old. He used a shotgun and .38 pistol belonging to his father to fatally…
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pigeonwit · 7 days
heya pidge!! how goes it???
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for the aus^^ (also i think the last time you did the au thing was what started us talking wbwbwb!!)
NO WAAAAAY… omg i think you’re right that’s so crazy!!! how long have we been friends now holy shit… it’s gotta be around a year right??? friendiversary??? perchance???
(also dang how did you know i’d recently written a paper on the evolution of social and cultural attitudes through television with a heavy emphasis on the 1960s-)
okay okay so here’s the concept: davey and jack are childhood best friends who have always planned to go on a road trip during the summer after the leave the high school. davey’s always planned on going to university while jack saves his way to santa fe – they’ve always shared these two dreams together and given each other hope that one day they might achieve them. unfortunately, in their final year of high school, they’ve both drifted into different circles; the 1960s saw an unprecedented rise in youth activism, specifically in civil rights and anti-war sentiment, as well as a rise of subculture, counterculture and drag culture. so davey gets more and more invested in activism and queer subculture, volunteering in activist groups, making a name for himself, but as he does so, jack feels more and more trapped where he is. everything’s changing, but not for him; the rug’s being pulled out from under him while he remains perfectly still, and all he can do is fall. so he lashes out more, bites at the hand that feeds him, focuses all his energy on getting out of new york for good. nothing else matters.
both of them are rebelling more and more in their senior year, but in opposite directions, and it’s led them quite far away from each other – not to the point where they’re no longer friends, but… they’re definitely no longer best friends. but still, they’ve been planning this for so long, it’d be such a dick move to cancel it (even though they’re both kind of wishing the other would) and if jack did cancel, then medda would definitely ask questions that he has no idea how to answer properly, and what if davey asked him about it, what’s he supposed to say? so he decides to just go along with it, one last hurrah to see them both off into these new phases in both of their lives. it’s only a week, it’s no big deal. at least they’re splitting gas money, right?
i’m envisioning a nice slow-burn of two friends-turned-strangers coming to terms with what they want. davey has always been expected to be the good kid, the one who makes it out, who goes to college the way his parents couldn’t, who sets an example for les, who gets it right. but god, having to get every aspect of his life right on the first try is so fucking exhausting, and davey needs to just let loose. and as jack discovers, davey has. he’s been doing a lot more than just volunteering, he’s living messy. he gets high, he gets violent, he fights tooth and nail for what’s right, and he’s so, so happy, and so, so ashamed of it. he’s building something for himself on a foundation made of sand, and davey knows it’s going to all shift and crumble eventually, it has to, but he can’t just stop. he can’t. and that makes jack so angry. because he’s been clinging to the ground as the earth shifts around him, as everything changes, trying to find his stability, a place where he can get it right, and davey’s just thrown that away for what? for a bunch of queers? but i think as the story progresses, jack realizes that the reason he’s so angry is because davey was that stability for him. he was the place where jack was able to think things through, be vulnerable, make sense of all the madness around him. and now davey’s changing, and jack doesn’t know who to be anymore. but i think in getting to know this new davey, he’d get to know himself, too.
and now a snippet:
With a swerve of the wheel and a screech of the tires, the truck lurches into a lay-by, sending Davey catapulting in his seat from the force of the breaks.
“Jack, what the hell-?!”
“Alright, spill!”Jack snaps, swivelling in his seat to stare him down head-on. “You’ve been a total pill since we left Pennsylvania, what the hell?”
Davey scoffs, slapping his book shut against his thighs. He’s still fiddling with that little scrap of canvas, twisting the white fabric over his fingers.
“What, we’re making conversation now?” He mutters, the words bitter and burnt at the edges, enough to make Jack wince.
“We made plenty o’ conversations.” He sniffs. “You’re the one who made it weird.”
“How did I-?!”
“Who was that guy?”
Davey falls silent, his head finally jerking up to meet Jack’s gaze. It sparks some twisted sense of satisfaction in Jack’s gut, that Davey had finally dubbed him as more worthy of his attention than some torn fabric.
“In Philly.” Jack says, his tongue barbed with razor-wire. “That punk, who was he?”
Davey swallows, his eyes trembling as he forces them to relax, to focus on the spot above Jack’s shoulder – he told Jack about it when they were kids, his secret trick to make people think he was still making eye contact with them when it all got too much for him.
“No one.” He croaks.
“Some no one, he kissed you-!”
“On the cheek!” Davey protests, and as if it were summoned, that same spot on his cheekbone flushes pink, so delicate Jack wants to punch it. “I met him at a march, I – I got a bus into Philly, I told my mom I was with a study group-”
“You snuck out?” Jack splutters, his whole world suddenly tilting on its axis, because Davey doesn’t sneak out of the house to go to Philadelphia, and he certainly doesn’t lie to his mother, those are some of the fundamental laws of Jack’s universe- “You? You. You snuck out?”
Davey flushes indignantly.
“So what if I did?” He says primly. “I can sneak out if I want to.”
“And you went to a march? In Philly? With college students?”
College students with dyed hair and paint-stained jackets, college students with toothy smiles and bruised knuckles, college students who press their hands against Davey’s waist and kiss his cheek when no one’s looking-
“Oh, for God’s sake, Jack-!” Davey groans towards the truck’s ceiling. “I am eighteen years old, just like you, understand? I’m a big boy. I can catch a bus by myself and talk to big scary college students, and I certainly don’t need your permission to do so!”
The more he talks, the more he presses the patch into his fingertips, worrying the canvas against his thumbprint, as if he wished to blend it into his skin. With every twist, every slip of the fabric, every whisper-soft rasp of his skin against the fibres, Jack feels the ripcord of restraint in his body pulling tighter, tighter – until he lunges, ripping the patch from Davey’s hands.
“Jack-!” Davey lurches over the console, panic blurring his features. Bitterly, Jack’s glad of it. It’s the most reaction he’s gotten out of Davey for this whole damn trip. “Jack, give that back-”
“Or what?” Jack grins wolfishly. “Ya gonna go all teenage-rage on me, badass?”
“I said, give it back-!”
“‘Make love, not war’?” Jack reads the smeared acrylic words and scoffs. “God, he’s a hippie. S’that why you two were so cosy, huh?” He sneers – his whole being’s shaking, eager for a fight, for some good bloodletting to cure the rushing in his brain. “Been makin’ some love, not war together?”
Davey blinks. For a moment, he looks afraid. And then his face curdles, his brow twisting into something ugly and furious, and all he looks is disgusted.
“And what if I did?”
The words cut evenly, knife-sharp. Jack can’t hide the way it stabs him. He opens his mouth, splutters against the sudden realization Davey’s carved into his gut.
“I…” He mumbles, breathless, his whole body feeling weightless, falling, the rug pulled once more. "I don't-"
“What?” Davey says venomously. His whole body has turned to steel, sharpened to a fine point. “You gonna go all cowboy on me? Huh, badass?”
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wineonmytshirt · 8 days
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Jen's Favorite Edits: May, 2024
These are some of my favorite works of art that I've seen creators post. I'll continue this series each month. Thank you for creating and please, please keep doing so! Tag me #tsuserjen! If we haven't met, hello! My name is Jen, and I really love something you've created.
Taylor Swift Down Bad Graphic by @sombrewoodlandfairy
Taylor Swift Down Bad Graphic by @shealmostdrowned
Taylor Swift Eras Tour So High School Performance Gifset by @saydontgo
Taylor Swift Eras Tour my tears ricochet Performance Gifset by @jeansyvesmoreau
Taylor Swift Eras Tour Folklore Set Gifset by @tayloralison
Taylor Swift Cassandra Painting/Graphic by @anervousmirrorball
Taylor Swift & Post Malone Fortnight Graphic by @aliiaart
Taylor Swift The Black Dog Graphic by @cardsharksplayingames
Taylor Swift My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys Gifset by @fortnightthere
Taylor Swift The Prophecy Graphic by @ofthemessyoumade
Taylor Swift The Eras Tour Surprise Song Dresses Graphic by @theerastour
Taylor Swift Midnights Album Redesign by @florencewellch
Taylor Swift Eras Tour Drawing by @gwcnstcy
Taylor Swift Dancing With Our Hands Tied/Peter Parallel Graphic by @kingofmyborrowedheart
Halsey Bells In Santa Fe Gifset by @tolerateit
Taylor Swift Eras Tour Gifset by @missegyptiana
Sabrina Carpenter Headers by @youactlikeabitch
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1nm806 · 9 months
At any given time you could climb up to the roofs of Manhattan and find assorted newsies up there, I think.
Jack and Crutchie get up there and Jack rambles on about cowboys and seeing the big wide world and Crutchie smiles and listens and knows that his brother is all talk. Jack wouldn't really leave New York, not unless he got to take everyone with him. Jack's waxes poetic about this place he's never been too, and Crutchie joins in the daydreaming, knowing neither of them are taking it seriously. It's like make believe to them.
Davey and Les is always the former chasing down the latter, who is "too young to be somewhere this high up", but they end up chatting up there anyway sometimes. About Les' fears of going back to school without his new friends, about whether the newsies will still welcome them if they don't work with them, about whether they'll even remember them. Davey, of course, says that they're silly things to worry about. The Jacobs family made an impression on the newsies, and it'd be ridiculous to think they'd forget the pair of them. He doesn't say that he has the same fears.
Jack and Davey is mostly silent, with the occasional worry spoken softly between them, shot down by the other with words of kindness and the underlying tone of "you're being stupid to say that, course that's not true". Once Davey asked Jack if he really would leave to Santa Fe without them, and was content when he received the answer of: "Not without you. Not without any of you."
Race and Jack talk loudly into the night, bickering and playing cards and seeing if they can throw things at targets they set up back when they first became friends. Very few serious conversations have happened with them, but there were a couple of ones about relationships or worries they didn't think they could say to the others. The odd tear-filled conversation about sexuality is overshadowed by the constant talking over each other and teasing. But it doesn't go unappreciated.
The rare times that Spot is up there with anyone, it's normally Racer. Race who talks and talks and occasionally pauses to let the other add commentary. The pair of them make fun of Jack, and talk about issues going on within their boroughs. It's not a special place for them, but the lodging house is loud, and Spot always makes his way up to the roof of it whenever he visits for a while - just to get away from it all. Race follows him up there after a while, then keeps him company with chatter and hand-holding until Davey inevitably joins them and he can go back down to play more card games.
Davey and Spot exclusively end up there when they're both already too exhausted from socialisation to continue it. They sit in almost complete silence, drinking in the sounds and sights of NYC, until one of them eventually regains their voice and asks the other how things are going. They discuss important meeting topics and whether or not this next challenger will dethrone Spot (the younger boy is confident in his abilities, but checks with Davey's logical mind whenever he can). Davey asks him about Jack, and about the history of the bad blood between Manhattan and Brooklyn. And, now he thinks about it, Brooklyn and everyone. Spot nods along and explains in an incredibly biased way the reasons, and in turn asks Davey about his school - about his lessons, classmates, "anything interestin been said there lately?".
Jack and Spot used to go up there. Back when the latter liked the Manhattan leader. He still tries to spend time with Brooklyn's leader, but more often than not it ends in awkward silences, snide comments and the shorter boy announcing his leave about 2 minutes in. Then one day, Jack manages to catch the other boy when he's talking to Davey. He joins them, and Davey - after a few minutes - says something about needing to get Les home and leaves. It's completely silent, the wind's blowing, and goddamn it Jack's sure the other boy will just leave as well. But he doesn't. It's the only time Spot opens his mouth and says what he means to the Manhattan newsie - and he's still not sure why he did. He tells the other that him leaving the strike was a betrayal that cut him so deep he considered cutting all ties with the borough. He says that Jack hadn't left just the strikers, but friends and family, and that he'd left it all on Davey and him to sort out the mess as leaders. It's the only time he ever says to Jack that he thought they were family. And he makes it clear that he's unsure if they can ever be again. They're up on the roof for hours, long enough that the sun sets and rises. It ends with them both going off about their days, and if both leaders were seen and heard in tears that night, well. That's neither here nor there.
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shieldofiron · 1 month
WIP Tuesday. I was tagged by @billyharringson and @adelacreations
Here are my current WIPs
Tainted Love
No hot, rich tattooed porn stars wanted to date lonely washed up losers who peaked in high school. Eddie might want to fuck him, but Jason can’t imagine what Eddie would do if he knew how Jason was thinking of him. Laugh probably. Let him down easy. Humiliation burned in Jason’s gut and he pulled his knees up to hide how it was affecting him. He cleared his throat, “Ok let’s start the movie then, what are we waiting for?” “Keep your top on, I’m working on it.” “My top is very much on, thank you,” Though Jason was still feeling quite warm. Maybe he was sick. “Yeah I am, I’m right here,” Eddie said.
Pretty Boy Live in Santa Fe, 1977
“We didn’t tour much after 'Hades,' but the label wanted us to make a few appearances, just in socal. We had this number one hit, and we couldn’t play it anywhere because-“ Chrissy Cunningham cut herself off, biting her lip. “Because Billy and Steve couldn’t stand to be in the same room together,” Eddie continued. Jason Carver laughed, “Billy was a convenient excuse. I can see so clearly now, Steve was just holding on to sober by the skin of his teeth. He couldn’t be around bands, certainly not back then. He was a fucking wreck, but luckily he had this convenient reason to not tour: he wasn’t the singer for 'Hades.'”
Nancy picked up a beer and toyed with it a little between her hands. “You gotta poke a hole in the bottom and…” Steve prompted. “I got it,” She smirks at him. “She’s on honor roll, Stevie boy,” Billy rolled his eyes, “I think she can figure out a shotgun.” The unspoken being that Billy was on honor roll too, and probably so was Barb, and Steve’s just this… jock douche. Steve leaned across the distance and shoved Billy’s shoulder, “I’m tryin’ to be a gentleman.”
No pressure tags for @dragonflylady77 @oopsiedaisiesbaby and @fizzigigsimmer
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cowboyandcricket · 1 year
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When I was in high school I wandered into the kind of little quirky shop that only exists in beach towns or Santa Fe these days but used to exist in strip malls in Northern Virginia. They had this brand of perfume in these tiny little understated bottles and the scents were all these wildly banal things. It was Demeter Fragrances and I am still to this day a collector of their uncanny scents.
The one that I purchased was something like $25, which was a lot to a teenager without a job, but it was called Rain and I could NOT believe how insanely accurate it was. I walked around school the next day just constantly sniffing my sleeve and my wrist where I had sprayed it, each time getting completely overwhelmed by the sense memory of walking home in the rain in the springtime. 
Here we are, decades later, and one of my vendors (thank you CandleScience) has created an absolutely beautiful version of that scent - the feeling in the air just as its about to rain. We've mixed with with a little bit of foliage, and present it to you as our February 2023 candle. Enjoy!
You can get this scent starting today, over at cowboyandcricket.com.
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i don't know if all of you have heard the good word yet... but 2024 is gonna be a big big year for tin can bros 👁️ they have lots of projects planned for this year and are going to be launching a kickstarter at the end of this month (on january 30th!)
so far at the time of me writing this they have announced three of the projects they'll be kickstarting: a spies are forever concert screening in LA, the great debate LIVE in LA, and a concert at 54 below in NYC for this could be on broadway!
this could be on broadway is a recent musical project that TCB have been working on, it's about a "tight-knit group of high school kids mounting The Matrix Musical, in a quirky exploration of what it means to be a theatre kid"
your daily dose of joey richter for today is one of the songs from this could be on broadway! it's called "santa fe"! go listen! it's so good! 🎭❤️
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