#samuel drake x tu
samueldrakelover · 2 years
Seguridad (traducción)
Emparejando: Samuel Drake/lectora
Genero: fluff, confort, romance.
Recuento de palabras: 980
Sumario: Sam vuelve a casa con una gripe desagradable.
Nota de la autora original: recreación de la canción: Kiss Me - Ed Sheeran (perdón) referencia de temperatura: 38.6ºC es 101.48ºF.
Nota de la traductora: He ADORADO está historia. Me encantan las ideas que tiene la autora 😭😭😭
Autora: @hogarthwrites
Obra original:
Sam sabía que algo iba mal desde el momento en el que entró por la puerta y su garganta ardía, lo único que quería hacer era tirarse en la cama. Todo comenzó en la madrugada cuando empezó a tiritar y no podía respirar por la nariz.
– Perfecto, – Inhaló cuando vio su temperatura: 38.6ºC.
Se puso su jersey más grueso y volvió a la cama,pero se encontró con que intentar volver a dormir era más difícil de lo que pensaba. No importaba la posición en la que estuviera, no podía respirar. Llegó a un punto en el que su cabeza le empezó a doler de su somnolencia y de la congestión, no sabía si iba a conseguir dormirse.
Cogió su teléfono para mirar la hora, y no pudo evitar sonreír un poco cuando vió su fondo de pantalla en el que estabais tú y él de vacaciones en el lago. Sam deseaba que estuvieras con él en ese momento, pero no quería despertarte o molestarte por un pequeño resfriado. Finalmente cayó en un sueño profundo,reposando su cabeza sobre la cabecera de la cama.
Eran sobre las ocho de la mañana cuando llegaste al apartamento de Sam, emocionada de verlo después de que él hubiera estado de viaje por semanas. Te lo encontraste desplomado sobre la mesa del comedor, envuelto en mantas y con un bol de cereal enfrente de él.
– Oh, dios mío, Sam, ¿Estás bien? – Rápidamente te quitaste la bufanda y la chaqueta, después caminaste hacia él y pusiste tu mano en su frente. – Estás ardiendo.
Todo lo que pudo responder fué un pequeño gruñido mientras inspiraba.
– ¿Dormiste algo? – cogiste el bol de cereal y lo llevaste a la cocina, Sam sacudió su cabeza.
– Apenas. – su voz era más grave de lo usual y te diste cuenta de que estaba respirando por su boca.
– Oh, Sam, – Caminaste hacia él y lo ayudaste a moverse hasta el sofá.
Sam estaba temblando y se sentía agotado mientras miraba como te dirigías hacia su habitación, escuchando como susurrabas mientras buscabas algo en el ropero. Finalmente saliste con una manta que envolviste alrededor suya.
– ¿Mejor? – Preguntaste mientras Sam asentía. Pusiste el termómetro en su boca para mirar la temperatura y él tomó tu mano mientras esperabas. Su mano estaba más caliente de lo usual y no pudiste evitar darle un beso en el cachete.
Todavía tenía fiebre, frunciste el ceño.
– Quítate el jersey, – ordenaste.
– ¿Por qué?
– Aún tienes fiebre, Sam. Necesitas que te baje la temperatura.
Él no dijo nada mientras le ayudabas a quitarselo. Te diste cuenta de que tenía una mirada nebulosa y que apenas podía mantener sus ojos abiertos.
– Te haré una sopita de arroz, no parece que hayas comido en absoluto.
– No tienes porque hacerlo, – murmuró – estaré bien. De verdad. Y no quiero que te pongas mal tú también.
Lo ignoraste mientras ibas a la cocina, para preparar la sopa. Una punzada de culpa golpeó a Sam mientras te escuchaba tarareando en la cocina. Pensó que no era digno que perdieras un precioso domingo cuidando de él. Después de todo, él ha pasado por muchos resfriados y fiebres sin nadie mimandole de la manera en la que lo estabas haciendo en ese momento. Aún así, un sentimiento cálido se esparció por su pecho cuando empezaste a cantar, y sabía que eso no era por la fiebre.
Sam gruñó mientras tomaba una cucharada de la sopa.
– ¿Qué?¿Tan mala está? – Prengutaste.
Él negó con la cabeza. -No puedo saborear nada ahora,bebé,pero…– Sam inhalo.
– ¿Pero?
– No puedo… — Él puso la cuchara de nuevo en el plato. – No puedo respirar mientras como.
– Sam, – colocaste tu mano en su cachete. – Tienes que comer.
Él gruñó otra vez y tú cogiste la cuchara,recogiendo un poco de sopa y dirigiendola hacia su boca.
– Abre la boca, pastelito. – empujaste la punta de la cuchara contra los labios de Sam y él puso los ojos en blanco antes de tomarse la comida y tragarla rápidamente.
No lo quería admitir, pero se sentía bien tener un poco de comida caliente bajando por su garganta dolorida, simplemente no sabía cómo se sentía el hecho de que le estabas dando tú la comida.
– No tienes por qué darme de comer tú.
– Pfft – hiciste un gesto con la mano dando a entender que no te importaba, mientras recogías más comida. – Si no te fuerzo a comer, no vas a comer. Te conozco, Sam. Eres un cabezota.
Sam abrió su boca para decir algo, pero se encontró con que no `podía decir nada.
– Simplemente déjame cuidarte, ¿vale? – Empujaste hacia atrás los pelos que tenía en su cara.
Cansado, simplemente asintió y dejó que le alimentaras con más sopa.
Después de algo de comida y una taza de té de limón, Sam se estaba sintiendo un poco mejor. Te miró mientras volvías de la cocina con un trapo frío y mojado. Rodeó sus brazos sobre tu cintura y te empujó hacia su regazo.
– Gracias, – susurró mientras posicionabas el trapo en su frente.
– Sabes que haría todo por ti, ¿Verdad? – Gentimente acariciaste su moflete.
– Nunca entenderé por qué.
Le besaste suavemente.
– Bebé, – Sam te alejó – Te pondrás mala.
– Estaré bien. – contestaste.
Sam sonrió. – Eres igual de cabezota que yo, lo sabes, ¿verdad?
– Por eso me amas.
– No puedo negarlo, – se rió antes de que se convirtiera en una tos. – Oh, me siento como la mierda.
Te quitaste de su regazo y le ayudaste a acostarse en el sofá. – Duerme un poco, mi amor.
Sam simplemente asintió mientras recostaba su cabeza en la almohada suave. Cerró sus ojos, pero aún no podía respirar. Se movió de un lado a otro pero no mejoraba.
Te diste cuenta de que estaba inquieto y te sentaste en el sofá.
Cansado, Sam cedió, el sentimiento de tu mano en su cabeza y la calidez de tu regazo finalmente lo calmaron y le permitió dormir.
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thepaperpanda · 4 years
A Dream || Sam Drake x Reader smut
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Summary: How surprised Sam is when he meets you in the prison, and when it turns out you're the friend of Adler. Fortunately, Drake lets you play a little game with him.
Warnings: SMUT
Words: 2975
Authors: Cass & Rouge
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Sam sat in his prison cell, steering at the empty wall. What else he could do? He was completely closed off from the world. Only him, empty cell and sounds of the other prisoners outside.
It was a "normal" day until two guards opened the door to his cell. "¡Es tu día de suerte! Tienes un visitante! Buena esa. Levántate."
Sam blinked deeply confused. Who would visit him? Did Nate somehow find out that he was alive?
Sam didn't need any troubles, so he cooperated with guards. They pulled him out from the call and started to lead him down the corridor, until they stopped in front of a big door.
He heard about this room. It was a special private place where some of a more privileged prisoners could meet with their partners or whores. Before Sam could ask anything guards pushed him inside.
There was a nice looking girl, she was sitting on the bed and now was smiling at Sam.
"Can I help you... Miss?" Sam asked more confused than ever before.
"My name's Y/N," you introduced yourself briefly as you had gotten up and looked man in the eyes. "Let's say that someone's payed me to accompany you a little. Unless you're not Samuel Drake?," You put your hand to your left hip and sent him a feisty grin.
Sam frowned, looking at the lady if front of him. She was hella pretty, simply right in his taste but this all was odd.
"I am Samuel Drake and let me guess. Your "someone" is Rafe Adler, did he send you? Tell your asshole boss that I will not help him with tha treasure." He muttered, crossing arms over his chest.
You measured his features with interested glance. Drake, even taking the fact he wasn't that young anymore, was a handsome, tall man with brown thick hair and beautiful eyes.
"He didn't send me here for bargaining purposes," you explained shortly and reached to the bag you were having with yourself and which was placed on the bed. You pulled pack of cigarettes and lit one, then walked to the window with a view on an island and ocean. "Let's say that his only goal is to get back on good terms with you."
"Get back on good terms? By sending me a whore?" Sam asked, checking out your body.
It's not that Sam wasn't attracted to you, he was. The truth was that he would fuck any girl he could right away, but the fact that Rafe sent you bothered him.
Standing with your back to him, you had only smiled to yourself. "I'm not a whore," you said simply. "Let's say that I'm a close friend of Rafe that was bored enough with my loneliness so as soon as he asked me to visit you, I took this proposition without blink of an eye. He described you as a nice, rather humble man. He didn't only mention that you're fucking handsome...," The last sentence you almost whispered so he wouldn't hear.
You smoked half of the cigarette while watching the beautiful landscape outside of the window, and after that you had turned to face man once more. With the swing in your hips you walked to him slowly, and stopped only few inches from him.
"Want a cigarette?," You offered with a cocky smirk dancing on your lips. You put your palm to his chest, massaging his muscles slightly. "I have a real cigarettes, not such a shit they used to smoke here."
Sam's frown never disappeared, this everything was highly suspicious. He still didn't trust you at all, but he accepted the cigarette, Sam needed a real one. "Some fire, please?"
You gave him a lighter and slowly started to circle him. "Look at yourself, Drake. Rafe offered you freedom, you declined. It was your right to do so. And did he press on you more? No. He just wants you to realize that he is sorry for the misunderstanding between you two."
Sam sat down on the bed that was placed in the room for a visitors' comfort. The mattress was soft, overall this bed was much better than a regular bunk.
Sam lightened up the cigarette and looked up on you, letting out some of smoke trough his nostrils. This cig was a really good one. "More like 'between you three', girl. There was three of us here." Sam corrected you."I didn't expect such an asshole to have a friend like you."
You leant back against the solid, metal door and looked at man. "Even a person like Rafe can have amigos, as you see," you replied shortly. "Ah. Right. Your younger brother. What's his name? Neil? Nolan? Ah, Nathan! What a cute name for a boy," you giggled as you walked to Sam and stopped in front of him. "But I rather like Sam. It's a good name for a badass like you."
Sam chuckled, letting a big cloud of smoke escaped his lips. "You try to flatter me too hard, babe, and I am not confused by fact that asshole has a friend. I am more confused by fact that his friend isn't acting like a spoiled brat like he is."
You cocked your brow at his comment only. "Rafe did mention that you might be stubborn. I can see what did he mean by myself now," you informed the man.
Second later, you pulled your skirt a little up your thighs so it was comfortable for you to straddle his lap.
Sam watched you with slightly clouded gaze, those years of isolation and loneliness were getting to him and your present did not help him.
"Well, I am stubborn. That's my thing." He wrapped his arms around you, his hands found their way under your shirt. Sam let out a sigh at the feeling of a soft skin under his rough finger pads.
You bit your lower lip and chuckled darkly at his actions. The roughness of his hands on your skin turned you on so much. You leant towards him and nibbled onto his earlobe. "I'm not even going to argue, handsome," you whispered directly into man's ear.
One of your hands slipped between your bodies to rest onto his crotch. You smiled even more at the feeling of hardness of the bulge within his old jeans.
Sam looked at you with a soft smile, he took the cig out of his mouth. "You like what you feel? You can't blame a guy for being hard when he didn't see a single woman for years."
"Oh, poor thing!," You gave him a peck to his jawline and didn't forget about rocking your hips a little so you rubbed your pussy against his bulge. "Must be hard to fap alone, huh?," You teased him as you pulled the cigarette out of between his fingers. You inhaled fully and dropped the end of cigarette on the concrete floor. You cupped Samuel's face in your palms and slowly started kissing him while exhaling the smoke right into his mouth.
Taking the strong smoke wasn't now filtered, it was easy to get a little high by such an action.
You hummed at the end of the kiss, and wrapped arms around his nape.
Sam growled annoyed as soon as you pulled away, he didn't like fact the kiss ended so quickly.
"As much as I enjoy it... And as much as the tightness of my pants annoys me, I can't help but still feel suspicious about you." Sam said openly as his hand stroked your back. "Cute girl came to place like this... To meet with someone like me. Weren't you scared I will hurt you?"
"You? The infamous Samuel Drake hurting the girl? Nah, baby, ain't gonna happen," you told him and started to kiss his jawline, slowly yet constantly. "I can be dangerous as well so how do you know that you shouldn't be afraid of me?," You asked as your skilled fingers unbuckled his belt.
"Me? Being afraid of a little girl like you, ain't gonna happen." Sam placed you properly on his lap, his big hands grabbed your sides and moved up, uncovering your skin.
At this point Sam was gone, all he desired now was some of a physical contact he missed for years.
He removed your shirt and threw it on the floor, he looked at you fully. "Now... This is a nice view." Sam purred before slowly taking off your bra.
You licked your lips as your breasts were exposed to his sight. You felt some butterflies in your stomach and some knot building up in your abdomen. Oh, how much he was turning you on!
You slipped hands into his hair, and started rocking your hips as you held onto his neck, slowly scratching his skin there with your fingers.
"You like it, don't you?," You let out a quiet moan. "Oh, Samuel. Such an eager boy. Make out nicely with me and you'll get an award."
"Sweetheart, I am a treasure hunter. I don't get the reward, I find it and take it all by myself."
His lips wrapped around your nipple, he sucked and moved his tongue around it. One of his hand quickly found its way under your skirt and panties, he didn't waste time as his finger started to circle your clit.
He had gotten you. As much as you wished it wouldn't happen, you started to be turned on. Moaning louder and louder, you rolled head back and enjoyed his mouth on your nipples as well as his fingers rubbing onto your clit. "The treasure hunter, huh?," You moaned through parted lips and soon escaped his laps.
You simply knelt in front of the man and unzipped his jeans and its fly only to freed Sam's already half-erected cock. You gasped a little at his size and licked your lips while pumping your palm up and down his shaft covered with veins.
Sam chuckled. "No need to be so shocked, babe. I am just a decent man with a decent cock." He said moving hand into your soft hair, Sam let out a quiet purr at the nice feeling. He definitely needed that.
You smiled at man and simply wrapped your mouth around his tip. Then, slowly, you slipped his shaft further. You moaned at the same time. His skin tasted like a salt but you didn't mind it at all. In fact, you missed such an intimate moments with a man in a great while, since your ex boyfriend had left you for other woman. Dick.
At first, you were bobbing your head back and forth slowly, doing you best to make his shaft as slick as possible.
After few longer moments that seemed like an eternity to you, you pulled his thick cock out of your mouth only to spit on it and spread the saliva along his length with your palm. You raised your head to look him in the eyes.
Sam watched you the whole time, his hand played with your hair while other kept him from falling backwards.
"That's nice and all, babe, but I really need something else." He got up, and then effortlessly picked you up, pressing you against the wall. Who the hell needs bed, right?
You gasped at the unexpected behavior of the man but you moaned second later, in anticipation of his actions. Quickly and smoothly you slipped your lacy panties down and stepped out of them.
"Let's leave the skirt on, huh? It looks nice on you, Y/N." He smiled at you and then grabbed your legs, wrapping them around his waist.
Sam kissed you deeply, slowly easing himself inside of you, he gasped against your lips. The feeling of your tight, wet pussy around his cock was a blessing. "You're tight, babe. I can tell you aren't a virgin, some asshole didn't took a good care about you?" He purred into your ear as he started to move his hips.
One of your hands was instantly wrapped around his strong neck while the other one was playing with your breasts, pinching your nipples a little. "Fuck, right there," you shut your eyes and parted lips, so the soft hum left them. "So good, that feels so fucking hot," you prised him. "Tight only for you, Drake. Your cock's stretching me so fucking good, Sam," you kissed his jawline and whined loudly as you felt how his cock was moving in and out of your dripping wet pussy.
Sam smiled and started to move faster. His hand replaced yours on your breasts, playing with your nipples. "I hope that such a good girl is on some pills or different shit. Because I am not going to stop myself, sweetheart." He purred deeply and grabbed your chin, forcing you to look directly at him.
You rested the back of your head against cold wall and let out another grunt. "Just fuck me, I need your fucking cock to fuck this little cunt of mine," you begged him and soon wrapped both of your hands around his neck so he was holding you in air while tearing your cunt apart.
"Well, if you ask so nicely, babe." Sam chuckled and started to move you faster on his cock, placing a soft kisses on your shoulder and neck. "You feel so fucking good, Y/N. Look what you are doing to me." He growled, feeling himself getting closer.
"Let... Me... Ride you," you begged in shaking voice as you felt your juices slowly dripped down your thighs.
"Taking fact you ask so nicely." Sam moved away from the wall and lied on the bed. "Go on, little one." He purred as his hands started to massage your hips.
Resting your hands on his broad chest, you started to buck your hips back and forth, hardly, strongly. Your eyes never left his. You laid more onto his chest so his cock was leaving your pussy almost completely only to be slammed back in with a strong movement. You knew he was nearing his pick as his cock started throbbing, you felt how hard he was. "Fuck you, Drake. Oh, God, this is so fucking amazing, just like this and I'll fucking cum," you moaned and smiled to him as you leant forward to steal a kiss from his lips.
He pulled you closer and kissed you deeply, pushing his tongue into your mouth. Meanwhile his hand moved between your bodies to play with your clit.
Soon, Sam sat up a little and smiled. "You like it, don't you." He teased as his rough fingers rubbed your bundle of nerves harder.
You ached your back and let out nothing but a scream mixed with moan as the touched you that way.
You used all of your strengths to push him back on the bed and you rode him nicely and hardly. The bed was soon rocking back and forth, according to your strong, rapid movements.
Your mind was overwhelmed by your rapture and need of being appeased.
Your pussy finally started clenching rhythmically around his shaft and you rolled you head back. You hadn't stopped your movements even when you were reaching your peak, you decided to chase your orgasm as much as you were able to because you had wanted to get there with him...
Sam smiled seeing you struggling. The truth was he wanted to torture you until you will beg him for your realise, but your company was first in years, and Sam didn't dream about anything else.
He grabbed your hips and started to slam his ones into you harder than ever before. Soon ,he reached his climax, cumming deep inside of you. Sam was nuzzling to your shoulder trying to catch his breath. "I am getting too old for this." He joked, kissing your jaw.
You laid on his chest, still gasping for air. "Oh, God...," You whispered as you waited politely for your breathe to calm down. Rising your head a little, you looked him in the eyes and ran you fingers through his hair. You stole another kiss from his lips and stretched to sit on his lap properly, just you were doing while riding him. "It was a great fun but it's time for me," you informed him, looking around in attempt of finding your panties. His cock was still buried within your core.
Sam let out a deep sigh. "Here comes a sad part. Tell your pal that if you visit me one... No... Three more times than I will rethink the offer of him bailing me out." He said and slowly removed you from his cock to let you dress up.
You blinked and let out a little laughter. "C'mon! What was that even?!," You had gotten up to your feet only to realise that his sperm was dripping down inner parts of your things. You shivered and slipped hand between your legs to rub yourself, only to taste his cum from your fingers. You hummed as you did so, and then you quickly stepped in your lacy panties. "You taste bitter like espresso," you winked at him. "I like that."
As soon as your clothes were adjusted properly, and the bag was on your shoulder, you walked to the door and stopped only to turn your head to him. "Next time I come back here, you're going to leave with me as a free man."
As soon as Sam was prepared to leave he was dragged out from the room and taken back to his luxury cell.
"From haven to a gray reality." He muttered and lied down on his bunk. All that left for him now was a hope.
Hope that you weren't just a dream and that he will indeed leave this cursed place anytime soon.
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Pandies🐼: @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @purepearls @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @maaargoshaaa @einexx @nwmtagsb @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben​ @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy @dontbeafraidchild​ @misafiryanki​ @electronicpatrolcollective​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @aulika​ @a-happy-wolf​ @creative-seahorse​ @biologyforliving​ @stareyedplanet​  
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writer-jamie · 4 years
Meet Me in Paradise Chapter 1: The Lure of Adventure
A/N: hi! welcome to my first Sam Drake story. This will be based around my oc, Isabella Sullivan and Sam Drake. In this story, she has been involved in the events of Uncharted 2 and is seen at the end of Uncharted 3 but I won't be writing them, just Uncharted 4. I started this on my ao3 (https://archiveofourown.org/works/23584639/chapters/56588764) so make sure to check it out! ❤️
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Isabella sat on the floor of the jail and played with a cigarette between her fingers. The Spanish sun was hot as always and her sweat was beaming down her face and onto her chest. She watched as all the men in the jail either fought or flirted with the other women in the jail. Women were like a delicacy for these hormonal, sweaty men. And it was disgusting. Isabella was lucky, for multiple reasons but the main reason being that she knew how to fight for herself. She had friends in high places but she could take care of herself, and she was grateful for that. The woman watched as multiple men came up to her and stared at her, gawking with their mouths open and constantly staring at her tits, like she was a piece of art at a show or something they could stare at all day without any consequence. The woman lit her cigarette and placed it between her lips. "Toma una foto chicos. No puedes buscar gratis." The men scoffed and walked towards her, attempting to grab her arms. Isabella laughed and blew smoke out her mouth towards the men before punching one of them in the face, him falling to the floor. The other men stepped back. The wind picked up as the man stood up again, spitting blood out onto the concrete floor. "Estúpida perra. Lo vas a conseguir ahora." The sweaty, older man went to punch the girl again but he was pushed backwards by another person. Isabella rolled her eyes as she walked away from the scene, seeing as people started to turn and watch the scene that she left.
"Hey! Wait up-" Isabella turned around and looked at the man. "Not even a thank you?" Samuel Drake. He was older than the girl, God, everyone was older than her. He was a flirt and a tease and always thought that "girls needed saving". But yet she was falling in love with him which was bad, not just because she was in this jail because of him, because he was a serial flirt. "No necesitaba tu ayuda, Samuel." She stomped out her cigarette on the floor and walked away from the taller male. Sam smiled and rubbed the back of his neck, "Mierda." He laughed and walked away to another part of the jail. Issy would be lying if she said her nights with Sam didn't mean anything. God if anything they meant everything. She tried to stop herself from catching feelings but it wasn't as easy as that. Their one time thing turned into more of a weekly thing, and soon a daily thing. Their fun was cut short when they were placed into said prison for hints about Avery's treasure. He asked her, more like begged her to not come with but nothing could stop her when she was on a mission. She promised she wouldn't flirt with any other guys and crossed her heart. He just shrugged it off and tried to act like he didn't care but she knew he did, deep down.
Isabella watched as Nathan came back from his little expedition and started to talk to Sam. Issy walked up to him and past Sam, putting her hand against his face. "What happened to you? They messed you up good huh?" She laughed and tilted her head to him, waiting for an explanation. "Just another day at the office. Come on." He mumbled and put a knuckle to his eye, walking away with the two in tow. She looked over at Sam and smiled, following behind Nate closely. "Whoa whoa whoa! You're not going to keep me in suspense are you?" Sam grabbed Nathan's shoulder and raised his eyebrows. "You were right." Nathan started walking away, Issy following behind watching out for any trouble. "No we were right. Asshole." She pushed Nate's shoulder gently and looked into his eyes. "Now we just have to find Rafe." Sam walked in front of Nate and Issy, smiling like an idiot. "Ah Rafe..." The woman rolled her eyes and rested her arms above her head, taking a breather. "Don't, don't start. Please?" Sam begged and looked at the woman, shaking his head. "Oh, c'mon. Like you said, we did this. Us. Rafe shouldn't have been a part of this to begin with. Three is a crowd as is, four is a fucking group." Issy groaned and crossed her arms across her chest. "I agree with her. Now this rich asshole comes in on the tail end--" Sam shook his head. "How long have we been trying to get in here? Hm?" Sam asked and looked at the two younger adults. "We had some leads..." Nate sighed and Issy rolled her eyes. "No, we didn't. Not one. You both are being stubborn. So like it or not--No Rafe. No Vargas. And no getting in here." Sam explained. "Yeah, speaking of Vargas...we got a problem."
"What kind of problem? Did he let you into the old prison?" Issy looked up and saw Rafe walk up to the group. "Also what is she still doing here?" Issy looked at his and flipped him the bird. "Suck my-" Sam put her hand on hers and shook her head. Nate breathed nodding his head. "Yeah, yeah, he did. After he read the letter." Rafe sighed. "Oh...Hm...So how much does he know?" "Enough that he wants a cut." Sam threw his cigarette on the floor and breathed out. "Ah, shit..." Issy looks at Sam and Nate. "Rafe. If anybody else finds out about this..." She rubbed her forehead as sweat stuck her hair to her skin. "Well it doesn't help that a girl is with three guys all the time. It's suspicious. But I'll work it out with Vargas, don't sweat it."
She rolled her eyes and looked at Nate. "Come find me if you have something important to say." She blew a kiss at Rafe and walked away, finding some of the other women to smoke with.
When the trio found Issy again, she was being rushed out of her cell by the guards and was being rushed into Vargas' office. The men pushed her inside and to the floor. "Fuckers!" She swore as Sam helped her up. "Hey!" Vargas yelled and looked as the woman stood to her feet. She licked her teeth and groaned, resting her hands on her hips and listening to the man speak. They stood there and argued about the percentages they would get. "Twenty percent." Isabella spoke up. The men all turned to face her and Rafe scoffed. "Twenty each. Equals." He nodded and looked at Vargas. "Deal?" Vargas asked and looked at Rafe, putting his hand out to shake. "All right." Rafe moved forward to shake his hand. "And if you ever cross me again--" Vargas started his threat before Rafe stabbed him, the man gasping before shooting into the ceiling, alerting everyone nearby. "Rafe what the fuck!" Isabella swore, grabbing Sam's wrist and looking at the man. "Are you out of your goddamn mind?" Nate looked at him, now scared for their safety. "Do you want to find out?" He threatened. Sam put a protective arm in front of the woman and kept an eye on Rafe's movements. "Guys what are we doing here?" Sam asked as guards started to approach the room, alerted by the gun shot. "Sticking to the plan." Issy groaned. "Was this part of that plan?" Sam looked at her and squeezed her hand. "Just follow me." Rafe instructed before running out the room.
The group ran from the guards as they started to shoot at them.
"Sam!" Issy yelled and watched as the man fell behind the others, allowing Nate, Rafe and Issy to stay in front. "Just keep going! I'm right behind you." He yelled out as the girl jumped to the next building, hiding behind a piece of cement with Rafe. She watched as Nate tried to help Sam onto the rooftop but all she heard was gun shots. Her hand flew in front of her mouth as Nate let go of Sam, hearing a bang as he hit the floor below. The woman cried out as they continued to push forward, Nate literally having to force her to keep moving. Once they made it away from the gun fire, Issy sat in the boat and didn't speak a word even when her uncle came to pick them up. She had just lost her best friend, and her lover all at once. And she didn't know how to cope.
"Mom?" A young boy walked towards Issy as she looked at her phone with a concerned look on her face.
Nate: I'm coming over tonight. Got something to talk to you about. Take care x
"Sorry sweetheart. You alright?" She asked and put her hand on his head, ruffling his hair up. "Can we go to the beach now?" The boy asked her, with a wide smile on his face. "Yeah of course. Grab the bag and I'll come with you." Isabella smiled and put her phone in her pocket, worried about Nathan's mystery visit but ignoring it for now, wanting to spend some time with her son. "So. You going to bet your record or am I going to whip your ass-" Isabella laughed as her son pushed her shoulder. "I'm the best!" He laughed and ran towards their shed to get their surf boards and towels.
"You did so well! I'm proud of you." Issy smiled and ran her fingers through her drying hair. Blake smiled and patted his mother's back. "You two champ." He laughed and walked past his mother, running in the sand with his board in his hands. Isabella watched him run and warned him of the rocks, but she knew he knew and she trusted him. She smiled and watched as the sun started to set on their home town. She loved it. Having Nate and Elena so close was a blessing too, when she gave birth to Blake, Elena stayed by her side until he was born and then Nate refused to leave her alone for more than an hour. They both were very helpful, especially because Isabella was on her own. Sully was also help, but she told him he had to help because he was her uncle and otherwise it would be very rude of him. So after much convincing, Sully looked after and helped raise the young boy. Issy went on a few missions and started a 'normal job'. She then got enough cash to buy her beach house. It wasn't anything amazing. It had one story, three bedrooms and two bathrooms. But the view was to die for. It was also a great place for parties. Issy loved throwing a party but she didn't know many people other than Elena and her work friends. But a quiet life was all she wanted, for her and Blake.
Blake ran into the house, noticing it was already open. "Did you leave the door open?" Blake asked and looked at his mother. "No Uncle Nate is coming over and he has a key. He probably just let himself I-" Issy cut herself off and looked into the kitchen. She almost passed out, there and then. "Uncle Nate!" Blake shouted and hugged Nate, the boy being quite tall already, for a fifteen year old. "Hey kid. You been surfing?" Blake nodded and got excited trying to tell his uncle all of the exciting things him and his mother did at the beach today. He put his his bag and surfboard down on the couch before looking up. "Who are you?" His attention was drawn to the man who was stood with his uncle, not knowing who he was. "Sam. I'm your uncle's brother." He smiled at the kid. Blake looked at his mother with worried eyes, noticing how pale she had gone. "Mom?" She snapped out of it and looked at the three men standing before her. "Blake. Take the ball and go play out for a bit." "But Mom-" Blake felt a hand on his shoulder and saw Nate walk towards him. "Go on. Just ten minutes." Blake picked up his ball and went outside. Issy put her bag down and looked at Nate. "What the actual fuck." She spoke and looked at Sam. "Nice kid. Nice place." Sam smiled and walked towards Isabella. The woman backed up, shaking her head. "No." She backed into her breakfast bar and watched as Sam backed up, allowing Nathan to talk to her. "Issy. Please." Nate put his hands out and allowed her to grab them before puling her into a hug. Issy cried into his chest and refused to look at the dead man walking. "Sam. Give us a minute ok?" Nathan told him and he nodded, walking outside and leaving the two friends to talk.
"How the fuck is he still alive?" Issy sobbed and held him close. "I don't know. He survived the fall and was kept in the prison for fifteen years. They didn't appreciate that someone killed the warden." Nate pulled away and wiped the woman's eyes of tears and looked at her. "Look. I didn't tell him about Blake. He has no idea because that is your choice. You lasted this many years without needing him or any many to help raise that boy. Don't let this change you." He gave her a smile and placed a kiss on her forehead before looking out at the front yard. "Some guy has threatened Sam. The same guy who broke him out of prison and he needs to find Avery's treasure. I came here to ask you for help. I know it isn't as easy as it used to be, you have Blake and your house and everything but you know more than us about Avery. We are asking for your help. Please?" He asked her and looked into her eyes. Issy sighed and looked at him. She couldn't say no to Nate, and that was an issue. "You'll have to give me time. Find someone to look after Blake and figure everything out. Have you rang Victor yet?" She asked, taking her phone out her pocket and looked at the man. "Not yet. He's next on our list." Isabella smiled and moved to her fridge, opening a beer for herself. "Aww Nate, coming to the best Sullivan first. I'm flattered." She joked and sipped on the beer, before heading to her porch and watching as Blake and Sam were playing soccer together.
"So." Isabella looked at her friend. "When do we set off?" She smiled and raised her eyebrows, looking at Nate.
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