The Source
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Sally Donovan is the outspoken, ballsy, youngest-ever editor of the UK's only left-leaning tabloid, The Yardstick. Anthea Doyle is the ex-activist Labour Home Secretary who's just ruined her reputation with a string of Tory-light policies in the run up to an election. Worse, Anthea's permanent secretary, Mycroft, has suddenly become extremely loose-lipped around Sally's star reporter, Greg. Now Sally's out for blood, Anthea's staring down the barrel of a reshuffle, and both of them are about to discover that first impressions are often misleading.
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finleycannotdraw · 3 years
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so the Salthea brainrot came out of nowhere and completely bulldozed me
(click for better quality) (fuckin tumblr)
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crieativity · 5 years
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Anthea sends her boss and his husband a photo during her honeymoon with Sally. Sally had a bit too much fun making Anthea her model,
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sherlockrarepairs · 5 years
Femslash Fic Rec !!  
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Cut the ending. Revise the script. The man of her dreams is a girl.
⬡ Easier Now That I Trust You, by Anarfea [rated E]
(Janine Hawkins/Mary Morstan) “What do you want?”
She traced the contours of Mary’s face. “The world. You. To give the world to you. To be your world.”
“Sounds dangerous,” Mary murmured. And then, “sounds glorious.”
⬡ Under Her Skin, by faerymorstan [series]
(Molly Hooper/Mary Morstan) Femslash series.
⬡ Who Leaves a Funeral Early?, by May_Shepard [rated E]
(Margaret/Mrs. Hudson) Martha Hudson always regretted losing touch with her best friend Margaret. When she sees a notice in the paper that Margaret's husband has died, she decides to take the opportunity to make amends. It goes much better than expected.
⬡ Hadn’t Meant To, by afteriwake [rated T]
(Irene Adler/Molly Hooper) Irene hadn't meant to fall in love with the pathologist, but she did anyway.
⬡ Agent, Secret, by dietplainlite [rated M]
(Anthea/Sally Donovan) It’s been ages since she did any real field work and Anthea feels conspicuous as she tails Sally Donovan on her walk. She doesn’t know what she expects to discover; everything pertinent about the detective can be found in Mycroft’s dossier.
⬡ Ingénue, by ebonlock [rated M]
(Anthea/Irene Adler) Her safe word is 'enough', because as soon as she meets Irene she knows she's never going to need it again.
⬡ Photophobia, by holyfant [rated E]
(Kate/Irene Adler) Kate just does what she does best: pictures, not words.
⬡ Moans, phones and unknowns, by sherlock221Bismymuse [rated T]
(Irene Adler/Molly Hooper) Short peeks into Molly's thoughts
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savvyblunders · 4 years
'Assorted Flavours' is a collection stories I wrote last year for Valentine's Day. Mystrade, Johnlock, Salthea and Hooperford.
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mottlemoth · 5 years
would you ever write more w/w pairings?
Definitely. My w/w output is sorely lacking. I need to find a really good idea to get me hooked. I have a few Salthea stories at the back of my head, maybe to be written alongside a Mystrade plot… people would be up for that, wouldn’t they? No wild objections to a Salthea side dish now and then? ❤️ I just need to put the time aside to bring it into being.
Thank you for asking, secret person. Maybe I should try some ficlets and see if one of them starts growing.
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sherlockladylove · 5 years
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Femslash February is drawing near! It starts in less than a week! As promised, I’ve put together a Daily Prompt List. If you only want to use some of the words, then do that. If you want to take them in a different order, you can do that too. If you have other idea, then that’s great too! The main goal with Femslash February is to create and promote femslash after all.
Here is the list:
Please remember to tag your things with #sherlock femslash so that I can find and reblog your entries. Happy femslashing!
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ylc1 · 6 years
Extra hours. Chapter 2
And here’s a new chapter! I swear I’m going to go back to finish “Belonging” but I’m a little stuck with an scene and since this fic is already finished... well :P
Summary: It’s hard to have a relationship when you work too many extra hours. But not impossible.
Pairings: Anthea/Sally Donovan, Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade
Tags: Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting/ different professions too/ Rom-com (sorta)/ Some Humor
Greg is having a bad day.
Which isn’t that unusual, truth to be told, not considering his ridiculously stressful job which is only made more stressful by his very frustrating clients who seem to believe he’s some sort of genie at their command.
Unfortunately, he has no magic and that means he has to fulfil their ridiculous demands the hard way. And while Greg is a workaholic, he’s a decent fellow and so incapable of making people work extra hours just because the clients are being pompous pricks. He can’t extend that courtesy to his personal assistant, sadly, because where would he be without Sally around?
It seems tonight is the night he’s going to find that out, though. Because Sally is home with some nasty cold; she had sounded like she was dying on the phone and Greg really couldn’t ask her to come in, nevermind if he fears he’s actually incapable of functioning without her around.
Surely it won’t be that hard. Surely he’s just being paranoid.
It’s a little past midnight when his eyelids start dropping on their own accord and when he reaches for his coffee cup, he finds it empty. He frowns briefly, opening his mouth to call for Sally and then remembers his trusted assistant isn’t here. With a sigh, he forces himself to stand up and takes a few seconds to stretch out, noticing his whole body is aching in unpleasant ways.
He makes his way in the direction of the kitchenette, or at least in the direction he thinks it is. It’s been ages since he had to make his own coffee or worry about his lunch, so his memory is a little rusty. He always had an amazing memory for little facts that most people forget and that’s what makes him one hell of a lawyer but when it comes to the regular everyday tasks…
Well. He’s always been a little hopeless.
Continue reading on AO3
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o0katiekins0o · 7 years
Soundtrack Your Ship: Salthea edition!
For @sonofabisco Mary Lambert- She Keeps Me Warm Regina Spektor- Better Universal Hall Pass- Sally's Song
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hastalux · 6 years
Black Desires Act IV
They shall grieve that do come to Fife With ill regard for my king’s life
Now up on Ao3.
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“Scythe”, Marilynn Mann, Artemes “Argo” Goteye, Emery Salthea
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Got my covid jab this afternoon and it’s been a great writing motivator: got to write as much as humanly possible before I feel like shit
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ao3feed-mystrade · 5 years
by Mottlemoth
For seven years, Mycroft Holmes has kept a respectful distance from the one man who truly matters to him: Greg Lestrade. But when Mycroft finds himself in attendance at a Halloween party at Scotland Yard, he encounters a sight which might just push his restraint to the limit.
Divorce wasn't easy for Greg. He's now single again and hoping to mingle, but there's only one person who's really on his mind. The chance to finally spend some time with Mycroft is a bit of a miracle - if only he hadn't picked this stupid costume...
Words: 2609, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English
Fandoms: Sherlock (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Mycroft Holmes, Greg Lestrade, Anthea (Sherlock), Sally Donovan
Relationships: Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade, Anthea/Sally Donovan
Additional Tags: Fluff, Smut, background salthea, Anthea Ships it with Force if Necessary, Halloween Costumes, Mutual Pining, Oblivious Boys So In Love, Rampant Feelings, Bisexual Greg Lestrade, Vulnerable Greg, Happy Ending, Jellybean Mycroft, Tenderness, Halloween, Zero to Married in Five Chapters, Historical Costumes, Autumn, Fluffy Fools, bless their hearts
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read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3fd3RoW
by bookjunkiecat
Ever the efficient PA, even Anthea has to go home sick sometimes. This time she has a visit from Sally Donovan to look forward to. She'd be a lot easier in her mind, however, if she wasn't dreading coming out to Sally. She's fairly certain Sally will be kind when she finds out Anthea is asexual, but she's still a little nervous.
Words: 4528, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Lines of Communication
Fandoms: Sherlock (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Anthea (Sherlock), Sally Donovan
Relationships: Salthea, Sally Donovan/Anthea - Relationship
Additional Tags: Developing Relationship, asexual Anthea, Bisexual Sally Donovan, Coming Out, Cuddling, Kissing, So Much Softness, Anthea is a sensualist, Sally loves to pamper her, gratuitously indulgent epilogue, Again, Happy Ending, Fluff, Sick Fic
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3fd3RoW
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sherlockrarepairs · 5 years
Self Promotion Rec List !!  [part three]
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Our SRP community has some incredibly talented people, and it’s time we gave them the love they deserve for all their hard work!
⬡ Mottlemoth
My name is Moth and for the past eighteen months I've been on a quest to make Mystrade a little less rare. I now have 35 different works on AO3, totalling 1.7 million words.
⬡ Black_Dawn
I write Mystrade fics.
⬡ Amythe3lder
My flagship is Mygolly (Mycroft/Greg/Molly) but I get a little carried away with multishipping.
⬡ WastingYourGum
I write mostly Mystrade recently but you can also find Sherstrade, Johnstrade, Mollstrade, Sholtstrade, Johnlockstrade and even Vicstrade on my AO3 (same name). I know what - or rather who - I like! :)
⬡ bookjunkiecat/Savvy Blunders
I write fic, mostly Mystrade, but also some Mollcroft, Molly/Greg, Molly/Greg/Mycroft, Sally/Anthea, a series which includes Mycroft/Greg/Sally, and I have planned an Anthea/Stamford fic, as well as some Greg/Stamford & John/Greg.
⬡ Lady_Cleo
I'm a sucker for Mystrade.  I'll try my hand at any pairing, but my only hard triggers are Rape/Non-con. I'd just rather not. Other than that, bring it! I delight in the idea of a challenge from you.
⬡ iblamethisonSherlock
Hi I’m iblamethisonSherlock over on Ao3l. I’ve only got the one completed work but I’m planning on bringing my tumblr ficlets over soon. I write pretty much exclusively Sherlolly.
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savvyblunders · 5 years
I wrote a wee #MystradeStoryTime for Thanksgiving feels. A tiny smidge of angst, heaps of tooth-rotting fluff, and unambiguously happy endings all around. 
Mystrade, Johnlock, Salthea, Hooperson
Mentions of alcohol use; one or two puns about stuffing birds (I regret nothing).
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