#sadie x jake
saintemarvel · 1 year
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Sadie & Jake Adler (1898)
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ruewrote · 2 months
𝑝𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑖 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟.
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jj maybank, rafe cameron, pope heyward, sarah cameron
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baxter radic, marlon sousa
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benjamin (twd), glenn rhee, rick grimes, daryl dixon
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wally clark
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evan buckley, eddie diaz
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peter parker (all), captain america
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jake seresin, bradley bradshaw, robert floyd, natasha trace
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chloe price, warren graham, rachel ambers, ryan lucan, alex chen, steph gingrich
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arthur morgan, sadie adler
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grayson dolan, ethan dolan
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lip gallagher
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minho, thomas, gally
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jacob custos, max brinly, nicholas furcillo
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josh washington, jess riley, mike munroe
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stiles stilinski
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dylan obrien, will poulter, thomas brodie sangster, archie madekwe, jeon jungkook, park jimin, josh hutcherson, rudy pankow, drew starkey, tom holland
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ruerecs · 11 months
i need new fics of my favourite hotties 😔
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jakeandsadieadler · 23 days
this isn't a jake slander, is he fat, though? you can notice that his stomach sticks out a little bit, it may be the coat he wears, but is he fat? He doesn't have a double chin or anything, but when he looks up his skin under his neck stretches, either way this would make him a comfier person and his extra blubber could make him warmer, this is an obvious advantage to sadie
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deadaena · 27 days
jake and sadie in the sims (part 2)
sadie being on her pregnancy glow right before feeling sick💀
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she clearly does NOT enjoy that (jake asked her to stay home)
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her belly is HUGE lmao i know shes having back pain
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the reason :
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cringelordofchaos · 9 months
The Music Freaks characters playing Omori for the first time
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actually a big fan of horror
Thought it was a cute game at first so she used it as a way to just calm down from all the stress in her life
Fave character: MARI (understands her perfectly) (ends up relating to her a bit too much)
A bit too emotionally attached to mari
"Aww! I love Mari!" (Her final words)
when she finds out what actually happened to MARI (I'm not giving spoilers): 😨
She just wants the best for the characters
Fave character: HERO/HENRY (gets him)
The game genuinely left s huge impact on him and he definitely understood the messages about the mental health stuff and it definitely made him cry
Plays the final duet on repeat
He played together with Daisy
Fave character(s): KEL + BASIL (reminds her of Elliot) + AUBREY (she is a bit split when it comes to Aubrey bc Aubrey was a bully and all though)
Definitely a multishipper
Fave character: Aubrey (understands her and kinda relates to her)
Henry and Liam:
Overanalyzing the japanese aspect of it all
They make those stupid TikTok "i omor 💀" memes to cope with the game ending
They keep sending drew those memes and they know he's annoyed by it
Played all the endings available
Henry and Liam roped him into this (playing the game)(he likes it but he will make fun of it whenever he can)
Related to Aubrey
Hates Aubrey (because he's a goddamn hypocrite)
Tries focusing on the gameplay more than the plot (even though the plot was way more important)(bro does not want to face his issues)
Sadie: (I didn't draw her here but idc)
Plays the hikikomori route on purpose (daisy is shooketh)
Really invested in it
Jake: (didn't draw him either and idc either)
Accidentally plays through the hikikomori route
He gets startled easily so this game definitely left an impact on him
He thinks it's really good but he's not putting himself though it again
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messrmoonyy · 2 months
Hell yeah!
Bisexual erasure honestly. Sadie can very much still have loved and adored her husband and still be reimagined as a sapphic character. Or even remove Jake if you so feel like it. He’s fan fiction. F I C T I O N.
As long as you’re not doing harm, not hating on other ships, or being gross. Ship who you want! Hc characters as whatever sexuality you want! This is what fan fic is for!!! To express yourself and your ideas. To re imagine characters in new situations!!
You all will happily ship Charles and Arthur. Even john and Arthur you’re fuckin grim if that is you I will say. And yet the idea that Sadie could be with Abi, or any other woman is an abomination to you??? Sort yourself out.
Like I said. Fan fic is fun and made for fun and expression. Go forth and making Sadie Adler queer!!
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bradshawssugarbaby · 7 months
Career Day Crush - Bob Floyd x Teacher!OC
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A/N: I was inspired to write this while prepping pictures of pilots for my class at work today and now, here we are, taking on two multipart fics at once.
pairing:  Bob Floyd x Teacher!OC (can easily swap her name for a y/n situation)
warnings/content: Bob being awkward and cute, Hangman's son being just like Hangman, Hangman as a dad, secondhand embarrassment.
word count: 1.8k
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“Alright, class, can we all thank Sadie’s dad for coming in to talk to us about being a firefighter? What an interesting career choice we could make!” You forced a smile as you politely clapped your hands for your guest speaker, the crowd of 7 year olds in front of you following suit, clapping and smiling as they chattered about how cool Sadie’s dad was for driving a fire truck. 
You looked down at your agenda for the day and read the hastily handwritten list you’d prepared for yourself earlier that morning to see who, if anyone, would be joining your class next. You nodded your head as you read the name and smiled sweetly at little Boone in the front row of the room, laughing softly. 
“Next,  we’re going to hear from Boone’s dad, Lieutenant Seresin about what it takes to be a fighter pilot for the US Navy!” You said with a somewhat forced enthusiasm to your voice, tired of trying to be the hype man for each parent as they came in to share what they did for a living to their child’s friends and classmates. You smiled warmly as Boone’s father, Jake walked in, dressed fully in his flight suit, his helmet tucked under his arm for emphasis. You noticed a second man, similar in height to Jake, follow in behind him. This man had lighter hair, worn longer than Jake’s and combed back into a military approved style, wire-framed glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, and a soft, shy smile as he waved to your class. His cobalt blue eyes were almost breathtaking as they wandered in your direction. As he met your gaze, he gave you a soft smile before folding his hands in front of him as he stood beside Jake.
“Hi guys!” Jake said with a friendly smile, waving to the group of eager faces watching him, “I’m Lieutenant Jake Seresin, and this, is Lieutenant Robert Floyd. We both fly in the US Navy, but we have two different jobs. I’m the pilot, so I actually fly the plane itself, but, my friend Lieutenant Floyd is what we call a Weapons Systems Officer, or WSO for short. He sits in the backseat of a two-seater plane and makes sure the lasers and missiles and all that fun stuff back there is working properly when we need it to.”
Lieutenant Floyd nodded his head in agreement as Jake spoke, before smiling at the children himself and beginning to talk.
“You might be wondering why we have names written on our helmets, these are called our callsigns, callsigns are how we talk to one another in the air when we need to. My callsign is Bob,” Lieutenant Floyd gestured to his helmet as he showed it to the glass, smiling proudly as the children ooh’ed and ahh’ed over it. Jake held up his own helmet as well, gesturing to the font splayed across the top.
“My callsign is Hangman, like the spelling game you guys might play in class sometimes!”, He explained enthusiastically. 
You had to hand it to Jake, he had certainly captivated your students better than any other speaker of the day had. Maybe it was his charm and charisma, or the fact that his job was a little more unique than being a firefighter, or a teacher or a truck driver. You couldn’t figure out what it was, but something about him and his friend had completely gained control of your normally somewhat unruly group of children, certainly better than you could have done at this point in a Friday afternoon.
As the two men wrapped up their career day presentation for your class, fielding any and all questions your curious students had for them for the last thirty minutes, you couldn’t help but notice Lieutenant Floyd catching your eye, as if he was stealing shy glances over at you as he and Jake stood at the front of the room. When the bell rang to dismiss the children, Boone raced up to his dad and Lieutenant Floyd, giving them each a big hug.
“Dad, Uncle Bobby, that was great!” The little boy, a carbon copy of his father in terms of looks and determined, fiery attitude, said with a grin that nearly made his whole face vanish.
“Awesome, buddy, I’m glad we could come talk to you and your friends!” Jake smiled as he put his arms around the boy, ruffling his hair. Lieutenant Floyd knelt down to him and smiled giving him a hug as well.
“Any time, little guy!” he said with a smile.
You approached the two men and smiled, offering your hand out for them to shake, your way of showing thanks to them for taking time out of their Friday to come talk to your class. You smiled as Jake stood up to his feet, shaking your hand firmly as he returned the smile.
“Thank you so much for coming out today, both of you. It really means a lot to the kids. They really enjoyed it! The helmets were a good addition, they’ll be talking about those forever,” A laugh escaped your lips as you shook your head slightly, thinking about how many times you’ll hear about the fighter pilots and their helmets over the course of the next week or so. 
“Anytime, Bob and I didn’t have anything going on today for training, so we were able to make the time to come visit! Plus that, I can’t miss an opportunity to be “Boone’s super cool dad” to a bunch of 7 year olds, right pal?” He let out a hearty chuckle as he ruffled Boone’s hair again.
Jake looked to Bob, who was now quietly standing behind Jake, a soft smile on his features as he waitied politely for the two of you to finish your conversation. Jake shook his head and laughed again, gesturing between you and Bob with a nod.
“Sorry, Bob, this is Boone’s teacher, he absolutely loves her to pieces, don’t ya, big guy?” Boone nodded his head, a big grin on his face as he looked between you and Bob, his tiny face seeming to take note of the way Bob was now looking at you.
“Uncle Bobby must like you too, Miss T, his cheeks got all red just now! Dad says that happens sometimes when you think a girl is pretty. D’ya think Miss T is pretty, Uncle Bobby?”
You and Bob exchanged uncomfortable laughs and awkward glances at one another before looking away. You knew Boone was just innocently speaking what he thought was true, but at that moment, you sort of wished the floorboards of the school would open up beneath your feet, the ground swallowing you whole so you could hide and shield your embarrassment. Jake looked down at his son and chuckled, breaking the awkwardly silent tension as Bob stole a glance towards the exit, looking as if he was contemplating whether or not he could just make a run for it and meet up with Jake and Boone later on.
“Bud, we can’t just say stuff like that, sometimes people don’t want other people to know if they find them pretty. Sometimes you gotta keep it a secret so they can tell that person themself, you know?”
“Oh, right, sorry Uncle Bobby, sorry Miss T,” Boone shrugged his shoulders, still not quite understanding why it had to be a secret if his uncle thought his teacher looked nice that day, but in the mind of a child, you supposed nothing about adult dating rituals made a whole ton of sense. 
“C’mon bud, let’s get going, ok?” Jake put a hand on his son’s shoulder before giving you a friendly glance and departing the room, leaving Bob to his own devices. You could have sworn as you saw Jake leaving that he gave his friend a wink and a thumbs up, and if you hadn’t caught the mischievous grin on Boone’s face as father and son left together, you would have sworn that this wasn’t intentional. 
A look of panic flashed across Bob’s features, shaking his head as he let out an awkward laugh, his hand resting on the back of his neck, scratching at his hairline as he shook his head, looking between the door and you.
“Sorry ‘bout Boone, he’s just like his dad, got a big mouth on that little guy, he’s lucky he’s cuter than Jake is, he can get away with it.”
“It’s ok, I’ve been told more awkward things by small children than hearing that their uncle might think I’m pretty,” You helped, trying to take away some of the tension between the two of you, “Jake didn’t properly introduce me either. My name’s Grace. Grace Taylor. Most people call me Gracie though.”
“Well, he did introduce me, but please, just call me Bob. I don’t even go by Lieutenant Floyd unless it’s a military event or something. Bob is just…more me. Nice to meet you, Gracie.” 
He offered you his hand, shaking yours as they met in a handshake that was much more gentle and soft than the one exchanged between you and Jake moments earlier. Bob’s hand practically swallowed yours whole as he shook it, and you couldn’t help but wonder if part of the reason he was so gentle was that he feared he might hurt you if he shook too abruptly, like he simply wasn’t in tune with his own strength yet. 
“I should probably get going, Jake’s my ride back to base, it’s a long walk if he leaves without me,” He chuckled before looking towards the door. His eyes landed back on you for a moment, and you couldn’t help but notice how deep a shade of blue they were. They were…indescribably blue. The olive green hue of his flight suit pulled out every hint of tan in his skin, making him appear even more sun-kissed than you imagined he’d look had he worn something else. 
“Yeah, you probably don’t want to be left in a school on a Friday night, do you?” You smirked at him playfully as you leaned your behind against your desk as you faced him with your arms folded across your chest. 
“It’s not ideal, especially with an 8am training tomorrow.”
Bob politely excused himself again and headed for the door before turning on the heel of his perfectly polished uniform shoe, a wide grin on his features as he pointed his finger in your direction.
“By the way, Boone was right. I do think you’re pretty, Gracie. I may have to come by to pick my honorary nephew up from school more often now.”
And with that, Bob was out the door, leaving you blushing like a schoolgirl with a little crush as you began cleaning up your classroom. 
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nutluvs · 4 months
maybe write something involving sadie? (*^▽^*)
yes of course pooksie!! here's a few headcanons! sadie x gn!former o'driscoll!reader [friends -> lovers]
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sadie definitely took a lot of time to warm up to you. of course, your former gangmates killed her husband.. so how is she supposed to trust someone who rode with them before?
however, when you started showing genuine care for her wellbeing, she showed warmth little by little. she'd greet you here and there in camp. she wouldn't spit on you like she did kieran.
she doesn't usually show a great amount of care for her allies generally, but she quickly found that you were an exception.
she would take you into town to get groceries, take you hunting, play a few card games with you, etc. happy times. that was when you started to remind her of jake.
she found herself crushing on you, and sometimes she'd stare at you from across camp. you'd notice and wave, the brightest of smiles on your face, and she would turn as red as a strawberry. it was bad enough that you noticed her, but you also had the most adorable smile.
she hates the butterflies dancing and fluttering in her stomach when she looks at you. you used to belong to o'driscolls, o'driscolls killed jake, jesus, she should hate you. but she can't bring herself to. you're not a threat, you never were.
eventually she confesses, her face flush with color as she sticks a small daisy out to you. when you take it from her sweaty hands, you smile, leaning in and pressing a kiss to her cheek.
sadie broke.
in all seriousness, she was ecstatic, and she could hardly keep it concealed. she stumbled over her words for a moment, a stupid smile plastered on her features, before she hugged you tightly and thanked you in a murmur.
she wouldn't like pda all too much, so she'd hold you close mostly in private. she enjoys light kisses to her temple and forehead with mumbles of reassuring words against her skin.
at night she's a big cuddler. her arms are a cage, bringing you in close and refusing to let go. she likes the warmth, plus she hates the idea of you being gone and out of her sight. it just makes her stomach churn with worry.
she gives you little gifts and reassures you as best you can when you're upset. she also gives great hugs—they're warm and not too tight, not too loose. utmost comfort from those hugs. i can feel it in my bones.
her letting you braid her hair and adding little flowers to it>>> she parades that around like crazy.
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okay there's your sadie hcs! i hope you enjoyed pooks <3
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saintemarvel · 1 year
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Jake & Sadie
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randomrdr2lover · 28 days
sadie adler is not a lesbian (let me explain why)
it's evident that sadie is struggling with immense sadness after the loss of jake, their relationship was one of true love, and it's certain they weren't in a lavender marriage. in the 1890s, couples were known to have strong bonds, just like jake and sadie did - their love was pure, and they shared their workload equally. It's a testament to the power of love that they were able to build such a fulfilling relationship. as equals and shared the work they had. yeah some husbands could be assholes but jake and wasn't, sadie speaks of jake as an amazing husband and a good honest man, she clearly loved him and i doubt she would just leave to go off with abigail, which abigail was already in some sort of "relationship" with john, and had a son, not to mention they were outlaws, it was uncommon for romance to happen or anything to occur since they were constantly on the run from police, bounty hunters, and rival gangs.
that reminds me - sadie risked her life to avenge jake and to get revenge on the o'driscolls, it's not clear what they did to sadie, but it's implied a few times in the game that she was raped. she clearly had a lot of things going on, and was most likely not in the mood to date anyone, not a man, not a woman. and sadie would have to remarry if she wanted to get with abigail - since girlfriends or boyfriends weren't a thing yet in the late 19th century, it was only marriage, and as i said before - she wasn't in the mood to date or remarry, so it's unlikely she loved anyone else. she talks about jake briefly, sometimes in chapters 1-2 you can greet her and she will mention jake, and in the epilogue as well, she also mentions him in chapter 6 and i remember hearing some dialogue from her in chapters 3-4, it went along the lines of: "yeah.....i miss my jake every day." in a broken and scratchy voice. and obviously she talks about him in the very first mission of the game.
she doesn't talk about jake all the time, but there is times she will, and it's evident she misses him and loved him like absolute hell, and was willing to die for him.
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ruewrote · 1 month
my inbox is so empty and im bored rn so send in requests for any of the characters i write for :)
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anemonelovesfiction · 6 months
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✨ Merry Ficmas ✨
Please don’t feel discouraged if I haven’t posted your works, I actually had a hard time dwindling my list down! Click on the titles if the works interest you guys, I made sure it was hyperlinked to the correct stories!
Hope you guys enjoy making your lists as much as I did!
Don’t forget to use the #AvatarFicmas2023
Recommended Monogamous Works
1. Any of @oakbuggy’s are work’s including Neteyam and Flora is a chef’s kiss from me!
2. “God of War” by @shit-i-say-shit-i-think (Rotxo x Ash Na’Vi reader)
3. “Lovingly Yours” by @neteyamssyulang (Kiri x human female mate)
4. “The Moon” by @live-laugh-neteyam (Neteyam x human reader) angst, grab some tissues.
5. “Addicted to You” by @pandoraslxna (Lo’ak x human reader)
Recommended Poly-ship Works
1. “Growing in Eywa” by @shit-i-say-shit-i-think (Rotxo x Ao’nung x Human female reader) -This one is a series-
2. “Pxelo” by @makoodles (Tonowari x Ronal x Human reader) -This was my first liked post on tumblr-
3. “My Our Little Play Thing” by @blue-sadie (Neteyam x human fem reader x Lo’ak)
4. This concept of Tsutey, Jake, and Neytiri being in a poly relationship by @333desire333 (not the actual work I was looking for, They have one where they draw all the kids)
Pairing(s) I Wish Was Written More Of
Kiri x Reader (Human or Na’Vi)
Rotxo x Reader (Human or Na’vi)
Tsireya x Reader (Human or Na’vi)
Jake x Tsutey
Lo’ak x Ao’nung
Tsireya x Neteyam
Jake x Neytiri x Reader (Human or Na’Vi)
Lo’ak x Tsireya x Reader (Human or Na’Vi)
Keep in mind, this last little bit (Paring(s) I wish was written more of) Will be something you take from someone else’s list and write a fic or make artwork on and post it on the 25th of December as a christmas present. Don’t forget to tag the person you are writing the little fanfic for! And since I don’t expect many people to participate in this I will be writing as many fics as I can (Which is why I’m not participating in other fun and exciting writing contests) but the only drawings I can do are stick figures
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jakeandsadieadler · 1 month
I really don't understand the 'sadigail' ship, it just seems a bit ridiculous in particular, I don't think Sadie would've had some secret romance with Abigail, since she was already in a "relationship" with John, and she had a child. Plus, Sadie was clearly distraught, and very depressed after Jake died, not to mention the trauma she went through, like getting raped, and held captive in a cellar praying that she'll live. All she did was for Jake and for herself, killing the O'Driscolls was to avenge Jake and to take revenge on them for taking advantage of her.
She couldn't really just kill O'Driscolls and make out with Abigail, yes, she could've been bisexual, but she had just lost Jake not long ago, she was still thinking about him and possibly crying about him on the outskirts of camp.
And it's implied in the story by Sadie herself that Jake was a good man and a good lover, and they had a special relationship. They might've not been able to spend time together due to all the work and the desperate outlaws, but once again, mentioned by Sadie, they were both very sweet on each other.
I think of Abigail and Sadie as good friends, not girlfriends, they probably talked once in a while though, vented, talked about life, but none of them kissed.
Sadie still thinks about Jake in the epilogue, and well, she's also talking about her depression. But it goes along the lines of "cause I don't have anything that matters to me anymore." You can't tell me she doesn't miss Jake. Jake and Sadie are my favorite red dead couple even though they didn't have much screen time they're both my world and undoubtedly deserved more time together.
Of course, no hate towards queer people, it's just my opinion.
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deadaena · 28 days
jake and sadie in the sims (part 1)
i had to do them they’re so cute😭
@jakeandsadieadler here for youuu
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their outfits are kinda matching!!
i will surely upload more screenshots
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cringelordofchaos · 11 days
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so thats why i was always so obsessed w chilldhood friends to loverssssssssssssssssss
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