nervousladytraveler · 11 months
An odd question for you, but on tv Poldark S2E9 when Ross and Dem argue about Eliz in the beach scene when she comes back from the party, she asks him "do you not want her?" he says "no", then "sometimes" but is cut off by her. What do you think he was going to say? Something like "I still or will always love her" or "I can't let her go" or the like. This always bothered me how ambiguous it was scripted and the confusing double negative=positive wording. What are your thoughts?
So this is one of the most colossally stupid (and memorably so) things Ross says. And it is very disappointing to viewers who don’t want to see Demelza hurt more. I decided to go back and watch the scene again and also to read the scripts, since this exchange doesn’t happen in the book. 
First of all, the scene happened right after Ross rides by Trenwith and pauses long enough for Elizabeth to see him but then doesn't call upon her. It seems to suggest in one way or another he has begun to make up his mind (thus the “if you could bide a while– have a little patience. This thing will play itself out – sooner or later...” line.)
Also when he he looks down the cliff at Demelza walking along the beach, his expression is of genuine care and concern, with just a flicker of tenderness.
Okay, so back to the line you question. I think when Ross replies “No! - I don’t know – that is – yes, sometimes...”  he is adamant he wants to convince Demelza of that because he wants to make things right. Then she gives him a prodding look and he knows he cannot lie to her. I also got the sense that while this comes out as an idiotic thing to say, it actually reveals something about Ross and Demelza’s connection. They were closer to one another than to anyone else–or had been until this thing happened. And this exchange comes from that intimacy. Demelza knows the truth and helps him to see it. And ultimately that is needed for a full reconciliation.
But I suspect Ross doesn’t think in that moment that he will always love Elizabeth or that he can’t let her go because he hasn’t really made sense of it all yet. And he only ever does because Demelza insists on a truthful reckoning (remember her later line "I'd have you be honest, Ross...").
Below is Debbie Horsfield's script, my annotations are in bold. Thanks for asking–this was fun!
Episode 8, Scene 65 
Demelza continues her walk through the surf. She feels numb, cold. Now, as she looks up she sees Ross coming towards her. Her expression changes from coldness to brittle brightness.
DEMELZA: Ross! How kind of you to come and meet me! Did you have a pleasant time at Trenwith?
ROSS: I told you – I went to Truro to meet Richard Tonkin.  I don't lie to you, Demelza. When I go to Elizabeth, I will tell you.
[the following exchange in bold does not happen in the final edit of the scene]
D: Oh, but does that not unfairly constrain you? To have to inform your wife every time you go to see your mistress?
R: Tell me when you're done, then we can speak.
D: No, Ross. you tell me when you have done!
They face each other, Demelza with blazing hostility, Ross with frustration that she’s willfully misunderstanding him.
R: It was never my intention to go to Trenwith.
D: Whatever you say, Ross. Do what you will. Go and live with her if you wish.
She begins to walk away, through the surf. Ross follows her.
R: It's quite possible that her marriage will still go ahead.
D: No doubt you did your best to prevent it.
R: No doubt I did.
D: Does she love George, then?
R: No, she does not.
She steals a glance at him–and in that moment she realizes that she is not the only one in torment. But ultimately it gives her scant consolation. [the scene was not edited to show her glance, so we don’t see her sensing his torment. Also the line isn't really delivered to show his torment]
R (cont’d): Demelza, I cannot blame you for your anger. But if you could bide a while– have a little patience.
D: Patience?
R: This thing will play itself out – sooner or later –
D: Will it? Oh, I see. So you wish me to sit an’ twiddle my thumbs till you decide whether or not you want me?
R: It's not a question of wanting you. It's a question of not – wanting her.
D: Do you want her?
R: No! - I don’t know – that is – yes, sometimes – but – [final edit of scene has no “but”]
D: I’m not content to be second best.
R: Have I asked you to be?
D: Have you not made me so?
R: Why am I still here, Demelza? Why d’you suppose I’m still here?
D: I don't know, Ross. Why are you still here? Because Elizabeth can’t make up her mind?
R: No!
D: Because Elizabeth won’t have you? Because she knows George is the better bet?
Ross is seething now. So is Demelza. Again they stand and face each other, both implacable. [Ross doesn't come across as seething in the final edit. Just frustrated that she still isn’t listening to him]. Then:
R: I came here with good news. To tell you that Blewitt can repay the money I lent him.
He waits for her to comment. She doesn’t.
R (cont’d): We can reopen Grace.
Demelza keeps walking and doesn't answer.
R (cont’d): You’re spoiling your dress, Demelza!
But Demelza keeps walking. Ross follows her. He knows he’s handled things badly. Again, if only he knew how to put them right.
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winterswhumpblr · 29 days
Ricky Bowen Whump List
Played by Joshua Bassett
From the Disney+ show 'High-school Musical The Musical The Series'.
A/N: This whole show is based on the drama club at East High, so there is a lot of singing and performing. If you enjoyed Glee, you'll probably enjoy this show. If you're not into singing in media, however, then this isn't the show for you.
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S1.1: nervous, confused, upset, told upsetting news, (flashback: in shock) sad, annoyed, anxious, told potentially upsetting news regarding his parents, (flashback: in shock, eyes wide, stuttering, anxious) nervous, discussing strained relationship with parents saying 'I love you' to each other, upset, sad,
S1.2: upset, arguing with ex, looks sad, talks about how things at home are weird at the moment, looks sad
S1.3: sad, worried, upset, causes another student to bleed on their lip, feeling bad and guilty, told some harsh things, looking sad and upset
S1.4: upset, stressed, finally seeing his mum after ages, finds out his parents are divorcing and his mum is moving away, upset, emotional, sad, rushing to rehearsals, goes in late and gets told off, looks visibly not ok, talks about how his parents are splitting, upset, looking not ok, told to go home, stays the night at a friends, talks about struggling to cope when everything is different, struggling to sleep, staying over at his ex's house, looks on the verge of tears, upset, leaves and wanders around alone at night, ends up going home, upset, on the verge of tears,
S1.5: looking after his dad, clearing the house, lashing out at someone else, feeling bad, mentions of him liking theatre because it gives him somewhere else to go as a respite,
S1.6: stressed, gives an idea and it gets rejected by everyone, sad, stressed, upset he might not be able to continue the show,
S1.7: Mentions of his mum wanting him to contact her first, stressed, calls his mum and a different person answers, confused, stressed, anxious, being checked up on, discussing his feelings, stressed, anxious,
S1.8: spaced out, stressed, semi stressful back and forth with ex
S1.9: panicking, seeing his mum and her lover together, in shock, anxious, freaking out, anxious, concern for him, shaking, visibly looking unwell, freaking out, anxious, looking sick and pale, letting the understudy be the lead instead of him,
1.10: pacing, stressed, anxious, upset, confrontation with his mother, upset, sad, anxious, concern for him, "I'm really not my best", anxious,
S2.1: finding out they're moving houses, stressed, sad
S2.2: sad, told he's unreliable,
S2.3: sleepy, tired, running, stressed,
S2.6: anxious, concern for him, talks about not being able to handle changes, lashes out,
S2.7: feeling upset, fight with his girlfriend
S2.8: stressed, fighting with his gf, stressed, yelling, upset, hurt by his gf, mutually breaking up with his gf even though he loves her, sad, upset, crying, going to his best friend for comforting, sobbing, being comforted, silently crying,
S2.9: sad, depressed, wallowing in bed, giving little clues as to what happened with his gf to his mum, sad, discussing how his mum hurt him last season,
S2.10: concern for him, looking visibly upset and sad, looking super sad, putting himself down, talking about his feelings slightly and how he hasn't been looked at lovingly in a while, helping a friend make up with their bf, lifted from a wire high into the air, rope snaps, he falls to the ground, groaning in pain
S2.11: wearing a wrist brace, stressed
S2.12: sad, sweet moment with Ms Jenn, looking dejected
S3.1: upset, in an argument, leaving,
S3.3: startled, scared, screaming,
S3.4: upset, argument, storms off
S3.5: told to act like a 'jilted' ex, acting up, mentions of him looking genuinely heartsick, discussing how he struggles saying what he feels, mind blown, gets filmed talking about his crush on someone,
S3.6: startled away, panic mode, rushing to fight what he thought was an intruder, concerned, helps his crush plan a surprise for her bf, looking dejected, crying silently in bed, turning away from others, looking sad, concern for him, wiping his tears
S3.7: forcing himself to eat 3 whole pizzas back to back for his birthday bucket list, in shock, throws up offscreen, not confessing his feelings for his crush for her sake,
S3.8: woken up startled for his birthday (super cute), upset, pissed, watches the trailer of the documentary, shocked,
S4.1: stressed,
S4.3: visibly looking stressed out about his future/college, visibly looking anxious,
S4.4: upset gf hid that they were dating in front of her mom, storms off, sad, upset, asked if he's okay, stressed, sweet moment between him and miss jenn,
S4.5: pacing, stressed, anxious, mentions of him looking terrible, looks like he'll have a panic attack any second, concern for him, ranting about all his struggles, super anxious, venting, "I'm tired of losing people", given advice and there's a mention of how a lot of people are worried about him but he never lets them and reach out too, crying, getting soaked with rain, sad, upset,
S4.6: sad, crying, told he'll need to work super hard to get into college, stressed
S4.7: pacing, practicing his speech to FL, finds out upsetting news, anxious, hurt
S4.8: anxious, out of it, concern for him, anxious, looks visibly not okay, panicky, pale,concern for him, talking about how happy the theatre has made him, crying, emotional, sobbing, stressed,
Side note - Genuinely, Ricky has become one of my favourite comfort characters. The acting for his character is superb, and his struggles are super relatable. It's a good show that deals with a lot of mixed topics, and there is whump for other characters too, but Ricky is the main whumpee who goes through it consistently.
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emhikins · 3 months
In this season's episodes we talk about a rude police officer that got his comeuppance. He got pied in the face during a football match involving crystal palace. A mercedes Benz family day out in venue down the south of England. The most talked about topic in England and the British weather. Explored what the term "normal" refers to, pineapple on pizza, songs with political undertone and containd messages of a political nature.  
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ad1thi · 3 years
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Roswell New Mexico S2.9
Woah!!! That episode was a lot!! I think this was one of my favorite just because so much happened during it! What is wrong with Max!! I never would have thought that Alex’s dad was faking!!! I really hope that Isobel gets to meet her mom! I’m interested to see what Liz is going to do with the straw! I LOVE Walt! That scene with Michael was very touching!
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class-c-heroes · 5 years
Class C Start of Year Stats
P-Power, S-Speed, T-Technique, I-Intelligence, C-Cooperation, A-Average
Sumizawa: P3 S4 T5 I4 C4 A4.0
Sarumatsu: P5 S2 T5 I4 C4 A4.0
Kaetsu: P5 S3 T3 I3 C4 A3.8
Ueno: P2 S5 T4 I3 C4 A3.6
Nagai: P4 S2 T5 I3 C4 A3.6
Adachi: P3 S3 T5 I3 C4 A3.6
Kirigaya: P1 S4 T5 I4 C3 A3.4
Yukumo: P1 S4 T4 I3 C5 A3.4
Kazama: P2 S4 T3 I3 C5 A3.4
Rikimaru: P2 S4 T3 I3 C5 A3.4
Shibata: P2 S2 T4 I5 C3 A3.2
Denshi: P1 S3 T5 I5 C2 A3.2
Chiba: P2 S5 T4 I3 C1 A3.2
Fukuyo: P2 S3 T1 I5 C5 A3.2
Miryoku: P1 S1 T4 I3 C6 A3.0
Akimoto: P1 S2 T5 I2 C5 A3.0
Midoriya: P1 S1 T4 I4 C5 A3.0
Ishikura: P5 S1 T2 I2 C4 A2.8
Hachimura: P1 S1 T4 I4 C4 A2.8
Tsunoi: P4 S3 T3 I1 C1 A2.4
Class Ave.: P2.4 S2.9 T3.9 I3.4 C3.9 A3.3
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Malay Vampire? Nope
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Figure 1: Pontianak (KiatxKiat, 2013)
Little (2016), describes vampires as fanged blood sucking creatures that can be repelled by garlic, cannot be seen by themselves in mirrors and can be killed with a streak through their heart. Here in Southeast Asia, we have our own cultural heritage which consists of an abundance of myths and folklore. One of the more prominent of these is the Pontianak, a ghost of a beautiful woman who died giving birth (Dillon & Lundberg, 2017). Contrary to popular belief, the Pontianak is NOT a Malay vampire.
Unlike vampires, a Pontianak does not have fangs (Beng & Balaya 2016). She is not repelled by garlic and does not disintegrate when steaked through the heart. She takes the form of a beautiful woman with long black hair and is usually dressed in a long white or green robe. It is believed that she preys on males, pregnant mothers and new-borns because of what has happened to her in the past. Pontianaks are often sighted lurking around banana trees, army camps and delivery wards. These instances above are normally what would be shared when someone talks about an encounter with the Pontianak. Although not commonly known, Pontianaks can also be found near bodies of water, where they wait for an opportunity to steal fish (Skeat, 1990).
From the examples above, there are clear contrasting differences between a vampire and a Pontianak. Since myths are unique for different cultures and communities (Lundberg, 2018), there is no necessity to find a term to replace what the original character means. Since the Pontianak is defined as a Malay vampire, does that mean that a vampire is an English Pontianak?
European and American folklores have increasingly gained more power over folklores in Southeast Asia, thus influencing beliefs relating to the different myths. This reflects how our society has shifted from traditional to more westernised ideas. In this case, vampires are seen to be more powerful creatures while the Pontianak continues to be stereotyped as oppressive (Beng & Balaya, 2016). Currently, vampires are portrayed as strong, sexy and often the protagonist of the story in many shows. Pontianaks on the other hand are perceived to only be vicious with vengeful intentions. 
Through the exchange of stories, narratives of myths are passed on. In the past, it was shared mainly by word of mouth. Now with cyberspace, stories and myths are easily accessible. New stories have also been shared and introduced, expanding the network of exchange. It is imperative that we keep our own cultures alive by continuing to pass on traditional myths and stories. 
426 words
 Beng, L. Y. & Balaya, S. (2016). From International Horror Films to the Local Filem Seram:
Examining the Cinematic Identity and Roles of the Malysian Pontianak.
KEMANUSIAAN the Asian Journal of Humanities, 23(2), 161-174.
           doi: 10.21315/kajh2016.23.s2.9
 Dillon, R. & Lundberg, A. (2017). Vampires in Video Games: Mythic Tropes for Innovative
Storytelling. Tropical Liminal: Urban Vampires and other Blood-Sucking
Monstrosities, 16(1), 46-67.
doi: 10.25120/etropic.16.1.2017
 Little, B. (2016, October 26). The Bloody Truth About Vampires. National Geographic    News. Retrieved from
https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/10/vampires-europe-new-england-  halloween-history/
 Lundberg, A. (2018). BA:1002: SPACE AND PLACE – Reality & Virtuality + Excgange,
Week 5 notes. [PDF slides]. Retrieved from
 Skeat, W. W. (1900). Malay Magic: Being an introduction to the folklore and popular
religion of the Malay Peninsula. New York: The MacMillan Company. Retrieved
 Image reference
 KiatxKiat (Artist). (2013). Pontianak. [image of drawing]. Retrived from
 Jinn thread [Twitter search] Retrieved from
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Mining: RX 580 vs 570 vs 480 at 4 / 8GB: Benchmark| Overclocking | Hashrate
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Mining of RX 580, 570, 480 at 4 / 8GB in 2021: Benchmark| Overclocking | Hashrate - If you are interested in finding more on how this Graphic card will perform then this article will provide all such information and more. The Radeon RX 580, RX 570 and RX 480 8Gb at one time, namely in the first mining boom of 2017, were a hit among miners. The cards showed very good performance in mining. In 2021, RX 580, RX 570 and RX 480 at 8 Gb show 30 MH / s, with relatively low power consumption, of course, with the right settings and overclocking. We wrote on the website how to overclock the RX 580 and how to downvolt the RX 580, but these manipulations are more valid for gaming purposes, and not for mining. Now we will analyze how to get the maximum hash rate for RX 580, 570 and 480 in mining ether and other cryptocurrencies at the beginning of 2021. First, let's see what coins can be mined on these cards, and how much profit do they give? I will be watching RX 580 at 8 GB, because in mining, all these cards show identical results, because the core frequency plays a minimal role, mainly the memory, which is the same for them and amounts to 1750 MHz. We will also analyze the popular question, what can be mined on cards with 4Gb video memory, and how to increase the profit on these cards? Specification of RX 480, RX 570, RX 580 video cards SpecificationsRX 480RX 570RX 580Graphics Card   Release Date:Jun 29th, 2016Apr 18th, 2017Apr 18th, 2017Generation:Arctic Islands (RX 400)Polaris (RX 500)Polaris (RX 500)Graphics Processor   GPU Name:EllesmerePolaris 20Polaris 20Architecture:GCN 4.0GCN 4.0GCN 4.0Render Config   Shading Units230420482304TMUs144128144ROPs323232SM Count363236Tensor Colors———RT Cores———L1 Cache16 KB (per CU)16 KB (per CU)16 KB (per CU)L2 Cache2 MB2 MB2 MBClock Speeds   Base Clock1120 MHz1168 MHz1257 MHzGame Clock———Boost Clock1266 MHz1244 MHz1340 MHzMemory Clock2000 MHz8 Gbps effective1750 MHz7 Gbps effective2000 MHz8 Gbps effectiveMemory   Memory Size4/8 GB4/8 GB4/8 GBMemory TypeGDDR5GDDR5GDDR5Memory Bus256 bit256 bit256 bitBandwidth256.0 GB/s224.0 GB/s256.0 GB/sBoard Design   TDP150 W150 W185 WSuggested PSU450 W450 W450 WPower Connectors1x 6-pin1x 6-pin1x 8-pin Characteristics RX 480, RX 570, RX 580 What can be mined with RX 580, 570 and 480 at 8Gb and what is the profitability? Name(Tag)AlgorithmBlock TimeBlock RewardLast BlockDifficultyNetHashEast. RewardsEst. Rewards 24hExchange RateMarket CapVolumeRev. BTCRev. 24hRev. $ProfitProfitabilityCurrent | 24h3 days | 7 daysEthereum(ETH)EthashBT: 13.2sBR: 3.65LB: 11,879,1205,125,949,696M388.22 Th/s-0.3%0.00190.00210.03633100(Binance) 2.1%$217,217,583,82515,264.12 BTC0.0000680.000076$3.90$3.90100% | 100%100% | 100%Nicehash-EthashEthashBT: —BR: —LB: ——19.69 Th/s-2.0%0.0000700.0000672.40556999(Nicehash)4.8%—45.86 BTC0.0000700.000067$3.54$3.54103% | 88%92% | 91%Ravencoin(RVN)KawPowBT: 1mBR: 5,000.00LB: 1,631,59056,843.9544.07 Th/s1.8%23.002823.40580.00000157(Binance) 5.7%$667,481,333149.97 BTC0.0000360.000037$2.30$2.3053% | 48%51% | 59%MWC-CT31 (MWC)Cuckatoo31BT: 1mBR: 0.25LB: 663,641126,2892.10 kh / s15.0%0.09230.10610.00033000(BitForex)1.7%$184,121,2942.70 BTC0.0000300.000035$1.87$1.8745% | 46%48% | 48%Veil-ProgPow(VEIL)ProgPowBT: 2m 52sBR: 30.00LB: 1,096,46137.597938.82 Mh / s-15.7%141.9215119.85180.00000026(TradeOgre)-1.6%$1,166,4220.00 BTC0.0000370.000031$1.83$1.8354% | 41%45% | 47%Nicehash-KawPowKawPowBT: —BR: —LB: ——656.14 Gh / s-2.0%0.0000320.0000320.00252810(Nicehash)-1.1%—1.71 BTC0.0000320.000032$1.81$1.8146% | 42%47% | 46%PortProtocol(XHV)CryptoNightHavenBT: 1m 58sBR: 7.36LB: 793,3993,493,433,25429.61 Mh / s2.9%0.17470.17990.00016879(Bittrex)3.2%$128,000,07710.63 BTC0.0000290.000030$1.62$1.6243% | 40%41% | 41% What can be mined with RX 580, RX 570 and RX 480? Ether still gives the maximum profit. When he goes to POS, there will be Ravencoin (RVN), which gives much less, but will still be profitable. If you want to get into mining in 2021 with these graphics cards, you need to know the following points: - The card must have 8Gb video memory - These cards are more than 4 years old. And most likely they have already mined a lot in 2017-2018. Power Consumption of RX 580, RX 570 and RX 470 in mining These cards from Radeon, when properly configured and overclocked, consume around 84W. Consumption RX 480 at 8Gb As you can see in the screenshot, the RX 480 consumes 84W and outputs 30Mh / s. A very good figure considering that the GTX 1660 Super in mining gives the same figure, but this card is 2019 and is much more expensive. The advantage of the 1660 is that they are new, with a large resource and a guarantee. A very interesting point, the newer and more technologically advanced RX 5700 XT produce almost twice as many hashes, while consuming the same 90-100W. Mining on the RX 5700 XT is described on our website. Can I still mine on RX 580, RX 570 and RX 480 with 4 Gb video memory? In case you don't know, the Ethereum DAG file passed the 382 era and this was the beginning of the zombie mode in 4Gb cards on AMD. What does it mean? The entire DAG file no longer fits in 4GB of video memory. DAG file is a block of data, more than 1 Gb in size, used to find a block solution in the blockchain network using the Ethash algorithm. On which, in addition to the ether, there are such coins as: ETC, ETP, DBIX, QKC, EXP, ELLA, CLO, ETHO, UBQ, EGEM, ESN. It is the DAG file that is loaded into the memory of the video card when the miner is launched. Let's look at the example of Excavator on nicehash: dagj generator The DAG file size increases over time. This happens every 30,000 blocks and is called a change of epochs, i.e. each epoch has its own DAG size. To find out the current DAG file size, use the service - https://investoon.com/tools/dag_size. It shows the current DAG file size for major currencies on the Ethash algorithm, and also allows you to determine the DAG file size by block number. Each block has its own epoch, and each epoch has its own DAG size. Relevance of maps based on the Ethash algorithm The table shows that 4Gb cards have become practically irrelevant at the end of 2020, 6Gb cards still have 3 years left, and 8Gb and 11Gb cards still work and work. As you can see, RX 480, 570, 580 on 4Gb are no longer relevant, but let's find out if it is still possible to mine on them, how to do it and how much do they bring? Zombie mode for RX 570, 480, 580 on 4Gb At the beginning of 2021, cards with 4Gb video memory entered the so-called era of the zombie regime. At which the performance of mining on video cards with 4Gb video memory will exponentially fall with the coming of each next epoch. This is due to the fact that more and more part of the DAG file that does not fit into the video memory of the card will be located in RAM. But the problem is that the access speed to the RAM is much lower than that of the video memory. Let's see how to put your cards into zombie mode on different operating systems. For mining in zombie mode with such cards as Radeon RX 480 4Gb, RX 570 4Gb, RX 580 4Gb, TeamRedMiner is the most stable. How to put your 4Gb graphics cards into zombie mode in Hive OS Register in Hive OS using the link and the InsidePC promo code, and get $ 10 on your balance. Setting up Hive OS, described in detail in our manual, study. Step 1: Go to Flight Sheets and create a flight sheet. We select the coin ETH, register our wallet (you must first create it), the pool, and the miner. Select TeamRedMiner and click Setup Miner Config. Create Flight Sheets (flight sheet) and select the TeamRedMiner miner In the settings of the miner, find the Extra config arguments field and enter the following command - —eth_4g_max_alloc 4076. —eth_4g_max_alloc 4076 This command specifies how much video memory in the card will be used for the DAG file. Anything greater than this value will be located in RAM. The higher this figure, the less the drop in the hash rate in mining will be. We have 4076 mb. You need to pick this number yourself. If everything works stably at 4076, try raising it by 10 mb. Click Apply Changes and save the flight sheet. We call the flight list as it is understandable, Zomby List or something like that. How to put your 4Gb graphics cards into zombie mode in Rave OS Setting up Rave OS is described in detail in our manual, study. First, you need to register with Rave OS. Step 1: Create a wallet. Go to the Wallets tab and click Add Wallet, give it the name ETH-Zombie or something so that it would be clear that this is a wallet for the zombie mode. Select the coin - ETH, select the Please select pool - binance pool, select the European servers on the pool, drive the Wallet into the wallet, set the miner to RedTeamMiner and go to its settings by clicking on the pencil. Teamredminer in Rave OS And in the Additional comand line arguments field, enter -eth_4g_max_alloc 4076. —eth_4g_max_alloc 4076 We save the settings and the wallet. Next, go to the worker and select the created wallet for mining. Here is a screenshot of a real farm on 4Gb RX 470 cards: Hashrate RX 470 on 4Gb in ether mining The cards issue from 15 to 28 hashes. The first card gives such a hash rate, since plugged into the PCi-E slot directly. While mining with RX 580, RX 570, RX 470 with 4GB is quite justified and possible. Although there are already very few left for such cards ... Overclocking or tuning RX 580, RX 570, RX 480 for ether mining For ether mining, the core frequency does not matter as much as the memory frequency. Therefore, more efficiency can be achieved with less power consumption. Overclocking RX 580, RX 570 and RX 480 in Windows Overclocking can be done in both Adrenaline 2020 and MSI Afterburner. Set the core frequency to 1200, which is less than the card has, and set the memory frequency to 2100. Overclocking RX 580, RX 570 and RX 480 in Hive OS Register in Hive OS using the link and the InsidePC promo code, and get $ 10 on your balance. To overclock RX 580 and other cards in Hive OS, you need to select a farm and a worker (your rig). Next, on the desired map, click on the speedometer icon. Learn how to work with Hive OS in our detailed manual. After that we change Core Clock, Mhz to 1150-1200, and Memory Clock, Mhz set from 2000 to 2240. If everything works well from 2000, you can raise the frequency. If there are broken balls, decrease the frequency. Overclocking RX 580 in Hive OS Overclocking RX 580, RX 570 and RX 480 in Rave OS First, you need to register with Rave OS. To overclock the RX 580 for ether mining in Rave OS, you need to go to the worker and select Settings. In the worker settings, go to the Tuning tab. On the contrary, the card needs to change the values ​​of Core Clock offset, MHz and Memory Clock offset, MHz to the same values ​​as in Hive OS. Those. 1150-1200 in the core and from 2000 to 2240 in memory. Learn how to work with Rave OS in our detailed manual. Mining FAQ for RX 580, RX 570, RX 480 (FAQ) The most profitable and reliable mining pool for ether mining on RX 580, 570, 480 At the moment, the Binance Ethereum Pool is the most profitable and secure pool. Read how to mine at the binance pool on our website. How much does rx 580 8gb consume in mining - RX 580 8Gb consumes about 85W when configured correctly. Optimal settings for RX 580, RX 570, RX 480 for mining - Optimal settings: By core 1200, memory frequency 2200. Read the full article
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happysimmer · 3 years
GAL Legacy S2.9
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Ryleigh works on her garden before work and then comes home with a promotion, she is now a stem researcher! When Ryleigh comes home, she signs up for an adoption agency! Ryleigh and Eleanor really feel ready for this! They decide to adopt a little baby girl named Anastasia! 
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Ryleigh plays with Anastasia!
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She’s so excited to start this new chapter in their lives!
Beginning | Previous
0 notes
blog-priti-me · 3 years
Antifungal Drugs Market Size, Revenue, Growth, Trend & Forecast Analysis, 2020 - 2027
Antifungal drugs market garnered a revenue of USD 12.4 billion in the year 2019 globally and has been foreseen to yield USD 14.9 billion by the year 2027 at a compound annual growth (CAGR) of s2.9% over the forecast period. The market has been observed to be growing at a steady growth rate over the last three years, however with the impact of COVID-19 pandemic globally, the business conditions are expected to change. The market size may reduce significantly or increase with a spike depending on how the value chain has been affected in the entire process.
Players that are operational in the market for a longer period of time are anticipated to absorb the sudden changes, losses and increased operational costs better than those who have recently entered the market. The report focuses on numerous factors that are anticipated to impact the market growth directly and indirectly. The report categorically analyses the growth patterns of different segments based on multiple derivation models.
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jrstanleynet · 4 years
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S2.9 Walk, Don’t Run There are good reasons to run. Exercise and fun are probably the best and most common. Rarely if you are in immediate danger such as are going to be hit by a car, trapped in a burning building, or escaping from a flash flood.
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faegen-blog · 7 years
S2.9_SA_Site Analysis
Video presented at S2.9 Cross Crit used to demonstrate the metaphysical site and relationship between how physical/digital worlds collide. This leads to interpretation of potential architectural spaces as mobile applications, and the influence from real-life experiments such as S2.2_OA_Tinder
Re-cut video clips from Premiere, assembled in AFX with effects and editing native
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ad1thi · 4 years
emh szn 2 spoilers ahead
the Falcon and the Winter Soldier?? working with the Red Hulk?? im so confused by this?? does this mean Sam is unwittingly working for HYDRA?? what about Leonard Samson?? i thought he was good?? oh my god is this a Skrulo thing?? I NEED ANSWERS
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Roswell S2.9
I really enjoyed hearing from Sanders about Nora and Louise, I love the flashbacks to the aliens’ past. Hearing about how Tripp wasn’t quite as much of a stone cold killer as we thought he was was really refreshing, and the Manes conflict in 1947 seems to mirror the rivalry Alex Manes has with his brothers. The whole situation with Sheriff Valenti was confusing, especially because Charlie seemed to disappear, and it seems like Max was hit with the same weapon that knocked out Jenna, but I’m glad the Sheriff is no longer after Max at least (I was never really a fan of that plot line). I loved the big reveal that Jesse Manes was putting on an act this whole time; honestly I would’ve been disappointed if he turned good all of a sudden. I really like how purely evil he is and I feel like his character makes the fears of all the aliens seem very real.
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ad1thi · 3 years
8 notes · View notes
Mining: RX 580 vs 570 vs 480 at 4 / 8GB: Benchmark| Overclocking | Hashrate
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Mining of RX 580, 570, 480 at 4 / 8GB in 2021: Benchmark| Overclocking | Hashrate - If you are interested in finding more on how this Graphic card will perform then this article will provide all such information and more. The Radeon RX 580, RX 570 and RX 480 8Gb at one time, namely in the first mining boom of 2017, were a hit among miners. The cards showed very good performance in mining. In 2021, RX 580, RX 570 and RX 480 at 8 Gb show 30 MH / s, with relatively low power consumption, of course, with the right settings and overclocking. We wrote on the website how to overclock the RX 580 and how to downvolt the RX 580, but these manipulations are more valid for gaming purposes, and not for mining. Now we will analyze how to get the maximum hash rate for RX 580, 570 and 480 in mining ether and other cryptocurrencies at the beginning of 2021. First, let's see what coins can be mined on these cards, and how much profit do they give? I will be watching RX 580 at 8 GB, because in mining, all these cards show identical results, because the core frequency plays a minimal role, mainly the memory, which is the same for them and amounts to 1750 MHz. We will also analyze the popular question, what can be mined on cards with 4Gb video memory, and how to increase the profit on these cards? Specification of RX 480, RX 570, RX 580 video cards SpecificationsRX 480RX 570RX 580Graphics Card   Release Date:Jun 29th, 2016Apr 18th, 2017Apr 18th, 2017Generation:Arctic Islands (RX 400)Polaris (RX 500)Polaris (RX 500)Graphics Processor   GPU Name:EllesmerePolaris 20Polaris 20Architecture:GCN 4.0GCN 4.0GCN 4.0Render Config   Shading Units230420482304TMUs144128144ROPs323232SM Count363236Tensor Colors———RT Cores———L1 Cache16 KB (per CU)16 KB (per CU)16 KB (per CU)L2 Cache2 MB2 MB2 MBClock Speeds   Base Clock1120 MHz1168 MHz1257 MHzGame Clock———Boost Clock1266 MHz1244 MHz1340 MHzMemory Clock2000 MHz8 Gbps effective1750 MHz7 Gbps effective2000 MHz8 Gbps effectiveMemory   Memory Size4/8 GB4/8 GB4/8 GBMemory TypeGDDR5GDDR5GDDR5Memory Bus256 bit256 bit256 bitBandwidth256.0 GB/s224.0 GB/s256.0 GB/sBoard Design   TDP150 W150 W185 WSuggested PSU450 W450 W450 WPower Connectors1x 6-pin1x 6-pin1x 8-pin Characteristics RX 480, RX 570, RX 580 What can be mined with RX 580, 570 and 480 at 8Gb and what is the profitability? Name(Tag)AlgorithmBlock TimeBlock RewardLast BlockDifficultyNetHashEast. RewardsEst. Rewards 24hExchange RateMarket CapVolumeRev. BTCRev. 24hRev. $ProfitProfitabilityCurrent | 24h3 days | 7 daysEthereum(ETH)EthashBT: 13.2sBR: 3.65LB: 11,879,1205,125,949,696M388.22 Th/s-0.3%0.00190.00210.03633100(Binance) 2.1%$217,217,583,82515,264.12 BTC0.0000680.000076$3.90$3.90100% | 100%100% | 100%Nicehash-EthashEthashBT: —BR: —LB: ——19.69 Th/s-2.0%0.0000700.0000672.40556999(Nicehash)4.8%—45.86 BTC0.0000700.000067$3.54$3.54103% | 88%92% | 91%Ravencoin(RVN)KawPowBT: 1mBR: 5,000.00LB: 1,631,59056,843.9544.07 Th/s1.8%23.002823.40580.00000157(Binance) 5.7%$667,481,333149.97 BTC0.0000360.000037$2.30$2.3053% | 48%51% | 59%MWC-CT31 (MWC)Cuckatoo31BT: 1mBR: 0.25LB: 663,641126,2892.10 kh / s15.0%0.09230.10610.00033000(BitForex)1.7%$184,121,2942.70 BTC0.0000300.000035$1.87$1.8745% | 46%48% | 48%Veil-ProgPow(VEIL)ProgPowBT: 2m 52sBR: 30.00LB: 1,096,46137.597938.82 Mh / s-15.7%141.9215119.85180.00000026(TradeOgre)-1.6%$1,166,4220.00 BTC0.0000370.000031$1.83$1.8354% | 41%45% | 47%Nicehash-KawPowKawPowBT: —BR: —LB: ——656.14 Gh / s-2.0%0.0000320.0000320.00252810(Nicehash)-1.1%—1.71 BTC0.0000320.000032$1.81$1.8146% | 42%47% | 46%PortProtocol(XHV)CryptoNightHavenBT: 1m 58sBR: 7.36LB: 793,3993,493,433,25429.61 Mh / s2.9%0.17470.17990.00016879(Bittrex)3.2%$128,000,07710.63 BTC0.0000290.000030$1.62$1.6243% | 40%41% | 41% What can be mined with RX 580, RX 570 and RX 480? Ether still gives the maximum profit. When he goes to POS, there will be Ravencoin (RVN), which gives much less, but will still be profitable. If you want to get into mining in 2021 with these graphics cards, you need to know the following points: - The card must have 8Gb video memory - These cards are more than 4 years old. And most likely they have already mined a lot in 2017-2018. Power Consumption of RX 580, RX 570 and RX 470 in mining These cards from Radeon, when properly configured and overclocked, consume around 84W. Consumption RX 480 at 8Gb As you can see in the screenshot, the RX 480 consumes 84W and outputs 30Mh / s. A very good figure considering that the GTX 1660 Super in mining gives the same figure, but this card is 2019 and is much more expensive. The advantage of the 1660 is that they are new, with a large resource and a guarantee. A very interesting point, the newer and more technologically advanced RX 5700 XT produce almost twice as many hashes, while consuming the same 90-100W. Mining on the RX 5700 XT is described on our website. Can I still mine on RX 580, RX 570 and RX 480 with 4 Gb video memory? In case you don't know, the Ethereum DAG file passed the 382 era and this was the beginning of the zombie mode in 4Gb cards on AMD. What does it mean? The entire DAG file no longer fits in 4GB of video memory. DAG file is a block of data, more than 1 Gb in size, used to find a block solution in the blockchain network using the Ethash algorithm. On which, in addition to the ether, there are such coins as: ETC, ETP, DBIX, QKC, EXP, ELLA, CLO, ETHO, UBQ, EGEM, ESN. It is the DAG file that is loaded into the memory of the video card when the miner is launched. Let's look at the example of Excavator on nicehash: dagj generator The DAG file size increases over time. This happens every 30,000 blocks and is called a change of epochs, i.e. each epoch has its own DAG size. To find out the current DAG file size, use the service - https://investoon.com/tools/dag_size. It shows the current DAG file size for major currencies on the Ethash algorithm, and also allows you to determine the DAG file size by block number. Each block has its own epoch, and each epoch has its own DAG size. Relevance of maps based on the Ethash algorithm The table shows that 4Gb cards have become practically irrelevant at the end of 2020, 6Gb cards still have 3 years left, and 8Gb and 11Gb cards still work and work. As you can see, RX 480, 570, 580 on 4Gb are no longer relevant, but let's find out if it is still possible to mine on them, how to do it and how much do they bring? Zombie mode for RX 570, 480, 580 on 4Gb At the beginning of 2021, cards with 4Gb video memory entered the so-called era of the zombie regime. At which the performance of mining on video cards with 4Gb video memory will exponentially fall with the coming of each next epoch. This is due to the fact that more and more part of the DAG file that does not fit into the video memory of the card will be located in RAM. But the problem is that the access speed to the RAM is much lower than that of the video memory. Let's see how to put your cards into zombie mode on different operating systems. For mining in zombie mode with such cards as Radeon RX 480 4Gb, RX 570 4Gb, RX 580 4Gb, TeamRedMiner is the most stable. How to put your 4Gb graphics cards into zombie mode in Hive OS Register in Hive OS using the link and the InsidePC promo code, and get $ 10 on your balance. Setting up Hive OS, described in detail in our manual, study. Step 1: Go to Flight Sheets and create a flight sheet. We select the coin ETH, register our wallet (you must first create it), the pool, and the miner. Select TeamRedMiner and click Setup Miner Config. Create Flight Sheets (flight sheet) and select the TeamRedMiner miner In the settings of the miner, find the Extra config arguments field and enter the following command - —eth_4g_max_alloc 4076. —eth_4g_max_alloc 4076 This command specifies how much video memory in the card will be used for the DAG file. Anything greater than this value will be located in RAM. The higher this figure, the less the drop in the hash rate in mining will be. We have 4076 mb. You need to pick this number yourself. If everything works stably at 4076, try raising it by 10 mb. Click Apply Changes and save the flight sheet. We call the flight list as it is understandable, Zomby List or something like that. How to put your 4Gb graphics cards into zombie mode in Rave OS Setting up Rave OS is described in detail in our manual, study. First, you need to register with Rave OS. Step 1: Create a wallet. Go to the Wallets tab and click Add Wallet, give it the name ETH-Zombie or something so that it would be clear that this is a wallet for the zombie mode. Select the coin - ETH, select the Please select pool - binance pool, select the European servers on the pool, drive the Wallet into the wallet, set the miner to RedTeamMiner and go to its settings by clicking on the pencil. Teamredminer in Rave OS And in the Additional comand line arguments field, enter -eth_4g_max_alloc 4076. —eth_4g_max_alloc 4076 We save the settings and the wallet. Next, go to the worker and select the created wallet for mining. Here is a screenshot of a real farm on 4Gb RX 470 cards: Hashrate RX 470 on 4Gb in ether mining The cards issue from 15 to 28 hashes. The first card gives such a hash rate, since plugged into the PCi-E slot directly. While mining with RX 580, RX 570, RX 470 with 4GB is quite justified and possible. Although there are already very few left for such cards ... Overclocking or tuning RX 580, RX 570, RX 480 for ether mining For ether mining, the core frequency does not matter as much as the memory frequency. Therefore, more efficiency can be achieved with less power consumption. Overclocking RX 580, RX 570 and RX 480 in Windows Overclocking can be done in both Adrenaline 2020 and MSI Afterburner. Set the core frequency to 1200, which is less than the card has, and set the memory frequency to 2100. Overclocking RX 580, RX 570 and RX 480 in Hive OS Register in Hive OS using the link and the InsidePC promo code, and get $ 10 on your balance. To overclock RX 580 and other cards in Hive OS, you need to select a farm and a worker (your rig). Next, on the desired map, click on the speedometer icon. Learn how to work with Hive OS in our detailed manual. After that we change Core Clock, Mhz to 1150-1200, and Memory Clock, Mhz set from 2000 to 2240. If everything works well from 2000, you can raise the frequency. If there are broken balls, decrease the frequency. Overclocking RX 580 in Hive OS Overclocking RX 580, RX 570 and RX 480 in Rave OS First, you need to register with Rave OS. To overclock the RX 580 for ether mining in Rave OS, you need to go to the worker and select Settings. In the worker settings, go to the Tuning tab. On the contrary, the card needs to change the values ​​of Core Clock offset, MHz and Memory Clock offset, MHz to the same values ​​as in Hive OS. Those. 1150-1200 in the core and from 2000 to 2240 in memory. Learn how to work with Rave OS in our detailed manual. Mining FAQ for RX 580, RX 570, RX 480 (FAQ) The most profitable and reliable mining pool for ether mining on RX 580, 570, 480 At the moment, the Binance Ethereum Pool is the most profitable and secure pool. Read how to mine at the binance pool on our website. How much does rx 580 8gb consume in mining - RX 580 8Gb consumes about 85W when configured correctly. Optimal settings for RX 580, RX 570, RX 480 for mining - Optimal settings: By core 1200, memory frequency 2200. Read the full article
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