#s/o: astar/ion
fallen-for-the-stars · 8 months
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“He 🥰🫶🏼”
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fallen-for-the-stars · 7 months
Kaitlyn x Astar/ion
Scenario: "What if I kissed you right now?"
(Just to note we’re not together yet in this one!~)
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It was the night of the tiefling party
everyone was relieved, and enjoying themselves, well almost everyone.
Astarion sat just in front of his tent, bottle of wine in hand, and awful tasting it was; they might as well should of just stuck vinegar in a wine bottle.
His gaze scanned over camp, looking at everyone who passed him by; yet his eyes scanned over, searching for an in particular mortal woman.. a young sorceress who he had been traveling with, along with the rest of the group.
When he found her, he observed.
his eyes started from her curvy and soft yet strong figure, to her face; bright amber eyes with neck length ashy brown hair, pale orange highlights shining from the middle to bottom of her locks.
his eyes got caught on the freckles of her pale face, they looked like they traveled from more then just her face.
He had to say, she was far more beautiful then he cared to admit, he found himself surprised she hadn’t kicked him out of camp already, with his snarky remarks, bits of sass and sarcasm; better yet the fact he was a vampire spawn.
Maybe he could even steal a kiss.. no, no, no, what was he thinking.. he was far too well aware of their differences to take up such a foolish act, although…
“Good evening Astarion” Kaitlyn greeted, a small smile tugging at her lips as she stood near his tent
He immediately snapped out of his thoughts and looked at her, he felt a twisting feeling in his stomach, why was he so nervous? and secondly why was she always so nice to him.
“Good evening…” Astarion replied, his gaze not able to properly stay on her, instead he looked at her lips, a far bit too obvious, but he couldn’t quite bring himself to look her in the eyes.
“You doing alright?” She asked, seeming a bit concerned when he didn’t look her in the face
“Oh yes, absolutely, I’m doing great” He spoke, trying hard to hide the bit of sarcasm in his voice, one tone he did not mean to have with her.
Unfortunately, Kaitlyn had picked up on it immediately, and frowned
“Oh.. alright.. sorry to bother you”
She had turned to walk away, but he had stopped her
“Wait-“ he spoke, letting out a brief sigh
“Stay, please?” Astarion looked at her, there was something different in his eyes then usual…hesitation, fear…?
She looked at him a little surprised, but upon her eyes meeting his, she softened, taking a seat next to him
“But I thought you were annoyed with me?” She asked, seeming confused
“I’m…not, I’m in a bit of a confrontation with myself…” he sighed, when he looked at her, his eyes seemed softer then usual, what was he afraid of.. what could possibly be making him so unsure of himself.
“What about?” She asked, her voice taking on a new kind of softness, like being wrapped in a soft blanket, along with the crackling sounds of a peaceful fire place.
He went quiet upon hearing her question
“Something quite personal i’m afraid” he spoke with a smile, but his brow was furrowed, giving him an unsure, and hesitant expression.
She nodded
“I understand” she replied, she never pushed him to answer anything he didn’t want to, perhaps that’s why he was so drawn to her, she gave him the freedom to speak his mind, yet when he didn’t go further in detail, she never pressed him for anything more, she just seemed to patiently wait.
Giving him time to gather himself for when he was ready to speak about it;
letting a sigh slip from his lips, he had a question for her, one that would not only make it to where he was acting on his thoughts, but it could easily backfire, yet he was willing to take the chance.
“What if I kissed you right now?” He spoke, his eyes locked on hers, awaiting her reaction.
Kaitlyn stared at him, her face turning red at his question; she had found herself at a loss for words, and extreme surprise.
But when collecting herself she laughed a little, awkwardly, the blush painting her face further.
“I- well… I wouldn’t be against it….but I am quite curious as to why you would want to do that” she spoke, her amber eyes coming back up from her lap to meet his crimson ones
Astarion seemed a bit caught off guard by her answer, ‘wouldn’t be against it’? He expected her to scamper away screaming… but he was.. pleasantly surprised, and it felt like all his worries had melted away, and a smirk tugged at his lips, whatever confidence that had been held back earlier by his hesitation, was no longer being held back.
“Must I need a reason to kiss a beautiful woman?” He asked her, he couldn’t help but notice the more he spoke, the redder her face got.
“Besides darling… who in gods name wouldn’t want a kiss from someone so sweet” he chuckled, his voice now back to it’s smooth, and charming demeanor.
“Well… I suppose it couldn’t hurt” she replied, her face nearly the same redness as his eyes, but she allowed herself to slowly relax into the situation, though there was still a hint of anxiety in the pit of her stomach.
yes, she liked Astarion but for him to ask this question so randomly… as pleasant as it was, it was also terrifying, she could not screw this up!
She was so caught up in the web of her mind, she didn’t notice him leaning closer, when she saw how close he was to her face… she tensed
“Shh.. it’s okay” he spoke, there was an unexpected softness to his voice, one she hadn’t heard before, yet it helped her relax a bit more; as his hand came up to her face, she couldn’t help but shiver at his cold touch, her eyes still never seemed to leave his, and nor did his.
As they both slowly leaned in, their lips met and eyes shut.
The kiss was surprisingly sweet, and filled with a longing passion that neither of them were aware they had; her arms found their way around his neck, and his around her torso.
When the two parted, their eyes met, never breaking contact for even a second.
“You’re full of surprises… you know” he spoke, his usual smirk evolving into something different, something new, a gentle smile
“Likewise” she spoke, the blush from before never leaving her cheeks, as well as a wide grin, while they shared many upon many laughs, and stories with each other
As the night rolled on, and they ran out of things to talk about, they both started to yawn and doze off… slowly but surely they fell asleep curled up into each other, the stars shining down on them as the night passed them by.
Note: this has been sitting here for awhile and I finally got the motivation to finish it! <3 ❤️🩵
Tag list: @ancpikachu @hubun @mrsbuckinghamlowreyfantasyworld (let me know if you want to be added!)
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fallen-for-the-stars · 7 months
Astarlyn short writing
(Kaitlyn x Astar/ion)
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It was an early morning, and Kaitlyn was sleeping in, just simply basking in the early morning as the sun shined through the open window of the small cabin that her, and her lover were staying in for the time being
As she laid there with her eyes shut, she heard quiet footsteps as the door of the room creaked open, followed by a quiet chuckle as the bed sank in behind her
“Darling~” the familiar voice whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine
“If you aren’t going to get up, I may just have to pull you out by your ankles”
With that, her eyes snapped open
“No, no, no, no, no please goodness no!” She laughed, trying to move away, but it was already too late
Astarion chuckled softly as he pulled her to the edge of the bed, half of her still lying on the bed, looking down at her with a cheeky smirk
“Hi….was that necessary?” Kaitlyn laughed a little, and looked back at him smiling
“Of course it was my sweet” he nuzzled against her neck, lightly placing a kiss there, before picking her up
playfully shaking her head, she linked her arms around his neck, and yawned a little
“Why so early lovely?” She asked as she rested her head on his shoulder
“Just because…” he replied, not really having a reason in mind at first, but once he got one, he smiled
“I want to spend time with you”
Kaitlyn smiled at him lovingly
“Of course” she spoke softly, kissing his cheek before nuzzling against his neck, sighing contentedly, adoring the feeling of being close to him
The rest of that morning, they spent cuddled up by the fire place reading together, and just simply basking in each other’s company.
(Okay to rb but not necessary 🩵)
Kaitlyn’s note: this is very short but I really wanted to write something with the both of us <3 🩵❤️
Tag list (let me know if you’d like to be added);
@ancpikachu 💜
@eddiesringset 🤍
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fallen-for-the-stars · 7 months
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“I finished something <3 ❤️❤️❤️”
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Tag list; @ancpikachu @hubun @mrsbuckinghamlowreyfantasyworld
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fallen-for-the-stars · 7 months
“When the truth comes out”
Astar/ion x Kaitlyn
Warnings; a bit angsty but nothing too crazy, just a bit sad and emotional
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Kaitlyn sat in her tent, her thoughts slowly consuming her, of her past, of the future, her anxiety was rising, and she was in one of those moments where she felt ignorant, what in the hells was she thinking… she should be over this by now..
In her past she was used, by many people, both romantic and platonic.
they were always the outlet of her disappointment, it made her cautious, distrusting, but ever since being in this group with this awful tadpole squirming in their heads, she had began to trust again, and she felt it would be her downfall, it always has been.
What makes this any different?
She failed to realize that her tent flap had been opened, and there stood Astarion, when she looked up she jumped slightly, and tried to hide her current thoughts with a slight smile.
“Good evening darling… you never joined us around the campfire for dinner” he rose an eyebrow, finding her behavior a little out of the ordinary, he suspected a few things due to the look he caught on her face,
Though he tried not to pry, but he had a sense he should.
“Right… right! I nearly forgot, I guess I was just a little… lost in thought” Kaitlyn spoke as she stood, she walked towards the exit of her tent, squeezing pass him
Astarion could easily tell something was off, and he was going to get to the bottom of it.. what could possibly be eating away at her in this very moment? It could be their ‘unusual’ situation, but she seemed fine before, this was something different.
Time passed, and everyone had ate, he searched the camp with his eyes to see if he could spot the young woman anywhere, nothing… with a dreadful sigh, something felt off, and as much as he hated to admit it, this off feeling felt… well, awful.
she had been there for him, listened to him, trusted him, and now… he felt like it was time he returned the favor.. especially since.. he would be lying if he said he hadn’t gotten a little, attached to her, or even maybe felt something for her.
Kaitlyn was down by the river, staring at the running water.
Fish sprung out from the surface, dancing through the air as they landed back into the waters deep
She closed her eyes as she took in the sounds of nature, hoping it would resolve her nerves, and bring her back down to earth
Her ears caught the sound of footsteps behind her, and she quickly spun on her heel, her hand resting on the hilt of her dagger
‘Astarion…’ she thought, that name seemed to ring in her mind often, and she would find it hard to admit he was apart of why she was so anxious
She didn’t feel shame nor was it that she didn’t want to admit she felt something towards him, but he made her feel things she thought she would never feel again, and that terrified her, because then she knew… she was falling for him.
“Easy Kaitlyn, it’s just me” he spoke, his tone stern, but she couldn’t help but see that the look on his face didn’t seem to match the tone in his voice.
“Right, sorry, you startled me is all” she lied, she hated lying… especially to him, but… what could she do? Confess her undying feelings she had grown to feel? Express her anxieties? Her fear? ….she wanted nothing more than to push it all aside, and open that stupid mouth of hers, the one that always ran over the stupidest things, and basked in the dumbest of excitements.
“Something’s wrong, and you’re going to tell me.” He spoke, his tone was demanding, but yet soft….
“You can’t fight all your battles alone.”
Kaitlyn stared at him, in a heap of surprise, she knew they had become good friends, and that they had grown close… and yes she had shared these parts of her with him, but she just never said when anything was wrong or bothering her, always enforcing a way to keep the peace, and never cause conflict with the others
“Astarion I can’t- -yes you can” he had cut her off, he was now standing so close to her they were nearly just a few inches away from each other.
“You’ve helped me…now let me help you” his tone softened once more, his crimson red eyes never leaving hers as they searched for the answers she hid behind the amber orbs in her skull.
“Okay… but, it’s stupid.” She spoke, looking up at him with furrowed brows as he rested a hand on her shoulder
“If it’s upsetting you, then is it really stupid?” He spoke in a calm tone; he had a point, if something upsets you so much to the point of it nearly consuming you then is it really not a problem?
Kaitlyn let out a shaky sigh before sitting with him, they sat on a large rock near the edge of the river, Astarion seemed to keep his eyes on her, as if waiting for her to just spit out the truth.
“I’m a very broken person.. Astarion, I’ve been through my own fair share of hell and.. there are some things I am still trying to grasp” she finally spoke “I know you know of my trust problem.. but I still can’t get over this situation… I haven’t… trusted anyone since… well years, I feel like with trust I’m always on my toes, watching, looking, for the signs that something is wrong” She stared out at the river.
He stared at her, scanning her face as she spoke, he knew how she felt… with his enslavement with Cazador, he himself had found it hard to trust people, there was no telling when someone dared to try, and stab him in the back, many already had, so who’s to say it wouldn’t happen again.
“I understand that feeling all too well, I’ve felt it for awhile… and I am…sorry you’re experiencing it” he spoke, staring out at the water
Kaitlyn looked at him, her eyes scanning over him before slowly drifting down to his hand, which with a bit of hesitation, she took into her own
Astarion let out a light chuckle as he felt this, as his gaze turned toward her, he couldn’t help but notice how red she was.
“So we’re holding hands now?” He teased, a slight smirk tugging at his lips
“Oh- right sorry” she replied, but when she went to remove her hand she couldn’t, looking down she realized his fingers had laced with hers, causing her to look back up with surprise.
He kept looking out at the river
“For 200 years, I’ve been nothing but a slave to Cazador, meant to lure back pretty little things to him… never having a say in the matter… just expected to follow one order.. and no matter how many times I had to use my charms or my body.. I always felt….empty.. alone, like there was no one in this cruel world that I could trust” he turned to look back at her, and then their hands
“But this… this is a whole new feeling for me” he stared into her eyes; his eyes were soft, and caring as they looked back into hers.
“This is.. nice” he spoke once more, a smile slowly tugging at his lips, as he rested his other hand on top of hers.
She stared back at him softly, as his hand remained clasped over hers; slowly she brought her free hand up to his cheek, caressing gently, and bringing their foreheads together.
Astarion was a bit surprised by her actions, but it soon subsided
“Perhaps we should keep an eye on each other tonight” he spoke, gently resting his hand on her back, while the other rested softly on her neck
She gave a nod, while her eyes never left his
As night fell on them, they had ended up sharing her tent, nestled close to each other as the wind blew calmly outside
perhaps this was the start of something new..
Note: and here is something else I had in my drafts that I never finished because of no motivation- but finally here it is <3 ❤️
Tag list: @hubun @ancpikachu @mrsbuckinghamlowreyfantasyworld (tell me if you’d like to be added! ^^)
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fallen-for-the-stars · 8 months
I made an Astarlyn gif set!~
<3 I love it- (i love him-❤️)
(so gonna be using these 🥰 )
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fallen-for-the-stars · 8 months
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“FINISHED! Took me awhile to get everything done, and such but worth it! 🥰”
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fallen-for-the-stars · 8 months
“🥰🥰🥰 he”
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fallen-for-the-stars · 8 months
“I love him so much ❤️❤️❤️”
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fallen-for-the-stars · 8 months
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“I finally got to this scene! 😭❤️❤️❤️”
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💓love of my life🥰
♡─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──♡
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♡─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──♡
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fallen-for-the-stars · 9 months
“🥰🥰🥰 He”
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fallen-for-the-stars · 9 months
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“I’ve always hated the ideas of intimacy, mainly because it always focused on the most sexual aspects of it, when that’s not even the most important part,
When I look at you, I see so much more then your physical form, I see you, your character, your soul, your heart.
Throughout each chapter, and every day, my heart shines for you, but I do not stay simply because of how you make me feel.
Not because of the butterflies, or the smile that tugs at my lips everytime I look at you.
But because you’re my person, my favorite person.
I love seeing you happy, seeing you smile, seeing the way your eyes light up when you speak of your favorite things.
And when the rain begins to pour, and lightning irrupt‘s across the sky, I’ll be there at your side, being your shoulder to cry on, and the one to hold your hand when everything goes wrong”
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fallen-for-the-stars · 8 months
“I don’t care how we meet, or where we both may be, as long as I meet you, that’s enough for me 🩵 for I love you in every story we take part in”
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fallen-for-the-stars · 9 months
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“Another repost 🥰❤️”
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fallen-for-the-stars · 9 months
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“Repost from my old blog 😄❤️”
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