ryeimagines · 3 years
Anchor - Liam Dunbar Imagine
Based on this prompt. Word count 1496. I’m not really sure about this one but I hope that you enjoy it. I’m a bit rusty, getting back into the swing of things so please be kind. You can kind of see it as a pre slash, up to interpretation. 
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The banging on your window woke you from your slumber, a soft moan escaping your throat as you suddenly found yourself on the floor instead of the comfortable you remembered falling asleep in. Dazed you slowly rose on your feet, it took you a minute to remember what had woken you in the first place. It wasn’t an unusual occurrence for the occasional nightly visits from your best friend, spending more time in your bedroom than in his own house to the point you had a routine in place. Things weren’t always so easy though, it took a while for him to be comfortable enough to stay around, let alone fall asleep. You knew he had anger issues which often got him into trouble.
That was, before he suddenly did a one eighty out of no-where and pulled the disappearing act on you, always finding excuses to not hang out, or forgetting plans you’d made. It had been weeks since he set foot in your room, and frankly you were getting close to losing it. You knew something big had happened and what was hurt the most wasn’t even the fact that he suddenly had a new group of friends he hung out with or forgetting about you, it was the fact that your best friend was hurting and you couldn’t do anything to help, he didn’t tell you about it. And now here he was, showing up out of nowhere after ghosting you like nothing ever happened.  
“What do you want Dunbar?”You tried your best to sound indifferent, but it fell a bit short. A pained noise made you turn around to face him.
“Liam.” The brief rush of relief of seeing him with your own two eyes was overtaken by a wave of fear meeting his gaze, finally taking full notice of his state, eyes glowing yellow. He growled, unwittingly making you take a step back in response. Something was seriously wrong. You’ve seen him mad before, in every kind of emotion really but never anything like this. He looked wild, animalistic, ready to tear someones’ throat out. It was the first time you had ever been afraid of him, sensing the danger that you were in. But it was still your best friend, no matter what he did, or whatever strange new stuff he was into. Whatever it was, you could fix this, you wouldn’t leave him. Which is why you went against your gut and stepped into his personal space, inches from his face without breaking his gaze, moving slowly not to startle him.
“Liam, I-”You faltered for a second, not sure what to say. “I don’t know what’s going on with you, or why you have claws all of the sudden, believe me that’s something we will discuss later, but something is up with you and I need you to snap out of it. This isn’t you. You are Liam Dunbar, my best friend, one of the kindest and most loyal people I know. I know you’re not going to hurt me, you can’t.” A soft whine came from the boy in front of you and you took it as encouragement to slowly raise your hand and touch his cheek, fingers brushing against the sharp fangs that were coated in crimson. 
“Come back to me. I need you. Whatever this is you’re going through, we can work it out together. I’m right here. Always. You’re not a bad person, you’re not a monster. You have a choice. I know you will do the right thing, you always do.” Please, come back to me. 
You were surprised by fingers gently brushing against your wrist, opening your eyes to meet familiar pools looking back at you with apprehension and pain and something you couldn’t quite put a name on. Your body moved on instinct and you found yourself clinging onto him before you knew what you were doing. After the shock had worn off, your brain started buzzing with unanswered questions that you had put on hold until now, begrudgingly untangling yourself from his arms. 
“Hi.” He smiled sheepishly, fidgeting with his shirt. “You okay? I didn’t hurt you or anything?”
“I’m fine.” You assured him, glad he couldn’t see the bruises that would most likely appear soon on your arm where he grabbed it a little too tight at some point.
“What’s going on with you? Don’t you dare give me that nothing bull. You came in here soaked and covered in blood. I’m hoping it isn’t yours by the way. What the hell is going on?”
“It’s a long story. You should probably sit down.” You did, sensing the seriousness in his voice. 
“Okay so, werewolves, very much real.” 
That was your introduction to the supernatural world, and everything werewolf. That was quite the shock, you were glad you heeded his advice. He kept sending you looks through out his explanation and you urged him to keep going, you needed to know it all. That was a lot to take in, part of you were mad that he didn’t come to you sooner about this, but more than anything you were afraid. Terrified. For him, of all these people and supernatural creatures who wanted to hurt him. You were thankful to Scott for saving his life but also pissed that he put him in danger like this, which you weren’t shy to let him know the first time you joined Liam at one of their pack meetings, introducing his face to a bat. 
“You better keep him safe McCall. If he get’s hurt out there, it’s on you.” He nodded quietly nursing his bloddy nose, recognising the truth in your words. “Good, we understand each other.” You grinned, a little satisfied at the gleam of fear in his eyes. 
“You’re going to fit in perfectly.” Lydia snorted, gesturing for you to come over to join her. “I could use some help with this research, these ingrates are no help whatsoever. ” 
“Hey!” Stiles interjected from where he was laying on the couch, eyes still glued to the screen. “I helped. I’m just taking a break.”
“I’d love to.” You ended the conversation there before it got any further, returning Liam’s smile before burying your head in the books. It was all you did for the next couple of days, researching everything supernatural. Lydia introduced you to the bestiary, containing every possibly nightmare you could imagine. When you weren’t researching, you spent the time interrogating the pack and asking questions. You made it clear from day one that you two were a package deal, wherever Liam went you followed. The younger Hale was the only one who protested your precedes, letting out a disgruntled growl from where he was lurking. You ignored him. Apparently his uncle was even worse, you weren’t to keen to find that out for yourself though.
There was one thing that kind of bothered you, that kept on creeping up on you when you least expected it. Remembering that night, and the state he was in, and then being totally fine again. Actually, there was a couple of things but you hadn’t talked about it. Part of you was hesitant, but the other was growing more impatient each day and that was the one that finally won out one afternoon a couple of weeks after the incident took place. It just kind of came out, you were not really a person of tact, blurting it out over the kitchen table at dinner, causing him to start coughing like crazy. 
“So why did you show up in my room exactly? I mean, I get that you went kind of feral, but why did you show up here? Did you meant to do that?”
“Uh.” He shrugged, finally collecting himself. “I don’t know, it wasn’t really a conscious choice. I just felt this instinct to run to safety. Home.”
“My house?”
“No, I was running to you. There’s something about you that helps me stay in control. My wolf feels safe around you. I remember them trying to talk to me but it didn’t work. Only with you.”
“I talked with Scott about it, and what he said made sense. I didn’t really know how to tell you so I just kept quiet about it but. You’re my anchor.” You sat speechless, wondering how he could be so calm about this new development, like it wasn’t a big deal. You had stumbled across anchors before during your deep dives, and there was a lot to it. You weren't sure if you should feel happy or terrified at the prospect that he put so much fate in you, essentially his humanity in your hands. 
“Why me?” You finally managed, voice hoarse. 
“It’s always been you, you were always there. Who else would it be? I trust you, I need you. Me being a werewolf means a lot of changes, but not that. You’re the one thing I’ve never doubted.”
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mxillusion · 4 years
Prompt/Wishlist by mxillusion
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Welcome to my prompt-/wishlist. I revamped the list i used on my old writing blog, so some of you may recognize it. I wanted to create something more personal, so I thought I could do a more detailed list on what I am writing about. Since I’m a total noob in writing my own prompts, I listed my favorites from other lists. (Credits at the bottom.) If you wanna request from this list, just send me an ask with the member, !AU, trope & prompt(s) and I’ll try my best to write something for you. If you don’t want any !AU or trope, just leave it out of course, it’s totally up to you.
I also wanted to give you some more space for your own creativity. So you can ask for any !AU, trope or prompt that you want me to write about. (Please don’t forget my rules!) Of course you can mix this as well, means, you can request your own !AU mixed with other things from this list. Just let your imagination run free. ♡
high school!AU
ask for any other !AU
friends to lovers
enemies to lovers
strangers to lovers
fake dating
unrequited love
love at first sight
friends with benefits
first love
complete opposites
forbidden love
ask for any other trope
“We’re so bad at this whole “dating” thing, but I won’t chill until we get better.”
“I’ll pretend like you’re not trying to seduce me now and will respond casually.”
“You’re stuck with me now. Deal with it.”
“I know we were trying to get him jealous, but you got me jealous instead.”
“You’re trouble on two legs, but that’s convenient, since I love trouble. And your legs too, wow they’re pretty.”
“Babe, I think we’re drunk already… And it’s not even 2 pm yet.”
“If we get into trouble, it’s your fault.. Although I will defend you.”
“Don’t have second thoughts. Hesitation’s bad.”
“No, you didn’t wake me up. I couldn’t sleep either.”
“You sleep-talked last night.. About us.”
“Wait, wait. Say that again. Please.”
“It’s been so long since we did this.”
“It’s just so hard not to fall in love with you.”
“You know that your book is upside-down, right?”
“Sometimes, i sit in bed and wonder what would happen if things were different.”
“Need any help with that?”
“You never saw me.”
“Shut up for a second, will you?”
“Now what?”
“I don’t even know why we’re doing this.”
“Don’t you want to know how i feel?“
“You confuse me.“
“You’ve hurt me enough already.”
“I never meant to hurt you.”
“Don’t call this number again.“
“There was never an us.”
“So that’s it? It’s over?”
“I fucked up.”
“Don’t you dare walk out that door.”
“That sounds a lot like ‘goodbye.’”
“I came to say goodbye.”
“I’m so in love with you.”
“I’ve loved you for years.”
“Can I kiss you right now?”
“I can’t stand the thought of loosing you.”
“Shut up and kiss me already.”
“Hmm. So you do have feelings.”
“Stay. Please.”
“I’m begging you. Please.”
“I’ve already lost her once. I won’t lose her again.”  
“Was I really that drunk?”
“Just how stupid do you think I am?”
“Thanks for helping me back there.”
“Since when have we ever been friends?”
“Stop texting me weird stuff so late at night.”
“It isn’t what it looks like! Okay.. Maybe it is…”
“Want to head back to my place and have a little fun?”
“The food looks great but.. There’s something much more delicious i’d like to taste right now.”
“If you’re bored; Wanna have sex?”
“Car sex looks so much more easier in the movies.”
“We cant do that here!”
“I’m sorry, we can’t be friends anymore.”
“Why are you looking at me like that?
“You should smile more, you look beautiful when you do.”
”For once, could you please stop pretending everything is peachy and actually talk to me?”
”Don’t lie to me. You don’t wanna talk, that’s fine, just tell me it’s none of my fucking business or that you don’t want to talk to me. But don’t lie to me, ever.”  
“Such poison from a pretty, honeyed mouth.”
“You may be attractive, but I’m not sleeping with you.”
“Are you playing hard to get? Let’s see for how long you’ll hold up like that.”
“You’re hot, okay? Stop it or face the consequences.”
“Are my eyes fooling me or did you just check me out?”
“Don’t be shy. You’re simply beautiful, I hope you know that.”
“You can’t blame me for having been oblivious. It’s hard to believe you could possibly like me back, okay?”
“You’re face is kinda.. A little too close to mine. But no, I do not mind at all.”
Your own little prompt(s). Whatever comes to your mind.
Prompt credits
imaginary-legendary-hamilton // ryeimagines // rfaimagining //  coffee-for-himchan // paopufruittt
(if you don’t wanna see your prompts here, just let me know. ♡)
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ryeimagines · 7 years
Crush - Steve McGarrett imagine
This is sort of a test run, I’m still writing primarily teen wolf stuff but I found this and I decided to give it a try. I hope you enjoy it, let me know what you think and maybe I’ll write some more stuff from other fandoms. 
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You never intended to stay on the island for that long. Nor acidentally get adopted by the five-0 after helping them out on a particular haring case which nearly ended with a bullet to your head. But definitely, more surprisingly, you realised that the reckless leader had not only managed to get under your skin, but also into your heart. That was a particular moment, nearly working yourself up into a panic attack at the realisation. 
It wasn’t like you were oblivious to his appearance, you did have eyes. Even so, you were constantly reminded of it by most people you met during a job, witnesses who’d rather be interview by “hot stuff over there”, making all sorts of inappropriate comments and noises. You had to fight down the urge to smack a lot of people, practically reaching expert level at keeping your emotions in control. He wasn’t some piece of meat, he was a fucking person and it for sure pissed you off. It honestly wouldn’t surprise you if half of the island was already in love with the former navy seal. His previous employment had left him in pretty good shape, which he’s doing a good job keeping up as well as the tattoos which is a big bonus for a lot of people. 
The thing was though, you weren’t looking to get into a relationship with anyone right now. And even if you were, your boss would most definitely not be on top of the pool of potential dating options. Relationships between coworkers weren't exactly forbidden, but they were still looked harshly on which reasons made perfectly good sense to you. Actually, there were a lot of reasons why a relationship with the commander was a bad idea. 
The problem was, it only made you want it more. You wanted to get to know him. And the more things you learned, the harder it was to not feel it. He was ingrained into your memory, his face, his voice, his walk. The voice at the back of your mind reminding yourself that you could do this, keeping you calm in stressful situations. 
It was probably all just in your head, but there had been what felt like a moment after the realisation that you wouldn't be dying today and looking up to meet his blue gaze, something like relief flashed across his face before the stoic look was back. Somewhere along you remembered how he was sort of straddling you, chest pressed against yours and a hand firmly against the small of your back pinning you to the ground. On intstict, your eyes flickered down to his mouth before returning. The question died in your throat before you could even muster up the courage to ask it. Then the spell was broken by a frantic Danny, sounding far away and startled you both. You had forgotten about the earpiece.
You should have known Kono wouldn't be able to keep her mouth shut. In hindsight, you did know that it was a bad idea to let her fill you up with alchohol and have her wicked way with you. It was like a truth serum, and after a couple of beers and with a little prompting the secret crush was not so secret anymore. Naturally, even with a buzz going you had some kind of self preservation left, enough at least not to give her a name or anything to defining as a clue.
Five days later she showed up on your doorstep.
“It's Steve isn't it?” She greeted you, and you promtly pulled her inside and shut the door behind her.
“I think you have a concussion, I knew that hit to your head was worse than it looked.”
“Don't change the subject. Though I guess you already answered by the way you just deflected it away.”
“Okay, fine, I like him. Happy? You figured it out.” Sighing, you sank down on the couch, willing it to swallow you hole. You felt drained suddenly, keeping your gaze firmly down on the carpet.
“What are you going to do?”
“What? You can't just go around like nothings up. The guys are gonna figure it out eventually, they know somethings not right so they asked me to talk to you.”
“What can I possibly do? It's not gonna happen. I won't jeapordize the team because of some stupid crush. It means to much to me. Or his frenship. I wan't him to be happy, and that's all that matters.
“Your happiness matters to you know.” She mumbled softly, settling beside you on the sofa. You didn’t respond, opting to lay your head on her shoulder and leaning into her warmth and calm. You didn’t know what to do, but you couldn’t keep dancing around it either. One day he would put two and two together and figure it out, or possibly just confront you and force you to spill. 
As it turned out, it only took about a day. You were on a stake out, taking shifts and you and Steve ended up together, you had a feeling they had all colluded into making this happen. Being stuck together in a cramped space for hours were the last place you wanted to be, there was no escape. He had you, and he knew it. There was nothing to do really but talk, somewhere down the line you’d ended up on the conversation of dating, snorting at his question when he asked if you were seeing anyone, a puzzled look on his face at your reaction. You didn’t really want to get into that now, quickly turning it around to him. 
“How’s the wife? Or soon to be, are you gonna pop the question anytime soon?” You’d heard Danny talk about it a while back. 
“Catherine. The woman who’s been sleeping in your bed for the past couple of months? Whatever it is you have.”
“It's over.” He stated promptly, effectively ending the subject. 
“Oh.” You didn’t know how to respond to that information, opting to stare out the window, praying for the mark to get there already so you could do something. Anything was better than this really.” 
“Look, I'm sorry if I did something to upset you or anything, but I need you to tell me what I did. Talk to me.”
“It's nothing.” He let out a sigh, you could practically see his jaw clenching.
“Okay, fine, it's not nothing. I'm dealing with it, okay? You haven't done anything. I'm just frustrated and there's nothing that will chance that.” 
“Okay, just, let me know if there is something I can do, alright? We're a team, and we've always got your back. Your not alone.” Fingers brushed against your bare skin, giving a gentle squeeze. You already missed it. It wasn't right, he was being so sweet and understanding and so good, it pissed you off and guilted you at the same time.
“I'm in love with someone, and it could never work.”
“Why not?”
“Besides the fact that it's completely one-sided? We literally can't without breaking protocol.”
“If you really want it, you have to fight for it. So what if you break a few rules in the process?”
“Except I'm pretty sure that I made our entire thing up in my head.”
“What if you didn't?”
“What if he maybe feels the same way too, but he's afraid that it could ruin things.” He was suddenly a lot closer, eyes full of intent. 
“Maybe I'm just waiting for him to make a move already.” You breathed, heart pounding in your ears. If there was one thing you could count on, was that he never backed down from a dare. Suddenly his lips were on yours in a brief but passionate kiss that left your lips tingling long after you pulled apart. Naturally, you were interrupted as always, this time by a chase as he took off running after one of the suspects while you stayed behind and dealt with the other one. Your life was never going to be perfect, especially not in this line of work. Chaos came with the territory, but it was perfect in it’s on way. And this time you didn’t have to suppress the urge to touch him and make sure that he was okay, making him go to the hospital and putting on quite the show in front of your colleagues and everyone else who happened to be there. 
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ryeimagines · 7 years
Touch - Derek imagine
For the anon who inspired the idea for this and which wouldn’t leave me alone until i finished it. Enjoy! Ps. The cookies are a little shoutout to one of my favourite authors who first came up with it and I have no accepted that as fact. Also, you cannot convince me Derek isn’t secretly a cuddle monster. 
Requested: Yes. Word count: 1838. 
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It started off as an experiment after a random comment from Stiles, caught up in one of his usual rants about stuff random facts he stumbled upon during one of his deep dives into wikipedia. Pretty much like most everything that had happened to you, it was totally the energetic teenagers fault.
“Hey, did you know that hugs can actually reduce stress for weres?”He paused long enough to stuff some curly fries into his mouth.
“Really?” Scott questioned.
“You shouldn’t believe everything you read online.” Lydia commented, not lifting her gaze from the book she was reading. And that right there was pretty much like a dare. And if there was one thing you could always count on, was that the sheriff’s son would never back down from one.
“Okay, so let’s try it out.”Stiles stood up, gesturing for Scott to get up on his feet and pulled him in right there in the school cafeteria. “Hey there buddy.”
“Well, did it work?” Stiles prodded as the duo pulled apart.
”How are you feeling Scott?” Isaac spoke up, eyes flicking between the pair.
“Good. Really good.”
“Holy crap, that actually worked.”
Shortly after that, you somehow became the unofficial pack plush toy, surrounded by cuddly monsters who craved your attention and touch. It was everything from a quick hug for Scott before his Chemistry test, to comforting Isaac after a nightmare. You didn’t know exactly when it happened, but somehow your room had turned into a hotel, wolves coming over for sleepovers. One time you ended up being pushed out of bed because there was too many people, after that you started putting mattresses on the floor instead so you could spread out and sleep in a pile. Another thing you never saw coming. Though you had to admit, it was nice how the bond grew stronger, as you got closer. Even Peter tried to get in on the action though you promptly shot him with Allison’s bow because hell no. The only one who didn’t partake was the younger Hale, not for lack of trying though. Stiles’ hugged Derek and got punched in the face, since that no one tried repeating it.
You could see right through that sulky facade and the furrowed eyebrows in annoyance. He was jealous, he wanted it just as much as the others but for some reason he was denying himself. It was with a pang you remembered that his last pack died years ago and no one had probably shown him any kind of affection since then. You had a bit of a breakdown after that one, resolving to fix this immediatly. You knew he would never ask for it, so you decided to do something about it because you couldn’t take it any longer. You waited for a while, biding your time to find a good moment before shutting that down realizing that was never gonna happen. So, instead, you struck one day after a particularly testy day fighting fae. Everyone was in a bad mood after that, so you did what you do best; cheering them up. You stuck around after the others had left the loft, cutting him off from whatever he was about to say, pouncing on him before he had a chance to react or move away. He promptly froze, though easing up after a little while of you refusing to let him go, you only squeezed harder. He was a werewolf, he could have pushed you off easily or picked you up and thrown you out the door but he didn’t. He just stood there, arms against his side, and let you cuddle him. Afterwards you left without a word, throwing him a soft smile over your shoulder as you left but that was that. He wasn’t much of a talker, and you didn’t want to force him into doing something he wasn’t ready for.
That was the catalyst, now adding the grumpy alpha to your list of strays showing up in your bedroom for some cuddles. Though with Derek it was different, you took things slower, not wanting to startle him and undo all the progress he’d been making. He would only ever come over when you were alone, he’d promptly left another time when Isaac and Scott showed up, and he would only stay for a little bit at first. You were used to your window being used more than your actual front door, so it didn’t surprise you anymore when someone showed up. At least Derek gave you a soft knock of warning before coming inside, most nights anyways. That first night he actually stayed over, he tumbled in, bloody and clothes torn with the most emotion you’d ever seen in those hazel eyes. You acted on instinct, pulling in into a firm hug, before cleaning him up and getting him some clothes and wrapping him up in blankets, laying down next to him, careful not to press against his wounds, but close enough for him to feel your body heat and picked up the book you were reading and gently ran your fingers through his dark hair with your free hand. His peaceful breathes helped calm your nerves and you fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. He was gone by the time you woke up, and avoiding you for a couple of days before you confronted him and told him he was an idiot and you were expecting him tomorrow night, no excuses.
If someone had told you a couple of months ago that you would be sharing a bed with Derek Hale, you’d have laughed in their face. You didn’t have much of a relationship at first, more like tentative allies than partners, but it had blossomed since you started spending time together without threat of imminent danger or saving each others lives. You would count him as a friend now, getting to know Derek the person and not Alpha Derek who’s angry and doesn’t know what he’s doing leading a pack of teenagers. You were talking a lot, about the pack and you tried helping him out the best you could, but also non-werewolf related things like books and movies. Or you’d just sit in silence, enjoying each other company reading or watching a show. You learned that Derek was not a microwave popcorn kind of person, they taste better in a pan, and he loves gingersnaps. Seriously, he ate a plate of them you’d made for a bake sale, managing to look guilty when you walked into the kitchen and caught him redhanded, crumbles on his shirt. 
He volunteered to help you make more. He’s now banned from the kitchen. 
Things were getting better though, in general, and with the pack. Since the others were able to smell Derek’s scent lingering on you, and after a serious talk, they started to include the sour wolf in things as well. Group hugs were now a mandatory thing after a successful day of kicking butts, or after a rough one. The pack had grown closer, and you could see the change in Derek as well, he seemed to be breathing a bit easier, more sure of himself and his place in the pack and as a leader. This wasn’t just a group of people forced together fighting, it was a pack. A family. The first time you saw him smile was after that group hug, it was half a smile but it was genuine, you could see it in his eyes. And it was beautiful, you wish you’d brought a camera so you could freeze that moment. Sadly it was promptly cut short by Chris Argent showing up.
The thing about being a human running with wolves, you were a weakness and therefore also the target of everyone trying to hurt the pack, or just general assholes who got their kick out of hurting kids. Frankly, with the amount of hospital visits since you moved here, you should have earned a free one by now. Mrs McCall was not amused by that suggestion, muttering about idiots as she finished changing the dressing on your arm. This time was a close call, and you would have a constant reminder everyday you looked in the mirror. The big bad of the week had almost succeeded in removing your heart. Thankfully Scott came bursting through the door and saved the day and you passed out, supposedly being carried by Derek all the way to the hospital. Yeah, there was a conversation that you did not want to have, but it couldn’t be put off any longer. You were officially discharged and sent home, ordered to rest and not doing any strenuous activities.
Which is why you were in your pajamas at 3pm, hair up in a messy bun having a Netflix marathon and stuffing your face full of snacks when something crashed on to the floor, startling you. Looking up, your eyes locked with familiar pools. If looks could kill, he’d glare a hole in your head. Oh boy. He looks pissed. You had seen him angry before, but not like this, not at you. You jumped up, subconsciously moving back towards the door like he was a wild animal. Though, to be honest in that moment he was.
“What the hell where you thinking? Are you actually insane? Do you have some sort of death wish?”
“I was thinking that he needed to be stopped before someone else got hurt.”
“Someone did.” Which, fair point. Then suddenly, he was moving towards you rapidly and something inside you told you to run. Derek Hale is finally going to tear my throat out. Shit.
“I’m sorry I-” Something crashed into you, if it weren’t for the arms around your waist holding you upright you’d be on the floor right now. It took you a moment to process what was happening, then it hit you. Oh. Derek’s hugging me. He had never initiated one before. Now, he was clinging to you like you would float away if he let go and you realized he wasn’t angry, he was scared. Scared for you. Before you made the choice, your arms found their way around, returning the hug and you burrowed your face into his neck, his scent filling your nostrils. 
You weren’t sure of how long you stayed like that, but when he finally took a step back and fixed you with a stare, you missed his touch already. 
“Don’t ever do that again. You’re pack. They need you.” I need you. 
“I promise to try my hardest not to die. Okay? You won’t get rid of me that easily.” I’m not going anywhere. He scoffed, shaking his head. 
“Why did it have to be teenagers?” He sighed. 
“Oh hush you big teddy bear, you know you love me.”
“I tolerate you.”
“Okay, whatever you say sour wolf. So, are you staying?”
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ryeimagines · 7 years
Haven - Scott imagine
For the anon who wanted some Scotty. Enjoy!
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They found you in the woods, bleeding with your leg in a trap and instead of killing you on the spot, the alpha leaned down and helped you out, offering a hand. 
“I’m Scott.” That was your first encounter with the true alpha, who seemed a bit naive at first glance but as you got to know him and the rest of his pack you saw more of him. They were all older than their age, having lived through so much crap that most people never would in a lifetime in a short span of time. Though you spent a lot of time with Lydia and Allison, the strawberry blonde eager for a chance for a make over and teaching you about all things female, you found yourself enjoying the company of the energetic Stiles and his best friend who never left his side. If you were honest with yourself, you were feeling some not so friendly feelings towards the young alpha and if things had been different maybe you would have acted on them As it were, you had demons of your own that you didn’t dare share. Sure, you knew that the others had their suspicions about what happened to you before you came to Beacon Hills, but you weren’t ready yet. Maybe you never would be. For now, you were content trying to play the role of a teenager, dealing with school and homework and all the boring normal stuff people worry about. It was a nice change of pace. It was getting better, being more comfortable around the other members of the pack and getting to know all of them, even making some friends outside of it to. For the first time in a long time you felt good, like things were looking up.
You should have known that it wouldn’t last. They wouldn’t just give up. They found Isaac first while he was out on a border run, luckily Derek and Scott got there in time to save him, the hunters scurried away like the cowards they were. They brought him back to Derek’s loft where the rest of you were waiting, supporting the curly haired boy up between them. The conversations stopped briefly as they showed up, before erupting once more. Stiles was the first one to snap back and on his feet. You recognised that look on his face, there was no stopping him now. And you, you were paralyzed as a familiar scent filled your nostrils, the one that had been haunting you for a long time. 
“What the hell happened?” He demanded, checking Isaac for wounds when they’d lowered him down on the couch. Allison rushed over to his side, mumbling gently into his ear. It was the sourly alpha who finally answered.
“Hunters.” Derek growled, a man of few words as always. 
“But why are they here? We have a truce.” Lydia spoke up, not liking the fact that she didn’t have all of the answers. 
“We should never have trusted Argent.” Derek quipped, Allison freezing up where she was tending to her boyfriends wounds, her face unreadable. 
“Hey, Chris is different. He would have said something if he knew they were coming.” Scott, always the optimist, defended his ex’s father. 
“Okay, enough. It doesn’t matter. We still need to figure out why they are here now. What could they possibly be after. Maybe there’s a new creature or something they’re tracking. Maybe we could just talk to them.” Stiles reasoned, shooting the younger Hale a stern look. 
The image of Stiles’ lifeless corps with a bullet in his head briefly flashed in your mind, promptly startling you into action. You couldn’t, wouldn’t lose them. You wouldn’t put them in danger, not for you. 
“I do.” You mumbled without little effect. Annoyed, you slammed your hand into the wall, effectively getting everyone’s attention. 
“I know what they want, and talking won't do anything.” You cut off Derek before he had the chance to say anything about the sizeable hole next to his fridge. It wasn’t a priority right now. 
“What is it?”
“They’re here to finish what they started. Me.” With that dark secret finally out in the open, you felt a little easier. You hated keeping things from them all this time, but it was for their own good. At lest, that’s what you assured yourself on those bad days. It felt so good, you couldn’t help the words escaping your lips. 
“They’re here to kill me.” 
It was Scott who found you a few hours later, holding up in a cave sheltering you from the downpour to stay warm and dry. It was getting dark and the temperature was dropping quickly but you didn’t dare light a fire. It was over, finally your nightmare had ended. So why did you still feel so bad? 
You almost had a heart attack when he showed up, soaking wet and jumping you before you had a chance to react. It took you a minute to process the fact that he was hugging you, not trying to claw your throat out and you let yourself sink into the embrace, not caring that your clothes were getting soaked as well. 
“We’ve been looking for you for hours. I thought -” He cut himself off, taking a deep breath. “I thought we lost you. That I lost you. That I didn’t get to you in time.” You lowered your head in shame, unable to meet those puppy dog eyes. You felt guilty for what you put him though, all of them. Your head snapped up at the soft growl as he were inspecting you closer and could smell the pain radiating off of you. 
“They hurt you. Where?”
“I’m-” You snapped your mouth shut at the intensity in those brown eyes, you had never seen him like this. You didn’t stop him when he started stripping you out of your damp clothes, not satisfied until he had examined every inch of you to make sure he didn't miss anything. Gentle hands brushed against your skin, leaving warmth when it disappeared. It wasn’t the first time he’d given you a medical exam, he was sort of a doctor in training after all. Mrs McCall had taught him well. He worked mostly in silence, except for the low whine when he saw your scars that you had managed to keep hidden so far. You figured there was no point in trying to keep secrets anymore. For some reason, you didn’t feel uncomfortable being vulnerable like this around the young alpha. You never did. You were at ease around him, it was the kind of ease created by years of friendship, despite the short time you had known him. 
“You’re healing well, I think you should rest for a day or two though before you do anything to strenuous again like taking on a group of hunters. What were you thinking?” “I had to keep you safe. I have already lost one pack, I know how much that hurts. I couldn’t let anything happen to you, not because of me.” That was the big one, you still blamed yourself for what happened to the others. The guilt never left. A gentle hand cupped your cheek and forced you to meet pools looking at you intently. 
“I’m so sorry about your loss, and I know that they can’t be replaced, and we wouldn’t dream of it, but you have a place in this pack if you want it. As far as I’m concerned, you are pack, family. You don’t ever have to do anything alone again, we protect each other, keep each other safe.”
“Are you sure?” You stared in disbelief, coaxing a soft smile.
“I couldn’t picture anything different. You’re ours for life now, sorry. You won’t ever get rid of us.” Overwhelmed, you surprised him with another hug, holding on for dear life as a rollercoaster of emotions washed over you, putting everything you felt into that long embrace. He rubbed your back gently, as if saying he knew exactly what you were trying to say. He always seemed to, sometimes when even you didn’t quite know what you meant. There had always been this connection between you, that only seemed to be growing stronger as time went by. You wished you could stay like this forever, safe and loved in his arms but things didn’t work that way, so you’d just enjoy the moment for as long as it would last.  
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ryeimagines · 7 years
Acceptance - Stiles imagine
Based on this prompt. Note, I’m not a non-binary person myself, so I apologise if there’s something that isn’t quite right, please feel free to correct any inaccuracy you find. b/n = Birth name o/p original pronoun, i.e. before they started to identify as non-binary and using they and them pronouns. I enjoyed writing this, hopefully you enjoy it. 
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You didn't expect for there to be a parade or something when you came out, maybe some cake and balloons and a paintball fight. That would've been epic. Or even just an okay, and everyone moving on with their day, nothing different. Except it was, or rather you had changed, the way you understood yourself and finally made sense of the feelings you'd had for a while. About a lot of things. You decided to tell your best friend first, and that totally backfired on you. By the end of the week everyone knew and you were the new butt of their jokes. The jokes you could handle, losing your friends were harder. You realized they hadn't been much of friends anyhow so it didn't hurt as much as you thought it would when you knew you were on your own. The constant bullying however, the graffiti on your locker and in the bathrooms, nasty anonymous comments online because the cowards they are. Not a single person stood up for you, not even the teachers, who continued to call you by your birth name and using your old pronouns. They didn't give a single fuck.
You almost cried with relief when you were transferred to Beacon Hills High. This was a chance for a fresh start, no one knew you here, there was no history you could be who you wanted. You kept telling yourself that it would be fine. And it started out okay, you met a really nice guy with doe eyes and moles all over who showed you around and babbled on about everything and anything, sometimes going off on a bit of a tangent before catching himself and asking questions here and there. What the hell is a Stiles? Was the first thing you said when he introduced himself again at the end of the tour, giving you a number if you had any more questions, coaxing a genuine laugh from the boy. “You're going to fit in just fine. This is your stop. Good luck.” It was awkward as always the first day of school, you were the lone outsider and you could feel everyone's eyes on you as you hurried  your way through one introduction after another. The only one who didn't make you introduce yourself was Coach Finstock, just gesturing for you to sit down, which you gladly did.
It lasted  until last period, Mr Harris that asshole, read your birth name out loud to the class, you promptly froze in your seat next to a friendly looking guy you had another class name, Danny maybe?
“It's Y/n. It should be on the list.”You managed, gripping on to the desk so tightly your knuckles were turning white. It was over, your secret was out. You just about made it through class, rushing out the door to get to your locker hurrying to get out of there. You weren't quick enough. A body came up beside you, the locker suddenly slamming shut in front of your face and you startled to see one of the jocks looking at you expectingly.
“Hey, b/n. You don't seem to bad, maybe a little bit of a make over,  you could be attractive. Maybe even date a lacrosse player.”
“You-” You were so mad, you couldn't form sentences right now. You'd had it with these ignorant jerks who think they know better, like that would be a compliment right there.
“Hey Jackass, shut up.” A voice spoke up, stepping in between the two of you, the plaid shirt seemed familiar. Right, it was the guy from before. Stiles.
“I'm just talking to o/p. It's a free country Stilinski. Mind your own business.”
“They have a name. It's Y/n. Even an ignorant asshole like yourself could wrap your hand around remembering something so simple as a name, right? It's a combination of sounds you make to refer to someone or get their attention.”
“Oh, that does it.” The next thing you knew, Stiles was on the floor getting himself a beatdown, people cheering in the background. You felt sick to your stomach, but you couldn't bring yourself to move, or even look away. This was all your fault.
“Hey, what the hell is going on here?” Coach Finstock broke through the crowd of spectators who had gathered to watch the interaction, pausing briefly to take in the scene of Stiles' bloody nose and the jerk currently pinning him to the ground dealing out punches. The two of them hadn't noticed his arrival, not breaking apart until two guys wearing lacrosse shirts showed up and lifted him off, if you didn't know better you'd sworn they practically threw him off, judging by their interaction they were friends of Stiles, the shorter one sending a concerned look your way. The light was probably just playing a trick on you, it had been a long first day. Week. Month. Year. You were tired, drained really. A show like this was the last thing you wanted, drawing more attention towards yourself.
“Alright principal's office now, both of you.” Stiles threw you an assuring smile over his shoulder as he was being led of. Jackson didn't even look back at you and you were thankful for that. The bell rang and the crowd was disbanded, the hallway empty once again and you finally breathed out, not realizing you'd been holding your breath the entire time. You were confused, not sure why this person, a stranger practically, would stick up for you like that like not even the people you thought were your closest friends would. You had barely had a conversation with the guy and he showed you more respect and decency than most people you knew. But why, that was a question you couldn't shake. You held on as long as you could, finally blurting it out the next day in the middle of the cafeteria, stopping all conversation when you walked up and continued without waiting for any kind of invitation.
“Why did you do that? I don't need you to defend me, I can handle myself.”
“I never doubted that. It was more for myself than anything. And because he was a jackass who needed to be brought down a notch. It was a long time coming, you just happened to be the last straw.” He shrugged, taking another bite of his pasta like it was no big deal. You weren't sure how to respond to that. You were used to condescending people, always asking for something in return. No one was ever just nice. Except for him, apparently. Maybe things would be different here after all.
“Stiles, aren't you going to invite them to join us?” A girl with light hair spoke up, directing a sweet smile your way. “I'm sorry about him, we're still working on his manners. Join us. I want to know everything about you.” You had a feeling you just walked into the lion's den, the theory confirmed when your gaze locked with Stiles' amber pools.
It was strange, and a bit overwhelming, but for the first time you didn't hate lunch period. It was an interesting mixture of people, so different you couldn't quite see how they got to be friends in the first place because they were so different. You realized you were enjoying yourself, getting to know them all and observing the way they interacted with each other. It was more than just friends, they acted like a family. It was equally beautiful and heartbreaking to see. A reminder of what you didn't have.
“Hey, you okay?” Stiles’ shoulder bumped against yours, you didn't realise he'd been paying attention to you. You willed yourself to meet his gaze, feeling a little uncomfortable at the intensity of it.
“Yeah, it's nothing.” You mumbled, the lie falling off your tongue easily. He and Scott exchanged a meaningful gaze, it was as if he knew what you were thinking. But that was crazy. You were a damned good liar, you'd had plenty of practice perfecting the craft. Thankfully, he dropped it.
“Anyway, I have a truly important question for you, you must answer it correctly or we can no longer be friends.” He paused for dramatic effect, taking a sip from his juice box. “Marvel or DC?”
“Marvel, of course.” Duh.
“Good answer, finally someone else who understands what I'm taking about. Scott doesn't think there's a difference.”
“Was he raised by wolves or something?” You blurted before you could stop yourself. Beside you Stiles bursted out in laughter, racking throughout his entire body.
“Oh my god.” He breathed, finally collecting himself, ignoring a glare from Lydia.
“Okay.” You continued, oblivious to what was going on. It's possible your new friends were all crazy.
He took a second to absorb this new information, before turning to the curly haired boy, a serious expression on his face.
“Scotty, I'm sorry dude but Y/n is replacing you as my best friend effective immediately.” He ignored the low whine coming from the boy in question, it was almost animalistic, fixing you with a grin you couldn't help but to return.
Things were starting to look up for you. Finally.
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ryeimagines · 7 years
Fate - Jackson imagine
This is what happens at 3 am when something won’t leave me the heck alone until i write it. It’s a little vague, I’m aware, but I was a bit sleep deprived writing this so please be gentle on me. Still not sure how his last name is spelt so, correct me if I’m wrong. Written from Jackson’s POV. first time writing him, let me know what you think. Enjoy!
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“For future reference, I would like to point out that I was right. Next time, maybe we listen to the annoying human, huh?”Stilinski was getting on his last nerve, though this time Alpha Hale was quicker, shoving him up against a wall. 
“Shut up Stiles.” He growled. Everyone was kind of done after the battle. Finally it was over, the witch and her coven dead. He gritted his teeth as he popped his shoulder back in place, briefly thinking that he would have to burn these clothes when he got back home. He didn’t even want to think about what he was wearing, a strange conception that one of them had thrown, yelling something in a foreign language. 
He looked up, noticing you watching him. He cocked an eyebrow, watching you look away, a faint blush coloring your cheeks and ear as he caught you checking him out. He didn’t mind the attention, taking a little bit longer to stretch than necessary, sending a wink your way when your eyes locked.
“I’ll call my dad.” Argent offered, cleaning off the silver knife in her hand before tucking it back into her boot. He had to admit it was kind of hot. But he was done with crazy. Done period. This was not what he signed up for when he took the bite. 
“Good, we can finally get the hell out of here.” His place in the pack was still a bit of a work in progress, he didn’t like taking orders, not to mention being stuck with these losers he spent the past years tormenting because why not. That Stilinski kid and his wheezing friend still annoyed the hell out of them and they would never really be friends. But they were getting along, a new found respect for both of them. Still, his patience only lasted so long before he snapped. And Stiles particularly loved pushing his buttons, the bickering was as much enjoyment as it was a hassle. He had guts, he’ll give him that. Not that he would ever say it to his face probably. They needed someone to keep them on their toes, a reality check now and then. Someone had to keep a level head. 
He fell asleep as soon as his head it the pillow, having the best sleep he’d had in years. For the first time in a while his alarm woke him up. It took him a while to notice, it wasn’t really until lunch that he started to realize something was seriously wrong when his hand started shifting right there in the cafeteria. He ran off, ignoring Danny’s confused call, and headed for the bathroom. It was like his first full moon all over again, he could feel his control slipping. A loud bang echoed trough out the room as the sink fell to the ground, he’d been gripping it way to tightly. The sound drew people from outside and soon enough Greenberg came busting through the door, freezing in place when he took in the scene. Shit. His eyes were glowing. This was going to take some fixing.
“Get out.” He managed, watching as he sped out the door like he was running for his life. He was getting so much trouble for this one. Detention was nog biggie, he was more concerned what the pack would do when they found out. A familiar heartbeat reached his ears, and he managed to pull himself together, shifting back just in time as coach Linstock came in. He took a second to scan the room and read the situation before addressing him. 
“Whittemore, detention tomorrow. See you then.”
It was a tedious process of filling in the rest of them and figuring out what was wrong with him. Lydia was the one who found out what happened a couple of hours later. He wasn’t thrilled by the answer. 
“A curse.” He repeated, staring at a stain on the carpet. He didn’t want to look at anyone, it was bad enough that he could smell the emotions radiating of them all. “Okay, so, tell me how bad is it?”
“As far as I can tell, it becomes permanent at the next full moon. Which is tonight.” His former girlfriend’s voice was softer than he’d ever known it could be. A brief moment of regret flickered in his mind. He messed up a good thing, but he knew it wasn’t meant to be. 
“Right, so I have six hours before I become a wolf permanently. Awesome.” His only hope of breaking it was shattered when Lydia gave him a quick peck on the lips and he fell absolutely nothing. Who was he kidding, he was unlovable. He hated himself for entertaining that feeble thought of hope, it only left him disappointed and empty. Well, there was no use crying about it. And there was no time as Argent came bursting into the loft.
“We’ve got a pack of omegas, they’re at the school.” 
“Come on!” He shouted, pounding at the door like it maybe would actually work the nth time around. The roof had caved in, he’d managed to pull the two of you  into the janitors closet just in time, but now you were pinned in, no idea where the rest of the pack had disappeared to. It had been at least an hour now, and he was starting to loose it, frustration humming through his veins. He wanted to scream, a loud howl escaped his lips, panting he sank down on the ground beside you. You were watching him intently, a mixture of something he couldn’t quite comprehend. He noticed the pain emitting from you straight away, his shirt wrapped around your torso in a make shift bandage to stop the blood but he knew he needed to get you out of there. You wouldn’t make it for another hour, maybe not for much longer. He noticed your heartbeat was slowing down. He took your hand in-between his, leeching of some of your pain. Your eyes slid shut and you sighed. 
“Thank you.”
“We’re getting out of here. You just stay awake alright?”
“Mm kay.” Your eyes stayed shut, a brief moment of panic overcame him and he shook you awake, the sight of your beautiful eyes coaxing a relieved breath. 
“You really do like me.” You grinned, looking beautiful despite the fresh cuts and bruises, half dead.
“Not really, I tolerate your presence. Without you there I would have to actually talk to Stilinski.”
“Oh, that would be terrible indeed.” You startled, as if realizing something.
“Jackson, the curse.” 
“Don’t worry about it, you just focus on staying awake alright. They will find you. Everything will be okay.” You ignored him, gripping his shirt with as much force as you could and he leaned closer, not wanting you to strain yourself. 
“Kiss me. If I’m gonna die, I wanna at least have tried helping you.” He started to argue, the words dying in his throat as he took in your expression, the want coming from you. He would be an idiot if he didn’t admit he’d thought about it, more times than he could count. His eyes drifted to your mouth, licking his lips on instinct. What the hell. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on your lips, mindful of your injuries. He didn’t have words to describe it. It was fireworks, rainbows all that corny shit that people have been talking about in those chick-flick movies Lydia always made him watch. It was everything. And it wasn’t enough. He was craving more. It was like he’d been starving without even realizing it. He found you, you’d been there all along. His other half. His mate.
“It’s you.”
“Great. Naturally, I’m fated to be with an asshole.” You joked, easing the heavy tension. Even now. 
“Hey-” He swallowed the rest of the sentence, smelling the happiness mixing with your usual scent of cinnamon and something flowery. Like home. He placed a gentle kiss on your lips, the warm tingling sensation spreading through out his entire body at the touch, lasting long after you pulled apart. 
“How about we go on a date first? I’ll pick you up Saturday.”
“That sounds perfect.” 
It wouldn’t be easy, you would argue a lot and fight, but you’d always find your way back to each other. It wasn’t perfect, it was real. And that was way better. You would never ask him to change, but for the first time he found himself wanting to be better. 
He never wanted to see you stop smiling like that. It took his breath away every time, coaxing a smile in return. He was done for. 
“Hey, Jackson, you guys in there?” He’d never been so happy to hear McCall’s voice in his life.
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ryeimagines · 7 years
Promise - Peter imagine
This one had a life of it’s own. It’s a bit on the shorter side but I didn’t want to lose the feeling of it.Enjoy!
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You were desperate. You told yourself you were doing the right thing, even as glowing pools met your gaze. The older Hale was predictable, he always disappeared somewhere for several hours at a time before showing back up. It took you a couple of days to figure out where he was going, the charred remains of what used to be the Hale house. It probably was a spectacular house before Kate came along. You figured it would be the best place for this conversation, alone with no risk of anyone eavesdropping. This was your mess to clean up, and you needed to do this by yourself. Peter Hale was the perfect man for the job, no hesitation. He did what was necessary, to protect his pack. That’s what finally made you decide to approach him one afternoon while the others were busy with lacrosse and other after school activities. You walked there, not bothering trying to keep quiet. There was no way to sneak up on a werewolf, he would be able to hear you long before you reached the house. You weren’t surprised to see him on the porch.
“Well, this is a nice surprise.” Peter greeted, genuine emotion in his voice. You all avoided him at all times.
“Does my dear nephew know that you’re here?” The mention of Derek sent a wave of quilt over you, but you pushed it down, he was part of the reason you were here in the first place. You refused to take the bait, leveling him with a serious expression. This wasn’t a time for joking around.
“I need to get rid of someone. Interested?” His lips curled into a predatory smirk, sending a chill down your spine and your toes curling. You saw a flash of the animal hiding beneath the calm surface.
“Well, I’ll admit you’ve got me curious. I’m listening. Who exactly do you want me to kill?”
“Me.” It was the only way you could fix things. For a brief moment you wished you brought your phone to take a picture of his stunned face, before forcing yourself to focus.
“I need you to kill me , Peter. That’s the only way to keep the others safe, especially Derek. You have to do it before I really hurt somebody. I can already feel myself loosing control.” He fixed you with a cold stare, a low growl escaping his throat.
“No.” His voice was deadly, displaying more emotion than you had ever seen in his eyes before. The family resemblance was really uncanny.
“No.” He repeated, stepping into your personal space, his nose inches apart from yours, and you were drowning in blue. “We will figure out some other way.” He cared. The realization left you stunned, lips apart.
“What if we can’t?” You breathed, barley a whisper but you knew he could hear you loud and clear. His eyes softened, before pulling you into a hug. On instinct, your arms wrapped around and you buried your head in his neck, allowing yours to be exposed in return. He could kill you right now, you were utterly defenceless. But somehow, you didn’t feel afraid, still your heart was racing in your chest. A breath tickled your ear, tingling with warmth and you felt a pair of lips brushing against your ear.
“If I can’t save you, I will stop you. I promise.” Teeth scraped against your neck, sending another shiver though this time it wasn’t a fear response. You were in the arms of a monster, a killer who could tear you from limb to limb in a heartbeat. And you felt totally safe because somehow you knew that he would never hurt you on purpose. But if he had to, he would.
The security of that knowledge lifted a weight of your shoulders. One way or another, everything would be fine.
The lone wolf may die, but the pack would survive.
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ryeimagines · 7 years
Always - Stiles imagine
Prompt can be found here. Hope you enjoy! Always love writing Stiles.
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He never should have let you go on your own. He should have fought harder to keep you here. But he didn’t, he stood quietly and watched you drive off because that’s what you needed. He swallowed down the words that wanted to escape, that he couldn’t speak out loud. He didn’t move for a long time, remaining rooted in the spot long after your tail lights had vanished out of sight, the image of your face still burned in his mind. 
He should have ran after you and convinced you to come back. In hindsight, there was a lot of things he should have done differently. He’d mad bad choices before, but none as important as this one. 
Someone had found your car on the side of the road and called it in, you were nowhere to be found. They’d tried everything, but so far every lead they got was a dead end and it had been two days now and he was running on nothing but fumes. He was close to the breaking point. 
“We will find her.” Scotty, his best friend, always there at his side when it mattered. The entire pack was worried, all affected in their own ways. Lydia hadn’t stopped researching, the others taking turns helping out but she only lasted so long before shooing them away. Derek was training with his betas, readying for the fight when it inevitably happened. There was a heaviness in the air, a giant elephant that none talked about.
The sound of his phone pulled him out of his musings, seeing a text from his dad. Just like every other time he dared hope for a second, maybe this time would be the one, only to be crushed once more. Another dead end.
A wave of anger washed over him, and he threw his phone against the wall, watching as it chattered into pieces. The sound startled the young beta, jumping up from the sofa ready for a fight.
“Are you seriously playing video games right now? Y/n is fucking missing, we should be out there looking.” He was yelling now, itching to punch something. Liam got to close, trying to calm him down.  He reacted on instinct at the touch, punching him in the face. 
“Stiles, we care, you know we do. But you need to calm down, you can’t help anyone like this. You haven’t slept in days, let’s just go home and get some rest, okay?”
“I can’t. I need to-” “Just for a couple of hours, I’ll wake you up. Okay?”
“Fine.” He sighed, giving in. 
“Call me if anything happens. Anything.” He threw the newest addition an apologetic smile before letting his best friend take him home and crawled into bed, falling asleep the second his head hit the pillow.
“Okay, I’ll let him know.” A familiar voice roused him from sleep, and he startled.
“What’s going on? Did something happen?” 
“Stiles, that was deputy Parrish. They found a body in the woods.” He froze, the world suddenly becoming blurry around him, tuning out Scott who was still talking. No, it can’t be. He would know, right? He would know if you were dead. He refused to accept it. He needed to see it for himself. He pushed down the urge to cry, and willed his body to move. 
“Let’s go.” He mumbled, heading out the door with the werewolf hot on his trail. They didn’t speak on the drive, the silence hanging over them like a noose. He was struggling to breathe, a tightness in his chest that wouldn’t go away. He was surprised he managed to drive.
He followed Scott, following the scent, trying hard not to think about it.
He was so distracted by his thoughts he didn’t notice when Scott had stopped, walking right into him. 
“What the hell-” He trailed of, eyes following to see what he was looking at. There was a figure on the ground, naked, blood everywhere. He wanted to puke. Against his wishes, his feet moved closer until he was next to it, kneeling into the wet grass. A sob escaped his lips as he watched you, unmoving. A trembling hand reached out, brushing a stray hair from your face. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” His eyes blurred with tears, he didn’t bother wiping them away. He didn’t care anymore. 
“I love you, you hear me? I love you and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. You were the best thing that ever happened to me. It’s my fault.” He’d failed you. 
“Please wake up, open your eyes.” Nothing happened. Of course it wouldn’t, because you were dead. You were dead. And he never got the chance to tell you what you meant to him. He got you killed. 
Burying his head in his eyes, he finally had the breakdown that was coming since he found out you were missing. He curled in on himself, rocking back and forth, though buzzing in his brain. Sometime later it turned into a panic attack, he couldn’t breathe. 
“Stiles, I need you to breathe with me, okay? I want you to repeat after me.” He recited the numbers, his breath evening out and returning to normal as he hit 20. He blinked, looking down on the hand squeezing his arm, expecting to find Scott. Though, judging by the gasp behind him, that wasn’t his bff who had just calmed him down. 
“You’re alive.” He breathed, pushing down another panic attack. You offered up a weak smile. 
“I’m not that easy to get rid off.” There was so many questions, and begging, but right now there was only one thing he wanted to do, something that had been on his mind for a long time. He pulled you into his arms and kissed you with all the passion he could muster, pushing everything he felt into it.
“Wow.” You breathed as you pulled apart, and he couldn’t do anything but agree. Reality was so much better than he could ever imagine. 
It wasn’t until a bit later though, after getting you checked out by Melissa, who patched you up and gave you the all clear to go home and getting loved on by the rest of the pack, he managed to get you alone, curled up in his bed wearing one of his t-shirts. You had taken a well needed shower, and he couldn’t resist sniffing your hair as he laid down beside you, snuggling up and watching a movie. 
“I love you.” He mumbled into your ear, placing a soft kiss in your hair. 
“I love you too Stiles.” You smiled, unknowing how much it affected him. You were the most beautiful person he’d ever known, and he finally had you safe in his arms. And he wouldn’t ever let go. 
He made a promise watching you sleep soundly beside him, so innocent and pure, to never let anyone hurt you again. He would spend the rest of his life making sure you felt safe and loved. That was something you never would have to worry about again. 
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ryeimagines · 7 years
Healing - Stiles imagine
This one started as one thing, then it kind of turned on me. Little angsty, little cameo from Theo, though sort of happy ending? Enjoy!  Not requested. 
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This was not how your life was supposed to go, you had a plan. And then one thing after another happened and you were once again hiding in a closet having an anxiety attack about your boyfriend who was very likely interested in someone that wasn’t you. Theo had brushed it off, making up some excuse but there was this feeling in your gut that wouldn’t leave you alone, so you ended up here and of course the person you least of all wanted to see showed up, seeing you looking like a mess and coaching your breathing until you were calm again. He looked beautiful as ever, amber pools looking at you with concern.
“He doesn’t deserve you.” Stiles offered as he was about to leave. You scoffed. Him of all people to be saying that. Pot meet kettle. 
“I’m not saying he’s perfect, but neither am I. He made a mistake, he’s human. I’ve made plenty.” You weren’t sure why you were indulging him. 
“Yes, but-” You cut him off, anger washing over you. You weren’t friends. 
“No, you don’t get to do that. You don’t get to abandon me and then show up one day when I finally feel okay and tell me what to do, or who to date or make judgements about my life. You don’t have the right. You had that choice a long time ago, and you didn’t pick me. You were more concerned about what everyone else thought, I didn’t matter. I made you my everything, and I didn’t matter to you.” He reeled back as if someone had slapped him, looking guilty.
“If you’re about to say you’re sorry, save it. I don’t want your apology, you didn’t break me. To be honest, your words don’t matter. I don’t trust them, or you. So please, the next time you feel the need to “fix things”, don’t. Don’t text me, don’t call, don’t randomly show up at my house needing me. Don’t talk to me.”
“Goodbye Stiles.” You finally got what you needed, some closure. This time, you were the one who walked away, each step making it easier to breathe. 
Head buzzing with thoughts, you wandered aimlessly, and ended up outside Theo’s house without making the decision. Excited to spend some time alone together, you made your way inside, moving as quiet as you could wanting to surprise him. You shed your clothes on the way up the stairs, a grin forming on your lips as you opened the door to his bedroom, and promptly froze, the words dying in your throat as you struggled to process the scene in front of you. Theo, naked, a familiar dark hair and moaning. 
A loud bang reached your ears, startling you from your shocked stated and every cell in your body were telling you to get the hell out of there, so you did. Doing a full 360, you spun around and ran down the stairs, not stopping to fetch your clothes, pausing long enough to grab your backpack and slammed the door behind you. The lovers did hear that one, you could hear Theo’s voice shouting in the distance behind you as you speeded down the streets, vision blurred with tears. At some point the pain in your legs won out, and you collapsed on the ground, burying your face in the damp grass and curling in on yourself, finally allowing yourself to break down. 
You weren’t sure of how much time had passed, but at some point the tears stopped coming and you were shaking for another reason, the temperature had dropped and your bare arms were full of goosebumps. And dark. It took your eyes a while to adjust, slowly pushing yourself up on your feet, stumbling a bit before catching yourself. The icy wind was what prompted you to finally head home. After a bit of walking though, you realised you had no clue where you were and your phone had run out of battery about two hours and a panic attack earlier. As if it wasn’t bad enough, a couple of minutes later it started pouring and you were completely soaked in no time. 
“This day just keeps getting better.”You mumbled, sighing. You really didn’t want to deal with this right now, it was too much. Screw it. You sat down, tiredness washing over you and your eyes drifted shut and you nodded off. 
Your first thought as you were roused from your peaceful slumber was how hot it was. The second, you were shaking. Or rather, someone was shaking you. Your swatted at the general direction, annoyed. You meant to tell whoever the asshole was to stop, but all that came out was a soft moan.
“Hey, come on, wake up. I need you to look at me, okay? Open your eyes Y/n.” A voice reached you through the grogginess, definitely male and you complied, locking eyes with familiar pools looking at you with concern and something else you couldn’t quite identify. Eyes you wished to never see again.
“What the hell are you doing?Where am I?” Adrenaline kicked in and you were on your feet faster than you could say cheese, taking in the scenery, and promptly fell again. Or you would have, if it weren’t for the hand around your waist holding you up, gently guiding you back down on the bed. 
“Saving your life apparently, you’re welcome by the way. What the hell were you thinking? You could have died out there!” You flinched at the anger in his voice, the suddenness startling you. He never raised his voice like that. Seeing your reaction, it was like the feeling left him, and he took a step back, making himself   smaller and non-threathing. You almost died. And that freaked him out like nothing you’d ever seen before. A mixture of emotions swirled around, finally settling on gratitude and guilt. 
“I’m sorry. Thank you.” His head snapped up at the sound of your voice.
“You don’t owe me any apologies Y/n, it’s the other way around, remember? I’m just glad you’re okay. You are feeling okay now, right?”
“I feel kinda gross.” You didn’t even want to know what you looked like right now. And you really wanted to get out of this shirt. Your stomach started to grumble, coaxing a soft smile from the teen.
“How about this, you take a shower and I will fix up some food and maybe we could watch a movie or something? Or I could just give you a ride back home, though it’s kind of the middle of the night so, I don’t think your parents will be to happy with me.” Oh shit. You had totally forgot about them, they must be worried sick. Seeing the panic on your expression he hastily spoke up. 
“It’s okay, I texted them and said you were working on a project due tomorrow and you decided to stay over to finish it.”  Of course he did, he thought of everything. He was a master of lying after all. It both scared you and intrigued you at the same time. 
“I will take you up on that offer, if you throw in some cocoa.” You agreed, still cautious. You were waiting for the other shoe to drop, there was bound to be some kind of angle he was working. But, so far nothing. You came down refreshed and clean, in more than one way, borrowing some of his old clothes that were slightly too big but super comfortable, and were met with curious eyes, scanning your face, before turning away and back to the screen before him, hand gesturing for you to hurry along. 
You’d miss this, just hanging out and being in each others company, it was always so easy, comfortable. You never felt like you needed to talk constantly to fill the silence, you could just be. Things would never be the same, and it didn’t take away your feelings or what happened in the past, but for right now you let yourself be in the moment, savouring it for what it was, knowing it wouldn’t last forever. Because the reality was, it was so easy falling in love with him the first time around, you were already on your way there. Being honest with yourself, you had never stopped, but you couldn’t hold on to that if you were ever going to move on. But maybe, just maybe, you could someday call him a friend one day. You were short on those these days.
Oh, and you were definitely gonna burn that jersey. Knowing Stiles, he’d probably offer to do it for you. And you would probably let him. 
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ryeimagines · 7 years
Unrequited- Stiles Imagine
For the anon who wanted some Stiles, this is what my brain came up with. 
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“Wait, you're going on a date? With Malia?” You barley made it through his bedroom door before he sprung the news on you, and please can we reschedule for another time. He was ditching you. For her. The psychotic coyote who threatened to kill me. You added quietly as an after thought. Of course, it wasn't something he knew about. It's not like your newly discovered cousin would tell him that. And you weren't the person to walk around accusing people like that. Not without proof anyway. What kept you silent was the uncertainty of the aftermath, forcing him to pick a side.
“She's not so bad. She's been improving a lot.” Stiles insisted, gesturing widely with his hands. Why, you hadn't quite figured out yet. Emphasis? To make it more convincing? Well, that's not going to work.
“And she's pretty.” You knew you hit a nerve, seeing a faint blush appearing, a hand rubbing his neck.
“Yeah, well uh... She has a lot of good qualities once you get to know her.” Ah Stiles, you're such a guy.
“I bet she does. A couple of them...” You mumbled under your breath, finding yourself suddenly fascinated by your converse.
“Did you say something?”
“Nothing, I'm just... surprised I guess. You having a date?” You joked easing up the tension, plastering on a fake smile and willed yourself to meet his gaze.
“I'll have you know that I appeal to a lot of people.” He hurried to protest, quick to defend himself.
“Really, like who? Supernatural creatures with emotional baggage the size of Grand Canyon? ”
“You are just jealous.”
“Of who? Malia? Damn it Stiles, you got me.” You sighed dramatically. “I want you to dump her and run away with me to Vegas in that broken down jeep of yours and never go back.” You firmly pushed down the emotion washing over you before they had time to settle.
“Hey, no hating on my jeep! She has never let me down.”
“Dude, that thing runs slower than my nana. Who is dead.”
“Remind me, why am I friends with you again?” He glanced up, as if asking the gods for an answer.
“Because you can't live without me and my awesomeness, obviously.”
“Nah, I'm pretty sure that's not it, because I am the awesome one. Obviously.”
“What's with all this talk about my behind? I mean, I know it's glorious and all but there is more to me than my awesome looks. I refuse to be objectified like some piece of meat.”
“Sure Stiles, whatever you say.”
“Seriously though, do you think I have a nice butt?” You answered him by picking up one of the pillows on the bed and throwing it in his face. A loud “umpf” escaped his mouth as it collided with his nose, feigning being hurt. It's not like you threw it that hard. It's made out of feathers for crying out loud. It did kind of made you feel a bit better though.
“Shut up Stiles.” You rolled your eyes. “Stop being such a drama queen.”
“You've been spending way to much time with sour-wolf, he's rubbing of on you.” He replied, faking being angry and rubbed his nose, which was a little bit red. “Even the weird eyebrow thing. How do you even do that?”
“It's a Hale secret. I would tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.” You deadpanned in a flat voice.
“Yep, you're definitely his sister. Making idle death threats left and right.”
“Like you're the one to talk. How many times did you threaten to murder Scott exactly? I've lost count by now.”
“That's different, he deserved it.”
“He broke a game Stiles.”
“It was my favorite, do you realize how expensive that was? It took me a year to get enough money to buy that thing.”
“He bought you a new one!”
“Which is why I didn't kill him.”
“Why do I even bother.” You shook your head, cursing silently.
“Because you love me.” You froze for a moment of panic, blinking stupidly, before catching the smirk on his face. False alarm, he was just goofing around like always. Not like he would notice anything. You stood up, a sudden urge to get out of there, carefully re-constructing your mask, years of practice had made you an expert at this point.
“Whatever you say Stiles. I think that ego of yours is getting a little big.” He gasped, clutching his chest dramatically, leaning back in his desk chair. 
“You wound me.”
“I think you'll live. I'm sure Malia will be happy to assist you.” He hummed thoughtfully, at your comment, you didn't need any enhanced senses to know what he was thinking about. He was a teenage boy after all.
“Ugh, I'm gonna go, give you some alone time.”
“Uh, okay. We're still on for tomorrow though, right?”
“Can't, I'm crazy busy this week.”That's why you were here in the first place, before he decided to bail. A look of guilt flashed over his feature, the smile falling of his face. “I'll call you though, okay? We'll work something out. Later.” 
His soft farewell reached you on your way out the front door. It had startled to rain, though it didn't bother you. It was fitting really, reflecting your emotions. You allowed yourself to feel them for a while, the rain effectively hiding any trace of possible tears. You found yourself in the preserve without intending to go any particular direction. The familiar sight helped calming your nerves, the stillness of the trees and the gentle humming of birds from a distance. The rain had let up, the fresh scent filling your nostrils. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, several actually, each breath easing the weight that was pressing against your chest, until you felt relaxed. Meditation had always been a big part in keeping you in control, helping you stay anchored and not let your feelings rule you. Especially feelings that were useless, that only lead to distractions and loss. You didn't want to admit it to yourself, let alone out loud. You couldn't bring yourself to form the thought in the privacy of your own mind. You shut the door on the emotions, locking it tight and pushing boxes in front of it.
There was no point in dwelling on what never could be, what ifs. The only thing was right now, the facts, you'd relied on them to steer your path. Facts and logic, those were the only things that mattered, the important parts. Keeping track of creatures, research, lore, traditions, forming sound strategies and plans, training. Acting with logic. The facts were that Stiles was important to you, he was pack after all, it was nothing odd about wanting to keep him safe. You were protective, that's all. That's it. Anything else, was irrelevant.
You were friends, good friends even you'd like to think. You needed him in your life, and you wanted him to be happy whatever that took. You couldn't want for things, it only lead to bad things happening. But if that was something you could, yeah you'd thought about it sometimes when you felt like torturing yourself. You knew exactly what you wanted, the wolf inside you was howling for it's partner, mate who was currently on a date with your cousin and was completely oblivious.
Yeah, everything was better when feelings were out of the equation.
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ryeimagines · 7 years
Insecurites - Isaac imagine
Prompt can be found here. It’s finally here, I had some trouble with my muse so I ended up deviating a little from the original prompt, you know me I had to go the angsty route. I’m not sure if I like how it turned out, I was in a rush to finish this because I have no time to write next week. So, my apologies if it isn’t up to the usual par.  Trigger warning. Suicidal thoughts and self harm, brief description of the action, not to graphic. 
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“Hey, what's up with the frown?” Isaac's voice reached your ears, starling you from your thoughts. You had disappeared into your own head again, tuning out Stiles and Liam's heated conversation about something, you had no idea what Lydia was talking about, probably something new she was researching. You've been doing that a lot lately, thoughts buzzing in your head, this time it was a brief encounter earlier this morning. The curly haired boy had snapped you out of it just in time. You didn't have much of an appetite, playing around with the salad on your plate mindlessly. You couldn't remember eating anything.
“Uh, just thinking about this assignment I have to finish. It's doing my head in.” It wasn't a lie per se, which is why you got away with it. For now. Being surrounded by a pack of wolves who could tell when you were lying, you had quite perfected the art. It wasn't easy. Blue pools watched you closely, trying to decipher your mood, finally turning away, dropping the matter. Though if you knew Isaac, it wasn't over.
You felt eyes on you, turning to meet calculating eyes. You shifted, growing uncomfortable under her intense gaze, forcing down a couple of forks, not even tasting it. The gaze softened, sending a slight nod your way, she returned to the books splayed out in front of her seemingly satisfied. Of course she would notice something, she was way too observant.
Thankfully, the bell rang and everyone dispersed, rushing to get to class on time.
The note burned in your pocket as you walked home. Your eyes scanned the words briefly, before hurriedly shoving it down your pants when Scott showed up to walk to class together like you did every morning. Though you only saw them for a few seconds, they were burned in your mind, returning over and over again when you least expected it.
Fat. Ugly. Hideous. Waste of space. Unlovable. You should just kill yourself. You met your eyes in the mirror, a stranger staring back at you. You hated what you saw. Repulsed, you turned away. Anger filled you, shaking, you wanted to hit something. You didn't know you had done it, until you felt a waive of pain rushing up your arms, noticing the broken shards of glass on in the sink and floor, a few pieces stuck in the wounds of your hand that was covered in crimson and pulsating. It felt good, this you could handle. Physical pain would pass. This was something you could control. But it wasn't enough, you still felt something dark burning under your skin, a force needing to be set free or you might explode. You swore you would never go back to old habits, but it was so easy, a wave of calm watching over you as your skin spliced open and red drops cascading down your arm and to the floor. It was the most peaceful you had felt in weeks. But it was just a one time thing you promised yourself as you cleaned up the mess, dressing the wounds and covering yourself up with a long-sleeved shirt. Just this once.
It wasn't. You weren't oblivious to the pack starting to take notice either when you started skipping out on pack meetings and other stuff, always walking around with several layers on, refusing to change for gym class. And pain, you knew the wolves could smell it on you. Not to mention the blood.
It all kind of erupted one day at a pack meeting, everyone was there. You almost backed out at the last minute, but at this point you'd used every excuse in the book. And frankly, you didn't dare argue with Lydia when the strawberry blonde insisted you came, even went as far as giving you a ride to Derek's loft where it was taking place like most of the other times. Usually, it would be loud like a frat party, music blaring, people arguing , the sound of video games being played and random shouting.
You knew something was up before you even went inside, a sensation in your gut that never let you down before. It was quiet. Too quiet. They were all gathered in the living room, spread out over the few furnitures there was, Derek lurking in the background with his usual scowl on his face, arms crossed. The only one missing was the older Hale, which frankly, things were better off that way. Lydia sped passed you, settling down beside Allison and Scott. The whole room was watching you, frozen like a deer in the headlights, eyes wide.
You swallowed, willing your voice to stay calm despite the surge of emotions inside.
“What's going on?” Your eyes flickered between familiar faces, meeting concern and something else. Hurt maybe? There was a heaviness in the air.
“You tell us, Y/n.” Allison responded, sporting an unreadable expression on her face. Like the one she used in battle. Oh shit. They knew. That was clear. You did not want to have this conversation, not now. You were aware of your heart rate picking up, resisting the urge to fidget with your hands.
“I don't know what you mean. Is there a new threat?”
“Don't play dumb, you know exactly what we're talking about. We need to talk about this, it's been going on for too long.” You ignored Stiles, forcing yourself to meet hazel eyes.
“If there isn't some new big bad to worry about, I'm gonna go again.” You turned, stopping short as a hand wrapped around your arm.
“Don't go. Don't shut us out. You're hurting yourself. Let us help you.” Isaac, your best friend, other half. Normally, you'd give in in a second under those puppy dog eyes. For a brief moment guilt washed over you as you registered the hurt in his voice. But something else won out, the need to get away.
“Let me go.” Your voice was flat, no hint of emotion in it. It worked, the touch disappearing and he took a step back.
“You don't know shit, any of you. You don't give a crap about me, half the time you don't even notice I'm around, the other you remind me of how much you don't want me around. You're the last people I would tell anything to. Do you want to “help?” Leave me the fuck alone.” With that, you stormed out, eyes blurring as you ran. As you suspected, no one came after you. It stung a little bit, you had to admit. But then again, why would they?
You ignored your phone, the battery finally dying out the second day and you didn't bother charging it again. You preferred the solitude. You didn't want to see them, any of them. School was the furthest thing from your mind, though you could only pretend to have the flu for so long. At some point you had to make a choice. But for now, you stayed in your room, mostly sleeping and catching up on tv shows, it was surprising how time consuming fighting evil every week was. You didn't really pay attention though, thoughts drifting off. To be honest, what you did most was waiting. And hurting.
You didn't know how much time had passed, days blurring into each other and your sleep schedule was completely out of whack. Not to mention your eating habits. You couldn't remember the last time you actually ate something. You didn't feel hunger anymore. The realization was met with mixed emotions of satisfaction and something else, that you pushed to the back of your mind and ignored.
A gentle knock roused you from a nap, one of many lately.
“Can I come in?” You'd recognize that voice anywhere. Suddenly wide awake, you sat up, fighting back the nausea. You didn't want to see him. Still, the words that came out weren't what you meant to say.
“Yeah.” He wasted no time, engulfing you in a tight hug before you could process what just happened. It felt nice, you relaxed into the embrace, soaking his shirt. You didn't know how badly you needed to let everything out until just now. He rocked you back and forth, a gentle hand rubbing circles in your back, soft words mumbling in your ears. He knew exactly what you needed, like always.
He waited until you had calmed down, offering an apology for ruining his favourite shirt, before addressing you with his intense gaze.
“I need to say something, and I need you to hear me. It's my turn to talk, deal?” His voice left no room for argument.
“Firstly, don't ever do something like this again. You're my best friend, I'd like to think that you would trust me with anything. And it fucking hurts me to see you hurt, let alone when you're hurting yourself. I don't know why you felt like you couldn't tell me.” He stopped, taking a breath, trying to calm himself down. “But this isn't about me. Something is going on with you. I let you have your space, we all did, but enough's enough. I need my best friend back, happy and safe. No more pretending, avoiding. We're gonna talk about this. Maybe you can do this on your own, but you don't have to. Needing help doesn't make you weak. You helped me remember? Let me help you. Let me take some of your burden.”
“Please, talk to me.” His voice broke, and you wanted to punch yourself for what you put him through.
“Okay. It's a long story though. You're not going to like a lot of it. I'm gonna need you to not interrupt me, deal?”
“I'll try.” He promised, which fair enough.
You took a deep breath and spilled, everything coming out at once. You couldn't stop yourself, not knowing how badly you wanted to tell someone. You had to pause a couple of times, and there were a lot of tears and hugging, and some pillows destroyed. You had to keep Isaac from storming off when he found out about the note, giving in to your pleading.
“You are beautiful Y/n, the greatest person I know. Someday you will learn to see that too. Until then, I'm right here. I always will be.” He promised, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead as you drifted of to sleep.
It wouldn't be easy, not by a long shot. But someday, you'd be okay. The road would be long, but you wouldn't have to travel it alone.
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ryeimagines · 7 years
And I love her - Allison imagine
This wouldn’t leave me alone, I was up at 3am writing this. Possible trigger warning!!! Talks about death and being in a bit of a dark place, angsty and suicidal thoughts and sort of attempt, not really though. Nothing really detailed. Enjoy!
Requested: Yes. Word count:1822
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The day you left was quiet, almost peaceful. You didn’t stop to say goodbye to anyone, you’ve had enough of those for a lifetime. They were better off without you anyway. A relieved sigh escaped your lips watching Beacon Hills disappear through your rearview. You couldn’t bare to stick around here, this is where you lost everything. 
Afterwards, you had tried, truly, but you knew that there was nothing that could ever fix this. Not everything can be. Everyone grieved in their on way, you, by shutting the world and everyone in it out. You stopped answering your phone, ignoring the notifications of another text and when you phone finally died you didn’t bother with charging it again. What was the point anyway? The silence was welcoming, as was the darkness that left you alone with your thoughts. The nightmares plagued your dreams every night, watching her die over and over again. Waking up screaming until your throat hurt, drenched from sweat and the smell of blood fresh in your mind. No matter how many showers, the times you scrubbed your hands raw you couldn’t feel clean. The dreams were a reminder of your failure, mocking you. You weren’t enough to save her. She’d bled out in the arms of the boy she loved, gone before you got the chance to tell her. You weren’t strong enough, fast enough. Scott would have been. 
Your thoughts drifted to the conversation you’d shared, sometime after and what was the start of your decision to leave. He showed up unannounced, trying to coax you into showing up for school, how the pack missed you. How it wasn’t your fault, you shouldn’t feel guilty about it.  
“You did everything you could.”
“I know. And it wasn’t enough.” That quickly ended the conversation and he left shortly after, even pulling out the puppy dog eyes but this time they didn’t work. Still, it stuck with you and you remembered the pact you and Allison had made. Always keep fighting. She couldn’t do that anymore, so you had to. Saving people, hunting things. You weren’t ready, not skilled enough. The next time someone needed you, you would be.
Returning to the familiar streets was like a punch to the gut, your mood already affected. You never wanted to come back here to this hellhole, but a promise you made a long time ago made you unable to refuse Chris when he called and asked for your help. You didn’t know he’d come back, last thing you heard he and Isaac were somewhere in France. He was the first person you saw, pulling you into a quick hug much to your surprise, fixing you with a knowing look that made you uncomfortable, starting to fidget with your hair before you realized what you were doing and abruptly stopped. Though you’d grown since the last time, you never seemed to be able to lose the nervous tick. She’d found it adorable. Yeah, you didn’t speak her name anymore, not even in your head. Things were easier that way. You couldn’t afford distractions.
“Argent. What’s going on?” Right to business, you didn’t want to stick around for more than absolutely necessary.
Of course it had to be a demon of all things. This wasn’t your first rodeo, though you really hated dealing with it. There was something that hit a little too close to home. Though nevertheless, you had a job to do and you never backed down from a fight. Things were a bit awkward with the old pack, still you managed to work together and form a plan. There was a lot of growling, but finally they accepted you as the temporary leader since as you pointed out you had a lot more experience than them. Really, Derek was the only one who disagreed. You suspected the others were trying to get back in on your good side, maybe out of guilt or remorse. You didn’t linger on that for to long.
Finally the day had come and things were going good until they weren’t. You had gotten all the stuff together, setting up a neat trap and summoning the demon. You knew it had come before you could see it, growling filling the room. 
“Hello y/n.” You stopped dead in your tracks, almost dropping the book you were reciting from. That voice. It couldn’t be. Your curiosity won and your eyes locked with pools you’d know anywhere. It was wearing her. The demon sneered seeing your reaction. 
“Allison.” Scott’s voice filled the silence, barley a breath though he might as well have been shouting.
“No.” It took you a minute to realize the growl was coming from your throat. Clearly, you’d been spending way to much time around wolves. You were angry. That thing was nothing but a twisted mockery of the girl you loved. Love.
“You love her, I can feel it. To bad you got her killed.” It was taunting you, trying to get inside your head. You knew it would happen, you were ready for that, but this time was different and the words found a way under your skin. 
“That’s what you do, you’re a danger to everyone. They get close enough they end up dead. Every one of them. You should just kill yourself and spare them. They would be better off without you. Allison would still be alive if she never met you.” Demons were liars, logically you knew that, they manipulated people into all kinds of things. But it didn’t say anything you hadn’t been thinking already. And to hear it come out of her mouth was heartbreaking. It took every ounce of your willpower to remain standing.
You didn’t know the gun was in your hand until you heard a gasp and someone yelling. 
“Hey, y/n, don’t listen to that thing. Okay? It’s trying to get inside your head. Whatever it’s telling you it’s a lie.” Stiles’ voice reached your ears and you turned slightly meeting a concerned gaze, hands slightly raised.
“Please, put the gun down.” Scott, the golden boy always ready to save the day. He would have saved her. No wonder she loved him. He was much better than you ever would be. The barrel felt cool against your skin, the scent of gunpowder filling your nose. It would be so easy. Wouldn’t it? In a second it could all be over. 
“We could be together forever.” She smiled, that beautiful smile that took your breath away and made your heart beat faster. You could smell her shampoo, feel her soft touch as if she was right next to you. You could just reach out and touch her, tasting those lips that you’d been dreaming about.
 But you’d never know, because the girl you knew was dead. 
 “I’m sorry.” You whispered before pulling the trigger. 
 Allison fell to the ground, screaming as the demon killing bullet burned a hole in her forehead. You held your breath, releasing it as she finally went still. It was quiet, too quiet. Without your permission, your feet carried you to her side, collapsing beside her as your legs gave out from under you. People were talking around you, but you tuned them out. Even now, she was the only thing you could focus on, crimson running down her face like tears. You reached out a trembling hand and closed her eyes, caressing her cheek gently before pulling away. 
“You’re safe now. You can finally get some rest.” Things were a bit of a blur after that, people pulling and pushing at you, insisting hands that examined you for wounds which you fought at first but finally surrendered, sitting solemnly as Scott patched you up. His hands were calm and caring, he really was a good guy. Argent arranged clean up and you were ushered into Stiles’ jeep and found yourself in Derek’s loft when you were aware of your surroundings again, people arguing in hushed voices. 
 “She’s not okay, we shouldn’t have….”
 “She left. No one forced her to..” 
You’d had enough, promptly getting on your feet, stumbling slightly before regaining your balance and addressed the room. The entire pack was there, minus Chris of course. Even Peter had shown up for some reason, lurking on the steps and watching like always. 
 “Well, as terrible as this was, I’m leaving now.” The room erupted in protest, Stiles’ being the loudest though Lydia’s glare was even more impressive, she didn’t have to say it out loud, you could read it loud and clear. She thought you were acting like an absolute idiot. She may not be wrong.
“Wait, you can’t just leave we need to talk about this. Meeting and all that.”
“You shouldn’t be alone right now.” It was nice to see them trying, and if it had been a while ago you’d have jumped at the chance. You could tell that they cared about you, but that was another life. That person they knew was dead.
“No, Scott I’m not. I came back because of Chris, and now that this mess is over with I’m moving on to the next thing.” 
 “Where are you going?” 
 “I don’t know yet. Anywhere that isn’t here seems great to be frank with you. It was good to see you again but you don’t know me anymore, nor what I need. Beacon Hills hasn’t been home in a long time.”
 It took a while of arguing, before they realized you weren’t budging, and a hugging fest ensued, save for the younger Hale who offered a nod which you were grateful for. 
 “Be careful, okay? Let us know if you need anything.” 
 “You will always have a place in this pack whenever you want it. You’ll always have a home with us.” 
Scott was the last one up, wrapping you up in a tight hug, whispering softly in your ear so that the others couldn’t hear, sincerity lacing every word, your eyes tearing up. She would be so proud of you. 
 You paused at the door, taking a final look around. 
“See you around losers.” You offered up a tentative smile and walked out the door. You had no plans, no idea of what the future would bring but this time as you left the border to town you had one thing you didn’t before; hope. Your hand reached for the necklace around your neck, the one thing you had left of her. It was a gift and you hadn’t taken it off since you got it, silver with the initial a. She used to have a matching one with your initial on it. In a way, she would always be in your life.
 “Let’s go save some people.” You could feel her smiling next to you.
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