#rqg siggif
vampyreblogger · 1 year
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TMA fans, looking at RQG: what do you mean your characters are called Figgis, Giffis, Siggif, and Mr Ceiling? Who names characters like that? Anyway, here are our characters: Mike, Michael, Michael, Michael, Mikaele, and Mr Spider.
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notbynary · 2 years
the saga of figgis et al
(RQG 1)
Alex: The guy with the thousand-yard stare just leans in and whispers into Zolf's ear– (NPC voice) "He'll probably do. If we're gonna make it to crowd control we should probably leave."
Ben/Zolf: (sigh) I suppose you're right, Figgis.
Alex: ... A little bit off to the side Zolf, and then behind him the tall muscular good-looking slightly debonair, but also threatening thousand-yard stare man.
Ben: Whose name is now Figgis.
Alex: Whose name is now Figgis.
Lydia: Whose name is now Figgis, right.
Alex: Because you got his name in before I did.
Ben: I did! I was waiting for that!
(Honey Heist 1)
Alex: Boris, Toddles and...?
Bryn: (through laughter) I don't know, I haven't thought of a name!
Ben: Brymbo.
Bryn: No.
Alex: You better come up with something, cuz it's sticking in my head very quickly!
Ben: Figgis!
[Bryn laughs]
Alex: Don't call it Figgis!
Ben: I can call it- Bryn? Bryn? To annoy Alex, a dark pact?
Bryn: Uh, just... call me Winnie.
[Ben laughs]
Helen: Aww!
(RQG 119)
Alex: So... I'll let you name. You're so keen to name, here, name a character. Go. What's the healer called?
Ben: Giffis.
Alex: Giffis.
Alex: So Giffis is there –
Bryn: Wow.
Alex: I keep wanting to say Figgis now.
Ben: It's Giffis, [Alex: It's Giffis] obviously. Giffis the gnome. Good ol Giffis, we love Giffis.
Lydia: Oh I didn’t realize you’d redone Figgis. I thought it was just because he kept saying "give him a name, give him a name" and I was like "Gilly, Gissis, Givus..." and my brain was like "oh, the Gilly thing"!
Ben: No, the next one is Siggif.
(4Thought 1)
Ben: What's the name of the city?
Bryn: It's just called The City. [Ben, Helen: Oh, okay]. It's the capital, it's the seat of the empire, like, it has a lot of names, but Lowri's character specifically, who has never even gone to the edge of it, just thinks of it as The City.
Helen: So it's a very big city.
Bryn: You, your character's the only one who knows the name of the city, Ben, so I'll let you choose that name later.
Alex: They call it (dramatic) Canary Wharf!
Ben: Ok, that is a dangerous thing you've just done there–
Bryn: Yes, it's gonna end up being called Figgis, isn't it?
Alex: Yes it is!
Ben: That's where my brain immediately went, and I went "No, that'll be too obvious".
Alex: Figgatonia!
Ben: "It needs to be something worse".
(RQG 162)
Bryn: Have we been given a name?
Alex: No. [Bryn: Ok]. Zolf will know it. If, Ben, if you want to tell the party, that's fine.
Bryn: No!
Ben: You're doing this again?!
Bryn: Don't – it'll be Siggif, don't do it!
Ben: Alright!
Alex: So what's the name of the first one, Ben? They're your crew, you sourced them, all Earhart did is put the advert out.
Ben: Bryn is right, it is Siggif.
Alex: Understood.
Bryn: [sighs heavily]
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shy-magpie · 1 year
RQG 164
Airship time! Shifting alliances! Character development! Hints that the Kobolds are ready to be known as individuals rather than hiding behind a generic front with Hamid! Possible peril in the form of storms, crashes in unknown territory, and Wild Magic! An actual new woman NPC!
"Let's Talk?" they're going to talk!
Nice quick intros and the table is happy about the downtime.
Everyone pushes back when Alex tries to say it was awkward.
Alex is so begrudging about giving the party credit for learning their new jobs; kinda nice after all the stories where the main character takes a week to be regarded as the equal of people who made their career on ships for years.
Aw Cel is visiting Azu, who is sun bathing in the crows nest, about time these two got a private conversation. Oh they're offering to make the Crow's Nest more comfortable for Azu. Ship incoming!
Cloud watching just turned into a perception check
Siggif? What are you up to? Good point Cel isn't going to drop everything for
Nice to hear Cel reaching out
Azu is homesick, being sunny & high up
Cel left home at 25-30, made other homes
Another perception check, not giving us the results.
Azu asks Cel for a hug, they hug!
All the new crew members have snuck off, Zolf spots it & seeks them out to get them back to work.
Cargo hold is fuller than it should be, Lyd thinks a hidden room has been made. He finds it and hears the voices of the missing new crew members.
Zolf pokes his head in, its a poker den? Tell me they didn't sneak off to play cards. They did? Or is it a cover?
Really going with "morale exercise"?
Zolf just asked them if they were thinking about a mutany.
Let him know what? Speak up Siggif
Siggif "fancies the orc and wants to know if she is available"
Out of the 3 of them, Alex picks the smelly old man as the romance option?
Zolf bursts out laughing in relief, then tells him to do as he pleases
Zolf gives a masterful speech that works out to "do you want us to explode? No then don't shirk the jobs that prevent us from exploding"
Card counting? Or is the accusation of cheating just standard "I don't like losing" stuff"
Kiko asks Zolf to go back to the bit about mutany.
Zolf makes it sound like he is worried that someone might take advantage of Earhardt "going through a hard time" and that a mutany would endanger everyone's lives unnecessarily.
"I've considered a mutany in the past, we've all been in that position". Is Zolf using his lousy charisma to his advantage? Because he really sounds like a teacher who has been ordered to ask about a rumour going around the school.
Zolf tells them to play poker on their own time, offers to org a club, and suggests if Siggif plays poker with Azu he might get to know her. Siggif can't seem to wrap his head around "talk to Azu directly" and that show an interest in her interests means while talking to her, not trying to get her friends to give you tips. I despair of straight men sometimes.
The Kobolds are happy so Hamid seeks out Wilde, in his quarters.
Wilde assumes there must be something wrong if someone wants to talk to him.
Hamid uses his first name nearly every sentence, which is not subtle as "I am attempting to win you over" tells go. In this case Hamid is trying to win him over because he legit wants to be friends, combined with the usual need to charm people who out rank him. Something by way of parallel to the Cohort there, but I am probably projecting.
"I'm fine, you need to stop asking". Hamid calls him on it and the cuffs.
Oh that was aimed at those of us who know history. Ow.
Hamid gets that losing magic has to hurt, tells him its "okay to not be okay".
Okay I saw parallels but this could be a proper ship.
Hamid is good at this, Oscar is touching his scar again.
He calls Hamid digging "his best & worst quality" then Alex takes a break because he is like that.
"There is no winning this, you know that right?"
Did Hamid miss that on purpose so Wilde would have to go into more detail? Or did he really think he meant the conversation? Because having to manually teach yourself that conversations aren't adversarial goes with the need to charm people who out rank you.
Wilde admits that about a quarter of their conversations are about winning, so he knows he plays that game. Interesting a lot of people don't seem to be, but then he strikes me as having similar issues to Hamid.
Oscar sees this as a time buying measure and doesn't see a win scenario.
God Hamid uses sincerity like a weapon.
Oh are we going to learn what the Harlequins are actually doing
Oh nice pivot Hamid, "its about defending whats here not getting back what we lost".
Oh so the mission is barely permitted by the Harlequins, not the priority I thought.
Ouch Oscar thinks they see him as a joke.
Hamid is good at this.
Alex actually puts it in text Wilde is reminding him of his dad, and Bryn's reaction is "Hamid shudders". So yeah don't tell me Hamid wasn't emotionally abused.
Oh that just made a lot of world building canon.
Hamid thinks this is winnable because they only need to get a good attack on the center not take out the whole of it.
Wilde retreated to innuendo so Hamid must have gotten to him
Wilde knows he uses humor like that, good to know, a lot of people don't seem to be aware they do that.
Could a person change enough to break an arcane link? Interesting.
"maybe 4/10 conversations, but that's as high as I'm going"
Consensus is Hamid won that conversation.
Thank you! Pacific Rim needed to be referenced.
Oh second hand embarrassment time. Siggif is hitting on Azu by offering chewing tobacco. Azu accepts because she is too polite for her own good. He's a friken hipster with flavored tobacco.
Siggif backstory time, oh ow, started when they were be calmed and needed an appetite suppressant.
Azu politely brushes him off after he puts his arm around her.
They discuss the age gap, and that Azu was never frightened or intimidated because its obvious she could stop him physically if needed. Oh and he backed all the way off as soon as she turned him down.
Well I'll be, a show actually handled someone hitting on a woman when it isn't wanted without making it feel creepy or like sexual harassment. I have a pretty low threshold for creepy, so good work.
Fredrick tells Azu not to worry about it. Fredrick is really stunningly bad at reassuring Azu Siggif will be fine without actually pressuring Azu to date Siggif. Cel finally rescues Azu from being comforted.
Is that my ship again?
Phrasing Cel
Thank you, Cel confirmed to have "had relationships across genders and species".
Ah Kiko checks in with Azu too. Is that another ship? "come find me if you want a conversation that isn't awkward".
"is it the incense? I don't, that's twice in half an hour" Aw Cel encourages Azu to take her up on it. Not a ship killer as good people encourage those they are interested in to do what is right for them.
Probably not going canon since Lydia is concerned about the age gap between Azu and humans, which is so much bigger for Cel. Personally I say with different species that species age of maturity is what matters, like Azu wouldn't persue a human teenager. As to Cel, I've never been that good at wrapping my mind around nuance of character ages: Azu feels adult but like college or fresh out? Cel feels closer to Zolf level maturity than Hamid but that could be lived experience rather than "age". I'd put Azu & Hamid at about the same "adult but still getting a hang of it" stage.
End of episode
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cerulean-devil · 3 years
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the crew of the vengeance 
Updated version: https://cerulean-devil.tumblr.com/post/646464013271728128/new-and-improved-crew-of-the-vengeance-now-with#notes 
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sandyxandy · 2 years
For rqg doodle requests, I'd like to see your favourite scene!
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I'll admit, I went a bit crazy with this one but I couldn't decide on a scene so I chose the Bow Bar (mainly because I'm relistening to that episode right now).
[ID: A rough sketch of a bustling bar in RQG171 - The Bow Bar. In the foreground is Wilde and Zolf, chatting. Playing cards at a table behind them are Siggif in Hamid's body and Tadyka is Skraak's body. Behind them on the stage is Meerk in Barnes' body, playing percussion on a drumset. In front of Meerk is Natun, in Carter's body, on vocals. In front of Natun is Friedrich is Driaak's body, playing the accordian. To the right of them are Azu in Meerk's body and Kiko in Friedrich's body, both looking awkward. There is a kobold t-posing beside Azu and Kiko. /end ID]
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evieebun125 · 3 years
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Day 24: episodes 160-166: Episode 163: Friend or Foe
i wish alex would have let us spend more time with the crew on their happy moments
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crustaceousfaggot · 3 years
Ben Merideth, character namer extrordinare
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zeno-is-a-paradox · 3 years
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Sometimes you need to do something tiny and simple!
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flufflecat · 2 years
Do tieflings exist anymore
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timothystohker · 2 years
LOVE that azu found a ticking package in the crows nest and thought it was a bomb but it was just a clock with a little note this is brilliant
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vampyreblogger · 1 year
Each round will last a week.
ada lovelace VS albert einstein VS amelia earheart VS amelie rose VS apophis VS ashen VS atsuanuub VS augusta leigh VS aziza hawaa al-tahan VS azu
barret racket VS bertus VS sir bertrand "bertie" macguffingham VS bi ming gusset VS bolla smok VS brock VS bronc VS celquinthion sidebottom VS charles babbagge VS chinua
WINNER: celquinthion sidebottom
cicero VS draal VS driak VS edward keystone VS eldarion VS elijah wormwood VS emeka VS eren fairhands VS eva van djik VS feryn smith
WINNER: edward keystone
figgis VS francois henri VS franz kafka VS friedrich (airship) VS friedrich (cult of apollo) VS gideon marsten-langdon VS gragg coulson VS grizzop drik acht amsterdam VS guivres VS hamid saleh haroun al-tahan
WINNER: grizzop drik acht amsterdam
harrison campbell VS hawaa layla halima VS hirald smith VS howard carter VS isaac newton VS jacques piaget VS james barnes VS jasper VS jean-luc bolieau VS jeremy
WINNER: james barnes
khantu VS kiko VS kondha VS la gourmande VS lady starling VS liliana beekos VS little VS maximus VS lord byron VS marie curie VS meerk
WINNER: kiko
mr ceiling VS natun VS nikola tesla VS oscar wilde VS paulette loup VS rakefine VS richard haringay VS sagax VS saira hawaa layla al-tahan VS saleh amoun al-tahan
WINNER: oscar wilde
saleh ibrahim al-tahan VS sasha racket VS sassraa VS selene souchet VS shoshva VS siggif VS skraark VS sohra VS sumutnyerl VS tadyka
WINNER: sasha racket
thomas edison VS vesseek VS vivianne messier VS yoshida shoin VS zolf smith
WINNER: zolf smith
azu VS celquinthion sidebottom VS edward keystone
WINNER: celquinthion sidebottom
grizzop drik acht amsterdam VS james barnes VS kiko
WINNER: james barnes
oscar wilde VS sasha racket VS zolf smith
WINNER: oscar wilde
celquinthion sidebottom VS james barnes VS oscar wilde
WINNER: oscar wilde
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wenttworth · 4 years
I'm just saying meerk = loves loud noises = also loves loud colours? they were having the time.of their liFE before the crash
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kindofwriter · 3 years
Still thinking about RQG TV show, but this time about the epic airship montage episode we’d surely have, starting the day they take off and ending just before they hit the borealis.
Like, just think how much character development could be sustained in just one episode:
It’s basically a week of Cel and Zolf straight up bonding. Bonding over ship stuff, over the mutiny, over Cel helping Zolf be a good first mate for the kobolds. Bonding over ‘Zolf sees Cel and Barnes share a look and immediately, in the least subtle way possible, tries to gently push them together.’
Sustained ‘Hide the Fang’ background gags, that only get explained halfway through the episode when Cel is taught how to play.
Cel knocks a tankard over while helping Zolf wash up and he laughs at them for apologising to it.
Zolf and Wilde spending time together in the kitchen, because Earhart refuses to eat with Wilde, and Zolf refuses to let Wilde not eat. At first they’re silent and awkward, Wilde taking notes at the table and Zolf doing his usual agressive cooking style, but towards the end of the week he’s got Wilde up at the stove, stirring and tasting things, gently grabbing him by the waist to guide him out of the way. Cel definitely walks past and gives them a look.
Highlights of Hamid and Wilde’s daily convos. When they’re onto relationships, Hamid tries to bring up ‘well, Cel said you and Zolf-‘ only to be met with ‘yes? And? We’re a team? What of it? Don’t mention it. I’m going to bed.’
Someone is constantly trailing Cel like a shadow (hint: it’s Sassraa).
Extreme awkwardness whenever Siggif talks with Azu on the first night, and further awkwardness as Kiko keeps trying to talk to her and getting interrupted by Siggif.
Cel’s a little heart eyes when they see Barnes play darts.
At one point during the storm Wilde tries to come up on deck and almost gets thrown overboard. Zolf grabs him, clips a carabiner through his belt, then lectures him about wearing a harness up on deck. He sounds really mad. Especially when Wilde explains that he just wanted to ask if he could eat some leftover stew for dinner. He promises not to do it again.
Carter can always be seen skulking in the back of a scene, trying to find something to do. Sometimes he’s working on a little handheld puzzle with one of the kobolds. It’s cute.
Kiko boldly making eyes at Azu while Azu does the ‘looks. Looks away immediately. Waits a second. Looks. AAH!! They’re still looking!! Looks away!’
I have to go to sleep but aaaaagh, ship montage has set up home in my brain and refuses to pay rent!
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shy-magpie · 1 year
RQG 165
Live blog under the cut
"Hide the fang" sounds like a euphemism, either for killing someone or sex
I love how fast Alex is getting.
Oh first minor storm, so they got some experience with normal issues before hitting magical territory
Briefing time. Oh the one hand I still want to like Earhardt: mostly due to lingering affection from the trip to Prague, but also because I don't want to write her off over what she is like in her worst moments. On the other hand, racism isn't "I said something stupid because I was in a mood"; being reckless with the lives of other people, especially people who trust you, isn't something that can just be overlooked.
Yeah cold turkey is not the kind way to help someone break addiction. Sounds like she is actually doing better physically and mentally.
Having trouble reading her tone, she seems almost bored with the possibility of them being in danger? Ok she sounds a bit more "here" now that its moved to specifics and actionables.
Well those are some things to keep aware of.
They are to shoot at white flags? That's a bit of a line, I expected more protest but Hamid is trying to stay out of the rank issues. Zolf kind of has to back her right up until he mutinies. Cel is noted as baffled. Not sure how this hits Azu. She sort of has a point in that she was hired as an expert and for all we know pretending to be in distress is a common tactic around here.
Helen obliges the needs of the story by having Azu request an exposition dump from Hamid. Aw its nice to hear him recognized for what he knows not just what he does but he sounds nervous or hesitant. It is kind of scary when you are turned to as the one who knows the most on a subject but you know how far from an expert you are. Plus he learned in University so explaining things with accessible language when you only discussed it in a place that values jargon is hard.
Fredrick gives a practical example.
Oh Cel has experience because people live in Wild Magic areas in America.
Elf Lore! Elf Lore! Elf Lore!
Oh nomadic Elves in the North; not all Elves are nomadic these are because they are ducking the shifts of Wild Magic.
Cel is confused because they expect similar groups living in the Wild Magic areas of Russia.
Zolf clarifies that the warning is restricted to people approaching from the air. Which fair enough, everyone said how risky this is as a one time thing to save the world so probs not worth it on a regular basis.
Fredrick says staying high is protective.
Hamid is checking in on Wilde with daily gossip sessions so he doesn't isolate himself.
Re: Wilde's theories:
Eh I'm not personally a Fredrick/Siggif shipper but I could see where someone else might.
Kiko is a wild card and may hit on more than one person. Well yes? Good for her? My understanding is that part of declaring clear interest early is willingness to move on if not reciprocated rather than pining at them all voyage.
Hamid tells Wilde about Siggif being interested in Azu.
Wilde thinks someone should "take the bullet for the team but it might help everyone if Earhardt got some action while they are up here". To which Hamid grimaces, because yeah.
Except for the last it sounds like Wilde is mildly hung up on people's sex lives when personally I find unofficial rank/alliances/who looks to who more interesting but allos amirite? Even in fandom discussions with other aces, shipping is often the easiest lens to discuss relationships/dynamics between characters.
The last was not the kind of joke I like but I think was made to make a point about Wilde not being as deft at his little games anymore and forcing things. So I am going to take a moment at Hamid's grimace rather than be distracted from listening. Wilde always did like playing with boundary pushing. Hell, the first time we met him in the series, he broke into Hamid's apt mostly in a "and what ya gonna do about it" move. He might have grown on me but the man can be an ass.
Altruism!?! Also did he just imply Hamid should be the one to sleep with her?
Aw Hamid is encouraging the Kobolds to be more individual
Huh not following the transition back to Wilde.
Oh no rolling for it. Kobolds make themselves real scarce when not working. I think thats a good sign like they aren't afraid they'll get in trouble for taking time for themselves where the boss can't reach them.
Cel remains awesome and wants to develop their friendship with Skraak specificly. Aw Lydia wants to clarify it was friendship not to gain this mechanical stuff Alex is giving Cel. So 3 ranks in Kobold culture
Hamid is careful to not intrude on Cel & Skraak's time. He knows he needs to be gentle & give them lots of room so they don't get frightened, but he knows he needs to put in the work to break down that "the world will end if the boss gets mad" thing.
Oh Kobolds have a thing about people knowing where they sleep.
Yes the Sasha joke was necessary.
Oh Cel figures out where they are likely to sleep so they never come across them accidentally.
They have a simple game called hide the fang. Its not a euphemism, it just means hiding an actual fang. They are actually playing a silly game just for them and Cel is the only one out of the cohort they trust.
Lydia wants Cel & Skraak to actually be friends. They are also encouraging(?) Azu and Kiko.
Azu finds a package in the crows nest. Its ticking. She takes it to Zolf who goes with her to show it to Cel.
I love this image of Cel in the engine room.
I love Cel. Few things scarier than a clock/the passage of time.
Cel opens it with extendable tools. They have a complete set of extendable tools and Lydia makes it sound sensible. Cel is relaxed because they think its a courting gift from one of Azu's admirers. Zolf is hovering prepared to heal them after the inevitable explosion.
It is trapped so opening it leads to a small explosive charge, but Alex has his 'I'm up to something' voice on & I half remember seeing a spoiler before ducking. Plus Lydia doesn't take it as an actual threat.
Alex the condition of the clock is not our priority here. Come back after explaining what the heck is happening.
Cel was actually right from their first guess
There is a note.
Azu is still on the "wait we trust this thing stage" and Zolf is leaving now that he isn't needed.
Cel is dangling the note over Azu's head
"sorry. Here's a clock."
So its an apology from Siggif? Ok that tracks
Please like Carter would be that direct.
She was engaged when she followed the palidan of Aphrodite? "He couldn't come with" and they are friends, he's a potter.
Rock popouri sounds neat
Oh Azu tried to move on but the woman wasn't as serious about it.
Cel was married!?! Multiple times!?! Ah they have a healthy attitude and are imparting their wisdom on Azu.
Azu has the fang behind her ear.
Oh ow, really Sasha never got to do a slight of hand but Cel is using it for the fang game? Oh she did to cheat at cards with Azu.
That viral post was awesome.
Lydia teases us about that roll being the pivot point in whether Cel would have pursued Azu, but she already expressed concerns about a romance with that kind of age gap & as half the players involved that is a totally valid line. You don't need to like, read, or write, much less play a romance that makes you uncomfortable.
Unusual rock formations? If you squint it looks like it says "do not go here"
Azu picks up Hamid on the way to take this news to Zolf who is in the kitchen.
"Draal has been continuously underfoot" smelling and tasting things
Zolf keeps shouting "what do you want?". Draal keeps giving him double thumbs up and going "nice".
Zolf bumps this up the chain to Earhardt immediately.
Hamid knows mountains are in the area in general but not the specifics because maps are incomplete.
Azu apologizes for not looking to Earhardt so Zolf stops to reassure her that she did it right.
Hamid takes a look from the crows nest, there are shifting colors and it looks spikey.
Zolf is professional and efficient in reporting to Earhardt. She joins Hamid in the crows nest. Hamid is polite about asking if they should turn as well as raise the ship.
Zolf summons everyone with the "oh no" bell
Oh there is a borealis, wasn't that a sign of high magic Cel said the nomadic Elves avoided?
Its a rib cage so big they mistook it for a mountain?
Its a bear? "its a grizzly sight" it died about a year ago and has been picked clean.
"Hamid is just muttering swear words...because he can't cope" The cohort is forming a chain off the rail to get a better look. Zolf is falling into hunting the kracken mode. Cel is unimpressed, this is bigger than any they saw in America. (20 stories vs US's 3)
Wilde sounds lively and shares a dirty joke with Hamid.
There are more? Several more?Oh its corpses as far as the eye can see but in an 'elephant's graveyard' way not a 'what killed them' way
They risk going into the cloud cover to stay well above it. Hamid marks it on his map as "ursa major". Alex has to make it ominous.
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cerulean-devil · 3 years
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new and improved crew of the vengeance, now with more historically accurate buttons!  /hj
(it’s just the polished version for the rq competition) 
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