#rotten vale is also beautiful tbh
elendsessor · 4 months
as flawed as the locations in worldborne are, the rotten vale is genuinely fantastic especially in terms of concept
i love the relationship between the coral highlands and the rotten vale since its much like how the actual ocean is structured!! the deeper you go, the more disgusting looking critters there are, all living off of those who swim down too far or die. that’s the abridged version anyways. one of the most unique area concepts i’ve seen in any game i’ve played at least, plus the place being made up of various dalamadur remains is an awesome touch (the bigger mons especially elder dragons are inherently interesting from an ecosystem standpoint and details like this are ones i enjoy).
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kaijuzilla · 6 years
MOD Review: Monster Hunter World
(As a joke I see “Ocean Man” as a slideshow of the hunters and huntresses hunting all monsters like the Spongebob movie credit. Which tbh it sounds so fitting for this game lol.)
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(!!!WARNING!!! This contain spoilers and language for readers and younger age. If you want avoid spoilers or you already seen it on YouTube then go ahead.)
What can I say about this game...When it was first announce I got little down since it coming to the PS4 because I don’t have one nor a Xbox One but when my brother bought the game later years which is on Steam I was so excited all my downs for the game are gone. I was not liking the monsters designs when first seeing them and now I love the designs like dam! And when seeing and hearing the voice acting I actually like the English more than the Japanese dub. Also TBH I don’t see why Handler get some hate or annoying? I find her kind of helpful in the game like yes some I know what effects does but I never know what dragon blight does and when she tells me I now know. But now let me talk about the main story of the game or other word the campaign.
People from the Guild are requesting hunters everywhere to come and help them on the mysterious elder dragon migration to the new world. (Also Ace from 4 Ultimate is there.)  Past games I play always as a male character but this time for first time I play as a girl (I just like bad ass women and armor designs). You’re trip has gone crazy when Zorah Magdros who is a gamera looking elder dragon who also come to migrate and cause disturbance to the ecosystems and your boat too as you try to get to Astera with the Handler. So it’s up to you (hunters or huntresses) to find out why Zorah Magdros is doing here and help set the ecosystem natures in balance along with doing quest and helping the people with research and gardening along with other stuff as you follow it’s trails and fight each areas top apex predators. Later on you find out the Zorah is going to a place not to migrate but to die which can lead to a huge explosion to every area of the new world so now you must stop it from getting to the place by using the dragonator. But the new mysterious elder dragon Nergigante is trying to stop the plan like the first time you try to stop Zorah. 
Now you stop Zorah getting to it’s place now you must go and find Nergigante who turns out to be a monster that eats elder dragons. So you go stop Nergigante and then suddenly more elder dragons came along with the world eating Deviljho...
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After you take care the elder dragon the Handler made a great question on why the elder dragons along with Zorah Magdros come here? The answer was finally reveal since the final boss is a giant glowing blue baby of death! Not even Fat Bastard would eat this baby! 
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This fight was scary from video I watch but going at it solo and with good armor all max before the hunt was kind of went ok? Like for it’s sacry size and big hit attacks which can get you to half health bar kind of went ok. I have to learn my surroundings which then I got it alright.
Now finally you finally defeat the biggest threat to the new world who the baby is now name Xeno’Jiiva. You’re a free hunter who now can hunt and study along capturing monsters with no threats at all...except the Corn Grenade Seregios and Deviljho coming in and disturb the hunt.
The game is breath taking. Previous monster hunter games when you just go in you see a monster and they just attack you then you attack back. But this game it’s actually different and it has done very well.  The monsters well some don’t just like see you and just go in like “YOU PICK THE WRONG HOUSE FOOL!” some are actually just gentle creatures which you can just walk with and you learn to like and love them more. I even walk with Vaal Hazak which became my most favorite elder dragon in the game and from the type of monster it’s actually a gentle giant. The game makes you think that in past games that seeing theses creatures in their habitats and you’re just some hunter who comes in and kill them makes you think that you’re a monster the whole time...
Also what I think the best part of the game is the pet systems. Which is just you go to expedition use capture net on small critters and put them in your room which they became your pet which is really cool and cute. But other than that the Turf Wars are just so cool to watch monsters fight each other which is like watching your imagination come to life in a video game. 
The tracking system is probably best thing in the game cause I’m actually getting tired of paintballs and later game you don’t get them in high and g rank in previous games. The tracking system is where you try to find the monster tracks and if you get enough the scoutflies will lead you a trail which leads you to the monster. They also help that if red there’s dangers and if blue it’s either a threat or elder dragon tracks which helps you before fighting Xeno. It also helps out as a area item location showing the side of the screen what sin the area or what monster shiny drops easily.
Now the characters of the games are actually good. I began to like the Handler who she’s the nerdy girl who like food and helps you on your hunts and travels giving like information and help you cook food in your quest (WHICH THAT IS ONE THING THAT MADE THINGS SO HELPFUL! THEY FINALLY FIX IT YES!!!!!!!!!! AND ARMOR WEAPON CHANGE DURING QUEST O MY GAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) The commander who doesn’t know where his Dragonator is which is funny. some other interesting ones but one my favorite is the Gordan Ramsey Palico like really you can see him with Gordan Ramsey voice or personality do you?
The armor and weapons are good as they show the skill tree of what will come next if you upgrade your weapons and armor skills are also good too which you can make really good armor sets. If you want to be like a head on partbreaker I would recommend a Bazelgeuse and Deviljho armors together it’s really good together. But the best armor part is always the Wiggler head  which I love it alot. Those coat mantles are also good which each one has good ability but once use need recharge which can be stressful but later on you’ll get use to it and know when best time to use it.
The Areas in the game are really beautiful. I think the most iconic one I would definitely look around is the Rotten Vale cause that’s where which I know everyone knows who play the game is actually the elder dragon serpent Dalamadur from $ Ultimate. Just seeing it’s size makes me think like this is an adult or elder age of the beast and it’s just so amazing seeing it here in the new world. Ancient Forest is very jungle and I like it. The desert area is interesting having a small jungle and also a watering hole area. Elders Recess is where the best boi is. The coral highland is really great and there’s WIGGLERS EVERYWHERE!!! I AM ONE WITH THE WIGGLERS NOW!!!
And now the bad stuff in the game. I would say the bounties are kind of not understand bale like it wants you to hunt a type of high rank monster but when I did the monster doesn’t count for the bounty. I would say the Handler is annoying like all fans saying but I kind of find her helpful from time to time. Also the tempered monsters are like DAM they are hard I haven’t got to temper Kirin yet (NCH Production thanks for warning and guide) But going against 2 Bazelgeuze is the most difficult thing I’ve done alone. I did call for help but none respond and some just die so fast that I was really worried! Also the other part is the call for help. I call help alot and no people came to help out. And most time when all going alright with the players online it just suddenly get disconnected leaving me alone and that was so scary. Also finally the most disturbing part is those FUCKING GAJALAKAS!!! I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING TO YOU THE RATHALOS HIT YOU WHAT DID I DO!?!?! They will bother your carving and do some damage with their throwing knifes but they do help with the monsters your hunter by paralyzing or put them to sleep.
The controls are very simple just like the 4 Ultimate controls but the side triggers have new stuff like the Slingers. Which I like the slingers it’s a good side weapon like a mini bowgun with a grappling hook making you spiderman to the Monster Hunter. Makes mounting monsters more good as you jump on either the back, head, or tail which make getting those parts of the body (easy advice to carve fast jut crouch down and carve it’s good).
Also interesting part of the game is that if you go to the Elders Recess you will find the Bonfire from the Dark Souls game which is an interesting Easter Egg. Also I get that Chameleos isn’t in the game but he’s actually watching you this whole time because he’s camouflage in the environment. Trust me if you look carefully you’ll notice it’s eyes moving and the shape as the body looks wavy in World which I think I saw it in the forest. And I really can’t wait when Final Fantasy crossover comes to the PC so I can hunt that Giant Kulu Ya Ku!  Along side with the Kulve Taroth.
This has to be one of my favorite Monster Hunter Game of all. They got everything perfect and weapons new controls are still same like the 3Ds which I’m glad that still says. I thin the best part still is like following monsters daily life which makes it like you’re doing some animal documentary. I’m giving this a....
8.5/10 Monster Gems!
If you’re wondering what armor I use from start? I will say later on I been using the Bone armor the whole first quest till high rank I change to Wiggler than to the combination of Earplug Bazelguse and Partbreaker Deviljho Armors with Duel Blades the whole time. like I never expected using Duel Blades would make me go so far and so fast hunting monster fast and capturing them easily. Except the Kushala Dora that one is difficult than I remember. And yes hunting Deviljho and Bazelguse I was terrifying at first. 
If there’s one or two more monsters I wish join the new world it would be the flagship monsters from every game.
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