#rorica mbav
wiccanweir · 2 years
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baby rory????????!
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cubile-animussy · 9 months
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mbavholidayexchange · 5 months
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to: @gplovesmbav from: @cherry-pie-with-hearts
Title: Operation: Christmas Party | Rating: General Audiences | Word Count: 3,192 | Summary: Ethan decided to plan a Christmas Party with the help of Jane and Benny. It has various amounts of success. He even gets the girl in the end!
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spritey100 · 2 years
I know these aren’t very good starters, but I tried in case you wanna rp with me or anyone else. (Part 1)
(I prefer to be Ethan jn my roleplays but sometimes I’ll be flexible)
(Jethan starter) It was late at night, and there were two boys walking down the street. Not Ethan and Benny, but Ethan and Jesse. Ethan looked down at the ground as they walked, terrified that one wrong movement would have him killed. Ethan was holding a bouquet of black roses, looking up at Jesse every now and then. Jesse just stared down at him every now and then, cracking a small. “Come on, we’re almost there..” he says as they near a certain persons (will be discussed) backyard.
(Sarah?, Ethan, and Benny)
Benny was joking around with Sarah, annoying her. Ethan was late this current day so he wasn’t there to provide Bennys entertainment. Sarah tried to tell him to go away just for him to keep bothering him, but it did nothing. Sarah eventually had enough, kicking him and walking away. Ethan approaches from behind a few seconds later, looking at him. “Hey, Benny.”
(Ethan, deaf for a few days au)
After a vision of a very loud noise, Ethan hears nothing but loud ringing. Cries of pain escaped him as he covered his ears. It felt too familiar, like with Serena but worse. Ethan tried to stay with Benny in hopes that he’ll keep him more safe than anyone, considering he was his best friend.
(Deaf for a week, Benny au.)
Due to a failed magic spell, and suddenly hears nothing. Nothing at all. Benny tried to yell but he heard nothing. He saw Ethan and Sarah mouthing words, assuming they might be panicking. Benny shrugged it off and waited for directions, even though he couldn’t hear. “WHAT?”
Due to a dare by Sarah, Erica was forced to ask Rory out. She was flustered but angry. She wasn’t one to drop down, so she eventually agreed. She buys some rainbow flowers from the store, giving them to Rory later at night. “Will you go out with me..?” She asked, ready to smack him with the flowers whether he said yes or no.
(Evil Benny. Bethan?)
Due to some black magic, dark Benny was revived, and he wasn’t happy. For revenge, he decides to brain wash Ethan, so he’d be completely clueless. As his friends tried to convince him he was talking to the wrong Benny, Ethan was just confused. He didn’t even know there was a second Benny. It started to drive him away from Benny, thinking it was weird and creepy of him. The gang needed to find proof that there was a second version of Benny, before it’s too late.
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mbavyuri · 1 year
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spectralarrovv · 2 years
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the nerd to vampire pipeline is real and they are the blueprint
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pixiepaintt · 5 years
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in this house, we support erica and rory’s friendship
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teambennyweir · 5 years
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I made a pentagram, very cool.
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queerbennyweir · 5 years
wow i love rory
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and erica
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benny-queer-blog · 6 years
I’m planning on making edits/gifs for different MBAV ships and I need help figuring out what to gif
If you know any specific moments for the different ships (Serica, Bethan, Rorica, Bennica, Etharah, etc.) such as the way they look at each other, them touching each other, kissing, etc., tell me and I’ll try to gif them!
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dramioneandsnowbert · 4 years
I’m holding a vote for MBAV ships and my personal favorite is rorica bc I’m me. Comment your fav. Rorica Bethan Sarica Berica Sethan Rora Ethica
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cubile-animussy · 9 months
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my rorica post being the header for the mbav tag. i've peaked 🙏
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shima-draws · 7 years
I wanna make a bethan fanvid so badly but I can't for the life of me find anywhere to get the episodes aaAA
SAME THO…literally the only place I’ve been able to find it is on Netflix and. Ghh it’s frustrating.
If anyone can lend a hand and tell this wonderful person (and me) where to get some good quality downloads of MBAV lemme know!!
Anonymous said: Omg I love all your mbav headcanons esp trans ethan & pan benny and I actually got ready player one yesterday because I saw you talking about it and I’m so excited to start it as soon as I finish my summer reading
AAAA TY!! I love…pan Benny it fits so well and.
Omg that’s so exciting! I really hope you enjoy it, it’ll definitely be more fun to read than a summer homework assignment lol   
Anonymous said: i kind of ship benny and rory but bethan will always be my number one ship so i wanna ask besides bethan what are your other mbav ships and when did you start drawing and drawing benny and ethan and watching/liking mbav
Ooh boy me too!! Ronny’s a really cute ship but Bethan will always be the top fave for me ^^ They’d be super adorable but like. God honestly I’m too attached to Bethan to see either of them with anyone else really
Hmm…other ships? Let’s see
Ethan/Sarah is cute, I think I like them better platonically tho. Same goes for Benny/SarahI ship Sarah and Erica a lot! Vampire girlfriendsI also really like Rorica :’) You can blame the Blood Drive episode for that but yeah Rory’s just so cute how he follows her around like a puppy, imagine how he’d be if she actually returned his affections ya knowI can’t ship Ethan and Rory that’s too weird lol I can only see them as close pals, nothin moreI don’t think I’ve ever shipped Bennica I just. While I love Erica I just don’t think she’d treat Benny right and they’d always get on each other’s nerves it would just be a bad time overall so yeah;;I do like the idea of an OT3 with Ethan, Benny and Sarah tho it would be really cute!! The boys would treat her so well and each other and she’d always protect them and have their backs it would be super good!
Aaaaand yeah I think that’s it :0
I started watching MBAV waaaaay back in middle school, about when the movie first came out actually :0 I wasn’t really there when the seasons were being released but I did watch them afterward! So yeah since 2011 so that’s like. Five, six years I’ve liked the show? I’ve kinda been there since the beginning so that’s cool.
I actually didn’t start really drawing Benny and Ethan until about a month ago. I mean very rarely I’d draw them in my sketchbook but I hated the way I couldn’t get their appearances right…until now! Now I’ve had more practice and I’ve developed a lot as an artist so it’s easier for me :’)
Anonymous said: hi im a big bethan and mbav fan they’re my otp ship and i love the show so much and miss it and benny is my fav i love him so much hes my crush and i want a season 3 so badly but anyway so i want to ask when did you start shipping bethan and what are your fav moments between them in the movie and show and what are your fav episodes of season 1 and 2 ps i also ship erica and rory they so cute aslo low key ship benny and sarah a little bit lastly please write more mbav fanfiction
Hi!! Me too, wow…
Benny is the big fave and I’ll be honest I had the BIGGEST crush on him back in middle school sjnfdj
I’m still hoping for season 3 too, at this point I don’t think it’s gonna happen but there might be a sliver of a chance for another movie so!! I’ll hold on to that hopeApparently Vanessa knows what happens after the cliffhanger of the season 2 finale but she’s not allowed to say anything about it!! Which is frustrating but it’s kinda cool that she knows what happens to everybody!
Hmmm…I think I started shipping Bethan after I stumbled across some decently-written fanfiction of them :0 At that point I was just getting into shipping in general beyond the “Oh those two are cute together” sort of phase, so yeah! Slowly but surely they wormed their way into my heart and now they’re one of my top OTPs!
GUH-OSH I have a LOT of favorite moments but uhh lemme see*When Ethan helps Benny into the car after he got hit in the movie*The whole entire seeing Sarah as a vampire scene. Mmmm*When Benny leaps in to rescue Ethan from Jesse even though he’s still injured*“You went to the bathroom together?” also “You took a shower at the same time?” “Different showers, Rory! Different!”*When Ethan’s dragging Benny along at the party*When Benny tries to touch Sarah to get a vision and Ethan slaps his hand away lol*The part where they’re cuddling in the cage after the whole love potion fiasco (duh, that’s the most obvious one)*When Benny gently guides Ethan into his closet to help him after he was temporarily deafened by the siren’s attack*Benny freaking out about the whole “geek brain” thing in the Frankenstein hockey player episode*How Ethan got really worried about Benny when he got bit by a zombie*How Benny got really worried about Ethan when he got bit by Jesse*When Benny pretends to be Sarah and Ethan asks him on a date and his dad walks in on them flirting lmfao*Evil Benny. Just. In general (especially when he’s like “I want my own evil best friend”)*First episode of season 2 when they’re talking by their lockers and Benny summons that chick :’) I just really liked that scene it’s so cute*When they’re making noodles together and have pink aprons on*”You can do it, magic man.”*When Benny helps to pull Ethan out of the mirror*That time when Benny was in the shopping cart “Ethan, this pizza is topped with another pizza!” Also right after when they got beat up by children lol*When Ethan was speaking to Benny through his gym shorts //sniggers*And also this is kinda sad but when Benny promised to uphold his bet with Ethan about asking Sarah out and plans to give him $100 in coins (I think it was that much? Idk) I think it’s funny how Benny gave him an entire YEAR to ask her out and he waited until the last day pfffpt
Favorite episode of season 1: Tie between Double Negative and Smells Like TroubleFavorite episode of season 2: Siren Song
Mhmm! I have a couple of oneshots I have lined up, idk when I’ll finish them but hopefully it’ll be sometime soon!
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pixiepaintt · 5 years
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pixiepaintt · 5 years
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erica takes up 2 squares because she’s that extra lmao
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