#rok stage
martyrbat · 10 months
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hm hm hm i feel like this will be really interesting to read with the knowledge of korra and how that effected her instead.... because korra (from my limited knowledge so i could be talking out my ass here) knew she was the avatar at an early age and DID get that community. she had katara and her parents, she had her mentors, she was isolated from the real world during so and perfected the elements other than air (which i kinda recall her struggling with and how its the opposite element of earth so im excited to see if those kinda play out :3) and she was more eager to be the avatar and the excitement and significance it brought (which was a bit clouded by her being sheltered but also would have been expected more before the war impacted things)
i also remember matty saying kyoshi struggled with earth bending (which im super excited to get to and see/see her journey and how it will differ) but!!! i just think its really fun how theyre kinda off the bat setting up this expectation and new grounding for readers who have a past grasp of the avatar universe. even as someone who isnt super familiar with the lore, i know enough to recognize that oh! thats something new!! so just kudos to the writer(s?) for just setting this up to be something very different and in a natural way :3
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bienmoreau · 2 years
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Talking to my colleague the other day about this piece and realised I’m probably never going to finish it any more than it is now so here ya go. I’m calling this one done.
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years
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Not Gallows. Galileo.
Star Trek: Prodigy "All the World's a Stage"
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itsuki-minamy · 11 months
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* K - Stage 02: Part 2
* RoK: Chapter 5
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Net veel te veel geld uitgegeven aan Efteling Pins :)
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feels weird to be in the Rock Opera Server having very much Not Watched The Rock Operas but also i just KNOW that the moment i do, they will literally Eat My Brain, and i want to be able to engage with them at 100% capacity without destroying the rest of my life, so i have to Wait
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nikonladyz4 · 6 months
JK and JM decision to enlist together.
​​⁠JK and JM felt it was in their best interest to serve together. This speaks to the bond they have, whatever their relationship is or is not. They both knew that tattoos could limit life choices for them, yet they still chose to ink themselves. During the live, it was Jimin who spoke about wanting to join the Special Forces. JK seemed to mumble something too. The unit they were speaking of is the ROK Special Forces unit that reports directly to the President similar to the US Army Green Berets or Navy Seals. Both JM and JK have the physical abilities, martial arts skills, MMA skills, etc to do this level of training. Tattoos ARE ALLOWED in this unit. The issue is it requires a 4 year commitment and serving potentially around the world. This unit is for a career soldier. The Unit V is enlisting with is Special Operations/Military Police. This unit only requires an 18 month commitment and yes, does not allow visible tattoos. Remember all members have tattoos.
Jimin and JK had to apply months ago for this companion program. It was a three stage process that took several months for approval. They most likely knew for years they were going to enlist together. Jungkook got his first tattoo in Sept 2019. All members had planned to enlist in the military in 2020, before COVID killed those plans. JK had to know when he got his very visible tattoo what the limitations were regarding the military, yet he chose to move forward. Even back then, he could not serve for 4 years. He and JM had most likely decided back then they were going to do the companion program. In 2019/2020, they were perceived to be much closer back during that time, than they are in 2022/2023. Yet, we now know how close they really were/are this year, in spite of limited public outings.
They both had the opportunity to apply to a multitude of units that would accept their tattoos, individually. However, they were limited in the units that accept the companion program. This should tell the naysayers that Jimin and Jungkook have a tight bond. They gave up other units that would have been a lot more comfortable and safer (locating land mines) if they had enlisted separately. We may never know the true reason for the joint enlistment, but obviously they are close friends who love and depend on each other. This has nothing to do with shipping, but simply the bond between them. They are looking out for each other verses meeting individual goals or challenges.
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fallen6253 · 2 months
Hello hello!
I was rereading Choi Han’s indignity test for the thousandth time (I need more little rok soo pls I'm desperate) and the thing that catches my attention now is the clues.
It says food, warm home, clean clothes, and abundance of food for dinner.
Not thinking about any other clues the author did not show us (there was definitely so much more; we were robbed–) because that would drive me insane from what we know so far (there’s so much yet so little I wanna cry).
Anyway, some found it confusing how there were two notifications about ‘food’ and ‘abundance of food for dinner’ so now I want to word vomit about it.
There is a difference between having food to eat at all and being in front of so much food there’s no way you could eat it all.
Food in general was scarce for Kim Rok Soo at that age (well, at most of his ages but anyway) so imagine being Rok Soo and letting a stranger take you to their house because you want to avoid your own and instead of the things you probably had been expecting, this total stranger just.  Started putting food in front of you and tells you to eat.  To eat all you wanted.  And he leaves for a bit and Rok Soo enjoys the cartoons you rarely get to watch because the TV makes too much noise and you don't want to be locked away in your cold and dark room again.  But then the guy comes back with even more food and when you tell him you’re full he looks.  Devastated.  And the man hides the food he thought you didn’t see, which is so ridiculous you almost crack a smile, until he brings out an apple pie, and now you’re baffled.   
And what really gets me is that Choi Han calls him a good boy.  And little Rok Soo looks baffled.  And there is no notification about comfort or praise covering up his indignity.  
Which implies he is already at that stage where he does not know how to take compliments seriously and just assumes the person is either lying or stupid (which may track in his logic for this stranger that brought some random kid home and just started feeding him).
Or it implies that compliments and praise were never something Kim Rok Soo thought of wanting.
You can’t focus on wanting to be loved if your priority has to be finding a way to survive.
Which tears my heart into pieces because.  This little baby, o my lord, I wish you could feel safe enough to want someone to say something nice about you, that you lived well enough to be concerned about people liking you.  I wish he knew that there would be people who loved him, waiting for him in the future, and that he would not only feel lost forever.  I wish he was living well enough to want to delve into his favorite books with open fervor, talking with others who were reading the same thing and discovering a new way to see a story.  I wish he could feel safe enough to express himself in any other way that did not say ‘it does not matter much what happens anymore’ and ‘I don’t have the strength to go against all of this despair’.  Because this little kid grows up to be so strong, in ways he can’t even see in himself because he’s too busy lifting other people up from groundless depths. 
And he grows up to be something so big, and so warm that it’s such a happy miracle he survived the environments he lived through.  And even after suffering so much loss and failure, he still can’t help caring for people.  And he does it in a way he is conscious of, but he explains it away as a strategy to survive, and it’s his selfish way of finding solace in bright young futures he never had.  Because he needs to justify it.  Because simple kindness can be thrown away and mistrusted so easily, and it can vanish in an instant.  
So he explains it away as a selfish action when he wishes to find solace in saving others.
In becoming the comfort to others he did not get.
In becoming the person he wanted to save him.
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jokeroutsubs · 1 year
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Interview with Joker Out's member Nace Jordan, from Slovenian magazine Kranjčanka!
"Enriched by a special experience"
We caught up with Nace Jordan, bassist of Joker Out, a week or so after the Eurovision show in Liverpool, a few days after the show in Zagreb, and just before they left for the show in Dublin, where they sold out their first show in twenty minutes… On stage, they kept company to the Irish performers.
The fact that this guy, who is otherwise from Mlaka (T.N: small village near Kranj), is fully booked, can be confirmed by telling you that he moved into a new flat in March of this year - he has been living in Ljubljana for some time now - but he has spent less than 14 days there until it was time for the Eurovision Song Contest. He still returns to Kranj at least twice a week to visit his mother and to stay true to himself: he decided to get a personal trainer a while ago, so now he also goes to Kranj to train there.
Nace Jordan came into contact with music in primary school. He first played the guitar, which he soon replaced with the bass guitar. "Around the fifth grade of primary school (T.N: 10-11 years old), I became interested in instruments and a classmate and I decided to start a music group. He bought a drum set and I bought an electric guitar. Then we quickly saw that there were no bass players. So I sold the guitar and bought a bass guitar," he explains. He has no formal musical training, but says he has been lucky that wherever he has gone in life, there has always been a good mentor who has been able to guide him.
I: How long did this primary school group last?
N: In those days it was a well-known Kranj band called Success. We did a lot of gigs. It's interesting that all the band members from that time are now living off music. They are, for example, the guitarist Nejc Ušlakar, Tajda Jovanović - also from Mlaka - who is a top classical singer and used to sing at the famous Scala in Milan; if I am not mistaken, she is now teaching classical singing in Dubai. We just created an environment for ourselves and stayed in music. The drummer and keyboard player, Aljaž Bernik and Miha Petrovič, have, for example, a very successful wedding band, called Pop Deluxe.
I: What came after primary school? (* (T.N: In Slovenia, primary school lasts for 9 years, from ages 6-15)
N: I enrolled at the then Iskra University, majoring in mechatronics, but just before graduation I started working - actually playing on a cruiser. By some chance I found myself at a jam session open mind in Kranj, where the Kranj drummer Rok Rozman was looking for someone to go on the boat with him. He was impressed with me, I auditioned and of course they weren't very happy at home when I confronted them with the fact that I was going to take my final exams the following year. I was just 18 years old.
I: Was that a cruise ship?
N: Yes. We were travelling in the Baltic Ocean. I remember that we started in Germany, in a port north of Hamburg, then continued on to Gdansk, St Petersburg and to the Scandinavian countries.
l: That was probably the only time you've been on a cruise ship of that kind, a tourist cruise ship?
I've had a lot of people ask me if I would ever go on holiday on a cruise ship. Probably not. But I would go and have another look at the one I played on.
I: When you came back to Slovenia, did you graduate from high school? N: I didn't and I still regret it a little bit. When I came back from the ship, I started working with the singer Katarina Malo. During that time, I was also taken under the wing of two musicians from Primorska (T.N.: a region in the South-Western part of Slovenia) - that's what I mentioned: I found myself somewhere and then a mentor came along. I learned a lot from them. They were David Morgan and Denis Beganovic - Kiki. The first one is a top jazz drummer from the coastal area, he organises a lot of stuff, and he also plays with Avtomobili (T.N. slovenian band), I think he even played with Plestenjak (T.N. Jan Plestenjak, a famous Slovenian pop singer) at one point. Whereas Kiki is a multi-instrumentalist. He's an extraordinary talent. He has worked with Kanzyani and other famous DJs and musicians from abroad. He has made a lot of music, and he also led the Big Band from the coastal region. That was a really nice period for me. I even moved to the coastal region for a short period.
I: Why music, why not football?
N: Certainly not football (laughs). It's the sport I'm least talented in, or rather, all ball sports fall into that context - be it table tennis or football; and, even though my surname is Jordan, I'm the worst basketball player in the world (laughs). Just two days ago, I met my first grade teacher, and of course the topic of music and Eurovision came up. She told me that she knew even back then that school was not for me, but that I would definitely do something creative in my life. It brought back memories of how bored I was at school and how I would rather draw under my desk than listen, even though I was not a bad student.
I: You haven't been a member of Joker Out for long.
N: Since last year. Martin Jurkovič, the original bass player, felt at some point that music was not his main path. He is also an extremely talented programmer and is studying in that direction. He wants to study abroad and decided to finish that chapter. I knew the lead singer of the band, Bojan, from some mutual friend groups before, and the guys were looking for someone who was around their age, professional, good at what they do, and they thought of me. And Martin was in favour of me coming into the group instead of him.
I: And did you imagine that the band would continue the way it did?
N: From the beginning I went into the band with a bit of hesitation. I even suggested a test period. I had learnt that there has to be chemistry between the members. And if we didn't get along with each other the way we do, we wouldn't have performed on the Eurovision stage. We would have had a fight otherwise.
I: Do you spend a lot of time together?
N: First there were the Eurovision showcase concerts, and now there is the summer concert tour in Slovenia. We also have quite a few problems, because we get a lot of calls from abroad. It's logistically difficult, so we're looking for a solution to link some of the concerts to the tour. After the Eurovision Song Contest, we really started to get noticed abroad.
I: Was this your first Eurovision Song Contest?
N: Yes. But I have been to EMA (slovenian national selection for ESC) several times before.
I: Was it as you imagined it would be?
N: Even better. I can say that everyone who has been through this kind of experience has told us that it will be really tough: there will be a lot of work, but that we should also expect crazy parties. But in the end, it was much less exhausting than we expected. In fact, we had such a busy schedule beforehand that Eurovision itself was almost easier for us afterwards. We were practically in the Arena for five days, the rest was socialising, interviews and other commitments. In principle, we like that.
I: You seemed to be well received.
N: We were lucky enough to have connected with practically all the performers. We were always in a good mood, which was seen and felt both in the performances and in the interviews, during the statements. We came home really enriched by a special experience. And it was really nice to see how the people at home supported us. After the first semi-final, we got some footage of how they were watching us and we were just amazed how behind Bežigrad (Ljubljana district), let's say, they watched the first semi-final show in an organised way. The energy was crazy, like at a match.
I: What about Liverpool? Was there any time to "play tourists"?
N: During Eurovision, not really. We were in Liverpool before, because we were shooting a video. I think it was after Barcelona, and we did a lot of walking around the city then. For those who like the Beatles, Liverpool is great.
I : How did it come about that you went to Eurovision in the first place?
N : When I came into the group, the guys and I immediately started talking about whether we would go to this year's EMAs. We decided to go. We knew we would definitely be one of the favourites because we have a really big and extremely loyal audience. Well, then the EMA didn't happen. The jury decided to make their own choice, from the five entries who had the most songs of the week during that year. And I think only two of us ended up applying. There was no EMA, and they sent us to Liverpool.
I: You mostly use Slovenian in your songs.
N: Of course. We have a few songs in English, but we mostly sing in Slovenian. We were talking about how we would work going forwards, and we agreed not to bother with the language. We are proud of our Slovenian language. It's really something beautiful when you see an adult Peruvian man or a five-year-old Spanish girl singing our song in Slovenian. In that moment you understand the athletes and you are proud to be Slovenian.
I: How is it on the street? Do people recognise you? You often hear: is that the bass player of Joker Out?
N: Yes, quite. Most of the time it's people who say something nice to you, or want a selfie. Of course, there are also some "admirers" who stick gum all over my car or leave messages. There's a good side and a bad side to being a public personality. Sometimes it requires of you to spend three hours taking photos - but if you enjoy doing something, that's not a problem either.
I: Do you think that it is actually the fact that you get along well in a group that "pulls" in the audience?
N: The energy between us is definitely something that is contagious. I don't know if it's what makes the audience really like us, but it's something that puts even someone who is in a bad mood in a good mood.
Translation by @kurooscoffee (jokeroutsubs). DO NOT REPOST!
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startrekprodigyfan · 1 year
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One of the things you can do with 3D animation is block out a scene the way you would live action. It’s definitely a lot more work, but it allows you to keep the camera and action dynamic.
Star Trek Prodigy is full of moments like this, where all 6 characters are conversing or interacting with each other. And rather than do multiple cuts, they allow the camera to move around between them in one continuous shot.
This shot in particular has a lot going on. I don’t know if technology has made it easier, but I remember when passing objects from one character to another was a lot more challenging and was often hidden with a cut. So when I see Jankom grab the paper from Dal and play with it a bit, that still impresses me.
The shot also begins with a follow through of the previous shot (not shown) where Dal flicks his hand to stiffen the paper. That motion caries into this shot.
Then there’s the little moment with Murf trying to get a good look at the papers. He can’t see over Jankom’s shoulder so he tries to climb up on Rok like he usually does, only he can’t quite make it and ultimately resigns himself to having to wait to see it. Again, with characters touching and interacting with one another I wanna remind you that 3D objects have no mass or are solid, so all that convincing interaction is fabricated by the animators.
Finally you can see that Zero keeps moving through the shot. The camera isn’t tracking them, so as the camera pans away from them, they have to keep readjusting themselves to fit the new composition. This is classic blocking and staging direction to keep the flow going and remind you of characters even if they’re not currently speaking. Your eye might not be following them, but you are aware of their presence.
Every time I rewatch this show I appreciate all these little details more and more.
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swiftsaltsweet · 4 days
Thief in the Avatar's Estate: Chapter 1-Intruder
Characters: Rangi and Kyoshi and Yun (plus whoever appears in Rok)
Pairing: Rangshi
Yun decides to head off to bed after his travels from fighting with the Fifth Nation. But as he does, he and his bodyguard, Rangi, hear strange noises coming from Kelsang's room. When they go to investigate, they are surprised by what they find.
(Canon divergent AU-What if Kyoshi was raised by her parents?)
Other Sites: AO3 and Fanfic.net
A/N: This is an AU of the Rise/Shadow of Kyoshi novels. I’m assuming you are a fan of/have read those.
I’m used to slow-ass burns (absolute crock pot behavior), so this one is going to be a bit more speedier than other stuff I’ve done (both published and unpublished). 
Yun heaved a great sigh of relief as the healing water washed over his frostbitten feet.
He looked around at the other survivors on the ship. All wounded, but thankfully, not dead. The mission had been a success. Well, at least Plan B had been. 
The original plan had been to peacefully talk things out with the daofei leader of the “Fifth Nation,” Tagaka. Strike a deal, free the hostages. It didn’t need to get bloody. 
Tagaka, however, had other ideas. She already had plans for betraying Yun, the Avatar, as well as his team. 
She had laid an ambush for them, at the icy mountain top where they would be signing a treaty. Far away from earth and rock. Cutting off the key resource for him and his master, Jianzhu, and the majority of their entourage. 
It was supposed to weaken them, not having their element to defend themselves with. They were also not having any waterbenders to protect themselves around terrain that was advantageous for waterbenders. They were only allowed to have two firebenders for any real protection without jeopardizing the negotiations.
It would’ve worked too, if not for Yun’s quick thinking ploy. They had snuck his waterbending master into their group, a man named Amak. They dressed him in Earth Kingdom robes and had him put  spidersnake droplets into his eyes so that it’d temporarily change to the color green. Hiding the last remnants of his Water Tribe origin.
The next misstep for Takaga was not checking their gear properly. Small batches of sand were sewn into tiny folds of their clothing. Their snow boots, thick for the snow, were hollowed out in the middle and filled with perfectly bended rocks. 
It was certainly not enough to fight a whole army, at least for a typical bender. But between Avatar Yun and his master Jianzhu, it would be easy enough.
The last, and most crucial key ingredient, to the backup plan was Yun’s airbending master, Kelsang. He had the hardest task, as he had to follow and oversee everything from the air. All without rest alongside him and his flying Bison. The most difficult part was actively bending without rest for over twenty-four hours, but he said he was up to the task.
This was all so that if anything went south, Kelsang could air drop the real ammunition for the earthbenders from his beasts’ saddle. Giant boulders of earth. 
From there the stage was set, and Tagaka played her role well. She attempted to kill Amak, but was not fast enough. Yun saw the ice spike ready to piece the man just in time to bend him out of the way with the earth contraband hidden in his clothes. 
From there, it all went right. They were able to take out most of Tagaka’s men, with Jianzhu taking out all of her ships. 
Yun fought Tagaka one on one, his first real fight against an opponent who truly wanted to kill him. He attempted to just disarm her, which was hard considering she had unlimited ammo on the terrain.
The duel finally ended in a fatal blow, a stone spike to her heart. Yun had run up to catch the dying woman, and as she died in his arms she whispered one last attack to him.
“What’s the matter, Avatar?” she coughed out blood. “Is earth all you can bend?”
The words pierced him harder than any blows she had been able to land.
She just had to hit me right in the complex huh? Yun laughed bitterly to himself. 
Yun was the Avatar. Master of all four elements. But so far, for the past two years, he’d only been able to master one. His birth element, earth. But this was a secret, one that only he and his earth, fire, air, and waterbending masters knew. 
He made up for his lack of bending prowess with his diplomatic wits and studies. But even he knew that could only get him so far. 
He shoved the negative thoughts to the side, and looked across the room to the two firebenders that braved the journey with him. His firebending master, Hei-Ran, and her daughter and his bodyguard, Rangi.
Rangi turned to him with a fierce look in her eye, and a sullen pout on her lips. She wasn’t exactly a fan of her shoes being blown off in the smack dab middle of a snowstorm. She and her mother, however, could keep themselves warm a lot more than the other members of the expedition. All thanks to their firebending.
She pressed a thumb to one side of her nose, and blew out a blotch of blood. It seemed like one of the waterbenders got a solid hit to her face. 
Yun gave her a friendly smile and wave, to which Rangi glared at him harder and then looked away. Yun chuckled to himself.
This whole thing was reckless. You’re too reckless! And what was that stance you used earlier? It’s making the spirits weep! I’m going to give you a crash course in fire academy training when we get back! Yun imitated Rangi’s voice in his head. He knew exactly what his friend was thinking.
And while he appreciated her concern, he was not looking forward to the “training” she was about to put him through.
“-and why did you put your foot there of all places?!” Rangi chastised him for the uptheenth time. It’d been like this their whole trip home, ever since they finished receiving healing from the healers. Yun was honestly surprised she was able to keep an eye on him during such a haphazard battle. 
“Rangi,” Yun attempted to sound stern, but some mirth still slipped into his tone, “You aren’t my firebending master. You’re my bodyguard.”
“I can still point out imperfections,” Rangi continued, undisturbed, “especially if they are glaringly painful!”
They were marching through the mansion, and she was going to give him a piece of her mind all the way up until his head hit the pillow.
She may have idolized the Avatar and Avatar-hood as a whole, but she was not going to let him slack off in any way. 
Yun laughed. Having a pretty girl yell at you wasn’t the worst thing in the world. Even if she was the one girl on the estate who didn’t fall for his charms. Or the fact that she looked exactly like her mother. The same person who made Yun’s life a living hell with her training. 
“Quit laughing, this isn’t funny! You could’ve been killed! And then what? Wh-”
Yun was about to laugh again when he felt something shift in the ground ahead of him. A place where no one should be at this time of night. Especially since most of the occupants were still located in the forefront of the mansion.
Yun quickly clamped his palm over Rangi’s mouth, quieting her.
“Shhh” he whispered when she gave a muffled protest. “Listen.”
There was only silence, but it couldn’t fool Yun. The Earth loved him, and it was warning him someone was up ahead. 
The two slowly crept through the mansion, until they came by a room. Muffled sounds were coming from it. 
It was Kelsang’s room. Yun and Rangi crouched on either side of the door. 
Yun poked his forefinger into his mouth to wet it, and then poked two holes in the white paper covering the shoji door. 
Rangi and Yun peered through the holes, and sure enough someone was there.
For a moment, they both thought it might’ve been Kelsang, as the figure in the room was almost as big as him. But this figure, though tall, was less broad than the Air Nomad.
An intruder! Rangi’s eyes bored into Yun’s. Her thoughts feed right into his own.
Let’s ambush him on three! Yun glared back at her with determination.
One! The duo stood up.
Two! Yun lightly hugged the wall next to the door frame, preparing to ram it.  
Thre-! The wall gave out near Yun, causing his hand to slip and for him to lose balance.
He fell through the sliding door, with Rangi following after him as she tripped over his legs.
It was something so disgraceful, they blanched at the thought of having to ever think or talk about it.
They scrambled, attempting to unlock their limbs from each other and face their intruder.
When they looked up, they were met with a large, ghostly woman, towering over them in the pale moonlight. 
A/N: Who likes Yun? I like Yun! Yun’s such a good boy. *pats Yun on head* :D Very upset we never really got Yun and Rangi interactions in the novels. u_u 
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Mctna modern au headcanon
This is so ooc but pls forgive me 🙏🙏
A 32 year old Seon-ho sits down in the corner of a bar by himself. It's barely past 9 but most people have already left. The ice in his drink had long since diluted whatever cheap alcohol he'd ordered. He closed his eyes as a band started up on the makeshift stage, losing himself in the music and his memories.
And I met her downtown in the slums of Austin Once we were sober, she said "I'm from Boston" I told her, "I couldn't give Massa-two-shits" Luckily, she likes guys that treat her like
Third-year uni student Seo Hwi gives in to his friends Mun-bok and Beom to at least attend one party before graduation. It's not that he doesn't like them- in fact everyone agrees he'd probably be the life on them. He just doesn't see the point in partying with a massive group of strangers when he'd much rather just have a good time with his friends.
Enter Nam Seon-ho. He's in the same year but mainly keeps to himself. Still, that doesn't stop him from stealing glances at that one handsome, always-smiling Culinary Arts student. He decides to go to this party and get blackout drunk 'cause once he graduates, he'll be stuck back at home with his dad learning the ropes of his company.
They reach the venue (a rundown off campus house with shitty LED lights all over the place) that night. Mun-bok quickly leaves Hwi to chat up a pretty girl by the drinks table and one of Beom's other friends beckons him away. Hwi feels a bit stranded so he gets his own drink.
He makes small talk with some people but an hour later he's bored. He goes to get another drink when he sees Seon-ho, the 'kinda beautiful actually' business major he sometimes sees walking around campus, chugging back some disgusting mix of drinks like there's no tomorrow.
Help me, everyone calls me Mickey Just wanna be your darling
Hwi wants to approach him but Seon-ho talks to him first, thanks to some good old liquid courage. They hit it off really well even if Hwi makes one too many corny jokes. One thing leads to another and then they're making out in the corner before stumbling their way into Seon-ho's apartment. Sung-rok curses when the door to their dorm slams open and throws a book at Hwi who barely dodges it. He's grumbling something about 'damn self-destructive tendencies' as he makes it out of the room just before they're making out again.
A couple months pass and they're actually a couple now. They graduate and move back to Seoul. Seon-ho takes up a job at his dad's company while Hwi is now a new hire at some fancy restaurant. Things are good for the while. They're happy and making time to see each other. In fact, they're almost unhealthily dependent on each other.
So, listen, I know you're probably with him And maybe for good reason But, you don't fuckin' need him I warned you
But as the years go by, they're getting busier and Seon-ho is getting more stressed at work because of Nam Jeon. He starts drinking more and more. It doesn't help the fact that the owner of the restaurant Hwi works at, Yi Bang-won, has started to take an interest in him. This gives way to lots of arguments between them. Why talk it out when they could just fight and fuck instead? Plus, Seon-ho gets to the point where he's almost always drunk when he's off work and has even started to get high.
Maybe stop getting your advice from the guy you get your high from
Hwi can't bear to see the love of his life- because they both know; that's what they are to each other- destroying himself day by day. Especially when it puts Yeon in danger because of it.
How can I love someone that can't stand The thought of loving me back? Why do I think I need that? I know you, pick me But one day, babe, you'll thank me For teaching you how to leave A piece of shit just like me I warned you
They break up.
Everything goes to shit. Seon-ho is convinced Hwi hates him and that Bang-won had a role to play somehow. Seon-ho overdoses. Nam Group gets involved with this huge drug scandal. In the midst of this all, Seo Geom passes away in jail after wrongful imprisonment and Yeon develops epilepsy. Hwi's mind is so clouded with worry, grief and anger, he's convinced that the Nam family was responsible for those fake charges. Seon-ho and Hwi hate each other.
Yeah, I remember when you said how you wish that I was dead So, I tried to kill myself Swallowed way too many pills And god the tummy-ache was shit But not enough to kill the kid
Against his will, Seon-ho survives. Nam Jeon shipped him off to rehab, telling his failure of a son to keep his head down and listen to him. For the next 6 years, the only confidant he has is Sung-rok. He and Hwi don't talk anymore, even if they both hate and yearn for each other each day.
Sometimes I wish I didn't live But I'm so fucking glad I did I remember what you said You were wishing I was dead Now, you're wishing me the best 'Cause my song's stuck in your head
In the present day, miles away, Hwi is listening to the same song on the local radio station as he's washing wares in his kitchen sink. He'd uncovered the truth about Bang-won about 2 years ago. By then, all forms of communication between him and Seon-ho had been cut. He felt such horrible guilt for blaming Seon-ho for getting Seo Geom imprisoned after their breakup as some horrible form of revenge. He'd sunk to the floor, tears welling up in his eyes when he recalled the last words he'd hurtled at him, "You pretend to be so different from him but you're just like your father!"
As Hwi puts a dish on the drying rack, he sighs deeply to himself . His heart constricts painfully in his chest. Even though he can't forgive Seon-ho for getting Yeon hurt those years ago, he hopes that he's doing well wherever he is. He just wishes he could make things right between them.
I'm so glad I still exist Just so I can rub it in
In the bar, Seon-ho gets up to leave, the condensation from his unfinished drink pooling at its base on the table. He wonders what Hwi would think of him if he saw him now. When he realised he was all alone in this world, he'd made it his mission to at least quit getting high out of sheer spite.
You were perfect and I'm so sorry I'm such a dick But you still love me I still regret letting you leave me Don't you forget you used to need me
Now, Seon-ho knows that they'd both had parts to play in the train wreck of their relationship. They were both argumentative near the end and were never willing to compromise their own values for the other. At his lowest points, he'd wondered what would happen were he to lose his wretched pride. He and Hwi could've talked to each other. The heavens knew they were so fundamentally flawed and yet, they understood each other in ways no one else could.
Seon-ho looked up at the stars and shoved his hands into his jeans pockets. Hwi, if you can hear this...I'm sorry.
In his home, Hwi's heart suddenly felt a bit warmer.
For as much as both men had and still hated each other, they'd always loved each other far more.
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ojciecgnateusz · 6 months
Szybkie podsumowanie tzw świąt (bo tradycja, bo w sumie spoko, a w moim przypadku zmierzenie się z EDmundem, który jednak trochę straszył)
Stage 1:
Wyglądając jak absolutne kupsko (na drugiej wigilii u teściów już nie) dokończyłem sprzątać pokój. Jak to od początku mojego związku bywa, pierwsza część wigilii u mnie, spędzona nie tylko z rodziną, ale też oczywiście i tradycyjnie z partnerem, drugą część u teściów (chociaż rok temu akurat było odwrotnie). Jedzeniowo - nie aż taki dramat, bo dramat nastąpił dnia następnego (chociaż nie mogę powiedzieć, że psychika mi nie tańczyła kujawiaczka w wigilię). Co roku podczas świąt lubiłem mieć nawrót, bo święta to mój najgorszy trigger. Walić to czym sobie codziennie trenuję mózg - meanspo, umierający na AN ludzie wychwalani za swoją rzekomą perfekcję - nie rusza. Wigilia już wprawia mój mózg w robienie salt w powietrzu. Jako, że w obu przypadkach przywiązanie do religijnych aspektów żadne, w zasadzie była to wspólna kolacja z ciekawszym żarciem. I tutaj przyznam - z czystą świadomością zaczynającego się spierdolenia nie jadłem aż do owej kolacji (nikt zdrowy tak nie robi, przed nawrotem trzęsłem portami jak nigdy). Nie było aż tak źle, nie licząc nabierania sałatki z majonezem łyżeczką do herbaty, modlitw nad smażonym pstrągiem, gdzie wyraz twarzy miałem niczym kot srający na pustyni. Później poszedłem do kibla, sprawę przemyślałem, uznałem, że ni chuja się nie dam i poszedłem jeść normalnie (nie dlatego, że raz dwa trzy partner i rodzina patrzy). Generalnie good ending
Stage 2
Dzień wczorajszy
Tu już było trochę gorzej, ale nie pod względem jedzeniowym (powiedzmy, bo konsumpcja moja była tu poruszana) tylko psychicznym. Mianowicie przyjechał szwagier. I nie - nie chodzi o homofobię, zresztą jako takiej nie doświadczyłem właściwie wcale w moim życiu, nie licząc głupich dzieciaków i ciotek moherek i szwagier tu wyjątkiem nie jest. Chodziło drodzy państwo o Głupie Pierdolenie™
Zaczął swój wywód od 'tylko ty masz wszystko zjeść' co już mnie na dzień dobry wkurwiło i od owego jedzenia mózg mnie skutecznie usiłował odciągnąć, ostatecznie jednak zjadłem, więc w sumie tu no problem. Jechanie mi i P. po ambicji było tą najgorszą częścią. Chuj mieszka w warszaffce i pracuje w hamerykańskieh korporacji, wobec czego rości sobie prawa do jebania po nas. M.in dowiedziałem się, że moich rodziców nie stać na kawę (bo poprosiłem o kawę) i mi współczuje jazdy rzęchem. P. ostatecznie hardo się wkurwił i sekundy go właściwie dzieliły od wysłania go do stolycy za pomocą mocnego kopa, ale ostatecznie zachował zimną krew i jednak mu nie wpierdolił.
Po spotkaniu z teściami i chujem jebanym ewakuowaliśmy się żeby się świątecznie nawalić z ekipą.
Stage 3
Podsumowanie wrzucę jutro, bo do końca dnia może się wydarzyć wszystko
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
I know you have been in this fandom for 10 years long. I must say I'm curious about your thought on this series. What does the series have that makes you stay with it for such a long time? Is there anything you find unsatisfied abt the series? Does this series have any effect on your life?... etc
I know this kind of ask is kinda personal, so you can refuse to answer if it makes you uncomfortable. Anyway, tysm for what you did for the fandom!
Honestly it’s mostly just the neurodivergence :P Well, basically I get really attached to things I like and will stay attached like a limpet until something else comes along to catch my fancy, and nothing’s made me really fall madly in love since K so here I (still) am. There are a lot of things that attracted me to the series in the first place, in order: Fushimi, Fushimi, and also Fushimi. He’s the first thing that attracted me anyway, his character type is just the kind I like a hot mess. I wasn’t really into him much when I first started watching, I’ve mentioned before but I was kinda eh on the series until after S1 ended and I listened to the drama CDs. The Sarumi interview and especially the Private Hero drama really hooked me with just the general complexity of Fushimi’s issues beyond the standard yandere that we saw in the series. I could really go on about how good Private Hero is, giving such a great glimpse into Fushimi’s feelings without outright saying it, and the bitterness that Mamoru Miyano infuses into Fushimi’s tone is fantastic. 
Beyond that I’ve since really gotten attached to just about everyone in the series, one of the things that always appeals to me with fictional characters in general is when a character appears to be a specific stereotype but then has some additional quirk going on. For example, how Fushimi seemed a flat ‘crazy obsessed’ character but really is just a messed up kid at heart, or Munakata seeming like a dignified manipulative megane character but he’s also a sparkly nerd, or Yata being a baseball bat wearing thug who is also a ball of sunshine and cries sometimes. K’s big cast means there’s something for everyone, and even some of the weaknesses in the writing turn into strengths — there’s enough canon there to get attached to but so many little cracks and corners waiting to be filled in by the fans and I love that sort of thing. 
That said there are definitely some things about the series I’m dissatisfied about, like I think I’ve mentioned a few times that I dislike how it feels like the narrative tends to be kinda biased against S4 even when they’re objectively right and in general I feel like S4 gets a lot more shit than Homra that they don’t deserve. I also found ROK in general to be rather underwhelming, Gora put a lot of great pieces in place and then kinda just tossed the board away in the end there (I went on about my feelings around ROK here way back if you want a deeper analysis). When I rewatched the series a couple years ago I was struck by how much better S1 was than I remembered and how much worse ROK was, the pacing issues are really prevalent in ROK and unfortunately I think the series didn’t deliver on its potential as much as it could have. That said it wasn’t bad enough to turn me off the show (which is something that has absolutely happened to me with past series I liked, that something happened near the end which disappointed me so much it kinda killed all my love for the series), it just didn’t change my opinion that the anime is, unfortunately, the weakest part of K and what makes it so hard to recommend, because all the best stuff involves a little more legwork than just watching the easily-streamable show. Also smaller disappointments, I wish they wouldn’t have put LSW in 7 Stories and just given us a proper movie, and I still want that last stage play because it will forever annoy me that ROK stage only got through half the narrative. 
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myrammmortal · 19 days
Chapter 33, putting clothes on just to take them off again, again!
AN: I sed shut up itz nut my folt ok if u don’t lik da story den ur a prep so fuk u flamerz!1111 ps im nut updating ubtil u giv me fiv god reviewz nd diz tim I men it!111111 U SUK!1111 fangz raven 4 di help il promiz to help u wif ur story lolz1
“Oh my fuking god!1” I shooted sadly. “Shud we get u 2 St Manga’s, bitch?”
“Hel no!” she said. “Lizzen Egogy, I need ur help. Nex tim u go bak in tim, do u fink u kod ask Tom Andorson 4 sum help?”
“Sure, but my name isn't Lizzen Egogy." I said sadly. It must be the curse, that thing is tenacious if anything and my beauty is just so great that people keep forgetting my name. Must be because I'm so goffik. I went outside the door. Richard was there!111 He wuz wearing a big blak GC tshit which wuz his panamas.
“Hey Sexxy.” I said.
“How’d it go Paul Darkness Alzheimer Birdflu Landers?” he asked in his voice was so sexy and low kinda like Gerard Way when hes talking.
“Fine.” I reponded. We stared 2 go bak in2 da dorm.
“How far did u go wif Satan?” Richard asked jealously.
“Not 2 far, lol.” I borked.
“Will you hav to do it with him?” Richard asked angstily.
“I hop not 2 far!111” I shouted angrily. Den I felt bad 4 shooting at him. I said sorry. We frenched.
“What happened 2 Snipe?” I growled.
“U will see.” Richard giggled mistressly. He opened a door……………Snap nd Lumpkin werz there!11 Serious waz pokering dem by staging dem wif a blak nife.
“NOOOO PLZ!1111” Lumpkin bagged as Serious started 2 suk his blood. I laffed statistically. I tok some photons of him and Snap bing torqued. (ok I no dis iz men but fink abot it ppl dey r pedoz nd Snap trid 2 rap dem and neway sadiztz rok haz any1 seen shrak atak 3 lolz). We took sum of Snipe’s blod den Richard and I went bak 2 our roomz. We sat on my goffik blak bed. My cloves were kinda drity so I pot on a blak leather outfit fingie kinda like da 1 Suelene haz in Undreworld. (if u haven’t herd of it den FUK U!111) . I put on some blak platform high heelz. Richard put on ‘desolition liverz’ by MCR. Den………………………………………….we storted 2 take of eachotherz clozez. I felt pretty stupid talking about how I was going to put on a carefully planned outfit just to immediately take it off again. I tok of his shit nd he had a six-pak, lolz. We started 2 mak out lik in Da Grudge. He pot his wetnes in my u-know-what sexily. I gut an orgy.
“Oh Richard!111111!1 Oh mi fuking gud Richard!1111” I screemed passively as he got an eructation.
“I luv u TaEbory.” he whispred sexily and den he fel aspleep lol.
"Wow, I literally fucked his brains out!" I thought as I drifted off to sleep.
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peachjagiya · 25 days
Thank you for your concern but I'm not Jikooker. But that doesn't mean I have to downplay Jungkook's and Taehyung's other friendships and decisions that they made.
About the SDT and ROK-SWC thing. You have the part with English subtitles, which translated it correctly to special forces. Now switch those subtitles to Korean to get what Jungkook actually said. He said 나 특전사 하고 싶어. Now please do me a favour and google the word 특전사 which was translated to special forces in the English subtitles. And then please tell me what you find. Jungkook said he wanted to join ROK-SWC. This is not some lie the neighbours came up with, I'm sorry.
Jungkook not doing as well is proven because he simply wasn't awarded on stage during the ceremony where the best trainees get rewarded for their achievements during training. That doesn't mean Jungkook didn't do well, just not as well. The knee injury came from a post of someone that trained with Jimin and Jungkook. Now that's something you can believe or not. But as we believe stories we hear about other members as well without visual proof I don't see why I shouldn't believe that too. Because it does make sense. We all know Jungkook would've been one of the rewarded trainees under normal circumstances, so a knee injury making it impossible does make sense.
And they didn't just stay together for training, they joined the 5th Divisions artillery unit together afterwards. Source: https://m.entertain.naver.com/article/312/0000645530
About the interview, well, here you go: https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.naver?blogId=mnd9090&logNo=222993754117
You can use a translator. Doesn't give you a perfect translation but good enough to show you that Kim Dong-young served as a cook, while Lee Shinwoo served as a K6 gunner who both joined together through the buddy system. And they talked about how when they had a fight while being in the Army they made because they share a bed. Which clearly implies despite one being a cook and the other a K6 gunner they did share the same room, in the same dorm. They also say that when Dong-young became a cook they saw each other less which made Shinwoo felt betrayed to which Dong-young said that everything was fine. They both worked their jobs during the day and still went to bed in the same dorm and same room.
There are no romantic Jikook adventures in military. Anyone who romanticises a situation like this is honestly disgusting. But I'm also not going to pretend Jimin and Jungkook are separated or didn't choose that on their own. It changes nothing about what Taehyung and Jungkook have, that two friends, Jimin and Jungkook, didn't want to go through mandatory enlistment alone. The same way Taehyung wanted to do SDT. Both things are ok and don't mean much at all.
Sorry if I sounded snappy, this wasn't towards you, admin. But I hate being accused of something that I'm not and I hate lies. Especially when these lies fall back on a whole group and in the end also on Taehyung because he's the one who's getting dragged in the end.
Pointed but not snappy. 😊
I'm not trying to argue endlessly about it but I'm still confused by the translation. When I put 특전사 (special agent) into Google (it took me so long to realise you meant literally Google it), it comes back with ROK-SWC, yes no doubt.
But the whole thing translates to "I want to be a special agent"
Language varies so maybe I'm looking at this through an English lens but that's a general phrase not an organisation. Say I Google "Special Agent" in English, it brings back the FBI. But I actually want to be in MI5. It just means the FBI have the best SEO.
Consider the context too:
A: I'm going to be rapelling down buildings in the Awesome Squad where we do amazing activities!
B: *sadface* I want to join the amazing gang!
I don't think we're insane to assume he was using a generalised phrase relating to Tae's conversation? Especially as Tae then points at him and JK laughs in a self deprecating way.
I honestly truly see your point. But I also honestly think allowances can be made for human speech patterns and context that reframes the meaning. JK isn't Google.
Thanks anon. It's splitting hairs really, isn't it? Not much changes by trying to work out what JK actually meant. I actually did say I agreed they had chosen to go together.
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