#ris x qara
this-is-ris · 1 month
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I present to you, the two most awkward dancers any nearby Sharlayan would witness.
ft. Ris' absolute favorite bnuuy, @qara-wen
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qara-wen · 1 month
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⸺ now you’re shining, see the light on your skin ♪
feat. @this-is-ris
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malteseboy · 7 years
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translated from @funwithlanguages‘ post
Maltese verbs do not have an infinitive form, verbs are shown in the past 3rd person singular masculine.
to be
the present form of “to be” in Maltese works with the personal pronouns and they act as the verb also!
I am - Jien(a)
You are - Int(i)
He is - Hu(wa)
She is - Hi(ja)
We are - Aħna
You are - Intom
They are - Huma
there is - hemm have - kellu do - għamel go - mar want - ried can - seta’ need - kellu bżonn think - ħaseb know - af say - qal like -  għoġob speak - tkellem learn - tgħallem understand - fehem
that (as in “I think that..” or “the woman that..”) - li and - u / w or - jew but - imma because - għax / għaliex though - għalkemm so (meaning “therefore”; e.g. “I wanted it, so I bought it”) - għalekk / allura if - jekk
note that some don’t have a fixed translation, and are mostly fused with the definite articles & personal pronouns as part of the grammar rules
of - ta’ to - għall- from - minn in - fil- / ġo at (someone’s house for example) - għand at (a time) - fil- with - ma’ about - dwar / fuq like (meaning “similar to”) - bħal / tipo for - għall- before - qabel after - wara during - matul
Question Words
who - min what - xiex (if you want to say for example “what boy?” add the suffix x’ to subject word: x’tifel?) where - fejn when - meta why - għala / għaliex / għalfejn how - kif how much - kemm which - liem / liema
a lot - ħafna a little - ftit well - mela badly - ħażin only - biss also - ukoll / wkoll very - ħafna too (as in “too tall”) - wisq too much - iżżejjed so (as in “so tall”) - tassew so much - ħafna more - iktar / aktar less - inqas as.. as (e.g. “as tall as”) - daqs most - l-iktar least - l-inqas better - aħjar best - l-aħjar / l-aqwa worse - agħar worst - l-agħar now - issa then - imbagħad here - hawn there - hemm maybe - forsi always - dejjem usually - normalment often - spiss sometimes - kultant / xi drabi never - qatt today - illum yesterday - ilbieraħ tomorrow - għada soon - daqt almost - kważi already - diġà even - anke enough - biżżejjed
those with link change depending on gender and amount
this - dan that - dak good - tajjeb bad - ħażin all - kollha some - xi no - ebda any - xi many - ħafna few - ftit most - aktar other - ieħor same - l-istess different - differenti one - wieħed two - tnejn / żewġ a few - ftit first - l-ewwel next - li jmiss last (e.g “last Friday”) - l-aħħar last (meaning “final”) - l-aħħar easy - ħafif hard - iebes hard (difficult) - diffiċli early - kmieni late - tard important - importanti interesting - interessanti boring - mhux interessanti beauiful - sabiħ ugly - ikrah big - kbir small - żgħir happy - kuntent sad - mdejjaq busy - għandu x’jagħmel (lit: he has stuff to do) ready - lest favorite - favorit new - ġdid old - qadim right (meaning “correct”) - korrett wrong - ħażin true - veru
everything - kollox something - xi ħaġa nothing - xejn everyone - kulħadd someone - xi ħadd no one - ħadd Maltese - Malti English - Ingliż thing - ħaġa person - persuna place - post time (as in “long time”) - żmien time (as in “I did it 3 times”) - darba friend - ħabib (m) ħabiba (f) woman - mara man - raġel money - flus country - pajjiż Malta - Malta city - belt language - lingwa word - kelma food - ikel house - dar store - ħanut office - uffiċċju company - kumpanija manager - maniġer coworker - kollega job - xogħol work - xogħol problem - problema question - mistoqsija idea - idea life - ħajja world - dinja day - ġurnata year - sena week - ġimgħa month - xahar hour - siegħa mother, father, parent - omm, missier, ġenitur daughter, son, child - bint, iben, tifel (m) tifla (f) wife, husband - mara, raġel girlfriend, boyfriend - għarusa, għarus
More Verbs
work - ħadem see - ra use - uża believe - emmen seem - deher come - ġie love - ħabb leave - telaq return - irritorna give - ta take - ħa bring - ġab look for - fittex find - sab receive - rċieva buy - xtara try - pprova start - beda stop - waqaf finish - lesta continue - kompla wake up - qam eat - kiel drink - xorob happen - ġara feel - ħass create - ħalaq meet - ltaqa’ ask - saqsa reply - wieġeb read - qara write - kiteb listen - sema’ remember - ftakar forget - nesa choose - għażel decide - iddeċieda be born - twieled die - miet kill - qatel live - għex stay - baqa’ change - biddel help - għen send - bagħat walk - mexa dress (put clothes on) - libes desire - xtaq dream - ħolom ride - rikeb smile - tbissem win - rebaħ lose - tilef dance - żifen sing - kanta open - fetaħ close - għalaq gather - ġabar
hello - ħello bye - ċaw thank you - grazzi you’re welcome - ta’ xejn / m’hemmx imniex excuse me - skużani sorry - jiddispjaċini It’s fine (response to an apology) - tinkwetax / mhux problema please - jekk jogħġbok yes - iva no - le okay - owkej my name is - jien jisimni what’s your name? - x’jismek? nice to meet you - għandi pjaċir how are you? - kif int? I’m doing well, how about you? - jien tajjeb/tajba, u int? sorry?/What? (if you didn’t hear something) - xiex? how do you say _? - kif tgħid_? what does _ mean? - xi tisser _ ? I don’t understand - m’inhiex nifhem could you repeat that? - tista‘ tirrepeti? could you speak more slowly, please? - tista‘ titkellem iktar bil-mod, jekk jogħġbok? really? - vera? I guess that - naħseb li It’s hot (talking about the weather) - xi sħana It’s cold (talking about the weather) - x’bard
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this-is-ris · 17 days
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Day 11- Longing
Oh, I wish I was there with you
There's a crack in my window, a bird in my room Angels all over that watch over you When I'm walking on water, all my dreams have come true Still, nothing means nothing without you, you ♪
ft. @qara-wen
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qara-wen · 2 months
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Love and trust, life is just a game of luck All this time escaping us, until our time is through ♪
feat. @this-is-ris
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qara-wen · 25 days
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And I don't believe in the existence of angels But looking at you I wonder if that's true ♫
feat. @this-is-ris
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this-is-ris · 1 month
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I'll be yours if you'll be mine ♪
ft. @qara-wen
I love to think they are reviewing Qara's plans for a grand airship they can sail the skies with~
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this-is-ris · 6 days
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Day 22- Shower[-ed in Love ♥]
"Ooh, I can't find the words to say They're overdue- I've traveled half the world to say I belong to you" ♪
ft. @qara-wen
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this-is-ris · 2 months
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♪ I'll never let you go- If you promise not to fade away ♪
ft. @qara-wen !!
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qara-wen · 10 days
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And every time we kiss, I reach for the sky Can't you hear my heartbeat slow? I can't let you go ⸺ ♪
feat. @justatheo & @this-is-ris
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this-is-ris · 11 days
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Day 17- Pancake Energy
'You know what they say Qara, breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Plus, I made your favorite-"
ft Ris' beloved bnuuys @qara-wen and @justatheo
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qara-wen · 1 month
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Don't bother to pack your bags or your map We won't need them where we're goin' We're goin' where the wind is blowin' Not knowin' where we're gonna stay ♪
feat. @this-is-ris and @justatheo
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this-is-ris · 29 days
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❀ A lil' tango in the flowers ❀
...and no, I don't think I'm recovered from bnuys on my brain or will I ever be.
ft. my friend's darling bnuy @justatheo
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this-is-ris · 21 days
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Day 7- Pause
A quiet afternoon nap, and a pause from the busy day of adventure and chaos. She wouldn't trade it for anything.
ft. Ris' beloved lads (my wonderful friend's ocs) @qara-wen and @justatheo ❀
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this-is-ris · 1 month
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Come on in, sweethearts- the water is serene and so are we ♡
ft. My wonderful friend's OCs @justatheo and @qara-wen
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