#rip gelert
drum-bot-brian · 7 months
thinking about gelert im so sorry dude
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gwaeddblaidd · 11 months
Feed the Wolf Chapter 8: Empathy (Preview)
(For a more gritty excerpt, see this post!)
“Well,” Wednesday begins after but a brief period of silence. “I suppose my theory holds true. Another night with you at her side, another night Enid’s slept well. Maybe a little too well, this time…”
I chuckle. “You know me; nothing but calming vibes.” I finally lean forward from the bed, forcing myself to support the weight of my own head. “I don’t know. I must be doing something right.”
“Like I said last we spoke: you make her feel safe.” As much as I appreciate Wednesday’s words, it’s clear she doesn’t intend them as a compliment. No, it’s more clinical than that – a genuine, if perhaps unwanted, curiosity. “And as much as I have tried to figure out why that is the case…” She throws her hands up in a sign of defeat. “I’ve got nothing.”
“Maybe it’s just a wolf thing,” I offer, but Wednesday clearly doesn’t like that answer.
“No, it isn’t that simple.” Her gaze turns to the ceiling as she considers her words. “Outside of school clubs she barely spends any time with the rest of the furs at Nevermore. What makes you different?”
“Only Hyde at Nevermore…” I mutter, then a little louder: “Well, as far as I know.”
A disapproving scoff from Wednesday warns me of her scepticism. “Attracted to danger? Enid? No, I don’t think so.”
“No…” I agree, though I’ll admit I’m not entirely convinced. Enid did take a liking to Wednesday, after all. “Something more human, then. Not my forte, and sure as hell not yours.”
As her head tilts to the side there’s a briefest flash of anger but it’s quickly replaced by amusement. “May it remain a mystery to us both.”
With what feels like some degree of understanding between us achieved, I decide it’s about time I pick myself up. I have classes of my own to get to, and while I’m not as worried about being late as Enid appears to be, I still need to head back to my dorm to pick up a few things. With a concerted effort, I pull myself to my feet with the aid of my elbows upon the bed, then take a moment just to stretch out muscles in dire need of movement. As soon as I’m standing, I honestly feel a lot better, far less lethargic, but getting to that point was no small feat. At the end of outstretched arms with fingers interlaced, I crack my knuckles above my head while leaning back almost precariously. That’s better.
As I turn back to Wednesday I can’t help but notice Wednesday is staring at me intently. I mean, that’s hardly unusual, but this is more than just idle staring – she’s noticed something. “What’s up?” I ask.
“You’re hurt,” she says, squinting just a little as if trying to confirm a detail she’s barely seen. “What happened?”
“I am? How can you tell?” I didn’t think I’d been hurt badly enough for it to be noticeable; better make sure I’m at least presentable.
“Bruising and broken skin on the right temple indicates blunt force trauma. Your face is also unusually red. I thought you were just flushed at first, but I guess the rain didn’t wash away everything.”
Blood? Probably mine, perhaps some of Jonah’s. Well, that’s rather grim; I’m surprised Enid didn’t have anything to say. “Ah, noted. I’ll make sure to get cleaned up before classes.”
Wednesday continues to stare for a few seconds, before sighing exasperatedly. “You really like avoiding my questions, don’t you?”
“Shit, sorry, wasn’t intentional that time.” I notice she raises an eyebrow at that time. “It was Jonah again. Well, actually, I guess it was Carter that got me this time.”
“You let that thug land a blow on you?” She sounds like a disappointed parent.
“Hey, cut me some slack. We were on a date; I didn’t expect to have to fight anyone.”
“Rookie mistake. Always expect to have to fight someone and you’ll never be caught unaware.” Her eyes dart to the side and a smile that I’d be tempted to describe as wistful appears on her face. “First thing my uncle taught me.”
What has my own uncle taught me? Other than how to alienate one’s son, that is… How to drink away one’s problems? Doesn’t have quite as good a ring to it, does it?
“Was that all, then?” Wednesday continues. “Just a fight? Things didn’t… escalate?”
That’s an odd question, unless she has a reason to expect things to have escalated. I search her face in vain for something to work with, but she offers me nothing. “No, why?”
“No reason,” she says, far too quickly for my liking. Her speech turns to a less certain mumbling, unusual for what I’ve come to expect from Wednesday. “Strange, I could’ve sworn…” The mumbling, too, gives way to further uncertainty; silence falls upon her and she stares into the middle distance, eyes transfixed upon presumably nothing in particular.
I give her a few seconds, then decide my prompting is needed if I want to know more. “...what? You could’ve sworn what?” But even as the words leave my mouth, I can tell I’m not going to get an honest answer.
Wednesday’s eyes lock with mine briefly before she averts her gaze. She can’t bear to look at me. I can’t imagine telling lies is something she’s uncomfortable with, least of all those by emission, so why is she having so much trouble right now? “Nothing. I must be still waking up, myself.”
Wednesday hardly strikes me as the type to take a long time to get her bearings. No, I imagine she arises from her slumber like clockwork. Why, then, is she unwilling to confide in me here and now? Our relationship has been a rocky one, but I would describe it as fairly honest for the most part. Still, pushing the point isn’t going to do me any favours, and I find my frustration simply coalescing into a restrained sigh which escapes through gritted teeth.
“Just… be careful, alright?”
Title: Feed the Wolf
Fandom: Wednesday
Rating: T
Chapters: 7 of 12
Links: AO3, FF.net
Summary: As the dust settles on the Hyde incident, Nevermore is slowly but surely returning to a calmer, safer state. But for those involved, the scars may take a while longer to fully heal. Gelert Davies, a half-werewolf student, has always kept himself out of trouble as best he could, but a chance encounter will test his resolve and force him to face parts of himself long abandoned.
Tags: Enid Sinclair, Wednesday Addams, Original Character(s), Enid Sinclair/Original Male Character(s), Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Wolf Instincts, Loss of Control, Injury Recovery, Self-Hatred, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Courting Rituals, Werewolf Courting, Werewolf Culture, Eventual Romance, Family Issues, POV First Person
Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful day! :)
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grundos-cafe · 6 months
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[ image description: a smiling blue Jelly Aisha from Neopets wearing a mechanical Cone of Shame, mechanical suit, and glowing blue contacts. In front of him is a hologram projector displaying a green arc-shaped grid with symbols representing an alien, a space station, a spaceship and a planet. In the background is a spaceship hangar bay filled with snow with a transparent ceiling showing the stars and planets. Clouds in the shapes of Neopets fly by. ]
[ image description: a smiling yellow and blue Plushie Aisha from Neopets sits in a wheelbarrow full of autumn leaves and pumpkins. She is wearing a blonde wavy wig with nuts and sprigs of seeds on it. There are leaves on her face and tail. In the background is a street with Tudor-style houses showing autumn foliage. One of the houses has a sign shaped like a pie hanging from it, while a broom with a pile of leaves is leaning against another. ]
[ image description: a pale blue-grey Halloween Gelert from Neopets is holding a purple teapot in his fanged mouth. He has white hair that covers his eyes. He is wearing a black cape, white shirt, and gold embroidered vest. In the background is a dark castle with cone-topped towers. Lightning crackles across a dark sky with a red full moon. There is black mist in front of the castle and bats flying in front of the moon. The gelert is inside a circle of candles and candelabras float in front of him. His front paws glow with blue fire. ]
[ image description: A grey Elderlygirl Orgrin from Neopets dressed in a pink turban, purple earrings, purple horn-rim glasses, and white dress with a purple polka-dotted skirt. In the background is a grassy area with trees and a black, spiky castle. In the foreground are camping supplies including a picnic blanket, a lantern, a grill with hotdogs, soda cans, cooler, and tongs. A bee-like creature perches on a nearby branch. ]
[ image description: A purple 8-bit Scorchio from Neopets under a trellis of purple wisteria flowers. There are purple bubbles floating in the air and potted flowers and neggs in the foreground. ]
[ image description: A green Faerie Eyrie from Neopets dressed in a braided brown wig, denim jacket, ripped blue jeans, and plaid shirt tied around her waist. There is green makeup on her face. On her right is a plushie of AAA the Blumaroo. In the background is a cafe with hanging plants, brick walls, large window, and a lighted green tent with clothes hung over it. There are books and pillows in the tent. ]
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ixiraider · 8 months
VERY torn… I got another FFQ. I’m trying to decide between using it to
Finally paint my Gelert spotted. I’ve really wanted a spotted Gelert for awhile, but there’s a tiny part of me hoping for a Valentines Gelert release, which would be even better than spotted… But that would likely be a ways off anyway, either on Valentines Day itself in Feb or Gelert Day in March at the soonest, if not years from now. Spotted PBs aren’t actually that much and from JN’s pricing I could prolly buy one wholesale within a couple of weeks, but there are like 0 on the market at all right now so that price might not even stay the same. I associate Spotted with generally being a slightly cheaper color tho, so I don’t expect the price to skyrocket 500% or smthn…. But also, this is Neo, so you never know.
Finally get the Mutant Vandagyre of my dreams. Literally the ugliest pet on the site but I’m kind of obsessed with them. I would probably have to literally buy a new pet slot with real money for this and I have no direction whatsoever for character or customization here. I just really like them. I’ve wanted one since they came out and I’m so grateful nobody at TNT has changed them yet like when they tragically corrected the Tyrannian Chomby (RIP).
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siskiyn · 8 months
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so yeah a couple weeks ago i started playing neopets again after 13+? years. i'm over here making a discount dnd party with names like these. i kinda like it though..... my oc brain is stirring after a long, long time. like i want them to be a crew. the found family trope incarnate. ride-or-die. i have no idea what colors i want these babies to be but i'm MOTIVATED. there are so many new paint brush / colors to consider too, i am actually having a blast over here making goals to reach & learning stuff i never ever bothered with in the past.
(please join me)
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MALFEEN thinking wraith for Malfeen, first. he's becoming my battledome pet! something badass and/or eternal looking. that's all really. eventide zafara could be ok too with some customization. he look a little too unimposing with those eyes. something about wraith though OOH i want one.
VHAMPIRR Vhampirr has GOT to change species and color, grundos gotta be the UGLIEST mfers out in neopia i'm sorry. Vhamp's gonna be the leader because i rescued him from the pound first and ngl it was exciting. teenaged sisk never found anything good while pound surfing. now i don't even know how many painted pets i've seen in there. the satisfaction is astronomical.
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anyways i don't wanna be too derivative with a name like Vhampirr but then again cringe is dead, he could be some cool undead mfer. i'm thinking darigan? (once a darigan fan always a darigan fan.) there are many good species options something about darigan xweetok makes me wanna punch it (lovingly). he looks like he'd make fun of you and be camp as hell. he looks like he gets a new piecing every time he's depressed because he finds it quite bracing and rejuvenating, actually.
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OAXUN Oaxun is the only pet i made from scratch, in homage to an old pet from an old account (rip). the rest are pound finds. at first i was thinking making her into a little baby eyrie. babygirl of the party who everyone dotes on, receives the chaotic parenting of the whole gang. but man i love eyries a lot & with a name like Oaxun i feel like a material color like maractite, water or relic would be soo fitting. i'm less and less attached to baby the longer i think on it tbh.
GRIMSVONTE literally just adopted this dude tonight. idk if i'll keep him but i think royalboy or something fancy like that would match the name. he could be that escort mission tag-along that you absolutely suffer through. Grimsvonte hahaha... royalboy gelert got me fucked up with the bowl cut hair. it's giving trust fund kid, Grimsvonte the 3rd... it's giving "mother father i'm off on a harrowing adventure don't look for me". idk it could be comedy gold!!
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not many of the royals appeal to me although royalboy peophin is kinda hot? Hot Middle-aged Grimsvonte?? no i'm not accepting comments. just think about it.
& that's it!!! well i have a baby kougra pound rescue but *covers his ears* i don't really like him or his ugly ass name. i think i'm overly attached to baby neopets due to Nostalgia only. they're relatively cheap to get too. i don't know! can you feel the vibe of this group so far? the vision?? if i do get a baby neopet it'll prolly be a more thoughtful addition. maybe one of the above will magically turn into a single parent. like, say... baby peophin for daddy Grimsvonte? (i know you agree. you agree with me right. look at them together.)
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greywindys · 7 months
show us the neopets! /lh (you don't have to if you don't want to)
Ahhh I'll do so happily!! I've been holding onto this ask because I needed a time where I could sit down and adequately screenshot everything. Warning for Neopets!! I'm probably going to use a lot of jargon that makes no sense to non-players, but that's just how it is. If you have any interest in more detailed explanations about wtf I'm talking about, I would check Youtube! There have been some great videos released in the past month outlining the mechanics of the game, the lore, recent events etc. Anyhow...
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This is my Gelert, Lightning (misspelled as "Lighting" because little kid me couldn't spell). He is the very first pet I ever created. I might update his paint job soon to something more exciting, but I also like the simplicity. His petpet (recently painted Spring) is named after my IRL dog. I love them both.
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This is Butters, my second oldest pet. Idk what I was thinking when I was naming him. Actually no, I do - my little kid self was edgy. But I can't ever part with him because he's from my childhood. I somehow managed to transfer him (along with Lighting) across two accounts without losing him, he is a relic. That won't be his permanent petpet either. I'm still figuring that one out 🤔
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And here we are veering at least slightly on topic - my Lupe, Murdoc. Or Murdocs, since the actual "Murdoc" name was taken. I made him after a long hiatus from the site when I returned briefly (only to leave again up until now). If I truly wanted to commit to making a pet that represents Murdoc, I probably should have chosen a bug or reptilian species...but I don't want a bug or reptilian species ever. His petpet is a reference to the yak he got 2D during P5 fkadlfa. I'd like to ultimately find him one that looks like The Evangelist, but the petpet i have in mind is like, 10 million neopoints, or something insane like that. And I can't get him Cortez. Why, you might ask? Well...
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This is Sanemi. His character has been a wolf in canon, but since I already had Murdoc, I opted for a cat instead, which I think is also fitting. He's typically associated with the colors green, white, and black, but his eyes are purple, so Wraith it was. The leaves are probably as close as I'll get to creating a "wind breathing" effect, and I'm working on finding him an appropriate sword (it's not going well jkadal). He has a few pets, but the only named one is his crow, Sorai. I don't want doubles anywhere if I can help it, so no Cortez for Murdoc.
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This is Sansa, named for Sansa Stark from ASoIaF/Game of Thrones. Her petpet is Lady, named after her late direwolf (RIP). I couldn't not have a GOT reference somewhere, and I also love Woodland Unis.
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This is Rusalka, named after my current favorite song by the Decemberists. I'm probably going to change her color to faerie soon-ish, despite the fact that I chose Maraquan in the first place because of the song and name reference. But they're bringing back the original Faerie Neopet art sometime this year, and I love the way faerie Ixis look, and I always wanted one when I was younger (I was too poor back then).
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This is my second-newest pet, Kacchan. He's a Kacheek (Get it? Kacchan, Kacheek lmao). I finally settled on how I wanted my Bakugou pet to look. I still have to get him a few more accessories, namely a mask and a glitter effect, because in case you didn't know, canon Bakugou is literally sparkling right now. I also intend to change his petpet. The one he has now is just filler until I can save up for the paint brush I need.
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And this is my brand new pet, 2Doc! Sjfkaldfj. I outsmarted the system - "2Doc" might have been taken, but Twodoc was not. She isn't staying that color, might not be staying that species, and definitely won't be keeping that petpet. She's currently call a "lab rat." It'll take to long to fully explain, but basically, if you collect a certain amount of map pieces, you can unlock the secret lab ray where you can zap your pet once a day. It's completely random and can changes species, color, gender, and stats. I plan on zapping her until it feels right, but I kinda want her to be zap Burlap or Plushie atm. We'll see what happens! In this specific pet's case, it's more about having the name than having an accurate customization.
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And finally, this is my Giyuu/Sanemi pet. There aren't really a lot of references here, I again mainly thought it would be funny to have a pet named after a ship, and I created him at a time when I didn't think a 2Doc pet was obtainable. And if we're being completely honest, this ship is better than 2Doc anyways. I also love Plushie pets and the fact that most people probably wouldn't be able to tell that he has a ship name just from looking at the collection of letters. It's stealth lmao.
So, notably missing from this list is a Succession inspired pet. I more than anyone, want, no need to make a Succession pet soon, but the species I have in mind is limited addition, and can only be created on their specific day (the anniversary of the day they were first released). So unless I want to blow through half of my life savings (in neopoints, not actual money), I have to wait until April. Which rn, is what I'm doing unless I'm very fortunate in my dailies or weekly prize.
Anyhow, those are my pets so far!
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garthcelyn · 2 years
31, 39, & 43 for the writer's ask!!
Thanks for the ask!
31. Least favourite part of writing
Burn out, I think. I don't know how often it happens for everyone else, but I've started getting it way too often when I'm excited about the project. Probably because I don't know how to deal with it, but oh well.
Otherwise, it's language, purely because I will throw Welsh into everything because it makes more sense to me/feels more powerful, but of course, I write in English so this is a problem.
39. Weirdest character concept you’ve ever had
It's not weird weird, but I have a race of blue lizard/ant/demon people that are pretty rare in my fantasy world. They make absolutely no appearance in the current set of novels I have planned, at least not in their uncorrupted forms, but they will eventually show up I'm sure.
I also have my horrible cryptid hunting mortician from the podcast I'm working on with some friends. Loves embalming, and leaving corpses in their co-workers' lockers. Might be dead, who knows.
43. What do you do if/when characters don’t follow the outline?
I wish I could say that I can wrangle them back into the plot, but my current rewrite proves otherwise. If my characters won't fit the outline, the outline has to fit the characters.
Unless they're minor to the plot, then they get ripped out and deleted, and the hole gets patched up. RIP to Luke from Deadline, he has never been in a finished draft and will probably not make another appearance in Cwm Gelert.
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battlefaeries · 11 months
goddamnit I drew Percy (Gelert) too bishie for his character and age but it looks too good to change akelehshwkakgjkgkfsh RIP
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nicepets · 2 years
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Pet: Promised
Owner: itspaw
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limen-lime · 2 years
but where's our third wheel?
Funerals were bad enough. Funerals for "two young, promising lives cut tragically short" were even worse. To Jack Halley, who was the reason they were dead, it was shaping up to be the worst day of his life.
His massive Irish wolfhound Gelert, on the other hand, had no concept of bad days or funerals. Or survivor's guilt, for that matter. He was a miniature horse-sized mass of excitement and loyalty, and he was currently getting his wiry gray hairs all over Jack's nice, black suit.
"Thanks, Gellybean," Jack muttered as the dog covered his face in slobber. "I wish I could hang out with you today." He scratched behind the massive hound's floppy ears and sighed. "But I have to go, so paws off, alright? I'm serious."
Jack stood and tried to brush himself off. He hadn't been paying attention to the way the damp grass of his back lawn had left the knees of his slacks wet, but he knew his father would let him hear about it later. Jack strode to the old moss-covered oak where a tire swing hung from one of the lower branches. Thousand-mile staring past the powerlines that ran parallel to his street, Jack pushed the swing back and forth as Gelert nosed the back of his knee and whined.
"Yeah, I know, I should quit stalling. I don't need you to guilt-trip me," Jack told the dog before his mother appeared at his side with a lint roller and his new prescription.
"You're right, but you know it would probably help if you took these, right?" Martha Halley asked him, already rolling any trace of Gelert off his suit and tie.
Jack tossed the bottle of pills from one hand to the other and sighed. "Pills aren't going to change the fact that they're dead."
"No," Martha said and stroked his dark hair back from his eyes like curling it behind his ear had ever kept it from revolting before, though the streak of white was new, "but someday I'd like to see you get out of that dark place you've been sitting in since that night. Is that so much to ask?"
"No ma'am," he whispered and stooped to let her kiss his cheek. Raising his eyebrows at her, he tried for a smile, gave himself a quick once-over, and gestured towards to house. "Ready to go?"
"As I'll ever be." Martha folded her hands in front of her black dress.
Jack wasn't even aware his mother owned an article of black clothing before that day. She lived in vibrant colors, her makeup, her clothes, her nails. She'd been a real estate agent for twenty-six years, and she dominated the market of Asphodel Meadows since she'd married his father and moved into the area. Her trademark was her palette like something off an arcade floor from the eighties.
Seeing her dressed for a funeral, that one stupid detail, struck Jack with the realization of what had happened. It seemed ridiculous. The nightmarish memories of that night, the scattered remains of his friends, the full police investigation that followed. Surely all of that should have been enough for it to sink in.
That and the fact that half the town thought he was crazy for believing a person had ripped his two best friends apart when the police department had concluded that it had been an animal attack. It had landed Jack in therapy, with a rattling yellow bottle of pills to take twice a day, and healing scar on his right arm that he couldn't explain away.
"No reason to delay the inevitable, I guess," he rubbed the back of his neck and gave Gelert one last pat on the head. "Let's get to it."
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wolfofwinchester · 3 years
✶✶ / Your take on the goblins
Send ✶ and I’ll write a headcanon about our muses // oops. sorry for the mini novel and fantasy implementation.
1. Not a solid headcanon, but the idea that these two once stepped out of their time for ten or so years into a faerie realm dawned on me the other day and I really fell in love with it. It was an accident on their part, but it was an incredibly rare blessing from the Morrígan for one of her most devote followers. The idea was while Claudia was blessing the forest clearing behind the manor with her own personal "this is my home, no malevolent force shall trespass to harm" incantation ( Azrael being present because the spook loves to hang with his partner in crime, and Gelert and Lilac because they're almost always with these two ), ravens intervened and twisted the spell. "Home" as in "Manor" shifted, and became the true feeling of "home" that she shared with him. The veil pierced and ripped and the two had their world transition in that disorientating yet familiar way as it does when they cross through faerie rings, but also hauntingly similar to Divine intervention. It was sudden, and neither were prepared for it.
When the world stopped whizzing, they found themselves on a patch gloomed by eventide with a cottage. Eerie similar to their private one, but much different.
Being in the Fae Realm is a dangerous thing, but also incredibly exciting for the right personalities. Wonder, magic. Unreality. Owning property that is God granted by a divine of the Celtic pantheon, encased in a spell where no harmful energies can trespass and encroach upon their peace. But, everything else outside of their property is left in the hands of wild fate. Whatever happens, happens.
Completely divorced from the world they came from, they are suddenly in a new life together. Claudia is no longer aging, and neither are the two constant furry companions. Again, it is a whimsical, confusing and dangerous, but thrilling time. A wild fantasy. Time means nothing here, but it feels like years do pass because they're both still from the mortal world - they feel that subtle sensation that time is passing here in the weirdest, most vague sense. Ten years, at least.
But in the real world, it's only a day or two that's passed. A wink of sleep. How these two wound up back home was the Phantom Queen deciding time was up.
I think it might have been their intent to return one day and relocate their piece of heaven, but of course, canon events transpire that throw a curve ball right into any plans.
2. While few secrets exist between these two, Claudia had absolutely no idea about Ciel's resurrection before the manor reveal, and that's because it was fully intentional on Azrael's part. He had every ounce of confidence he would succeed in bringing the boy back, but after seeing the toll the tragedy took on Claudia, he was not about to risk it by any small percentage. He can count once on both hands how many times he's personally seen his wife weep, and he'd be damned if he'd count himself as an added digit.
Not to mention on Claudia's personal list of taboos, resurrecting the dead is a line that should never be crossed. Her belief is it will always go wrong, and no one ever comes back right. Bringing her grandson back to life is going to be a shock and a horror in more than one way. He knows this about her, and he knows just how hard set in her beliefs she is.
As such, he fully prepared for her reaction once Ciel was brought to the manor, as coolly and as astutely as possible. It was rocky, and he knew it would be, but he did succeed in smoothing the situation enough for her to be as comfortable as she's going to get with his help - the rest is up to her. Azrael's also keeping an eye on how the two interact, watching for signs of disturbed currents that might rock the boat too hard. If they clash, it could equate to a living hell for heart, house and present strategy. He's keeping a good eye on that to keep the water calm. ( the image of ut bouncing back and forth like john mulaney at hitches of tension like: "ok! ok! ok! ok! ok!" )
Here's the thing though, at the end of all that; favor actually weighs in very heavy for the old reaper, and the reason is very simple, but very effective: The fact Azrael is a Shinigami performing necromancy and not a human changes Claudia's perception drastically. He's not a mortal messing with prospects of the deceased, he's a God of Death. That, that right there is the ENORMOUS game changer. If anyone could pull off bringing back the dead, it could be him, could it not?
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babith · 3 years
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I’m getting 3 really rad pets soon. so I’m trying to design them. One is already a steampunk Gelert but I really only wanted them due to how neutral their name sounded and looks. but I thought I’d draw a steampunk Gelert regardless XD though I’m fairly certain I’ll change species.
The other is an UC Grey Kyrii -claps- I’m very excited over this. I used to have one, but I lost him when I lost two remaining sides. RIP.
I plan on trying to trade for a 2nd UC grey Kyrii for a friend so we can have siblings so I inquired to her and she liked the look without a muzzle. One of them just straight up looks like Dan Avidan XD; whoops.. I think my fave is the bottom right one.
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shaken-veil · 5 years
Aim to Misbehave #1 - A new path
I started this a while ago, have written a bit ahead for it. This is the first part of a chronological one shot collection for Nevia & Drifter set a few years after Forsaken. I’m posting this part to see how people react to it ^^ This is a very personal story about moving on. I’m happy about feedback. Enjoy.
The Drifter x Female Guardian / Post-Canon / Slightly Canon Divergent / Mentions of grief and loss / Shady business
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Concrete breath and dust filled tears A one way ride to inner peace I never thought I'd join the others Those who use the dice to solve
In Flames - Dawn of a New Day
EDZ - Ruins of Stuttgart - 8 years Post Forsaken
The Fallen did their best work in this former big city. Picked everything clean, nothing was left. Basements, large buildings, all completely scavenged. The good side with that was.. They were not here anymore. They moved on as soon as there was nothing left to steal for them and Nevia was grateful. She wasn’t here for any scrap metal, medicine or something. One of her contacts, another Hunter, had dropped a package off for her. She had acquired it on the Black Market in the Reef, far far away from the City’s policies.
“What’s in that package anyway?” Her comm channels gave away a mild static as Drifter’s voice dropped in. She had asked him to stay on voice with her, so someone knew if anything happened to her. The huntress pushed herself through a crack in a crumbled wall, feeling her heart hammering against her chest from the tight space.
“Something nice.”, was all she said as an answer, almost feeling out of breath. When had she gotten so claustrophobic? Maybe it was that day when almost a whole building came down on her, while she was digging up a strange Golden Age artifact in the ruins of the Ishtar Sink.
“Something nice or something ‘nice’.” She could hear the tease and amusement in his voice, it made her roll the bright blue eyes.
“Pervert.” Nevia crawled underneath a half broken door frame and dropped down two floors into the basement. Her feet landing in a small puddle, creating a small splashing sound. Startled she looked around.. But nothing. Chia appeared next to her shoulder and lit up the flashlight, bathing the room in pale blue light. Ghost and Guardian flinched backwards, when they found themselves surrounded by skeletons.
Chia scanned them for a moment and lowered her single optic. “Been dead a while. Probably happened during the collapse. They seemed to be hiding down here. See? There are old supply cans and everything.” It was a sad image. Nevia recognized several families, holding their children close. Thinking about how terrible the collapse was and that someone like Cayde remembered it, being haunted by these images until his death. She looked down onto her feet.
“Ya alright there, Hot Shot?”
Drifter’s voice ripped her out of her thoughts and she managed to shake off the brief wave of sorrow crawling into her head. “I’m fine. Fuckin’ sad.. Let’s get moving.”
She made her way through the large basement to another, smaller room on the side. It was empty, except for a crate sitting on a table in the middle of the room. Her Ghost hovered over it, carefully regarding and scanning. “It’s the package Gelert left behind for you. The material.. curious.. must be from the Dreaming City. It’s certainly crafted by the Awoken. I thought you dislike the Awoken?”
“You got yourself Awoken weaponry?” Drifter sounded far too excited about that.
“No.” Nevia sighed and took a step forward. She reached down and grabbed her Hunter Knife, using it to force open the metal crate. “Gelert couldn’t pick a fucking worse place for this. He always hides the shit at the ass end of nowhere.”
“His pretty face makes up for it.”, he offered helpfully.
“Yeah.. sure. Pervert.”
“You said that before.”
She ignored him for a moment from then on and opened her ‘package’. Inside was, aside from various supplies, ammo and two bottles of very old russian Vodka, which Chia transmatted away quickly, a small device, almost looking like a bracelet. Nevia reached for it and held it at her wrist. Automatically it closed with a quiet ‘click’. “I was looking for a way to manifest my solar light better than just the throwing knives.. It’s not my style.. So I searched for someone, who could offer me a solution. And over a lot of contacts, mine and yours, the black market and so on.. I got my hands on this beauty..”
“Do you think it works, like you want it to?” Curiously Chia hovered next to her hand, inspecting this new device.
“Guess we’ll have to find out.” She raised her arm a little and looked at it. Nevia focussed on the light running through her veins. Solar energy rose from beneath her armor, surrounding her forearm, wrist and hand, gently dancing around her fingers. After a deep breath, she reached for Quickfang and clenched her hand around the grip. Her light latched onto the small device on her wrist and spread over the long, slender blade beneath. The soft glow turned into angry, more red coloured flames.
A faint smile appeared on her lips, as she swirled her sword around. With one swift movement, she raised it and smashed it down onto the now empty metal crate.It fell apart, only an orange glowing cut in the middle.
“Seems to be fine. Can’t know for sure, before I test it in the field.”
“Now that is one fancy blade, my dear miss. Let’s cook some breakfast with that.” Drifter laughed over their comm channel. Nevia smirked and shook her head, letting her powers fade and returned Quickfang to her hip. A warm feeling spreading in her chest. Sometimes she forgot how fond she had grown of his presence. The warmth was quickly followed by a frozen stab of guilt. She shouldn’t, though, but she did.
“So.. That’s done.. Time to get out of here and get to the Tower.. Woooh… Excitement..”
“Ya only be there for a bit, picking up your stuff right?” She heard quiet ‘cling’ sounds from his side of the comm channel, knowing he was playing around with his coins again. The noise calmed her nerves. She often fell asleep to it.
“Yeah. Trying not to run into anyone. Just taking some personal things to my ship and then I’m off again. It’s not like I want to return anytime soon. I also need some more clothes.” Nevia took the same path back, than before. Through the small corridor into the large room with all the skeletons. She climbed out of it and found herself now on the ground floor of the former hospital. A quick look around didn’t offer any direct means of leaving this place and she had to get out of here before Chia could actually transmat her.
“Chia.. The grappling hook, please.”
She held her hand out and her Ghost caused the requested tool to appear in her hand. She ignored the question, where this is suppose to go, because the huntress already started swirling the hook at the end of the rope and aimed for a broken piece of wall, two floors up.
Nevia threw, but missed. It took her another two tries until the hook was actually secured between a crack in the wall. She pulled at the rope with all the power she had and it didn’t break down. “Alright.. Time to climb..”
“Y’know, I got another request from Spider asking to bring in more Wormspore. He’ll pay good.”, Drifter chatted away, while she fought herself up the rope.
“Then… He should ask the person who gets all.. the stuff from the fucking Dreadnought…” She had a hard time talking between the heavy breaths and the strain of her muscles. Somewhere in the building the floor creaked and she held still for a moment, before pulling herself further up. These type of ruins were so dangerous, even for her as a Guardian. We unlucky and collapse with the building into a damn Hive nest or Fallen tunnel.
On the second floor Nevia had to take a deep breath again, calming her heartbeat. Chia transmatted the grappling hook away and watched her Guardian, as she stood straight again and noticed a stairway a bit to the left of the room. She jogged upstairs three more floors to find herself on the roof, overlooking large parts of the city. The afternoon sun gave a warm light and made everything look to peaceful. In the distance she could hear a few birds singing. This was so different from the cold walls of the City. She loved the wilderness. She wanted to see more of it. There were so many planets out there.. in this system and beyond. It was, what made a hunter, right? To explore, scout new areas… At least she wanted to tell herself that she hadn’t forgotten Cayde’s legacy.
“Transmat zone is to the east, right on top of the next building. You should be able to cross the street over the rooftops.”, Chia informed her hesitantly, not wanting to destroy her moment of quiet, but Nevia nodded in acknowledgement and moved again.
“Careful, Little Dredgen. Structure’s doesn’t look so stable.”
She made a small jump over a crack and stopped, smiling. “You worried about me?”
“Heh. Never.”
The jump over to the other building was easy enough. Nevia had more troubles with jumping upwards than forward. Because of her height, she didn’t have as long legs as some other Hunters, not that it would ever stop her.
“Transmat right ahead.”, her Ghost noted.
“Time to go ho……” A loud crash underneath her basically ripped away her footing and the ground crumbled. With a startled scream Nevia went into free fall, crashing hard on her back in the middle of the remainings of the roof. “Ah, shit….” Pain coursed through her body.. Probably a few rips broken and her sight was all fuzzy. “Chia.. Help.. Can’t move.. Fuck that hurts.” Chia was already working her magic and started fixing her bones, healing her wounds. The dizziness in front of her eyes started to fade and she was able to sit up again, holding her head.
“Told you to be careful.” Drifter’s voice was pretty sarcastic.
“Shut up… Let’s just go home..”
“You fell only two floors. I’m still able to transmat you, if you want.” Chia hovered next to her, single optic watching her a bit weary.
“Yeah.. Get me out of here. I got enough nature for one day.”
The Tower, Guardian Apartments Floor 132 - A bit later
Her small apartment, where she moved after Cayde died, was almost barren now. Only the furniture and a few personal items. She left Coco, her beloved dog, with Shiro to scout the earth or play with the wolves in the Iron Temple. She had a good life, one that Nevia couldn’t offer her anymore. Colonel was entrusted to Hawthorne in caring hands. There was just her now and her place was not here. It was nothing more than a place that carried her name on it’s papers.
She grabbed an empty sports bag hidden underneath the small bed and started to stuff the last of her clothes into it, scattered out on the sheets. Her eyes turned towards the wall above the bed. Various pictures decorated it, dust covering them lightly. She hadn’t been here in a long while..
Nevia reached for one of the pictures and brushed the dirt off of it. It was a selfie of her and Cayde after their first Crimson Days in the middle of a Crucible arena. Her heart clenched in pain. She missed him so much.. Even with her.. newly discovered relationship to the Drifter.. It really wasn’t that new, but she had no idea what to name it. She would always love Cayde. He respected that and it was another reason, why she felt so comfortable around him.
She carefully stored this picture into the bag, picking up another. This one showed her and Siobhan in their favorite bar in the City. Another one of her, Coco, Shaxx and Sio. She was aware that she hurt her best friend.. She never wanted to, but returning here caused her almost physical pain. How should she ever stay again? If Siobhan ever needed her, Nevia would be there. Always. But her path was a different one now.
“That all?” Chia appeared next to her and looked around. She seemed melancholic. Her poor Ghost. Always by her side, no matter what bullshit she got herself into. Sometimes she forgot that she also lost two dear friends and family members. Nevia gave her an affectionate nudge to the shell.
“Yeah. Should we go?”
A nod from the small AI was all the answer she needed. She shouldered the sports bag and left the apartment, locking the door behind her. Nevia managed to slip by most people without being noticed. She had to make it down to the Annex to get back to her ship and off they went. Easy enough, at least she thought so. While she was hurrying along the bazaar she noticed Shaxx and Ikora talking to one another and the Warlock Vanguard of course noticed her the moment she passed by. The Crucible Handler turned towards Nevia. Her breath hitched and she returned their stare just for a second, then slowly shook her head and almost ran down the stairs towards the Annex.
She walked by Drifter’s little corridor. He spotted her a second later and shot her a knowing smile, before he returned to talking to another Hunter right in front of him. She moved on then towards the transmat zone downstairs. As soon as her feet touched the circle, Chia got her out of the Tower and back onto her ship. The Queen of Hearts was hovering above the tower and her Ghost made it instantly leave as soon as Nevia was on board.
Back in Orbit around Earth, Nevia sat in her pilot seat, staring out of the window at the colourful planet underneath. The ship itself was big enough to live in it. For her at least. Climbing into the back, deciding to change from her armor into some comfortable clothes. “Chia.. That wormspore shipment.. Did Drifter already send the details for it?”
“He mailed you the informations earlier, while we were on the way back from Stuttgart. Spider requests 50 units of Wormspore and.. Oh boy. He’s paying very well.” Her Ghost hesitated for a moment. “Drifter set this payment to go to 100% on your account outside of the city.”
“100%? What’s wrong with him?” She dropped her armor into the corner and stripped out of her sweaty clothes. “I need a bath.. or a hot shower..”
“We should make a stop on Venus. The hot springs would do you some good.”
“Good idea.. Let’s set this on the list for when we come back from the Dreadnought.. I really, really don’t want to run around in Hive goo all day.” The two exchanged a short, quiet laugh.
“Do you want me to contact the Derelict?” Originally Nevia just wanted to spend the rest of the evening by herself, but after finding all the pictures and just looking at Ikora and Shaxx.. She would rather not be alone.
“Yeah.. Though.. Nah. Don’t do it. I think, Drifter is still busy with Gambit. Let’s just go. Maybe ping Daisuke and see where they’re at.” She finished undressing and slipped into her sweatpants, a tank top and over all that a overly wide, black hoodie with a basic white hunter symbol on it.
“Daisuke transmitted coordinates. They’re also in Earth’s orbit. I’ll get us there. You can put your feet up.”
Nevia smiled softly and leaned her forehead against Chia for a moment. She was eternally grateful for her loyal companion.
As promised the Queen of Hearts left it’s current position and flew basically around half the planet. Nevia sat in her sleeping corner. It was filled with blankets and large pillows, a replacement for her bed, that she couldn’t fit in here, also a lot more cozy. She opened her holo pad and started quiet music, clearing her head a little and trying just to breath.
The Derelict was silent with Drifter gone to the City. Probably not for long, since it was already later in the evening. Nevia reached into the front pocket of her hoodie and took out her cigarette, lighting one up and taking a drag. She walked along the catwalks, her feet freezing from the cold metal. Of course she came here without socks or shoes. What a rebel, she thought sarcastically about herself.
She moved past the snowy, ice cold madness in the back to the cockpit up front. Nevia still wondered how could one be so unorganized, but she had learned to not question Drifter’s chaos. The space wasn’t big. It only offered enough to hold a small kitchen counter, his Gambit set up and the usual cockpit. Everything was held simple and very very old school, but she liked it.
Nevia settled for making a can of coffee and enjoying the quiet for a while. She grabbed one of Drifter’s filthy novels from the small container that acted as his bedroom and workshop, dropping herself onto the old leather couch once she returned. Chia nuzzled into the curve of her neck and seemed to be powering down a little as well. A soft smile spread on the huntress’ face, while she started reading. This book was really terrible. Plot, what plot? Not that she minded. Her brain wasn’t capable of working through a long story.
“Evenin’, Hot Shot. What you doin’ up here?” Drifter walked in only half an hour later, dropping his heavy coat and shoulderpads in the corner. He only got a short ‘Hm’ as a reply, since she was busy reading. “Thanks for the detailed description, I guess.”
He noticed the freshly made coffee and poured himself and Nevia a cup, placing them on the wooden coffee table in front of her. Drifter took the book out of her hand and earned himself an annoyed glare. “I was reading that!”
“It’s crap and we both know it.” He sat down on the other end of the couch, watching her with curious eyes as if he was searching for any meaning to why she visited him without announcing herself. She never did. “You wanna tell me what’s up with you or you just gonna lay there and sulk? I mean, I’m fine with that, don’t mind me, though not good for your..” He tapped his own head with his finger.
“Don’t wanna talk about it.. not now.” She sat up right and looked down at her hands. The meeting with Shaxx and Ikora, as short as it was, had shaken her and the memories stores in her apartment weren’t helping either. Nevia had tried so hard to forget the past, but there were things that always would come back to haunt her.
“Fine. Your decision. But ya can come over here, so I don’t have to yell at ya and I tell you about what happened today in a Prime match.”
She hesitated for a moment, watching him for any sign of a joke, but nothing. Nevia moved quickly, silently as she always was, settling down next to Drifter, laying her head down onto his lap. The leather of his chaps wasn’t exactly comfortable but it would do. And as if he knew how much it calmed her, he took out one of his jade coins and started playing with it. The quiet ‘cling’ putting her mind at ease. “So.. What happened today in prime?”
“There was this Collector, also a hunter, who got so mad at her one teammate, a Reaper, for constantly picking up her Motes that she just started unloading her machine gun on him. She was so PISSED, then she kept stabbing him in the back.. Didn’t win their match, though I saw that guy make a run for it once they left the arena. Was quite messed up.”
Nevia smiled and snickered quietly. “This is why I prefer just stabbing things.”
“And you’re good at it.” He paused. “So.. about that shipment..”
“Yeah..” She snorted quietly, glancing up at him. “About that shipment.. I saw what you did there. No need to explain. I’ll do it. But you’re delivering it. It’s freakin’ dangerous on the Dreadnought. I expect a proper dinner when I’m back.”
“Mhm… We’ll see about that.”  
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spacewlkr · 6 years
Happy Birthday Mimi!!! I hope the Neopia inflation isn't too bad. I haven't been on Neopets in years (RIP my Gelert)
THANK YOU!!!!!! 💕 honestly i dont know much about the inflation whatsoever, im happy to just feed my petsi just make sure i come back for the altador cup every year to support faerieland even though the team loses every year jngjkdgn
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hollywoodhangar · 4 years
main verse; the countess, retired.
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An assassin laid an attempt on the Countess Phantomhive's life during the night of July 13th of 1866; her throat was slashed, the notch between her collarbones was shanked, and she was nearly disembowled. You can only imagine the nasty scars this left when it turns out that Claudia survived this ordeal through fierce survival instincts kicking in.
The following years were exceptionally rough, her already anemia-ridden health having taken quite the heavy decline after having lost so much blood and sustained such intense physical trauma, but the Countess kept her all until her son & successor Vincent graduated from Weston College. At that point, she stepped down from the Watchdog and Head of Phantomhive at the age of 39 to become his advisor instead, as well as to focus on her rapidly declined state. She was practically a walking wraith at this point with how white her skin became, with how much more colder it’s become to the touch.
The years from then rolled on, leading to both of her children marrying off into different families, providing grandchildren and making homes of their own. She was involved in all of it, ever the deeply interwoven family woman since birth. To be surrounded by family again was absolute bliss. She even bred a small, black borzoi from her pack of seven to be a guardian of the new generation.
Then the fire happened.
The Countess plowed through ferocious flames and took her axe to all who were not familiar, her hounds at her side as blood flew, popped and crackled in ungodly heat. Blood from both the assailants and her hounds, who were all lost in confrontation and fire. Such a hellish noise. Such a hellish, hellish noise. It's only when she hears Tanaka cry for Ciel to run that Claudia's attention, in panic, strays from the fight at hand, and she's immediately taken down. Gelert slays her attackers before they can land the final killing blows, and he, with the aid of his beaten and barely conscious master, weakly flee with Tanaka dragged unceremoniously in tow. Surviving servants who were still fleeing the manor caught sight of the noble & her butler and immediately grabbed tight, pulling them from the fire themselves with the help of the Countess's wolf.
The manor is in ruins, her son & his wife are dead, her most loyal of companions are dead, and her grandson is missing. The bloodied grandmother forces herself into some form of recovery with the aid of Madam Red and begins to extensively use all information at her disposal to comb the country for her grandbaby. This goes on for so long, and she finds dead end and after dead end. Eventually, despite her state, she attempts to use magic. This leads to blackouts, but a determination drives her to still do all that she can with it. Out of everything, magic is what's drawing her closer to finding the location of Ciel. He's out there and he is alive, she feels it. She needs to find him, she needs to bring him home. And she does. She scrys and she finds him, and she shares the information with Cedric. Together, they disappear into the countryside.
And again, they find fire.
Burning, high blazes of flame and such an awful scent of burning bodies. Cedric searches the building, but returns with no Ciel. Both a relief and a stake to the heart. He's gone again. The Countess feels the entirety of the situation she's long since put off collapse inwards on her and she begins to scream; screaming like a mad woman to the surrounding area as the fire roars with her.
Eventually, the grandparents return home .. and Claudia finds Ciel has returned, with a pitch black butler at his side. She's stunned beyond belief. Her vision gets blurry. The simplicity of the scene is overbearing. Ciel's entirety, and this pitch black butler who, for lapses of vision, almost resembles her son*. Everything clashes into Claudia all at once and she loses consciousness; understandably overwhelmed by absolutely everything that has transpired in such a time crunch.
Consciousness finds its way back to the Countess as the situation unfolds around her, feeling more like a fever dream than anything that is a simple witness to. Mentally, she's tapped out. The process of grief, the process of trauma and relief are all catching up with Claudia. There's worry for her mind having been lost, finally slipped and gone away with her old age.. but in time, she comes back, with her faithful butler Tanaka at her side and Gelert always laid over her lap. She absorbs the current situation and properly reunites with her grandson, holding him tighter than he’s ever been held by anyone - comfortably, that is - and covering him in kisses.. and then she finally lets herself take notice to his butler, who her vision no longer blurs for. 
He’s not her son. Of course he’s not her son. How could he be her son? He looks nothing like her son. He’s a hideous, black vulture. How could she have ever mistaken him for being Vincent? What a foolish mistake. What a foolish, cruel deception of her own mind. 
Life continues, as unusual as it feels. Claudia, at the age of 58, again takes up the mantle of Phantomhive Head and Watchdog until Ciel is ready. Another acidic vial taken to the back of her throat is this new situation; Ciel, at the age of 13, needing to take up the family mantle. 4 years younger than when she took claim to the title. A child who endured a living, unknown hell being plunged right into responsibility. Oh, Claudia was filled with such powerful hatred, but the blame is not hers. The nobility will being so deeply drenched in sexism allowed little choice for Ciel to enjoy his childhood and recover from who-knows-what he’s been through. He deserves his time and peace, to enjoy his childhood while he could.. but if you’re a female with a male heir, they’re putting that boy in charge as fast as they can to replace you, regardless of how well you did your job - especially when you’re an old crone. This is a miserable case for both of them.
Ciel takes to power and becomes the Earl of Phantomhive, the Head of the Family, and the Queen’s Watchdog. Like his father before him, Claudia aids as his advisor and also his tutor in how to be family head. She continues where Vincent left off, teaching him the importance of the land and the people in it, the importance of prosperity and the well-being of those who support community - which they do oversee a great many of. 
So find Countess Claudia haunting the halls of Phantomhive Manor still, alive and cold, mysterious as ever, with her ever faithful wolf at her side. A case in which one can find her is watching over the servants from afar, often being accumpanied by her own butler Tanaka when doing so - and when it’s not that, it’s when she is at her grandson’s side, keeping an ever vigilant eye on him -- along with his revolting black butler.
From having lived such a life, it's understandable that when one looks upon Claudia Phantomhive's aura, they see a grand darkness of immense rage, grief and sorrow - the most intimate and most tragic familiarity of loss and death. Yet to contrast it, this vivid, unrepenting force of will and life that flickers beyond all the black like a blinding green light of neon. Her life force is dark, but there still beats remanants of life that has been torn and ripped and pierced, yet pulsing wildly still.
* Yana intended Sebastian to look like Vincent for reasons unknown, so it’s only natural a mother notices this similarity - and feels a complete sense of overwhelming due to fully being hit with the realization that her son is dead, and yet here a stranger is by her grandson’s side resembling him. It’s one of the faceted reasons for Claudia’s distrust and heavy distaste for Sebastian.
tl;dr: Claudia lives with her grandson Ciel in the manor as his advisor and one of his tutors. She’s the mischevious old grandmother who gets a kick out of the servants and is usually found hanging out with her butler Tanaka. She has a great disdain for the new young-blooded butler Sebastian for personal reasons of her own.
apologies for the singular “Ciel” ; the usual setting Claudia’s been played in thus far has been without the Twin Ciels plot.
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x-theendisnigh-x · 7 years
nrth replied to your photoset “here’s some pets i wanna make but don’t take such priority that I will...”
I haven't seen Pastel ixis until now and honestly???? So good???? Heck
pastel ixis and pastel aishas have my full n total support. they are sooooov pretty
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