#rinaldo degli albizzi
oldmanpazzi · 1 year
Okay I’m sorry I gotta talk about the parallels between these two…
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And these two…
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There are so many visual and narrative parallels between Cosimo and Rinaldo, and Lorenzo and Francesco. They’re both two sides of the same coin.
But the fundamental difference in their relationship arcs is that where Rinaldo blames Cosimo for his past deeds, Francesco believes that all events were out of their control, that it is fundamentally impossible for any reconciliation to occur, that a friendship between them is impossible.
Albizzi's grudge is fair and one he holds onto despite Cosimo's attempts to apologise and regain his friendship. Their relationship is very much defined by agency and conscious choices that are made at various points in their lives which lead to things unfolding the way they do. It is Albizzi's belief that Cosimo chose to betray him all those years ago. He even says that Cosimo was the one to sacrifice their friendship and that is ultimately why they remain in opposition — it is Rinaldo's choice to hold onto that grudge.
Even Cosimo sees it that way as he talks about how he made his choice many years ago at various points in the series. He knows that by choosing to obey his father (regardless of whether he could have actually done otherwise — see Giovanni’s death threat on his wedding day) meant he could not live the life he wanted. Their fallout is a key moment in understanding their dynamic throughout the series.
Francesco, however, has been constantly told throughout his life that the Medici are the enemy. When he tries to see beyond that, he is swiftly snatched back into these ingrained views. For him, fate keeps him and Lorenzo apart. They can't be together because Medici and Pazzi don't mix. It's all beyond their control.
They have no agency.
Lorenzo doesn’t even seem to see himself as playing any part in the breakdown of their relationship as he happily pins the entirety of the blame on Jacopo (who isn’t blameless by any stretch of the imagination). But Lorenzo still could have done more to show him that he wasn’t simply a pawn to him. He could’ve admitted that he originally invited Novella himself and thus removing anything to be used by Jacopo.
These two dynamics mirror one another so well, but their attitudes towards how that dynamic came to be couldn’t be more different. I love how this show explores these kinds of relationships in the show and how cleverly it crafts such interesting and complex dynamics.
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seraandthebees · 1 year
Wip Wednesday!
Tagged myself because I wanna share this week!
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More Medici stuff from me today, again further along in the narrative from last time. This is actually placed after the characters get together so we’re a fair bit further along, but they’re still finding their feet.
“You’re late.”
He moved to let Cosimo in and closed the door behind him, shutting away the sound of Florence alive with commerce and socialisation and politics. He barred the door to lock them out also, creating a sense of safety for the both of them and a barrier from all that might disturb them.
“I was detained by Marco,” he explained. “I apologise. He can be persistent.”
Rinaldo simply shot him a further unimpressed look before making his way further into the entrance room towards a cushioned seat into which he sunk.
Having discarded his outer coat, he could see that Rinaldo was dressed in much more comfortable attire than his usual dress for the Signoria. It wasn’t as though he wasn’t dressed to impress as Cosimo didn’t think he was capable of ever being that if he had any say whatsoever. It was that his approach had changed. The impression he was trying to give was that he felt safe enough to let down his guard in front of Cosimo.
That choice was not taken lightly, either by Rinaldo in his decision making process or by Cosimo in his interpretation. This step meant a lot to both of them who equally understood the importance of perception. Rinaldo was letting him see further behind the façade presented in the public sphere as he became someone allowed into his private space.
“I take it your persistent friend has not followed you here,” he pressed, leaning back.
Cosimo followed him through, trailing behind slightly. “I took precautions that nobody followed me, not even Marco.”
Rinaldo nodded once, pleased with his answer that they would not have unwanted company. He tilted his head pointedly, motioning for Cosimo to join him. The seat was large enough for the two of them but not so spacious that he would be able to sit further than a few inches away from Rinaldo, not that that thought worried him. On the contrary, he felt pleased that Rinaldo had made sure to position himself on such a sofa.
Cosimo made his way over and took his place beside his lover, sitting far enough away that their thighs were not quite touching. He would not give Rinaldo the satisfaction of immediately luring him in. Instead, if he wanted body contact, he would have to seek it out himself.
 It was a test of sorts. Cosimo was interested to see how his lover would go about initiating a physical element given that it had been he who had first kissed Rinaldo. Would he drag Cosimo to him? Or would he lean over into his space? Or would he do something else entirely?
It did not take anywhere near as long as he thought it might for him to get his answer. Rinaldo took no mind of his decision to sit out of immediate contact, instead shifting closer and placing an arm loosely around his shoulders.
“I am glad you extended this invitation,” he commented. “I was beginning to think I was going to have to do all the organisational work myself. Typical of the Medici to want people to do their work for them.”
The playful jibe had none of the vitriol which previously marked almost all of their exchanges. That spite and fury was replaced with a light tone, although from the intonation of his voice it seemed like he was testing the waters, unsure of how such a remark might be received. It was odd to consider that, despite knowing each other for over two decades, they did not completely understand each other or even know what to say to one another.
“I’m happy to prove you wrong, as always, Rinaldo,” he responded, a twinkle in his eye as he rose to the challenge.
He hummed, his hand fidgeting absentmindedly with the fabric at Cosimo’s shoulder. “Answered like a true Medici. Arrogant and self-important.” 
“And you are the picture of humbleness and deference?” Cosimo shot back, raising an eyebrow.
“I am a god-fearing man.”
“As am I,” Cosimo narrowed his eyes, wondering if they had somehow in their short back and forth crossed territory from comfortable teasing into something with more edge.
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ailinpaguas · 1 year
"Medici: Señores de Florencia"
El siguiente ensayo trata sobre la historia de la familia Medici, que comenzó como banqueros y se convirtieron en una de las familias más poderosas de Florencia.
 El primer capítulo de la serie "Medici: Señores de Florencia" comienza con el asesinato del patriarca Giovanni di Bici en el año 1429, por envenenamiento. A partir de ese suceso, la serie nos lleva a través de recuerdos del pasado y nos muestra cómo la familia llegó a ese momento.
Hace veinte años, la familia Medici era conocida como una familia de banqueros con un gran ingreso económico. Sin embargo, el patriarca Giovanni quería más poder e influencia, por lo que se alió con los gobernantes locales de Florencia, lo que lo estableció como una de las familias más poderosas de la ciudad.
Después de la muerte de Giovanni, su hijo Cosimo se convierte en el nuevo patriarca de la familia Medici, con su hermano Lorenzo como mano derecha. A pesar de esto, surgen muchos problemas con respecto a la sucesión de Giovanni. Rinaldo degli Albizzi, un influyente líder político, lidera una facción opuesta a los intereses de los Medici. Rinaldo ve a Cosimo como un joven sin experiencia y cree que su falta de habilidad política podría ser perjudicial para la ciudad de Florencia. Por esa razón, intenta evitar que Cosimo asuma el poder y utiliza todos los recursos a su disposición para socavar los intereses de la familia Medici.
 "Cosimo di Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici."
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En el segundo capítulo de la serie "Medici: Señores de Florencia", se nos muestra un flashback del pasado en el que el padre de Cosimo se entera de que este se ha enamorado de una lavandera. Utilizando su poder y riqueza, el patriarca Giovanni aleja a la mujer de su hijo, quien se siente deprimido y traicionado por ella. Después de este suceso, Giovanni hace un acuerdo con otra familia de banqueros para que su hijo se case con la hija de esta familia, llamada Contessina de' Bardi.
De vuelta al presente, la familia Medici se encuentra en problemas con los otros gobernantes, ya que estos quieren que la familia financie sus guerras. A pesar de esto, Cosimo tiene una idea: la construcción de la cúpula de la iglesia de Santa Maria del Fiore. Para justificar esta idea, Cosimo argumenta que la construcción sería un gran logro arquitectónico y un símbolo de la riqueza y el poder de la ciudad de Florencia.
Además, la construcción de la cúpula sería un proyecto costoso y ambicioso que requeriría la contratación de muchos trabajadores y la adquisición de materiales costosos. Esto significaría que Cosimo podría demostrar su riqueza y su capacidad para financiar grandes proyectos que podrían mejorar la economía de la ciudad. También se sugiere en la serie que Cosimo tiene un interés personal en la construcción de la cúpula debido a su amor por la arquitectura y el arte.
Para llevar a cabo su proyecto, Cosimo reúne a varios arquitectos de la época para que presenten sus ideas y diseños para la cúpula. Finalmente, entra en escena Brunelleschi, quien desacredita las soluciones mediocres de los otros arquitectos y convence a Cosimo con su idea de construir dos cúpulas, una interna y otra externa, para asegurar la estabilidad de la cúpula. A pesar de que no había garantía de que la idea funcionara, Cosimo se arriesga y comienza la construcción de la cúpula.
"Iglesia Santa María de Fiore"
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"Filippo di Ser Brunellesco Lapi" admirando su obra
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"cúpula de la basílica san pedro en roma" inspiración para la cúpula de santa María de Fiore
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En el tercer capítulo de la serie "Medici: Señores de Florencia", se muestra cómo la peste llega a la ciudad de Florencia, creando miedo y desesperanza en los ciudadanos. La familia Medici toma la decisión de huir de la ciudad para evitar infectarse, mientras que Rinaldo aprovecha la situación para sembrar el miedo y la duda en los trabajadores, sugiriendo que la construcción de la cúpula es la causa de la llegada de la peste como castigo divino. Esto provoca que la ciudad se vuelva en contra de la familia Medici y que destruyan los inicios de la cúpula.
Brunelleschi, quien ha trabajado arduamente en el proyecto de la cúpula, intenta evitar que sigan destruyéndola, pero la situación se sale de control y la construcción pasa a un segundo plano debido a la propagación de la peste por toda la ciudad. En este contexto, Cosimo regresa a Florencia para intentar detener el desastre, pero ya es demasiado tarde. La peste está matando a los gobernantes de alto mando y hasta la madre de Cosimo fallece a causa de ella.
En resumen, aunque los tres primeros capítulos de la serie no se centran mucho en la construcción de la cúpula de la iglesia de Santa Maria del Fiore o en la influencia de la Basílica de San Pedro en Roma en Brunelleschi, podemos ver cómo estas ideas y proyectos tuvieron un gran impacto en Cosimo y en la familia Medici en general. Además, la serie nos muestra cómo la familia de banqueros Medici se convirtió en una de las familias más poderosas de la época, enfrentando rivalidades políticas y económicas mientras luchan por mantener su posición en la ciudad de Florencia.
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jacopocioni · 1 year
Famiglia Aldobrandini
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Aldobrandini antica nobile famiglia fiorentina, trapiantata a Roma nel XVI secolo. In seguito, si chiamarono del Papa, quando Ippolito Aldobrandini da Fano, del ramo proveniente dalle Marche (dove suo padre Silvestro si trovava esiliato con sua moglie, per i suoi sentimenti antimedicei), venne eletto Pontefice nel 1592, con il nome di Clemente VIII. Nel medio Evo, questa famiglia si divise in tre rami: i Bellincioni furono molte volte eletti alle Magistrature della Repubblica Fiorentina. A Firenze ebbe notorietà con Aldobrandino (1388 - 1453, Magistrato dei Priori (1417), fu dei sedici Gonfalonieri di Compagnia dal 1422 al 1453 (Gonfaloniere di Compagnia porta bandiera della Milizia Urbana), dei Dodici Buonomini nel: 1429 – 1436 – 1436 – 1446, commissario a Montepulciano nel 1428, Gonfaloniere di Giustizia della Repubblica Fiorentina nel 1434. Ramo Aldobrandini di Lippo (forse derivati dai Bellincioni); gli Aldobrandini di Madonna dal quale discese Ippolito poi Papa Clemente VIII.  La famiglia attiva in Firenze si arricchì con il commercio. Il mercante Benci Aldobrandini sposò Giovanna “Bugiazza” nata Altoviti, chiamata così per la sua bontà e la dedizione a fare carità (in queste opere pie si unì anche il marito), si guadagnò l’appellativo di “Madonna”. La coppia da sposati, visse nelle case della famiglia in campo Corbolini (l’attuale piazza Madonna degli Aldobrandini), chiamata familiarmente dai fiorentini “Piazza Madonna”.  I due coniugi unirono le loro abitazioni e proprietà. Successivamente ampliate dai loro discendenti fino ad erigere nel XVIII secolo il Palazzo Aldobradini del Papa, ancora oggi esistente. Partigiano dei Medici, fu fra coloro che richiamarono dall’esilio Cosimo, mandatovi da Rinaldo degli Albizzi. Giovanni figlio di Aldobrandino (1422- 1481) tenne la carica di Gonfaloniere della Repubblica nel 1476, distaccatosi dall’appoggiare i Medici, fu costretto a ritirarsi dalla vita politica cittadina. Nel 1480 venne inviato come capitano alla città di Sarzana dove vi trovò la morte. Salvestro (1499 – 1558), studiò legge a Pisa, avversario dei Medici, fu fra coloro che cacciarono Ippolito e Alessandro nel 1527, dando vita all’ultima Repubblica. In quel periodo ricopri la carica di primo Cancelliere alle Riformagioni. Con la caduta della Repubblica e il ritorno dei Medici, nella persona di Alessandro primo Duca, venne arrestato e esiliato a Faenza, da lì nel 1533 venne trasferito a Bibbona, da dove riuscì a fuggire trasferendosi in un primo tempo a Rome in seguito a Napoli.
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Papa Clemente VIII Ippolito Aldobrandini A Napoli nel 1536, si trovava Carlo V, ospite del Viceré Don Pedro di Toledo. Si unì ad altri fuorusciti fiorentini nell’ambasceria presso l’Imperatore, per perorare le sorti della loro patria. Ma l’intento dei fiorentini non ottenne il risultato sperato, e furono costretti ancora all’esilio. Salvestro passò a Fano, Bologna, e Ferrara. In seguito, Alessandro Farnese Paolo III lo chiamò a Roma, dove in seguito fu nominato avvocato concistoriale. Ippolito suo figlio venne creato cardinale. Con l’aiuto del Farnese poté dedicarsi agli studi universitari presso le città di Padova, Perugia e Bologna. Pio V dimostrò benevolenza verso la famiglia Aldobrandini, li prese sotto la sua ala protettrice. Ippolito ebbe i titoli di: Prefetto di Castel S. Angelo, avvocato concistoriale, uditore del Camerlengo, nel 1569 uditore di Rota al posto del fratello Giovanni nominato vescovo di Imola e poi Cardinale. La nipote del cardinale Ippolito, Olimpia nata a Roma nel 1567 unica erede dei beni dei genitori Pietro Aldobrandini e Flaminia Ferracci, inquanto suo fratello Pietro venne creato cardinale dallo zio Papa Clemente VIII. Nel 1587 sposò Giovanni Francesco Aldobrandini principe di Meldola e Sarsina. Da questo matrimonio nacquero otto figli: Silvestro diventato cardinale, Margherita sposò Ranuccio Farnese IV duca di Parma e Piacenza, Elena sposò Antonio Carafa della Stadera, Giorgio principe di Meldola e Sarsina (titoli ereditati dal padre), Caterina Lesa sposò Marino Caracciolo, Ippolito cardinale, Pietro duca di Carpineto, Maria sposò Giovanni Paolo Sforza. Poi nel 1467 Olimpia sposò Camillo Pamphili. Con l’estinzione dei Pamphili beni di Margherita, passarono definitivamente ai Borghese. Con l’elezione di Ippolito a Papa, gli Aldobrandini si trasferirono definitivamente a Roma, con il dichiarato nepotismo del Pontefice, ne beneficiarono con vari titoli ecclesiastici. Per riconoscenza aggiunsero al cognome l’appellativo del Papa.
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Alberto Chiarugi Read the full article
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markantonys · 4 years
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i medici + homoerotic rivalries
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zuzcreation · 3 years
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Lex Shrapnel as Rinaldo degli Albizzi in Medici (x6)
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medicisource · 4 years
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alixgracchus · 5 years
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don’t jokeship with me because 2 hours later i’ll have feels for the pairing.  01/??
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prettyrex · 5 years
rinaldo degli albizzi: you ready to fucking die cosimo de' medici: i'm a bad bitch you can't kill me
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xbalanque-br · 6 years
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queenmercurys · 7 years
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Cosimo & Rinaldo going for drinks, for @screwdriver-and-souffle 
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oldmanpazzi · 1 year
Medici: Masters of Florence: Textpost/Tweet Edition
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seraandthebees · 1 year
Six sentence Sunday
Tagged by @mxkelsifer! Tagging from my shiny new list: @spindleweedss @n0rthernfir3fighter @seriouslyseravellan @ketc7 @breadedsinner @mullethawke
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More from my Medici fic! It’s from a turning point in the narrative. I actually managed to keep this to six sentences haha
There was no world in which this could possibly have been a reality, not when things had unfolded the way they did. Was this indeed a trap after all? Was this an elaborate ruse to take his political and personal rival out of the picture permanently by convicting him of the charge of sodomy? It was a grave accusation, after all, and one which would doubtless lose him all respect even if proven false. It would be a stain on the Medici line from which they might never recover. He had a lot to lose if he trusted in this declaration, and yet he had so much to gain.
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I’m just ... sad and the world feels a little lost right now.
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markantonys · 4 years
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there can be no peace between us.
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zuzcreation · 3 years
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Icons of Lex Shrapnel as Rinaldo degli Albizzi in Medici (x6)
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