#ri eul x reader
Do You Believe Me?
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Fandom(s): The Sound of Magic
Pairing(s): Ri-eul x BestFriend!Reader
Summary: The authorities have already deemed Ri-eul as guilty. He knows he’s not. Now, he’s faced with the possibility that the one person he never expected to see him as guilty, may be the one who doesn’t believe him either.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters mentioned in this work. They belong to the creators, writers, directors, and producers of the series. I am simply borrowing them for this work.
A/N: Y/N-Your Name. ✨✨✨✨-Indication of a scene change. After I watched this series a specific scene got stuck in my head. This is the idea that came of it.
Warning(s): Out of character moments? Scene changes. Storyline changes? Netflix subtitle translation used. Open ending?
Word Count: 4,052
Ri-eul was known as a man of many things. With the authorities, he was known as the prime suspect in many incidents involving a minor. Of course he was innocent in every case. It usually ended up being a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, he would always argue that it was the right place at the wrong time. It’s hard to argue against him when all he’s trying to do is cheer people up and make them believe in magic again.
This time was different. You were fully aware of all the rumors currently surrounding Ri-eul. To you it sort of made sense that people would make up such rumors. Considering he had chosen to live alone in an abandoned amusement park. If it makes him happy, even in the slightest way, you supported his choice and all the antics that followed. Honestly, you found the rumors to be quite humorous.
You had gone to visit with him yesterday, bumping into one of the students he had recently told you he was teaching and showing magic to. After introducing yourself as his best friend, you exchanged numbers with her. Telling her if she needed anything she could call on you. What you never expected was to receive a frantic phone call from her the next day explaining that Ri-eul was the prime suspect in a mugging case. She also mentioned that she thinks they may accuse him in the recent missing-student case. Unfortunately it seemed all the evidence pointed to him. She had also told you about the incident between him and Baek Ha-na. You felt that didn’t help his case at all. In fact you felt it was more incriminating towards him more than anything else. Still, something wasn’t adding up to you.
After Ah-yi and Il-deung had explained the entirety of the situation to you, you filled them in on what type of person Ri-eul is. Based on the years you had spent with him. You stated that even with that information it still didn’t make sense for him to commit such crimes. Once everything was explained the three of you went off in search of Ri-eul.
You had decided to follow Ah-yi to the amusement park. Your thoughts running rampant with each step you took. Silently hoping that the two of you would meet with him before the authorities could find him.
You slowed your pace once you made it past the main entrance gates. You made your way for the building he was residing in. Ah-yi was a little further ahead of you. She had entered the building before you did. You were searching for him in his usual spot with Ah-yi. Your heart sinking when you noticed Bella’s cage was knocked down and empty. You barely registered Ah-yi bending over to pick up cards and finding a journal in the process.
You were brought back to reality when she accidentally bumped into you as she walked past you. You followed her to a wall that had two levers on it. You realized what she was doing the moment she pulled the lever. When the trap door opened on stage, you mentally kicked yourself for forgetting that was there in the first place. You quickly followed behind her down the steps into the lower level beneath the stage.
“Mister, is that you?” Ah-yi asked as she walked down the final steps. You carefully followed behind her. “I didn’t know a place like this even existed. So, I was worried sick.” She said. “I did, but I forgot.” You whispered to yourself as you stepped around her. Your eyes landing on Ri-eul squatting near a bench, with his back towards the both of you. You felt puzzled as you studied his form. Not fully understanding what he was currently doing.
“The police are looking for you. You have to hide some place else.” Ah-yi said as she walked closer to him. “My Bella is… very sick right now.” It felt like your heart was breaking when he spoke. Ah-yi knelt beside him on his right side. You stepped over to kneel beside him on his left side. A lump forming in your throat as you took in the scene before you. He had Bella lying in a box covered up and comfortable. You reached out to gently touch Bella’s head as tears began to blur your vision. Ri-eul turned his attention to you when you slowly pulled your hand back. He watched you touch your index and middle finger tips to your lips before gently pressing them on Bella’s beak. After that you let you let your hand rest on your lap and looked to the floor, blinking away the tears threatening to spill over.
Ri-eul had turned his attention back to Bella as Ah-yi spoke again. “Is it really bad? What happened?” “There was just a little accident. It’s okay.” He spoke softly. You looked to Bella and watched him gently stroking her head. “Then I’ll take her to the hospital now, but you have to go somewhere else.” Ah-yi told him. “Bella, are you okay? Can you hear me? I’m here. Sorry. I’m sorry.” Ri-eul said between sobs. You reached over with your right hand and gently began to rub his back. You looked over to Ah-yi to see her giving Ri-eul a look that you couldn’t read. “We’re here for you. You’re not alone.” You spoke gently to him as he continued sobbing.
“Mister, I’ll take her to the hospital first.” Ah-yi said. You let your hand fall to your lap before he began to speak. “No, not the hospital.” “What.” She gave him a puzzled look. “She doesn’t want to spend her last days in the hospital. She said she’s not afraid of death, but she doesn’t want to be lonely. Right? I’m going to do whatever she wants.” You could tell he was trying his best to keep his voice from cracking. “Mister, what are you talking about? The police are going to raid this place at any moment now.” Ah-yi tried to reason with him. “Police?” “Yes.” “Why are the police looking for me?” He looked from Ah-yi to you and then back to Bella.
You watched Ah-yi stand. “They think you’re the culprit from the mugging on that rainy day. And I think they suspect you of other stuff too.” Ah-yi faced him as she spoke, even though he had his back to her. “I have nothing to do with that.” He looked to you as he finished speaking. “Yes. So, there’s no reason for me to run.” He continued to look at you. To you it felt as if he was trying to search for answers within your eyes. “What if… What if no one believes you?” It pained you to see the hurt in his eyes when she asked that question. He turned his attention back to Bella. “No one?” He asked.
“Yes. What if no one really believes you, no matter how much you say it isn’t true? What will you do then?” You understood she was asking because she didn’t know him the way you did. It made sense for her to question him like this. Looking from Ri-eul to Ah-yi it hurt you to see what this situation was doing to the both of them. Ah-yi looked conflicted and Ri-eul looked extremely hurt. “What about you then?” Ri-eul turned to face Ah-yi as he continued to speak. “You… You don’t believe me either? Hm? Tell me. You really don’t believe me either?”
“Mister.” Ah-yi started. Suddenly voices could be heard above you. “Come over here. It looks like there’s something here.” “Yes, sir. We’re over by the stage on the first floor.” You knew it was the authorities speaking with each other. You gently helped Ri-eul to his feet. “I’ll come back for Bella.” You whispered to him as he put on his over coat. Ah-yi was in the lead as the three of you made your way upstairs.
When you made it on stage you had to shield your eyes from the lights being shone in your direction. “Ryu Min-hyuk?” You heard someone ask as the three of you walked down the steps, off the stage. When the three of you stopped near the group of authorities, you assumed the man in a grayish button up was the owner of the voice. You figured he was the lead detective. Your assumption was confirmed when he spoke again. He stepped forward and quickly flashed his badge. “We’re looking into robbery, assault, and murder charges. Come to the station with us.” Ri-eul was attempting to do as he said but Ah-yi stopped him. You wanted to stop him too, instead you stood still. Stunned with what the authorities said what he’s being accused of.
“Let go. I told you, I have no reason to run.” Ri-eul told Ah-yi. After removing his sleeve from her grasp. “It’ll just be a second.” “You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to an attorney. You have the right to appeal unlawful detention.” The lead detective told him before having someone place cuffs on his wrists. “No, you can’t.” Ah-yi told them. “Miss, what are you doing?” “Na Il-deung from my class has already testified he was with him that night. Do you have clear evidence he’s the perpetrator?” “Miss, we are conducting an investigation because there are sufficient suspicions.” “Liar. Isn’t it that you’ve already decided he’s guilty? You’ve only listened to the people who’ve never even met the magician at the amusement park. Am I wrong?” “Ah-yi.” Ri-eul grabbed her arm to make her stop.
“Ryu Min-hyuk. We’re taking you into custody for questioning due to concerns of fleeing and destruction of evidence, and difficulty confirming personal information with no permanent address. Here’s the warrant according to procedure. All right?” The lead detective said. Holding the warrant up as he spoke. “No. No, stop.” Ah-yi said trying to stop the officer that was attempting to put the cuffs on Ri-eul. “Miss! If you don’t stop, we’ll take you in for obstruction.” “Ah-yi. Enough. That’s enough. I told you I didn’t do it. I… just need someone who can tell me that no matter what others say, it’s not important, and someone who believes me. Yeah. That’s all I need.” Ri-eul gently told Ah-yi.
You had stepped closer to the two of them. “I believe you, over everyone else.” You told him. He turned his attention to you, giving you a sad smile in response. “Mister.” Ah-yi began to say. “And I’m coming back soon. So… can you look after Bella for me in the meantime? I don’t have anyone else to ask besides you.” You knew he said that to her to give her a task to occupy her mind. She nodded her head, stepping out of the way, allowing them to put cuffs on him.
“Do you know the type of person that man is?” The lead detective directed his words at Ah-yi. She didn’t say anything so he continued on. “Name. Ryu Min-hyuk. Age. 30. Born in Seoul. Dropped out of high school. Ten years ago, he went missing while being treated in a mental hospital. Three years ago, he was investigated twice as a suspect during a missing-student case in Seongmi-dong. Aside from this, he’s frequented the police station for similar reasons.” Ah-yi turned her attention away from him. “How can you trust him enough to hang out with him? Aren’t you even a bit scared after seeing your classmate go through such a horrific incident? Go home.” He instructed Ah-yi. It seemed like he was ignoring you or he forgot that you were there.
“Why should she not trust him?” You asked him. “Excuse me.” “I said what I said. It’s as if the authorities actively look for reasons to target Ri-eul as a suspect for any case at this point.” You said with so much anger that Ah-yi looked at you in shock. “Who are you? How do you know him?” The detective asked. Glaring at him you said “you go first.” He raised a brow at your statement before speaking. “Detective Kim. Your turn.” “Y/N. I’m Ri-eul’s best friend. Have been for years now. I know him better than that piece of paper that you’re holding.” You pointed to the warrant he had. He rolled his eyes and began to walk away. “Have the day that you deserve.” You yelled at his retreating figure. You turned to Ah-yi. “Ah-yi, are you okay?” You asked her in a concerned voice. She nodded at you before she started looking around the building. You watched her carefully. To you it looked as if she was looking around for answers. You sat next to her when she decided to sit down. You gently rested a hand on her shoulder while she cried. After a few minutes she decided to stand again.
“Ah-yi.” The two of you turned to see Na Il-deung running into the room. “Where is he?” He asked. “The police came and took him a little while ago.” “As I expected.” His words were true but you still gave him a look of surprise. “The truth will be uncovered soon.” “The officer said they did a background check on him. Is he really a crazy person? What if.. he’s a really dangerous person?” Ah-yi asked. You sighed before standing up. “He’s not crazy or dangerous. He was put under too much pressure and became too overwhelmed by it. People tend to deem that as crazy.” They both gave you a look when you spoke. You shrugged your shoulders. “Sometimes, our burdens become too much to bear…” Ah-yi and Il-deung nodded in response to what you said.
“What does your heart say?” Il-deung directed his question at Ah-yi. She looked from you to him before speaking. “I don’t know.” Ah-yi sat down as she continued on. “I’m not sure if it’s that I don’t believe him or that I do believe him, but I am scared that I might be wrong. Because everyone is saying I’m wrong. So, I’m not sure anymore.” “You have Y/N. You also have me.” Il-deung started, “You believe him and so do I. Isn’t that enough?” She was quiet for a moment before she nodded her head at him.
“You still won’t confess? You don’t know Seo Ha-yoon? Let’s take a break.” Detective Kim asked Ri-eul. Detective Kim sighed heavily before he got up from his chair and walked out of the interrogation room. He walked into the observation room where another officer was watching the interrogation. “We found a knife with Ryu Min-hyuk’s fingerprints on it at the theme park. It’s a close match in terms of size and shape, to the weapon, the mugging victim reported.” Detective Kim nodded his head at the officer as he talked.
“Oh, and take a look at this video Baek Ha-na brought this to us.” He turned the laptop so that Detective Kim could watch the video. “There was a physical fight backstage. I think he used this knife here too.” “You mentioned traces of blood backstage. Are the results in?” “There were two people’s DNA. One is Ryu Min-hyuk’s, and the other one, we don’t know yet. But this man…” The officer said pointing to the laptop screen. “Do you think he’s dead? Or he’s alive, but didn’t report to us?” Detective Kim gave him a speculative look. He sighed before looking back up into the other room. He was shocked to see that Ri-eul was no longer sitting at the table. The two of them ran out of the observation room.
The three of you decided that you were going to meet up with Min Ji-soo at a cafe. You figured if you weren’t able to ease their minds, maybe she could help. You have told them everything you knew about Ri-eul. However, Min Ji-soo had know him a little long than you had. She had gone to the same school as him. You didn’t meet him until a week or so after he had dropped out back then.
You sat quietly as Min Ji-soo told Il-deung and Ah-yi about what she had known. She went on to explain that she didn’t think Ri-eul was crazy then or even now. She felt he was reaching out for help instead. Once she was done talking the three of you decided to find some clues to clear his name. Il-deung had gone back to the school. You and Ah-yi were headed back to the theme park.
It felt like you had been running forever when the two of finally made it to the theme park. You were greeted by the sight of the authorities’ cars parked outside the building. You raised your brow but continued to follow Ah-yi.
The two of you were on the second floor. When you heard voices you looked down to see Ri-eul standing on the stage and the officers on the main floor. “Hey, Ryu Min-hyuk.” You heard Detective Kim say. Ri-eul walked to the edge of the stage and bowed at the men. “What are you doing right now? Why are you making things harder than they have to be? If you don’t cooperate, you’ll only be adding to your charges.” Ri-eul began to pace the stage as Detective Kim kept talking. You could hear how annoyed he felt in his voice as he spoke.
“Cooperate? How much more am I supposed to cooperate? I told you everything. Oh. Is it only going to be over if I say that I did something I didn’t do?” Ri-eul had asked before doing one of his tricks. The sound startled Ah-yi, making her step back a bit from where she stood. You however weren’t phased by the action. You were too focused on Ri-eul to pay attention to anything else. “Come on. Let’s do this the easy way. Since there are records of your medical treatment, it can be considered as extenuating circumstances.” Detective Kim tried to reason with him, stepping a bit closer to the stage as he spoke.
Ri-eul stepped over to his table and picked up the blade that sat there. Pointing it at them saying “psychiatric hospitals, prisons. I mean, there’s no use, locking me up in places like that. Because… escapology…” He ducked behind the black suitcase, then appeared from the side of the stage. You smiled at his shenanigans. You watched the authorities turn their attention to where he had appeared from. “is my specialty..” Ri-eul finished saying as he walked back to the suitcase again. He pushed it aside still pointing his blade at them. Detective Kim walked closer to the stage “we got in touch with your family too. They are more than willing to pay for an attorney and medical treatment.” Your heart sunk when what he had said registered in your mind. Ri-eul dropped his hand to his side. “Treatment?”
“What should I do?” You heard a different officer speaking now. “Take him by force.” Detective Kim said as he pulled a gun from his hip holster.  “All right. Stay calm, and come with us to the station.” “Mister!” Ah-yi yelled down to them. The two of you began to walk towards the stairs that led to the main floor. Ri-eul walked to the table setting his blade down. When you and Ah-yi made it to the main floor Detective Kim lowered his weapon, turning his attention towards the two of you.
“Hey miss!” “I just need one second. I need to tell him something.” You followed Ah-yi up on to the stage. “What the hell is this? Is it snow?  But we’re indoors.” You heard Detective Kim say. You smiled at the snow that was falling around you. “Where is it coming from? There’s no one up there.” A different detective stated. You heart melted when you saw the smile that graced Ri-eul’s features.
“This whole time, you weren’t helping me, you were reaching out for help.” Ah-yi said, slowly approaching him. “All you needed was someone to notice you and believe you.” Ri-eul looked from Ah-yi to you. Giving you a small smile. Ah-yi stepped closer taking one of his hands into both of hers. “Mister. You’re a real magician. Because you made me really believe in magic.” He nodded his head at her with a smile. “Thank you. For helping my magic succeed.” He pulled his hand away so that he could take off his top hat and put it on Ah-yi’s head. “And this is, my gift to you.” He told her after getting the hat situated on her head and stepping back a bit. “Now, if you put this on and recite the spell, the thing on your mind will certainly come true.”
“Ryu Min-hyuk. Let’s go now.” Detective Kim commanded. The three of you looked at them but made no motion to exit the stage. Ah-yi had looked from them to Ri-eul. You were observing the two of them. After a moment Ri-eul looked away from her to look at you, before he decided to walk towards the stairs to the main floor. “Wait a second.” Ah-yi said. Stopping Ri-eul in his tracks. “What are you doing?” You whispered to her. “You’ll see.” She told you with a smile. He turned around to face her again. She had walked to stand in front of him.
“Mister. Do you… believe in magic?” You saw the small smile he gave her. She returned it before turning to grab a black sheet. As she was getting ready to throw it over him she said “Annara sumanara.” After he was engulfed by the sheet he disappeared. Of course this didn’t make the officers happy. Ah-yi looked really sad. You stood in silence. Only startling when you felt something in your hand. The officers ran off to look for him, leaving the two of you on stage. After several minutes you had gone beneath the stage to get Bella, like you had said you would. Once you were back on stage again, you motioned to Ah-yi to follow you.
Sadly, a few days later Bella had passed. You were standing with Ah-yi and Yoo-yi as they lay Bella to rest. Yoo-yi was sticking a marker in the ground so people knew where she was. There was a moment of silence shared between the three of you. Once the silence was over you had decided to walk them home. The walk to their house was quiet. “Do you think I’ll ever see him again?” Ah-yi asked. You looked to her “I’m sure you will. Eventually.” Ah-yi nodded her head in response.
When you finally made it to their house you waved goodbye to them. As you were walking away from their house you dug a piece of paper out of your pocket. It was the one that had appeared in your hand the day Ri-eul disappeared. You smiled sadly before unfolding the paper. This was the first time you had read it. You’ll know where to find me, Y/N.-Ri-eul. You gave the note a puzzled looked as you read it over and over again. Suddenly you realized, you do know where to find him.
You saw him leaning against a tree as you walked to the spot you knew you’d find him in. When he heard your footsteps he turned his attention to you. Pushing himself from the tree he walked towards you. Without thinking you sprinted towards him, tackling him in a big hug. He caught you and spun you around. After about two and a half spins, he set you on your feet. “See, I knew you’d be able to find me.” He told you. You lightly punched his arm and laughed. “Of course.” He smiled at you. “What about Ah-yi?” You suddenly asked. “Ah, I get letters.” “You haven’t told her where you are?” “No.” You gave him a curious look. “It’s better this way… for now.” He said with a sad smile. You nodded at him. “So, on to the next adventure?” He asked holding his arm out for you to take. “Of course.” You told him, looping your arm with his.
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drama--universe · 2 years
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Requested by @kdrama-i-nation: Hii! I have another request! Can you do a Ri-eul imagine please?! Reader is learning magic from him and Ri-Eul secretly likes her. Bella loves teasing him for the same and reader ends up listening to them...only to confess the same. Thanks! 😃
Pairings: Ri-eul x reader
Word Count: 1631 words
Warnings: none
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You held the ping-pong ball in one hand, focusing on trying to get it to roll over your fingers and back. You had dropped the ball a few times already, but you were determent to succeed.
You were not aware of Ri-eul's eyes on you, the small smile that set on his face as he heard Bella chirp in the corner. Her chirping did pull your attention away as the ball slipped from your fingers again, rolling onto the ground. you pouted before glancing behind you at the colorful bird in her cage before looking back at Ri-eul.
"You should let her out." You said and Ri-eul looked at you with raised eyebrows before staring at Bella, who had turned around to look at you as well.
"Clever girl!" She chirped and you couldn't help but chuckle as you turned to her, smiling. Ri-eul stood up, stretching his legs as he walked around the table and to the cage. Once it was open, Bella was quick to sit on his shoulder. You couldn't help but laugh as she bit Ri-eul's ear before she flew to you, sitting on your forearm happily.
"Hello, pretty girl." You greeted her and she replied back happily before leaning her head forward for you to pet. In the meantime, Ri-eul had returned to his own seat and yet again staring with a smile resting on his face. He only snapped out of it once Bella started chanting the words love over and over.
"Go away." He teased the bird, pushing her from the table before pulling another ping-pong ball out of his hat and handing it to you. You took it and started to try again, watching as he did the same flawlessly while his necklace lit up slightly. It was something you had noticed when you first met him, watching the necklace light up everytime he used his magic. You knew from the beginning that all of it was real, even when it seemed impossible for a normal person. Then again, you might not be normal. After all, you are sitting here while learning magic from a man you barely knew the name of and you only met him a few weeks ago, all while you were supposed to study for your college degree (one you didn't really want).
"Give your hand." Ri-eul stopped you from continuing to fail at the small trick, taking the ball away before holding your hand gently. He looked you in the eye before he slowly starts to move your fingers separately before creating a wave movement while slowly pushing your fingers up and down.
"Recreate that move, okay?" He said and you nodded before trying again after he placed the ball in your hand again. You started again, but this time more slowly as you tried to remember the patterns he showed earlier, successfully getting the ball over to your ring finger before it dropped again. You sighed before trying again, this time succeeding to go back and forth, smiling from ear to ear as you did.
"Well, that's step one." Ri-eul commented and you dropped your head softly before putting the ball down.
"Can't you just compliment me?" You asked, smiling as Bella started saying 'good job'.
"See, at least someone sees." You said as you started to pet Bella's beak again before moving to p et her head, softly massaging in between the feathers. Your phone ringing pulled your attention away and you picked it up, glancing at the alarm before your eyes widened.
"I have to go! I'm so late." You whined as you grabbed your bag and ran off, leaving the two others behind.
Bella chirped, hopping onto Ri-eul's shoulder before she started to talk happily.
"You like~ her!" She sang it a few times and Ri-eul was quick to shrug his companion, making her fly off. Ri-eul did not say anything and just smiled as he got up, watching you run out of the theme park in a hurry.
You came back the next day, a bit more happy than the last time. You greeted him with one of the brightest smiles he had ever seen and he returned it happily, sighing to try and hide the feeling of his heart pounding against his ribcage.
He had opened Bella's cage when he saw you enter the amusement park, and much to your delight Bella was quick to greet you. Ri-eul couldn't help but stare as you talked to Bella happily while the bird happily said on your shoulder.
"How has your day been?" You turned to him and Ri-eul felt his heart skip a beat at the thought that he was caught staring.
"It was fine, bit boring." He gave a smile and turned to walk to the stage that stood at the edge of the room, sitting down on it before looking back at you.
"Not to many people come here." He joked and you giggled at it, watching as Bella made her way to him before you decided to join him.
"I'll be sure to visit more then." You smiled at him and he rolled his eyes before brushing a strand of hair away before suddenly holding a rose in your face. Your eyes widen as you grab the rose and smiled at him.
"Thanks! Can you teach me how to do that?" You asked and he sighed, flicking your forehead softly.
"First the basics, then the rest." He said and you pouted before laying down across the stage, staring at the ceiling before glancing at the magician next to you.
"How did you learn magic?" You asked and you could see him freeze before he smiled again, looking at you.
"No need to look at the past." He said, a sad tone in his voice that he tried to hide, but you noticed it anyway. Yet you said nothing, not wanting to press on it.
Soon you were practicing again, this time with a coin. You had to twirl it in between your fingers before throwing it to the other hand and catching it with only 2 fingers. The coin flipped in between your fingers easily, but throwing it was seemingly impossible. You watched Ri-eul do it easily and couldn't help but feel jealous at how easy it looked to him. Nonetheless, you kept trying for a long time. Even so long, that by the time you stopped it was already dark outside.
"I'll walk you home." He said and you thanked him as you grabbed your stuff while Bella placed herself on your head happily. You left the park, Bella already moved to your shoulder while happily talking while you moved to the streets to your house. It wasn't far, only 10 minutes, and you were quickly at your house. Bella flew to Ri-eul's shoulder, biting in his hair and ear while Ri-eul tried to focus on you.
"I'll be back tomorrow, promise." You said and then you entered your house and he smiled before swatting Bella's beak away.
"You love her~!" Bella sang again and Ri-eul looked at his companion, sighing.
"So what of it? Are you jealous?" He asked with a scoff and Bella laughed softly, swaying from side to side.
"Should she be?" He heard your voice, his head snapping to your door to see you standing in the doorway with a broad grin on your face.
"I wanted to ask what food you wanted tomorrow, but this is much more interesting." You teased, watching the blush rise on the man's face. Bella was quick to fly off, still somewhat cackling to herself and leaving Ri-eul watching in shock. You stepped forward a bit, still standing a step higher than him and you turned his head to face yours again.
"How much did you hear?" "All of it. No wonder Bella calls you idiot, your slow." You joked and he sighed, once again trying to stop the ramming of his heart against his ribs while trying to create any kind of excuse.
"Then again, I like you too so maybe we're both idiots." You confess and Ri-eul stared at you, the wheels in his head turning before the light seemed to go on and his eyes widened.
"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" You said, kissing his cheek softly before turning around only to be pulled back by Ri-eul. One of his head was on your wrist while the other was behind your head, pulling you into a kiss. You froze for a split second, trying to process that you were kissing him before you returned the kiss. When you pulled back from the kiss, you noticed small sparks surrounding you and you couldn't help but smile.
"Did you just make fireworks?" You asked and he gave you an annoyed look, dropping the hand that held your wrist.
"Sorry, but I'm not lying." You said, pointing at the sparks around his head and he looked up before shrugging the sparks off. You giggled again, trying to hide your smile before quickly kissing him again. Sparks went off again and you smiled, nodding to yourself.
"So that's how that works." You said and he sighed, rolling his eyes at you.
"Bella shouldn't have said anything." "But she did and now were together." You said with a smile and he scoffed at you again, making you pout.
"Go inside now, you'll catch a cold otherwise." He said and you shook your head, leaning forward a bit.
"Only for a kiss." You grinned at him as he sighed before he followed the order, ignoring the sparks before pushing you inside. Once you were inside fully, he walked off. Once he was back in the park, the sparks around him started again as he crouched to the ground. The embarrassment was finally getting to him and he couldn't help but feel happy nonetheless. Bella flew back into view, landing in front of him and he glared at the bird. She only stared at him before speaking up.
"You're welcome."
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shadow-dancing · 4 years
WayV - Bride of the Water God (Aesthetics)
(inspired by @spiritsuga​ <thank you so much by the way 💚>) 
Based off the 2017 drama The Bride of Habaek, but with changes of course; some things are based off the manhwa.
!! I’ll be referring to them using the character names !! Only Habaek & Bi-Ryeom will have character x reader stories.
[masterlist] [y/n profiles]
Xiao Jun - Habaek 
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The Water God, resides in the Water Kingdom
Temperamental & impatient, kindhearted
Childhood friends with Bi-Ryeom, Mura, Tae-eul & Ju-Dong
Chosen as the next king of the Realm of Gods
Stranded in the human world with Soo-Ri 
Helped by a white-collar worker with bad luck & a mountain of debt
Hendery - Nam Soo-Ri 
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Commander of the Water Kingdom
Famed as the best archer in the Realm of Gods
Patient & gentlemanly, fiercely protective & harbours undying loyalty to Habaek
Stranded in the human world with Habaek
Lucas - Ju-Dong
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The God of Earth, Guardian of the Earth Imperial Seal
Cheeky but responsible, repays those who treat him well
Childhood friends with Habaek, Mura, Tae-eul & Bi-Ryeom
Resided in the Earth Kingdom; descended to the human world as a Protector God
Ten - Bi-Ryeom
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The God of the Winds, Guardian of the Sky Imperial Seal
Mischievous, with a temper
Hair colour changes in accordance to his mood
Childhood friends with Habaek, Mura, Ju-Dong, Tae-eul & Jin Geon
Resided in the Sky Kingdom; descended to the human world as a Protector God
Kun - Tae-eul
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The God of Fire, Guardian of the Fire Imperial Seal 
A doctor in the Realm of the Gods
Wise beyond his years, concerned for the well-being of everyone
Childhood friends with Habaek, Mura, & Bi-Ryeom
Resided in the Fire Kingdom; descended to the human world as a Protector God
Winwin - Jin Geon
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A Minor God from the Sky Kingdom
Weather control
Childhood friend of Bi-Ryeom, acquainted with Mura
An informant for Bi-Ryeom; keeps tabs on all the minor gods residing in the human world
Yang Yang - Shin Hoo-ye
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Owns a successful resort chain
Charitable & generous
Does gardening, owns a farm
Has a connection to the Realm of Gods
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drama--universe · 1 year
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Hwarang x reader (no pairing) 
Hwarang x foreigner!reader
Hansung image
Soo-ho as parent
Love struck (Soo-Ho)
3 Dates (Su-Ho x reader)
Opposites (Banryu)
Banryu x reader
Please trust me (Yeo-Wool x fem!reader)
Just perfect (Yeo-Wool x gn!reader)
Okta lover (Hwarang boys x fem!reader)
Kill Me, Heal Me:
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Oh Ri-On:
Oh Ri-On x Reader
Tale of the Nine-Tailed:
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Lee Rang:
Reunited (Lee Rang)
Mine (Lee Rang x reader) Part 1; Part 2
Eternity (Lee Rang x reader)
Lee Yeon:
Lee Yeon image (requested)
Stargazing (Lee Yeon x fem!reader)
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Vincenzo Cassano:
We need to "talk" (Vincenzo Cassano x reader)
Jang Han-Seo:
Pretty Boy (Jang Han-Seo x reader)
Jang Han-Seok/Jang Jun-Woo:
Most Precious (Jang Han-Seok/Jang Jun-Woo x reader)
Almost Drowned (Jang Han-Seok x reader)
Attack (Jang Han-Seok/Jang Jun-Woo x fem!reader): Part 1; Part 2
Interruption (Jang Han-Seok/Jun-Woo x reader)
Chang in attitude (Jang Han-Seo/Jun-Woo x reader)
Confessions & Relationships (Vincenzo Cassano, Jang Han-Seo & Jang Han-Seok)
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Goblin image
Wang Yeo:
Magic Door (Wang Yeo x reader)
Kim Shin:
Ears and Tail (Kim Shin x reader)
The Sound of Magic
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Sparks (Ri-eul x reader)
Big Mouth:
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Park Chang-ho:
Truth (Park Chang-ho x fem!reader)
Hotel Del Luna:
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none yet
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Main Masterlist
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The Sound of Magic Series:
Do You Believe Me? (Ri-eul x BestFriend!Reader)
Vincenzo Series:
You're My Person (Vincenzo x Female!MafiaReader)
When Fear Becomes Strength (Jang Han-seo x BestFriend!Reader)
So, This is Love? (Jang Han-seo x Paralegal!Reader)
Teasing An Gi-seok
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Series:
Facing Your Feelings (Mick Rory/Heatwave x Reader)
Insecure (Ray Palmer/Atom x Reader)
Supernatural Series:
Trickster’s Sweet Tooth (Gabriel x Reader)
Closure (Dean Winchester x Past!Reader)
Sacrifice (Winchesters x AngelFriend!Reader)
Do They Know About Us? (Mick Davies x Hunter!Reader)
Hawaii Five-0 (2010) Series:
Pure Happiness (Steve McGarrett x Reader)
Movie Night With Danny
Marvel Cinematic Universe Series:
A True Hero (Tony Stark x Reader)
Shenanigans (Avengers x Friend!Reader)
Blindfolded (Avengers x AvengersInTraining!Reader)
Soulmate Mark (Loki x FemaleWinged!Reader)
Somebody to Lean On (Friend!Tony Stark x SuperSoldier!Reader)
Night Changes (Tony Stark x Avenger!Reader)
Mission Gone Wrong (Tony Stark x PastWife!Reader)
Bowling With the Avengers
Once Upon a Time Series:
Memory Potion (Archie x Female!Reader)
The Hobbit Cinematic Series:
Surprise Confession (Dwalin x FemaleHuman!Reader)
Until We Meet Again (Fili x FemaleElf!Reader)
Enchanted Mirror (Bofur x FemaleModernHuman!Reader)
X-Men Cinematic Series:
Meet Your Son (Logan/Wolverine x Female!Human!Reader)
Lucifer Cinematic Series:
Lucifer’s Desire (No Pairing)
Being Human (US) Cinematic Series:
Vampires, Ghosts, & Werewolves. OH MY! (Aidan Waite x Female!Reader)
Wynonna Earp Cinematic Series:
This Time is Different (Doc Holliday x Reader)
The Librarians Series:
The Truth Is (Jacob "Jake" Stone x Reader)
Crossover Fanfics:
Something There That Wasn’t There Before (Hawaii Five-0 (2010)/Bones): (Danny Williams x FemaleRommate!Reader)
A New Life (Hawaii Five-0 (2010)/Avengers): (Steve McGarrett x Reader & The Avengers x FemalePastAvenger!Reader)
Sam, Dean, and Cas meet John Constantine
Lucifer and Chloe meet John Constantine
Any Fandom:
Falling Through Ice
P.S.-all works also found on AO3 under mirajanefairytailmage
Writing Prompts:
Songbird Enchantment
Death's Apology
Original Works:
Forget The Rain
My Nightmare Will End
I Wish
Main blog
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