#rhaegon twins
the-heartlines · 2 months
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rhaegon twins
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anamazingangie · 6 months
Ménage | Rhaenyra x Aegon x Aemond
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🕯️ Rated E 🕯️4.2k words 🕯️ Complete 🕯️ by AmazingAngie🕯️
Tags: Historical AU, Sibling Incest, Manipulation, Underage Kissing, First Kiss, First Times, Anal Sex, Double Penetration, Come Eating, Cunnilingus, Dom!Rhaenyra, Coming of Age, Consent Issues, Rhaenyra-Centric, Threesome - F/M/M
Warning: sex between minors [fifteen and seventeen when it begins]. Summary:
Rhaenyra despised her siblings, a pair of twin boys two year her junior - at least until she realized they would do things for her. Anything for her. The realm of such things changed as they matured, and in time Rhaenyra's hormones left her feeling rather fond of the pair she had previously merely tolerated. His pale chest was flushed along with his cheeks as she watched him stroke his soft length to something a different shape and size entirely. It was like magic. He spilled over his hand, making a mess of himself with his own seed. She wanted to touch. She wanted to taste. She did neither, she simply demanded for him to, “Do it again.” or: rhaenyra is either a very good, or very bad sister, depending on who you ask.
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At first, Rhaenyra had hated her brothers. 
She lacked any and all maternal instincts towards infants, and so she lacked any and all patience for their screams and stench and all other annoyances that came with their mere existence. It was only made worse by the fact there were two of them. Two boys. 
Truly, if looks could kill, they would have been found dead in their cradles just hours after she met them. Nevermind that she herself was only two at the time, she was old enough to hold enough to know her dislikes, old enough to hold a grudge and certainly old enough to hate them on first impression alone.
And first impressions mattered a great deal.
And so, her feelings towards them did not change, not for years. 
By the age of seven, Rhaenyra had earned the title of Realm’s Delight. She was known on the small island of Dragonstone and among their people for her beauty, boisterous spirit, and impeccable—slightly frightening—skills on horseback. 
And it wasn’t just the people who were awed by the princess—but rather her brother’s, too. The pair had been five then, old enough to care what other people thought of them.
Old enough to know their sister did not care for them. 
Old enough that they wanted her too.
And Rhaenyra…she was old enough to see this.
Smart enough to use this for her benefit. 
And really really, it was a kindness when she gave them such opportunities to improve her opinion of them.
And so, she would have them fetch her lemonade or tea or servants. 
She would have them steal cakes and pastries from the kitchens on her behalf. 
Sometimes she would tell the groom she wanted to brush down Syrax and that they were excused.
It wasn’t a lie, and she would brush down Syrax. But the other tasks that were expected to go along with this—such as beating dust from the saddle blanket, conditioning the leather of her reins, and polishing bits—were ones she’d give to her brothers.
And they would fight for the tasks. Competitive over the mere opportunity to impress her. 
She liked that. 
She took advantage of it.
But who could blame her, when they liked it too?
Fondness for them grew very slowly. She still treated them more like her servants than her siblings, truly, but by the time she was ten she could acknowledge she would be sad if something happened to them. 
When they were ten, they were mourning the fact they would have to leave Dragonstone to attend the Crownlands College that all Targaryen men claimed as their alumni, at least since its founding in the 300s. After all, their family—then ‘the crown’ for all of Westeros—had founded the institution. 
She was jealous that they were getting a proper schooling, simply because they were boys. Why shouldn’t she have such an opportunity? She was much smarter. Er, at least smarter than Aegon. Aemond was rather annoying bookish, she knew that from their shared lessons. He could beat her at sums despite her being years older.
It was true her lessons from a septa and maester’s who taught her just as much as the private college would, if not more, it didn’t seem fair. 
And on top of that, though she didn’t admit to them—or to herself, really—that she might miss them too.
They had only been gone for three moons when word came—Aemond had been injured rather horribly in a fight. He and his brother were being returned to Dragonstone by the fastest ship their father’s coin could buy, to be attended by the maester’s their own keep had in residence.
Even then, it wasn’t enough to save the eye.
They worried infection would spread and he might lose all his sight. If not his life from fever that could poison his blood. 
Rhaenyra didn’t cry. She didn’t. But her voice might have wavered when she spoke to Aemond after hearing this—unwilling to let the horrors of what had happened to him change her treatment of him.
On the matter of his potential blindness, all she had to say was, “Just think—you have been blessed to see a face as pretty as mine for a decade—that is more beauty than most men get to see in their lifetime.”  
His face was bandaged, and the sliver of eye she could see was cloudy from the high dose of the milk of poppy he was being given for the pain. But he still managed a tiny smile. Tiny for him, even, which was impressive given how he tended to hide them. So different from Aegon, whose face was often dressed in  a wide grin.
“Isn’t it all the more tragic, if i’ve seen such beauty and now have to go without?” He said, his voice sounding small and dry and not like him at all. She wanted to cover his lips with her palm, tell him not to talk until he sounded as he should again. Until he sounded strong. 
“I suppose, then, you must fight—insist to your body and self that you require sight. Perhaps it will permit you to keep it.” She told him. 
“I’m not as stubborn as you, sister, I’m not sure I can.” He admitted.
She huffed, “Consider it a command then—and I know you wish not to disappoint me.” 
He swallowed, and his eyelid fluttered shut. She wondered if she even heard her, but then he nodded slightly and said, “Okay.” 
His recovery was surprisingly swift, and infection never came. 
Aegon said it was because Rhaenyra visited so often she scared it away. That earned him a glare. 
“I’m the scary one? Your delusions do you no justice, brother, clearly you forget your twin is a bloodied cyclops!” She screeched. 
“See!” He had claimed, nearly victorious, “Now you shriek like a banshee!” 
“Banshees herald the dead, brother, if I sound like one, perhaps you should be concerned for yourself.” She said, primly. 
He paled and scurried from the room. 
Rhaenyra thought if Aegon was the one who had been injured, she would not have been so attentive. 
He was certainly the most objectionable of her siblings, at least, in all but looks. He had a sweet boyish face that promised to turn into something handsome. Aemond’s features, however, were longer and his expression rather solemn. They were very different—and no matter what she told herself, she would be unable to choose between them if forced to. 
When her courses came, they came to her. 
They had questions. They had badgered a poor serving girl into admitting Rhaenyra was bed bound for her monthlies. 
Of course, they had come running to ask Rhaenyra what monthlies were. The end result was their expressions—a mixture of horror and intrigue. 
“You’re bleeding?” Aemond said, rather stunned. “Does it hurt?” He wondered.
She shifted her hips and nodded, “Mhm, but not…not like a wound, rather a great deal of pressure in my abdomen. 
“Does it bleed from there?” Aegon wondered, with a vague gesture to her stomach and a far off expression on his face. 
Rhaenyra rolled her eyes, “My navel is not a facet you imbecile, no, it’s—” she flushed, looking down at her lap but carrying on, “It’s between my legs.” She admitted.
Their eyes widened. “Can we see?” Aegon asked.
Rhaenyra sputtered, finding herself at a loss for words.
She settled on a classic response to Aegon’s questions: throwing a book at him. 
She had always been rather tactile with her brother’s, in a way she wasn’t—and wasn’t permitted to be—with others. She hadn’t thought much of it, they were siblings, and in a way they were her…well, it would be bad form to call them her serfs for she did not own them, but as their older sister she felt rather entitled to them in every way, and they had little protest to this. 
So they touched. 
She did not ask before grabbing their arm, or sitting next to them, close enough that they knew the feeling of the other’s thigh against their own. She’d crawled into bed with them on stormy nights, tackled them to the ground during games of tag, and shoved them off the cliffs on warm summer days when they were too fearful to dive from them without help. 
It had never meant anything at all. It was just the way of things, the way she treated them.
It didn’t change as they grew older.
Maybe it should have.
Aegon was, in her opinion, being an insufferable little jit. He refused to mount his mare, Sunfyre, even though they had agreed over breakfast to ride at this hour.
“I can’t.” He moaned, shifting awkwardly with his hands awkwardly at his crotch. 
Her eyes narrowed.
“Why can’t you?” She asked.
He flushed, before admitting he was hard and when that was hard it was like his whole body was stiff. 
“I don’t believe you.” She said, and then, “You’ll have to show me it.” 
His cheeks were flaming but he obeyed, unlacing his breeches and freeing the tunic that was cut long enough to cover his loins. Sure enough, the dangly bit she’d seen between her brother’s legs in childhood—when they were young enough it was not inappropriate, mind you—had managed to grow and harden into something rather…well…she was blushing now.
“Ugh. Put it away.” She said, turning to Syrax and hiding her rosy cheeks. “I shall take her to the meadow while that…you…whatever.” She said, mounting her saddle and leaving before he could respond. 
She thought about it. More than she probably should. She was a curious girl, she wanted to know how it worked. 
It was night time, a few days after that incident, and she slipped into her brothers’ rooms, pulled the covers from Aegon’s nearly nude form, and demanded to see it.
His pale chest was flushed along with his cheeks as she watched him stroke his soft length to something a different shape and size entirely. It was like magic. 
He spilled over his hand, making a mess of himself with his own seed. 
She wanted to touch. 
She wanted to taste. 
She did neither, she simply demanded for him to, “Do it again.” 
Aemond’s was different from his brother’s—longer, leaner, not unlike the rest of their forms.  Disappointedly, he was too shy to touch himself in front of her, saying he was too embarrassed to stay hard. 
Well. Then she would have to make him get hard. 
He flinched when she stroked the soft skin, wrinkled and deflated as it lay against his thigh instead of in the stiff erection it had formed a moment ago. 
She wanted her brothers to reach their full potential, always. And wasn’t their full length part of that?
He told her no. 
She reminded him that he never told her that. She was his older sister. 
He had to obey her. He liked obeying her. 
“Please?” She finally said, and he nodded.
He grew harder in her hand, and she kept stroking, fascinated by the difference in feel and weight in her palm, it seemed to throb where it had once been so very soft. It was as if the appendage pounded with its need for release, the sound nonexistent but almost like a tune in her head, the beat of which drowned out Aemond’s pleas, his sounds of pleasure, and even the sound of his release.
She did taste it this time, a curious lick on the white goo that had spilled across his penis and her palm. 
She’d always had a sweet tooth, but no matter how this resembled the drizzle on iced buns, it had no such flavor. 
It was salty. 
A week later, Aegon kissed a maid. Their father’s hand, Ser Otto Hightower, who was also Aegon’s grandfather, caught them in the halls. This led them to all getting lectures on the matters of intimacy outside of marriage. On the matter of it being a dire sin. 
Rhaenyra hardly heard the septas' words on this matter. She was vibrating with…rage? Jealousy? She wasn’t sure. She just knew the reason for this lecture on the horrors that were intimate interludes out of wedlock were prompted by Aegon’s actions. His intimate interlude. One that did not involve her.
She was Aegon’s older sister and yet she did not know what it was to kiss. But still, surely it should be her duty to teach him such a thing.
Surely she should be his first kiss. 
Surely he should suffer for depriving her of this.
She ignored him for the rest of the day. He hated being ignored. 
Then, after changing for bed, she slipped into their shared chambers. Both boys were awake, and on this occasion she slunk past Aegon in pursuit of Aemond.
She would have his first kiss.
He would never know it was her first kiss, too. 
And Aegon would simply have to watch.
Eventually he begged and whined to the point where his eyes were red and his nose was snotty. So spoiled. Even though he deserved this for his crime—of seeking a girl other than his sister—she thought he’d been punished enough.
When she kissed him that night, his lips were just as soft as Aemond’s, but they were different, too. He was more forward, more confident—that didn’t come from practice, she didn’t think, but rather his enthusiasm and recklessness that his brother lacked. 
And, of course, his lips tasted of his tears. Salty, though in a way far more pleasant than the taste of seed.
Or perhaps the taste was not so different.
Perhaps she just enjoyed the flavor more when it came from sorrow.
And Aegon was so pretty when he cried. 
Both of them grew to expect her kisses—not only when they were in close proximity, but as a reward for bringing her something or completing a favor. 
She thought they were like hounds, expecting a bit of jerky as a treat for being good. 
She played with them as if they were hounds, finding great amusement in promising her lips to whichever sat with the best posture or heeled with the greatest obedience. 
Sometimes she insisted on their nudity in this, for how else could she examine the straightness of their spine and set of their shoulders? 
It had nothing to do with her curiosity of the male form. Of course not.
Though, she would admit to being curious over how their forms changed, their height and structure seeming to grow as they slept if not right before her eyes. 
It seemed just as she had come to terms with having siblings—having brothers—she would have to come to terms with her brothers becoming men. 
Aegon found the book. Of course he did. 
While Aemond was studious in his lessons, Aegon searched the library for hidden treasure, an indiscretion he’d practiced for years. Despite this, there were still shelves that had not suffered his scrutiny, for the room and its contents were rather vast. 
Of course, some of the cases he had looked over with careful eyes long ago needed to be examined once more, now that he was older. For as a boy he was rather blind—or rather, had a different definition—to what treasure truly was.
It was a small book, but not shamefully so. It was bound in bright red leather, stamped in gold, and though it lacked an author's name on the title page, the title itself was too distracting for any of them to care;
A Collection of Erotic Postures
They were all varying shades of pink as each page was turned, the black and white engravings lacking color but bringing to light so many things. It was fascinating how the forms fit together.
Man and woman. 
Nymph and satyr. 
Woman and woman.
Man and man.
At first they spoke over their examination of the engravings—sharing their shock with each page that passed. But soon their shock was implied by mere gasps, and no words were shared until the end was reached and the book was closed. 
It was inevitable that they would eventually grow curious enough to try one.
With the light now so very bright, how could they not wish to bring some of the acts to life?
Rhaenyra pointed to the sketch on page eight, captioned with;
[stimulation to the cunnus via leikhein]
Aegon obliged. 
She was slightly surprised, but not displeased by any means, to find that she felt little embarrassment or feelings of self consciousness in front of her brother’s—even with her skirts bundled in her lap, her legs spread, and Aegon’s face buried in the seam that led to her core.
She felt other things though. Good things. Things that had her fingers digging into Aegon’s curled locks and desperately trying to stifle gasps because gods be good this was—
When it was over, Aegon trailed his fingers through the mess, “You’re leaking, still, sister.” 
She said nothing. If she was capable of speech at all, it didn’t matter, for she did not have the ability to find words to respond with, not in that moment.
She should have tried, though, for Aegon was rather smug and took charge while her wits were absent—“You should clean her up, Aemond.” He suggested.
She wasn’t worried, he was much too shy to follow his brother's suggestion. 
Or so she thought. 
He wasn’t as enthusiastic as Aegon, not as messy, either. He nuzzled her with his nose first—seeming to inhale her scent before he set about cleaning all that had spilled from her. It was rather ineffective, though, with how she peaked again in the process. 
After that, speech was not the only thing that left her. She also found it rather difficult to walk.
…that did not stop her from demanding this act again the next day.
One day, the boys fought over who could have the pleasure of tasting her. 
She rolled her eyes, they were closer to men now yet still acting like children and she was tired of it. She had just come to tolerate them as brother’s but she had no desire to mother them.
“It doesn’t matter. I’m now longer in the mood.” She said, dropping her skirts and crossing her arms. 
Aegon sputtered, whereas Aemond just looked sad. 
“I mean it, too. If you want to taste lips of any sort today your only option is each other’s.”
She hadn’t really expected them to take this as a command—or perhaps they didn’t, they were just waiting for any mention of such a thing so they could have this opportunity. 
Regardless, the outcome was the same, and they wasted little time in joining their lips. 
They didn’t part their lips until after they had rut together and spilled in their breeches. 
Rhaenyra was…not jealous, exactly, but rather awed by the site of them together. For as annoying as her brothers could be, she had always known they were good looking. But this was somehow intensified several times over when they were together like this.
No, if anything, her frustration stemmed from the fact they had so much clothing on, rather than jealousy. 
Perhaps, though, she was a little aroused.
That night, she told Aegon to feast on her folds until she came—then to share her flavor with his brother, using the vessel of his tongue. 
They became hard during—of course they did, everything made them hard.
She told them to take care of the unsightly stiffened lengths, and despite the flush that spread across Aemond’s cheeks she knew from the show that morning that he was not opposed. 
But first, she demanded they remove their sleep clothes. She wanted to see it. See the pulse of their cocks when they came. The ropes of white seed across their pale skin, shining in the moonlight.
She wanted to see them lick it up with their greedy tongues, pink muscle lapping at light skin until the essence was gone and only saliva remained. 
They did. 
After—well, her arousal had bloomed to the point where she demanded Aemond’s mouth, too.
They fucked each other long before her. Fears of pregnancy making her weary of having their lengths in her cunt. 
But it was not as if that was the only entry she had…in fact, this was detailed in the red book that they studied with more faithfulness than they ever had to the Seven. 
The engravings showed the act, which involved what they called the,
‘Quim of every human—man and woman, tucked between the cheeks of one's arse.
This hole does not weep the way of a woman’s sheath, it must be greased or oiled — when adequately done,
the receptacle will still squeak, but they will not suffer.’
It spoke the truth. Aegon did squeak as his brother tentatively worked his long fingers into his parted cheeks. 
He had to stifle screams when fingers were replaced by Aemond’s cock. 
And so, this became a new game they played. 
She watched them for weeks before deciding to partake. Aegon was enthusiastic in getting her ready, where Aemond was tentative about pressing into her. But in the end they were all breathless—well, except for Aegon, who wasted no time in taking his brother’s place inside her, his path lubricated by his siblings' seed.
It was good, the feeling of being stretched. Of being filled.
She wanted such a sensation somewhere else.
She had them—one after the other—in her cunt on her seventeenth name day. It was dangerous, she knew, but she had found notes in a midwifery book that spoke to safe times of the month, calculated by the days following a woman’s courses. And so she had tracked them dutifully for months until there was enough consistency she felt confident.
Even still, she told them they had to pull out. Her cunt would not taste their seed until she was married. 
They obeyed, just as they always did.
Aegon went first, licking her until she came before pressing inside of her—the intrusion one that made them both groan with pleasure. His thrusts were uneven and it was over fast but she could see how one could find pleasure in this act, given enough practice.
He spilled across her stomach, before Aemond took his place.
He was longer. 
The differences in their cocks was obvious when you looked at them, or felt them with your palm. She’d forced their lengths together as they stood, stroking and admiring the width of Aegon’s next to the length of Aemond’s. As if they had the same mass but were formed into different shapes, the same while not being even remotely similar. Quite like the men the appendages belonged to. 
What she knew of their lengths before this was that Aegon’s was more of a challenge to get in, given the width of it. But once deep enough to slide with ease, she thought any intrusion in her rear felt rather the same.
But this.
She understood now, why women were meant to be penetrated here. Every drag of his cock lit up pathways of nerves inside her that made her clench and shiver. She felt the precise shape of him inside of her, the length, the curve, and it all culminated in her peaking—a moment before he pulled from her and spilled across her folds.
Both of them were prompt in how they licked up their seed, lilac eyes looking at her heaving bosom as she attempted to catch her breath, all while they continued to dine upon the masculine syrup coating her creamy flesh.
For their sixteenth birthday, she had them both.
She did not believe in any faith, really, but this almost made her think some higher power existed. Why else would they bestow men and women with such parts that fit together like this? That felt so good?
She had never felt more powerful in that moment, when she was pressed between them, speared on both of them….and yet she had never felt more vulnerable, either, for she realized how small she now was compared to their forms. They had grown to a point where they could defy her commands, but they didn’t, and she trusted them, even with her body and something like this. 
And for that reason, at that moment, she had never felt closer to them—and not just because she was full of their cocks, with lips pressing kisses to either side of her neck. Though she rather liked that part of this, too.
It was difficult enough to orchestrate that they were only able to have each other this way a handful of times in the following few months. But they hardly went unsatisfied, not with the engravings to guide them and their mouths and fingers eager to thrust when time or locale did not allow for a cock.
It was shaping up to be a rather blissful year, she thought. 
And then, their father died. 
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story notes:
the "book" was inspired by later takes on the I Modi, a very erm, inspired, renaissance work with detailed engravings of numerous positions.
this was supposed to have a chapter two in which daemon returned to dragonstone and claimed the title for himself...along with his. brother's children. but due to lack of interest i've scrapped it for now.
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
i am thinking about an au where aegon approaches rhaenyra at laenor’s funeral and is like “hey we should get married because i’ve been obsessing and i think it’s the only way we can avoid a succession crisis” and rhaenyra agrees and spends the next several years mommying the FUCK out of aegon, has him crown her when viserys dies, then shows up to the first small council meeting with her boy toy husband and is like “actually otto, lannisters, get FUCKED” and chases them out
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thesilverlady · 1 year
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“Familiarity is the father of acceptance.”
au where Aegon ii is actually named heir
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meraxesmoon · 8 months
yandere rhaegon pleaseeee
note: this made me feral, I unironically enjoy those rhaegon edits on tt 😭
warnings: yandere content, incest, obviously rhae and egg are siblings, but I made the reader a targtower kid as well, aemond's twin ig, affection-starved aegon, reader is devout like her mother, poly relationships, infidelity, rhaenyra is still married to daemon but idc, never will i write dom aegon, reader is presented as innocent and sweet, baby trapping
┍━━━━━━━ ˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗━━━━━━━┑
♡ Aegon desires love. He wants someone to love him unconditionally. Not to mention, he has some severe mommy issues. I imagine that he's always had such a weird dynamic with Rhaenyra, but he ends up desiring her affection as he grows older. Of course, she's on Dragonstone, and he's left in Kings Landing, but he also has another sister that he has his eyes on.
☆ Sweet (Name), the second youngest of Alicent's children, and Aemond's twin sister. She loves her siblings and is especially doting on Aegon considering he definitely needs a loving touch from someone who isn't one of his whores. She's a pious girl who believes that Aegon needs some help, and so she's close with him, maybe out of pity. Aemond and Alicent try to keep her out of Aegon's fewer savory hobbies, but she still loves her big brother a lot!
♡ (Name) is so sweet on him, too! She, of course, is closer with Aemond because they're twins, but she likes looking after Aegon after a particularly bad hangover of his. Her life mostly consists of going to the Sept and having tea with her mother, and reading with Aemond, so watching over Aegon is something she does regularly. Aegon completely revels in her attention, and fully takes advantage of the love (Name) has for him as her big brother.
☆ Then we have Rhaenyra, who comes to Kings Landing to settle Luke's legitimacy trial with Vaemond. She's there with her five children and her husband, but she still finds herself involved with her half-brother. He's pathetic, but some part of Rhaenyra likes that. She also adores her youngest sister despite her dislike for Aemond. She thinks (Name) is so cute! She's growing as a woman, though, and Rhaenyra takes notice of that.
♡ Along with her nights spent with Aegon, Rhaenyra starts to spend more time with her younger sister as well. She's just so sweet! Rhaenyra wants both of them, she realizes, and Aegon wants the same thing, so it's a done deal after she finds out about it. However, Alicent intends to marry (Name) off to some lord and Rhaenyra won't allow it! Her sweet (Name) deserves to be cherished, not sold off to some ugly old man.
☆ Rhaenyra and Aegon are very much against their sweet sister marrying anyone, so they decide to corrupt her <3
♡ Despite Aegon not caring much about having children, Rhaenyra convinces him that they have to get (Name) pregnant, so Otto and Alicent are unable to marry her to someone outside of the Targaryen family. You know eventually Rhaenyra will have to return to Dragonstone, but maybe she'll bring Aegon and their little lover with her.
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once I came across a fic where rhae and daemon screwed her daughter and ive been traumatized ever since 💀
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frankcastleonlyfans · 2 years
pairing: aemond targaryen x daemon's daughter!oc (dad!daemon x mom!reader au)
summary: alyssa does not know how babies are made. fortunately, cousin aemond is always there for her <3
warnings: allusions to sex, mentions of pregnancy, slight corruption kink (?), aemond getting a boner
author's note: should i write smut? i noticed i have never done an actual sexual thing in this series, so i'm wondering if i should. is it something you guys want to see or should i keep it family friendly? 😏
reblogs, feedbacks and likes are appreciated. support your content creators 💓 please leave a comment if you like my work, and enjoy your reading.
dad!daemon x mom!reader masterlist
gif by @useraelin
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· ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ୨♡୧ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ ·
Recently, Alyssa received the news she is to become an aunt. Cerelle and Rhaegon are expecting a child.
But then she wondered, how did that happened?
Cerelle and Rhaegon have been married for three years now, and this is their first child.
And Helaena and Aegon already have the twins, but she is pregnant again.
Alyssa knew that a woman needed to be married to create a baby, but why it took her brother and sister-in-law so long? And how did they actually did it?
Alyssa tried asking her Septa, but the old lady said the same thing she always says when it comes about pregnancy; "You will find out when you marry some lord."
But would she? Alyssa was becoming too old to marry, and no lord could ask for her hand.
Because when she was 15, the King announced her betrothal to Aemond, to seal the peace between his brother and the Queen, and also between the Eye Ripper Lady and the One Eyed-Prince. 
The marriage that never happened, the smallfolk so called.
But Daemon forbade the wedding to go on, and Viserys did not let the princess be free to marry someone other than his son.
And the Rogue Prince said; "So we will wait for you to die, brother."
Daemon thought his brother did not have much time forward, so he chose to wait patiently for the King to perish, than let his beloved daughter marry his fucked up nephew.
And technically, that makes Alyssa still betrothed to Aemond.
And fearing she would never have the answer for her questions in the proper way, she decided to ask her cousin and sister-in-law.
The girls were enjoying tea inside the Women's Hall, and Alyssa made use of the short moment that neither her mom, nor the Queen, nor their septas were in the room.
"How does a lady come to be with child?" Alyssa asked, directly.
Cerelle gasped, almost choking on her tea.
Helaena frowned, her eyes leaving her embroidery to look at her cousin.
"Alyssa, what a question!" Cerelle scolded, "That is a subject only for married women."
"I know, but why took you so long to get pregnant?" Alyssa was genuinely curious, and that amused Helaena.
"Books are knowledge's best friend. But not always the answer can be found in them. The library is the books' best friend." Helaena said, in riddles, like always.
Alyssa sighed defeated. She left the Women's Hall and went to the library. But not to look for her answer, again, but to find distraction so, she could free her mind from that unceasing curiosity.
And she found him there.
Aemond being in the library at the very same time as her was starting to get under her skin. But in a good way.
He said he has been going there for years, and yet they have never crossed each other, until these past months, which now they have been doing often.
They kept a friendly relationship ever since they apologized to each other, but neither of them mentions the kiss.
"I hope you're not reading about dragons again." Alyssa murmured to get his attention.
The prince closed the book he held in one hand, and his eye met hers, "I hope you are not losing your sleep again, it is noon yet."
"I'm just annoyed, thought I could find some distraction here." She smirked, hopping on top of the huge table in the middle of the room.
Aemond left the armchair he sat, and stood next to her, leaning himself over a bookshelf.
"What happened?"
"You can't help me. Apparently it is a matter for married people only." Alyssa shrugged, balancing her legs in the air.
Aemond chuckled, "I am a very vivid man, cousin. Maybe I can have your answer."
"Do you know how does a lady come to be with child?"
Aemond felt the air vanish from his lungs. He was expecting anything but that.
"Cerelle and Helaena won't tell me, there is no book about pregnancy here, my Septa, who apparently is supposed to teach me everything, will not, and something is telling me not to ask my parents about it." The girl whined.
Aemond smirked. The idea of corrupting that feisty little thing crossed his mind, and he felt his pants getting tighter to that thought.
"The answer to your question is quite indecent. Do you really want to know?"
"Yes!" Alyssa grabbed his shoulders excitedly.
Aemond almost groaned to her touch.
"First, a man and a woman need to have sex. Then, the man will spill his seed inside of her. His seed grows a baby inside the woman's womb." Aemond licked his lips, watching the girl almost crashing to so much information.
"Wait! They need to do what? What kind of seed? How does a seed become a human being? You're not making any sense, Aemond!" Alyssa frowned.
Aemond placed his hand on her thigh, caressing it softly with his thumb.
"Would you like me to show it to you?"
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allkordelia · 1 year
Keep Me in Your Thoughts (29)
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Daemon rode back with Thoros to Stonehold alone, neither man said a word to another.  Thoros was too intrigued on what was going on outside while daemon was to nervous to speak, when they finally which the castle daemon helped thoros out. The old king waved his guards away as they were to take him to his chamber to rest but the king rather stay with daemon pulling the young prince along inside, they continue their walk without words until thoros stop at a water fountain in the West Wing where he stays.
He look up at the statue of the woman, daemon watch as the old man kiss his fingers before he ligt his hand in the air towards the statue. Thoros took a sit on the marble fountain with his cane resting by his side, daemon looks around the area before he glance up at the marble lady. She looked familiar but he couldn't put his finger on it, he look away probably from one of the many paintings in the hall.
"How fast time has passed, huh..." Thoros started as he looks around the room making daemon look at him with a furrow brows, "One minute you are fighting wars in the name of your king, and then the next your trying to figure out what comes after it all." The old man chortle to himself as he what he said was the funniest thing.
"My king?" Thoros turns his pale blue eyes at daemon, it took a moment for the old king to speak.
"You remind me a little of myself when i was once youthful," Daemon swallow as he shifted in his spot not sure what to say, "I never had ambitions or a thirst for chaos and mayhem, but i did love my family. Even if some didn't deserve it." Thoros wave his hand beckoning daemon forward before turning slightly to gaze at the crystal water seeing the different various of fish swim, daemon took slow steps before he lowered himself down on the edge of the fountain.
"I had a brother, Rhaegon, he was my twin and older than me by a second, he was a fierce warrior and a real unscrupulous seducer." the old king chuckle lowly as daemon smirk, "He felt that duties were meant for kings, so he denounce himself as heir of the serpent islands which annoyed my father since he considerme the weak twin."
"But, once my father died and I took the throne it wasn't until I married my sister is when things changed." Daemon gave a confuse frown as he look at thoros.
"How do you mean?" Thoros hum as lines form on his forehead as he tries to remember.
"My brother...he was an unpredictable drunk and when he drink he forgets all morals especially to his family, and take things forcefully without thought." Thoros grip on his cane tighten as he look forward with a look of despair, "My sweet wife was pregnant with my first child, she was seven full moons along. My brother and I were drinking in the throne room after he came back from his voyage, I was never good with the stuff my brother drink always made me sluggish." Thoros stood up using his cane as he pace the area. 
"What happened?" Daemon ask watching thoros as he move around, he knows there is a reason the king was telling him.
"He...defile my wife and in return we lost our daughter, " Daemon cast his eyes down as thoros look at him, "I was almost driven into madness when I was told, as I wait in the throne room for my brother return, he was hurting my wife." Thoros look away from Daemon and gaze up at the statue.
"My sweet love..." thoros spoke softly with a broken smile, "She beg me to spare him, she said he is still our brother and to banish him instead, send him away, but I couldn't." He sigh looking away from the statue, daemon look back at thoros.
"I made sure he was trapped on the island, I had men keep an eye on his dragon, I made it known to anyone who would help him would be dealt the same punishment as him." Thoros shook his head, "When I did finally hunt him down, he begged for his life, even cried, but that didn't deter my rage. And only thing I regret about it all was making his death drag on longer than it had to but you know." He spoke unbothered making daemon look slightly taken back.
"The worst part of it all, he left my wife barren leaving a dirty reminder of what he did to us." Daemon stare at thoros with a mixture of confusion and grief, he didn't understand why he was telling him all this.
Did thoros fear I would do this to rhaelle if she marries marrio, daemon thought, revolted at the idea of putting rhaelle through that. 
"Why are you telling me thus?" Thoros look back at daemon as the old man reach up and scatch at his beard.
"You come here to seek my blessing, yes?" Daemon nod slowly, "So, I ask you rogue prince, will you do the same to your brother if you found out he did such a thing to rhaelle?" Thoros raise his grey white brow.
Daemon gulp as he stares at thoros unsure how to answer, he knows he told rhaelle he would if she ask him too but that was just him saying that to show that he was serious about his love for her. He couldn't truely imagine himself killing his brother, the only person who cared for him and took care of him when their parents died.
"Of course," he said a bit edgy, thoros narrow his eyes at daemon.
"You don't sound sure, son." Daemon glance away with a timid look.
"It is hard to answer,"
"Why?" Thoros ask, the sound of his cane tap against the stone tile as he nears, "Why is it so hard to answer, my boy?" Daemon look up at thoros with a small frown.
"He is my brother–"
"He is rhaelle's cousin, and yet..." Daemon shook his head.
"It's different." He said whispered.
"How?" Thoros chided taking daemon by surpise, "What is it that is different, the fact that your brother trick her into a life she did not want–"
"Otto did that not viserys. My brother was trick too,"
"Trick? No. He was coerce and made to believe that a young sweet girl like rhaelle would want him." Daemon shook his head in denial, "I have seen it many times, lords trying to convince themselves, the only reason they marry the young ones is because it will give them heirs easier, when in reality it to show them off and feel youthful again."
"Not my brother–"
"No, your brother just happened to get infatuated with rhaelle," thoros scoffed, daemon glare at thoros.
"You know nothing. My brother loved only one person and that was his wife, he did not love rhaelle." Thoros gave a eyeroll as he shifted his cane to his other hand.
"I didn't say 'love' did I? I said infatuated. You can love one person but be infatuated with another, can't you..." Daemon didn't know what came over as he stood up, he hated his brother for what he did to rhaelle, but killing him was too much for him.
"So, you wish me to kill my brother over–"
"No, I wish you to kill your brother if he dares defiles the woman you oh so claim to love," Daemon turn away from the old man as he thinks, "I bet if I ask  you to kill otto you would jump at the chance,"
"Damn right I will. He was the reason that rhaelle had to become a concubine, he stole her childhood away the moment he crawled into bed with her."
"And yet your brother get a slap on the hand because he wanted a son. Because he truly meant no harm." Daemon turn around to look at thoros come closer.
"My brother is the good one between us, he was tricked, he regret what he did to her."
"How do you know?" Thoros raise his brow in question.
"I don't, but–"
"Do you think he regrets, how he makes rhaelle feel during her visits to King's Landing, how all he do is gaze lustfully at her like a slab of meat on his dinner plate."  Daemon choke back a scoff knowing that couldn't be true.
"How do you know that?" He challenged.
"Because unlike you, she tells me things. Things that she couldn't bare tell another soul not even Meleah." He humph, daemon scowl at the older man. 
"You tell lies, old man. Maybe, you should go to bed and get some rest, we can talk more in the morning when your head finally clears." Daemon sneers, thoros watch as daemon move from his spot in front of him to the door.
"Do you know how many men ask me for rhaelle's hand in marriage once I die?" Daemon stop in front of the double doors, he turn to look at thoros with a look of annoyance, "Fifthy-six." Daemon clench his jaw feeling something crack.
"Do you know how many I gave my blessings to?" Daemon didn't move to say anything, "One." Thoros says, daemon look away from the old man in anger and distress.
"Ser Gwayne Hightower." Daemon snap his eyes to the old man as he stood there with a satisfied smile at the look of irritation on daemon's face.
"That cunt? You truly have gone senile old man." Thoros let out a chortle, daemon watch as thoros came closer, "Rhaelle will never marry him–."
"If I say she will, she will," the old man said, "Rhaelle will marry whoever I pick for her, because she knows I look out for her best interest and you are not in her best interest, boy. How can i trust you with her."
"How dare you. You don't know me, mines and rhaelle history go far back before you or anyones. I love her–" Daemon hiss, thoros slam the ends of his cane onto the stone floor making it echo.
"Then, fight for her." Thoros said stern making daemon step back, "Will you be the husband that watches as his brother continues to torments her or the husband that will stand between her and him to protect her." Thoros move close to daemon making the young prince look at him warily.
"That girl deserves to feel safe, she may look like she has it all together but rhaelle is just human." Daemon swallow as he stares at thoros with mix emotions, "I am sure you know of the monsters that sometimes lurk in her head in the dead of night," Daemon glance away knowing what he speaks.
The doors on the other side of the room opened revealing two knights, thoros turns slowly as he walks away from Daemon.
"I have not long to live, rogue prince. And I wish my family to be looked after long after I am gone to a man who isn't afraid to do everything in his power to protect them." Daemon looks up as thoros stands between two knights, "For your sake, I pray you make the right decision."
Daemon watch as thoros was lead away through the double doors towards his chamber, the rogue prince turn on his heels once the doors closed making him walk down the halls.
He needs to talk to rhaelle.
@avidreader73 @spderm4nnnn @supermassiveblackhope @watercolorskyy @green-lxght @beggarsnotchoosey @cleverzonkwombatsludge
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virgil-is-a-cutie · 1 year
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Queen Aegana Targaryan the firsborn daughter of Queen Alicent Hightower and the 2nd daughter of King Viserys I, she usurped her older sister Queen Rhaenyra Targaryan after their father died to the insistance of her mother Dowager Queen Alicent and Grandfather Otto Hightower. Was an embarrasment to her mother and grandfather because it was rumored about that she had been to many brothels before she was 16 years old. She was betrothed to a Lannister before she was made Queen. “The Realm’s Whore” was what she was nicknamed as rumors spread that they witnessed her in brothels in her 12th name day and many nobles left her chambers at night.
Princess Aemanna Targaryan the 3rd Princess of the Realm cruelly nicknamed “Prince with no Cock” for she began to train and act like a prince and trained under Ser Criston Cole once she was old enough to understand her mother was disappointed in her being her final child and her gender. She desperately tried to bring honor to her name, but was privately mocked for her endeavor, the allies she pulled for her sister mocked her behind her back but followed because she had Vaghar as her dragon.
Princess Heleana Targaryan, nicknamed “Dragon Dreamer” was the 4th daughter of the King, however, unlike Aegana and Aemanna the King liked her company and sought after to make her happy just like with Rhaenyra. She had wed Daemon’s firstborn son with Rhea Royce, Rhaegon Targaryan and had twins, Jahearys and Jahearas. When Aegana usurped their eldest sister she had been told that since Queen Aegana had ruined her womb from all the drinking and the amount of Moon Tea she took before she was even 13 years old, that her firstborn son would be her sister’s heir. She had managed to escape with her husband to be safer with Queen Rhaenyra.
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tinfairies · 1 year
Oh my god, Dany after delivering their first child finding out that Jon’s twin is now pregnant and loving watching her wife swell just as much as being pregnant. She’s boasting to everyone. She’s showing off her wife’s stomach and even Jon has less hugs becoming Dany is a dragon through and through, their wife is her treasure, be careful. You think the twins were protective of Dany while she was with child? No. Dany brings a whole new level of protective to the table. You best believe Drogon, Rhaegon and Viserion are right outside the window ready. She’ll have her baby try to bond while in her wife’s stomach, feeling their kicks and turns, just babbling at them. She wants them to be close and have the relationship she never had with her brothers. When she finds out they’re twins and one comes out with white hair she’s in tears, holding all her babies together and just crying at the sight of the three of them she loves them so much.
I'm crying. I love Dany so much
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ao3feed-tywin · 10 months
𝑺𝒆𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒐𝒏𝒃𝒐𝒓𝒏 | 𝑮𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝑶𝒇 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔 [ 𝑻𝒚𝒘𝒊𝒏 𝑳𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 | Robb Stark
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/AC3RdJe
by Icefyre19
。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆ 𝚂𝚎𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚘𝚗𝚋𝚘𝚛𝚗 | " 𝙽𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚏𝚊𝚛 𝚖𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚊𝚌 𝚙𝚎𝚘𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚐𝚘 𝚝𝚘 𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚢 𝚢𝚘𝚞 "
 In which Maelanyra Velaryon Targaryen daughter of Haegon Targaryen younger twin brother of Rhaegar Targaryen and Bhaenya Velaryon was born during a yin Yang eclipse. With the soul of a dragon and a blue mind.
 Growing up, Maelanyra developed magical abilities passed on by her ancestors . With her newfound powers, she sets out on a journey discovering who she really is and protects those she loves. Along the way she encounters danger and allies. She learns more of her magic and how to use it to defeat enemies who seeks to tear her family apart.
 𝙂𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙊𝙛 𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨 𝙎1-8 𝘼𝙐 𝑻𝒚𝒘𝒊𝒏 𝑳𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 | 𝑹𝒐𝒃𝒃 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝒙 𝑶𝑪
Words: 810, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Original House Velayron Targaryen Characters, Maelanyra Velaryon Targaryen ( OC), King Baerion Vealyron of Driftmark and High Tide ( OC), Princess Bhaenyra Vealyron of Driftmark and High Tide ( OC’s Mother), Prince Rhaegon of Dragonstone ( OC’s Father), Robb Stark, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Jon Snow, Oberyn Martell, Doran Martell, Myrcella Baratheon, Tommen Baratheon, Joffrey Baratheon, Tywin Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Robert Baratheon, Jaime Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Kevan Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen, Genna Lannister, Catelyn Tully Stark, Ned Stark, Ashara Dayne, Rhaegar Targaryen, Jorah Mormont, Khal Drogo (A Song of Ice and Fire), Rickon Stark, Lyanna Mormont, Sandor Clegane
Relationships: Robb Stark/Original Female Character(s), Tywin Lannister/Original Female Character(s), Jaqen H'ghar/Original Female Character(s), Gendry/Arya Stark, Catelyn Tully Stark/Ned Stark, Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth, Robert Baratheon/Cersei Lannister, Myrcella Baratheon/Trystane Martell, Talisa Maegyr/Robb Stark, Lyanna Mormont/Rickon Stark, Daenerys Targaryen & Original Female Character(s), Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen, Sandor Clegane/Sansa Stark, Tyrion Lannister/Original Female Character(s), Meera Reed/Bran Stark, Shireen Baratheon/Tommen Baratheon
Additional Tags: Rhaego Lives (ASoIaF), Daenerys Targaryen Is Not a Mad Queen, Queen Daenerys Targaryen, Robb Stark is King in the North, Tywin Lannister Being Tywin Lannister, Tywin Lannister Lives, Myrcella Baratheon Lives, Tommen Baratheon Lives, Rickon Stark Lives, Jaime Lannister Lives, Mad Queen Cersei Lannister, Endgame Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth, Dragons, Magic, House Velaryon (A Song of Ice and Fire), Daenerys Targaryen Deserves Better, Daenerys Targaryen Lives, Targaryen Restoration, Jon Snow is a Stark, N Plus A Equals J | Ashara Dayne and Ned Stark are Jon Snow's Parents, Jon Snow is King in the North, Married Sandor Clegane/Sansa Stark, Minor Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister, Minor Original Character(s), Minor Tyrion Lannister/Sansa Stark
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/AC3RdJe
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the-heartlines · 5 months
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his nyra | rhaegon twins | e. 3.6k. 2/2.
☀️🌙✨—“my hāedar. let me fill the emptiness in you, sweet nyra.” he whispers into the crook of her neck, made just for his lips to plant gentle kisses, that will bloom into a constellation of marks once he's finished claiming her flesh entirely."—✨🌙☀️
(merry christmas! 🎄🎁✨ and happy one year anniversary to me finishing my first fic officially! cheers!🥂 🎉)
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ao3feed-briennejaime · 10 months
𝑺𝒆𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒐𝒏𝒃𝒐𝒓𝒏 | 𝑮𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝑶𝒇 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒔 [ 𝑻𝒚𝒘𝒊𝒏 𝑳𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 | Robb Stark
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/gO4bDuc
by Icefyre19
。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆ 𝚂𝚎𝚍𝚛𝚊𝚐𝚘𝚗𝚋𝚘𝚛𝚗 | " 𝙽𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚞𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚏𝚊𝚛 𝚖𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚊𝚌 𝚙𝚎𝚘𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚐𝚘 𝚝𝚘 𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚢 𝚢𝚘𝚞 "
 In which Maelanyra Velaryon Targaryen daughter of Haegon Targaryen younger twin brother of Rhaegar Targaryen and Bhaenya Velaryon was born during a yin Yang eclipse. With the soul of a dragon and a blue mind.
 Growing up, Maelanyra developed magical abilities passed on by her ancestors . With her newfound powers, she sets out on a journey discovering who she really is and protects those she loves. Along the way she encounters danger and allies. She learns more of her magic and how to use it to defeat enemies who seeks to tear her family apart.
 𝙂𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙊𝙛 𝙏𝙝𝙧𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨 𝙎1-8 𝘼𝙐 𝑻𝒚𝒘𝒊𝒏 𝑳𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓 | 𝑹𝒐𝒃𝒃 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝒙 𝑶𝑪
Words: 810, Chapters: 3/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Original House Velayron Targaryen Characters, Maelanyra Velaryon Targaryen ( OC), King Baerion Vealyron of Driftmark and High Tide ( OC), Princess Bhaenyra Vealyron of Driftmark and High Tide ( OC’s Mother), Prince Rhaegon of Dragonstone ( OC’s Father), Robb Stark, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Jon Snow, Oberyn Martell, Doran Martell, Myrcella Baratheon, Tommen Baratheon, Joffrey Baratheon, Tywin Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Robert Baratheon, Jaime Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Kevan Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen, Genna Lannister, Catelyn Tully Stark, Ned Stark, Ashara Dayne, Rhaegar Targaryen, Jorah Mormont, Khal Drogo (A Song of Ice and Fire), Rickon Stark, Lyanna Mormont, Sandor Clegane
Relationships: Robb Stark/Original Female Character(s), Tywin Lannister/Original Female Character(s), Jaqen H'ghar/Original Female Character(s), Gendry/Arya Stark, Catelyn Tully Stark/Ned Stark, Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth, Robert Baratheon/Cersei Lannister, Myrcella Baratheon/Trystane Martell, Talisa Maegyr/Robb Stark, Lyanna Mormont/Rickon Stark, Daenerys Targaryen & Original Female Character(s), Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen, Sandor Clegane/Sansa Stark, Tyrion Lannister/Original Female Character(s), Meera Reed/Bran Stark, Shireen Baratheon/Tommen Baratheon
Additional Tags: Rhaego Lives (ASoIaF), Daenerys Targaryen Is Not a Mad Queen, Queen Daenerys Targaryen, Robb Stark is King in the North, Tywin Lannister Being Tywin Lannister, Tywin Lannister Lives, Myrcella Baratheon Lives, Tommen Baratheon Lives, Rickon Stark Lives, Jaime Lannister Lives, Mad Queen Cersei Lannister, Endgame Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth, Dragons, Magic, House Velaryon (A Song of Ice and Fire), Daenerys Targaryen Deserves Better, Daenerys Targaryen Lives, Targaryen Restoration, Jon Snow is a Stark, N Plus A Equals J | Ashara Dayne and Ned Stark are Jon Snow's Parents, Jon Snow is King in the North, Married Sandor Clegane/Sansa Stark, Minor Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister, Minor Original Character(s), Minor Tyrion Lannister/Sansa Stark
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/gO4bDuc
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justice4johnnydepp · 5 years
Supernatural OC: Archangel Azariah
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Name: Saint Azariah the Archangel (Friends: Azzy) (People who pray to her: Mother of the lost) (She is the Archangel of Love, Marriage, Fertility, and protector of the lost children’s souls)
Age: Unknown
Birth date:Same day as Gabriel
Height: 5'4’’
Weight/Body Type:
Skin Color: Pale
Eye Color: Violet
Hair Color: White
Current Residence: Lebanon, Kansas
Parent(s): Chuck Shurley/God (Father), Ophelia/Balance (OC/Mother)
Siblings):All Angels
Children: Armaita -Killed by Raphael- Rhaegon -alive/Nephilim-
Love Interest/Married: Lucifer
Likes: Sweets,  Spicy,  Food, -I know angels can’t taste food or drinks but pretend they can just just don’t eat or drink because they don’t have to- TV,  Books, music,  etc.
Dislikes: Perverts,  techno music, creeps,  etc.
Habits: (smoking, drinking etc.): Drinking -it takes a long time to get her drunk unless it’s heaven made-
Hobbies: Reading, watching TV,  Writing, and Painting
Favorite Sayings: Shut up, Crackhead
Style (Elegant, shabby etc.):Elegant
Best quality: She’d do anything to protect her close ones
Greatest flaw:  Hypocrite -She judges her parents for abandoning their children yet she did the same to Rhaegon-
Traits (Kind,Sarcastic,etc.):  Kind, Sarcastic, Optimism, Hypocritical, Flirty, and stubborn
Backstory: Azariah is the youngest Archangel. Her older brother Gabriel and her were created the same day so people refer to them as “The Twins”. Before Lucifer fell he and Azariah were ‘bonded’. Basically they were married but it’s more then that when an angel bonds there is no going back they will have that connection for the rest of their existence. Azariah told God what Lucifer did in the Garden of Eden. She thought Lucifer was going to get a slap on the wrist since Lucifer was his favorite but she was wrong. Azariah grew depressed after her Father casted Lucifer from heaven. Especially since after he fell she found out she was pregnant with his child, a girl Angel named Armaita. Armaita became the Angel of truth and a strong soldier. Before Armaita grew up all Azariah had left was her baby, parents, and brothers Castiel & Gabriel. Then Gabriel left then her parents. It was just Azariah, Armaita, and Castiel vs the universe. She promised Castiel she would protect him from then on and she has. During the Heaven Civil War Azariah and Armaita fought with Castiel. This made Raphael angry and he killed Armaita. A few years later Azariah met an unnamed mortal and had a fling with him. -No matter how much Castiel asked she would not give up a name- she gave birth to a small Nephilim child named Rhaegon. She may not the best mother because she’s not in her life. How could she raise another child she couldn’t protect even from herself. Rhaegon lives with her paternal grandparents in Lebanon, Kansas. Azariah watches her from afar and make sure no angel,  Monster,  Demon, etc harms her.
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the-heartlines · 5 months
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rhaegon twins bones and all au
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the-heartlines · 1 year
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prettiest girls of westeros
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the-heartlines · 1 year
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his nyra | rhaegon twins feat. jealous!aegon | 1K [explicit]
Remembering their uncle’s hand around his twin’s throat, fingers grasping her soft, pale skin, as gently as a lover’s kiss, is enough for Aegon to once again wish to drown his bitterness and jealousy in copious amounts of Dornish wine.
But the richest of Dornish wine wouldn’t be enough to quench the sweet saccharine that his dear sister, his twin, could (should) give him.
How Aegon wishes the fire that alights in her violet irises when she looks at their uncle, would be the same gaze she looks upon him with. He would give anything to be that which ignites her veins, her very soul and heart, alive with fire and blood.
chapter 1
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