#repost from 2017
puffywuffy8904 · 7 months
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something something A Goofy Movie but with Donald and the boys... yeah
(screenshot redraw from below)
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It’s time for @duckversejune2024 ! Woo-oo!
Week 1 is Happy Birthday Duck Twins and Daisy, so I give you this:
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Ordinarily I’d thank the hosts but I am one this time! I’m very glad to have helped put this event together with @secret-tester and @tokuvivor ! You guys are the best!
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2001fallenstar · 2 months
So many blogs w/ stuff reuploaded from pinterest or even tumblr. We need even more original upload blogs! But tbh, if you see a liminal space or weirdcore edit on pinterest, 99% chance it's already been uploaded to tumblr ages ago
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shychick-52 · 1 year
Random headcanon time (reposted from my defunct blog):
Gyro got a hysterectomy as soon as he was legally able to, as well as top surgery, because Della insisted Scrooge pay for it. :D
Of course a younger Gyro would have shyly insisted he doesn't need charity, but nothing stops Della Duck.
(And ofc this is one thing Scrooge would gladly pay for, because it's practically canon that he's trans himself)
And I'd be remiss if I didn't share this addition from @therivergirl to my original post:
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lldw · 2 months
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[240411] wookdonglee_official Instagram Story Update
💭 욱동아 너가 답해봐
✉️ 10만 친구들아! 뭐든지 물어봐 🍑
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wollowywillowy · 1 year
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ducktales (woo-hoo!)
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foolish-edworm · 4 months
it'll forever be funny to me that there was a community of mid 2010s emos on instagram that were taking older tumblr posts off pinterest and posting it on their meme accs
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viciousbite · 1 year
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Michi & Valryn
Artist: XOX-Nata
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bruneburg · 2 years
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“Mother of Two”, 2017
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puffywuffy8904 · 10 months
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elceeu2morrow · 2 years
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i remember watching the chocolate rain video for the first time and being like utterly entranced by his voice and my dad losing it at him moving away from the mic so often
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boo-cool-robot · 2 years
Ibex, being lead by Orth in their first dance after four years: Wait...just maybe...I’M the good boy now????
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shychick-52 · 1 year
They're gonna be ok...
Scrooge and the kids' very last lines:
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Huey: You don't have to worry about us, Uncle Scrooge. We're smarter-
Dewey: We're tougher-
Louie: We're sharper!
Webby: And we'll earn our way square!
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Scrooge: *proudly* Couldn't have said it better myself!
I tear up EVERY. DUCKING. TIME. Because of how much this family's grown and learned and evolved since we very first met them, how far they've come (and that not only includes Scrooge and the Ducks, but EVERYONE, because they're ALL family), how many challenges and threats they've overcome together. And I honestly get the impression they were meant to be assuring the audience of this- that they're going to be ok, no matter what, even if that was mostly the last we'll see of them; Frank and Matt said something very similar in an interview (I've read quite a few interviews from them about the finale), so I think that was their way of telling us that.
Thanks, Frank, Matt, and everyone involved for giving us such a work of passion. You captured lightning in a bottle with this show, especially as far as reboots go, and I'm still heartbroken it's over. I still miss it. I'm so grateful they were able to finish telling the story they set out to tell from the very beginning (including the twist about Webby).
And yet, I've always felt like it's one of the more underrated Disney shows.
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tacticalhimbo · 6 months
if i had a nickel for everytime a fandom post on my rp sideblog earned me hate anons, i'd be able to buy a snack and probably a drink, too)
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parf-fan · 7 months
Annual fan-theory rehashing:
The shire of Mount Hope is caught in a time-loop, the same day repeating over and over.
Not always, mind you. This event only seems to be triggered by the presence of royalty in the little NightVale-esque village.  And even then, not all those present will be caught in it.  There is no real rhyme or reason to who will or won’t, but one can live in Mount Hope one’s entire life and never be caught in a loop.
Those trapped in the loop do not notice right away.  Oh, the ones who’ve done this a dozen times, of course they can tell immediately.  But most will not.  How could they?  All they will perceive at first is a vague sense of déjà vu.  As the loop progresses, things will start to seem actively familiar.  Folk meeting for the first time will already know one another.  They guess what is about to happen, and they are always right. They mentally recite the words of others as the words are first spoken.
Some may spend time privately questioning their own sanity.  Others will take counsel with those they trust as soon as they sense something strange.  The loop is openly acknowledged at different rates by different individuals, in part based on the speed at which it is recognized.  Some – particularly those whose minds most resemble those of the Fae – recognize it at once.  The very second time they live this day, they know they’ve lived it before with only slight differences.  Those with more typical minds take over a month’s worth of days to discern what is happening.  But sooner or later, all do.  And as they recognize it, they speak of it, mostly only to those they are closest to.  After a time – a little under two months’ worth of looped days, to be precise – all those within the loop have acknowledged and spoken of it with at least a few others.
Yet time loops are fickle things, and more often than not, the actions of the loop are determined by the attitudes of those within it.  So it is with the loop of Mount Hope.  Once everyone has spoken of and acknowledged the loop, it changes.
Against all rationality, something new – someone new, often – enters the loop.  An element of the supernatural previously absent.  It throws everything, everyone off.  The day begins as it has for months, but then it changes.  Nobody is prepared for this.  Some may think that perhaps they had dreamed the loop, that none of these events had truly yet transpired.  Others merely stare in disbelief, mentally mouthing phrases in the spirit of what the hap is fuckening.
And so they must begin again, recognizing the repeated events.  As before, the Fae-like minds catch on at once.  But the process for all is more speedy this time, for they’ve already recognized a loop once before.  And as they start pinning down this altered loop, they begin to accept. After all, bizarre though the past weeks of their lives have been, they cannot deny that they have enjoyed themselves immensely.  They are living a festival day, after all!  And through that time, they have all bonded with each other deeply.  One by one, they all come to the conclusion that, well, if they are to be stuck in the same day for the rest of eternity, they couldn’t have chosen better company with whom to be stuck.
But acceptance is just what the loop has been waiting for, precisely what was needed to free its prisoners, to end it.  The inhabitants of the loop are somehow aware when it is the last day.  How?  Who knows. Mount Hope is a strange place, and some things within it do not brook questioning.
And so the visitors and denizens of Mount Hope make their way through one final day.  In many ways, it will be a relief to end this, of course; yet there is not one among them wholly pleased.  For all have come to love one another immensely, and the routine of the day – moderately terrifying at times though it may be – has grown strangely soothing.
They live through their day one last time, and they stand on a stage and sing one last farewell.  A very few eyes may be dry, but these are in the minority.
And then it is over. New-reigning Catherine and Henry depart the village, promising to return someday. The Bavarian representatives stay some days yet, and then they, too, must turn their faces away. The Court of France scarce remains longer before setting off for their own realm. Her Majesty, newly crowned, and her cousin, newly redeemed, take their leave of a village newly at peace. Crisis averted, the newlyweds begin their life together, as the remaining civics folk scramble to rectify whatever other ills had been wrought by the architect of the crisis. Two queens, each both fallen and redeemed in differing ways, bid farewell to that setting of upheaval and most of the supporters who had helped enact such tumult.
Yet there is not one who e’er departs that shire who does not vow to return – for a day, a week, a month, another loop.  For such is the power of that strange place, that all who pass through its gates leave a part of themselves there, and all who leave that part of themselves do so because in that place, if only for a little while, they have found their home.
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