#repeat advs taichi
taichi-x-koushiro · 9 months
"...and Koushiro, {in 'that' kind of 'world'}, would 'just' be a 'quiet' person who loves computers. Yes, Koushiro might remain *partly* 'expressionless', to a point... but Koushiro would still laugh at jokes that don't land - including Koushiro's own - and might blush just a bit in embarrassment. And then as time goes by... Koushiro would just gradually open up Koushiro's heart."
"...That's the kind of person Koushiro might become..." - Taichi Yagami {"Incorrect Quote"} (Source: "Suzumiya Haruhi no Shōshitsu")
“Why won’t you allow Tentomon to evolve?! Tell me why!” Koushiro understood after Taichi explained himself, but he turned pale upon realizing that he had spoken to his senior {senpai} Taichi with such an insolent tone. Even {Koushiro} seemed surprised at what {Koushiro} had done. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean—” But Taichi said, “Don’t worry about it. In fact, it made me happy to hear you speak so casually to me. I felt like you’d finally opened up your heart to me.” - Digimon Adventure Novel #3 Pt 2; during vs. Mugendramon; Written by director Hiroyuki Kakudou & {+Koushiro's} script-writer Hiro Masaki; Translated by Digital Scratch (Link in Comments)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
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{repeat?_-verse} dated 04-15-18
(The first full chapter I actually wrote, aside from the opening two) {Posted when rest completed here}
#repeatverse#repeat koushiro#repeat adv koushiro#repeat taichi#repeat advs taichi#verse: tri spinoff#verse: aware koushiro#verse: original koushiro#verse: aware digivillains#verse: ryo cannot interfere#verse: fallen 02 chosen#verse: timeline reset#verse: memory wiped#verse: college au#university au taichi#verse: alphamon won#advs timeline: university#(for prosperity)#(its basically a combo of all possible timeline ideas above)#(I'm negl the only reason I tried a written A.U. to begin with was)#(I WANTED TO POST THIS D*MN CHAPTEr AND!! S C E N E Where Taichi FINDS OUT)#(I must have written this in like a Night ?? ?)#(but I was planning it all week long)#(I had draft outlines because I wanted to see if I could make it a 'One Week' length like story for the in-joke of it all)#(I was not expecting what this fan base would turn into post Kyousei and B.N.M What Even Was All That ?!??!?!)#(Anyway this Koushiro was originally COFTFF Koushiro having already been through multiple original timeline resets but back then)#(it was like x3 of them or so because 1. Clones 2. The Clones Become Aware 3. Clone!Koushiro resets the failed royalty A.U. Timeline)#(This was a similar idea I had in mind for my oldest 02 story when they finished Koushiros arc in middle of it and then Taichis last)#(Koushiro in original form was going to appear to COFTFF Taichi and Chosen by the end and do The Info-Dump on What Happened To Them)#(AND THEN MY 02 SITE DIED BECAUSE GEO-CITIES DID AAAAAAA And NOW TOEI USES THIS T rOPE CANONICALLY)
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon Adventures ~ Taichi Yagami & Koushiro[u] Izumi {A.M.V. Out-lining/Timeline} for Koushiro x Taichi A.M.V.: Tsuki no Uta [#Tri Spoilers, #Kizuna Spoilers, #Digimon Adventure: Spoilers]… This is the current initial ‘previewed’ look of a mostly-finished A.M.V., but with sections I can easily jump around and edit in if I ever go back to it in the future.
... And this is what a full version/outline of 100~ clips may look like!
With this one, starting from after the big Kizuna moment leading into an OWG clip of Taichi, the editor was starting to bug up and lag, and it was honestly amazing this one didn’t crash for some odd, unknown reason before I could finish & save it (when I’ve had many others crash by 40, even just 17~20 clips on a bad editing day)
So this one managed to work out in the end, but I was concerned I wouldn’t be able to fill in the ending with much, and thus I started using some longer sequences by the end, since using longer ones seems like it’ll crash less than if you use a ton of clips at once. I still managed to convey the feel of what I was going for at least (including within the original psuedo-plans), I think, though also the psuedo-outlines had the ending move a lot faster with many shots (that’s usually my wishful thinking though, so I made do with this instead.)
All clips with a series of squares in the corner has effects (sometimes multiple fade-in to fade-out sequences) on.
Also, sometimes the previews on clips will glitch oddly, and then fun things like this may happen:
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^ (BlackAgumon Appeared!)
{It Knows.}
(OK, but most of the time it just glitches the main charas in previews and you can barely see them, which means yeah, kinda hard to see on the timeline.)
This took almost 6~ hours of editing total, spread across two evenings. (I think I finished just under the 6 hour mark on this time, but these ‘totals’ also include a lot of boring loading of files, audio etc. & waiting. So it’s actually a bit less time than even that, but hard for me to keep track of.)
I didn’t even have a full-on psuedo-plan for this one, honestly? (Like, I had an initial overall 'concept’/idea in my mind, including for ending, but I always have trouble when it comes to fitting in the most scenes I’d love to use if possible. I couldn’t even add in 2020!Koushiro’s ep with Gerbemon + Chuumon [/Tyumon] here yet! Maybe in the ‘finished’ version, if I can attempt to go back in, fix those few things & add in subs, sometime hopefully...)
A.M.V.s take a lot of time to make, too! And as much as I’d love to produce them quickly like this, no, I can’t actually manage this kind of attempt every single time without being supremely wiped out mentally afterwards, but this one was a lot of fun to work on too, since it didn’t crash AS much for me this time around...
I’d like to be able to improve my focus to finish them slightly more quickly in time for when character or O.T.P focused events I’m interested in roll around, since it’s way harder to finish a series of A.M.V.s in this quality 7 days in a row, for example when it comes to weekly events, but we’ll see! (Also because I’m typically not the type to {personally} join in events much anymore either... well, I sometimes do try for any Favs though, we’ll see!)
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[Note: replying/Tags that are Positive/respectful are OK!] (If you re-blog this, please out of courtesy tag ‘Tri Spoilers’, ‘Kizuna Spoilers’, and ‘Digimon Adventure: Spoilers’ for your mutuals if you feel it’s necessary!)
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digitalgate02 · 3 months
One thing i’ve been discussing after i had a friend watching 02TB in my country was that the movie does not feel afraid to show the imperfections of every character and how they being like that is what makes them and their relationship with their digimon stronger.
02TB is about communication, but also about imperfection. Rui had a bad life before Ukkomon stepped in, and then Rui’s life changed for the better, except it was not perfect at all. Rui claims his relationship with Ukkomon was perfect, but then later the group points out it wasn’t. Because neither Rui or Ukkomon knew each other like they believed they did.
But the whole discussion was that this friend who watched the movie criticized Hikari standing on Ukkomon’s side, making her get this heavy criticism from a few Japanese fans (yes, said friend speak Japanese and also showed me the tweets too), about how Hikari was invalidating how Rui felt and such.
My other friend, who had watched the movie before me and during her trip in Japan (who also speak Japanese), had a different view of that scene – That Hikari was actually calling Ukkomon pathetic for all those things he was trying to do, not pitying him as some sort of “victim”. And this is where we started discussing the movie’s themes.
If you know Yagami Hikari and her popularity status, you will notice people would rather pin her as “Waifu” or “perfect girl” (even in-universe, I suppose) – And not many people tend to know her real bad side or her inner problems (which you can read Shiha’s overview of the character in her meta blog), and no, it’s not the “brocon” thing (this never was part of Hikari’s entire character, it was only brought by two guests in Adv’99 and 02 respectively, NOT by the entire staff) – it’s the part of Hikari being manipulative, sly and even troll-ish kind of girl.
But in this movie we see she can also be insensitive sometimes, just like her brother is (look, i love Taichi, but let’s be real: most of his issues with Sora in Adv’99/OWG were because he was way more tactless than being Sora being too sensitive) – and i think it adds a new layer to the character, breaking the idea she’s “perfect”.
And according to the friend who i was talking with, Hikari’s line is what leads Daisuke to reverse Rui’s words and questions into making the new and mysterious boy realize his life and relationship with Ukkomon were not perfect as he imagined it were. 
Speaking of Ukkomon, he’s also the embodiment of this theme: When Rui tells the group that Ukkomon can realize wishes, the flashbacks puts into question another view: If Ukkomon is that powerful, then why would he have to use his tentacles to control the corpses of Rui’s parents? Why didn’t he just cure Rui’s dad instead? And so do other things Rui claimed and were debunked by the flashbacks.
Ukkomon might be related to something bigger, yes, that i have no doubt of it (considering that him getting defeated resulted in the digivices not being needed anymore!) but i don’t think he’s some sort of god-tier digimon. He might be related to the same entity (entities?) connected to Homeostasis (which is not a god, it’s more likely a “Security system”) and the Holy Beasts, who were the ones we know to have been selecting children in both Adv’99 and 02.
I loved this movie for showing that it’s okay to be imperfect and that communication is essential in our lives. So this is why it ends with Rui and Ukkomon finally having a talk and discovering more about themselves, about things Rui likes and dislikes. And this is also why Rui gets the egg back and in the post-credits the egg shakes as if it was about to hatch: They were already to start from zero, again.
So, are Hikari's and everyone else’s portrayals supposed to be PERFECT in this movie? Nope, that’s the thing. The movie is, I repeat, about communication and imperfection.
Thanks for coming to my Digi-Talk ✌
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miloucomehome · 6 years
Thoughts, feelings, theories and assessments (esp. the 02 kids and adventure kids’ relationships) before the premiere of the final chapter
This sort of morphed from a short thread on Twitter with some friends a while back and it was as if a lightbulb went off in my head. There might be some holes and here and there, but hear me out (It’s long. I’m so sorry. Go make tea, a snack and come back and read)
First: If you haven’t already, rewatch the first 5 movies. It’s well worth it.
This post contains spoilers for Parts 1 through 5. No spoilers from the advance screenings of Part 6 are in this post. (I’m a spoilerphobe with tri of perhaps the highest order)
So here’s a few things:
All 12 of them seeing each other at once was not a regular thing. It wasn’t in 02 for the Adventure kids, that’s for sure and each episode showed this early on.
Them not being in daily communication for days or weeks was probably normal too given how things may have become for them as Chosen. They had no reason to worry--there was peace. Everyone was busy and had their lives
Whatever the 02 kids encountered prior to Part 1, it may have occurred swiftly. In other theories I’ve tried to come up with, this is one thing I think is a strong possibility. There’s been theories floated that maybe Maki deliberately sent them there because they were the active team, but what if in an emergency with no way to directly communicate, in desperation the 02 kids were sucked into the situation out of a sense of  duty and urgency?
Say in an emergency, Gennai (good) urgently tries to get a hold of the Chosen--anyone they can get--and they discover that communications have been hampered. They try and try and get a hold of the 02 kids first. Not all at once, but maybe somehow Ken, Daisuke, Iori and Miyako were able to link up. Maybe even Iori and Miyako suggested they try and get Takeru and Hikari, but they can't--time is of the essence and their help is needed post haste so they leave...and end up in an unwinnable situation.
While faced with this, the kids try to message for help as one by one--Imperialdramon, Hawkmon and Armadimon’s evolutions--are taken out, but they realize their message can't get through much like how Takeru's D-Terminal couldn't send messages in Part 4. (Maybe related: Koushiro notes he can’t get a hold of Gennai in Part 4) They're stuck with no way out nor way to call home and before they can run and seek shelter, they're all taken out (image of the final panning shot)
Due to the state of their relationship and not being in constant communication with one another, their “non-responsiveness” hasn't raised flags yet given the timeline of the films and ever-evolving and rapidly changing priorities. It could be in Part 6, albeit a bit late, they will realize they need them and *thats* when things click. I’ll concede that there is a bit of explaining to do on this point whether it’s a friendship question, or that “External Forces” (Homeostasis, the Agency, Mysterious Man, the World/Digital World) are at play.
(More after the jump!)
The 02 kids are missing because of an event out of their control that we can see from the opening act of Part 1: Reunion.
What happened before that dramatic moment is where my theory comes in.
We know from Takeru in Reunion that the Digital Gate has been closed for a while and even though the Adv kids are in the Digital World right now, they got there through unconventional means which bypassed that block. Let’s assume that when the Digital Gate closed, for whatever reason, it was after a period of extended peace in the Digital World--Gennai (the real one) decided that they should let him and the Agents take care of fixing it and let them relax. After all, they had defeated BelialVandemon and Oikawa became an extra barrier for the safety of the Digital World, there wasn’t any need to be worried.
Over time, maybe during this peace, the 02 kids and Adv kids find themselves in a kind of “retirement” or hiatus from their duties as Chosen. They’re not rushing to intercept trouble or prevent anyone from taking over the Digital World or being summoned by the Sovereign Digimon to reinforce the barrier between the Worlds so they all aren’t really needed at the time.
It’s very in-character for Gennai to tell the kids to take it easy. I could see him not having any reason to be concerned. “We don’t get together as much as we used to anymore”
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I strongly believe Koushiro’s line in Part 1 wasn’t just a cute reference to Our War Game--where they were hampered by the fact that they could not communicate to assemble everyone, handicapping them at the start versus Diablomon--but actually a comment on the current state of their relationship between the 12 of them.
Perhaps in a similar way to Our War Game, the 2nd original film, the kids slowly settle into “normal” routines and “normal” lifestyles as Jr and Sr High School students. Perhaps as a result of this state, the Adventure kids and 02 kids aren’t really communicating or seeing each other as much--not because they’re no longer friends, but simply because there is no reason to. They’re not having hush-hush meetings in the computer lab nor strategizing at Koushiro’s apartment over the latest Digital World developments. They drift apart somewhat, but, they’re still in touch. Life is good for all involved from 2003 onward.
Joe and Miyako being in their respective final years of High School and Jr High are likely becoming consumed by their studies (but Joe isn’t quite at the stage we see him at in Part 2) everyone is leading their own lives waiting until the day they’re called again (though not expecting). Rewatching Part 1, you can see that Taichi wasn’t terribly aware of Yamato’s band activities. It’s played as a normal conversation for laughs, but I’d say it’s another way the story demonstrates how little they hang out compared to before.
I think we can safely assume their relationship is in the state it’s in is close but not I-know-every-detail-of-your-day level. After the events of Part 2: Decision/Determination, Hikari and Takeru go and try to find out what’s going on--no one answers at the Ichijouji residence (Empty? They could be out for the day (or town) and Ken is busy himself given they may not be aware of his daily activities), Takeru fires off a text to Daisuke and presumably the others. Had things not escalated as much in Part 3, they probably would’ve had more time to sleuth around and investigate and take notice of the flags, but then the infection and Meicrackmon took priority. Had this had their undivided attention, I’m sure the story would have had them speak to the older Chosen to note they couldn’t get a hold of the other four. 
(What I also find curiously interesting is that Daigo is also aware in Part 3 that the 02 kids are missing. Whatever his implication is in the events that led to their status, it’ll be interesting to learn the extent of what he knew. Given how crushed he was by the fact Maki was lying point blank to Yamato and to himself, I wouldn’t be surprised at this point if all he knew was they had lost communication with them, not that they had been ambushed)
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Closed Gate = Closed Communications
We know from a few things in Part 3: Confession that, granted we are seeing a post-reboot DW, communication between the Digital World and Real World seems to be hampered as seen when Takeru tries to use his D-Terminal to message Maki but the message doesn’t go through. We could chalk this up to it being a reboot bug, but what if this “lack of reception” had been around the time when the Gates remained closed? Now wouldn’t that cause problems if any of them made it into the Digital in an emergency through unconventional means but had no ability to communicate back for help? If this had been the case, neither of them would know this was a problem. Keep this point in mind.
Something occurs suddenly in the Digital World. Maybe only the 02 kids, or only Daisuke, Iori, Miyako and Ken, are able to get to a Gate. They get there, try to get a handle on the situation they’re facing only to be up against something they couldn’t fathom even keeping at bay. Maybe the Gate was closed,(maybe those screens we see in the canyon in Part 4 were Gates that were out of service) so somehow they go in through an unconventional method, but when they get there and things escalate too quickly. Even though they may have sent messages for help...maybe they were never able to send at all.
What also occurred to me is that Meicoomon’s nature distorts with digital communications. Would its existence in the Digital World have begun a slow corrosion of digital infrastructure there? (That is: The Gate, the D3s’ Gate opening abilities, D-Terminal/Digital communication between the Real and Digital World) We can also see from Part 3 onwards that access to the Digital World is currently only being done through the distortions.
The Role of  the 02 Kids in the Final Film
Difficult to pin, but I have confidence (blind?) that we are not in for a repeat of the role of the Adventure kids during the events of Movie 3 (Hurricane Touchdown), granted there are similarities to tri.: Missing kids, a tamer with the burden of caring for a Digimon partner gone berserk who harms/kidnaps one team. In fact, I truly believe that Miyako, Daisuke, Iori and Ken are key to unlocking Omegamon Merciful Mode, like how Imperialdramon Paladin Mode was unlocked by a sacrifice, of sorts, by a heavily damaged Omegamon in Movie 4, Diablomon Strikes Back. Maybe Imperialdramon FM will reappear and sacrifice part of itself to unlock Merciful Mode, then all the kids will unlock or power the new blade it wields.
I am also Team They Will Speak (or Some Will Speak) and not Team Brief Cameo. ;;;;;
Final comment -- Regarding one scene from Part 1:
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This might be random but, hear me out--Much of the thinking surrounding this opening shot with Taichi is that he was maybe feeling guilty for something, but what if it was nostalgia? Koushiro did mention that they all don’t get together or talk much anymore.
What if not only that, but what of Taichi’s scene --when coupled with his vague comment to Daigo (as teacher) about going to see some friends often but not anymore--wasn’t just about the Digimon, but just...everyone? The other Adventure kids and the 02 kids included. Peacetime and an unexpectedly long one without their Digimon and without being wound up in something with his friends….what does one do but reflect on “happier” times when in times of trouble, they were with their friends almost every day?
Everyone’s going on growing up and here he is struck with a strong sense of wanting to return to the “Good ol days” with everyone, maybe. It’s probably possible he believes that going back to that would assuage his worries a little about changes..
We’ll see what happens in the final chapter of this wonderful series on Saturday!
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taichi-x-koushiro · 4 months
"My name is Izumi Koushirou and I just recently turned thirty. I'm studying science related material at Keio University, though I've technically already graduated, I am always trying to further my education and my career goal in the field of relevant scientific research fields. My family... consists of my parents. My favorite drink is ... Oolong. My favorite food ... I lately really enjoy Chinese takeout, and dishes in general, but I also enjoy Japanese home cooked dishes. Omurice is also a favorite. I like my eggs with some ponzu. The food I hate ... there are 'some' things that I mostly just try to avoid, but I do well with that. People usually listen and try to be accomodating if I make a polite request to not be served the food. If they didn't, I would have already left. Strength: I try to maintain an open mind about the world and reality around me. Weakness: I'm actually quite obstinate. My hobbies are researching things that Interest me, including by using my computer, observing nature, and visiting museums for both educational purposes and personal enjoyment. I am an Adoptee. Because I am, my family is what could be considered by society to be a 'Non-normative family'. My parents are, I know now, without a doubt, my real parents, but my late relatives are also important. I visit the cemetary to see the family grave every Ohigan I get, even if the trip from home takes hours to reach there. And... the person that I both consider a dear friend, and love, is Yagami Taichi."
Izumi Koushiro, Probably (A.U. Concept or Not)
"...Did Yamato-san say something unusual?" "Well, it's just... Yamato was wondering, 'things' like, 'how much' I 'knew' about you, if we're 'really' 'friends'--"
#izumi koushirou#koutai#koushiro x taichi#izumi family#izumi kae#izumi masami#yoshie izumi#koutai headcanon#koutai au#koutai incorrect quote#repeatverse#repeat koushiro#repeat advs koushiro#repeatverse spinoff au#(I remembered this one and realized it works perfect for Repeatverse Koushiro setup in spinoff A.U.s and I got Really Emotional)#(Even though I no longer really follow that originating series and this is more A.U. off the top of my head than not but The Setup Here Man#(Keio is also the University seen + Implied in Kizuna)#(but the original concept I had for my KouTai A.U.s began LONG BEFORE me seeing Kizuna or even technically Tri)#(This Koushiro however would probably still retain a lot of what I enjoy from every Koushiro regardless)#(WITHOUT Me Having To Modify MuchTM)#(Anyway Koushiro immediately shooting down 'Yamato's {coughT0EIcoughs} Awful Internalized Amatonormative Takes with 'AND THE PERSON I BOTH'#('CONSIDER A DEAR FRIEND AND LOVE IS {TAICHI}')#('{The Only Person Who Can Decide That For Me Is Me}')#(These Head canoned lines)#(also lining up VERY VERY WELL)#autistic koushiro#(There were also lines about height and weight and blood type and Sign but Im Leaving Those Out {For Now} For ReasonsTM {Might edit Later})#(A FEW OF THESE I DONT REALLY HAVE TO MODIFY MUCH tHO Anyway I Am Having 5million KouTai Ideas+Thoughts Cant Stop Wont Stop)#source: sekai ichi hatsukoi#(EDIT I added in Pibook line but id have to modify it to 'tablet' if these were other A.U. versions like 2020 KouTai)
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koushirouizumi · 2 months
Me: Today is Making Fun of Yamato{+Takeru} hours M E: Who am I kidding, EVERY DAY is Making Fun of Yamato (& Takeru) Hours
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
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{DigiAdvs} ~ REPEAT?_verse vs. DigiAdv 2020 (Later Arcs) {Comparing} (purely for fun) Lines from my Story vs. Lines BY T O E I on Koushiro & Taichi + the 'DIGITAL' World
"THAT'S {More like...?} [You], Izumi Koushiro." - Datamon
REPEAT?_verse began in 2k18: (In actuality I had begun outlining it by early Apr. 2k18, before Tri had even ENDED.) {"Bokura no Mirai" had not (Yet!) released.} - DigiAdv: {2k20} Ep. #59 hadn't aired until Aug. 1st 2k21.
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
D I G I M O N Adventure{s} (+02; tri.; Kizuna) ~ A.M.V. Preview {Unfinished} / [In-Progress] / W.I.P: - Only Exception (sung by: Par@more) featuring DUO/O.T.P: - KouTai (Koushiro x Taichi) -- (KouxMimi appears briefly in the 2nd verse. However, the focus is KouTai.)
DigiAdvs Series © T0ei Animati0n / Akiyoshi Hongo
Disclaimer: I do not own DigiAdvs. This is FAN-MADE. No $$$ is being made off this fan-work
This A.M.V. is currently UN-FINISHED. As of now, only the 2nd chorus and a bit more through the interlude, is (partially!) completed. Hopefully you find some enjoyment so far though! The 1st part had taken about 45~ min already. The 2nd verse + chorus took about another 35~ min. This 3rd section took about 30 min at start, another 1 hr to wrap up scenes through the interlude, and already had a total of 1 crashing of my editor. These may not be final scenes as I make adjustments. (However, it came together well despite the crash!)
There is a tiny bit of scenery shots from beginning of Kizuna, then, by the interlude, some more Kizuna spoilers involving Taichi & Koushiro mainly, but you will see a scene of the Chosen. Tri spoilers, mainly Taichi & Koushiro supporting each other moments, are also added in this new section; there are moments from Saikai, Kokuhaku and Kyousei, mainly. The ends of Kokuhaku and Kyousei are not spoiled, but there is lead-up.
DigiAdv 2020 scene (for A.U. spinoff) becomes included by the interlude (it’s mainly Koushiro moments from beginning of Ep 36, so far) However, it can also be seen as inclusive of wider Adventure{s} canon; and basically paralleling the following canon moments.
{Lyrics Preview}:
“I’ve got a ‘TIGHT’ {Grip} on {REALITY} BUT I {CAN’T} LET {GO} of "WHAT’S” {in FRONT of ME} HERE---”
“LEAVE ME WITH some KIND of {Proof} it’s {NOT}-A-{Dream}...”
{To Be Continued?!...}
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Digimon Adventure{s}/02/Kizuna ~ A.M.V. Preview {Unfinished} / [In-Progress] / W.I.P: - "BRO-FIST" {R.P.G Maker Track} Featuring: Taichi Yagami & Koushiro Izumi + Adventure{s} Chosen (Eventually) & Digimon
Digimon Adventure {Franchise} © Toei Animation / Akiyoshi Hongo
Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon. This is fanmade. No $$$ is being made off this fanwork.
This A.M.V. is currently UNFINISHED. Hopefully you find some enjoyment so far though! {The intent is to complete the full track throughout the entirety of 02, possibly with other series sprinkled in Depending.}
{Spoilers for Eps 01~13 of Adventure} / Devimon Arc
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taichi-x-koushiro · 2 months
Meanwhile with KouTai {+Yama}
TAICHI: {SIGHING...} YAMATO: Yamato: ...What's going on?? Taichi: Taichi: Well, you see... YAMATO: TAICHI: MIMI-CHAN got Koushiro, as a gift, this set of... I think they're called -- Y A M A T O: TAICHI: "NECO-MIMI" 'Ears', and--- YAMATO, MENTALLY FACEPALMING: TAICHI: Koushiro actually tried them, but it's ... Yamato: "Unusual" of Koushiro?? Taichi: ... ..I'm not sure "unusual" is the way to say it but... Yamato: Was Koushiro acting unusual about it? Taichi: NO, that's the thing about this! YAMATO: T A I C H I: Koushiro was trying them out, but doesn't really like wearing them in public. So Koushiro wore them while around Hikari and me for a while. Yamato: ("Ah.") Taichi: And that's what happened! So when the ears moved... (*leans in, conspiring-like but louder*) Koushiro wasn't acting very different at all!!! Yamato: Koushiro Wasn't. Taichi: No... like, Koushiro would be looking really blankly at us, like what happens a lot, and they'd sit straight upwards. Yamato: (Koushiro was PAYING ATTENTION to you---) Taichi: Then, Koushiro got super interested in the Pibook again, and they were ALSO sitting straight up AND moving back and forth a lot, but Koushiro wasn't DOING MUCH, just using the Pibook like usual...!! YAMATO: (*LONG GROANING in Taichis general direction*) ('YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT IT MEANS, IT MEANS KOUSHIRO'S 'INTERESTED' IN-') TAICHI, BANGING FIST INTO PALM: AND THEN!!! And then, when I finally {'Got Koushiro's Attention' implied} asked Koushiro about playing a game, the ears were lowered!! YAMATO, AGAIN MENTALLY FACEPALMING: Taichi: I-It means Koushiro DOESN'T want to, with me-- righ-- Y A M A T O: (KOUSHIRO WAS SO HAPPY YOU ASKED THAT KOUSHIRO DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO RESPOND TO YOU!!!!)
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koushirouizumi · 4 months
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{DigiAdvs} x Earth: Revival {Collaboration Art}
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koushirouizumi · 5 months
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{REPEAT?_}-Verse Excerpt, Pt. 24 ~ Koushiro{u} x Taichi {KouTai} (Taichi's P.O.V) + {Semi Canon compliant}!Taichi's View on Koushiro* (Post-02 Timeline; either, Post-02, early {not canon compliant} Tri era, {as the original concept was developed pre Tri timeframe}; late High school but before graduation {+if more canon compliant}, or early University depending on Timelines)
{Adventure & 02 Chosen are all gathered together in This scene} (Originally up-loaded Jun. 2nd 2k18)
{Written by Me} (DO NOT Re-post) (DO NOT Copy) (DO NOT Reproduce Under Any Circumstance without my Permission!)
*(The main difference{s} here being Canon proceeds mostly as usual; however, both Taichi and Koushiro regain vague memories of Timelines + Choose to Not Tell Each Other Quite Everything here, + Koushiro retains an injury from a past timeline, but it's faded over lightly since, though still noticeable to Chosen.)
{Since Chosen here (besides Taichi) all first 'met' Koushiro having had the injury already, they're used to seeing it, and its nothing 'new' to them.}
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koushirouizumi · 5 months
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{Excerpts from Repeatverse Pt. 5} (KouxTai A.U.s Edition): {U n i v e r s i t y} A.U.
(Written by Me) (DO NOT Re-post) (DO NOT RE-PRODUCE MY WRITING Without My Permission UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE)
#koushirouizumi writes#koushirouizumi au#koushirouizumi koutai#koushirouizumi koutai aus#koushirouizumi taikou#koutai#koushiro x taichi#repeatverse#repeat: university au#ambassador taichi#diplomat taichi#advs timeline: university#taichis SpIns#(Chapter index says I posted this Apr 28 2k18 but it was actually finished written bit before that Tho)#(Because I usually didnt post on the Day of Finishing a piece)#(but often waited a few days to edit and plot extra parts out b u t A n y w a y)#(People who try to start up usual Taichi DiscoursingTM {Wank} with me again on these topics also get shown These Scenes of Fic)#(And yeah Taichis self esteem is at a Low here because)#(TAICHI ***HASNT ACTUALLY GOTTEN TO KNOW KOUSHIRO YET*** IN THIS UNIVERSE)#(THEYRE MEETING FOR THE *FIRST TIME*)#(TAICHI *NEVER WENT ON DIGITAL WORLD ADVENTURE* IN *THIS* UNIVERSE AND *NEVER WENT THROUGH ALL THOSE EXPERIENCES*)#(*NEVER MET AGUMON* *NEVER MET KOUSHIRO OR THE REST BESIDES YamaxSora who are d ATING* SO YES TAICHI IS Set Back A Little here but)#(A.U. Koushiro here helped Taichi realize 'HEY I MIGHT ACTUALLY *HAVE* A CHANCE' YEA THATS THE POINT OF THIS SCENE)#(Idek but also not long after posting this fic {like barely a year later??} I think I also saw *in the TaixKou tag{s}* like)#(Someone mentioning something like 'gD can you bELIEVE people think TAICHI WOULD WORRY ABT WHAT PEOPLE {+KOUSHIRO} THINK OF TAICHI')#(And idek it just Unnerved me Greatly at the time)#(Because im NOT the First person here to consider that Taichi Is In Fact Greatly Concerned About Koushiros Opinion{s} of Taichi)#({Even if Taichi I'll agree DOESNT make it OBVIOUS})#({Which is also vaguely represented in Novels-verse like... But More on That Later Anyway I also meant to post these earlier Too So Does})#(The third cap is from slightly later in scene after Koushiro begins explaining how much Koushiro needed for Koushiros choice)
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koushirouizumi · 10 months
J.P.N fan I follow: "I was surprised {implied: in the good way, they're a Taichi fan} to hear that Taichi goes to Waseda University" Me: (*looks that up*) ME: ME: ... People truly thought Taichi and Koushiro WOULDN'T *possibly* BE at the same Tokyo university?!??!
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koushirouizumi · 10 months
Me: Anyway, on Aug. 1st 2k23, Koushiro Izumi Wears Whatever The F*ck Koushiro Wants and dances however good or bad (or at least until Koushiro wears out) with Taichi in the fields under the full moon because they're Life partners now unless they Decide for Themselves they don't want to be anymore, which may be Never. The End
#repeatverse#repeat koutai#repeat koushiro#repeatverse koushiro#university au koushiro#koushirouizumi hcs#koushirouizumi advs#izumi-yagamis#izumi taichi#qpr koutai#gnc koushiro#queer koushiro#(but Koushiro especially wears long flowy white dresses that once belonged to Yoshie {Mrs Izumi} under the full moon)#(Taichi Wears Whatever The F*ck Taichi Wants Too But Might Also Wear The White Flowy Dresses)#(I've Literally Seen Arts of Both Wearing Them)#(Though they're lost in my Favs somewhere atm aha)#(Hell I'd Draw It Myself I'm Just Slow AF & Would Rather Focus On Finishing The A.M.V.s So I'm Outlining In Head Tonight Instead)#(Steve later messages Koushiro talking about Tu B av 2k23 because Steve is on the other side of the world for a Bit still)#(Koushiro is like 'Steve-san . Taichi-san and I are engaged now')#(Steve ' You're still calling Taichi with -san?... ')#(Koushiro '{Its A Habit--} Actually I admit I may often overly use formal speech. I am Aware & am Trying to Adjust how often I utilize it')#(Steve '{You're getting married.}')#(Koushiro ' Taichi-san said Taichi-san's fine with it however long I need and that's when I decided to marry and See How This Turns Out ')#(Steve 'Thats pretty amazing. People like that are hard to come by')#(Koushiro ' I Know. ') {'Believe Me I Know'}#(Steve ' ... ' ' You know we're still Friends right? ' {And that I'll never leave your Inbox on empty too long for as long as you live???})#(Koushiro ' ..... ' {Yes. We're Friends})#(Steve ' {I mean. Unless you ever want me to stop messaging you Then} I'm Fine with That if You Are ')#(Koushiro 'Steve-san. If you stopped messaging me at all because of a hypothetical binarism of relationships I think I'd-')#(Steve 'Say no More. ')
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