#remakes and mods alike do this
shiominato · 2 months
one thing that does piss me off is removing difficulty and calling it a quality of life change
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thetoxicgamer · 1 year
Explosive Skyrim mod lets you unleash the wrath of the heavens
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I’ve seen and tried a lot of the best Skyrim mods in my time, but this has to be one of my favorites. Skyrim has been around for many years now, and the legendary Bethesda game is among the best RPG games, remaining at the pinnacle of the series while we wait on the Elder Scrolls 6 release date. Yet while Skyrim encourages you to look to the stars for your skills, it stops short of actually bringing the very heavens down on your enemies… until now. The Constellation Magic mod for Skyrim comes courtesy of mod creator ‘Kittytail’ and, quite frankly, I can’t get enough of it. The pack includes four spells that draw on the stars themselves, unleashing them on anyone unfortunate enough to challenge your Dragonborn – or, in some cases, just be within a several-mile radius of them. Your introduction to Constellation Magic comes in the form of Novice spell Gravity Diamond, which traps your unfortunate victim in a shimmering gravity prison, rendering them unable to move. From there, things step up to the Expert spells, Stardust and Celestial Rays. Stardust opens a portal above your target’s head, dropping a meteorite from above that impacts to deal damage and stagger them, with Magicka damage also dealt to those of a magical persuasion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkFKl2CY6IQ Celestial Rays opens a similar portal to the heavens, but instead calls down a three-shot blast of pure Magicka from above, like a rapid-fire ion cannon of doom. Kittytail notes that the version seen in the demo video above isn’t doing the correct damage, so expect it to be even more devastating when you bring it to bear against Giants, Trolls, and Falmer alike. Every spell in this collection is spectacular, but the real showpiece of the set is its Master spell, Supernova. The description reads, “Tears a rupture into the Aetherius and brings forth volatile energy of pure devastation.” That might be an understatement. It’s almost worth trying out sight unseen, but if you want to know what you’re in for, Kittytail helpfully provides footage of Supernova in action. Initially, it seems as if nothing has happened, save for a bright flash of cosmic light. Then, as their camera pans upwards, an explosion roars out across the sky, followed by a colossal meteor storm. It’s not exactly the most subtle of tools, but if your goal is to make an enemy of an entire city’s population, there’s probably no more spectacular way to do it. The good news is that none of them are likely to survive the encounter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpyGq2Gbu3Q “Please keep in mind that the Supernova spell has the potential to damage everyone in the loaded cells,” Kittytail helpfully points out, “Townspeople and friendly NPCs from radiant events are likely going to be hit by a stray comet.” You have been warned. If you’re eager to get your hands on this unimaginable power, you can find Kittytail’s Constellation Magic mod here, along with the instructions to install it. Once in-game, the spell tomes will be automatically placed into your lists when you reach the appropriate skill level to use them. Note that they’re aligned with the fire element, and don’t get any benefit from dual casting – not that they need it. Go forth, and unleash the fury of the stars! Once you’ve cleared out the entirety of Solitude, you might be interested in taking a look at the impressive Morrowind remake built in Skyrim. Alternatively, we’ve got more of the best dragon games, along with more great games like Skyrim if you just can’t get enough open-world fantasy RPG action. Read the full article
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purpleillusn · 1 year
I have a lot of thoughts on HD remakes, remasters and ports of old games, like, it's great to see new and old players alike experiencing what made the games classics to begin with, but at the same time - does the focus on pretty graphics detract from the authentic experience of the games. What even would be an authentic experience?
Do the flaws and technical limitations of a game positively benefit the player experience? I'd argue that they very much can. The fixed cameras in the original Resident Evil are a result of technical limitations because a lack of rendering power that would be required for a tracking camera in a 3d space, so instead they used pre-rendered backgrounds as a compromise. I think the fixed cameras are a positive for the game, so the shift to over the shoulder views in remakes of those older games loses something that had both enhanced and limited the original experience. Should we reject changes to the original game outright, even if they improve quality of life?
The enhanced edition of System Shock adds easy to use mouselook. Does this fundamentally change the experience for the worse? Absolutely not, in my opinion. It makes the game less clunky and overall easier for a modern audience to play. At its core, this change allows players to enjoy what made the game so brilliant in the first place without being bogged down in wrestling with the controls. But should we just learn to love old game jank? Should we just acknowledge and embrace the limitations of the early works in the medium? I think there is a balance to be had here.
The modern Quake port also made some changes to the game, but would the average player notice? It's only the hardcore fans who care about the change of halving max health to 50 on nightmare difficulty to make it harder. It's different to what it was originally meant to be, but follows in the lineage of fan mods to do the same change. Is this difference bad for being in a port not entirely faithful to the original?
Which also brings up fan mods: Brutal Doom breathed new life into the game's community and overall, mods and fan levels are central to what makes the game what it is, having been explicitly endorsed and made easier by the developers. Mods, and community contribution and collaboration in general, form a fundamental part of the gaming experience. Minecraft would be an entirely worse experience if not for its community.
I don't have a conclusion. Play both the original and remake of a game, or one, or neither. Games are art for you to enjoy as you please (even if you want to draw a metaphorical sharpie smile on the metaphorical Mona Lisa). I enjoy the original experiences of old games alongside quality of life improvements, mods and remakes, and want to appreciate them all in their own light.
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aus-from-undertale · 2 years
Tiny news
Hey, Mod here 💕
Just wanted to say some things:
1- Parasite!tale got a remake so I changed the post a bit with a link to the new chapter :)
2- I'm slowly updating every post I made, with some other links directing to AUs that are alike the one I was talking about :0 (that wasn't clear at all sry)
No one asked for it and it was just more stupid work but I thought it would be fun and easier for you guys to find more stuff that interest you :D
3- I captured a slave (@uselessnumbers25 ), who finds new AUs for me from time to time and proofreads my shit sooooo NO MORE BAD ENGLISH BABY UHUUU
4-And... Uhh..... I make a bunch of posts and sometimes I screw up here and there with some misinformation. So, thanks for all of you who correct me in the comments 👉👈
It's really embarrassing getting stuff wrong and sharing it with other people, so yeah, pls keep commenting if you see me messing up some info or just saying things that are not true, cuz I want to do this with correctly :/
5- Also, if you read a fun AU and I didn't post about it, how about you dm me or smth?
Recently I'm getting a lot of asks and new AUs to check out 💕 I'm really happy, thanks guys 👉👈
Well that's it, thanks for 100 followers and I hope you have fun with the AUs~
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askagamedev · 4 years
Some game developer companies shut down fan projects that didn't do the right legal thing, which was getting permission. But Valve seems to be very lenient with mods and fan games alike. They blessed and even sold Half-Life mods made back in the 1999s, and they even blessed the fan-made Black Mesa remake game to become commercial. How and why is it than Valve can do these things and not everyone else like Nintendo with fan projects (mods and fan games)?
Let’s take a step back for a moment to understand how companies make decisions. Companies are run by owners. If I am the only owner of Awesome Appetizer Gourmet Distribution Company, I own 100% of the company and make all of the decisions. But let’s say that axl99 and EDC are my equal partners; we each own 33.33% of AAGD Co. If I decide that I want AAGD Co to make ice cream but EDC wants AAGD Co to make crab cakes, we are at an impasse. Company decisions are majority rule, so axl99 is the deciding vote. As long as more than 50% of the total ownership of the company decide to make a decision, the company must carry out that decision. With me so far?
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Now... let’s say that axl99, EDC, and I are all very busy people - too busy to run the day-to-day AAGD Co duties. EDC is starting a second company called European Dining Collective, axl99 has been called in to produce the next set of blockbuster superhero movies, and I have decided to pursue my love of fine ice creams and partner with Netflix for my own ice cream tasting show. We still own AAGD Co, but we’re all too busy to run the day-to-day affairs. Instead, we decide to hire Carrie Ellen Okonkwo to execute our wishes for us - a chief executive officer - who we trust to hire the necessary people and run the company as best she can. She will take care of the smaller stuff while leaving the company biggest decisions to us. We might even give her some stake in the company - axl99, EDC, and I each give her 3.33% of our stake in the company.
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Carrie now owns 10% of AAGD Co while axl99, EDC, and I own 30% each. Any major decision still requires two of either myself, axl99, or EDC to agree for the company to do it because that’s still necessary for >50% of the company ownership to decide. Even though Carrie owns part of the company, she doesn’t own enough to make a difference in the decision voting. She shares in the success and failure of AAGD Co, but she must still act on our collective behalf. She is legally bound to make decisions that she believes would benefit us, or she can be dismissed and sued. 
“But Dev, what does all this have to do with fan games and permission?” you might ask.
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In the case of Valve, the company is majority owned by Gabe Newell and his fellow founders and coworkers. GabeN and the other stakeholders make the decisions for Valve (the company) and Valve must abide by their decisions. If they decide to give permission to fan game devs, Valve is required to carry out their wishes. Getting more than 50% of the relevant stakeholders to agree is not that difficult. Nintendo, on the other hand, is publicly traded. This means that ownership is divided up among tens or even hundreds of thousands of people. Nintendo’s leadership isn’t making the decisions for themselves. They’re making decisions on behalf of all of the shareholders (owners). 
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Company leadership makes these decisions based on what they think is best for the company’s owners. They are legally bound to make choices they believe will benefit the company’s owners. The default goal of any company is to make more money for the shareholders. For giving permission to something like a fan game, there absolutely must be some tangible benefit to the company in doing so. “It would be nice of them” isn’t tangible enough - there needs to be some legitimate evidence that it has an actual positive dollar value involved, or enough of the owners (>50%) must decide that giving permission is more valuable or important than protecting the intellectual property the company has spent millions of dollars developing. It’s a lot easier to convince a small number of company owners who are also game developers who like fan games to give permission than it is to convince tens of thousands of faceless shareholders of the same thing. That’s why Valve does it and Nintendo doesn’t.
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thema-sal-shiral · 7 years
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Thema and Lyna side by side.
Thema belongs to me. Lyna belongs to @katalyna-rose
Kat was nice enough to let me remake Lyna with my PC DAI, with mods to show her with longer hair. That poor man at the bar wasn’t too wrong, they do look a little bit alike. This is also reference for anyone who reads Ménage à Trois.
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simplrsimblr · 7 years
Happy Monday again
Hey everyone, I wanted to give you all a quick update on what's going on with me.
I don't want to get too far into it. But I'm still struggling with personal issues and the resulting depression but it seems to be getting some better. I have good days and I have bad ones. I'm trying to deal with all of this on my own. I've been doing yoga about 2 months ago, partially thanks to Montgomery look alike with brown hair "Brunch Date Ben" and despite him being a dick, I kept with it, yoga not Ben. Anyway yoga has been amazing for me. Running into "Brunch Date Ben" occasionally has been....not amazing.
Anyway, I installed my new graphics card and it seemed to fix my tech issues. It turns out most of my issues were caused by out of date mods, big surprise. But some of the issues were related to the graphics card. The biggest graphics "fix" is that I'm not having issues with Alpha hairs anymore. But I think I will stay MaxisMatch for the most part. ;-)
I'm working on mapping out my new story about Montgomery's sister, Mollie. I've been busy setting up her world which I accidently deleted once and had to remake. oops I've been downloading and testing poses. And I've been trying to set up scenes and tweak major characters and create minor characters.
Originally, I was planning on Mollie's story to start around my simblrversary. Turns out it was sooner than I thought it was. It's July 3rd. I thought it was mid-July. But I still don't see that happening. My new goal is to be started with her story on or by August 1.
The biggest task on my hands now is trying to organize my massive CC folder It's right now approximately 7GB before clothing. I'm done organizing my clothing folders I just need to go back through to delete unwanted and superfluous recolors. After my game wouldn't open last night, I'm in the process of tackling my home folders. Over half my CC are home items and it's been a challenge. But the good news for me is that my files were alphabetized and I'm on the files starting with the letter P.
The last thing I'm trying to do is clean up my actual tumblr page, change the theme, make it more user friendly, etc.
Anyway, I've rambled longer than I intended as usual. But I wanted to say I appreciate you all for allowing me to be a part of this community.
Best wishes.
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virtualman17-blog · 7 years
Top 10 Reasons Not to Support the Developer of Yandere Simulator (Yandere Dev/EvaXephon/Alex Mahan)
Yandere Simulator: A game with a good idea but with a very corrupt developer. Yandere Dev/Alex has become a epicenter of controversy ever since people discovered all of his dark secrets, causing him to lose supporters left and right and this list is dedicated to alerting people about his twisted personality and why people should NOT Support him.
And also because my previous list on this subject got taken down on thetoptens.com by a snob-nosed, dick-sucking, twat, I'm going to remake it with even more evidence again that little shit-licker’s master!
1. Yandere Simulator is a Revenge Act Against High School Girls Who Rejected Him
This is not only the biggest reason as to why Yandere Dev sucks but it also coexists with several other things on this list. Back in Alex's high school days he was constantly trying to get with several high school girls but ultimately got rejected - for obvious reasons. And so when Alex made Yandere Simulator - a game about slaughtering girls as a whole, he can feel like he's getting revenge on them by killing them in brutal, painful and horrendous ways. Disgusting! And because the male Senpai in the game is a self-insert of Alex and he made him so "perfect and flawless" and has a lot of busty, mindless girls swooning over him, Alex gets of recreate what he thinks his life in school "should've been". Alex if you are reading this: leave the internet for good!
2. He is a Pedophile
Is there any limitation as to how low this a-hole can sink?! Anyways there is a TON of evidence that point towards his pedophilia like in his cesspool of a game in where even though it takes place at a high school you get to look up girl's skirts, take pictures and sell them and Alex is planning to make it possible to get female students in his game get kidnapped and sold off to sex slavery! Theres also a pedophile teacher who's name is literally "indecent" in Japanese who is after your crush and on top of that nearly all of the girls in the game have unnaturally large breasts, some of them have boobs bigger than their heads. And when people called Alex out on this he said that all of the students are 18 years old, but really there are other grades in high school - four to be exact - and the age gap in practically all high schools is ages 15-18 on average. He only likes girls with large breasts as he once said "Does she have big breasts? Then why should I care?". He should be more worried about what women can do with their fists and feet if they get anywhere him if he keeps this up. He's also been having disturbing affairs with underaged girls as young as 14 years old and he knows that they're too young for him despite the fact that he says "he didn't know", he asked her for nudes and Alex even tried to defend pedophilia by calling it "a sexual orientation". He also hires a lot of former hentai artists like kjach to draw extremely perverted drawing of his characters and one of them has Iyano (you ready for this) getting raped by a dog. (face palm) And of coarse we can't forget about his "lovely" fan fictions. One of them being called "I Am Your Slave" which is about a submissive, dumb, woman who is a slave and is happy to be so - Alex's type of girl, and the other is "Life of a Sex Slave" which is about a woman who grew up as a sex slave and only knows how to live as one. I swear Alex here is making the Twilight and Fifty Shades of Gray books look like masterpieces and I thought that was impossible! There’s just no hope for this guy, he is just gone.
3. He Can't Handle Criticism
As we all probably know, when someone becomes an artist and no matter how well we do we can't exactly please everybody. And what normally separates a good artist from a bad one aside from their work is their ability to accept criticism and Yandere Dev/Alex is NOT one of them. He has attacked several people including my own sister for leaving anything other than praise or most especially: sad but true facts about his poorly made game that frankly deserve all the criticism he gets. If he finds anything on the internet directed towards him that isn't mindless praising he goes down the Donald Scum route and attacks the commenter, and he will ban anyone form his streams about his hilariously bad gameplay skills that don't praise him like a god. He often makes really lame replys like "You dirty SJW!"(real mature and clever) like what he said to my sister one time. But other times he sinks lower than that, a good example is when Yandere Dev banned a mod called the "Size Mod" from his game which allowed you to change Yandere-chan's height and a lot of fans downloaded it but some emailed Yandere Dev instead of the original creator, and Alex called the mod "stupid" and Stickman - a Youtuber who downloaded it told him that was very disrespectful and he told Alex to fu*k off to which then Alex replied by saying "No, you can fu*k off, go stick your dick in a beehive" I don't think he even came up with that insult himself and besides at least Stickman has a real dick! He attacks Kiwifarms.net a lot for telling the truth and there was this artist who used to be a fan of Yandere Simulator who goes by the username of "swoomzie" on PrettyUglyLittleLiar.net who used to draw fan art for Alex's game until she heard about how he loves to steal artwork for his game (Look at "He Constantly Steals From Other Source Materials" for examples) and when she confronted Alex about this and asked him to sign a contract with her to make sure she gets credited for her artwork, he got offended, called her rude and didn't what to work with her anymore. And when people criticized Ayano for being an emotionless plank of wood - same with her Senpai, Alex admitted that he didn't want to give her a personality because he was afraid that he would be criticized for giving her a specific personality. So basically he just admitted that he can't handle criticism and he seriously thinks that giving a character no personality is better than some personality? Why do you think everyone likes Yuno from Future Diary - the most famous Yandere of all time or - who a few people like - male yandere: Damiya from Beast Player Erin? It's because they have a ton of personality, same with virtually every character in Marvel, DC, Persona, Metal Gear Solid, Prince of Persia, Ratchet and Clank, the Tales games and the superhero megaseries that I'm working on myself. And finally another great example is when the original creator of Stop Yandere Dev on Tumblr who was an autistic (no insult) woman called out Alex and pointed out a lot of dark facts about him and Alex found out about this and called her an autistic b**ch. Yeah well f**k you Alex, you ugly, pasty Linguini look-alike! Anyone who uses autism as a slur for "stupid, retarded, freak" or whatever don't deserve to live, because thats talking down to a group of people with a slight mental abnormality. Most autistic people have a sensitivity to loud noises and bright lights and may experience reoccurring daydreaming, but they often have a higher IQ than the average person, are very creative and have a few different ways of learning and I should know because I'm autistic and I'm anything but stupid! I'm one of the highest graded students in the schools I went to and I'm doing a great job at designing my own series mostly because I don't rip off everything I like and I don't throw an Alex Mahan temper tantrum whenever something doesn't go my way or when I receive something thats less than praising. If you can't handle criticism, than you should stay away from doing anything on the internet but try telling that to someone who's whole life is the internet.
4. He is a Misogynist
Speaking on how he goes against what SJWs stand for he does not know how to treat or even cares about women in the slightest. For starters a vast majority of the girls in his game are oversexualized with massive breasts and are about as dumb as the guy looking down on them (Alex Mahan) and he loves to hire former hentai artists like kjech to draw the most disgusting, pedophiliac pictures of his characters and they are disgusting and unnatural to say the least. And he goes even further with his sexism to where he will pretty much call any girl he doesn't like a b**ch. He writes rape fan fictions like "I Am Your Slave" and "Life of a Sex Slave" and they're about downright stupid, submissive girls who Alex, Trump, the GOP and every deplorable degenerate loves! Plus the man in I Am Your Slave is an insert of Yandere Dev. His deplorable fan fictions make Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey look like Hunger Games and Shakespeare and I though that was impossible! Also he once said that he hasn't interacted with a woman in real life aside of his mom in over a year, gee I wonder why. Maybe it's because he does not know how to treat them properly and that he groups them based on breast size and good looks (Just like the evil orange he likes: Donald Scum) rather than personality, interests, intelligence, skills, social skills?! And that he considers flat-chested women to be deformed and not deserving of his worthless attention? He often slut-shames any woman who talks down to him and anyone who's "not good enough for him", after all he did say one time: "Does she have big breasts? Then why should I care?", DEGENERATE! Now I like hot and beautiful women too and I do admit that I like look at hot girls on the internet and would love to marry a beautiful lady one day, but I draw the line in the sand when it comes to his porn or hentai and I stay away from it. Plus I'm a strong supporter of women's rights and if a marry someone I want her to have some pride in herself and have a good personality as a whole like how all girls should be. If I found someone with the most perfect body but is anything like the women Alex writes in disgusting fan fictions than no thank you! And need I remind you that the female human species is just as important as us men, without one or the other there is no us, so why not treat them with dignity and respect just like how men have been getting it for several centuries? But of coarse the abomination know as Yan Dev who probably couldn't care less about women's rights if it meant saving his own skin just wants to see them as male accessories rather than real people. Screw you Alex, you sexist Trump-spawn!
5. He Constantly Steals Form Other Source Materials
Despite the fact that he mostly has volunteers working on his game that he doesn't pay, he still manages to rip off content after content from other game designers, video games, anime/cartoon shows etc. He likes to pleasure himself by watching, searching on the internet or playing something instead of working on his game and as soon as he sees something he likes, he'll take it, claim ownership and not credit or even mention the original artist. And even when we expose of him for it (like I've said on "He's a Liar") he'll say "It's just a place holder" TRANSLATION: "It's mine now suckers!" He just thinks that if he makes some slight adjustments like changing the color in one or two places, that automatically makes it his, if you get inspiration from somewhere, change about 50% of it so that way: 1. it can't be a rip off and 2. you show respect to the original artist/s. Like what I do for my own franchises! Examples of what he stole: - He stole Doug Clayton's grass texture 3 times! - He's stolen a lot of lines from Undertale. - Like I've said before on "His Characters are Horribly Designed" most of the characters are stolen Unity Store assets. - There's a character named "Fureddo Jonzu" (Fred Jones from Scooby Doo) - let me cry for you. - A lot of the hairstyles are stolen MMD assets. - A lot of the environments in the game are stolen like the gymnasium, the classrooms, the town outside the school, Iyano's bedroom and a few others. - The character "Nemesis-chan" was completely copy-pasted form someone else's work. - He stole a lot of assassination mechanics from Hitman. - He's planning to steal a lot of content from Persona 5 - a game from a critically-praised series with some of the best, most creative and most well-written characters of any game series! Honestly I'm highly surprised that no one has sued his sorry ass yet, if someone did though Alex probably won't be able to live with his parents anymore, and I'm okay with that.
6. Some of His Fans are a Basket of Deplorables
Of course I'm not saying that all of Yan Dev's fans are bad, in fact - most of them are innocent people who just find his game fun and that's that and even if they are aware of all the stuff that we say about him or even know that it's true they still show some dignity to us and just want to have some fun times with Yandere Simulator. But a minority of his fans are just disgusting deplorables that just have to say the most vile, bigotry, bullcrap in existence just because we have a negative view of Yan Dev and his games. And a lot of those particular fans are so loyal and submissive they will follow Alex all the way to hell and to which I hope they do because like I said: they're attack dogs ready to pounce at the first negative comment about Yan Dev they see. The best example on this is what one low-life commented on Oni's Tumblr page "Stop Yandere Dev" and that particular abomination said: "Should I get a penis for "Oni" on her birthday? She seems to really want one. Just a reminder- Tans "men" aren't real men. Why don't you go make someone a sandwich or some babies? That's all women are good for, other than tapping material. You should've never talked s**t about Devpai” Me to Yan Dev deplorable #36667-KKK: F**king degenerate! Two can play at that game - Say what you want to think about trans-men but they have real penises something you obviously lack, and you must feel safe in your mother's basement behind your computer as you are so ugly and gross no woman would never make you a sandwich or a demon spawn in your name and you wouldn't be able to say all that deplorable talk to Oni's face, for the fact that you are afraid of women because they are so much stronger than you and Oni herself could effortlessly bash your head in so hard it will come flying out your tight a**hole. And speaking of penises, how does Devpai's nonexistent dick taste? Keep sucking on it until you choke or get one of the many diseases Devpai is carrying as it will rid the world of one less problem we have to concern ourselves about! I really would love to leave that one comment to any Alex fanboy, I would love to.
7. His Game and Characters are Horribly Designed
Aside from the fact that Alex's game is like a hentai without the sex with brainless women that have breasts and butt-cheeks bigger than their empty heads and guys with di*ks so big that they will have to pee in the bath tub, that is if they can fit them through the bathroom door. His characters are by far the most poorly made shells-of-men and women i've ever seen! For starters most of his character's names are just really lame puns that more or less reflect what little personality they have, an example is Osoro which means "awful" in Japanese and heres a few more: - Osana Najimi (Childhood Friend) - She's not even fully implemented in the game yet. - Geiju Teuka (Artist) - Mai Waifu (Means: my female anime crush) - Midori Gurin (Green Green) - Sakyu Basu & Inkyu Basu ((Sound like "Succubus & Inkubus" )Obviously) - Mida Rana (Indecent) The game also takes place at high school but the students all wear sailor uniforms, only middle-schoolers wear them while high-schoolers normally wear neckties with blazers. Plus virtually all of his characters are stolen Unity Store Assets - which he says he's going to replace in the future but he won't, just watch! And on top of that, they all have even less personality then the Twilight characters in which their only character trait has something to do with their pun names. Also Yandere-chan (Iyano Aishi) - the character you play is described as an emotionless, dull, empty killer-in-love that "inherited" her Yandere trait from her mother which is NOT how a Yandere should be! Yanderes are solely motivated by emotion especially love and fear and will kill based off of their emotions if they see any potential rival in their crazy obsession over the man/woman they want to be with if it kills them. Alex loves Japan yet he knows nothing about them and their culture, and he knows about as much on making characters as Donald Trump knows about being a President, in other words: HE KNOWS NOTHING!!!
8. He Hates Social Justice Warriors
Social Justice Warriors or SJWs are good people and I'm one myself, their only goal is to stop all sexism, racism, homophobia, and just all forms of bigotry and prejudice in general so that everyone, no matter how they're born don't get treated as second class, as objects or even as criminals just because they're not white, straight, Christian men. The only people they don't support are actual criminals. And fun fact: people who usually hate SJWs are often racist, sexist, homophobic, hateful, Nazi-loving, KKK, fascist, deplorables like about half of Donald Trump's supporters as well as Trump himself and Alex Mahan (Yandere Dev) - who also supports Trump. Some SJWs may go a bit too far and take their ideals to the extreme to where it's white men above everyone else being reversed, but those "SJWs" are extremists and unfortunately they give the rest of the SJW's a bad name like "extreme liberals". But I know that it goes both ways, there are both extreme liberals and conservatives and they both have terrible ideals on how one or two groups of people "deserve" more respect than the others and normal SJWs are not like that, we are EQUAL RIGHTS not ethnic or gender dominance - because that wouldn't be "equal" now wouldn't it? And when you see all those stupid, unfactual anti-SJW memes and rants on the internet calling SJWs "bullies", "bigots", "racists", "criminals", "stupid", "hateful", "whiny", "cancerous" or whatever, those dumb memes and rants were made by REAL bullies, bigots, racists, and criminals that ARE stupid, hateful, whiny, and cancerous low-lifes! On top of that, Yandere Dev has been seen making friends with people on 4-Chan - one of the worst anti-SJW cesspools on the internet. And the people on 4-Chan talk like Nazis and KKK scum and Yandere Dev likes to pander to them about making Yandere Simulator the most anti-SJW game in existence and he's on a roll with that as it is already filled with, incest, misogyny, pedophilia and indecent exposure. Oh how I dream of the day when I can ban all anti-equal rights garbage from the internet, as well as Alex himself.
9. He's Notoriously Known as "EvaXephon" on Other Sites
When Yandere Dev is not working on his game for two minutes a day, he is doing terrible streams on other sites under "EvaXephon" by streaming video game playthroughs for up to 21 hours straight with horrendous gaming skills. I've seen some of his streams and he has played quite a few games that I've played myself and I'm SO much better than he is, in fact - for every time I've died in a level Alex has died like ten or even twenty times and if you suck at video games don't show it on the internet, unless it's for a comedy of errors. Anyways one such site he's been streaming on is Twitch and he often likes to leave links to his crumby streams and a lot of people hate him for it. On a side note: Yandere Simulator got banned on Twitch and while Alex says "It's those dirty SJWs" I'm sure we all know why it got banned in the first place, am I right?
10. He's a Liar
This may be one of the more "mild" cases of Yandere Dev's guiltiness but he does this often, like on a daily basis "often" and a lot of his fans believe him but you don't have to have a camera in his room to see what he's doing. Because he records himself doing other things! A perfect example is on how he always says that he works "very hard, nonstop" on his game but really he just works on it for 5 minutes a day and then spends the rest of the day streaming his crappy gaming skills for several hours straight, one time he did it for 21 hours in one day. And I know how he feels, after all I need "some time off" every time I finish one math question at school, my school was so brutal! I'm joking of course but other examples of when Alex lies is when we question him on how he doesn't pay any of his volunteers who work on his game for him but he says that he does. Yeah, and Donald Trump cares about Mexican and Muslim lives! (Not!!!) But probably the best example is when we point out how he steals something from other (real) artists or source materials and he either says that he stole nothing and it's his or he says "it's just a placeholder" but in reality he's saying "It's saying there forever whether you like it of not". - This will come back later...
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spicynbachili2 · 6 years
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Review
Black Ops four has a couple of tough edges, however any of its three modes make for an pleasurable shooter expertise that really feel distinct and personalised.
By Miranda Sanchez
Hiya Name of Responsibility followers! This 12 months we’re attempting one thing new: as a result of Name of Responsibility: Black Ops four’s modes are so completely different, we’re reviewing them individually, adopted by our general evaluate and rating. You’ll be able to learn extra in regards to the evaluate plan right here. This half covers everything of Black Ops four – make sure you take a look at the person opinions subsequent.
Name of Responsibility: Black Ops three flung the sequence right into a thrust-jumping, wall operating future. With Black Ops four, we see this long-running sequence land in way more attention-grabbing terrain, even with out a marketing campaign. This 12 months, Treyarch is leaning into sturdy multiplayer modes. Its glorious battle royale addition, Blackout, acts as a pleasant homage to every part within the Black Ops sequence. Mixed with good improvements to each Zombies and multiplayer, Black Ops four is a powerful entry within the sequence. Nonetheless, persisting technical points and quite a few already stale multiplayer maps maintain Black Ops four again from being an excellent larger package deal.
Although there are vital modifications to every mode’s components, the largest change is Black Ops four’s lack of a basic marketing campaign. That is definitely disappointing for some, however, for me, Black Ops four will get alongside simply advantageous with out it. With three stable maps and new modes, Zombies has a meaty launch; plus, Blackout and multiplayer have that engaging gameplay loop that retains me drawn in.
The multiplayer does get some narrative route from the Specialist HQ, which serves as a very good coaching floor for every of the multiplayer characters. Their introductory missions are laced with story cutscene. The story Specialist HQ tells is somewhat exhausting to comply with, as there’s no particular order for the Specialists, but it surely’s neat nonetheless. Zombies additionally contains two storylines, although these are positively tougher to comply with than a standard marketing campaign as a result of the story of every map is hidden behind Easter egg challenges.
Every of Black Ops four’s modes construct upon the sequence’ glorious gunplay to offer uniquely pleasurable experiences
Black Ops four sadly has a laundry listing of technical and stability points infecting every of its modes. For instance, teaming up with associates in Blackout doesn’t at all times work appropriately, and the Theater mode crashes frequently. Nonetheless, Treyarch has been nice about staying on high of these points, repeatedly updating their weblog with data on what they’re actively taking a look at and fixing. This communication is essential for a multiplayer recreation with a excessive life expectancy, particularly at launch. I stay up for seeing how consumer complaints with gear just like the 9-Bang, common bugs in Zombies, and erratic spawn points in multiplayer change Black Ops four sooner or later.
Every of Black Ops four’s modes construct upon the sequence’ glorious gunplay to offer uniquely pleasurable experiences, all of which really feel like they’ve room to be personalised within the route of your most well-liked playstyle. Although all of them even have distinctive flaws that detract from the general expertise, they’re sometimes ones Treyarch is no less than conscious of.
Zombies Mode
Zombies, for example, launched with extra maps and much more customization choices than ever earlier than. It’s made for not solely probably the most accessible model of Zombies, however probably probably the most difficult, too. The brand new Rush mode provides an attention-grabbing, distinctive solution to play Zombies by difficult gamers to rack up multipliers and zombie kills shortly.
Right here’s extra from our Zombies evaluate by Dan Crowd:
That is probably the most assured and welcoming iteration of the Zombies mode but.
Black Ops four’s Zombies is the showcase of a assured staff that has iterated and improved the components they created. The addition of a tutorial, a extra streamlined single participant expertise, and a wealth of match customisation reveals Treyarch needs everybody to expertise what the studio has been perfecting for the final decade. And with the 10 12 months anniversary of Name of Responsibility Zombies looming, there’s by no means been a greater time to seize some associates, chug an elixir, and see how lengthy you possibly can survive.
Zombies Rating: eight.5
Multiplayer Mode
That thrilling motion I’ve come to like within the Black Ops sequence returns with a extra tactical twist within the fundamental multiplayer mode. The Specialists, common weapon stability, and elimination of computerized well being regeneration make for a stable basis for all of Black Ops four’s multiplayer modes. It’s a disgrace, although, that a few of its launch maps maintain it again from being even higher. When your greatest maps are remakes, there’s an issue.
Right here’s extra from my multiplayer evaluate:
Black Ops four multiplayer options a terrific arsenal and versatile Specialists, however lackluster launch maps and bugs maintain it again.
Black Ops four’s multiplayer lets gamers be extra tactical with out sacrificing the thrill of engagements. The reworked well being system and Specialists supply nice, largely balanced instruments that permit for extra artistic playstyles and cater to strategic groups and lone wolves alike. Nearly each weapon class in Black Ops four’s arsenal seems like a viable choice, too, although computerized weapons are expectedly as standard as they’ve been up to now.
Pretty much as good as these modifications are, Black Ops four is held again by a couple of of its extra slim maps that really feel stale after just some playthroughs. Even worse are the unlucky design selections round spawn areas that permit aggressive enemies to choose off gamers simply as they’re developing. When these flaws don’t all align without delay, although, Black Ops four retains me coming again to work towards unlocking the cool Operator Mods for my favourite weapons and experimenting with loadouts within the enjoyable new Heist mode.
Multiplayer Rating: 7.eight
Blackout Mode
Black Ops four’s largest addition, Blackout, will not be for everybody – it’s tense, dying means an instantaneous recreation over, and far of your recreation depends on the luck of your drop – however it’s a powerful tackle the favored recreation mode.
Right here’s extra on Blackout from our evaluate by James Duggan:
Every little thing, from the artistic gear to the acquainted Name of Responsibility places, works remarkably nicely within the Blackout’s dynamic battle royale area.
In lieu of serious innovation, Name of Responsibility: Black Ops four’s Blackout as an alternative presents a remarkably polished and intuitive tackle the fundamental battle royale components with a first-person shooter focus. Every little thing from the artistic perks and gear to the acquainted Name of Responsibility places works remarkably nicely within the dynamic battle royale area, and a few parts just like the arcade taking pictures are even enhanced on account of it. The plethora of technical points starting from easy fixes to extra concerned workarounds on PC are regarding, however in the end didn’t cease me or my associates from taking part in and having a good time. I completely stay up for taking part in Blackout for months to come back, and hope that Name of Responsibility’s annualized launch cadence doesn’t intervene with the frequency and longevity of post-launch assist that I anticipate of the style.
Blackout Rating: 9.zero
The Verdict
Every facet of Black Ops four introduces some nice new concepts that proceed to evolve the sequence. Energetic therapeutic in multiplayer provides gamers extra management and, paired with Specialists, it makes for a terrific tactical expertise. The brand new heist mode is an excellent palate cleanser, too. Zombies thrives from having extra than simply two launch maps; the newbie mode is a improbable solution to ease in to the tense motion, whereas Rush retains the maps feeling recent. Blackout is probably the most thrilling of the three, although. As an alternative of bringing some loopy twist to battle royale, Treyarch well makes use of the format to mix previous Black Ops choices right into a enjoyable, hectic mode that entices us to leap in time and again. Black Ops four’s tough edges do maintain it again from an excellent higher execution of its greatest moments, however whenever you’re not experiencing these technical points, any of Black Ops four’s three modes make for an pleasurable shooter expertise that really feel distinct and personalised.
from SpicyNBAChili.com https://www.spicynbachili.com/call-of-duty-black-ops-4-review/
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dovahdactyl-blog · 7 years
TouchArcade Video Game Of The Week.
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Hey there, gentle visitors, and thanks for visiting the RPG Reload, the regular attribute where we may not have the expensive licenses, but recognize that a gigantic robot is a giant robot. The War of Eustrath is a remake of this video game from a brand-new programmer developed from the ashes of Team Darkland, which appears to have gone inoperative around 2007 or two. It flew off of Globe Battle II-era U.S. battleships that had been gotten of mothballs in the 1980s and also upgraded for usage in pounding ground targets with their enormous sixteen-inch weapons. Many individuals ask why there are fewer poems from The second world war, as compared to the First World War. It's been such a very long time considering that Telephone call of Obligation dealt with the Second Globe War that a brand-new run against the Nazis would feel nearly like a brand new start for the series, rather than merely a go back to something that felt quite jaded just a couple of years back. With outstanding production values, amazing activity, collection' ideal multiplayer, involving new personalities, and also an introductory tale that must satisfy new players and also returning followers alike, Gears of War 4 might simply be your new preferred Gears video game.
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