lavampira · 4 months
🦊 - @redwayfarers
how intimidating am I?
🦊 — fairly intimidating
hsdghsd pls I am but a shivering chihuahua I promise </3
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marzipanladyart · 3 months
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Nika (he/him) commission for @redwayfarers, thank you! <3
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coldshrugs · 3 months
five character associations — io
tagged by @lilas and @lavampira ty beloveds!
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sensory over-stimulation
deep blue-black
lush, verdant green streaked with yellow
burnt orange
brick red
soft, peppery florals
sun-warmed skin
damp earth, decaying ruins
dried blood
wood, leather, and sinew after fletching arrows
a pearl earring, softly lustrous and set in silver
well-worn leather thighboots
weapons with sleek, simple designs
books with dog-eared pages
a handheld harp in a travel bag, a larger one at home
body language
an arm crossed over her torso, slouched shoulders as if making herself appear smaller
ears held alert until she allows herself to relax
open hand reaching -- for an arrow, for a hand to hold, to draw someone in, to keep away harm
light, quick movement, a rhythm set to music you feel more than hear
eyes and smile full of warmth
a gauzy curtain blowing in the breeze, light rain on the other side of the window. everything smells green
the world so small below, the sky stretching out all around, and the wind tugging hair, clothes, and laughter during flight
a night sky flecked with stars, perfectly reflected in dark eyes.
the eager, electric almost before a first kiss, the last moment a touch is still unknown
darting in and out of frenzied battle, distant and deadly, close and desperate.
no pressure tagging: @syrcus @scionshtola @hythlodaes @razrogue @itzpapalotl @myreia @thevikingwoman @redwayfarers @callmenadya @uriangerswife and anyone else who wants to do this!
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lilas · 3 months
wip wednesday
tagged by @birues @coldshrugs @lavampira ty beloveds! Tagging though I’m 100078% positive a lot uave already been tagged @veeples @narrativefoiltrope @gwaha @myreia @hythlodaes @redwayfarers and anyone else who sees this and has always thought “I want to share a wip on wip wednesday” this is your sign to share and tag me! :D
I’m going to keep chipping away at this sketch of Avi, and I want to do more anatomy studies with him <3
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harumeau · 2 months
wip wednesday!
tagged by @lilas @redwayfarers and @vakarians-babe (a little while ago) thank you!
tagging @sovhina @seawillfuckyourshitup @impossible-rat-babies @birues @fourteenthz anyone else who wants to, I think a lot of people have already been tagged lol so sorry for any repeats!
I haven't had any new art wips in awhile but I drew them for the first time exactly one year ago! so I started a lil redraw 🥺
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sunshinemage · 3 months
5 character associations
i got tagged by @redwayfarers, thank you 💙💙
i picked Oya for this 🥰
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dark teal
dark blues
dark greys
sea salt / iodine
golden jewelry
leather boots
carved wooden teacup and teaspoon
crossed arms
exaggerated eye rolls
leg tapping
small hand wave to say hi
sunrises over the sea
windswept messy hair
lots of accessories
painted nails
the blue hour before the sunrise
___ tagging @ourinquisitorialness @thevikingwoman @lyriumsings @roguelioness and @galadae 💙
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scionshtola · 2 months
15 Lines of Dialogue Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you’re free to include those as well!
tagged by @coldshrugs @redwayfarers @impossible-rat-babies and @thevikingwoman ty!! i'll tag @hythlodaes @lavampira @hylfystt and anyone else who wants to do it
all of these are cori of course <3
“Is it difficult? To look at me? To—” [...] “I know the toll a surfeit of aether takes on you. It must be exhausting just to have me near.” the pain of perception
“There were a lot of people...And a lot more crying than I was prepared for.” i pray you won't stop looking at me like that
“Those are not the words of a woman keen on forgiveness." a multitude of intimacies
“I thought you had work to do. I’ll not be responsible for Camp Dragonhead’s books falling into disarray.” the need in the devotee (ao3 link)
“You do not need to stay awake for my sake. Pepper makes good enough conversation for the both of you. Isn’t that right, Pepper?” sleepy prompt
“I would not dream of suggesting you had ever been idle, Shtola. Though I think you have done enough work for the night. You should get some sleep.” a different sleepy prompt
“Good bird,” she cooed at him. “You like to be spoiled, don’t you?” A Barn in a Blizzard
“Does he have a name?" [...] "Shall I guess then? Given your history of creative spellwriting, I imagine ‘tis something special. Let’s see…mayhap—” kiss prompt
“Do not tell me you have been completely alone all night. I fear that shall only make me more keen to make it up to you.” affair au wip
“I admit when I came here tonight I was rather hoping for a t—“ their breath hitches [...] “A tactile experience.” affair au wip
“Consider this an anthropological extension of your research, then. You’ll have fun, I promise. We can stand at the back, and if you get lost you can just watch me.” a sweet distraction
“Shtola,” they say, barely above a whisper[...] “Are you angry with me?” reaching in the dark
“My apologies, but I did not come bearing treats,” Corisande says, lifting their hand and stroking the bird’s head. “You will simply have to make do with hay like everyone else.” i pray you won't stop looking at me like that
“I enjoy your going on. Though...you may have to repeat some points.” tipsy kiss prompt
“About that,” Corisande said, heart sinking [...] “I think I may have been a tad optimistic.” romantic picnic prompt
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galadae · 2 months
wip no longer wednesday
tagged by @myreia @coldshrugs @hylfystt @thevikingwoman and @galadae thank you!!
I think a lot of you have been tagged already but: @roguelioness @lilas @scionshtola @redwayfarers @whatsthisascianbullshit @the-rogue-mockingjay absolutely no pressure ♥
Here's a nice bit of angst where calien get to be sad and pathetic together! occurs during ENW role quests but there's no spoilers, they're just talking about Hien's parents 🥲
He continues, halting, the words forming awkward phrases she finds strange to him. "Everything we've done -- Oft have I wished for them to see it. To know how far we've come. To take pride in it. But of late I am reminded how truly fragile it can be. I - I cannot let this fall to ruin. I cannot fail." Calantha reaches for his hand. "And you won't," she says. "You have your friends and allies. You have me. If anything, we won't let you fail. And Hien, I think they would be proud, even now." Sadness flashes across his features in an instant. He hides it, but the afterimage remains, distorting his attempt at an impassive facade. "I wish--" his voice is low, almost a whisper. "I miss them." When he looks back at her, unshed tears fill his eyes. He blinks them away with a mirthless laugh. "Forgive me," he mutters. "There's no use dwelling on it--" Calantha cups his face. "Forgive you?" Her heart aches to see him like this. He's spoken of them so rarely to her before. How much of that had been to stop himself from thinking of his own pain? "You don't have to hide this from me."
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impossible-rat-babies · 3 months
5 character associations--eyrie
ty for the tag @redwayfarers! i've seen a lot of folks do this already, but if you haven't consider yourself tagged!
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grief/loss unconditional and undefined love rage/frustration loneliness/hunger hope
deep olive green russet red ivory dark brown pale gold
the forest after the rain chamomile old snow and ice dried blood mineral oil
worn old leather journal, countless pages stuffed between covers a small glowing daisy a dragon scale, flecked with green and red a broken chunk of a reflective purple crystal well loved sticks of oil pastels
crossed arms and careful smiles hands cradling cheeks smiling kisses on the forehead intense stares picking at an ingrown nail
birds in flight bow & arrow snow covered mountain a halo of the sun ponds of stagnant water
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thevikingwoman · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
tagged by @impossible-rat-babies @lilas and @redwayfarers thank you!
tagging forward to @myreia, @galadrieljones @galadae @hylfystt @roguelioness @allaganexarch and anyone else who wants to
I'm working on this on and off, and I just thought this was neat.
Tansui lifts his own flask, and takes a deep drink. Rasho lifts his cup and drinks with him. They sit, and drink, in silence for some time, the sun slipping lower towards the ocean and their shadows growing long. “So,” his friend says. “Writing letters?” It’s a question, and fair enough. He has no family to correspond with, and any letters related to their newfound diplomatic relations with Doma goes through the Captain too. He nods, unwilling to break the silence just yet. It’s not like he’s started writing yet. He doesn’t have much to say, other than perhaps wax poetic about the quality of the sake, and implore her to stay safe. To come visit, again, but it feels like refrain. He knows she may not be able to, but – how many times can he ask? “Meryta, is it?” He nods again, squinting at Rasho. He wonders if he can let him carry the conversation all on his own. Rasho drinks for his cup, almost comically tiny in his large hands. Just for the taste of it, Tansui knows.
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anneapocalypse · 2 months
15 lines of dialogue
Thank you for the tags @redwayfarers and @lilas!
Tagging: @farfromdaylight @dreadfutures @rosella-writes @darethshirl @ecosystem-administrator @ialpiriel @ishgard
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
These are all going to be from unposted works in progress, but here we go. 😉
"If this is the price of the Blessing of Light—if you're going to take everyone I love, over and over again, then I don't want it! Do you hear me? I don't want it, I don't want it, I don't…"
"You didn't have to do this. You helped save Ishgard, too. You should be here to see the changes you wrought."
“I’ll be honest, I never imagined anyone would use the word ‘formidable’ to describe me. I do most of my work standing behind someone with a sword.”
“It’s not that. I’ve trained under people who didn’t like me or believe in me before. I can handle it. It was… he started going on about how archery was a Wildwood discipline, passed down through generations. He said I could never understand.”
"My home is gone. There’s nothing for me to go back to. I’m not Gridanian. I’m not Ishgardian. I’m not anything. I’m not even… I’m not even one of you. The Scions. Not really. You’ve all known each other for years, you knew Master Louisoix, you have all this history. I’m just some farm girl you pulled off the street because I had headaches and saw things. No matter what people call me, even the ones who think I’m a hero, I’m never one of them. I save the day, and then I move on. I never belong anywhere.”
"I understand you developed a unique variation on the carbuncle? I should love to hear about the theory behind it."
“He’d turn me loose in his library, and then ask me about what I’d read and what I thought of it. No care for what was appropriate for children, either! Ma used to argue with him about it, until she realized it was fruitless. ‘Books are for everyone,’ he’d say. ‘If she can understand it, then she can read it, and if she doesn’t she’ll put it down soon enough and find another.'”
“Urianger, this is important, so listen carefully. I want to hear everything about the fae. Everything. Should you ever doubt my desire to hear about something, you may ask me, ‘Ariane, wouldst thou care to hear of the intricacies of the customs of the fair folk?’ that I may assure you, my dear friend, that I do in fact want to hear all about it.”
“You knew that I would do what needed to be done no matter what, right? You knew that I would not turn from the plight of this star, no matter the danger to myself. That isn’t why you kept this from me, is it?”
"A smile better suits a hero. Perhaps it does, love. Perhaps it does, but I haven't one to give, at the moment."
"What do you know of his history? Do you know how it has haunted him, what he did to Minfilia? What he kept from us? Did you see him shut himself up in the Waking Sands, convinced he deserved neither comfort nor forgiveness?"
“How would I have done otherwise? When have I ever done anything but what other people told me to do? I couldn’t defy my own mother until she was dead.”
"Sometimes she was. Other times, she was a woman who gave in to all her worst fears about the world, one for whom everything beyond our doorstep was deadly and terrifying, and would have denied me a life because of it. But I dare say she was right about the tea. And the soup."
“I loved a woman once who gave up her life for me. And then I loved a man who did the same. And I’m so tired of losing people, I’m so tired—I don’t want anyone else to give up everything for me. I just want someone who will stay. Live with me. Be by my side. Be with me, whatever we face—together. I said I couldn’t ask you to change who you are, but it’s more than that. I don’t want you to change who you are. Just be with me.”
"Perhaps some things are meant to be. But the secret of our art is it's as much shaping the future as it is reading it. You've said yourself, love—you may accept what you see foretold, or defy it. As our dear Minfilia stood before the Flood of Light. It gives me some comfort to think that things can be changed. To believe—and I do—that the future is not set in stone."
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lavampira · 2 months
15 lines of dialogue
rules: share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an oc, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the oc. bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
tagged by @gwynbleidd @carlosoliveiraa @coldshrugs @redwayfarers @impossible-rat-babies @scionshtola @cherrypikkins ty friends!!
and tagging (with no pressure!) @hythlodaes @birues @hylfystt @creaking-skull @rolangf @aphoticfairy @daggertongue @famewolf @sangrefae @lysehexts @oh-yeah-no @gatheredfates and YOU <3
1. D’alia winks. “She likes me better.” cooking an intricate dinner
2. “Mayhap,” D’alia returns, unable this time to stop the laugh that escapes her at the insufferably fond look he gives her. “‘Tis better to endure the cold this way, don’t you think?” lazy kisses in bed
3. “I am scarcely the most injured one between us, and besides, would you prefer to rehash with Rielle on why you so readily throw yourself in harm’s way?” sleep, I’ll keep you safe
4. “You’re doing well by her, Sid. There’s naught to worry about if you simply listen to her.” promises to keep
5. “Should aught happen that you require aid, the members of House Fortemps are trusted friends. Tataru, another ward of the house, will remain here, too. She isn’t the most combat-inclined, but she’s resourceful.” As she trails off, running a hand through her rosy hair, warmth spreads up her neck. “Pray say something before I make more of a fool of myself with my babbling.” promises to keep
6. “Minfilia, you wound me. What must I do to earn your attention before I leave?” your sweet confession
7. “I don’t want to be an obligation. Not to you.” candle in the dark (wip)
8. “Sid, I—” D’alia swallows down the admission on the tip of her tongue as he looks at her in silent question, her heart hammering against her ribcage. After a pause that drags more like a lifetime, she says, “I need you.” candle in the dark (wip)
9. “I can’t,” D’alia cries, a rush of loathing swelling through her chest at the way her voice breaks as much as the wrongness of the deep, hoarse sound of it clawing out of her dry throat. No, not mine. Not mine. “This body, I— I can’t.” steel your heart (wip)
10. “Before aught else, I’m a mage,” she states, folding her arms over her chest. “I do know a thing or two about aether.” burn into the velvet sky (wip)
11. After a sip from her own tankard, she says instead, “You swore to me that I’d see my family again, even when I didn’t think I would. ‘Tis not as dire as that, mayhap, but I want you to know that I’ll make certain you see Ryne again, too.” stay the course (wip)
12. Before she can think better of it, D’alia glides towards her and sinks to her knee before the vanity chair, clasping a hand over the other woman’s still holding that damned brush. “I… need to know that you’ll be safe.” petals for armor (wip)
13. Her vision swims, even as she tries to blink away its blurriness. “But how can you trust me after I nearly—” untitled rahalia au (wip)
14. “Please don’t,” D’alia interrupts, grasping at his forearm before he can turn away from her. She draws in a shaking breath as his palm settles on the back of her hand, thumb gently sweeping over her skin, and she tries again. “Please, Raha. I’ll go mad if I stay cooped up any longer. I just need out of this godsdamned room, even a short while.” untitled rahalia au (wip)
15. “‘Tis rude to sneak up on friends,” D’alia says with a frown. untitled zeralia au (wip)
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seawillfuckyourshitup · 4 months
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@redwayfarers Nero I am so sorry for being late on wip whenever BDNSNDNS it gets lost in my inbox and then I forget :-:
Uhh so—here’s a thing I have to do for my art class I have to ink but I’m procrastinating on
Tagging: @joy-fires @minscofrashemen @lyriumsings @sunshinemage
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coldshrugs · 4 months
wip wednesday
it's only a few minutes after midnight so i'm claiming it.
i was tagged by @lilas and @redwayfarers, thank you both!! ♥♥ no pressure tagging: @scionshtola @galadae @lavampira @impossible-rat-babies and definitely no pressure for @hythlodaes bc she just posted a fic but it feels sacrilege to leave her out LMAO
i'm hoping to wrap up one of these beasts by next week but this lil exchange from modern au woke me from sleep this morning and i had to get it down before i forgot so here:
They stay close afterward, liking the way their limbs have tangled and the heaviness of his body relaxing against hers. Io runs her fingers through his hair, unwilling to stop touching him like this now that she has no reason to hold back, and relishes the soft breath washing over her chest. Estinien is still, besides the occasional lazy roll of his head, to kiss her where he can. From the opposite side of the bed, the lamp’s glow brightens his edges, the sharp line of his jaw, his nose, and his lips gently pulled into the sweetest smile Io’s ever seen him wear. She could watch him like this forever. The city doesn't slow around them. Flashes of sound and color leak into the dim room, painting the wall in shifting light that disappears between drowsy blinks. Io wonders how all those passersby in taxis and on the street can go on like before, unaware a faultline has moved under their feet. Don’t they know? Didn’t they feel it? The quiet breaks abruptly. “Io, I'm not,”—his rough voice wavers before he pauses altogether. She can almost see him turning over the words in his mind—“very romantic, if I'm honest, but I could be good to you.” His head on her chest is the only thing keeping her in orbit. “You've always been good to me. If you're asking me for something…” “I'm asking.” “You just wanna hear me say it?” And she laughs at his sleepy little nod, heartsick at the way he looks up at her, pupils wide even with their desire temporarily quenched. He wants more than light. She gives it to him. “Then yeah, I want to be with you, if you're willing to deal with the distance.”
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lilas · 4 months
wip wednesday
tagged by @redwayfarers and @lyriumsings tagged me last week! ty friends!
tagging: @scionshtola @birues @hylfystt @coldshrugs @thevikingwoman @myreia to share if they want! <3
have some more aville adventures 🤲
Their steps are softened by the damp ground of the cave. Erenville blinks at the growing dark as his eyes adjust. He reaches over his shoulder to flick on the crystal light hanging off his backpack. Ahead of him, Avi’li strides into the dark. Confident, sure of foot. Erenville wonders for a moment how to keep pace when Avi’li turns to check on him. Surrounded by gloom, the warrior’s eyes have become like jade beacons, only bright enough to highlight Avi’li’s cheekbones, brow, and little else beyond.
“D’you know how far we’re walking?” Avi asks.
Erenville tilts his head as if to shake the dust off the mental image of this cave’s map in his head. “Another malm. This cave system is simple comparatively, but the few legs run deep.” He reaches Avi’li’s side and they both fall into step, trekking deeper into the cave. “Our quarry may prove difficult to catch, but we should have enough bait.”
Avi’li hums in reply, “And I thought you were going to have me wrestle this one too.”
“Fret not, you might still have to wrestle with the rod if it puts up a fight.”
Today’s quarry is the [FISH. DESCRIBE FISH.]
“And for what reason am I wrestling a fish for this time?”
This time. Erenville smiles, “You wrestle fish often?”
“Occasionally,” Avi’li returns a grin.
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rangerdoubt · 2 months
@glitchy-npc and me sneaking in on PST… brother. i haven’t done anything in a while. SO:
tagging @redwayfarers @thenightdayblogger @emeraldgreaves and like, anyone else who also wants to do it! it’ll be a wip whenever though bc it’s like six to midnight for me 🥲
miscellaneous stepverse/crime family au, because i like making my steps argue:
“I thought you didn’t drink,” you say when he raises a lazy hand in greeting.
“I don’t. But you do.” A flat little smile, all dimples and no teeth. He narrows his eyes at you and folds his hands around–
“Is that a Shirley Temple? Are you six?”
“Seven, actually. Order what you want. I’ll get the tab.”
You point an accusing finger in his direction and he raises his eyebrows in mock-surprise. “Don’t think you can start being nice to me now,” you grouch, but he waits until you sidle back from the bar and take a sip of your vodka Diet Coke before making his reply.
“Better?” You keep your grunt noncommittal and he wrinkles his nose. “I worry for you, that’s all.”
“How sweet. Wh–” You take another long sip. He manages to keep the benign little smile, but the furrow between Miguel’s eyebrows gets a little deeper as he waits for you to come up for air. Whatever. Good. You’re feeling a little better already. Calmer. Braver. Maybe this won’t go as badly as you suspect it might. “What’s wrong this time?”
the migjulia that i forgot about!
Julia traces a finger over the bare skin of your back. You swallow hard, and keep your eyes on your phone to keep from shivering.
“You know,” she says wonderingly, “I never—are you playing sudoku?”
You do your best to squint back at her but it cricks the hell out of your neck. “It’s a crossword. They’re completely different grids?”
“Oh, because that’s so much better. Is this, like, your equivalent of a cigarette or something?”
“Fuck o—kay.” You take a deep breath, stuck somewhere between an argument and laughter. “And if it is?”
“Then you’re a bigger nerd than I thought you were. Which says a lot.” Julia tucks herself tighter against your back, sticking her chin into the crook of your neck.
“You weren’t supposed to be in a position to find out,” you say dryly.
“Mmm,” you can hear the smile in her voice, smug and fond at once, “But I am.”
a bit of original fic that i’m still trying to wrangle:
It is—suffocatingly awkward, now that there is only two of them. And the angel. Always the angel.
“Will—how is he going to go—“
“Shut up,” says Tam stiffly. The leather of the steering wheel is squeaking in her hands, she’s squeezing it so tight. Max sinks deeper into her seat.
It doesn’t sit right to have just—left Gavin there. He’d been—kind, almost. Sad in his own way. It made something turn in Max’s stomach to watch him just recede into the distance, like he’d given up as they pulled out of the gas station.
ALL IS AS IT SHOULD BE, MAGDALENE, says Melpomene in the rearview mirror. It’s humming again, blindfolded eyes turned toward the window. Its pair of lion’s claws are folded over each other, like any kind of house cat.
“Right,” says Max. She’s given up on correcting it. A name for a name, she supposes. “If you say so.”
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