fromtheseventhhell · 9 months
can I join in on the Jamie slander? because the way fandom lives up jamie’s ass has always annoyed me so much. people literally have more empathy for him than they have for dany and Arya it’s ridiculous and transparently misogynistic. the way fandom always sees Jamie as the victim of evil cersei who just needs the love of a good woman (usually Brienne but I’ve even seen him shipped with sansa) like last time I checked cersei didn’t force him to push a CHILD out of a window he did that of his own free will. jamie is a horrible person and if grrm lets him live to the end of the series I will be genuinely pissed. the number of people who think Jamie is on a “redemption arc” is ridiculous. also they think he has a redemption arc but also believe he’s the valonqar so how does that work? Jamie is going to redeem himself, kill cersei through into partner violence, and then marry Brienne and live happily ever after??? 🤮🤢🤮
Jamie slander is always welcome over here 🙏🏾
I think this summarizes my issues with Jaime's character; it's not so much how he's written, I do think his character is interesting, but the way he's treated by fandom is insufferable. Male characters are always given more sympathy and grace than female characters and it's frustrating to see the difference in how he (and other male characters) is treated vs. Dany, Arya, Cat, Cersei, Brienne, Asha, Sansa, etc. Every bad thing he's ever done is twisted to become a result of Cersei "manipulating" him and she gets demonized, when she really deserves the sympathy that he gets. His "redemption arc" is a joke and I'm convinced the only reason people think he has one is because they've personally forgiven his actions 🥴
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nijigasakilove · 9 months
Another fire ruroni episode, we’re about to be in for some true peak over the next few weeks 🙏🏾
As usual Kaoru main priority is making sure Megumi doesn’t steal her man 😂 maybe learn to cook Ohagi as well as Megumi does and you won’t have to worry about it.
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Even though the gang accepted Megumi and is willing to help her move forward with her life, it’s understandable that she would still have doubts about whether or not she deserves that redemption. No shock that Kanryū was able to play on her fears and get her to come back.
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Sano being reluctant to help also makes sense. He went along with things for the past few weeks because Kanryū’s gang launched a direct attack on them. But as far as going after Megumi who willingly walked away I can understand that after losing a friend to the opium crisis, he’s not so inclined to help. It’s one thing to know about people in town dying vs actually knowing friends that have died. Makes it way more personal. In the end, a little talk no jutsu got him to do the right thing.
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Megumi willing to go on a suicide mission is commendable. She knew she wasn’t coming out of that mansion and was willing to take Kanryu down with her. Im actually more surprised that he didn’t expect a potential assassination attempt. He must’ve thought he had her completely broken. A testament to the impact that Kenshin and the rest have had on her in such a short time.
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Speaking of Kenshin, damn, he’s not playing around. Cutting down and throwing a lamp post, giving a firm hour deadline to release Megumi etc. The murderous intent was so palpable from his eyes. can’t wait to see him take on this mansion gauntlet. That ending was chills.
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sistamagza · 6 months
Luyanda Zwane Reflects On 'Wonderful Year': "Can Only Be God!"
New Post has been published on https://sistamagazine.co.za/luyanda-zwane-reflects-on-wonderful-year-can-only-be-god/
Luyanda Zwane Reflects On 'Wonderful Year': "Can Only Be God!"
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Luyanda Zwane is counting down to the New Year! Recently, the actress and model took to Instagram to thank all of the productions she has worked with and to reflect on 2023 and the opportunities they have given her.
“I can only be God! 6 productions in one year!!! I serve a living God!!! ❤️🙏🏾 thank you to every production that granted me an opportunity.” Luyanda wrote in a post that was shared on her Instagram.
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This year has undeniably been a great year for the young, talented actress. The 19-year-old actress has been bagging acting gigs non-stop. Zwane, a rising star in the film industry, has showcased a rare combination of talent, versatility, and charisma that has captivated audiences in South Africa.
Her journey to stardom has been anything but ordinary, with a dedication to her craft that has set her apart from her peers. If you are a true fan, then you have definitely seen her gracing your TV screen.
One of the hallmarks of Luyanda Zwane’s exceptional year has been her commitment to diverse roles. From gripping dramas to lighthearted comedies, she seamlessly transitioned between genres, proving her versatility as an actress. Her willingness to take on challenging characters has not only showcased her range but also solidified her reputation as a performer unafraid to push the boundaries of her craft.
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ShowMax Drama Series : Outlaws.
Just so you know, Luyanda Zwane is a native of Durban, KwaZulu Natal. In order to achieve her goals, she relocated to Johannesburg. Luyanda Zwane was first exposed to the arts while attending Kingsway High School, where she participated in school plays, drama competitions, and drama classes. [Source: MLA]
Luyanda Zwane is popularly known for her drama roles on Classified, Shaka Ilembe, Redemption, Outlaws, and the comedy romance drama Miseducation.
As the curtain falls on a remarkable year for the actress, the future looks even more promising. With a slew of high-profile projects in the pipeline and the industry’s attention firmly fixed on her, she is poised to continue her ascent to the pinnacle of Mzansi success.
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dietcokedemise · 1 year
march 11, 2023 | entry #1
extreme tmi
currently trapped in my bathroom as i suffer through the result of not sh*tting for an entire week :( thank you lax gods for doing what my digestive system could not 🙏🏾 doing my end of the week weigh-in in the morning and i’m so relieved i’m finally emptying out a week’s worth of food (including an almost 2k calorie binge woof)—fingers crossed i’m finally in the 190s 🤞🏾
today was a pretty successful redemption arc if i do say so myself <3 after last night’s binge fest i was determined to make up for my moment of weakness today and that i did! successfully completed my liquid fast and kept my cal intake relatively low + made up for last night’s cal over consumption at the same time! these appetite suppressants i’m taking really are a godsend—without them i’m sure my binges would be x10 worse and far more frequent than what they are now tbh :/ even though they f*ck with my chemical imbalance severely, keep me up until 4 am, aaaand lock up my bowels 🙃 i still owe those tiny miracle pills my life! they make the $100 a month i pay for them a bit more worth it…
my activity band & new electronic jumprope finally came in the mail today and after doing a little test run with them i’m actually looking forward to working out more? i heard that jumping rope is a super good form of cardio with promising results so we’ll see how long i can stay consistent—i’m thinking about doing a seven day long challenge and seeing what kind of results that + restricting will give me but we’ll see about that 😅 though i will say that finally having a way to consistently track my steps + exercise throughout the day has been a major boost of encouragement for me to strive to be more active in my day to day—who nows? this just might be the beginning of a beautifully unhinged fitness addiction (a girl can dream)
there are officially 101 days until summer…that means i have 101 days to get my shit together so that i can at least be halfway there to my ugw 🫶🏾
food log
fast (0 cals)
café latte premier protein shake (160 cals)
café latte premier protein shake (160 cals)
4 fiber gummies (30 cals)
daily stats
cw : 203.2 lbs (92 kgs)
bmi : 38.4
cal intake : 350
cals burned : unknown
net cals : 350 (estimated)
steps : 1,337
hours fasted : 14hrs 35mins
days binge free : 1
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pepsi7401 · 2 years
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What an amazing word and divine reminder from guest preacher Pastor Winner Olmann!! Rooted in Redemption! 1. Have faith in God’s promises. 2. Have faith in God’s timing. 3. Have faith in God’s Son *God process is good for us* *God takes imperfect faith and credits it as righteousness* **Is God worth trusting when we are in the waiting room of life?*** YES!!! AMEN!! 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 #rootedinredemption #familychurchgardens Heb 11:1 11:6 Gen 12:2 13:16 Phil 4:6-7 Is 41:10 John 16:33 II Corinthians 1:120 (at Family Church Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgaCaS2p-GFOuipaRSMWlPPFjqgaDglCfCFth80/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ambassadorofchrist · 2 years
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FATHER GOD in this and everyday help us to be the light that shines for YOU in a World that is lost in darkness. Let our testimonies and lives speak of YOUR Love, Redemption, and YOUR Faithfulness, in JESUS NAME Amen 🙏🏾❤️
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blissfulparker · 2 years
After seeing NWH the first Spider-Man Homecoming will always be my favorite. The beginning of NWH was so rushed 😭 and I really didn’t like the plot of the whole movie and the insane amount of plot holes like i know all that shit didn’t happen just because May convinced Peter he needed to save the villains from OTHER universes? Like absolutely not I mean there comes a point where it just feels too unrealistic for peter to choose the lives of 3 villains over millions of people like no one would actually do that and Peter is suppose to be smart as hell!! I mean I LOVED Peter’s fighting scenes with the goblin those were the best fighting scenes he’s done out of the whole franchise and I LOVED MJ and Peter’s scenes together and their chemistry was so much better in NWH it made me tear up! And I also loved the Ned, Peter and trio scenes and Andrew’s scenes but the Andrew saving MJ scene could have been executed way better and they could have put more time into it and had more dialogue for that scene it just felt like a cheap quick scene just for Andrew to get his redemption. And the ending just made everything that happened throughout the whole trilogy seem pointless
Nwh gave us dark!peter and I am forever thankful🙏🏾😩 but tbh…the whole movie felt like a dream, like it starts somewhere and ends completely different than where it started. I love homecoming with my whole heart and will forever have that as my fav tom movie. Like I said, I felt like they needed a reason to open the multiverse and saw peter as a perfect excuse.
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katsukissy · 2 years
your voice is now my favorite sound
ahem, anyway ! i could physically feel the pain when you tried to describe the knowing that he knew that you were distracted, i am so sorry, that must have been harrowing 😭
and please ur friend’s reaction—
also also, why are the majority of like,,, service workers (especially at coffee shops) so incredibly attractive??? there’s this one person at the starbucks near my house and their voice is like butter, fucking ambrosia even, i can barely get my order out around them
so um. tldr ur voice is… ah, i am deeply sorry for that i hope u never have to experience that man again (or maybe i hope u do for a redemption round of interaction or maybe i hope u do so i can hear ur voice describing a story again idk), and we love-hate baristas for their magnanimous charm !
it was so bad i wanted to cry but i want a redemption arc i’m not that flustered all the time i swear🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾😭 i’m regular and i don’t have a staring problem i promise 🙏🏾
mwah mwah u are too kind lulu <3333 also i’m taking this as license to ramble about anything i want bc i like to talk lmfao enjoy my short ramble about arabic and stuff,,
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martineonthescene · 2 years
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do you believe in love and 2nd chances? if so, please don’t scroll past this post without interacting. i don’t speak on my personal life too much but i need your help. my fiancé Anwar and i need help with getting him clemency. he was harshly sentenced to life without parole when he was 22 years old. he’s 42 now and it’s time he came home to his family who needs him. read his compelling story and sign his petition on Change. we NEED to reach our goal of 1K supporters or more —> www.change.org/freeanwar1 Also, follow Anwar on TikTok for updates on his journey and commutation hearing. Every single follower/supporter counts. —> https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTdtCMUq3/ [all links in bio] thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking a few minutes to do this for me and mine. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 💙⛓🤞🏾🤞🏾⛓💙 #FRREANWAR #StayTuned #ClemencyNow #love #family #redemption #secondlife #explorepage https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd1OkL5pQ5c/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vidgealz · 2 years
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Happy New Year! May everyone start the year off right. I'm starting the year off with Jesus, and I hope you are, too. I hope those who have never gone to Him before go to Him now. I hope those who have backslided come back to Him. I hope those who are with become even closer to Him. I hope everyone finds the path of salvation, forgiveness and redemption that Jesus Christ has paved with His blood, death, burial, and resurrection. May God be with you always! Amen!🙏🏾❤✝️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CYLTRLrLvhP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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spiritualpoet · 3 years
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Happy birthday to me 🥳😭💜 And thank God for blessing me with another year around the sun 😬🙏🏾💋 In true 5 vibrational year fashion, this year? Everything changed & this year was & is the true beginning of my life. Before this year, I was riddled & walked by programs, controlled by my own submersions in my karmic dictation. This year, 28, I finally understood what it meant to breathe. I became the death & the rebirth, simultaneously, leaning of the intimate details & moments in between. The number 10 (2+8) symbolising redemption, newness, the harmonisation of masculine & feminine energy & finally understanding the coded system. The number 29 (twenty fine ;) ) brings with it the energies of liberation, spiritual enlightenment, universal consciousness & illumination through OVERstanding betrayal consciousness. I’ve become sort of enamoured with sharing my life with you all & detailing the trials & the triumphs of moving from trauma to abundance consciousness. It’s been beautiful, Will continue to be.. And my only pledge is to show you through what I grow through 🙏🏾💜 This year I learned the true meaning of home, found the love of my life & rewrote my contracts with lack consciousness & people pleasing. I shudder to think what’s next... 🙏🏾✨ To book a yearly reading, life path or numerology reading, DM me.. Discount code for those born in the month of December DD11 🙏🏾💜😉💋 https://www.instagram.com/p/CXUqdirKin-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sistamagza · 6 months
Luyanda Zwane Reflects On 'Wonderful Year': "Can Only Be God!"
New Post has been published on https://sistamagazine.co.za/luyanda-zwane-reflects-on-wonderful-year-can-only-be-god/
Luyanda Zwane Reflects On 'Wonderful Year': "Can Only Be God!"
Luyanda Zwane is counting down to the New Year! Recently, the actress and model took to Instagram to thank all of the productions she has worked with and to reflect on 2023 and the opportunities they have given her.
“I can only be God! 6 productions in one year!!! I serve a living God!!! ❤️🙏🏾 thank you to every production that granted me an opportunity.” Luyanda wrote in a post that was shared on her Instagram.
This year has undeniably been a great year for the young, talented actress. The 19-year-old actress has been bagging acting gigs non-stop. Zwane, a rising star in the film industry, has showcased a rare combination of talent, versatility, and charisma that has captivated audiences in South Africa.
Her journey to stardom has been anything but ordinary, with a dedication to her craft that has set her apart from her peers. If you are a true fan, then you have definitely seen her gracing your TV screen.
One of the hallmarks of Luyanda Zwane’s exceptional year has been her commitment to diverse roles. From gripping dramas to lighthearted comedies, she seamlessly transitioned between genres, proving her versatility as an actress. Her willingness to take on challenging characters has not only showcased her range but also solidified her reputation as a performer unafraid to push the boundaries of her craft.
ShowMax Drama Series : Outlaws.
Just so you know, Luyanda Zwane is a native of Durban, KwaZulu Natal. In order to achieve her goals, she relocated to Johannesburg. Luyanda Zwane was first exposed to the arts while attending Kingsway High School, where she participated in school plays, drama competitions, and drama classes. [Source: MLA]
Luyanda Zwane is popularly known for her drama roles on Classified, Shaka Ilembe, Redemption, Outlaws, and the comedy romance drama Miseducation.
As the curtain falls on a remarkable year for the actress, the future looks even more promising. With a slew of high-profile projects in the pipeline and the industry’s attention firmly fixed on her, she is poised to continue her ascent to the pinnacle of Mzansi success.
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djjoeltjamkam · 3 years
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Mettle, redemption, pain, friend, God, test, brother. All these are words that come rolling up as I view the sunrise today. In the past year there have been times I did not know I would have this gift, The gift of marking off another year. When you are young its exciting you have so many milestones you see ahead of you. I thought as I got older and saw those milestones, I had gained some wisdom and could 'handle this life thing" Ah grown! This year, I have learnt the true meaning of pain and what it means to have your 'mettle' tested. I have been tossed and turned by a test I did not see coming. Who am I as a man, what do I believe in and who is my God? Redemption is finding peace within you, finding the place that only Jehovah can reach and lift you through, talking to him and feeling his presence and making decisions knowing he is here carrying me through. Knowing the truth of Isaiah 63:9 It is also seeing the manifestation of his love and care through the people, the people in my life. The old saying 'Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are' I am a man who has been humbled by his friends and brothers. Yes, Jehovah works through people but we make a choice to manifest his love.. I have been blessed this past year by so many people who have shown up and shown out to be here, to embody Proverbs 17:17 which says "A true friend shows love at all times And is a brother who is born for times of distress" There are people I need to shout out none the least my sis Jenny she here through the best and the worst of this fight, my mom and the rest of my family who have given so much I give thanks and I appreciate. There are others, brothers and sisters who have stood beside me through this war. Y’all got my back in a way I didn’t think possible. So if I can show you my friends, as it were. I can show you people who are steadfast and kind, good people. Good people who are not afraid to see your pain, to hear your trouble and to stand up and be counted when it matters. Those people are my people, my blessings my brothers and I say thank you and thank you. We see this sunrise together. Another year. Peace. 🙏🏾🙏🏾💯🖤🖤🙏🏾 https://www.instagram.com/p/CVLBS5jANqK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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