#redacted cutie oc
itsyourstarboy · 7 months
It took me a bit, but I’ve done :)
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Harper (He/Him Cutie) and Geordi
In celebration of their healing relationship, I redrew this drawing from when it first started falling apart
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zombii-ships · 4 months
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hi im shy about posting my traditional art but i wanted to do a lil sumn of of Rendacted and me in time for his birthday 🎉
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fregget-frou · 2 years
Happy pride everyone!! ITS STILL PRIDE MONTH HERE!!
Since I actually only have one (1) gender conforming listener (which is Darlin) I decided to draw some of my favorite listeners and their flags!
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They are always so fun to draw I wish I could’ve drawn each listener but thats alot of people!!
Happy pride month to everyone and im just so glad that this community is so sweet and accepting!! I’ve struggled in fandoms that aren’t really accepting of the queer community and just seeing how chill everyone is about everything is just amazing!
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random things about my listener OCs pt.1
They pretty much only wear hawaiian shirts outside of work
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They have a sleeper build which earned them the nickname "skinny noodle"{blame Sweetheart for the stupid nickname} cause you will never catch them dead purposely flexing their muscles [the only person they'll flex for is Geordi]
They talk with their hands a lot
They were non-verbal most of their childhood 4-13 so during these years to learn as many forms of non-verbal communion as they could
they're always listening, and they're a quiet person around most people which make people feel comfortable gossiping around them, thinking their not listening or knowing they won't tell anyone. which leads them to have blackmail on almost everyone they work with
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sorazvlief · 2 years
Maple if I ask nicely would you show me your gacha listeners?<3
oho? hi Morgan!!! I can show you them aha
They/Them Listeners, He/Him Listeners and just Gendered Listeners in general but its just Listener OC talk
Cutie (They/Them):
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Robin 👍 their eyes actually turn blue when they're using Telepathy but since their eyes are closed most of the time no one really knows 👍
Darlin'/Tank (They/He):
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Xiong Tao! They share loads of similar traits with canon Darlin' but more chaotic
He likes to brag to people "aha yes I'm the 3rd strongest werewolf of the Shaw Pack it's no big deal 😍" and then there's David trying to drag them away
i actually made a design for Honey (He/They) before let me just:
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Tristan :D I've always seen Honey as an emo dude who's a skater or smth
they're a werewolf shifter at the Keaton Pack
Despite being a skater he's actually really clumsy, also very sarcastic and has a little bit of a Tsundere element yknow yknow (yknow look at Guy's audios)
i haven't made the others yet so I'll prob update you guys when they're done </33
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redactedgender · 11 days
redacted audio headcanons: elliott & sunshine edition
im in my elliott & sunshine era rn it seems. i cant stop thinking abt them. so heres some of my hc for them! the sunshine hc’s are specifically for my oc (charlie, he/they), but im keeping it neutral so others can apply it to their oc’s/sunshine hc’s maybe :0
; t4t elliott & sunshine. i don’t make the rules, i just enforce them
; following that thought, sunshine, geordi & guy were all elliott’s caretakers after he got top surgery
; elliott & aaron’s last name is hawkins, but elliott is technically elliott lewis-hawkins. his last name is hyphenated because ‘lewis’ was the name of his first foster family (they were the best one he had had at that point, but when the mom got pregnant they realized they couldn’t support two kids), so he uses their name to remember them by
; sunshine has a prosthetic leg from their accident. they walk with a cane or sometimes use a wheelchair during extra bad pain days, or when it rains. their prosthetic starts under their knee. they also have lots of small scars from the glass across their body, mostly arms
; elliott has called sunshine “sunshine” since they first met basically. but, when guy heard sunshine call elliott “dreamboat” one random day, he made the joke that their ship name would be “daydream”. since then, whenever guy talks about the two of them, he refers to them as “daydream” (ex: “yeah i’m just in a call with geordi and daydream, what’s up?”)
; they have matching yellow lego charms that make a heart when you put them together (like this but yellow)
; (18+) they both have horrible oral fixations (canon but still). they both could live between each others thighs. the 69 position is one of their favorites because of that
; sunshine and cutie used to go to school together, but after cutie’s powers manifested they kinda stopped hanging out. sunshine never really liked cutie tbh. they aren’t aware that cutie is empowered
; sunshine and treasure are cousins, and treasure was the first person sunshine told about their (completely obvious) crush on eli when they realized they liked him
; eli’s favorite color is lavender, and also loves lavender scented things (he has the lavender & iris spray from bath & body works and practically douses his bed in it. it smells divine btw)
; elliott had a wattpad account. what he read on that site is between him and god
; elliott is a lord of the rings nerd. you mean to tell me the guy who made a whole-ass fantasy d&d session dreamscape with his partner featuring a full-ass dragon isn’t a tolkien nerd??
; elliott also loves d&d. he hasn’t played a lot, but has enjoyed it when he did; he once dm’ed a one shot for his friend group and it was a crazy ass story. he likes worldbuilding and character backstories the most
; sunshine collects cds from thrift stores. even from artists they don’t know anything about
; besides their house, elliott and sunshine have also discussed getting animals together. they decided on a dog named thor and a cat named mercury
; honey is elliott and aaron’s cousin. they don’t know elliott is empowered. honey and aaron are the two cousins who would disappear when they both got overwhelmed at a party
; elliott loves watching competition shows like “blown away”, he eats that shit up
; (18+) sunshine is a big reader, and absolutely eats up all different kinds of genres. sometimes elliott likes to “punish” them for not paying attention to him by using him mouth on them while they read erotica & edge them until they finish a specific number of chapters
; elliott hates tuna. like, haaaaates tuna. can't stand the smell, taste, texture, anything about it. the only thing he can handle about it is when its alive and intact; he can't even handle it in sushi
; in pjo, sunshine would be a child of apollo, and elliott would be a child of hypnos
; sunshine didn’t tell the group about the accident until they had a panic attack over a car crash in a movie. they had told elliott bits and pieces before that (and obviously he had seen their nightmares), but they felt as though they didn’t want to burden elliott and the rest of the group with their trauma
; OK SO. elliott and sunshine’s favorite movie collectively is “tangled”. i mean its their absolute fave. they watched it together on their first official date, it’s their comfort movie, they have matching jewelry of the sun symbol, theyve cosplayed/gone as flynn and rapunzel a bunch of times for halloween, etc. like these guys LOVE tangled. and apparently there’s a new disney ride of the lantern festival in disneyland tokyo. so, in a world where the balance didnt separate them, and theyre together and happy and healing, i like to imagine they decide to visit a disney and go on the ride if they have it there. and id like to imagine that when theyre in the lantern section, they both reach into their pockets and pull out boxes. and, with tears streaming down their faces and the biggest fucking grins imaginable, they propose to each other (and ofc they both say yes) <3
; the couple that are stoners together stay together <3 elliott likes to shotgun sunshine
; elliott is always the big spoon. he likes knowing hes protecting sunshine in both their dreams and in real life
im so normal and regular about these two i promise (<- lying). i will add more as i see fit. also i might have a fic idea based on one of these headcanons, hehe :3c
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mooniistar · 1 month
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HI AGAIN!!! I made a new redacted oc, and its angel!! Aka Ana lol, i love her so much shes a cutie patootie :3
If anyone remembers who created this angel icon, please do let me know! I forgot who made it, sadly
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piffany666 · 3 months
Random but specific headcanons about my redacted listener ocs! Part:James spouse
My Jame's partner's real name is Jade
Jade's pronouns are she/her
I usually dont like making race Headcanons just cos they tend to start fights so im just gonna re iterate that theres are just MY Headcanons. You can think whatever you want but my Jame's spous oc is black.
She owns a bunch of those really flowy really silky dressing-gowns
Her and love (anton's love) will hang out whenever the pain of missing their husbands gets a little to much
She didnt have a lot of friends for the longest time but after james started being away for longer and longer she decided to get out of the house more offten
Her friend group consists of: laskos listener, smartass and cutie. They where all already friends before meeting jade but they still welcomed her with open arms
Jade and james new each other in high school. They where both always silently competing for top of their class until james finally formerly introduced himself. He fell first 100%. However she asked him out for "study dates" first (they eventually turned into real dates over time). One day jade straight up asked "so are we dating or what?" And james was (a blushing mess) like "do you want to be?" And so they where official!
No one in their school was surprised
They both strike me as aggressive nerds. Like james 100% yelled at people in the hallways for running and jade backed him up
Jade was also the tipe to hit people in the head with books in the library if they weren't being quiet.
James always thought that was hot
Jade is a tsundere 100%
Ive said this before but jade has come very close to cheating on james due to how offten he'd leave her alone
Shed always chicken out at the last second but shed always tell james about it afterwards
Just to try and get through to him just how close hed gotten to losing her
Hed cry every time this would happen
(On a less angstyer note) jade loves being picked up or even just held bridal style and james loves holding her like that
If she ever met asset she would become like a mother figure to them
And if marcus ever had the misfortune of meeting her hed get beaten the sh*t out of for obvious reasons
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fuzzy-melonlord · 5 months
So it's been a while lol but I finally made the last (I think) my my redacted listener OCs!
Lasko's listener - Sydney, She/Her
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Honey - Tye, They/Them
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Doc - Eos, They/She
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Pet - Caleb, He/They
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Seer Obscura - Sitara, She/They
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Cutie - Viggo, He/Him
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Bestie - Ife, They/He
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Redacted Audio Masterlist
ALL THE REDACTED CONTENT I MAKE IS NOW GOING TO BE ORGANIZED AND STORED HERE! Anything that is a fanfiction type thing will be italicized. 
Back to Main Masterlist
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Redacted Memes: Pt. 1
Redacted Pinterest Boards
Top Ten HC
Valentines Day “Blurbs”
> Ft. DAMN group, Sweetheart/Milo, Avior/Starlight 
Five Random HC , Pt 2
Can they Skateboard
Incorrect Quotes Pt. ? Generator , School
Summer Camp HC Pt 1.
Responses to: Pt. 1
> No my opinion will not be subjected to change on this. If you disagree, fine. it’s the internet, I’m not expecting everyone to agree with me. But we should still respected what Erik said about Caelum and romantic relationships.  
Snippets: >> , >> , >> , >> , >> , >>, >> , >> , >>, >>, >>, >> , >>
> Play russian roulette with these. Are they soft? Are they funny? Are they angsty? Who are they about? You’ll never know unless you click it. Accept the package delivered. 
D(a)emon Boy Designs
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Shaw Pack Shenanigans:
Black Flies Series Pt. 1 , Pt. 2
A little more warmth
Shaw Mates Groupchat - Pt. 1 , Pt. 2 , Pt. 3 , Pt. 4 , Pt. 5
Youtube Channels
Incorrect Quotes , Pt 2
HBS 2023 Snapshots
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David and Angel:
Angel Design
Angel and Sweetheart
Incorrect Quotes
Angel OC Thread (Please reblog with your Angel OCs.  :D) > Alternatively: OCs
All Together Spooky
Last Line of Defense
Victorian AU Pt. 1
Mundane Ft. Asher
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Asher and Baabe:
Incorrect Quotes
Darlin and Baabe
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Milo and Sweetheart: 
Sweetheart Design
Angel and Sweetheart
Incorrect Quotes
Sweetheart Picrew (Sweetheart OC Thread)
> Alternatively: OCs
All Together Spooky
Origin of Tomorrow Ft. Cutie
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Gavin and Freelancer:
Incorrect Quotes
Dance With Me Ft. Caelum
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D.A.M.N. Squad:
Incorrect Quotes
All Together Spooky Ft. Caelum
Incorrect Quotes
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Vincent and Lovely:
Incorrect Quotes
All Together Spooky
Incorrect Quotes
You Must Be This Tall Ft. Vincent’s Stranger
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Sam and Darlin: 
Darlin Design
Incorrect Quotes
Darlin and Baabe
Five Things I love about you
All Together Spooky
The Months I Loved You ft. Quinn
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Cutie and Geordie:
Incorrect Quotes
Break-Time Geordi Audio Thoughts
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Guy and Honey:
Incorrect Quotes, Pt. 2
Honey Teddy Grahams
Should have stayed in Pre-Algebra
> Technically a continuation piece thing of honey teddy grahams, but can be read as a standalone piece and it still makes sense.
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Elliot and Sunshine:
Incorrect Quotes (ft. Brachium)
Regulus and Precious:
Aaron and Smartass:
Ollie and Mentor:
Hush and Doc:
James and Spouse:
Anton and his love:
Lasko and Dear:
Blake and Bestie:
Incorrect Quotes
So do something
Save You
Camelopardalis (god I love his name so fucking much aaaa):
Chaos in your mind 
Dear Friend ft. Warden
I’ll Still Dream of You
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Ivan and Baby (both of them):
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Project Meridian Asset:
All Together Spooky
Incorrect Quotes
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Vega and Warden: 
Vega Design
Warden Design
Lose Everything (Prompt Episode One)
Incorrect Quotes
New Warden Design + HC
Ever Again
Unique and Powerful
I Still See Your Face
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Avior and Starlight:
Incorrect Quotes
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Bright Eyes and Frederick:
Lore Explanation (ty Anon)
Fun Night
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Imperium AU:
After Love is Gone - Imp!Damien/Imp!Angel
Vulture of Reality - Imp!Vega/Pet
Anemia - Imp!Vincent/Imp!Lovely
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thefablefoxart · 1 year
“Get to Know Me” Redacted Listener Character Tag Game Edition
Of course @penncilkid tagged me in this so let do it!!
Favourite Listener Character: Darlin’ cause of course it is, but Cutie is a close second!
Listener Character I Relate The Most To: Probably Warden (or at least my perception of them)
Favourite Listener Character To Write For/ Read About: I like Freelancer and how varied they can be but also reading about Darlin’ and how people perceive their relationships with the other characters is also fun
I Want Their Life: Honey because, as cool as magic is, I would much rather live in ignorance of it but also domestic bliss 👀👀 (my Honey OC in particular being a house husband just makes me so happy)
I Have Their Life: It’s hard to be a Uni student and not say Freelancer (my friend group is equally as colourful and queer af)
I Want Their Powers: Sweetheart (would make avoiding people so much easier)
Comfort Listener Character: I can’t lie, it’s Darlin’ again (they’re just so eepy and cuddly and I love that for them) but also Smartass for the same reason (like 90% of Aaron’s audios is just them being cosy in bed)
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itsyourstarboy · 2 years
I drew Geordi and my Cutie because I’m still in pain and I nEED TO HUG HIM
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Now I’m gonna go cry because I can’t actually hug him
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k9rage · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers Game
Tagged by @autisticempathydaemon ! Not tagging anyone but you're welcome to do it and say I tagged you if you'd like.
1 - How many works do you have on AO3?
32! Mostly Redacted at the moment, but I'm branching out.
2 - What's your total AO3 word count?
116,795... which is way more than I expected tbh
3 - What fandoms do you write for?
It's a bit of a smattering at the moment! Dragon Age and Redacted ASMR are the main ones, though I've been easing out of publishing my Redacted work recently.
4 - What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1.) Take Me Down (HQ!!)
2.) Click Click Boom (BNHA)
3.) Shatter (BNHA)
4.) Down, Boy (Redacted)
5.) Hungry Like The Wolf (Redacted)
5 - Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I usually do, but not always. If it's something substantial or more than "seconds kudos" I'll respond!
6 - What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't have any published angst ending type fics, so the closest I have is Light Untiring, my fic for a Dragon Age reverse big bang.
7 -What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
settle down (with you), my Geordi/Cutie fluff fic!
8 - Do you get hate on fics?
Occasionally, yeah. I find keeping the comments moderated helps a bit though.
9 - Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I write a LOT of smut, lol. I tend to veer towards smut that explores character motivations, but some of it is just filth for filths sake.
10 - Do you write crossovers?
Not really, no. I find the settings impact too crucial to the character's development and compellingness that I probably wouldn't find it appealing.
11 - Have you ever had a fic stolen?
In the past under a previous pseudonym, yes :/
12 - Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I think this doesn't happen very often in general. It's mostly a Big Fics reserved honor imo
13 - Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yup! Doesn't happen very often though, since I find it can be hard to mesh writing styles well enough that it isn't jarring to readers.
14 - What's your all time favorite ship?
Hmmm. Honestly Zevran x Warden is an enduring favorite. I have a soft spot for a lot of ships, but that one has endured quite a while now. Honorary mentions to fenders and handers tho I can't lie
15 - What's a WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Hhhhh, my Nydha Lavellan longfic honestly. I just struggle with motivation and I've improved a lot since the original scrapped wip, so I suspect I'll end up starting it completely over again. Fic planning is hard yall
16 - What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm quite good at characterization, particularly in dialogue!
17 - What are your writing weaknesses?
Actually outlining BEFORE starting the fic properly and writing action scenes
18 - Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I think it's hard to make it sound natural if you don't speak the language, particularly sign languages like ASL and BSL. You can definitely write dialogue in another language but if you're translating things it can take some research and fiddling to make it sound right.
19 - First fandom you wrote for?
It was eons ago now, but probably warrior cats? I wrote fanfic on paper back then though.
20 - Favorite fic you've written?
If I'm defining it as favorite end product, probably Down, Boy, though I just looked at it and realized I need to fix some spacing in there. Oopsies.
In terms of favorite to write, my Nydha Lavellan x Dorian fic was probably the most fun. I think I've really improved as a writer and it's fun to stick in cameos of other friend's OCs too!
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angelkait · 1 year
More Redacted Headcanons That Make Sense!
Im doing another one because the last one did so well and this one is 5x longer than the other so enjoy munchkins!!!
Ollie has a lot of freckles on his face spreading from his nose to each cheek
Asher makes "your mom" and "that's gay" jokes too much
Geordi has separation anxiety so when Cutie leaves for work he calls them until they arrive and texts them nonstop on their break
(this is more oc) - Sam's middle name is Grey |Samuel Grey Collins|
Guy defiantly has chubby cheeks and honey love to squish them (gently)
Caelum hates when freelancer watches the news he thinks it's too depressing
Milo, Sweetheart and Marie have tea together on Sundays
Vincent smacks Lovely's ass every chance he gets (very lovingly)
Gavin loves watching Freelancer sleep on his lap he loves how peaceful they look
Angel's old cat's name was Mittens because the cat had white sock feet
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Angel is not good at naming things however it was a cute name
Darlin absolutely HATES carrots HATES THEM!!!
Baabe loves children they babysit on the weekends for their nieces and nephews
Vincent loves painting but specifically paintings of lovely in the most beautiful places and scenery
David does not like shopping with Angel because they get very distracted, they are the kind of person to say "Can we please get this?!" David will be like "no." and Angel's comeback is "but ill be good!" Like a literal child
(Flyboi) - Ivan loves to have his hair played with (his hair is thick and fluffy)(like eggo waffles)
Elliot's Parents have like 3-ish big scary dogs but when they are around Sunshine they become the biggest softies ever Im talking following them around everywhere, begging for pets/attention, constantly wanting to go on walks with them you name it lamo
I have a feeling that starlights first language was not English so they have an accent that Avior loves
Asher and Milo sing Nicki Minaj all the time at pack meetings it pisses off David because angel always joins in
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"Get to know me" Redacted Listener Edition~!
Was tagged by my gorgeous loves, @cashandprizes and @halscafe!
Favorite Listener Character:
Hmmm, probably Darlin? Their nickname is one of my favorites, and I like their storyline, how integrated it is with the actual plot... also, Darlin OC's tend to be the hottest what do you expect from me
Listener Character I Relate the Most To:
Obviously, Love. I've got a tragic backstory plus autism, nuff said.
Favorite Listener Character to Write/Read:
Also Love, though I've only done that once. Describing thought processes and emotional regulation through the lens of computer code and algorithms is really fun and startlingly easy.
I Want Their Life:
On a good day? Probably Smartass? I love professional success that I don't actually need because my boyfriend makes enough to take care of the both of us.
On a bad day? Doll, Regulus's listener... Listen, life is HARD I don't want to GO OUTSIDE or THINK or do NOTHING-
I Have Their Life:
Probably Angel! I am, in fact, a submissive little shithead with a big, growly boyfriend.
I Want Their Powers:
Outing myself here but goddamn, I'd love to have Cutie's telepathy. The autism has cursed me with this constant fear that I'm misreading social signals and subtext that everyone understands but me, making a fool out of myself, and telepathy would make that fear go away.
Comfort Listener Character:
Outing myself again but bruh, there is something so comforting about Ivan's videos with Baby. Even if his earlier work isn't my favorite of Erik's voice acting and even if Ivan's intimate whispering has more mouth sounds than I usually like, god, he is so familiar and soft and leave me alone okay I miss him
Tagging: anyone who wants to I'm so late to this game and I have no idea who's been tagged at this point but please take this as an open invitation
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Random Redacted Headcannons from my AU and Listener OC's
Angel and Starlight are siblings, Angel is the older one
Also, Angel is older than David by like, 2 years, and loves it.
Sweetheart is actually from Georgia but lost their accent after moving away for college. It rarely ever comes out. The first time it does it when they get possed off at Christian at a solstice party for making fun of Milo's height and the most vicious 'bless your heart' falls from their lips. Everyone's in shock.
Sidenote, Sam was there and was smirking because just from those three words in a thick ass accent, he could pinpoint where Sweetheart grew up almost down to the city.
Darlin first shifted during a really bad bout of the flu and didn't even know it. But they'd been next door neighbors with Angel and they made sure their pregnant mom didn't see their friend going back and forth between human and a very small wolf.
Angel is hard of hearing and wears hearing aids, they taught the selectively mute darlin ASL.
(Angel is also a navy brat and retired marine, an accident meant they couldn't continue to serve, its why they have a hard time sleeping during storms.)
Damian also lives across the street from them, his single mom and him lived with his aunt and uncle (navy) until he was in highschool.
Freelancer's best friend outside of the gang from DAMN graduated their first semester but they still talk. It's Cutie.
Freelancer is a very proud genderfluid person and has short little sibling energy, they only chill out in certain situations or in the presence of Angel. (No one really knows why, but that's their big sister now)
Baabe, never to be forgotten, is black. No I don't take criticism. But whenever they redo their hairstyle, Asher helps. (They sort of showed him but he also secretly went to a hair parlor to learn how to do it too.)
Baabe is also a business owner. They're an enigneer/mechanic and do large scale cosplay commissions for the most part. LIke moving things like wings and tails and even tails that are connected to a heart moniter to react to emotions and ears that react to sound and move accordingly.
They went to college with a dude named Marcus, who they haven't heard from since turning down an offer he also got for some secret project.
Angel has the uncanny ability to mimic people's accents
Freelancer is an amazing dancer, loved it to death, and knows all kinds of types from different neighbors they had growing up. This including Classic Indian Bellydancing from a gypsy, bollywood style dancing from the same person, West Coast Swing, Lindy, Ballroom Dancing, both Two Step and Square Dancing, Hula, and Raqs Sharqi from an old middle eastern woman and her daughter. The only she knows of and about but hasn't learned is a Native American dance from a family who'd introduced her to their Tribe when she got lost hiking once and didn't actually learn it out of respect for them after seeing it that night before they took her home the next day.
Cutie is an interior designer and uses their powers to make sure they get what looks good but what the client wants. They've been known to take odd jobs on the side though for empowered people and worked with Shaw Pack Security a few times with high risk jobs that they didn't have much info on.
Starlight and Angel are mixed, their mom is half Brazilian (she was a baby of convince and never learned about her other culture), and while Angel looks pretty mixed, Starlight look just like their mom and studied in Brazil for a while, having the urge to learn about their heritage that Angel never really had.
Starlight is humanborn and has no idea their older sibling knew about empowered people, so despite being super close as kids, they drifted apart when their powers manifested since it was a secret thing. They got pulled in with Avior while going to visit Angel, wanting to rekindle their relationship.
Avior started calling them Starlight because they love mythology, but astronomy (the myths behind them speciffically) is a huge love of theirs.
There will be a aprt two with the boys btw, for now enjoy my offical return to tumvlr after some shit happened and I love my old account. In case you want to know btw, I was Forevermore_Quoth_the_Kitten.
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