ijustwannamakeemojis · 5 months
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[ID: Six pixel hearts of various flags in order being Generative system, Recursigenic with then without it's symbol, Genderfae, Demiabroaroace, and Horrorthing. End ID.]
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rusanya-does-edits · 5 months
Stimboard series on Rusanya's collective identities!
5. Recursigenic
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Recursigenic - A system that originated from becoming a system. Originally meant as a joke, but it slaps.
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anendoandfriendo · 11 months
3, 9 (mostly the second halves) and 10? :D
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Congrats, y'all, it's your system and your system specifically who has unlocked The Infodump, and specifically because of this combination of asks. Get infodump'd lmao.
3. What’s your system name if you have one, and how did you choose it?
Pffft. This one isn't very creative lol.
Anyways. Our system name is Rusanya (short for "The Rusanya Collective," which happens to be short for "The Rusanya[n] Collective/Federation of Subsystems and Sidesystems" lol) and we actually came up with it when we were much smaller than this on the assumption we would not stay as small as we were as "a" system at the time. We had to have been like....twenty-five people, at maximum, back then.
~ Hailey (Admin), 🏔, Nagisa
9. How long have you been a system and/or known of your system? and 10. How did you discover your system? What was the process?
We will just answer these together as they kind of segway into each other honestly. We've been a system since birth and, well...we think we've just never had the words to describe it we guess. There's a lot of things that kind of point us in that direction. We have talked about it several times in many places, but if we may do a quick review for the class:
We could "see ghosts" in preschool through first grade that may have actually been headmates. Which is further proven by Ricky never being in our yearbooks for elementary school, like, at all.
WE FUCKING FORGOT ABOUT CHRISTOPHER WHEN WE FIRST POSTED THIS OH MY GOD so like Christopher was this like, extremely immature middle school boy who we swear to god was literally just out there to hurt us when we were in preschool. Blonde dude with bright blue eyes and a buzzcut iwrc LOL. The teacher would always pull him to the side to "talk to" Christopher about the bullying but their responses made no sense in the context of the things Christopher would say to her. Like, that seems very blatantly plural to us especially since he was one of the most clearly autonomous folks in the little system group we had at the time in our headspace or whatever.
Also from first grade: we went from BBQ sauce being spicy and burning our tongue once to it not being spicy at all, like, literally, as it was as soon as the teacher stated there's no way for it to be spicy. Which sort of makes us think we were already either splitting by then or just straight up had multiple selves already and we just never fucking thought about it. Like, we didn't know that was Not Normal. We did not have any spectacularly traumatic events that we can recall in our life until late middle first grade to very late first grade, and this was an incident from maybe our first month or so being in first grade.
The projection thing happened a lot at home too, but it was one specific squirtle (pokemon) instead of Christina, Kelli, and Ricky, and they really just seemed to like dance? Or stereotypical mariachi bands? Anyways, that squirtle and then Christina and Kelli kind of fused into one individual, while Raymond and Ricky stayed their own separate people.
Raymond has described before the unintentional process of creating a second person to control the body when it left the realm of our consciousness. Many times -- it's actually a little horrific how much this man remembers of our childhood and how well everything he as said thus far fits together with Just Everything.
Our fascination with like, "possession" and stuff that was similar to it through a conceptual lens, even though we HATED horror movies.
Our first trauma-based incident where we can discern an actual person coming from it was late elementary school. "Late Elementary School," here means fourth and fifth grade, specifically fifth grade. There were certainly things before that but nobody had really split off from us at that point. We can literally figure out where Silva came from, and possibly Grapefrost, down to the time period because of it. Grapefrost has a literal clay mask they made of herself in fifth grade of elementary. Like, we have been around for Forever. We just had zero clues.
Our first soulbonding experiences were likely in middle school. We had very weird obsessions with "what if X character were in OUR WORLD???" and even had this Secret Thing where we would let them "see through my/our eyes," which in all honesty is probably how we learned to switch. Like.
We literally learned to switch without the help of other systems. That probably sounds absolutely insane to plurals these days, but even back in the early 2000s, 2010s, unless you were like, explicitly aware of plurality -- which was often assumed to be heavily medicalized and called MPD; maybe DID and DD-NOS later on -- honestly we think this is kind of a miracle. In that nobody noticed and in that we learned two switch in the first place. (Insert comment here about "kids these days" but like, in a positive way.)
We actually ended up running into the concept of endogenic systems specifically in high school. And then subsequently forgetting about it LOL. We made an account specifically to ask a (now-defunct) tumblr blog if "curious singlets" could follow to learn to be better allies LOOOOL. Nobody creates a tumble account solely to send a question like that unless they were already endogenic, sorry. Meanwhile we also had Gon and Killua from HunterxHunter projecting themselves in the middle of our speech classroom and the rest of us trying our best to not get distracted, and thought this was just what everyone meant by having characters running through your head.
We don't exactly know where this lies in the spectrum of our timeline yet, but there was definitely a one-time event where a SHITTON of plural stuff happened all at once: we were on the swings at the park at [REDACTED] -> we were sitting there and we were talking to ourselves internally while on the swings. some people near us has been talking about the USian flag for some reason. -> not only did we have a whole discussion about how fucked up the us is internally, as a system, we had several Hetalia fictives who had just been Sick Of This Shit(TM), with the This Shit(TM) being sick of their canon and how its unfolded just in general as well as "in realtime" as we jokingly put it these days. So someone LITERALLY sent out little aura strings to bring them back to our system, because why the fuck not? -> Anyways, our headmate Ghost switched to front right after that and gave their piece on the USian flag just to be informed that discussion was "five minutes ago," and it took literally EVERYTHING in us to not have an Autistic meltdown and scream at them that they were lying. We don't normally look at or even think about body language if we can help it but there was just...an atmosphere of confusion from these people even when we pushed it even a bit that was Very Different than our experiences with gaslighting, so we just...did not push it more than that. We think this is maybe when some of us made that promise to never be separated again as a system? But like everyone who lives here in our head is very aware of the promise regardless of if they were there or not back then haha. Like it's a whole discussed and disseminated thing.
When we were teeny tiny little things we though Yu-Gi-Oh! was fucking stupid as a premise because we just thought Everyone Was Like That(TM). We fucking despised it and avoided it like the plague because it was uncomfortable how much of a caricature it felt like things were, but, y'know. Toddlers and elementary schoolers probably can't explain that very well.
The reason we were thinking about Yu-Gi-Oh years later was because we once again ran into the system community at university and started doing some basioc looking-things-up. Sysmedicalists and anti-endogenics in particular were extremely uncomfortable for us to look at. We mainly just ignored them tbh.
When writing our university essays in our earlier years, some of us would literally type in different colors, fonts, and use different brackets when giving ourselves input on rough drafts. Yeah, sure, that's totally a thing singlets do arewerite????
Pretty sure the reason we found out we were a system was because Nagisa from Assassination Classroom decided to talk back to us about our headcanons, actually, at least from this fronter's perepsective. Which is fucking funny because soulbonding isn't even inherently plural, but there's a large association between the two and whoever was fronting at the time just went: "HOLY SHIT THAT'S POSSIBLE??" because, if we recall correctly, we found the idea of soulbonding alongside/close to a mention/discussion of endogenic systems. Like if it wasn't right next to each other, then we must have looked at one first and then the other in quick succession and then something clicked. If we ever find our exact trail ever again, we will definitely try to put it back together again.
We think we came out online about a year or so later, and offline followed a couple of months after that to a degree. We are now pretty blatant about it. Online we make it a big deal and offline we don't like, make it a huge thing unless you're a fuckign fed, but like, we don't try to hide it either lol. :3
Anyways, hopefully this was insightful? We hope so at least.
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Set of Dividers
✖ Recursigenic | Unthemed
✖ Requested by @anendoandfriendo
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losergendered · 8 months
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The Rusanya Collective is an autivesil pluralvesi (endovesil specifically) low-support autistic, multiplexconscious endogenic-protogenic (recursigenic), fictive-heavy generative system with ADHD and what is likely undiagnosed CPTSD. They are traumatized from the psychiatric/psychology complex but this does not make them less endogenic, they're a traumatized endogenic lol. He is pokébased and calls himselves a polyplex for simplicity. They may also label themselves as a spontaneous, complur, diplotic system if not anything else. He is not in the business of fakeclaiming other systems or just other neurodivergent people in general and thus labels himselves as pluralpunk, realmpunk, radinclusys, inclusys, and a neuroinclusionist under the plural pride and mad pride movements. All of this makes them have some very complicated experiences with their other identities. Individuals may be different but the system as a whole uses 404gender, aceplex, neurononbinary, nonbinary, cryptivior, infinin, gremlinvior, chaotigender, and isoqueer to describe the chaos that is their other identity experiences.
For @anendoandfriendo !
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shouta-edits · 1 year
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"is it possible to get a recursigenic system aesthetic image with themes of inescapable fate (//pos), promises made, past lives, and general found family/familial vibes?" - 🍪 anon requested
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rusanya-does-edits · 4 months
This User Romanticizes Their [Plurality Trait] Userboxes
We're sick of plurmisics and exclusionism and, as you can probably see from the last few posts, we absolutely were going through our old google photos. Anyways -- here you all go, we can't find the endogenic one so like, wdk maybe we'll have that eventually:
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rusanya-does-edits · 1 year
Ruby Hoshino Oshi No Ko pride icons! On the left is twistute and on the right is recursigenic system!
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anendoandfriendo · 1 month
Transcript here on tumblr but under the video since the character limit is impossibly huge lol. Anyways:
1. Shuna explained this in more detail on another post somewhere.
3. We fucking had to make this video we found someone using the song in it by pure accident and it does have emotional significance to us, directly related to the recursigenic thing. It's. Like. Literally a reaffirmation of our power and existence as recursigenic specifically, in a way that doesn't translate backwards to our endogenic umbrella origin.
[A light skinned animated person with short blue hair, wearing a white/black uniform with a large pink accent who appears to be trying (and failing) to balance on something. The text says —
"Name one term that'd sound like a joke but you use seriously"
Recursigenic - A system that originated from becoming a system.
We consider ourselves multiversal and that in any world we could exist we would be plural. It's an extension of our endogenicity.
— The flag in the background is the recursigenic system flag. It'sa green-themed chevron flag with a multi-pronged curcular spiral in the middle of the flag.]
That is to say: we do not consider ourselves mixed origin, more like, our being purely-endogenic is multifaceted by itself and this is the one we feel the strongest in some situations besides being protogenic.
Finding that song on ZEPETO by accident brought itself an excellent opportunity and also a moment of euphoria for us. Oops.
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anendoandfriendo · 1 year
Hey, if y'all have the energy to do so, we would really love to learn what recursigenic means (like, in your own experience)! Even just directing us to previous posts or something. If not, that's totally fine 🙂
We would be glad to answer this now!! It's going to be very short though. We think you'll understand why when we explain though.
Recursigenic (archive dot ph webpage/archive is on the bottom left of the post) is literally just defined as "a system that originated from becoming a system," and while we unfortunately cannot find the original context anymore it is commented as well that the definition and name fucking slaps even when it was initially meant as a joke (and we do in fact remember seeing that original thread).
So somehow our brain just...meshed the idea of a joke and eternity together to make us realize "well, we're going to be seen as a joke anyways for being endogenic in this life...but we were always, and forever are going to be a born-as endogenic. We have made promises for trying to find each other in other lives. No matter what we do, and no matter how much we try to fight it, we are multiple personalities. We are a system. We're plural and an endogenic and protogenic and a natural system and a non-traumagenic system and we will always be seen as a joke for it for as long as we live this current lifetime but we are not a joke, we're what we're meant to be!"
We are a system because we are a system. We're a system because we're a system because we used to be a system and will be a system and in every multiverse we are a system and there is no place where we can reach where we are anything besides a system.
So it's very literally a matter of fate for us, and a very circular one.
- Shuna (with several people butting in to give their input, sheesh)
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anendoandfriendo · 10 months
Here is your reminder that stating endos are secretly just traumagenic and can't/won't accept their trauma us still being anti-endo and a fucking fed. <3
We can be traumatized and still be endo.
♤♤ anendoandfriendo ♤♤
~ Art from picsart ~
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[A sparkly signature image. The background is the endogenic system flag, recursigenic flag, and protogenic flag. The endogenic flag has the treblesand on it. Amber from Genshin Impact is on the left side of the image; Cinderella from Disney's Cinderella and Aquamarine Hoshino from Oshi No Ko are on the right side. The words "They/Them (pl.)" sit in the bottom corner of the image.]
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anendoandfriendo · 10 months
We are absolutely not reblogging things that do not acknowledge plurality that is Obviously There you annoying fucks.
Call Ran from Shugo-Chara Ran and not Amu and learn what a median system is.
Call Raphael from Tensura Raphael and not Rimuru and learn what a multiple system is.
Not every system is a traumagenic DID system the way Toko and Genocide Jack from Danganronpa are, some of us are born this way like in Shugo Chara and some of us have spiritual origins like in TTIGRAAS and ALSO non-trauma systems can also be disordered and trauma systems can be non-disordered.
Fucking learn about plurality and stop being ableist about fandom (not even fandom but like, literal implied canon stuff) you annoying assholes.
<reblogs not a requisite to viewing this post but it would be NICE, this is like the one post we WANT to break containment>
♤♤ anendoandfriendo ♤♤
~ Art from picsart ~
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[A sparkly signature image. The background is the endogenic system flag, recursigenic flag, and protogenic flag. The endogenic flag has the treblesand on it. Amber from Genshin Impact is on the left side of the image; Cinderella from Disney's Cinderella and Aquamarine Hoshino from Oshi No Ko are on the right side. The words "They/Them (pl.)" sit in the bottom corner of the image.]
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anendoandfriendo · 9 months
At least this one talks a bit about like, Dyslexic people too and has a Dyslexic person talking and it's not Just Autism And ADHD.
♤♤ anendoandfriendo ♤♤
~ Art from picsart ~
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[A sparkly signature image. The background is the endogenic system flag, recursigenic flag, and protogenic flag. The endogenic flag has the treblesand on it. Amber from Genshin Impact is on the left side of the image; Cinderella from Disney's Cinderella and Aquamarine Hoshino from Oshi No Ko are on the right side. The words "They/Them (pl.)" sit in the bottom corner of the image.]
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anendoandfriendo · 10 months
An ACTUALLY endogenic-friendly version of this topic:
Beating persecutors into submission is still horrible and if there is a reason they are harming you and-or your system you still gotta treat them like an individual and get down to the root cause of that.
And like, then do the work to work on that root cause.
And like all people, sometimes a persecutor will just stay committed to being shitty. If you're calling yourselves, say, an abolitionist then this is definitely not the way to treat a persecutor still, what you do is find a way to decentralize their platform and minimize what they can do to harm your inner community rather than locking them away forever and ever in an eternal punishment.
Kind of similar to how you would find a way to do that for an external community if you were saying, like, ACAB. Or trying to avoid promoting bigotry. Or trying to figure out why your mother hasn't entirely bought into the idea that psychiatry can be just as shitty as the actual cops or that school as it is now should be reformed and only serves the oppressing class or whathaveyall.
We hope this helps. It's hard but so is every form or cop abolishment. <3
♤♤ anendoandfriendo ♤♤
~ Art from picsart ~
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[A sparkly signature image. The background is the endogenic system flag, recursigenic flag, and protogenic flag. The endogenic flag has the treblesand on it. Amber from Genshin Impact is on the left side of the image; Cinderella from Disney's Cinderella and Aquamarine Hoshino from Oshi No Ko are on the right side. The words "They/Them (pl.)" sit in the bottom corner of the image.]
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anendoandfriendo · 11 months
Can we put the same energy we have when we stop people from eating Chick Fil A into getting people to ALSO stop playing anything from Niantic because of their supporting a hate group?
Like if y'all are gonna. Wdk. Do the consumer activism thing then at least do it consistently and not when it only benefits you 💫 for the optics 💫 okay?
And just while we're at it let's talk about the double bind that is being forced to buy from a store that wants to eugenics you out of existence. (Note: link is old but we literally worked there to some degree until literally June of this year and we can confirm they are still doing this.)
We don't have a much better way of explaining how uncomfortable we are with people yelling at other people over a fucking sandwich and it's Disabled Pride Month, so hey, have a hot take where our only saving grace is anons are not on for this blog.
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[A pink userbox. A picture of Shuna from That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime is on the left side. The right side of the box reads "Actually, yes please! We would like reblogs of this thing. We won't bite you (probably)." in black text.]
♤♤ anendoandfriendo ♤♤
~ Art from picsart. ~
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[A sparkly signature image. The background is the endogenic system flag, recursigenic flag, and protogenic flag. The endogenic flag has the treblesand on it. Amber from Genshin Impact is on the left side of the image; Cinderella from Disney's Cinderella and Aquamarine Hoshino from Oshi No Ko are on the right side. The words "They/Them (pl.)" sit in the bottom corner of the image.]
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anendoandfriendo · 2 months
hii 💚
y'all seem cool
love your blog theming
Oh, hello! :D
And TYSM sksksk the blog header is the three system origin [-genic] label flags we use the most spliced together and the blig avatar is Vanilla from World's End Club (but edited to match the blog header).
It looks much better on mobile because you can actually see the header flags lol, we should probably fix it for desktop too, but it should be something like the endogenic, recursigenic, and the protogenic flags.
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