laramsheep · 2 years
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[Day 10: Flirt..ed!]
[Esp] Para no repetir, en esta ocasión es Reaper quien esta siendo coqueteado. Switch!, Venganza de amor de Geno! //
[Eng] To not repeat, this time it's Reaper who is being flirted, Switch! Geno's Love Revenge!
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laramsheep · 1 year
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[Day 29: Ocean]
[Esp] Desde las oscuras profundidades, he aquí el leviatán de la muerte... ¡pequeñito! Lo amo <3 las orcas son mi animal favorito y también me encantan todos los diseños de este AU. //
[Eng] From the dark depths, behold the leviathan of death... in tiny cutie form! I love it <3 killer whales are my fav animal, and I love all the designs in this AU too.
Leviathantale AU belongs to: Skumhuu
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laramsheep · 1 year
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[Day 27: Kisses]
[Esp] Muchos besitos para su Bae, para él y más besitos mortales para sus fans. 💀 //
[Eng] Lot of kisses for his Bae, for him and extra deathly kisses for his fans 💀
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laramsheep · 2 years
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[Day 3 - Flirty Love]
[Eng] Flirting to a sincere love, from head to the feets at his eyes, he's just gorgeous. The day said: "flirty" at the beginning, it was changed to "love" so I decided to put the concepts together. //
[Esp] Coqueteo a un amor sincero, de la cabeza a los pies, él es simplemente precioso. El día decía: "flirty" al inicio, fue cambiado por "love" así que decidí juntar los conceptos. [Reaper: Renrink] [Geno: CQ ]
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laramsheep · 2 years
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[ Day 11: Sleepy ]
[Esp] Ser la muerte y papá primerizo puede ser realmente agotador. Aquí Reaper cuidando a su pequeño gothy, aunque tenga sueño.
[Eng] Being Death and a new dad can be really exhausting. Here reaper taking care of his little gothy, even if he is sleepy.
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laramsheep · 2 years
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[Day 8: Cats & Bunnys]
[Esp] No estaba tan segura de que dibujar aqui, pero en fin, muy fluffy todo. Reaper gatito es muy adorable, quieres abrazarles a todos <3 //
[Eng] I wasn't sure what to draw here, but anyway, everything is very fluffy. Reaper kitty is so adorable, i wanna hug them all <3
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laramsheep · 2 years
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[Day 6: Rock]
[Esp] ROCK! Me encanta el HC que a Reaper le encanta escuchar y tocar este tipo de música. El extra básicamente, fue una broma sobre un Geno ebrio cantando terrible y reaper animándolo. Este es uno de mis favoritos hasta ahora. //
[Eng] ROCK! Loving the HC that Reaper loves listen and play this kind of music! The extra basically, was a joke about a drunk Geno singing terrible and death cheering him. This is one of my favorites until now.r
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laramsheep · 2 years
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[Day 4: Scythe] - “sorry kid, nothing personal”
[ESP] "Una guadaña que solo la muerte sostiene con facilidad, pues carga con filo y cadenas, el peso de las almas que han sido cosechadas con el tiempo" //
[ENG] "A scythe that only death hold with ease, 'cause it carries with sharpen blade and chains, the weight of the souls that have been harvested over time"
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laramsheep · 1 year
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[Day 26: Suit & Dress]
[Esp] Tu rey o reina o tu ruina, la muerte siempre fabulosa. Adoro dibujar a Reaper con cualquier ropa, le luce! //
[Eng] Your king or queen or your downfall, death always fabulous. I love to draw Reaper with any clothes, it looks good on him!
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laramsheep · 1 year
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[Day 28: Butterflies]
[Esp] Una pequeña referencia. Una inusual mariposa revolotea constantemente alrededor de la muerte, durante toda la eternidad. //
[Eng] A little reference. An unusual Butterfly flies constantly around Death the whole eternity.
#riptober2022 #reapertober2022 #reapertale #reapersans #afterdeath #butterflies #butterfly🦋 #souls #chibiart #deathroses #memory #mystyle #artstyle #octoberisoverbutidontgiveup #artchallenge
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laramsheep · 2 years
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[ Day 14: Demon ]
[Esp] "Alguna veces nuestros errores nos perseguirán convirtiéndose en nuestros peores demonios". Plus he hecho un extra reaper demonio. //
[Eng] "Sometimes our mistakes will haunt us and turning into our worst demons." Plus i made an  extra reaper as demon.
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laramsheep · 1 year
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[Day 24: Soul /Alma ]
[Esp] Hay muchos tipos de almas cosechadas, algunas enojadas y llenas de odio, otras bondadosas o simplemente juguetonas. //
[Eng] There many types of souls reaped, some angry and full of hate, others kind or just playful.
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laramsheep · 1 year
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[Day 30: Coffee]
[Esp] El café es su bebida favorita, solo el aroma del capuchino le hace sentir que todo está bien. //
[Eng] Coffee is his favorite drink, just aroma of cappuccino makes him feel everything is ok.
UnderCoffee! Reaper! belongs to: @undercoffee-coffeelov-blog
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laramsheep · 2 years
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RIPTOBER (REAPERTOBER) [Day 1 & 2] : Warm up & Life and Death.  [ENG] I saw this: List in a group and I decided to make it!, I can't promise finishing it, but i'll try (even if already started late, lol) [ESP] Vi esta lista en un grupo decidi hacerla! no prometo terminarlo, pero intentaré. (incluso sabiendo que comencé tarde, lol).  -- Credits: º List: ElAmanteDeReaper in Wattpad ºReapertale: @renrink  --
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laramsheep · 2 years
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[Day 23: Coffin/Ataúd]
[Eng] "Flowers not given in life, will wither in oblivion, over a dark box with only memories inside". It's curious how this looks like a continuation of the previous drawing. //
[Esp] "Las flores no entregadas en vida, marchitarán en el olvido, sobre una caja oscura con sólo recuerdos dentro". Es curioso como parece una continuación del dibujo anterior.
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laramsheep · 2 years
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[ Day 15: Bird ]
[Esp] Pájaros conectados con la muerte. Las alas de Reaper son oscuras y hermosas. Tal vez dará una de sus plumas a un ser querido. //
[Eng] Birds connected to death. The wings of Reaper are dark and beautiful. Maybe one of his feathers, he could be given as gift to a beloved.
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