#raymond ablack gif pack
merrittrps · 1 year
— In THE SOURCE LINK BELOW you’ll find #363 gifs, all made by me, from the series ginny and georgia (season 02) to be used for roleplay purposes. If you’ve found this gif pack useful, please like this post or reblog. I kindly ask you not to use these gifs on gif hunt, crackships, rp bios or turn them into gif icons, and you also can’t use them in sm*t/sl*ve/hollywood rps nor to roleplay anything with inc*st, ab*se, or taboo plots. content warning: body image, bruises
If you’d like to, you can support my gif packs by buying me ko-fi.
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hcneyresources · 1 year
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reblog this post if you intend on using these gifs. all gifs were made by scratch by me; do not edit, repost, or distribute in any gif hunts. do not use these gifs if you write any taboo content at all or role play real life figures. all my gifs are stored in a server, access instructions and the server invite can be found in the source link.
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sejanuspiinth · 2 years
by clicking on the source link you will find a free download link and a page with 269 gifs, all made from scratch by myself, of raymond ablack on ginny and georgia. raymond is indo - guyanese and is currently 32 years old, though he was around 30 years old at the time of filming. i ask you to please not repost or edit ( this includes gif icons ) without my permission, and, if using these, give this post a like or a reblog. thank you !
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for @tasksweekly​ : #003 / #019 / #058 / #095
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stigmvtas · 2 months
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welcome to marina, ROHAN DYAL ( cis man, he/him ) ! they are a THIRTY SIX year old HUMAN / EXORCIST who resides in PROSPECT HILL. They work as the OWNER OF GREEN FARMER'S MARKET and are said to look a lot like RAYMOND ABLACK. People around the island find them to be PRAGMATIC and AFFABLE, but also FLUCTUANT and ENERVATED. what do you think?
full name — rohan dyal.
nickname(s) —n/a! but he'd think a nickname would be cute.
date of birth & age — december 18th, 1988. thirty6.
gender / pronouns — cis man. he/him.
sexuality — bisexual.
typing — human / exorcist.
occupation — owner of the green farmer's market. exorcist. farmer. lover.
astrology — sagittarius sun, taurus moon, leo ascending.
interests — opening his doors to those who need it. hot drinks. long cigarette breaks and rolling his own. sitting in the fields in the springtime. homecooked meals. things he oughtn't know. magic. resurrection. the afterlife.
aversions — the dishes in his sink that just keep piling up. the cold that wraps so firm against his shoulders and refuses to lift. killing the chickens, so they just keep multiplying. door - to - door salesmen. vandals in the market. firearms.
next in queue — sweet disposition by the temper trap; she's so high by tal bachman; man in the box by alice in chains.
notable features — the warmest eyes with deep - set bags beneath them, and a well - kept beard.
general disposition — straight but easygoing - firm in his stance, but shoulders unburdened.
last known location — leaving the farmer's market way after all the stalls had packed up and gone - a cardboard box of clanking metal and glass beneath his arm.
scrying mirror & kindred — clark kent ( smallville ), captain america ( marvel ), glenn rhee ( the walking dead ), ted mullens ( schitt's creek ), sam winchester ( supernatural ).
brief history.
the dyals have always lived in marina, as far as they could date back. rohan's father, his father before him - and their fathers before them. they are as part of marina as marina is part of them - and with a family history so prominent, they've always been aware of their supernatural counterparts.
that being said - growing up hadn't been easy. there were the good parts - a family home that stood for years, atop a hill and overlooking acres of field and crop, meadow and wood. a mother and a father who loved him and his siblings dearly, fiercely. but there were the spirits - always drawn to his father, shaking the foundations of their home. the late - night visitors who'd talk to his parents in hushed voices besides the fireplace, a smaller rohan peeking out through the stair bannisters to overhear worry - laced words - uprisings and disappearances, strange symbols and entities that left black tar in their wake.
he watched as his father's work - as both farmer and exorcist, medium and market owner - consumed him, exhausted him. as his mother fret over land that wouldn't grow - of crops that all rot before ripening.
demons have always haunted their family - manageable at best, disastrous at worst. shadows in the hallways - eyes in mirrors; an unease at the back of their necks. a bloodline cursed to become weaker and weaker - to walk earth time after time again and live the same fate. to never reach nirvana - to only have a soul left weak and restless.
illness; rohan was particularly afflicted; an illness that wouldn't let - origins unknown but abnormal. his body in a constant yielding pain. as hard as he worked - weakness would come twicefold. dizzying spells and deep - set fatigue - sleepless nights and an ache deep inside him; coughs that spit up the same black ichor.
addiction; he still struggles with it intensely - waves of nausea and unsteadiness, striking without a moment's notice. no amount of potions or medicine seem to help it - and he's turned to... other methods to at least alleviate some of the pain. it never lasts - but rohan repeats the cycle, knowing that it'll still never be enough.
rohan married fairly young - fresh out of high school to his high school sweetheart; he'd known he loved her from the day they met and he would've crossed the ends of the earth for her. they had a child together only a few years later - a daughter who soon became the apple of his eye - who he would cross universes for.
car accident, death; but as life would've had it - when their daughter was only a few years old, rohan's wife was in a fatal car accident. some parts of him felt it - wrong. like there'd been supernatural forces at play - because none of it added up. the details all wrong - and it was chalked up as a simple accident. a mistake.
nights and days he waited - waited for her to return to him in any form that she could - the one ghost he knew he could never exorcise - but she never appeared, for one reason or another. the fact crushed him - and for a long time he wasn't okay; but rohan had a daughter to raise, and a family to take care of - and he forced himself to move along.
ummm but besides that! he's inherited the family land as the oldest son, alongside the green farmer's market - that his father once owned, and his father before him, and so on and so on. his parents still live in their family home - and rohan takes care of them. in the small free time he has - he's followed in his father's footsteps in becoming an exorcist. holds his spirituality close to his heart.
facts & temperament.
a fun fact about rohan is that he has hundreds of past lives. centuries of the same soul living different lives, though rohan has no memory of them. the occasional dream - and odd sense of familiarity when it comes to certain people - but the memories of his past lives are inaccessible to him.
unfortunately a perpetrator of dad humor. genuinely thinks he's so funny but he's not please don't enable him.
has a teenage daughter! considers her his greatest accomplishment and while he considers himself a stark pacifist he would kill for her.
works a lot, almost nonstop. is either always found on the farm or at the farmer's market, tending to stalls and handling the finances, vendor rent, etc. etc. sometimes at the church, if only to convene with other local exorcists.
works alongside witches often to try and find a cause and cure for his affliction; has a hunch that it's demonic in nature, but has yet to actually reveal that to others. is constantly scared that his daughter will be afflicted with the same illness - and that something will happen to her.
a calm, reasonable person. doesn't freak out often - takes life as it comes, and generally is hard to anger. sometimes he's just too tired to really feel it - but he's genuine in his nature. is loyal, reliable - and just really wants to take a nap.
the kind of person to actually talk to his neighbors, even if they're all stretched out. cares deeply for the community, both human and supernatural, and will go out of his way to make sure the people he knows are safe and well. volunteers in his free time - and like his father, he never turns down his home for someone in need.
loves to cook, though he misses the way his wife would cook. misses her a lot - and while he hasn't been single the entire time since her passing, he struggles with long term, deep relationships. in part it's because of his grief - and in part because he never wanted to introduce someone into his daughter's life if they weren't going to stay.
has good days energy - wise, and then has terrible days. it's always a gamble - and he finds himself trying to overcompensate for the days he's out of commission. someone who can't stay still - he always has to be doing something.
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unveiledveins · 3 months
raymond ablack, pansexual, cis male + he/him → isn’t that bodhi chandra? i’ve seen them hanging out with the vampires. i hear they're 248, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 43 years. they seem to be benevolent & thoughtful, but also critical & self-loathing.
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Name: Bodhi Chandra
Nickname(s): Bo, Bo-Bo, Cullen
Age: 248
Date of Birth: July 10th
Zodiac: Cancer
Place of Birth: India
Race / Ethnicity: Indo-Guyanese
Gender: CIS-Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Romantic Orientation: Panromantic
Species: Vampire
Height: 6'1
Build: Athletic, Toned
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Distinguishing Features: Soft eyes, kind smile
The second that Bodhi was turned, he absolutely detested it. He had always been a nurturer, having been a doctor in his human life, and to know that he now had to drink blood and take lives instead of saving them? It was something that he absolutely couldn't stand and he'd go for long periods of time without feeding to avoid the guilt that came with feeding on people.
Eventually his sire grew tired of his self-loathing, of how Bodhi seemed to be self-sabotaging and not taking into consideration the great perks of being a vampire, and he told him that there was another way. It wasn't perfect, by any means, and it would make him weaker than most vampires that adhered to the usual diet, but he would be able to alleviate the hunger that coursed through him.
Feeding from animals still wasn't perfect, by any means, but luckily his maker knew of a pack that would take care of the meat to ensure that the animals he fed from wouldn't go to waste. And while he still felt guilty, he at least knew he wasn't taking the life away from a human or supernatural creature that still had so much to live for.
Still, he had to move from place to place to avoid drawing suspicion, given that he was a vampire and he didn't age, and eventually he heard of a place called Alexandria that was pretty much a supernatural hotspot and safe haven. It was just over forty years ago when he took the pledge and moved in, finding a permanent place where he belonged... and the love of his life.
With the invention of synthetic blood, Bodhi had moved from feeding on animals to a diet solely of synthetic blood and while he knows it isn't the best option for a vampire, it's the best option for him. He has even decided to open an animal clinic to repent for all of the lives he took when he was drinking animal blood, hoping to save lives instead of take them, and he finally feels like he has a place he can belong.
It helps, too, of course... that he doesn't have to move for fear of people noticing he doesn't age. Because in this town? He'd argue he's one of the youngest of creatures out there.
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honkyccat · 1 year
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( raymond ablack, 33, cismale, he/him ) HENRIK “HEN” LOCKE has been living in Point Place for SIX MONTHS. Their favorite song is STARMAN BY DAVID BOWIE. They’re currently up to ALTERATIONS AT THE MALL’S BRIDAL STORE, but they’d rather be FINDING A WIFE AND SETTLING DOWN. First impressions usually stick around here, and others describe them as DEPENDABLE, IMPULSIVE, CHEERFUL . Stick around to get to know the real them. ( jack )
tw below: death
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• 𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄. henrik mohamed persaud
• 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄(𝐒). hen, henny, locke
• 𝐀𝐆𝐄. thirty-three
• 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇. march 12th
• 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐈𝐍. new york, new york
• 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 / 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒. cismale ; he/him
• 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍. heteroromantic heterosexual
henrik was born to mohamed persaud and his wife bibi, three days after they landed on american soil. they were seeking a better life, a new world, a better home for their growing family. and things were tough, his father worked in a factory and his mother kept the house. when he was seven, his little brother came, and when he was eleven, his sister. the family of five squeezed themselves into a two-bedroom apartment they could barely make their rent on. instead of letting his parents give up on their dream, hen went to work. shortly after entering highschool, hen got a job working after school at one of new york’s many fashion houses. he was a nobody, of course, who’s job was to sit in the same chair for hours and hand stitch these tiny details immaculately over and over again. it was boring and mindnumbing, and his hands hurt at the end of every day, but it was extra money. 
stitching turned into alterations which turned into prototype construction, and soon hen was sharing a workspace with some of the top designers in the house. when the lead designer retired, it was a shock to everyone that hen was chosen as his replacement. suddenly thrust into the spotlight, hen, now creating under the pseudonym of henrik locke, worked tirelessly day and night to do a good job while trying to make sure his extremely traditional parents remained blissfully unaware of the high-flying life he was now living. eventually the secret got out, and while they were proud of his accomplishments, they doubled down on the pressure for him to find a wife and have babies. which, admittedly, had always been a dream of his, but not something his lifestyle currently allowed. 
six months ago, hen opened the door of his penthouse apartment and found himself face-to-face with a social worker and a seven year old daughter he didn’t know he had. she was the child of his with an ex girlfriend, a relationship that had failed due to his commitment issues parents’ pressures, who had kept his daughter’s existence from him as she was dying. so now, with a seven year old and one of the most famous names in the design world, hen needed to become invisible and fast. so he packed everything up and moved him and his kid to point place, wisconsin. because hopefully, nobody in point place, wisconsin would have any idea who he was.
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senatushq · 6 months
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NAME. Maximilian Walker AGE & BIRTH DATE. 34 & January 13th, 1989 GENDER & PRONOUNS. Male & He/Him SPECIES. Lycan PACK. N/A OCCUPATION. Writer FACE CLAIM. Raymond Ablack
( tw blood, death, gore ) It starts with an ending, as many things do. The curtain falls upon who he used to be, Icarus wings’ melting from his back as he reached too high into the atmosphere and burned for his folly. 
Writing had been his first friend, his first escape from reality’s conflicts and his oldest companions. He had relied upon it to craft a career out of paper napkins, poetry and prose out of thin air. Tales about the common everyday written under a name, musings about the power of the moon upon its people upon another, tales of passion and wolves hidden underneath a third. It was meant to be good fun, references to a world which most deemed impossible while he knew the truth. It was meant to find the beauty of what many considered a curse, the softness hidden beneath the wolves claws and sharp smile. 
But did he have to write about wolves? Andrew’s lifeless eyes ask him from across their cell, deep within the bowels of the Eye’s laboratories. It’s been days since his dearest witch has drawn his last breath, days since he has allowed anyone within the cell, days since he has eaten and he is hungry. 
It’s been days of wondering if writing the words haunting his mind at all hours had been worth it, if the prize he had to pay it’s the blood of the person that he had chosen for his own. 
Max begs at the moon to answer, begs for the cold mistress that watches upon all wolves to explain why he was punished for trying to show others that their fate is not a curse but an opportunity. 
Hidden in the vowels of the earth, far away from the woods he had once called a home, he does not get his answer. 
Not for two long years, not for the weeks he starves himself, snarling at anyone who gets too close in an attempt to retrieve Andrew’s body for a new bout of experiment while the corpse it’s still fresh. It’s not until rot and decay take hold, not until he knows his lover’s body will not be of use — oh, how he hopes it will not be of use, oh, how he hopes they will not further desecrate his body now that it has begun to rot and swell—, that he loses all his desire to fight. His anger — the ancient best trapped in his chest from the moment of his birth, his oldest companion who he has learned to live with and yet not tamed for there is no taming the wolf — extinguished by a sense of misery, as he allows one of the hunters to drag him away from the corpse that once was much more than flesh. 
Max assumes he is to be taken for another round of tests, expects the pain he has grown accustomed to, the misery that follows. 
He does not expect fresh air, or to be told that he is free to go, because the Senate has made a deal with the Eye. 
He does not question it. 
He leaves, does not look back, does not think of the corpse he has left behind to rot. 
Andrew had asked him to survive and check on his family once he did. 
He would do that. He would bury the pain, the misery of years of captivity, and he would survive. 
He would live, because he owed it to him who did not make it. He would be happy, because he knows that is what his witch would have wanted.
Max Walker walks into the flower-filled spring, and does not look back.  
+ diplomatic, gentle, whimsical – inattentive, stubborn, evasive
played by ori. est. she/her.
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wildwcmenrxs · 3 years
in the source link there are 81 gifs of raymond ablack in maid, made for roleplaying purposes. feel free to edit for personal use – but do not white wash these gifs! please do not use for ‘t*boo’ plots. like and reblog if you want to support my work. content warnings: food, eating, body image (shirtless).
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kaceyrps · 3 years
264 gifs of Raymond Ablack in Boyfriends of Christmas Past can be found in the source link.  These are all from scratch so please don’t edit or claim as your own. A like/reblog would be nice if you do use these.
triggers: food
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wifeymakesgifs · 3 years
raymond ablack gif pack
Finished this show like a week ago, and I’m waiting for season 2 to release fully, because I need to know what happens next. Also, I already have like mad love for nurses, and this show was just....too good, I highly recommend it!
In this pack, you can find 67 gifs of Raymond Ablack as Kabir Pavan in the first season of Nurses (2020). All of these gifs were capped and coloured by yours truly. Raymond is of Indo-Guyanese descent, so please be mindful while using him!
TAGGING: @tasksweekly​ for task 95: Guyana
Please REBLOG this pack, and use it for your needs. Please be mindful of my rules, and don’t edit or crop these gifs into icons without my permission. Also, it goes without saying: #FREEPALESTINE!
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garbagegifs · 3 years
— raymond ablack in ginny & georgia, season 1
by clicking the source link below you’ll be redirected to #210 gifs of raymond ablack in ginny and georgia, season 1. you are free to edit these as you please, just credit me where credit’s due. please reblog if you found these useful! please be aware: my packs are only accessible via my discord server. if you would like access to this, please contact me.
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hcneyresources · 1 year
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reblog this post if you intend on using these gifs. all gifs were made by scratch by me; do not edit, repost, or distribute in any gif hunts. do not use these gifs if you write any taboo content at all or role play real life figures. all my gifs are stored in a server, access instructions and the server invite can be found in the source link. this pack contains episodes 2.01-2.08. it may be completed at a later time.
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osvaldrps-archived · 3 years
raymond ablack in ginny & georgia 1.01-06  /  #111 gifs made by me from scratch; find the link in the source or my gif pack directory. you can use/edit them to your liking, but credit me when posting your edits. please reblog the post if you find these helpful.
trigger/content warning: alcohol. features: brianne howey, antonia gentry, scott porter, kelly mccormack.
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kbunburyhelps · 6 years
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Under the cut you’ll find roughly 348 gifs of the handsome, one of my baes, Raymond Ablack from his roles as Gabriel in Teenagers season 1 episode 2 and 3 and season 3 episode 1-5. Ablack is best known for his role as Sav Bhandari in Degrassi and has appeared in many other things.He is Indo-Guyanese so please cast him correctly. The gifs are all small/medium, textless, and as hq as I could get. Look, a lot of time an effort was made into these gifs, like a lot so if you’re going to use them, credit me. I’m lenient with other gif packs but guys don’t play me. Please like or reblog if you plan on using. Oh. Tw: flashing lights and violence. There’s like one nsfw gif too. There’s also a download for this gif pack (like my other gif packs) so if you would like that instead, feel free to come to me off anon. Thank you! 3/?
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hcneyresources · 2 years
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reblog this post if you intend on using these gifs. all gifs were made by scratch by me; do not edit, repost, or distribute in any gif hunts. do not use these gifs if you write any taboo content at all or role play real life figures. all my gifs are stored in a server, access instructions and the server invite can be found in the source link.
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hcneyresources · 2 years
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reblog this post if you intend on using these gifs. all gifs were made by scratch by me; do not edit, repost, or distribute in any gif hunts. do not use these gifs if you write any taboo content at all or role play real life figures. all my gifs are stored in a server, access instructions and the server invite can be found in the source link. this pack will be updated periodically as new episodes release.
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