#raula rendon
[Raula belongs to @yellowcry]
Luisa: *chatting with Raula*
Mirabel: *hands Luisa a water bottle*
Luisa: Thanks, hermanita, what's this for?
Mirabel, being aroace and missing the joke: Isabela and Dolores say that you get thirsty around Raula.
Luisa: *chokes on water*
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yellowcry · 3 months
Isabela: So, what’s your friend's type?
Luisa: You mean Raula? Well, brown eyes, kind, oblivious, strong, loves animals...
Luisa: Sounds kind of like me. Too bad we’re just friends.
Dolores: Did you just mention oblivious?
Luisa: Yeah, why?
Dolores: Okay, just making sure.
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[Raula belongs to @yellowcry]
Isabela, making a toast: And now we are gathered to mourn the end of her life. I believe Luisa wouldn’t have wanted us to be sad for long. Instead, let us remember with fondness all the wonderful memories of our time with Luisa: all of the times she threw herself to the floor sobbing like a baby, all of the caffeine she drank that made her basically insane, all of the ladies she flexed her bicep muscles for and stole from me—
Dolores: Okay, Isabela, for the fifth time - this isn’t Luisa’s funeral, we’re having family dinner.
Luisa: And I’m sitting right here with my girlfriend, you sad, single bitch!
Isabela: Tell me I’m lying about the bicep thing! Anyways, congrats, sis - I give it a month at most. Raula, you could have dated literal donkey shit and you’d be doing a lot better.
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[Luisa and Raula, who belongs to @yellowcry, on a date]
Isabela: *sat at a nearby table, wearing a black ruana with the hood up and a large hat, pretending to read a newspaper*
Dolores: You do realise that all of this makes you look more suspicious than dressing normally, right?
Isabela, throwing petals at her: Shhhh! I can’t hear what they’re saying, Lola!
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yellowcry · 17 days
Isabela: Why do you look like that?
Luisa, laying face-first on the floor: Like what?
Isabela: Like you’re merging with the floor again
Luisa: It’s because I’m merging with the floor. Leave me here to perish.
Dolores: Raula accidentally called her “Lulu” in front of everyone today. And now she dies from embarrassment
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yellowcry · 4 months
[Luisa preparing her engagement speech]
Luisa: Ah... Raula, the second best woman in the world...
Dolores: You don't call her the second best during your proposal. Why is she even the second?
Luisa: Mirabel exists
Dolores: I should've seen this coming
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yellowcry · 1 month
Mirabel: Why is Luisa crying on the floor?
Isabela: She's drunk
Mirabel: And?
Isabela: She saw a picture of Raula's girlfriend
Mirabel: But she's Raula's girlfriend
Isabela: I know.
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yellowcry · 2 months
Mirabel: So… I’ve seen you’ve been spending a lot of time with Raula recently.
Luisa: No, Mira, it's not what it looks like, I swear.
Mirabel: Oh really? So no reason for me to be jealous?
Luisa: No! You’re the only one for me.
Mirabel: Is that so?
Luisa: I promise! Raula and I are just dating, okay? She's my girlfriend.
Mirabel: So there are no best-friends-feelings involved?
Luisa: You are still my one and only best friend! She’re just the love of my life, nothing more!
Mirabel: But I’m still the platonic love of your life, right?
Luisa: Of course sis!
Mirabel: Sis...
Raula: What the-
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yellowcry · 2 months
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Girlies. We love these sweethearts. The world needs more of them!
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Mirabel is confused. You see, girl, Raula just wants to pretend Luisa's not that tall
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yellowcry · 2 months
Luisa: Yep, most people had never payed me for my work
Luisa: The only person that I can remember paying me is Señor Rendon.
Sr. Rendon: I... haven't payed you for anything?
Luisa: Raula's heart is the payment
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yellowcry · 3 months
[Luisa is on a date with Raula]
Luisa: *Chatting*
Raula, noticing something: What is... WHAT?
Luisa, looking up: Is there something...
Dolores and Isabela, hiding on a tree:
Luisa, sighing deeply: For the God sake...
Dolores: Do not pay attention to us
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yellowcry · 20 days
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yellowcry · 24 days
About a traumatized grass
Luisa had no regrets.
Somebody else though she should've used bed
If there were any words to describe how flattered Luisa felt they wouldn't be able to describe even a one thousand part of it. Her chest kept pounding as if she had just run a marathon, dress stuck to her sweaty body. 
She probably looked like such a mess. At least definitely not better than Raula. She was all red and disheveled from the last intercom. 
Raula curled against Luisa's side as the taller woman dug her toes into the soft ground. There was little exhaustion in her muscles. Not a bad kind, more like if she just had a really good workout. But exercise had never made her feel such a , even if it was one of Luisa's favorite things to do. She wrapped her arm around her girlfriend, pulling her closer.
Luisa felt sleepy in a way, she yawned, dropping onto a little torn blanket. But as much as she hated it, going to sleep in the middle of nowhere wasn't the best idea. Plus, Luisa needed to use a shower as fast as possible to clean this stinky feeling of sweat off her body.
"Do you want me to drop you home?" Luisa smiled, still snuggling with Raula.
The Rendon nodded. "It'll be nice." 
As Luisa entered Casita, the first thing she saw was her older sister narrowing her eyes at her with crossed arms. "Luisa Valeria Rojas Madrigal, what the actual fuck?"
Luisa blinked several times, taking a step back. "Did you get possessed by Abuela?"
This question was the most strange thing she could've said. But again, how was she supposed to react to this? And getting called by her full name made it feel like she was opposed by her parents when she got into trouble.
Dolores snickered, her eyes looked over Luisa for a moment. Isabela crunched her eyebrows.
"Did you really..." Isabela ripped herself off.
Luisa's eye twitched, she clenched her fist, not exactly understanding what her sister meant.
Wait. Oh, crap.
"You didn't watch over our date again, did you?" The older girls had claimed themselves as Luisa's parents or something in a way. She kept seeing them around each time she was on a date. Either by hiding somewhere or wearing a disguise. (Which only made them more suspicious) 
Dolores shook her head, still standing a bit far away. "We left once I heard that you're.." She pursed her lips, thinking of the right word for a second. "...busy." 
Thanks, Dios, there's at least some privacy in this household.
The stronger sister shifted from foot to foot. She clenched and unclenched her fists not having her bun to keep them busy.
Isabela groaned, rolling her eyes. "But seriously, did you forget about the bedroom or what?"
Luisa crossed her eyes, her cheek flushed in pink. "Why the hell should I discuss my private life with you?" The fact that the older girls had claimed themselves as Luisa's semiofficial observers was stupid enough without talking about anything.
Isabela scoffed, tilting her head and tossing her hair back, there was a new colorful strand, this time orange, right next to the green one. "I'm your big sister. It's natural that I will help you with this thing." 
Isabela didn't even have a girlfriend herself! But Luisa knew better than to argue with her hermana. Or with both of them. According to the eldest grandaughter's words, she had spent too many years being somebody else and just wanted to live her messy life and cause flora chaos on her way.
"Have you thought of the trees? They're probably so traumatized by seeing this!"
Luisa covered her mouth to hide her chuckle. Her older sister could be the only person to be worried about the plants seeing this the most at this moment. It didn't lower the awkwardness between the three of them. The sweat made Luisa flinch in discomfort. Can't she just go? 
Isabela and Dolores chortled too, understanding how stupid it had probably sounded. Luisa leaned against Casita's front door, staring down.
The eldest woman added through her laughter. "But you still need to use a bed."
"The next time I'll use your bed." Luisa threatened, placing her fists on her sides. 
Isabela gasped, her face widened as if she were playing in a theatric drama. Forehead wrinkled. "I'll add milk to your coffee if you dare to!"
Luisa placed her palm on her chest, breathing out in horror. "How can you be so cruel?"
Ruin her favorite drink? Only a true monster could do something like this. Well, if Isabela committed this crime against humanity, Luisa could easily go to the second-most professional coffee-drinker in this family and ask her to strike Isa's cacti with a lighting a couple of times. Plants are easy to burn. 
Their cousin scoffed, pressing her forehead against a colorful pillar. She whispered something to herself, but it wasn't clear what. Probably something about the fact that they managed to bring coffee into this talk.
"Am I free to go?" Luisa raised her eyebrow, eyeing the others. She still needed that shower. As much as she was used to being sweaty after a long working day, she hated the feeling.
Isabela rolled her eyes, waving neglectfully. "No, I need to lecture you about keeping plants safe, they're like my kids." 
"I'm sorry, Abuela." Luisa tilted her head, smiling to annoy the hell out of her big sister.
Another offended gasp as taller woman's tactic had worked with no doubts. "That's it! I'm making cafe con leche with all coffee in this house!" Isabela rushed off, slamming the kitchen door close behind her. Dolores followed, probably not wanting to deal with her mom causing a hurricane over this.
At least she could take this shower. And pray that Isabela wouldn't keep her promise. Or she would prove yet again that Luisa was right preferring Mirabel over her. 
On other hand... No, She loved black coffee over being a bit uncomfortable.
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yellowcry · 4 months
It takes time
They were always close Time kept passing. They grew as well as their friendship. Things are changing with years
They were always close.
Maybe not close in a way most people would consider as such, but with how busy Luisa had always been, any kind of relationship was close. Raula's father somehow kept losing his donkeys over and over again. So she saw Luisa often enough to hold contact.
Most people weren't really interested in talking with the super-strong Madrigal unless it was another request. But Raula kept asking Luisa how she was doing almost every time she saw her, which was every single day. Sometimes even more than once. Those weren't big talks, Luisa was always way too busy to spend more than five minutes on a brief chat. But if you would spend five minutes on something every day for ten years, how much time would it take from you?
In a few years, Raula started to leave some food for Luisa on a table next to her family's barn. It wasn't something big, just a small snack for Luisa that she could eat on the road with a bottle of water. And these small gestures meant a world to Luisa since no one else ever offered her something as simple as this. 
Luisa had never told anyone how much she appreciated these small seconds when they could speak, while Luisa was running back to work hand-to-hand with her friend, until she got another task, leaving Raula behind for most of the time. Even tho sometimes she was nearby, at least entertaining Luisa when she was doing something like rerouting the river, going as far as offering help. Luisa refused, it was her job, and she didn't want Raula to tear her back in this hard labor. But the warm sparkles still appeared in her eyes, knowing that somebody ever considered the idea that Luisa needed help. 
And so they grew. Señor Rendon kept losing his donkeys, leaving Luisa to collect them. And Luisa never dared to fix this fence. Both girls never said it out loud but they knew that if the donkeys stopped escaping, Luisa would lose her main reason for seeing Raula. They couldn't imagine their days without it. And, maybe Luisa actually broke this fence again when Raula actually sucked it up and fixed it herself (asking her dad was a pointless task) whispering that Luisa's free time was way more important. But the Madrigal knew that it wouldn't really change anything, somebody else would just ask something instead.
On days when Raula couldn't come and see Luisa, the latter could always expect a little note next to her food. Her heart was flattered at this. The young Rendon loved writing with italics, her letters had those pretty squiggles in opposition to Luisa who didn't have much time for something like this. She didn't know why Raula was doing this but appreciated it, it was going on for years until Luisa dared to ask.
"Oh, because we're best friends." At this moment, Luisa had thought that she overheated in the sun. She didn't have much friends. Hell, she probably had no friends outside of her family. (And even in there, the only person she actually spoke to more than twice in a month was Mirabel). She just... Never thought that anyone would consider her as best friend.
The Rendon stared at Luisa, almost breathless, worried about her reaction. "We... We're best friends?" Her voice came out as unclear whispers. "Thanks, I love you." She smiled, patting Raula's shoulder. 
She knew a lot of things about her best friend. Raula's favorite color was sky blue, her favorite animals were pigs. And she had this extremely cute laugh, especially when she felt awkward. 
Luisa wasn't sure at which point her feelings started to shift, it happened somewhere during Casita's rebuild when she finally got free from all this crushing pressure and was able to spend days together with Raula. Luisa just couldn't help it, those butterflies appeared in her stomach each time she heard Raula's voice, no doubt that she sounded like an angel. Her heart was beating slightly faster just from a little thought about her friend. Day by day she started to understand that those feelings were nothing of how she felt with her family or anyone else. Luisa imagined them together, like her parents. She wanted them to be like her parents. 
Luisa never understood the idea of falling in love at first sight. How could you actually love someone without knowing them for years first? But she knew that people were bragging about someone they barely knew, most didn't request being friends to fall in love. Luisa did. It wasn't something bigger, it was just... different, but these feelings were just as important as their long-lasting friendship.
Their first steps were slow, Luisa was afraid that Raula didn't feel in the same way and that she would just ruin it so they wouldn't be friends anymore. Until Dolores whispered to her that Raula's heart was beating as fast as Luisa's when they were together.
The younger Madrigal froze upon her cousin's words. "Uh... Wh-what?" She muttered under her breath, realizing that Dolores knew. But she probably had to expect this anyway. 
Dolores just nodded, speaking clearly and honestly. "She's definitely in love with you."
Luisa covered her mouth with her palms, feeling how blood rushed to her cheeks. Her heart wanted to break through her chest. She was... Her feelings were mutual.  "Are you serious?" Luisa could barely speak from all those feelings inside her. "Ah, it's just..."
Luisa wasn't sure of what to do next. Raula had told her an idea of her perfect date once before, maybe when Luisa was thirteen and Raula was fourteen. But it's been years, things had probably changed in such a long time.
It was something about a month or two before Luisa dared to speak about this with her crush. She wanted to make some cute romantic environment, but the thing was that if she did this she would always think that she must do something better, never getting to the main part.
Raula was feeding the donkeys, the same very animals that Luisa knew better than their own owner. In some way, they were the main reason why this feeling appeared in the first place.
Luisa stood next to her, holding her palms against the short fence. Raula looked up at the noise. "Oh, hola!" Her hazel eyes locked on Luisa's browns. A moment later she raised her head worriedly. "Is everything okay? You look weighted." Luisa was actually weighted, but it was a good way of this word.
Luisa kneeled, getting to the same height. Raula was relatively tall, taller than most women in the village but obviously short compared to Luisa herself. Just like everyone else.
"We've known each other for years, aren't we?" Luisa sighed, turning her head to look at the donkeys. "I have no idea how how many hours I spent, chasing these guys."
Raula chortled. " Oh, yes... It's strange to believe that you were just a child back then."
Luisa smiled, hitting her proper arm affectionately. "It's been a long time..." She had swallowed a lump in her throat, the words were getting stuck on her tongue. "I think... You were always here for me when I needed it..." She had no idea of what to say, how could she express her own feelings? 
"Oh, thanks, I've tried my best," Raula sighed, getting to Luisa's side. "You did so much to help us, I just wanted to... pay you back in a way, I guess."
It was strange, even if Luisa heard that Raula most likely loved her too she was still scared. What if Dolores is confused about something? What if Raula actually viewed her as a friend? "You were always important to me... Really, Raula, you're one of the most important people in my life... And I love you so much." Luisa pressed her thumb against Raula's palm, caressing it. "I think I..." She felt how her cheeks got red, hot from blushing. "I... Love you."
Raula gasped, freezing against Luisa. "You mean...  romantically?" She whispered unsurely, almost as if thinking that she had a vivid dream right now.
"Yes... Will you..." Luisa had no idea of how to talk about this, how to express this. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"
In a moment when Raula got out of her shocked state, she jumped on Luisa's arms. "I... I love you too." She muttered, pressing her face to Luisa's neck and happy tears started to well up in strong woman's eyes. "So, will you date me?" She looked up to Luisa, her mahogany hair falling on her face.
Luisa leaned down and whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind Raula's ear. "Yes." She breathed out, not hesitating for a brief second.
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