#rather fluffy
oh hey i actually have a lil headshot doodle of him:
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 2 months
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Top of head/ears: no complaints from Dust here Back: no complaints x2 Whiskers: those are his WHISKERS that is RUDE Chin: chin is a bad petting spot, he doesn't like that Feet: those are his feet, he needs those to walk Tail: depends on how precious your hands are to you (extreme floof) Stomach: depends on how much you like everything below your elbow
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I have no idea if I’ll write it, but I started thinking of Springtrap x reader plots, and then I started talking to @ravenmccookies about like... the main idea that I have.
So, imagine: Y/N is one of those people who likes to restore old things. They never worked at the attraction, and never actually knew about it, either—but they heard about something burning down.
While out walking, they end up discovering Springtrap, and they’re like: “Oh, a cool robot bunny. I’ll take it back with me and fix it up. Should be fun.” And they drag him back home.
And they basically start streaming on what they plan on doing—and when they go to the room that they were sure they left the rabbit in... he’s just gone.
Y/N manages to find him, but in a panic, ends up hitting Springtrap with a bat that they happened to have brought with them.
And that’s just how the two actually meet. I have a ton of other ideas involving this potential thing—including ideas for how it could actually end. Something angsty, I’m thinking.
But anyway: shenanigans occur.
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kaiserouo · 5 months
Dark Age Hunter Set
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fluffydice · 3 months
Thinking,,, one of the things Kusuo had feared most happening during the Cat Tank arc, where someone he had "friendly feelings" towards gets roped into his life. Thinking about how he watched his body get stripped and his brother wanted to see more. Thinking about how it kept flashing back to when Kusuke gave him the limiters he turned it into a competition, telling him to protect his right one "even if it kills you," and how the manga shows them constantly fighting for it, showing Kusuo even waking up to Kusuke's 'games'. Thinking about Kusuo's stupid little "...Toritsuka...don't..." when he was standing there bleeding, and about how Kusuke had to instantly reassure him as he knocked out Toritsuka because he knew his little brother would go haywire if he thought for even a second that he'd killed him.
Thinking about how Kusuo took out his right limiter in the end, saying he "caused trouble" by living the life he wanted, in front of one of the people who originally planted the idea that he could hurt people just by existing in his head. Thinking about how the "trouble" wasn't even really Kusuo's fault, he just took on the blame for it because it all tied back into him just trying to exist and have friends.
Ugh, and the way Kusuke helped him with his pants, and how Kusuo—at his simultaneous strongest and most vulnerable—didn't even fuss, and the way his eyes shone when Kusuo promised to keep being his playmate,,, because he'd underestimated his little brother's ability to learn and grow just by having the support of other people, and how much Kusuo would let slide against him when it comes to the people he needs in his life.
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infamous-if · 1 year
Praying for your inbox. 41 and trying to hold Sebastian's hand?
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You hate that word.
As a singer, you're not allowed to feel it. Doubt means messing up a line, going off-pitch, doubt means ruining everything you worked for.
Doubt means possibly embarrassing yourself in this parking lot.
Sebastian leans against the hood of his car, pale fingers curled around the steaming cup of coffee. Swirling neon lines from the DINER sign blurs in the puddle of water left behind from this morning's storm. It's night now, and if it weren't for the lights that illuminate the lot you wouldn't have been able to see Seb's face.
Which would've been so much better.
He stares into the diner, keeping an appraising eye on the customers inside. You noticed something about him recently; how alert he is. How aware he can be. His eye never remain in one place too long. You wonder if that's a product of being a parent. Even when Maya is safe in the hotel, Sebastian can't help but soak in the world as if waiting to be attacked.
You find it endearing most of the time. Now? You wish he would just look at you.
Look at me, you urge silently. Your eyes narrow just a bit, willing for some hypothetical latent mental telepathy to suddenly work. Don't you want to look at me?
He doesn't.
You stand next to him, your feet in front of you as you absently tap on your own drink. The air is musty, humid from the rain, and you two stand side by side, silent. His arm brushes yours on occasion, and when it does, you feel his eyes flicker to your face in your periphery. If you move your foot one inch to the left, your toes would be touching. If you inch closer, your hips.
So close, and yet.
"I like this," Sebastian says suddenly. You jolt, turning to him just as he hops on the hood of his car, legs dangling. "The silence that doesn't feel like silence.'
You quirk a small smile. After a moment of indecision, you pull yourself up by your hands to sit next to him. The whole left side of your body presses against his, but he doesn't seem to mind. Instead, his offers you a small, lazy smile.
"Silence that doesn't feel like silence?" you prompt, your breath growing a bit thin under his casual stare.
He shrugs, looking out into the empty street. "The world is never silent. You hear the wind, the cars. We're always so caught up in our lives...we never take a moment to soak in the small things. It's nice to just...be." He wrinkles his nose, the blush rising on his face so deep you can see it even against the harsh lights . "I'm sorry. That was cheesy-"
You shake your head fervently. Cheesy or not, you're willing to listen to anything Seb says if it means witnessing the sparkle he got in his eyes when he spoke. It's rare you see this Sebastian; the one who speaks freely, who offers lazy smiles like he has an endless amount of them, the one who just wants to sit next you in a diner parking lot that smells vaguely of cigars and exhaust. The one that says cheesy things without thinking because he's comfortable enough to.
"It wasn't cheesy at all," you say. "I like..." You swallow. "I like just...being with you."
There's a moment of non-reaction, and part of you fears you may have crossed a line. Then Seb smiles a little, keeping his eyes on the lights of the diner. "I like just being with you too. I..." He thinks for a moment. "I like who I am with you."
Your heart races. That familiar doubt rises again when your eyes settle on Sebastian's hand, which rests comfortable on the hood. When you look back up at him, you realize his chest has stopped moving, as if he's holding his breath.
Doubt. You shake it from your mind and slowly, very slowly, let your fingers creep to his until they settle on the back of his hand.
Seb stills and his eyes glance down. You begin to pull your hand away, feeling foolish and a bit pathetic.
"I'm sorry, that was... embarrassing-"
"No!" He grabs your hand in mid-air. His voice is quick and not to mention loud, so loud in the emptiness of the parking lot that he squeezes his eyes shut in embarrassment. When he opens them again, he smiles. "Don't." His movements start off slow: one finger on another, one thumb grazing your knuckles, until he's turning your hand around to hold it completely. In a move that sends you yelping, he pulls you closer and your upper-body practically falls on his lap. "Don't apologize."
You huff a small laugh of your own and let your head rest against his chest. You don't even remember why you were questioning yourself so much. Now that you're here in Seb's arms, this is exactly where you should be.
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Also, sitting here thinking about a Mundane AU where SY & Airplane actually meet IRL. Like, at some point during one of their many needless arguments online, Great Master Airplane dares his almighty hater over DM’s to meet him at an upcoming ACG* convention to yell In Person if he’s so mad about it-- not even once considering that Cucumber might actually accept the invitation. Shit, now he’s gotta find money to go to a convention?! He’d already nearly wrecked his computer earlier this week...
They’re both a little stupid & in too deep to back down. RIP Internet Safety, but at least they’ll be in literally one of the most public places possible, right... haha...
It’s agreed that they’d meetup by one of the Official booths (of a shared interest), and shockingly Airplane is the first one there. Just. Awkwardly piddling around on his phone for a while, honestly hoping that Cucumber-bro had chickened out. Like, sure, he’d have wasted money on nothing, but yknow??? Maybe this wasn’t a great idea???? Actually??
Until he gets a Ping over Legally-Distinct-WeChat, asking if the weird guy in a tacky button-down--the one staring at his phone--is him. And rather, Shen Yuan’s only late because he decided to bring one of his older brothers. Y’know, he has that privilege. Though, upon confirmation that this “friend” of Yuan’s is just Some Guy, his brother doesn’t stick around them too long.
Neither Shen Yuan nor Airplane know what to do. Admittedly, neither had planned past this point. Though, inwardly, Airplane’s a little annoyed that apparently?? His #1 hater is some scrawny, conventionally attractive rich kid.
Outwardly, Airplane decides that he’s going to treat this situation like he would online, as much as he possibly could, anyway. He also refuses to use the very obvious Given Name SY’s brother used, preferring to call SY “Cucumber-bro” -- A little professional distance between he & his loyal “fan”. Not that Shen Yuan is complaining. He’s not sure what he was expecting Airplane to be like, but this annoying early 20-something felt about right.
Though, somehow... all of this accumulates into them just sorta. Hanging Out. Awkwardly at first, but the banter picks up after they’ve had some time to get used to being around each other. If Shen Yuan was the sort of person to admit to these things, he’d almost say he was having fun. Neither of them, but especially not Airplane, have actually had friends to hang out with for a while...
Frankly, Shen Yuan kinda forgot what it was like to be social with people who weren’t family... and after some consideration, he realises this guy seems really lonely. Airplane dodges any conversation about real life, friends, or family like the plague--whether its his or Shen Yuan’s. The only acceptable “family” he’ll talk about is Luo Binghe’s (which, frankly, Shen Yuan is much more interested in, anyway).
In the novel, Luo Binghe’s parents never really made an appearance, so hearing about Tianlang-Jun & Su Xiyan directly from the author was a little exciting?? And maybe a tad infuriating. Wasted potential. So much wasted potential.
At some point, Shen Yuan’s righteous indignation manages to squeak out the confession that Airplane’s dirt poor & gutted his own story because... well, that’s what made money. It is what it is. Sorry you hate it so much, but then--like he’s been saying the whole time, why’d you keep reading it??? Not that he minds. To be honest, responding to your vitriol is the highlight of his day. Wouldn’t be the same if you gave up.
Shen Yuan asks if he’s really happy with that?? And well, no, of course not! But based on how liberal Shen Yuan’s been with his money throughout the course of the ‘con, he clearly wouldn’t understand what it’s like, huh? Angry lil rich kid getting mad online at shit he could easily stay away from. So, unless you wanna admit that you actually really like it, then he’s not accepting criticism at this time. :v
ANYWAY, inb4 Shen Yuan promotes himself from “hater” to “editor” -- nearly on the spot, but he manages to restrain himself til after they’ve parted ways... many days later, still thinking about their conversation. Something, something You can you up...
Which. Of the possible outcomes, Airplane had really expected their meeting to be a one-and-done situation, but now Cucumber-bro’s paying his train fair to drag him & his ~vibrant personality~ out of his comfort zone (his shitty apartment) and back into the Real World. Because this is perfectly reasonable human behaviour?! Though, honestly, Shen Yuan’s family is just happy to see him finally applying himself, so they don’t mind indulging them.
For the record, though, Shen Yuan’s sister is the only one who really knows who Airplane IS... and she thinks it’s really quite funny. And she can’t wait til Yuan’s comfortable enough to actually bring him home. Then she can show Mr. Airplane her brother’s stash of Luo Binghe merch. (✿◡‿◡)
Get adopted, loser.
All in all, though, fine! If this guy wants to throw money at him so they can Fix his story?? Sure, why not! He’d say he’s had worse first dates, but would imply that Airplane’s dated before. And that that first encounter was a date, but yknow in retrospect. Might as well have been.
but anyway, this got way longer than I meant it to. So I’m capping it there. >u< I still have Thoughts (many of them!), but they are mostly “I would like them to kiss.”
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
who's your favorite character to draw? (doesn't have to be only mdzs characters)
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I'd have to go with...Little Apple and Wei Wuxian!
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larapaulussen · 9 months
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Tried my hand at drawing some Munks last night and I think it went pretty good
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idesireelysian · 1 year
putting kisaki in his place
kisaki is a little too bratty for your liking, so you fuck it out of him
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characters: kisaki x m!reader
wordcount: 1.7k
type/genre: one-shot, smut
cw/tw: m!dom!top!reader, sub!bottom!kisaki, petnames (towards kisaki), blindfold, bondage, gag, manhandling, brat taming, spanking, humiliation, praise, dacryphilia, anal fingering & sex, creampie, reader is kinda mean but kisaki’s very into it, slight overstimulation, (implied) aftercare
notes: i wanna put him & ryusei in their place and make them all submissive and putty in my hands so bad help
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kisaki’s sitting on the bed before you, already stripped naked, with his arms secured tightly behind his back. you’ve stuffed his mouth with a gag. his glasses are on the nightstand, replaced with a satin blindfold over his eyes.
,,turn around. head down, ass up’’, you command, smirking as you look at his fce. he shakes his head, glaring at you as best he can with his eyes hidden behind the black fabric.
but that’s not really a problem as you grab him by his hair and force his face into the bedsheets. you get a hold of his hips, turning him around so he’s kneeling in front of you, facing away.
,,count.’’ is the only warning he gets before your hand meets his ass cheek. he tries to say something, probably a number or a complain, but it’s muffled by the gag in his mouth.
,,huh? i didn’t quite hear you there, baby’’, you explain, dragging out your words. they drip with sarcasm. you wait for him to attempt to say something again, but he doesn’t, keeps quiet instead.
,,well. you didn’t start counting yet, so i’ll just have to repeat this until you do.’’ you smirk. kisaki tries to speak up, but you’ve already slapped him again before he can get out any noises. you can make out muffled sounds coming from him, trying his best to form a coherent sentence with his mouth stuffed.
,,you want me to remove the gag, darling? ah, but that would be so sad. look at how much you’re enjoying this!’’ you reach around his hips to get a hold of his hard cock at the base and slowly stroke up and down a few times, smearing the pre-cum he’s been leaking all over it after reaching his tip.
,,look how hard you are. you’re so boring, do you really want to get rid of the gag already?’’, you ask, fake pout on your face. quickly, kisaki nods. you comply, reach for the clasp on the back of his head that secures the gag. you open it, let the toy fall onto the bed as he looks up. you grab it and lay it to the side.
kisaki’s panting. ,,finally!’’, he breathes out in a low voice, ,,you fucking bitch.’’ leftover spit runs down his cheek and pools into the wet puddle under his face. he’s already so messy.
your initial reaction to his words is putting the gag back in his mouth, but you decide against it. it would ruin your little counting game anyway. instead, you just sit and wait in silence, not doing anything. you’re waiting until kisaki starts wiggling his hips, groaning. you know that he’s anxious, not knowing what to expect because he can’t see you, and you’re awfully quiet.
silently, you raise your hand. slap, it lands on his ass, where there’s a red area forming because you’ve hit him three times now. kisaki swallows a pained moan and huffs.
,,count. it really shouldn’t be a problem now that your mouth is empty, no?’’, you repeat.
,,...one’’, he hisses, and hides his face in the bedsheets. this is so embarassing for him.
,,see, i knew even a stupid little bitch like you could do that!’’, you exclaim. gently, you brush your index finger along the red mark on his skin, lightly tracing its shape. you raise your hand again, this time prepared to slap his other ass cheek. slap, your palm meets his skin.
,,two..’’, he murmurs. you decide to let the fact that it’s so quiet slide this once.
,,good. let’s get all the way to ten, hm?’’ you lean down, gently pressing a kiss to one of the many visible vertebrae of his spine. kisaki shudders under your touch, not used to the affection at all.
you pull away, slapping his ass again. he quietly hisses. ,,three...’’, he says.
nothing interesting happens after the next few spanks. while trying not to make any other noises, kisaki correctly counts them all. four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.
he only whispers ,,ten....’’. you’ve already allowed him a mistake, but another is too much.
,,what did you just say? i couldn’t hear, speak up!’’, you say, slapping him again.
,,ten!’’, he calls, panting.
you gently brush your fingers against the skin you’ve just slap, touching it ever so slightly without any pressure. ,,good boy’’, you murmur, leaning down to one of his ears.
beside you, there lays a bottle of lube which you now grab. you pop it open, squeeze a good amount onto your hands. while leaving gentle kisses on kisaki’s neck, you circle his rim teasingly, refusing to push in just yet.
he starts trying to move back against your hand, but you grip his hips and stop his movements. ,,no’’, you scold, ,,if you want me to do something else, you have to beg.’’
kisaki groans, but stops trying to move. he shivers under your touch as you press more kisses to his nape, panting quietly.
,,touch me’’, he breaths out.
,,i’m already touching you, honey, that’s not specific enough.’’
,,...fuck me’’, he mutters.
,,i told you to beg, not to command, tetta. isn’t that easy for a slut like you?’’, you explain, still not changing your movements.
he hisses, and you can see a tear running down his cheek. you’re truly breaking his pride.
,,c’mon, tetta, beg for me. beg for me to fuck you with my fingers.’’ you know that he gets weak for you saying his first name, so that’s exactly what you do.
,,..please’’, he whispers under his breath.
,,there you go. what a nicely trained whore you are’’, you coo, finally pushing one of your fingers in.
kisaki’s thighs tremble, quiet moans escaping him. he’s always so sensitive, especially with a blindfold on. you take your sweet time to push in and out, slowly loosening him up.
,,not... not enough’’, he mumbles, rubbing his face on the bedsheets because he can’t keep still anymore but you won’t let him move his hips.
you decide to be nice for once and push in the second finger after waiting for a bit. now, you properly scissor him open.
still, he’s not satisfied. ,,m-more..’’, he begs, and after a short pause, adds, ,,please?’’
you pause your movements, making him whine and hiss out in pain. the desire to come is nearly too much for him already. ,,more of what?’’, you ask, acting as if you have no clue what he’s talking about.
frustrated, kisaki groans. ,,fuck me. with your... your cock’’, he whispers, more tears streaming down his face. his last words are nearly too quiet to understand, but you still accept them. it’s kisaki, after all. maybe, one day, he’ll be more compliant, but that’s still in the far future.
,,good, tetta, that’s it’’, you praise, pulling out your fingers and grabbing the lube again to squeeze some more onto your hand. you stroke your dick a few times, making sure it’s all slick. you line it up with his hole, leaning over him to place a hickey on his neck.
kisaki whines as you finally start pushing in, and a loud moan escapes him as you bottom out. he’s trembling even more than before, and his legs are giving out under him, only held up by your hands on his hips. he looks beautiful.
slowly, you pull out until only your tip is still inside him, then you snap your hips and push in to the hilt again. you continue with this rythm, pace getting faster and faster.
you decide to wrap a hand around kisaki’s cock while you’re still leaving hickeys on his neck. he’s leaking pre-cum like crazy, dick hard and twitching between your fingers. lazily, you begin to stroke it.
he’s a moaning mess, not able to hold back his noises anymore, whines and whimpers leaving his drooling mouth. his face is full of tears and spit, and his whole body is shivering, but you know just how much he enjoys this. he’s very embarassed about it, but he loves when you strip him of all his pride and power, only leaving a putty mess in your hands.
,,do you wanna come, tetta?’’, you ask against his neck, watching as he shivers under the touch of your breath. he frantically starts nodding.
,,what do we say when we want something?’’
,,p-please.. please....’’, he moans, voice shaky and higher pitched than usual.
,,good, tetta. then come for me’’, you say, pressing more kisses to his nape, sucking on it to leave yet another hickey.
a few more thrusts, and he’s coming all over your hand, back arching and moaning loudly. you fuck him through it, chasing your own orgasm.
kisaki starts whimpering. ,,too much, ’s too much...’’
,,hold on a little longer for me, tetta. i won’t take long’’, you assure him, letting go of his cock to better grab his hips.
you thrust once, twice, three times, until the heat inside your body is toppling over and you can feel your orgasm approaching. you slam into him one last time, starting to circle your hips while filling up his hole with your cum, fully seated inside. he whines.
as your orgasm stops, you start panting and slowly pull out of him. for a moment, you lay down beside him. ,,wait a minute, tetta, gotta calm down for a second...’’
after your short rest, you wipe your cum stained hand on the sheets, and reach forward to take off his blindfold. kisaki weakly opens his eyes, looking back at you with a faint smile on his lips.
you open the clasps on the binder that’s securing his arms on his back, gently pulling them out of the device, and placing it on the bed somewhere. kisaki lets himself fall down to the side, turning to lie on his back. you grab his cheeks, lean down to kiss him. it’s soft and slow, and you have to try hard not to smile into it.
,,you feeling okay?’’, you ask, checking up on him. you take one of his arms, and start to gently massage it. kisaki nods, and you continue to soften up his sore muscles as he closes his eyes and falls asleep.
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humaforever · 3 months
Harry figured out Uma had a secret stash of chocolate because when he was looking for some, she said they were all out. But a few hours later he kissed her and suspiciously enough, her lips tasted of sweet, warm chocolate.
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swamp-adder · 6 months
I think I love the H-W friendship as much as anyone but tbh I do worry for some people's reading comprehension when I see them treating some of Holmes' comments to Watson -- like the famous "conductor of light" or "one fixed point" quotes -- as if they were fully sincere and touching compliments instead of rather backhanded ones.
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isfjmel-phleg · 4 months
I was looking up reviews of the book assigned for the Sunday school class I'm in, happened to glance at one particular review, and was like "wow, she really didn't like that, did she."
And then I read it more carefully.
..."Bible study" is one of those terms that maybe don't need to be abbreviated as an acronym.
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mad-hunts · 5 days
oh, by the way, it's random headcanon time because i thought y'all should know this: barton's doll motif does, in fact, go deeper than his 'doll-making.' because although his hair isn't always this way, you can always sort of tell when barton is really spiraling, because he will just stop brushing his hair to let it become matted and resemble a ' doll's ' hair more closely. and as for what that looks like, think the ringlets that seem to resemble a doll's that has yarn for hair that i used in my pinned post, except they're blonde. so yeahhh. though, of course, there's nothing really wrong with that. however, comma, did i also mention that he is SO wack that he stitched someone else's arm onto himself and now uses it as his own like one of his ' doll-like ' creations?
and as you guys can probably already tell, there are definitely some things wrong with that 💀 i mean barton just cannot go even one day without causing some sort of horrific upset, am i right, guys? JSJSJ / j NAH i'm kidding, i'm kidding (... actually, i might not be this time. idk LMAO ). but anyhowww, i'll tell y'all more about that later because it will probably be a long post due to the nature of how that came to be, but how are we feeling about barton now with this information? like has your opinion of him changed or is it pretty much the same? i am just genuinely curious so feel free to leave a comment below to tell me.... because i know it is gross to think about and also terrifying, but barton is SEVERELY demented so he doesn't think of it that way personally
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thiccydriftyy · 2 months
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Dave Lee is a Devil’s eye moth! This is because the devil took his eyes. His eyes belong to the devil.
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