#ras feels like a guy ppl would simp for
onlycleverinmyhead · 3 months
In a world where Ra's al ghul is a better grandfather, Damian visits his bases sometimes. And one day he posts a video of him hanging out in the pool.
Dami: hello followers, Grayson suggested to me I'd post about details from my personal life that do not partain to my pets, I am now relaxing in my grandfathers' pool as part of our 'bonding time' grandfather, say hello
*The camera moves to show Ra's lounging on a pool chair in swimtrunks*
Ra's: to who?
Damian, from off camera:my followers
Ra's: already ammassing a base of followers? I am impressed, grandson.
The internet goes NUTS
Ra's deep voice, his standoffish attitude, his salt and pepper hair, his physique
They immidiately brand him a GILF
The batkids make it their mission to not let Damian know (while still making fun of him ofc)
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