"How are alphas women physically in their headcanons? can you talk about hormones in which their presence affects or not ...♀️💁‍♀️" just by asking the question better, I was trying to understand what alpha women would look like hormonally in other people's eyes. Considering that it is not very easy and hides between verses. Basically I see them with testorenone and recognizing a little the effects of this hormone, I see a great physical change in females combined with their alpha composition.
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It’s depends on your AU. It’s your Au and you can have your Alpha Females anyway you want!
They’re strong, larger build, strong scent (scent depends on your AU too, and what alphas usually have a scent), similar to their male counter parts in behavior. Can build muscle easier/faster. Have a lot of energy, usually seen as a leader (lol “alpha”). 
They can still keep their female parts and still look feminine.  Just because they are alphas doesn’t mean they just look like men with long hair. They can still have feminine features. 
For intercourse, depends on their AU and if they support a penis. I’ve come across both AUs where they have one and where they don’t. It’s up to you. If they do have one, works just like a Male’s. If they don’t they may or may not be able to reproduce, and that depends on your AU as well! 
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jp-omegaverse-hcs · 5 years
I imagine that omega men don't thicken their voices like alpha and beta men (thanks to the estrogen in the body). Although I don't know how thick an alpha man's voice can become. It makes me have a little trouble imagining what their voice would be like, I think from high to low-pitched (it's kind of hard to find real-life examples).
pitch of voices is largely determined by the shape of the vocal tract, actually, so adult men usually have a low pitched voice with larger vocal folds and larynxes, adult women usually have a high pitched voice with smaller vocal folds and larynxes. Children have even smaller ones, so their voices are also high pitched. large vocal tracts also give a lower timbre in men.
so it’s actually more about the person’s overall size than hormones.
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pack-the-pack · 5 years
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@radeaglepuppy​ oh okay, now I think I know what you meant. Look, there are things I do not talk about in here simply because of the nature of this hellish site, and this is one of them. I don’t touch the middle east even if it were with a 10 feet poll. Y’all can take your own conclusions on that, but the main reasons are:
1 - I don’t wanna stress about people flooding my inbox (again) with stupid ass questions and accusations about something I never said in the first place.
2 - My verse is usually the focal point of my answers and the way I created it makes it for a reality that has developed completely divorced from what we see in real life. 
If I were to draw any parallels they’d merely be coincidental at best and perceived as negative and maybe even “aggressive” on my part, at worse. I don’t trust the people on this site to make nuanced distinctions or read whatever I have to say without a heavy bias, I just don’t. So I just save myself the trouble and don’t talk about it publicly. 
I’d be glad to discuss any parts of my interpretations and my world build privately through the Tumblr chat and even Discord, for anyone wondering or interested. Y’all can hit me up on either of those and I’ll be glad to have an open and civil conversation about anything. I will maintain my boundaries in here on main tho, simply cause there’s a bunch of crazy people that I don’t want to deal with without having control of input and output of information. 
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How are alphas women physically in their headcanons? can you talk about hormones in which their presence affects or not ...♀️💁‍♀️
Hey Hi Hello!
Some AU’s have their Alpha ladies: 
Have a bigger build
More aggressive
Physically Stronger
Scents are strong and feminine 
I don’t exactly understand the 2nd question.
But their presence affects others the same way a male alpha would. 
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jp-omegaverse-hcs · 5 years
Can you tell me about the appearance of Japanese alphas? You know, the little Asian stereotype (eye-turning emoji).
these are works of fiction | この著作物はフィックションであります
Do you mean, how us Asians tend to be on the short side? xD I happen to be very short compared to a lot of people I know in the States, but I’m about the average height for women in Asia *shrug*.
The majority of Japanese alphas (and betas and omegas) tend to be shorter than their, say, Scandinavian counterparts. So this difference can be really apparent when working overseas. Within their own country, though, there are some naturally tall alphas and shorter alphas. It is common for very tall Japanese alphas to be teased by their peers, however, for being so uncommonly tall. Same goes for betas and omegas who are taller than the average in Japan, actually. I’ve also heard that Japanese houses are really not made for people 6 feet and taller, lol.
Japanese alphas come in all sorts of body types, just like anyone else. It probably would be a stereotype that they be on the short and slim side, though (so, compared more to betas in the west, or if being particularly nasty, they could be compared to omegas). With that could come all of the negative connotations that tend to get pinned to Asian males - namely, that they are more on the passive side or perhaps good mediators, but not good leaders (comparing them to betas).
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jp-omegaverse-hcs · 5 years
thanks for creating this blog. I was talking to my friend about the lack of omegaverse's that happen in other places, other cultures, ethnicities. This is life.
I have no idea when this ask was sent, but thank you so much for reading! I am glad that my little research and ramblings interested you!
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