#rabbit blahs
cyberabbit · 5 months
being hammered with psych violence is great, because every single time you express any emotion ever it's a Symptom™ and you never are allowed to have any genuine expression ever again.
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seriesfive · 9 months
i just want to see ed holding that bunny like a therapy animal
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absolutelynotsanebaby · 4 months
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Hello tumblr have bunny pics
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inkedmyths · 1 month
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Team Bunny supremacy
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a-flickering-soul · 4 months
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yes, hello, i am Asking :]
(also, opinions on the fact that Rabbit's apparently powered by milk?)
Rabbit cannot be powered by milk on a regular basis and all women do is lie. The heat of her steam boiler would cook all the proteins into all of her various crannies and nooks and some poor Walter Worker will have to go in with a Brillo pad and scrub her out. Miserable robot.
Anyways I think it's really funny and genuinely a mark of her own stubbornness that you have an incredibly robust and physical robot (and multiple war veteran) who runs on circuitry almost entirely based on a very fragile, specific logic? Like. . . one good thump and ALL of those gears get misaligned. This makes me think about the amount of insulation and proofing PWI had to have put in her just to stop her from rattling around whenever she jumped off a cliff or whatever.
I also? Enjoy thinking about how clockwork could potentially move limbs. Being able to trace each gear and cable as the signal travels to move a single finger? Fucking effervescent. It seems like an incredibly visual, tactile, deliberately analog way to build and maintain a robot and I as someone who is more mechanically minded than compsci find it very satisfying and cool also to think about.
There's also her refusal to get upgraded or repaired which I also adore. . . she's like this walking relic of technology both alien and archaic and it's so fun thinking abt how this super futuristic fantastical power core all ends up just boiling a bunch of steam and turning a bunch of gears. . . How many times did she have to get a gear or cog replaced because the teeth wore down? How many times did a cable have to be replaced because the tensile strength wore out and someone had to thread it through countless gears and notches? How many shims and patches and joins did she have to get in repairs? I love her so much and I love robots so much and I also love when robots don't work good on purpose.
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fernsproutxx · 6 months
don’t mind me changing an oc’s surname because the last one was a placeholder hahah…
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handweavers · 2 years
ik it's musk so eugenics is like. to be expected from him but its always shocking to me how many ppl either don't realize/aren't aware or perhaps don't care that the idea of "overpopulation" is not what's happening in the world rn and the movement to convince ppl that it's real is literally racist and eugenicist and not based in reality. we have more than enough resources to go around, the problem is the massive disparity in how those resources are allocated, particularly between the global north and the global south, and along class lines. but people just bring up "overpopulation" constantly just reciting it like a buzzword without any understanding of what they're implying or where those claims come from
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submaskudari · 2 months
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chat do we fw the splatoon bnnuy oc,,,
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thateclecticbitch · 3 months
autism levels off the fucking charts
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changbin-froggy-jimin · 8 months
Hongjoong is my bias in Ateez I just like to chew on Seonghwa like he’s a little chew toy, as he’s all I think about, and all I write about, and every picture I see is of him, it’s not that difficult to process
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cyberabbit · 6 months
talk about disability and mental illness sociology 101 and the pro-psychiatry crowd, who also claim to be radical leftists, will absolutely pounce.
if you can't frame psychiatry, mental illness, mental health commodification and psych incarceration within a capitalist society context then you're not as radical as you think.
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dogwithglasses · 1 year
musician death (not recent)
Been listening to a lot of frightened rabbit lately and boy howdy I’m still so sad about Scott Hutchison
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pentimint · 2 years
i literally know nothing about sam and max besides what's in poker night at the inventory
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shiny-cats · 6 months
thank god i have therapy today !
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madxwonderland · 6 months
I got things drafted! If I don't get to them tonight then I'll try tomorrow!
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lostrence · 2 months
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blah blah Lepus constellation is a rabbit being hunted by Orion or something I dunno blah blah blah blah ghosts blah evil blah blah blah why did i make this
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