rainrain64 · 16 days
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I think i may like this ship so I’m gonna make it everyone’s problem
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whatudottu · 10 months
Me thinking about electrical compression and aliens again has led me to think about another repeat biology subject of the amperi, and how I can explain wire travel in a (still fictional) logical way- find out next now how that turns out!
You know, after I have posted multiple other stuff between this being completed and this actually being posted-
One thing that I tend to do when considering amperi biology is that they need to be a little moist (apologies for the word) in order to breathe, but to take more inspiration from jellyfish - surprisingly the actual inspiration for amperi (probably because you couldn’t exactly design constantly transparent characters in animated tv) - and say that physically a lot of their main body is made from this moisture. Unlike jellyfish it’s not quite water, rather it’s a conductive fluid that actually contains a lot of electrochemical signals akin to a nervous system. This in particular is a biological reason why emotion reading is part of amperi languages - communication is done through the excretion and dispersal of this nervous system in water - and why the now ‘surrounded by emotion chemicals’ Ra’ad due to his undiscovered psychometry mutation was constantly overwhelmed, overstimulated, and overcome with anxiety.
And it’s this excretion that actually plays a language role too, essentially being practically REQUIRED in communication especially with how in water it spreads out. A reason why in the air amperi are a little damp is because excretion is a constant (but consistent) autonomic function, like conductive sweat that contains so many messages, though in surface environments it does make communication difficult. Partly the reason why Ra’ad finds himself preferring land, even if either way he’d still need to wear some damp robes when a dry season hits; it beats having to wear one everytime in the ocean with the cultural equivalent connotation of constantly wearing a balaclava though-
And all this ‘filled with goo’ stuff doesn’t mean that amperi have a true main body under their skin (that’s for @ohyeahben10 ‘s Ultimate Ampfibian) but it DOES mean that if an amperi were to perhaps compress themselves to a smaller ‘fit through the neck of a bottle’ size, they build up a charge and in fact begin to conduct electricity. It’s an adaptation for both offence and defence, either being used in constricting tentacles to electrocute prey and victims through excretion and consequent conduction of their electrochemical gel or - a way we will explore in depth next - electrifying predators and assailants using complete compression and slipping between teeth, gills, blowholes, and/or grasp, leaving a trail of ‘lightning’ in escape.
That’s right baby I’ve finally figured out how to logic my way around wire walking!
I’ve mentioned a few times that I think amperi have a bone in them, often referring to he more literal bone like structure in cuttlefish rather than the flexible structure inside of a squid called a gladius or pen, the squid of course being the basis of my ‘this exists in real biology’ inspiration. In fact, perhaps this gladius will serve to fit much better with the amperi, as it’s role in Earth squids is to serve as protection of visceral organs and an attachment for very important muscle groups; I say, grinning into the camera as if I were a villain thinking of something dastardly.
With this gladius, not only does it serve as a base for the important muscle groups of compression - a complicated dynamic of contracting muscles to reduce size and expanding pores to excrete the mucus they adapted for - but in amongst the visceral organs (from a list of few includes the very important heart) there is a very valued organ that in fact produces its conductive gel, sitting nice and comfortable against the brain where these electrochemical signals translate into commands ether somatic or autonomic. As the muscles contract using the gladius as it’s base it in fact squeezes the perfectly placed organ that disperses this electrochemical as if along a highly distributed nervous system and in fact carries with it charge, charge that conducts to whatever purpose the amperi compresses with.
It is that same conductivity that amperi naturally are that allows them wire and cable transportation, since it is a high energy mode of travel for a significantly reduced body size. In a great grand ocean of vast expanses it’s less effective than the semi-compression of weaponry and desperate compression of ‘please don’t eat me’, or the less desperate semi-compression of electric inking; too much energy for too little time, it’s like trying to sprint across the country.
But in areas with a denser population with specific infrastructure built as the amperi equivalent for public transportation or perhaps at a more basic level a bike lane, literal cable travel is developed around the idea of being high energy fast travelling short distance trips. In ocean cities or towns in close proximity to them, think like if internet cables along the ocean floor were filled with people going to work or school or just going out for lunch. On the land where a lot of the metalworking is literally landlocked to be in as dry of air as it can in order to smith, there are powerlines that provide local traffic for any surface towns or workplaces, but you also get a few more uh trespassers along the lines because a not insignificant number of people live on the surface as hermits away from the ocean and many lines are mainly for transit companies.
From personal experience of accidentally walking through my local transit worksite (fuck you google maps) finding that I’m on the wrong side of a tollgate, sometimes where you need or want to go, the fastest route just so happens to be through the company lines.
On Earth, because the only reason we have internet cables and powerlines is because we use them as - well - powerlines and internet cables, it’s not as if an amperi runaway who’s lost and afraid far from whatever he might’ve called familiar if not quite the home he wanted it to be has any real societal understanding that Earth is the American transportation system of Tesslos, Ra’ad just takes the lines and is internally horrified that they lead directly into houses on occasion.
And I think that’s it for wire walking lmao- this was meant to be posted after I rambles about petrosapien nervous systems but yeet yeet!
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luce1ence · 2 years
sands of arawiya characters as taylor swift songs, midnights edition
deen ra’ad // midnight rain my boy was a montage :(
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altair al badawi // you’re on your own kid
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zafira bint iskander // the great war
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yasmine ra’ad // maroon
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nasir ghameq // labyrinth
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kifah darwish // dear reader
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theshatterednotes · 2 years
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Iraqi poet Ra’ad Abdulqadir
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anotheraldin · 10 months
He is the One Who shows you lightning, inspiring ˹you with˺ hope and fear, and produces heavy clouds.  The thunder glorifies His praises, as do the angels in awe of Him. He sends thunderbolts, striking with them whoever He wills. Yet they dispute about Allah. And He is tremendous in might.
-Surah Ar-Ra’ad | 13:12-13.
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ingarbingar · 5 months
#EdiEdisiBelajarNgaji: Perihal Bersabar dan Berdoa
Allah berfirman dua kali dalam surah Al-Baqoroh ayat 45 dan 153 bahwa "jadikanlah sabar dan sholat sebagai penolongmu."
Bila diperhatikan, kata sabar diucapkan terlebih dahulu dibanding sholat.
Kadang, kalo kita sedang ditimpa musibah atau dalam situasi yang tidak nyaman dan mendapat nasehat, "sabar ya." rasanya tuh kek mau memporak-porandakan dunia beserta isinya ga siii?? Kek DIEM DEH??
Aku ga tau kamu gimana, tapi buat aku bersabar itu susah bangetttt! Apalagi bersabar dengan cara yang baik.
Iya lah susah, orang Allah sendiri yang mengatakan demikian dilanjutan ayat 45: "dan sesungguhnya yang demikian itu sungguh berat, kecuali bagi orang-orang yang khusyu."
Tapi Allah berfirman kembali di ayat 153 bahwa "sesungguhhya Allah bersama orang-orang yang bersabar."
Jadi sebenarnya, tugas kita sesederhana sami'naa wa atha'naa (kami dengar dan kami taat.) Meski pada praktiknya lebih sering kek gini yaaa:
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Mungkin, bersabar (dengan cara yang baik) sulit dilakukan karena kita ada di situasi "ketidaktahuan."
Semisal, kita berdoa minta A, tapi kita tidak kunjung melihat hilalnya atau bahkan gagal mendapatkan hal tersebut. Kita jadi bertanya-tanya, "loh kenapa?" "Terus gimana?", "ini doa gue nyampe ga sih?" Atau bahkan "does pray actually work?"
Padahal, Allah berfirman (masih dalam surah yang sama) :
laa yukallifullohu nafsan illaa wus'ahaa (Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya.)
So basically, bersabar merupakan cara untuk melatih iman kita kepada Allah. Beriman bahwa Firman Allah benar adanya dan janji Allah pun nyata.
Dan kadang hal itu sulit karena kita tidak tahu firman-firman Allah tersebut. Padahal firman-firman tersebut ada di Al-Qur'an.
Kadang merasa, sungguh celaka diriku Tuhan menjadi sesat karena ketidaktahuanku padahal telah Kau turunkan Al-Qur'an untuk kami. Kitab panduan bagi manusia agar selamat dunia dan akherat.
Sudah tau bahwa tidak tau, tidak mau cari tau pula.
Dan turunlah pula surah Al-Insyirah ayat 5-6. Selama ini aku mengintepretasikan ayat tersebut bahwa sesudah kesulitan ADA kemudahan.
Padahal sebenarnya, BERSAMA kesulitan ada kemudahan.
It's not after. But within. It means, sebuah keniscayaan.
Setelah kita tau firman-firman tersebut adalah manusiawi jika kita masih kesulitan atau mengeluh dalam prosesnya. That's why ya kita ga punya gelar as-siddiq seberti Abu Bakar hahahaha nangiz.
Aku bahkan pernah menulis di jurnal harianku, “kesabaranku sudah berada di tepi. Digeser lagi, jadikan saja aku Ulul Azmi." YA ALLAH EKA DIAN!😂😭👎
Namun kemudian ada satu ceramah ustad yang sangat menyentuh hatiku. Membuatku malu mempertanyakan kuasa Allah ketika aku ada di situasi yang mengharuskanku untuk bersabar. Dan ceramah beliau aku temukan di Surah Ar-Ra’ad ayat 22-24:
Dan orang yang sabar karena mengharap keridaan Tuhannya, melaksanakan sholat, dan menginfakkan sebagian rezeki yang Kami berikan kepada mereka, secara sembunyi atau terang-terangan serta menolak kejahatan dengan kebaikan; orang itulah yang mendapat tempat kesudahan (yang baik),
(yaitu) surga-surga 'Adn, mereka masuk ke dalamnya bersama dengan orang yang saleh dari nenek moyangnya, pasangan-pasangannya dan anak cucunya, sedang para malaikat masuk ke tempat-tempat mereka dari semua pintu;
(sambil mengucapkan), "Selamat sejahtera atasmu karena kesabaranmu." Maka alangkah nikmatnya tempat kesudahan itu.
Bukankah sesungguhnya itu merupakan tujuan kita sebagai manusia?
Mungkin selama ini aku (dan mungkin juga kamu) masih kesulitan bersabar karena niat hati ini belum lurus.
inna sholati wanusuki wamahyaya wamamati lillahi robbil alamin (Q.S Al-An'am: 162).
Sesungguhnya sholatku, ibadahku, hidup, dan matiku hanya untuk Tuhan Semesta Alam.
Bukan keinginan hati ini yang dikejar, tapi ridho Allah. Tuhan semesta alam.
Dan mungkin salah satu caranya adalah dengan menghidupi doa iftitah yang senantiasa kita ulang ketika sholat:
la syarika lahu wa bidzalika umirtu wa ana minal muslimin (tiada sekutu bagi-Nya. Dan begitulah aku diperintahkan dan aku dari golongan orang muslim.)
Dan baru aku tahu bahwa muslimin artinya berserah diri.
Sepertinya, itu inti dari berdoa.
Pengakuan bahwa kita hanyalah seorang hamba.
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jordanianroyals · 4 months
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Princess Haya bint Firas (b. 7 March 2003 in Washington DC, USA) is the middle child of Prince Firas bin Ra’ad and his wife Dana. 
The princess is the granddaughter of Prince Ra'ad bin Zeid, Head of the Iraqi side of Hashemite dynasty (now defunct). She graduated from the prestigious Philips Exeter Academy in 2021 and is currently a student at Brown University. 
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de-de-ashore · 7 months
﴿الَّذينَ آمَنوا وَتَطمَئِنُّ قُلوبُهُم بِذِكرِ اللَّهِ أَلا بِذِكرِ اللَّهِ تَطمَئِنُّ القُلوبُ﴾ [الرعد: ٢٨]🌸🩵
“Those who have believed and whose hearts are at peace in the remembrance of God. Indeed, in the remembrance of God are hearts reassured.” [Al-Ra’ad: 28]
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crossoverquest · 1 year
P’andor: Laura Apollodoros Hyginus La Mer and Pico Fulp.
Bivalvin: Been a while. You promised you’d write.
Pico: Well, Bivalvin, we’ve been kinda busy.
Ra’ad: We’re pretty busy ourselves, so it’s awful convenient, you showin’ up today.
Laura: Yeah… You’ve never been one to shy away from trouble.
P’andor: Hey--we worked hard for the bounty on this cache of A.A.H.W affiliated arms. You best move on now.
Pico: Hmph. All I want is the red KRISS Vector. Everything else is yours.
Ra’ad: This gun? *Picks up the gun Pico mentioned*
Andreas: Huh, Ra’ad…
Ra’ad: Well, well… Now you got my attention. What kind of gun is it?
Pico: That’s none of your business.
P’andor: Well as I see it, now it's very much our business.
Laura: *'sighs'* It doesn't always have to be this way, P’andor.
P’andor: Apparently, it does.
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rainrain64 · 3 months
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Bivalvan if he slayed
My girlfriend said that bivalvan and ra’ad both look muslim so now i had to make an alien muslim sapphic ver😒 his pronouns are still he/him and he’s bi
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whatudottu · 2 years
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In honour of Flat Fuck Friday- have Ra’ad being x-rayed in an Earth hospital. He (and other Amperi) I believe need to retain moisture in their skin to be able to breath so…
Get Laminated.
Based on this haha,
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luce1ence · 5 months
dm for permission to speak on alizayd al qahtani and deen ra’ad 😤
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insane-mane · 1 year
What do you think happened to the Andromeda 5 after the Ult Kevin Arc? You joked about Bivalvan owning a car wash franchise but I actually like that idea XD, they all just stayed on Earth for some reason
Galapagus teaches like yoga at the mall
And P'andor is just in prison because I do believe he was a criminal
I think if anything, Andreas and Galapagus would visit every so often, maybe Andreas would have had a hand in building Undertown?
Ra’ad and Bivalvan probably don’t want anything to do with earth, and P’Andor doesn’t need to be anywhere near em so he’s def in prison
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hunty627 · 2 years
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Bivalvan, Galapagus, P’andor, Andreas and Ra’ad are the 5 aliens from the Andromeda galaxy far away. Their superpowers are very amazing. Ben became friends with them and helped them get back to their homes safely. They’re the same species as Water Hazard, Terraspin, NRG, Armodrillo and Ampfibian.
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andrewtheprophet · 2 months
Israel Kills Hamas Officials At Shifa Hospital: Revelation 11
IDF kills additional senior Hamas officials at Shifa Hospital Several terrorists were eliminated in the raid in close combat with Israeli forces, including senior Hamas leader Ra’ad Thabat and Mahmoud Khalil Ziqzouq. By JERUSALEM POST STAFFMARCH 30, 2024 18:29Updated: MARCH 30, 2024 21:1 Soldiers killed several Hamas senior officials in face-to-face combat at Gaza’s Shifa Hospital on…
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jordanianroyals · 6 months
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An encounter with HRH Princess Dina Mired
4 December 2018 Written by: NURUL AIN HUDA ABDULLAH Email: [email protected]
CLAD in a black and white dress with a black coat, exuding regal presence yet greeting me with a wide warm smile, I was entranced by her beauty and strength and immediately understood why she had such an impact on anyone who had met her.
It was towards the end of her fifth day in Malaysia this time around – constantly photographed at seemingly endless public engagements and media inter-views since her arrival, was Her Royal Highness Princess Dina Mired of Jordon. Expecting grandeur since our last interview a couple of years back, I was taken aback at how far removed she still is from the regal standoffish demeanor as I met her after the closing of the recent World Cancer Congress (WCC).
First Arab president of UICC
This is because of her dual role — a princess and an activist in addition to being a mother. Born Dina Mohammad Khalifeh, she married HRH Prince Mired bin Ra’ad in 1992 and soon became the proud mother of three children; Princess Shirin, Prince Rakan and Prince Jafar.
Princess Dina is also the first Arab to be elected president of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) for the 2018-2020 term. The UICC is the largest global organisation solely dedicated to reducing the global cancer burden, promoting greater equity and integrating cancer control into the world health and development agenda. It is comprised of over 1000 organisations from 162 countries, making it the largest cancer-fighting organisation in the world.
“My title as a ‘princess’ comes with great responsibilities and my role as a global advocate for cancer control and non-communicable diseases is some-thing I take very seriously. My other title ‘mother of a cancer survivor’ gives me the privilege to help parents and caregivers of cancer.”
“Although I may not have a medical background, coming from the heart of the developing world, and having led the King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF) as director general for 15 years till June 2016, I have extensive proven experience in addressing the challenges of cancer and more importantly, in finding practical solutions that can improve cancer care and control in low and middle-income countries.”
“Now as the president of UICC and as a mother of a cancer survivor, I plan to work tirelessly to help reduce the global burden of childhood cancers, until a child in the developing world has the same chance to be cured as a child with cancer in a developed country. I will work to strengthen this valuable synergy in order to find solid practical solutions to help bridge the gap in cancer control between countries in the developing and developed world.”
When Dina’s second son Rakan was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL) in 1997, Dina was thrust with the role of a caregiver. At that time, the family was living in England. 
“We experienced a multitude of emotions: shock, sadness, helplessness, confusion and mostly fear of losing what was most precious to us. We kept asking ourselves: “Why did this happen to us? How did we miss the signs?”
“There were lots of questions. After the initial shock and lots of tears, we quickly realised that we had to be strong and focus on saving our child. So we quickly kicked into action.”
After his diagnosis, Rakan began receiving treatment, but his cancer relapsed after 18 months of chemotherapy. The family then headed to Boston where the toddler received a bone marrow transplant donated by his older sister; Shirin who was four year old then at the Dana-Farber Boston Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders Centre.  (Source: Revon Media)
“We were fortunate to have been living in England at that time because Rakan wouldn’t have been able to get the treat-ment he needed in Jordan,” she confides as the treatment options in her homeland was scarce.
“At that time, cancer was so taboo. The Al-Amal Centre (meaning hope in Arabic) was the first centre for cancer care and it was just opening. Even the word ‘cancer’ was intentionally omitted from the centre’s name. But we were fortunate to give Rakan the treatment that he needed. But what about other cancer patients? Those who didn’t have the financial means to get the treatment they needed?” she asked.
Focus on caregivers and family members
As a caregiver herself, Dina affirmed that caregivers need support from family and friends, as the treatment for cancer is long, time consuming with lots of ups and downs riddled with tension.
“The same goes for family members. At the end of his treatment, we were in the United States and were coached on the huge effect cancer has on siblings. It’s very important for the whole family and the school to be told about how to recognise the suffering that siblings go through. There is now lots of research and great advice on how to talk to children and siblings about cancer.
Speaking to children is an art in itself, but in such an important situation as a cancer diagnosis, I’d urge parents to seek advice so that they know how, when and what is age-appropriate to discuss.”
Dina explained that the first thing any cancer sufferer would point out to is that one starts to appreciate the little things; the ordinary acts of simple living.
“I would say that this is the one bright aspect of a cancer diagnosis, one really understands that one should never take one’s health for granted and to count one’s blessings. Now, as a family, we try to have better nutrition, exercise more and smoking is certainly forbidden in our house.” Dina then emphasised that every-thing needs to be in moderation.
“Certainly exercise but it doesn’t have to be extreme but regular, and we need to move more. Choosing healthy food, alcohol in moderation, certainly no smoking and try not to be too stressed as much as possible.”
“Obesity as we all know as well as processed sugar is really bad and is really food for cancer. So, this is our responsibility as individuals.”
Reiterating that it is not just the burden on the individual to keep healthy, she expounded that the governments need to provide a healthy environment for their citizens.
“If healthy food is not as costly compared to unhealthy food, when its citizens don’t have that much money, with no places to work, no places to run, no school programmes to teach the kids, especially now with technology of course – making our kids sit down and be stationed all the time, how can we make that a lifestyle choice?” she poses.
“Governments have to make tobacco-free public spaces, stop advertising for tobacco, stopping the tap for all the risk factors that bring in the patients. Yes, we call it lifestyle choices, but it is not really lifestyle choices alone. The big burden is on the government to provide and implement that.”
Dina pointed out that UICC has a very strong membership base of not only credible and talented institutions, but also most importantly, members who are utterly dedicated to fight for cancer control equity in the world.
When asked regarding her position as the president and Malaysia, she was quick to rationalize that it is not really her plans.
“It is really how Malaysia will want to take ownership and utilise the wealth of knowledge of the UICC to benefit themselves. Because we are there – we help the people who really want to help themselves.”
“The political will has to be there. We have to reach out. At the UICC; we have so many tools, there are many programmes that you can join. But off-course, you are doing great in so many things. Nobody is perfect, somethings you could do more.”
“Really, the secret is that now that you know UICC, you should apply for the City Cancer Challenge initiative and when you do that, it is going to be an opportunity not to be missed, this is when Malaysia will benefit. The country has to take ownership – otherwise we can’t do it. 
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