#queen langwidere
maculategiraffe · 2 months
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fanartbyherd · 3 months
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Me having silly head-cannon designs for the other Olympians form Ulysses dies at dawn by the Mechanisms.
As well as what their role in the city is outside of being crime bosses and mobsters. I’m not 100% certain with all these designs, but they are something.
Introducing from top to bottom, left to right.
Zeus - the biggest crime boss of the city. He practically owns the utilities, especially has a monopoly on most of the cities power grid. He controls a lot of the city by keeping it in the family and he has a big family. (he/him)
Poseidon- powerhouse in industry who’s main competitors are hestia and hepatitis, but they work in a shaky alliance as often as they work against eachother. He also has control of all the resources that come from what’s left of the oceans.(he/him)
Hera- the ultimate socialite. Anyone who is anyone wants to be invited to her shindigs. To be dropped from the invite list is to be declared socially dead. She controls large parts of the cities everyday burocratices and especially when it comes to marriage, funerals and organized festivals. Paperwork needs her seal of approval to be legal. She is known to be petty. (She/her)
Apollo- a huge influencer, dominates the social media and content viewed by the masses. Most of his power comes from his control of the medical sector, but he distracts the population from that fact by his contributions in the arts and music. Called the sun of Olympus. He is sometimes called the sun of the Olympians and is set to take over as head of comity if Zeus ever steps down (not happening) has a particular dislike of the Coptic gods, Hades in particular. (he/him)
Athena- she is a powerhouse in libraries, education, and the legal network. They know the laws as they wrote most of the laws. She is also a great sponsor of the arts. she runs the newspapers and has a web of information.(she/them)
Hermes- transportation, shipping and delivery, they also essentially run large portions or the cities information network. They are sometimes called the ghost of the internet along with their assistant Iris. (they/them)
Artemis- law enforcement and jails. She has her elite huntresses who deal with outlaws and criminals, renegades and thieves. She also preserves the little that remains of the cities “wild places” this is most of the time more of luxury gardens than anything that is actually wilderness. She is often considered one of the weakest of the Olympians, but as she has the backing of her brother no one bothers her, she is also a lot more powerful than people really give her credit for. After all the weakest Olympian is still more powerful than the strongest mortal king (she/her)
Demeter- the madam of food. The farms of the cities are hers and everyone relies on her food. She has adopted the mysterious ‘Persephone’ as her daughter (she/ her)
Hephaestus- the other powerhouse of industry, but focusing more on specialized goods and luxuries. Him, Aphrodite and Aries have a well known on-again-off-again situation going on. He is also know for creative (he/him)
Aphrodite- she defines beauty. Their head can be removed and swapped out as well as most of their other body parts. She controls cosmetic industries and clothing trends. He is the ultimate pimp. Running all the cities brothels and red lights districts even if doing so In the shadows. (she/them/him)
Note: Aphrodite was sort of inspired by princess langwidere from the wizard of oz. Because she is low key horrifying and I think it would fit.
Ares- the machines of war, the defenses of city districts, personal security, and criminal activities are all places where ares turns his attention. War is business and they make certain business stays booming. (they/them)
Hestia- she is that one essential oils lady, queen of home gadgets and MLMS. This Olympian has for centuries monopolized housing and construction. She is the largest landlord and head of the majority construction companies in the city. She is planning on retirement so she can focus more on her love of pyramid schemes. Though she has yet to name a successor. (she/her)
Note: this is all headcannon that I made for the fun of it. Perhaps it will be useful to someone, but for now it’s just silly headcannons.
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roguescarlett · 3 years
the indecisive design choices was picking which hair colour to use for Empress Minerva within the Nexus universe.
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lexa-kom-skaikru · 7 years
I just finished watching Emerald City and outside of "this show is fucking AWESOME" the only thing I have to say is... They better bring back Langwidere! And not just the character but the actress too. I know the character changes faces but when they change actors to play the same character in the same show (not reboots or anything like that) it's always worse. Langwidere is an awesome character and part of that is because the actress did such an amazing job with her.
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tomtefairytaleblog · 5 years
My random Baum/Oz-related headcanon is that at one point Princess Langwidere wanted Queen Zixi’s head because she thought it was pretty. Eventually, she managed to get it (somehow...) but then immediately returned it when she realized that as a trade-off to Zixi’s eternal youth, her reflection actually shows her true age (680+ years). This didn’t sit well with Langwidere, because she likes admiring her reflection.
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biwitchofthewest · 7 years
they better fucking repair langwidere or I swear to god im gonna be angry
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Jack: *calls Lady Ev a jackass to her face*
Lady Ev:
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So two days after a king dies, they gotta dress a tin man up as a Christmas elf after banging him in the royal bedroom… Oz has the most complicated mourning traditions i’ve ever seen
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krulmari · 5 years
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We like to wish our favorite masked queen of Ev, Stefanie Martini, a very happy birthday and best wishes for the coming year!
She has done an exemplary job bringing Princess Langwidere (Lady Ev) to life on Emerald City and it is one of our dearest hopes to see both her and series return to our screens once more! Until then we wish her all the best in her upcoming projects and roles and ask you to join us in celebrating her birthday!
Credit to @grande-caps for the screencap we used for this edit. 🙂
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ellestra · 7 years
That was underwhelming
It feels like there should be one more episode.There was this  great build up to a confrontation. To which Armies - white and black. Wizard and his men. Dorothy and stone giants. Instead of it all kind of fizzled.
Yes, Ozma did take over Emerald City. Yes, Glinda kind of tricked Dorothy to defeat Wizard and his men. And yes, Wizard is dead and Dorothy met her mom. She finally learnt who her mother was and then she barely had a chance to speak to her before she was sent back. At least she managed to save Karen, But really the stories were kind of left unfinished. Even Glinda was disappointed with the result. Nothing was truly resolved (well except the Wizard).
Did West and Glinda reunited under Ozma despite their conflicting ideologies? Can they work together? Is Jack dead? Will he be a full robot now just like Langwidere? And is the Queen of Ev back online? What about Mombi?
Was there a war with Beast Forever? If magic never managed to hurt him before how did he land in the Prison of the Abject? Is that why they need Dorothy? But Ozma has the same magic - she freed all the other witches - so why can’t she put him back?
Who took Roan of that cross? Was it Eamon? Why Glinda didn’t send someone to look for him earlier? Who healed him? Or has it been that long? How Jane sent him back if she’s in prison?
This is shitty way to end a mini series. Even if you play for getting renewed give your mini a proper ending and then add the cliffhanger with Beast Forever. It felt like all the conflicts were artificial and the violence perpetrated to solve them was pointless. The burning up the young witches, attack on Ev, Dorothy trying to kill Glinda and even worse Glinda and Roan trying to kill Dorothy, the conflict between Glinda and West. In the end it felt almost like it all didn’t really matter. Even the destruction of witches temple by the Giant only disrupted Glinda’s spell.
Still Dorothy better get her ass back to Oz. After all she freed Beast Forever. It’s time to actually fix something.
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quotes-from-oz · 5 years
Here’s a list of all of the members of the Royal Family of Ev:
The King of Ev, named Evoldo
The Queen of Ev, unnamed
(Their children, in no particular order) Evring, Evanna, Evrose, Evardo, Evella, Evirene, Evedna, Evrob, Evington and Evroland. 
The king’s niece, Langwidere
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theglasscat · 6 years
No prob. Which personality trait of Ozma's are you fond of best?
In Marvelous Land of Oz, they start as this beleaguered child trying to get out of an abusive home and just ends up being thrust into this position of incredible power without much choice in the matter.  I think that they can go from that to “Supreme and Gracious Leader of the Great Country/Empire of Oz” is an incredible character arc we don’t see and I want to see so bad so I make a lot of fan-art/fan-fic about it.
I just want to get into Ozma’s brain and see how she feels about her life.—Also everything going on in this passage from Ozma of Oz (1906):“[.,,] whereupon the Princess Langwidere, roused to great anger by this rude invasion of her palace, came running into the drawing room without any assistance whatever.  [… ] 
‘How dare you enter my palace unbidden? Leave this room at once, or I will bind you and all your people in chains, and throw you into my darkest dungeons!’
‘What a dangerous lady!’ murmured the Scarecrow, in a soft voice.
‘She seems a little nervous,’ replied the Tin Woodman.
But Ozma only smiled at the angry Princess.
‘Sit down, please,’ she said, quietly.  ‘I have traveled a long way to see you, and you must listen to what I have to say.’
‘Must!’ screamed the Princess, her black eyes flashing with fury- for she still wore No. 17 head. ‘Must, to me!’
‘To be sure,’ said Ozma. ‘I am Ruler of the Land of Oz, and I am powerful enough to destroy all your kingdom, if I so wish.  Yet I did not come here to do harm, but rather to free the royal family of Ev from the thrall of the Nome King, the news having reached me that he is holding the Queen and her children prisoners.’ ”
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kalena-henden · 7 years
After reading @kira-ning‘s latest Jackev meta, I realized two things which I thought needed their own post. The first is about the odd romantic/political trio tug-of-war that Tip-Jack-Langwidere currently find themselves in.
Since Tip/Ozma is the rightful Queen of Oz and Langwidere is the Queen of Ev, then Jack is the King of Hearts, making him one of the most powerful men in the land. How he handles these relationships will indirectly affect EVERYONE. He might be able to help Langwidere consider the best options and possibly even be a bridge to unite the Kingdom of Ev with Tip/Ozma and the witches against the Wizard to depose him and place Ozma back on her family’s throne as a friendly neighbor with a strong alliance. Or he has the potential power to pit Oz and Ev against each other if he sides with only one kingdom. 
The second thing is Kira wondered what circumstances lead to Langwidere’s inability to understand any relationships other that family, politics, servants and property. Why are ‘friends’ and ‘lovers’ such foreign concepts? 
Well, it all goes back to the Wizard. Twenty years ago when the Wizard killed the royal family of Oz (including it was thought their baby girl who was heir) to claim authority over the kingdom, it terrified the rulers of the neighboring Kingdom of Ev who had a young child of their own.  As we’ve heard Langwidere tell the Wizard, he left the Kingdom of Ev to fend for itself when the Beast Forever last came, which resulted in her mother’s death during the great flood. The King of Ev now reeling from the grief of his deceased wife, his kingdom in tatters from the Beast Forever, and the threat that the Wizard may turn his eye to expand his kingdom by killing himself and his only child, resolves to rebuild and fortify his kingdom against all possible threats. Trusting his daughter and only living family to the charge of no one, he insists that she become his constant companion. Hiring the best tutors and teaching her himself the ins-and-outs of politics and business, the only personal relationships they have are with each other as incredibly co-dependent family. The king never allowed himself to fall in love again, which would have modeled what a lovers relationship is like, and he never allowed Langwidere other companions or friends because of his fear she might be killed (and possibly he selfishly didn’t want to share Langwidere’s affections with anyone else). All of this resulted in Langwidere being quite clueless when it comes to friends and lovers. So almost from birth, Ozma and Langwidere have been connected. The Princess Ozma’s ‘death’ directly affected how Princess Langwidere was raised.
Until Langwidere stumbled upon Jack in Jane’s workshop, she never realized what she was missing. Along with the fact that her longtime companion, her father, was no longer mentally there, she began to feel lonely and longed for a new companion. The only way she understood how to accomplish this was to ‘buy’ a new companion. While her father truly was unfit to rule any longer, she kept up appearances and effectively ruled as regent for two reasons. The first is that she loved him tremendously and didn’t want to see his honor diminished. The second is that 'the mask of her father the king’ allowed her freedom to do as she wished, whereas if she were officially queen she would have many more demands on her time along with further expectations of decorum. As we’ve seen both before and after she became queen, she takes ruling very seriously. Then we come back to Jack challenging her worldview at every turn. Helping her to see another viewpoint as she also does for him. They are learning about love and friendship and making very painful mistakes along the way but they’ll get there.
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kira-ning · 7 years
Jackev 1x07: Power, Friendship, Sex
Over the past couple of weeks I’ve been seeing posts/comments over the internet showing concern over Jack’s age. The truth is his age hasn’t been explicitly stated, neither have there been many clues for us to work with. I don’t see the age difference between him and Lady Ev being as big as some suggest, but at this stage your guess is as good as mine. The reason why I start by saying this is because this is often how concerns about this relationship are articulated, while I would suggest that even if the two of them were to be the same age, their relationship would still be disturbing.
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As Jack and Lady Ev navigate where they stand in each other’s lives, we will continue to see the tussle between ‘my property’ and ‘my friend’. Inter-mixed with genuine feelings, there’s a definite power play going on. This will never be completely resolved unless and until Lady Ev makes Jack a free man. And for that to happen, there’s still a lot of growing to do. And I would also suggest – that they are indeed helping each other to grow, in a very unconventional way.
*Please note this long meta includes potential spoilers for future episodes. 
Interestingly, it is becoming more evident that neither of them very self-aware but Jack is even less so than Lady Ev is. Jack doesn’t realise he has a streak of self-centeredness – to be honest I didn’t realise it either until he got so angry at Tip. Not to say I can’t understand how he feels, and he’s had it rough, but haven’t they all been through something rough? 
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And that’s what Lady Ev tries to tell him in the carriage. He’s angry at her not accepting his efforts to comfort her (we’ll get to her end later), so he finds the first opportunity to snap back at her. He’s consumed with his body – but here’s the thing - Lady Ev has absolutely no problems with his body. And I think the moment she tells him to get out of the carriage is the moment she’s to her limit with him feeling sorry for himself for something she personally accepts – especially at a time when she’s mourning her father and also (by her own admission), wants to feel sorry for herself. Was that a callous act? Oh absolutely. But did she have a point? Oddly yes.
What’s interesting about the whole conversation in the carriage is that there’s so much misunderstanding between them. When Lady Ev tells Jack that everything he says is wrong, everything about him is wrong I don’t think she’s talking about his body at all. But Jack takes it that way, which is why he says, “I thought that’s why you liked me?” – From Ep 4 till now he still can’t fathom her buying him or wanting to be friends with him other than some common understanding that they are both (physical) freaks. On a side note, that is possibly why he’s also protective of her need to mask herself – he may be thinking that it’s something physical she’s hiding as well.
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More likely than her referencing his physicality, I think she’s actually referencing his attempt to comfort her. To her, it’s wrong because it doesn’t make sense. Remember, it’s highly unlikely she’s experienced genuine acts of kindness in her life. Lady Ev has an odd way of correcting words. It’s not ‘sick’, it’s ‘leaving without actually leaving’. It’s not ‘died’, it’s ‘murdered’. It’s not an abstract ‘loss’, it’s a personal ‘father’. Again she’s an extreme of frankness. She has no understanding of, or at least no inclination towards niceties. She wants everything said exactly. She had no qualms telling the wizard she wants revenge, while staying in Oz. That’s the kind of person she is. So for us, what Jack says may be easily identifiable words of comfort, but she doesn’t recognise them.
When Jack tells her that the more he ‘sees’ the more he realises how hard it is for her, she turns away from him, then asks him why he’s even talking. Later on in the conversation he’s just trying to be kind to her. But as with them at the carnival, I think she doesn’t yet realise that there would be a person out there who isn’t her father who would voluntarily show her kindness. And she certainly hasn’t learned the socially appropriate way to respond to that.
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Then there’s the more obvious part of her taking out all her anger and feelings on Jack. That’s definitely part of it too. Also, she is clearly struggling with some jealousy regarding Tip. I had previously theorised that she would get jealous over Tip, but when that didn’t seem to happen last week I was surprised. Turns out she was jealous after all – and not only is that not surprising I do think she has genuine feelings for him. This isn’t simply about him being her ‘property’.
Additionally, I think what’s great about the both of them is Jack doesn’t care that she’s a princess (now queen) either. He demands to know why she’s throwing him out of the carriage. He insists he was trying to be kind. And it’s only when she tells him he missed that he huffs out the door.
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Complicated? We’re only getting started.
What amazes me is that Jack has such confidence in the good that’s in her. The first thing he says to her when he sees her at the screaming forest is, “I knew you couldn’t be so mean to leave me here” – And I’m like, really?? Cos that’s totally something I could imagine her doing. He has 10 times more faith in her than I do. She on the other hand has no qualms admitting that she did in fact leave him and was mean. But he’s also right – she did go back for him.
But here’s where my confusion starts. How on earth did she know which part of the forest he was in? How did she know he needed oil?
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And, most disturbing of all, why would they choose this timing to have a scene like this? What I mean is, I don’t think her laughing when she sees Jack rusted is out of character. I don’t see her oiling him where she shouldn’t, and enjoying her control over him, out of character. What is confusing is that she has clearly been distraught about her father and overwhelmed by her new responsibilities. How is she able to suddenly switch to this teasing (even devious) side of hers like that?
If this theory proves right and she does have multiple personalities than that would explain this scene quite well. But then it raises even more questions. She doesn’t change her masks so a change in personality has nothing to do with the masks. Furthermore, as per my understanding of split personalities, it is usually associated with some memory loss, and usually the second personality surfaces when it is triggered (please correct me if I’m wrong). I don’t see any of that applicable to her.
I think this scene was mainly put in to show us that the mechanical parts of Jack still have a sense of touch. Which would then clear up the bulk of the questions people may have when they eventually have sex after. But it also highlights that she does delight over having control over him. 
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She intentionally stops just as he’s really enjoying it, is teasing when he asks her if she’s really stopping then. Plus the proximity in which they are standing and the framing of this shot, which is after she has already oiled him – it’s definitely still quite sexual.
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Then we see them head back to Ev, and I’ll be honest with you, Ev is so beautiful. It’s beautiful in an empty way, and certainly does put us back in an atmosphere of melancholy as Langwidere and Jack travel up on the funicular. 
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The guards are just – there. Lifeless, almost mechanical themselves. And they are so disassociated from her. If you remember, she sent Jack to look for her father. Her guards just stood with her. It does seem like Jack is the only one she can trust. Even as they go up staring out through the window, there’s the split moment where it looks like she reaches out to his hand (it cuts too fast though). 
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That’s emphasised when she brings him to the most private of rooms, and the hugeness of the room emphasises how small she feels at the moment. This scene, in direct contrast to the scene in the screaming forest, is one of incredible vulnerability for her.
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She grieves the loss of her father, admits how overwhelmed she is by her new responsibility by telling Jack it’s not something she wanted. The truth is even with her father around she must have felt helpless and alone, but put on a front in the face of threats to Ev like the wizard.
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Jack feels for her when she cries, but instead of saying anything, he now turns, voluntarily, to walk away. It’s so nice how he remembers that she wanted to be by herself in the carriage, and doesn’t want to upset her again. And in contrast to the carriage, now, instead of commanding him to leave, she asks him to stay. She says, ‘please’.
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As @livinglights puts it so well here, it’s beautiful how she’s willing to be so open and vulnerable so as to take off the mask, when not long ago she said she’d only do it when they were friends. As she told Tip last episode, Jack is her friend. When she says it she truly means it, now more so than ever.
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Also as frustrating as it is that Jack stopped her from taking off the mask, it’s still a beautiful moment because he doesn’t want her to do anything uncomfortable on his account. Granted I think she really wanted to show her true self to him, having no one else to be so intimate with, but this too is a nice contrast to the scene in the carriage. Remember when he tells her ‘the more I see of everything’ she immediately looks away. But this time when he says, “I do see you”, she doesn’t. Previously, she wasn’t ready to be seen. Now, she is.
When he moves to kiss her she responds to him. And after the lack of agency in the forest, is nice that he does have some here. 
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I would argue that even her undressing is of a completely different dynamic from that in the forest. Here, she bares herself in an offer to him. And the shot also suggests a little more vulnerability too.
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So in conclusion I can totally see why Jack and Ev’s relationship can put people off. As it stands, it’s not healthy. It is however, to me, the most fascinating dynamic in the show. There’s still so many questions still left unanswered that potentially change how I feel about them, but for the time being, I’m still willing to see their progress.
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blackscifimatters · 7 years
thoughts on Emerald City S01E09 [spoilers]
- I know genetics are a bitch but Karen is more believable as Dorothy's mother than Jane - The real story revolves around Tip - The Beast as the skinned man should have been a recurring character. Why did he attack Nahara's husband? Why did he listen to Nahara? What was his purpose? What did East know about him? - Frank needs to stay dead even though I don't really think he is dead. He will probably return as Mechanical Frank - I miss Queen Langwidere - I am not the biggest Jack fan but his attack made me feel bad for him - The real story revolves around Tip If Emerald City gets renewed, I will be happy but it has to move beyond Dorothy. Where is Mother South? Does Glinda have other plans? How does Glinda feel about Tip having East's spells? Who freed Lucas/Roan? So many questions and some hope they will be answered.
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