#queen guinvere
tiodolma · 4 months
i feel like there is no ageism here lol
i mean im sad guinevere got kidnapped by meleagant but like why did he wait for years to do this? why not when everyone was looking for the holy grail?
but hey he still got the hots for old queen guinevere
so this is malory's version of lancelot: knight of the cart then.
i like that her knight bodyguards protected her with everything they got tho
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sibeal · 1 year
calling all choices players who also get hung up on minor details especially related to cultural heritage
google isnt helping, so just taking a stab in the dark: does arthurian legend feature bacchanalias or is the inclusion of it in Guinvere just for the story? Not familiar enough with either bacchanalias or retellings of arthurian legend to figure out how they fit together, if they do.
Also are bacchanalias a thing today in usamerica? I think I remember it happening in queen b too. basically im trying to figure out if the bacchanalia is more tied to modern-day culture in usa or actually featured in older versions
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she doesn't quite understand the concept of a queen yet, but she's really pretty, she knows that. her eyes sparking
nice to meet you guine-
gwenie- Guinvere?
writing child speech is amazing
”Verie works, heh…”
She continues to smile, laughing softly at her happi stimming.
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roundtabletexts · 4 years
Guinevere: We should do this more often.
Morgan: Sit in a warm room laughing at your court tearing itself apart?
Guinevere: It's harmless good fun.
Morgan: I believed that about the sledding until they started dunking each other in the drifts.
Guinevere: It was only a matter of time before the snowballs started flying.
Morgan: Did I ever tell you about the last time Gareth and Mordred got into a fight with kitchenware? They weren't very big, but the noise was wretched.
Guinevere: No, but there were a couple of incidents when Gareth was working in the scullery.
Morgan: So that's why they instinctively shielded themselves with the trays.
Guinevere: Nobody's quite recovered from The Dish Wars. Did you see that?
Morgan: Of course it'd be Gaheris to try and light a snowball on fire.
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magicnights · 3 years
@a-shy-mage​ requested: 
 There's been rumors of a bird like monster living in the woods, yet the woods were rather hard to get through, vine grew to block off certain paths. Jay, though, was thankful that people usually got deterred from the maze-like woods. ((For any muse))
     Unfortunately, Guinvere being one of the very very few people who would ignore an warning like that, or gossip from nearby villagers regarding about the living horrible creature. Regardless of her emotional state, this budding (?) mage will fight this bird, or at least figure out what it is . She’s well-prepared... With her potions, & one.. tome to use.  So she believes.  “Pardon me, magus!” She notices the poncho mage. After all, who wouldn’t? 
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“Is this the forbidden woods?” Her finger points at the ominous place. “Ah, please.” 
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witchmd13 · 4 years
Gwen: how is my helping you going to change anything?
Morgana: because people think you’re nice. You say excuse me and thank you and look like birds help you dress in the morning!
Gwen: hey, I haven’t been dressed by a bird since I was two!
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goblin-writer · 2 years
Dolorous Guard and the Golden Dragon
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A field of red unfurled. Their lord, Lancelot, first among the knight had returned to Joyous Guard with a Queen. Someone else’s queen. The citizens of his fief put away their arm bands of white gold and doffed their coats and shirts of blue, returning once again to their Dolorous colours. Red cloaks billowed in the wind and gleaming swords were produced.
They knew a dragon was coming. A golden dragon that would descend upon their land and upon his return leave a field of white in his wake. Already the beast was stirring at the behest of another.
While his people prepared themselves for war Lancelot stood in the crypt and the tomb with his name upon it. He had never thought it would end like this.
Agravain had tried to run to Arthur to expose Lancelot and Guinevere. Lancelot managed to strike him down but, so witnessed, fled from Camlann.
Arthur, who had watched that treason called to him to explain himself. Lancelot couldn’t without revealing his love for the Queen. Then, when Mordred appeared pulling her along Lancelot knew he was done.
“Uncle,” The dark-haired youth dared to smile, “Agravain and I discovered Guinevere in Lancelots chambers.”
A glint revealed a dagger at Guinevere’s throat. Her eyes had been wide and pleading, her face pale as a shroud. Lancelot then took his sword and with a yell struck Mordred from chin to cheek leaving him alive but wounded. Turning to his king he saw a grim countenance as he had seen so often on campaign. Arthur reached for his sword.
Lancelot had been first amongst the knights and likely could have beaten Arthur who had  lost some of his fire in recent years. Still, he’d need to kill him and escape which would not be possible. Instead, he and Guinevere fled from the castle. The only place for them was his home across the sea. Still, he was sure Arthur Pendragon was coming, under the banner he had so often fought under.
Lancelot took his necklace of the cross, given to him upon gaining his knighthood, and placed it into the tomb of his name. Then he walked to the great hall of Dolorous Guard, wreathed in red and silver and took donned a helmet made to look like a drakehound and imbued by the wizard Merlin before his disappearance. The people of the Guard would hold as long as they could.
At Camlann the knights mourned their murdered friend as Mordred was looked after by court healers. He would be scarred for life. Still, Arthur wanted to parlay with Lancelot but his court would not let him. And so they raised the Pendragon and gathered their fleet to sail to Dolorous Guard. Lancelot and Guinevere would be held to account for their actions.
“Despite all that I have given him,” Arthur said as he sat with Gawain, Galahad, and others of his most faithful knights, “He has betrayed me. Betrayed us.”
“We must make an example of him,” Sir Gareth said, “He has slain a knight and my brother.”
“And still I wish we could bring him to heel without the loss of life.”
“That would not satisfy our laws nor our honour,” Gawain opined, “He has chosen his path, and despite his good deeds he must be punished.”
And so, they reached a point from which they could not turn back. A week elapsed and ten thousand men and knights gathered under various banners. Feirifez stood amongst the foremost of the knights with his slate grey armour encrusted with jewels and his banner flying beside the Pendragon.
As the fleet set forth events beyond their knowledge began to unfold. Guinvere returned of her own free will to discover her husband gone to bring Lancelot to justice. Mordred sat beside the throne in those days passing judgement in his uncles’ stead with a black dragon on a field of green. And on the island of Avalon two ships were made ready to sail toward Camlann.
Thank you to @flashfictionfridayofficial​ for another lovely prompt. Was looking at my copy of Le Mort DArthur and knew exactly what I wanted to write.
I hope y’all enjoyed.
Words: 669
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everemore · 4 years
"ALTER EGO-SAN! WATCH OUT!" You shouted, before bashing an enemy that was about to attack Guinvere from behind, as you wipe the sweat off of your face, "Are you alright?"
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“Oh!” The forsaken queen was taken off guard by the sudden appearance of the enemy and barely managed to take a step back before her companion came to her rescue. 
“Y-Yes! Thank you Shielder…!” A hint of embarrassment dusts on her cheeks as she grabs the strap over her shoulder. Now fully aware of her surroundings she pulls the case by the strap off her back and readies to pull out her weapon. “There’s most likely more to come, I’ll cover your back.”
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multistoty · 2 years
♧ | for Guinevere
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Guinvere couldn’t help a little laugh as she felt the manservant play with the ends of her hair with suprising gentleness. Merlin was usually a cacophony of sound and personality that the gentle way he seemed to lay lazily along the grass at her side. It was a day off an Arthur had deemed Merlin necesscary to stay for the festivites. Sure, maybe the boy had chosen this company instead of being chased around by the cook pressed to meet Uther Pendragon’s expectations. Yet, it warmed her heart more than the the sun beaming onto her darkened skin. Growing up in the castle, the lady’s servant had hidden away in Igraine’s garden. The queen’s passing meant that only the ocassional gardener strayed into the beautiful path of pastel flowers that seemed to come from a world long ago gone like the King who had died slightly with his wife. Guinevere wasn’t certain were the cat like grinning boy had found her hiding place. Merlin was far more clever than anyone gave him credit for. He and Arthur had an odd respect for eachother that only someone who knew them so well could tell. Her doe eyes met his bright ones as the maiden leaned over further. Her head laying gently along the man’s grass stained leg. Craving the soothing feeling of his fingers against her unruly locks. A slightly challenging raised eyebrow pulled towards him though she wouldn’t spook Merlin from the gentle affections. The raven haired boy seemed lost in his head a lot. A mission on his own accord. The reverant kindness eased her weight. “someone’s bright this morning,” A light tease left her lips. Grateful to see someone she cared for so happy. They had once liked eachother romantically though the line of platonic soulmates had been a bridge they always should have cost. “I narrowly avoided dress shopping with Morgana and the cook seemed to be on a rampage. Your smart to stay out here though you always are.”
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"Did you see the way the Queen looks at the knight, Lancelot? Say what you want, I don't think the Queen should be this close with the king's knights..."
“How silly a thing to say. Sir Lancelot is my husband’s dearest friend. It’s only natural I should care for him the same as my husband does.” Guinvere figured she should say no more. If favoritism is all they think it to be, then so be it. Much rather have that then what was really going on in her head. Though she would much rather have no speak of it at all. 
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tiodolma · 26 days
they just wanted a little vacation
One evening Dinadam, who had often been rallied by the Queen, and wished to be revenged, came running in hastily and panting for breath to tell her, that two strange Knights had surprised Tristan unarmed, and seized him; that he must have shared the same fate, had he not fled with all speed to apprise her of the danger she must think herself in now that Tristan was far from her. This intelligence greatly alarmed the Queen, whose dread was increased by the appearance of two strangers completely armed. Dinadam ran hastily, as if in a fright, and hid himself behind the Queen's chair; but what was her joy when the two Knights had taken off their helmets, to see in one of them King Arthur, and her Tristan's friend Lancelot in the other: Queen Genievre followed soon after, and these noble guests spent a few days at the castle in the greatest festivity. The author gives some hints of private suppers between Tristan and Yseult, Genievre and Lancelot; but we shall pass over this little piece of scandal, to talk of the pious and truly commendable undertaking which King Arthur had planned a long time before.
this was funny
king arthur, queen guinvere and sir lancelot just be disgusing themselves so that they can party with isolde and tristam out in the country
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angelcoulbynet · 12 years
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Angel's Birthday Project @ Adoring Angel Coulby
Ok I decided to give it another try. Don't know if you remember but last year we tried to make a Fanbook for Angel to give her/send to her somehow. We ended up not doing it for various reasons. Last month I've done a Fanbook/Birthday Present for Richard Madden (see the link for an example of the book) and since it gone well, I decided to do something like this for Angel's birthday as well. Here's some guidelines:
» Everything needs to be sent to [email protected] with the subject: Angel FanBook
» You can send both letters and/or fanarts (drawing or computer graphics whatever you like!)
» Sign your letter/fanart :) both real names and nick names are fine. And if you can, include also your country! So she will know she has worldwide fans!
» Of course we’re not going to accept hate messages!
» Everything will be printed and put into a book which I’ll send to Angel’s management (or given to her if I go to Pierrefonds in September) in time for his birthday.
» Deadline is: August 10th » For any questions don’t hesitate to ask! (you can send me a message here or on twitter @angelcoulbynet or via mail [email protected])
» Spread the word please! :D
I'm looking for someone who can make a draw to put in the front page. If you are interested, send me an email! :)
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magicnights · 3 years
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“When was the last time you heard of someone beating everquest?”
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“When was the last time you heard someone PLAYING everquest?!” 
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winternite-freedom · 13 years
Omegle Coversation!
Stranger: Hello
You: hello
Stranger: I am King Arthur, returned from death to reclaim my throne
You: oh really, can i be thy Queen
You: :)
Stranger: Well, I have Guinevere… but then again she’s a cheating harlot, so sure, why not
Stranger: What’s your name, oh my queen?
You: yeah :)
You: Shakerra
Stranger: Queen Shakerra
Stranger: a truly regal name
You: thank you my King :)
Stranger: You’re quite welcome
Stranger: Just don’t run off with my knights, alright?
You: I wont, I promise
Stranger: I’ve had quite enough of that from Guin
Stranger: and really, Lancelot?
Stranger: She picked Lancelot over me?
Stranger: I’m insulted. And also confused because I was pretty sure he was with Bedevere, if you get my drift
You: why would she do such a thing, you're obvisouly the better choice
Stranger: Clearly. I mean, for one thing, I’m king.
You: cheaters never prosper
Stranger: Too true
You: yeah, you are a beautiful, might I add
Stranger: Well, thank you, that’s very kind
Stranger: and you are truly the fairest maiden in the land
You: thank you my King :)
Stranger: I only tell the truth
You: you make one blush so brightly
Stranger: And you look even more delightful when you blush
You: :)
Stranger: But I’m afraid, my dear, that I hear Merlin calling me
Stranger: I’d better be off
Stranger: he’s sitll pissed about that one time I stole his spellbook
Stranger: I shall return one day my love
You: alright my King, we will talk soon
Stranger: await me!
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tiodolma · 1 year
I remember you said you hate Arthur 😗 What are your thoughts on Gwen? Do you like Gwencelot?
guinevere guinevere guinevere... RANT INCOMING. Hot takes generator coming along. brace yourself.
hmm i think she had a lot of potential at the start especially in s1. She was spunky. She had really good rapport with merlin. It felt like she and him could have done a lot of pranks and hijinks.
Then when mergana (the whole shebang) started to happen i thnk they pushed her to become more of arthur's voice of reason as replacement for the spot morgana used to hold.
it's still a little weird how she and arthur got together tbh. Like okay, her views on arthur started to change when he began saving merlin's life i in the cup of life episode. But Idk i wish we could've seen more introspection on her part?
She's not like Merlin and Morgana who had high hopes for Arthur from the very start. Both of them had been working on Arthur from the Bottom and Top. Merlin was peasantry and Morgana was nobility and they both pushed Arthur to be the kinda cool dude he was in S1. And I feel like she got pulled along by MM's efforts to see the good in Arthur. Where does Guinevere fit in all of this? In the middle… I guess because it worked! MM's efforts showed that there was hope in Arthur and Guinevere acknowledged that. Then in s2 when Merlin became more focused in thwarting Morgana in and when Morgana's powers truly awakened and her hate for Uther deepened... Guinevere was what? left to pick up the pieces? I think?
I'm saying this because in s2 both MerMor were already stepping into their destinies, the real "I want to do what's best for Arthur and Camelot." phase. Guinevere was stuck in the weird spot of just being the one who truly cares for Arthur as person.
Now I know this sounds ArWen-positive. but on Gwen's side.
The problem with Arthur tho is that once someone is kind to him he he holds that person on a pedestal and only wants to see that version ever. IDEK why in the span of five seasons, he still has a low opinion on women and girls, he still has this chivalric notions that it's a men's world and girls should just be protected and kept in the dark and that servants should just stay as servants. Moreover his attitude with the women Uther tries to make him marry is abhorrent. He doesn't like the girls who challenge and mirror him too much (like Vivian or Elena from The Changeling). For him his ideal woman is the prim proper perfect loyal- looks good as nobility type. He has this like list of what makes a perfect woman for him and it's so incel-like lol. The moment any of these make a mistake, he casts them away (yes even guinevere). He can make all those "I am doing this for the kingdom" "my love can never be" "what would my father think" excuses but what happened when Guinevere became his queeen and chief adviser? He kept things from her and won't listen to her as his voice of reason. He's honestly frustrating tbh. His ego mixes with his notion of being a "King" and a "Man" and he kept pulling rank at both his Queen and Merlin.
This leads me back to Guinevere just being pulled by the story and cleaning up all the messes ArMerGana leave behind. It's complicated. She's a reflection of whoever was close to her. When she was still close to Morgana, she thought Arthur was a prick. When she was close to Merlin, she almost shared his views of Arthur being the "best thing ever." When MerGana decided that Arthur was an okay dude, guinevere also rode that boat. When Arthur was king and was already like "magic users are all lunatics" Guinevere became like, "yass ur right u have a point." Morgana tortures and brainwashes her and she becomes the latter's ultimate weaopn. Merlin lies to her constantly and she's just "fine whatever you say Merlin teehee but i'm watching you OwO." Arthur abuses Merlin even as King and Guinvere is still like "Aww you two are so cute, but i also think merlin staying as ur servant serving you for eternity is alright."
On one hand ppl can say that she can make her own judgement. Ofc she can. But I wish I saw more? just more. What are her hopes and dreams outside of arthur, merlin, morgana or elyan? Did she want to be a smithy? did she want to be a maidservant forever? did she hope to be a lady in waiting? did she want to become an apprentice of gaius? did she want to be queen? was she not upset that merlin and arthur kept secrets from her? (this was a deleted scene from s5 btw) does she even want a kid? we dont even know that! we know nothing!
She was interesting as Queen, I admit, but bruh it was still like watching Morgana and Arthur on the throne (and lets be real she had been their representative on both times). It's annoying. And this is my point. Guinevere is like... a shapeshifter or chameleon. That's why even now we could never tell what she would be like as queen post-series. WE DON'T KNOW GUINEVERE.
it's like she was whatever the narrative wanted her to be. Maybe that's the point then, that it's her destiny to be the boat that tries to keep itself afloat as the natural disasters called Arthur, Morgana and Merlin swirled and raged around her.
the only light at the end of that tunnel i think was Lancelot. His presence made her actually pursue stuff/hopes/dreams. AND IT SHOWS. They remind me of MerGana in their intense moments in s1-s4. GwenCelot chemistry is electric as hell. THEY WANT EACH OTHER, not for the king or queen or knight that they can become BUT EACH OTHER.
When Merlin and Guinevere weren't too wrapped up in "arthur is actually a good guy deep inside, just trust me on this, give him a chance give him a chance give him a chance" moments, when Merlin and Guinevere PURSUE SOMETHING ELSE, I see honesty, I see something RAW, i can see cracks in the facade forced on them just by merely being in Arthur's presence start to fade and break down.
So yeah. Lancelot had to be killed early coz what would happen to the "King Arthur is the best and hottest sht in the universe" narrative if we had actual Mr. Anime Protagonist Lancelot Du Lac in the show?
GwenCelot needed to happen. I was waiting for it so bad. I was so excited for it. It would have been he perfect foil to ArGwen. It would have added a lot more spice to the show. It would have made Guinevere a more well rounded character with her own hopes and wants instead of the "she's the only braincell holding this group together" character. I want to know Guinevere better, all the good and the bad and not just this impossible perfect angel that the show carved her out to be.
overall thoughts on guinevere? started interesting, ended up boring, gave us nothing.
overall thoughts on gwencelot? yes pls give us the dramatic, encompases beyond all reason courtly romance that arthuriana is known for.
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tiodolma · 2 months
Queen Guinevere prepares a gift for Alexander!
All this is known to the Queen, who bears Alexander no ill will, but rather loves, esteems, and values him. She wishes to make Alexander a gift, but it is far more precious than she thinks. She seeks and delves in all her boxes until she finds a white silk shirt, well made of delicate texture, and very soft. Every thread in the stitching of it was of gold, or of silver at least.
Soredamors had taken a hand in the stitching of it here and there, and at intervals, in the sleeves and neck, she had inserted beside the gold a strand of her own hair, to see if any man could be found who, by close examination, could detect the difference. For the hair was quite as bright and golden as the thread of gold itself.
The Queen takes the shirt and presents it to Alexander. Ah, God! What joy would Alexander have felt had he known what the Queen was giving him! And how glad would she, too, have been, who had inserted her own hair, if she had known that her lover was to own and wear it! She could then have taken great comfort; for she would not have cared so much for all the hair she still possessed as for the little that Alexander had. But, more is the pity, neither of them knew the truth.
this is rom com levels of pining slapstick misunderstanding and unrequited but actually requited love.
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