#q swimwear
scoobydoofashion · 2 years
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Scooby Doo, Where Are You - A Clue for Scooby Doo
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fleetsparrow · 2 months
I saw your tag that you couldn't sign up for WIPBB because you didn't finish last years fic? You can absolutely sign up with it again and try and finish it this year. I don't put anyone on the banned list for not finishing a round since life happens. But come back to it with the fic! It's totally fine!
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I'll be there!
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growingstories · 10 months
Side business
Gianni, a 23-year-old marketeer that recently graduated, landed a job as a junior press officer at a prestigious Italian fashion brand. As he embarked on his exciting new career, he began sharing his adventures on social media. His Instagram account quickly gained popularity, attracting an audience of over 50,000 followers.
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His boss discovered Gianni's growing online influence and recognized its potential. Impressed by his ability to engage with an audience, Gianni was promoted to a senior position within the company. His boss even suggested a plan for Gianni to collaborate with other influencers and showcase outfits before they hit the stores. This strategy greatly boosted the brand's sales and left everyone involved thrilled with the results.
Gianni's online presence caught the attention of travel brands, who saw a perfect opportunity to collaborate with him. Combining his passion for travel with his current job seemed like a dream come true. Eventually, Gianni was offered a different position that allowed him to travel the world as a brand ambassador and head of social media. This proved to be a tremendous success, as he earned money by partnering with other brands and posting about their products. His healthy lifestyle and fitness journey also made him a sought-after expert, leading to features in renowned publications like Vogue, Vanity Fair, and G.Q Gianni's popularity continued to rise, and he enjoyed the luxury of a lavish lifestyle, complete with a glamorous personal trainer, Francesco. Francesco drives a Porsche and loves fancy watches.
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For many years, Gianni thrived, giving Ted talks and attending exclusive parties, collaborating with numerous companies and earning substantial amounts of money. He even purchased a grand house in Tuscany and shared the renovation process online, engaging his followers with step-by-step updates and showcasing furniture brands.
Eventually, Gianni decided to leave his day job and focus solely on endorsement deals. He started offering online courses, recording podcasts from his home studio, and hosting, pay exclusive-per-view live Q&A sessions for his subscribers. While Gianni received many tempting offers of a sexual nature, he always declined. However, one evening, after consuming a few drinks, he engaged in a private, sexually explicit Q&A session with a follower named Franco89. This opened the door to more explicit conversations and eventually led Gianni to create a secret OnlyFans account. There, he redirected fans who desired sexually oriented content, including Franco89.
FitFrank, who Gianni initially didn't recognize, messaged him one day. Their conversations quickly evolved, and they eventually engaged in virtual intimate encounters. Although Gianni had his reservations, FitFrank eventually persuaded him to participate in paid jerk-off sessions, which they conducted weekly.
Amidst his immense success, Gianni received fan mail, flowers, and outfits from well-known brands. Due to his excellent physique, he could easily request any outfit he desired. One day, he found a box of cupcakes and received message a from FitFrank insinuating that he knew about the cupcakes. Initially Gianni dismissed, it, assuming it was a coincidence. However, after tasting and enjoying the cupcakes during one of his live sessions, FitFrank sent him a message, revealing that he was aware of Gianni’s indulgence. Intrigued, Gianni engaged in a conversation with FitFrank, who made an unusual offer: €100 for each cupcake Gianni ate during a live session. Although Gianni hesitated at first, FitFrank increased the offer to €1000 for two live eating sessions per month. Succumbing to the allure of the lucrative deal, Gianni agreed to indulge himself weekly.
Gianni's popularity continued to soar, and endorsement offers poured in, particularly for swimwear. Whenever he posted about a particular brand, it sold out immediately. His fit body, dedication to fitness, and healthy eating habits had transformed him into a lifestyle specialist, attracting media attention from magazines such as Vogue, Vanity Fair, and GQ.
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However, as Gianni's workload increased, he found less time for travel and decided to reduce his trips. Instead, he focused on providing online courses and hosting events exclusively in Italy. He also introduced paid subscriptions for his live Q&A sessions, further boosting his income.
Despite his success, Gianni couldn't help but notice his clothes becoming tighter. Concerned about his appearance, he decided to end his deal with FitFrank and ignored his messages. However, FitFrank responded by sending cupcakes every morning, tempting Gianni to continue their arrangement. Eventually, FitFrank offered even more money, €1000 per cake. Gianni decided to extend the deal for one more month.
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The cakes became larger and more challenging to consume, but Gianni managed to complete each one. FitFrank saw Gianni's dedication and increased the offer to €5000 per month after the last cake. Although the cakes grew in size, Gianni determination remained unwavering.
Despite his success, Gianni's lifestyle began to take a toll on his physique. Personal trainer Francesco expressed concern and suggested a diet to help Gianni lose weight. Francesco feared that having a visibly overweight ambassador would harm his own reputation. Gianni understood the need for change and revealed his to followers that he had gained weight during a renovation project. He created a weight loss program with Francesco for his fans, which received a positive response during the pre-sale phase.
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However, Gianni's weight gain continued, exacerbated by his ongoing indulgence in FitFrank's cakes and cupcakes. Francesco confronted Gianni during a live session, shocked by his additional weight gain. Promising to do better, Gianni continued his collaboration with Francesco, now paying for the fitness program.
After two weeks, Gianni realized that his efforts were futile, and he had only gained more weight. Francesco, furious with Gianni's lack of progress, demanded that he publicly announce the end of their collaboration or face legal consequences. Gianni reluctantly complied, confessing to his followers that he was too weak to continue the program. He stepped on the scale and broke down in tears at realization that he the had gained a significant amount of weight.
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Confused and desperate, Gianni questioned why he had continued the eating sessions despite having no financial need. Was it simply for attention? FitFrank, aware of Gianni's struggles, initiated a deep conversation that evening, forming a strong connection between them.
As Gianni's weight continued to increase due to FitFrank's challenges and his own overulindgence, he embarked on a four-week, all-inclusive trip to various resorts. The luxurious accommodations offered exquisite indulgences, leaving little time for exercise and fitness. He found himself in a predicament when thewear swim brands he had collaborated with realized his significant weight gain, causing them to distance themselves from him. Gianni grew about anxious his future and impact the his weight gain would have on his career.
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During this uncertain time, FitFrank remained a constant presence, sending messages and offering support. Feeling a sense of care and connection, Gianni appreciated FitFrank's attention. They grew closer, building a relationship that felt as though they had known each other for years.
 To salvage his career, Gianni had to lose weight, but the temptation of indulgent food and alcohol endorsements made it difficult to stick to his diet. In a desperate move, he accepted a deal with a champagne brand to become their brand ambassador for a year. This involved a week-long trip to a champagne mansion to sample the entire range and create content. The trip consisted of lavish tastings and extravagant meals, leaving Gianni hungover and on the brink of failure. He returned home feeling exhausted and defeated.
Gianni's weight became a source of worry, both for himself and the brands he had collaborated with. FitFrank continued to send him chocolates, and Gianni, feeling discouraged, started eating them. When FitFrank reached out, Gianni confessed his struggles, and their conversation became progressively intimate. However, during one chat, a technical glitch revealed FitFrank's identity, leaving Gianni enraged.
Confronting Francesco at the gym, Gianni discovered his personal trainer's secret life as a creator of weight gain content. Francesco had been secretly livestreaming and profiting from Gianni's weight gain journey, while driving an extravagant lifestyle. Francesco confessed to making over €450,000 from donations by viewers fascinated with Gianni's transformation.
 Feeling betrayed by Francesco, Gianni hatched a plan to regain control. He proposed a new arrangement to FitFrank, demanding a majority of the revenue, FitFrank's authentic appearance and FitFrank joins in on food challenges. If FitFrank refused, Gianni threatened to expose him to his clients. Relantly, Francesco agreed, realizing that he had little choice if he wanted to maintain his luxurious lifestyle.
Together, Gianni and FitFrank continued their indulgent food challenges, delighting their followers with their ever-expanding physiques. FitFrank's following and body grew, and their loyal fans paid top dollar for their content. The money poured in, but Gianni couldn't help but wonder if his obsession with food and attention had gone too far. And how far will he go?
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eclecticgimere · 28 days
Mai Tai Swimsuit
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Q: How do I show off a swimsuit without it looking ridiculously perv-tastic?
A: Use silly poses (these, specifically) and hope for the best, I s'pose...
Anyway (stop staring at them, it's rude!), I turned the Store's Mai Tai swim top and bottoms into a full body swimsuit.
For female (young) adults
Fully recolorable (with 2 channels)
Swimwear only, not vaild for random
download link
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themuse-if · 5 months
Silas Walker
The RA
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Silas Walker | 20 yrs old | he/him:
Meet your Resident Advisor, Silas – a friendly and helpful figure on your campus. As a sophomore majoring in Songwriting, he's not just your go-to for questions about study spots, navigating the subway, or dealing with challenging professors; he's a wellspring of knowledge and guidance.
Silas maintains a careful distance from his advisees, adhering to the rule that RAs shouldn't canoodle with their advisees. Despite his amicable nature, there's a mysterious aura about him that leaves you curious and intrigued. Silas seems to have a knack for being evasive, keeping certain aspects of his life hidden behind a friendly smile.
As you seek advice and information from him, you can't help but wonder what lies beneath the surface of his amiable exterior. Silas is a puzzle waiting to be solved, and the enigma surrounding him only adds to the allure of this approachable yet enigmatic Resident Advisor.
Scroll all the way down for a mini Q&A with Silas!
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Top row left to right: Everyday, formal, activewear, sleepwear
Bottom row left to right: Party, swimwear, hot weather, cold weather
Silas Q&A
Q: What’s your sign?
A: I’m a Scorpio.
Q: How tall are you?
A: I’m 5'11.
Q: Name your top 5 artists your listening to?
A: Lately I've been listening to a lot of Cleo Sol, Arlo Parks, Q, Emily King, and Thee Sacred Souls.
Q: What’s your favorite food?
A: There's a certain comfort in a classic beef stew. The slow-cooked savory meat, hearty vegetables, and flavorful broth creates a dish that warms both the body and the soul.
Q: What’s your ideal date?
A: You know those spaces that have a ton of art supplies and projects for you to choose from, well we would go there and get creative while just talking about life. And then after I would introduce them to my favorite Indian restaurant.
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live-from-flaturn · 1 year
Bond Girl Kim
Listen, I am sick and fucking tired of seeing all these hyper-competent Kim fics. I love them, and I will read every single one, but personally? We need some flavor. We need a little spice in our Kim characterization. So here’s my submission for the approval of The Midnight Society: Bond Girl Kim.
Kim works as a model and is absolutely fucking useless in the grand scheme of things. 
He’s the only member of his family who chose not to follow tradition and become a super-spy. 
Chay’s older brother joined the Secret Intelligence Initiative (or whatever their spy business is called) when he was a teenager and now Chay works in R&D.
Yes, that means Chay is Q.
And Tankhun is M.
Kinn is 007 and Porsche is 008. They are a badass team and have one of the highest success rates (also the most HR complaints for being seen in compromising positions).
Kim! In! Tiny! 1960′s! Men’s! Swimwear! Tiny pink striped shorts, that’s all I’m sayin’. 
This man is swooning, fainting, and passing out EVERYWHERE. If there’s a flat surface he can safely collapse onto, there he fuckin’ goes.
Zero braincells. Zero sense of self-preservation. He has been kidnapped by 18 separate terrorist organizations and he’s not about to stop falling for their “I lost my kitten” trap.
Chay is mostly annoyed with how often his bf gets tied up by other people.
I just think we should tie Kim to more train tracks and let him cry until his mascara runs. That’s all.
@just-slightly-chaotic, @eggwars and @fuckyeah-itme have been enabling me so far, but I have lots of ideas and would love to talk more about this. :D
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mikusiconx · 1 year
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★Sweet Devil 【Hachiouji-P, q*Left】
★Kasane Teto + Swimwear Hair 【重音テト】
happy birthday bread girl
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samanthahirr · 10 months
samanthahirr's 007 Fest 2023 Masterpost
510 comments! With comment-multiplier bonus points, that's 700 points for comments!
(>750 words)
(No) More Than This (Chapter 1-2)
We Eat First With Our Eyes (2022 Prompt #6 "nsfw")
The Chase (Chapters 1-4) (2022 Prompt #6 "nsfw")
(750-2,500 words)
Relating in Kindness
With Heart Hardened
FIC SUMMARIES (i.e. "stories sam isn't writing")
The Vampire from the Deep * (2020 Prompt #31 "Vesper is a vampire")
Office Hours
The Quartermaster's Mission Holiday (2018 Prompt #22 "And then they were roommates" & 2023 Prompt #222 "Enjoying a nice view")
The Skeleton's Bite *
The Jamaica Contact with a Side of Danger *
Jinx's Bikini *
The Blow Me Away *
Mr. Hinx Fizzy *
Paradise Bird ^
00Q - I want to wake up with you
Bond/Swann - You often use humor to deflect trauma ^
NomiPenny - How's the sexiest person here? ^
Bond/Moneypenny - Better off as friends ^
Bond/Tanner - I'm getting in the shower ^
Bond/Boothroyd - I want to kiss you ^
Q/Bond/Moneypenny - Sorry I'm late *^
Tanner/Mallory - Are you trying to seduce me? *^
Bond/Tracy - I don't do relationships ^
Bond/Mansfield - I really like your top ^
Bond/Felix - We both look very handsome tonight ^ (2023 Prompt #223 "Insecure about how they look")
10 Hosiery Habit Headcanons *
Bill Tanner's Bedding Set (2023 Prompt #22 "Flowers")
Original Character - Gina Castillo's Case File *
5 Biggest Swimwear-Embarrassments Headcanons * ^ ^ ^
7 HR Complaints Against MI6 Staff Headcanons ^
#1 leave someone an anonymous comment of positivity *
#6 create a crossword puzzle: "007 Animals"
#9 (x5) create an incorrect quote meme, images optional
#12 write an acrostic poem: "Moon Moth" *
#17 create a film poster with a local landmark "The Dying Reflection"
#25 show a character's bedding set "Bill Tanner's Bedding Set"
#26 show your pet working for MI6 "009-Lives"
#29 (x2) solve a Find the Difference post (@bluebellofbakerstreet & @kitten-kin)
#30 create a cocktail recipe "The Skeleton's Bite"
#33 (x3) solve a crossword puzzle (castillon02 & bluebellofbakerstreet & kitten-kin)
#35 spot a Bond reference in the wild "50 Bond Gadgets You Can Own"
#36 create a fancast film poster "First with a Bullet" (Aldis Hodge)
#43 gift a fanwork to a member of another team: "Drabble: Alec/Bond" for @emiliasilverova
#46 create an incorrect quote meme, images required: "I want to wake up with you"
#48 collaborate with a teammate: "The Chase" with @aprettyspy
The Vampire from the Deep moodboard
The Quartermaster's Mission Holiday moodboard
Office Hours moodboard
Original Character - Gina Castillo's Case File moodboard
(No) More Than This cover art
We Eat First with Our Eyes cover art
6 Cocktail Recipe title cards (see above)
Off the Books playlist (2023 Prompt #198 "create a playlist for a fic")
Fancast Film Poster "First with a Bullet" (Charlize Theron)
Drabble - MoneyTanner ^ (2017 Prompt #4)
Drabble - Tanner/Mansfield * ^
Drabble - Alec/Bond *
1 fic for @emiliasilverova (Achillean Delights)
2 chapters for @hammerbacks (Taking in Water chapter 2 & Warm Water chapter 9)
2 chapters of "The Chase" for @aprettyspy
1 film (Flash Gordon) hosted
1 Productivity Hours hosted
1 Bond Bingo Hour attended
4 Productivity Hours attended
5 Longfic Readalongs attended
* indicates Theme Day bonus ^ indicates Unique Rare Pair Ship bonus
510 comments, 15 theme days, 17 unique rare pair ships, 9 fics/chapters posted, 3 fic summaries, 11 incorrect quote memes, 3 drabbles, 6 cocktail recipes, 24 headcanons…and a dozen more miscellaneous creations! I had no idea I could be so productive/creative in a single month! 
Endless thanks to my @teamqbranch captain and cheerleaders and teammates for their support and encouragement! I'm grateful I got to spend so much time with all of you this month. And a huge thank you to the @mi6-cafe mods for organizing such an awesome event! And now I need a nice long nap.
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latenitewaffles · 9 months
Katsuro costume dialogue since i was stuck at home all day :-/
Below the cut as always cause this is LONG
Summer Uniform
“Joker, I changed into my summer uniform. Polos are nice and all, but the white fabric gets stained too easily… Oh, sorry. I spilled a soda on myself last week and, well…”
Winter Uniform
“I changed into my winter uniform. Man, I’m glad Shujin’s dress code is lax about the jacket. That thing can get so stuffy, so I wear the track jacket instead. Huh? You wanna know about the tie? That’s from my old school, Kosei.”
Summer Clothes
“These are my summer clothes, Joker. A button up shirt and ripped jeans sure are breathable, right? I got a nice airflow going… heh, I sounded like my dad there.”
Winter Clothes
“I put on my winter outfit. This jacket used to belong to my pops. The red and black look cool, right? Plus, it looks like something a punk rock artist would wear!”
“I’m wearing Shujin’s tracksuit. Hey, did you know I have two of the jackets? I bought a 2nd one so I could wear it with the winter uniform. Don’t wanna smell bad after gym, right?”
“... This is my swimsuit. I can’t say I’m comfortable fighting shadows in this… But, um… why do you have my swimsuit, Joker?”
Gekkoukan Uniform
“I put on Gekkoukan High’s uniform, Joker. Hey, this is the school my dads went to! But, what’s with this armband and the gun…?”
Yasogami Uniform
“This is Yasogami High School’s uniform. I know some people who went there… apparently the town is really foggy. Speaking of fog… I feel like I can see right through it with these glasses? Or, maybe not…”
St. Hermelin Uniform
“Joker, I’m wearing St. Hermelin’s uniform. I can’t say I’m exactly a fan of all of this green, but it is a relaxing color… I’m not sure why, but I just got chills looking at your mask, Joker…”
Seven Sisters Uniform
“I’m wearing the uniform of Sevens High. I’ve heard rumors about that school… What kind of rumors? Well, some good, some bad. I don’t think you’d believe any of them though.”
Kasugayama Uniform
“I put on… Kasugayama’s uniform. Hey, um… you’re not making fun of me, right? Sorry… that name kinda feels a bit… odd.”
Karukozaka Uniform
“Woah… this is Karukozaka High School’s uniform? The colors are nice… but the striped pants are a bit gaudy. Also, what’s the deal with these headphones and this… device?”
Butler Suit
“Um… a butler suit, Joker? It’s not really my style, but I guess I should act the part… Welcome home, master! Would you like a cup of coffee? Eheh… that was weird.”
Christmas Costume
“Merry Christmas, Joker! A reindeer costume, huh? Maybe I should change my codename in this outfit? Nah, that’d be confusing… but if you’re open to it, “Blitzen” sounds kinda cool…”
Shadow Ops Uniform
“I’ve put on the Shadow Ops uniform. This makes me look like a secret agent! Huh? The Shadow Ops are Persona-Users? Wait, so that means… No… they’re not cool enough to be Persona-Users.”
Samurai Uniform
“A… Samurai Uniform? This doesn’t look like any Samurai I’m familiar with… Is it from some game?”
Yumizuki Uniform
“Yumizuki Imperial High? I’ve never heard of it before. Well, its uniform is comfy, at least.”
Starlight Outfit
“This is my dancewear, Joker. It’s funny… I never actually wear suspenders with my uniform, but they look good here. And the Kosei tie around my neck brings the whole look together!”
Deep Blue Clothes
“These clothes are interesting, Joker… This is the uniform of a bellboy, right? Yet despite that, I feel… like I rule over power itself.”
Featherman Costume
“Phoenix Ranger Neo-Featherman! The name’s Feather Gold! By my sword, let it be known, evildoer… I will take you down! Hehe… Sorry for getting carried away there. I’ve always wanted to do that.”
New Cinema Outfit
“I put on the “Q” outfit, Joker. Hey, is this a mascot suit? The head’s really huge… It’s… not? I wasn’t gonna pry, but… where did you find this?”
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spacebee · 11 months
a random q but how many outfits do you have per sim and how often do you go in cas to redress them?
i usually have all slots dressed for everyday clothing and one for athletics, pj and swimwear. then it depends on the season i have one or two for hot and cold weather! i redress them when i'm in cas mood or i download some new cc :)
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scoobydoofashion · 2 years
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Scooby Doo, Where Are You - A Clue for Scooby Doo
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mysterymirrors · 1 month
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Q Swimwear Black Diamond Print Triangle Cheeky Bikini Set - Black & White - L/XS.
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savyswipe · 3 months
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themuse-if · 5 months
Maxine Matthews
The Best Friend!
Maybe my favorite....I know I shouldn't pick favorites but I LOVE her!
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Maxine Matthews | 18 yrs old | she/her:
Max is not just a friend; she's your lifelong partner in crime. Destiny brought you together through your parents' friendship, and luckily, you hit it off. Those shared family functions turned out to be a blast, thanks to your genuine connection. Over the years, you and Max have cultivated some cherished traditions, from Friday movie nights with pizza and Ben & Jerry's to midweek gossip... uh, study sessions at the beloved Smelly Cat Cafe.
Max is the hilarious commentator of your shared entertainment world. It's no surprise that her decision to major in dramatic writing aligns perfectly with her witty and insightful commentary on every show and movie you watch together. Some outsiders might raise eyebrows at how close you two are, questioning the nature of your friendship. Yet, you both know that your bond is unbreakable, built on genuine love and mutual understanding.
Named after Maxine Shaw from "Living Single," Max inherits not just the name but also the strong-willed and slightly stubborn spirit of her namesake. Especially when it comes to her opinions on film and TV, Max is unwavering. Her passion for storytelling and her knack for holding firm to her beliefs make her a force to be reckoned with, adding a layer of vibrant personality to your shared adventures.
Navigating university life with your best friend by your side is a dream come true, and you wouldn't want it any other way. After all, who better to share the highs, lows, and laughter of this new chapter than Max?
Scroll all the way down for a Q&A with Max!
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Top row left to right: Everyday, formal, activewear, sleepwear
Bottom row left to right: Party, swimwear, hot weather, cold weather
Maxine Q&A
Q: What’s your sign?
A: I'm an Aeries.
Q: How tall are you?
A: I’m 5'5.
Q: Name your top 5 artists your listening to?
A: My top 5 favorite artists include Erykah Badu, yeule, Sunset Rollercoaster, Men I trust, and Puma Blu. At least for right now.
Q: What’s your favorite food?
A: Nothing beats a classic plate of spicy, creamy Cajun chicken pasta. It has to be my mom's recipe or else it just doesn't hit the same.
Q: What’s your ideal date?
A: We would go see whatever movie Rooftop Cinema Club was playing, I just thinks its so fun to go see a movie in a different setting. After the movie we could go out for dinner, anything as fine as long as the menu looks yummy. And then we could top the night off with dessert in a cozy café.
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pinkpearlwaterpark1 · 4 months
Pink Pearl Aquatic Escape: Waves of Fun Await!
Welcome to Pink Pearl Aquatic Escape, where endless fun and relaxation await you! Located in the heart of Jaipur, our water park offers a refreshing retreat for families and thrill-seekers alike. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of excitement as we take you on a journey through our thrilling attractions, serene pools, and luxurious amenities.
Unraveling the Adventure
Prepare to be captivated by the exhilarating experiences that Pink Pearl has to offer. From heart-pounding water slides to tranquil lazy rivers, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Let's explore what makes Pink Pearl the ultimate Water Park in Jaipur.
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Thrilling Water Slides
Feel the adrenaline rush as you plummet down our exhilarating water slides. With twists, turns, and thrilling drops, our slides are sure to leave you breathless and craving for more. Whether you're a daredevil seeking excitement or a novice looking for a thrill, our slides cater to all levels of adventure.
Relaxing Lazy River
Escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life as you float along our serene lazy river. Drift leisurely through lush landscapes and gentle currents, soaking in the sun and enjoying the tranquil surroundings. It's the perfect way to unwind and recharge amidst the beauty of nature.
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Wave Pool
Experience the excitement of the ocean without leaving the comfort of our park. Our wave pool simulates the rolling waves of the sea, providing hours of fun for swimmers of all ages. Jump, splash, and ride the waves as you soak up the sun and enjoy the refreshing water.
Kids' Play Area
Let your little ones unleash their imagination and energy in our dedicated kids' play area. With interactive water features, shallow pools, and miniature slides, children can splash and play to their heart's content in a safe and supervised environment.
Private Cabanas
Indulge in luxury and comfort with our private cabanas, the perfect retreat for families and groups. Relax in style as you enjoy exclusive amenities, personalized service, and stunning views of the park. It's the ultimate way to elevate your Pink Pearl experience.
Dive into Relaxation
After a day of excitement and adventure, unwind and rejuvenate with our array of leisure facilities and services. From rejuvenating spas to delectable dining options, we ensure that your visit is nothing short of extraordinary.
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Spa Retreat
Treat yourself to a pampering session at our luxurious spa retreat. Relax and recharge with a range of rejuvenating treatments, including massages, facials, and body scrubs. Let our expert therapists melt away your stress and tension, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalised.
Gourmet Dining
Satisfy your cravings with our delectable dining options, featuring a diverse selection of cuisines to tantalise your taste buds. Whether you're in the mood for savoury snacks, refreshing beverages, or indulgent desserts, our eateries have something for every palate.
Shopping Extravaganza
Browse through our charming boutiques and souvenir shops to find the perfect memento of your Pink Pearl experience. From trendy swimwear to quirky souvenirs, our stores offer a delightful shopping experience with something for everyone to enjoy.
Embark on an unforgettable aquatic adventure at Pink Pearl Aquatic Escape, where waves of fun and excitement await! Whether you're seeking thrills on our water slides, relaxation in our lazy river, or indulgence in our luxurious amenities, Pink Pearl promises an experience like no other. Plan your visit today and dive into the ultimate aquatic escape!
Q.1 What are the operating hours of Pink Pearl Aquatic Escape?
A. Pink Pearl is open from 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM every day, allowing ample time for visitors to enjoy all our attractions and amenities.
Q.2 Is Pink Pearl suitable for children?
A. Absolutely! Pink Pearl offers a variety of attractions specifically designed for children, including a dedicated kids' play area with shallow pools and miniature slides.
Q.3 Are outside food and beverages allowed inside the park?
A. Outside food and beverages are not permitted within the park premises. However, we offer a range of dining options to satisfy your cravings during your visit.
Q.4 Are locker facilities available at Pink Pearl?
A. Yes, we provide locker facilities for the convenience and security of our guests. You can rent lockers to store your belongings safely while you enjoy the park.
Q.5 Can I host private events or parties at Pink Pearl?
A. Yes, Pink Pearl offers customizable packages for private events, including birthday parties, corporate gatherings, and more. Contact our events team for more information and bookings.
Q.6 Is there parking available at Pink Pearl?
A. Yes, we offer ample parking space for guests arriving by car, with designated parking areas conveniently located near the park entrance.
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celebritynewsinusa · 8 months
Unveiling Beauty and Love: The Tale of Jenny McCarthy, Donnie Wahlberg, and a Stunning Photo Shoot
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In the glamorous world of entertainment, stories of enduring love and breathtaking beauty often intertwine, creating tales that captivate audiences worldwide. One such enchanting narrative revolves around the vivacious Jenny McCarthy, her doting husband Donnie Wahlberg, and a photo shoot that left fans—and Donnie—spellbound. A Love Story Written in the Stars Jenny McCarthy and Donnie Wahlberg's love story is nothing short of magical. With careers that have always been under the spotlight, the couple has managed to nurture a love that is both deep and enduring. Their journey began in 2013, and the duo decided to make their love official by tying the knot in a beautiful ceremony in 2014.
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A Tribute to Timeless Beauty Earlier this year, McCarthy participated in a sizzling photo shoot for the SKIMS swimwear campaign alongside Carmen Electra. This collaboration was not just a showcase of physical beauty but also a tribute to the resilience and grace that both women embody. The campaign paid homage to their glorious days as models, leaving fans nostalgic and in awe of their timeless allure. The Photo Shoot that Stole Hearts The SKIMS campaign was a visual feast, with McCarthy and Electra stunning in each frame. However, no one was more affected by the shoot than McCarthy's husband, Donnie Wahlberg. Upon witnessing his wife's mesmerizing photos, Wahlberg was so overwhelmed that he fainted, marking a humorous and endearing chapter in their love story. A Bond Strengthened Through Surprises Surprises have been a constant in McCarthy and Wahlberg's relationship, adding spice and excitement to their marital journey. From unexpected visits to renewing their vows every year, the couple keeps their bond fresh and thrilling, serving as relationship goals for many admiring fans. Celebrating Love and Life Together Through the ups and downs of life in the limelight, McCarthy and Wahlberg have stood by each other steadfastly. Their love story, filled with laughter, surprises, and moments of breathtaking beauty, continues to inspire and delight fans around the globe. Conclusion The tale of Jenny McCarthy, Donnie Wahlberg, and the unforgettable SKIMS photo shoot is a celebration of love, beauty, and the joyous moments that life offers. As they continue to write their love story, the couple reminds us all to cherish each moment, celebrate beauty in all its forms, and never stop surprising the ones we love. FAQs Q: How long have Jenny McCarthy and Donnie Wahlberg been married? A: They have been married since 2014. Q: What was the SKIMS photo shoot about? A: The photo shoot was for the brand’s swimwear campaign, featuring Jenny McCarthy and Carmen Electra. Q: How did Donnie Wahlberg react to the photo shoot? A: He fainted upon seeing the stunning photos of his wife, Jenny. Q: Do Jenny and Donnie renew their vows? A: Yes, they renew their wedding vows every year. Q: What does the couple's love story symbolize? A: Their story is a celebration of enduring love, constant surprises, and the celebration of beauty and life.   Read the full article
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