#pysch usa
thyla · 2 years
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PSYCH- S8E07 | Shawn and Gus Truck Things Up ↳ We had some good times with those tacos, Gus. We had the best times with those tacos, Shawn. Seems like just yesterday. It was yesterday.
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clarafordahwin · 1 year
You’re my number one boy.
Watch part 1 of Psychcession
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wolf-the-nerd · 1 month
"This stuff won't fly in college" is such a lie.
My English professor is a 70 year old hippie that talks about smoking weed.
My pysch professor routinely encourages us to break the law and steal from big corporations.
My speech class as a whole is just out of pocket here's a list of things that people have talked about for assignments:
how napkins hibernate,
what USA president's they could take in a hand to hand fight ,
what warents calling the cops when doing illegal shit on the 4th of july.
Why you shouldn't fuck with dolphins .
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berlinonair · 1 year
Sonia's Pick: 'Pysche' von Brooke Henzell
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Brooke Henzell (Australien / USA) veröffentlicht eine neue Single mit dem Titel Pysche. Tatsächlich fällt es mir in diesem Fall nicht ganz einfach die Schönheit dieses Songs in Wort zu packen. Ich kann nur sagen, dass ich es liebe, wie Gitarre, Synthies und Stimme miteinander interagieren und einfach wunderbare Melodien hervorbringen. ‘Pysche’ ist wie ein musikalische Reise, welche ihre Hörer für eine Moment an einen weit entfernten Ort bringt und zum Träumen anregt. Ein absolut gelungener Dream Pop Track mit Wiedererkennungswert! Offizielles Erscheinungsdatum: 09.11.2022 Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/3m1ywmSiNXLclXunVwME4f Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brookehenzell/
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lorenzlund · 2 years
Der Seelenarzt (auch: Psychologe) : Arzt für Steelen.
die Psyche des Menschen und deren, wenn dies erforderlich erscheint, heutigen Behandlungsformen: Süchte der Menschen. Sych(t)e. 
der Pyschologe :bei ihm handelte es sich dann sinngemäß um einen ausgewiesenen Experten für die Sucht nach dem erneuten Log-in von ‘Stämmen’. log (engl.) : das Holz, auch: der Baum (Der Mann, Männer verfügen über ihn nicht minder auch! Der Begriff stammte dann jedoch erneut aus der sogenannten Umgangssprache, und nicht der normalen!!)
der Gerichtspychologe und Polizeipsychologe.
der Pysch-i-ater : Süchte + (entweder die vom) Vater, gut möglich aber ist auch: the ater. Ein weiteres Mal ist er damit gemeint. *der heutige (H)ater sogar auch des Internets. Wiederholt zeigte er diese Neigung dabei selbst auch in ihm, stellte sie anderen unter Beweis! *der zärtliche Biss in den Po (zum Beispiel einer Frau). Und ähnliches. *Flesh der Film. (Erzählt vom Beruf des professionellen Callboys.) USA (od. England).
professionell, professionelle Hilfe bekommen (auch durch Ärzte) : Po-geständig, po-konfessionell, das persönliche Eingeständnis (’Ja, ich besitze diese heimliche Leidenschaft manchmal so wie andere noch genauso. neige zu ihr auch!’). *Der Mann soll sich erinnern!
erforderliche Spiritualität (auch oder besonders auch: die religiöse): der Speer Dual + (zur) Tat (deswegen schreiten). Religionen, die Religion : Rücken + nie! + der Bi- + I (am) on.
spirituell : das Speerduell. Oder Duell mit dem Speer.  
‘Das Spirituelle beinhaltet den Glauben (u.a.) daran dass jegliche Sünde, dass eigentlich alle Sünden, nur ganz schwer fassbar sind oder durch den Verstand des Einzelnen zu erklären!’  (aus einer Broschüre der VHS) original: ... sinnlich nicht fassbar u. rational nicht erklärbar. ‘... stattdessen wird dann erneut an eine Wirklichkeit geglaubt, welche hoch oder weit über den Sünden jedes Mal noch selber steht oder angesiedelt ist’. orig.: an eine übersinnliche Wirklichkeit. der heutige sogar Video-Beweis selbst aus dem Spitzensport *insbesondere des Fussballs. *’Tor oder nicht Tor!’ the male fool (dt: der Tor grosse, männl.), er erzielt dabei selbst sogar gelegentliche grössere auch Eigentore (auf der Spielwiese). ‘(Echte) Spiritualität im Alltag kommt zum Ausdruck durch Erkenntnis, Weisheit und Einsicht. ... Genauso durch Gelassenheit ... (selbst) gegenüber dem Tod und anderen Widrigkeiten. So ist deren Ausübung gerade bei älteren Menschen zum Beispiel mit auch mehr Gesundheit für denjenigen verbunden, aber auch körperlicher Funktionsfähigkeit (weiterer)! Und auch bisherige Ängste und Sorgen gehen so zunehmend verloren! Endlich ist man selber auch bei sich (stärker) angekommen dadurch!’
*Er stand!
*’Shakespeare’. Brett Butt-er. *Rhett Butler. (Eine der männlichen Hauptfiguren aus dem Roman: Vom Winde verweht!). Ein Dicht-er (mit Zukunft!). Zu-kun-ft (haben oder sie auch nicht mehr länger haben): If zu ... then he can! But if not... Das eigene Zu!-hause (oder auch eigene Hinter-Haus, Port). *Backstreet Boys. die männliche (weibl.) Vernunft. (V)ernunft zeigen! *the back yard (der hintere Hof). YARDBIRDS. ‘Sitting on the dogs of the (B)ay ...’ (... wasting time!)
Butt Weißer Bier. Er-dinger Bier. (... sind nur zwei noch weitere Beispiele dafür selbst innerhalb des auch alten Europas als Festkontinent bei den Biersorten!)
positive soziale Beziehungen (Menschen mit verlässlichen seien glücklicher!) : if po sit! *So erneut die VHS in ihrer Broschüre! (‘... und leben auch länger! Vor allem Männer leben in der Beziehung weniger riskant! Das Immunsystem wird positiv davon beeinflusst! Der Alterungsprozess läuft in der guten und stabilen Beziehung langsamer!’) *(Po-sit/if) und negativ, das diesbezügliche negative od. positive sogar Testergebnis. (’Gerade junge Männer sind aber mittlerweile viel reflektierter und auch aufgeklärter, was den (auch eigenen) psychischen Zustand betrifft!’ *P-sych(t)e/Süchte (’... Blutdruck der aus den Fugen gerät ...’). (’Sterblichkeitsrisiko bei Menschen mit hohem Sünd(en)-er-fühlt! + ‘Ding’ ist geringer’. originaler Text.: Sinnerfüllung.
ergänzende Anmerkung des Verf. gerade zum Unterpunkt über die ‘Sinnerfüllung im Leben’ oder was ein ‘ein sinnerfülltes Leben’ ist und was es nach Meinung nicht gerade weniger immer darstellt, und vielleicht sogar sie aller: ‘Ein Mensch ohne jegliche (auch) eigene Empfindungen und Emotionen’. er würde dafür von anderen stark kritisiert werden, vielleicht sogar verachtet, und das Bild welches man sich dann sehr schnell dadurch auch von ihm dann machte oder welches die Gesellschaft von ihm hätte, in der Regel wäre es kein sehr gutes!! ‘Er soll davon nun etwas selber auch mitkriegen oder fühlen!!”/“Er soll/muss es vielleicht erstmals auch selber fühlen, was das ist!”/”Wir lassen es ihn fühlen!” er fühlt! erfüllt.
Aktiv bleiben bis ins Alter - nur wie?:
*(die VHS). (der stolze männliche) Pfau, Pfaus.
““Körper und Gehirn (des Mannes) sind mit einem (ganz bestimmten) Muskel vergleichbar. Dieser schrumpft, wird er nicht benutzt! Wird der Muskel nicht länger betätigt, so verliert er seine Leistungsfähigkeit. ...
Sport wirkt direkt auf unsere Süchte.’ originaler Text.: unsere Pysche. *vergleiche das dann selbst wieder mit auch: ‘Sport ist Mord’ als bekanntem Sprichwort. (erneute ergänz. Anmerk. des Verf.)
“Wer (nun) aktiv ist, erhält sich nicht nur die eigenen Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten, er kann sie sogar im hohen Alter nochmals steigern!!” *Gemeint damit dürften jedoch ein paar auch noch andere oder zusätzliche Fähigkeiten und Fertigkeiten (gerade des Mannes!) auch hier wieder sein. Auch er besitzt ja im Vergleich zur Frau nie nur die eine!
“Men!ssscht!en die Sünde empfinden sind eher bereit in ihr eigenes Leben zu investieren”. *Menschen/Männer, Sünde/Sin (engl.)/der Sinn, ‘Still!! Be quiet!! Sssscht! Pssst!” ‘Schweigt!!”
‘... und ihr gesundes Verhalten zu veränderen, auch wenn es sie anstrengt’.
“Er stärkt damit Selbstvertrauen, seine Selbstwirksamkeit wie den Optimismus”.
“Er reagiert weniger auf Stress (von außen ihm zugefügten), ist geistig aktiver”.
“Älteren fällt es aufgrund von Verlusterfahrungen oft schwer, weiter das Schöne und Positive im Leben für sich zu sehen’.
‘Bemerkt der Hausarzt dann, dass es in die sogar suizidale Richtung geht ...’
das Hinterhaus
‘Der Mensch sollte mit sich selber befreundet bleiben’.
‘Sinnvolle Ziele und Lebensaufgaben’.
‘... nur dann kann er auch Beziehungen zu anderen herstellen, die wertvoll sind’.
‘Mehr und mehr wird er sich selbst gegenüber dadurch zum Fremden, kultiviert er nicht sein eigenes Ich’.
“(Eine gelungene) Selbstfreundschaft zielt darauf ab, Feindschaften wie Konflikte zu vermeiden”. *die ‘Liebe zu sich selber’ (ergänz. Anmerk.).
Fehlt sie bei einem, so soll es einem angeblich irgendwann gänzlich unmöglich dadurch sein oder werden, so die Behauptung, zusätzlich auch andere zu lieben oder noch weitere Personen ... außer sich selber! (Es wird dann dafür auch bei ihm gesorgt werden und andere untersagen das dann sehr schnell so auch ihm!!)
“Er neigt dann zu risikoreichem Verhalten, die mit depressiven Störungen und sogar Selbsthass und Suizidalität einhergehen kann”
‘Mit Selbstliebe trifft man Vorsorge für sich selber’
’Gerade für Männer bedeutet der Tod der Partnerin regelmäßig einen Einschnitt”
‘... denn im Alter wachsen viele Paare noch stärker zusammen’.
‘Sport sorgt für Glückshormone’
‘für Glücksgefühle in (nur) anderer Form. (Zumindest) diese gehen dann weiter!!’
“Es kommt halt sehr darauf an, wie man sich bewegt”
‘Nicht zuletzt verbessert sich dadurch die auch eigene Qualität des Schlafes”.
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hellsbellschime · 2 years
A pysch test would just be another way to do an iq test for a job which is illegal (at least in the usa). I do not think this would be wise for a standard role. I could see an expanded "morality" section of contracts esp how the usa is going. Do they still have that?
They do still have morality clauses in a lot of contracts and it's batshit, and ultimately like, I get having a psych test for a VERY VERY important or high-intensity job, but you can be dealing with mental illness and be an actor. I don't think most jobs should have the right to subject you to invasive shit like that just in order for you to get the job.
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rebecca-weltons · 4 years
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tv meme: [4/20] tv shows 
psych (2006-2014)
What are you guys? Are you UFO chasers? 
Nothing as ridiculous as that. We’re psychic detectives.
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psychoutofcontext · 4 years
Why aren't you two out interviewing suspects, or... I dunno, feeling the walls, or whatever the hell it is you do, at least do something!
Carlton Lassiter
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It's fine! I can resend it :) I had an idea where he and the reader work on cases together, and the reader somehow gets injured on a case and Lassie gets all overprotective, and he has to take care of them. Just a lot of fluff, maybe some cuddles :3 If you're up for it!
A/n: So cute! an over protective Lassie is an adorable Lassie.
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It was an accident really, something that Carlton should not be blaming himself for. Sitting in the hospital bed you watched the man fiddle with his tie, he was looking everywhere around the room but you.
“This isn’t your fault Carlton...you know that right.”
Carlton scowled for a moment before frowning as he sat down in the chair, dragging the chair closer to the bed he did his best to be careful of your leg. “Of course it was....I got distracted. Not only did you get hit by the suspect...the prick got away.”
Sighing you sagged back into the hospital bed, while he was right about that. You didn’t blame Carlton for what happened to you, you were alive thanks to him. Giving him a smile you reached out grasping his hand gently as you gave him a teasing smile. 
“Okay I maybe hauled up in a hospital bed with a broken leg, bruised ribs and everything else from a car crashing into me but at least Shawn caught the guy.” 
That made Carlton groan though giving his hand a soft squeeze your smile softened. “You stayed by my side and that’s what matters most.”
Feeling his cheeks burn Carlton cleared out his throat as he adverted his eyes from you. “I...hmp...so is their anything I can do for you y/n.”
“Carlton you’ve done enough.”
“Y/n...please just let me.” Sitting up Carlton started to fluff your pillow, suppressing the urge to roll your eyes you then watched as the man close the blinds in your room. Quickly looking around he then spotted your empty cup, wrinkling his nose he quickly made his way to the door.
“Don’t what?”
With an innocent look on his face you started to relax back into the bed until the detective poked his head out the door. “Hey! instead on your ass playing on your phone do you mind getting some water for the injured cop in here!.” 
Sitting up from the bed you tried not to move so much ignoring the light pain as you kept your gaze on the man. “Apologize...I am fine.”
“I..” Seeing the look on your face he sighed letting his shoulders drop as he poked his head back out. “I’m...sorry.”
Closing the door he then slipped back into his seat grabbing your hand again, spotting his pout you let out a chuckle. “Do you know what you could do that would make me feel better?”
“Oh?” That seemed to have perked him up.
Grinning you did your best to lean forward. “You could kiss me.” Giving him a wink it was cute seeing his cheeks turn red, even after a year of dating he would still blush around you.
“If it...will make you feel better than I can’t really say no can I?”
“I’m afraid not.” Leaning closer to you, Carlton captured your lips in a soft but gentle kiss as he did his best not to injure you more.
“Much better.”
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shittykinaesthetics · 5 years
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Shitty Shawn Spencer aesthetic: why be a psychic when you can be a meme master
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hidekomoon · 3 years
random thoughts i had while rewatching the wilds for the 4th time
- why did jeanette/linh’s phone ring? (i mean the phone that she was buried with and that leah heard) it would make sense that the number of this ‘sketchy phone’ would only be known by gretchen and her team. and they were watching the girls live thanks to the island’s cameras, so they knew linh was dead. why would they call her number then? and if it isn’t them, who called?
- at some point, audrey tells gretchen that they have “brought in the cargo” and i have no idea what they’re talking about
- when nora and toni went to get water together it made me think a lot about what they have in common, like the fact that they would both fight to the death for the people they love. i think nora admires toni a lot in that aspect? i would love to see more of their relationship but who knows what we’re gonna get
- it’s interesting that the two characters we see the most in the bunker (shelby and leah) are the ones we know can act. shelby several times (with the agents, pretending she’s attacked in episode 2...) and leah too, by saying that the phone died right in her hands in ep2 when we know it’s false. now i have a whole theory that leah is acting in the bunker, like, all the time, so that the agents underestimate her, thinking she’s a disturbed lovesick teen and not working with the others to escape
- in day twelve, gretchen says that her self harming spiked four days ago. that would be day eight. what happened on day eight? day seven ended with the girls finding the waterfall and nothing really bad happening. but also gretchen could just be lying since she mainly checked herself into the pysch ward to talk to faber ((edit: someone in the notes said that day eight is when linh is brought back. we only see the scene in the episode “day twelve” but it makes sense that it took place earlier))
- in the second part of the season, audrey says that “the rollout for phase two has absorbed all available watercraft” - what does it even mean?? also, i now doubt that phase 2 is the bunker phase because why would it be so soon already?
- when talking about the second confederate, gretchen explicitly says that she is someone with “wilderness skills” - where did nora get those? apart from reading??
- at first i thought that the island and the bunker were in the usa but gretchen tells faber to get his passport so knowing that the snake they encountered is from north america they’re either in canada or in mexico i guess (i could be wrong though)
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galleryofunknowns · 4 years
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Studio of Francis Harwood (b.1726/7 - d.1783), 'Bust of a Man' , black limestone on yellow marble, c.1758, British/Italian, currently in the collection of the Yale Center for British Art; New Haven, CT, USA; the original in the collection of the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA, USA.
Formerly called ‘Bust of William (Bill) Richmond (b.1763 - d.1829), the pugilist’ when in the collection of Algernon Percy, 4th Duke of Northumberland (b.1792 - d. 1865). Also called ‘Bust of Pysche’, an athlete in the service of the Duke of Northumberland, when sold to the J. Paul Getty Museum in 1987. (x)
This remarkable bust may be a portrait: details such as the small scar on the man’s forehead and the subtle depressions in the skin around his temples, nose, and eyes suggest close study of an individual sitter. However, the sculptor Francis Harwood, who was based in Italy, specialized in making copies of classical statues for sale to English Grand Tourists, and so it is also possible that this is a copy or adaptation of an Antique model. A third possibility is that the bust was made as an allegorical image of “Africa.” A passage from Joseph Baretti’s "Guide through the Royal Academy" (London, 1781) suggests that, by 1781, Harwood’s "Bust of a Man"—or something very similar—had entered the cast and sculpture collection of the Royal Academy.
Though we cannot be sure that Baretti is referring to the sculpture on display here, his description suggests that works like it may have been difficult to categorize even in the eighteenth century: 
“AFRICUS. For want of a better, I give this name to a Head of a Blackamoor, which is in the Niche of this Room. A Friend of mine would have it called Boccar, or Boccor, an African King named in one of Juvenal’s Satires. But, as it has no ensigns of Royalty about it, I imagine it to be a Portrait of some Slave, if not a fanciful performance intended to characterise the general Look of the African faces. Whatever it be, I think it a fine thing of the kind.” (x)
From the Getty Museum:
With noble bearing, this man proudly holds his chin high above his powerful chest. Sculptor Francis Harwood chose a black stone to reproduce the sitter's skin tone. Harwood also chose an unusual antique format for the bust, terminating it in a wide arc below the man's pectoral muscles. Harwood was familiar with antique sculptures from time spent in Florence reproducing and copying them. He may have deliberately used this elegant, rounded termination, which includes the entire, unclothed chest and shoulders, to evoke associations with ancient busts of notable men. Although the identity of the sitter is unknown, the scar on his face suggests that this is a portrait of a specific individual. This work may be one of the earliest sculpted portraits of a Black individual by a European. (x)
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heedthemountain · 6 years
Alphabet Facts About the Writer
Tagged by: @your-dark-magic-man-mysterio and @drstrangesorcerersupreme thank you 🖤❤💚💜
a // age: 34 *old woman noises*
b // birthplace: Midwest USA
c // current time:  4:18 pm
d // drink you last had:  Drinking cream soda
e // easiest person to talk to: @melissa-anne-rose (my forever love) @bolontiku (mi querida) @eveycomesundone (my wifey) @your-dark-magic-man-mysterio (the bestest bestie) @arawynn (sweetest person ever to send asks) @themourningsage (the most patient rp partner ever known to tumblr) @thexgoldenxbard (the other most patient rper) and so many more
f // favorite songs: Um.. currently those would be Hate Me - Blue October, Heart Full of Love - Les Miserables (movie), Million Eyes - Loïc Nottet, Hooked on a Feeling - Blue Suede, Ashes - Celine Dion
g // grossest memory: Hmm... I really don't think it would be appropriate to post here XD
h // horror yes or horror no: Monster horror yes, paranormal/pysch horror no
i // in love: Oh yes
j // jealous of people: Only if there is a serious reason to be
k // kodak moment: First time I held my firstborn 😍😍😍
l // love at first sight or should i walk by again?: I believe in attraction at first sight, but real love includes trust and that takes time
m // middle name: Jean *banjo strum*
n // number of siblings: One younger bro
o // one wish: To be safe in this country going to hell
p // person called last: Chinese food place for takeout
q // questions you’re always asked: How tall are you? How are you?
r // rain or sun: Both, definitely
s // song you last sang: Love Song - 311
t // time you woke up: 3:00 pm
u // underwear color: um
v // vacation destination: Maldives
w // worst habit: picking at weird textures, am a very tactile person
x // x-rays: yes
y // your favorite food: haha, so much
z // zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Tagging: @melissa-anne-rose @bolontiku @eveycomesundone @muindor @bodhvild @the-squid-one @spinsterlocity @arawynn @themourningsage @thexgoldenxbard @yourdemonbabydoll @theweatherwitch, forgive me if I have forgotten anyone, I am a bit hungover
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apollothe-sungod · 2 years
↬𝕜𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕤𝕦 𝕒𝕤𝕒𝕙𝕚: 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕚𝕤𝕙𝕖𝕕 𝕓𝕚𝕠↫
a/n: finally finished it! next is kyoufu! then, i hopefully can do other writing and such! :) gonna post more art on here! here ya go! <3
❦ ╔════════════╗ ♚ G E O M E T R I C S ♚ ╚════════════╝ ↬ Full name ↫
Karasu Asahi ↬ Nickname(s) ↫ Kara, Asa, Phil, Bird Man ↬ Age ↫ Around 17 years old. ↬ Birthday ↫ January 20th ↬ Birthplace ↫ Omaha, Nebraska, USA ↬ Zodiac ↫ Between Capricorn/Aquarius ↬ Height ↫ 6’6 ↬ Gender ↫ Male ↬ Orientation ↫ Pansexual ↬ Species ↫ Human ↬ Social Class ↫ Middle/High Class (in the middle) ↬ Wealth ↫ Fairly Wealthy ❦ ╔════════════╗ ♚ A P P E A R A N C E ♚ ╚════════════╝ ↬ Skin color ↫ Between Sienna and Sandstone ↬ Eye color ↫ Aquamarine (Color below)
↬ Hair color ↫ Blonde ↬ Hair style ↫ It’s fairly straight, only a tiny bit wavy, a little soft, and it goes to about his shoulders. Most of the time, though, it’s put in a ponytail. ↬ Facial hair ↫ He doesn’t have much, only a little stubble on his chin. ↬ Body Type ↫ Tall, only a tiny bit lanky. ↬ Scars ↫ Scar on his chin, slightly on the right side. He got this from a time when he was younger he fell on a sharp rock. He also has a few scars on his hands from when he was carving wood and accidentally cut himself. ↬ Piercing ↫ A few ear piercings, but that’s it. ❦ ╔════════════╗ ♚ C L O T H I N G ♚ ╚════════════╝
↬ Outfits ↫ Wears stuff similar to this. Or, wears a deep green yukata, with a black waist, and gold outlining it. ↬ Accessories ↫ The left earring is on his left ear, along with a few other earrings that usually change. The right earring is on his right ear, and usually doesn’t have other earrings. These two earrings are the only ones he wears almost every day. (OPTIONAL. You don’t have to draw em!)
❦ ╔════════════╗ ♚ P E R S O N A L I T Y ♚ ╚════════════╝ ↬ Normal mood ↫ Normally happy. Though, still serious enough to not be off the walls. ↬ Temper ↫ Normally very, very patient. The only time he will be impatient is if his friends were out doing something, especially dangerous, and didn’t answer his texts. ↬ Discipline ↫ He follows rules for the most part, but also sometimes will test the rule boundaries if he deems them unnecessary. ↬ Strengths ↫ He’s very smart, brave, and able to think ahead. He can also easily pay attention to small details. ↬ Weaknesses ↫ Anything that has to do with his friends. All three are very protective of each other (especially Apollo bc out of the three the past hurts him the worst), and he hates It not being able to help them. He also hates spiders, and water. Like, HATES. ↬ Drive/dreams ↫ He wishes for all three of them to finally find peace, and for the world to not be in the terrible state it is. ↬ Fears ↫ Spiders, water, and being alone. ↬ Likes ↫ Likes trail mix, and surprisingly monster. He also really likes video games, and is really competitive. Likes watching crime hows (fictional, kinda like Pysch) ↬ Dislikes ↫ Spicy foods, any type of kids cartoons. ↬ Soft spot ↫ His friends. He seems very stoic and such on the outside, but to friends he’s the kindest guy ever. ↬ Depression ↫ Anyone else being sad. Especially his friends, but to anyone else he doesn’t like seeing people cry, and will try to help the,. Even if they just seem out of it, like tired, he’ll ask if they’re ok. Apollo and Kyoufu picked up on this, and now they do it too. ↬ Inspiration ↫ Seeing heroes. He’s not a hero himself, nor does he want to be, but him and his friends want to work together. Kyoufu being a police officer, Karasu being a detective, and Apollo being a pro hero. ↬ Role model ↫ His friends, and just anyone he sees being kind to others (especially if he notices they don’t know each other, makes him happy) ↬ Mental disorder ↫
Nothing that I can think of. Maybe a slight but of PTSD though. ↬ Habits ↫ Clicking pens, tapping his foot, humming, and clicking his tongue. ❦ ╔════════════╗ ♚ R A T I N G S ♚ ╚════════════╝ (5 Stars means very high strength, 1 star means very low strength aka weak) ↬ Psychological strength ↫ 3.5 (A few things can rly screw him up) ↬ Physical strength ↫ 3.0 (Pretty strong, but not the strongest. Quirk doesn’t give extra strength.) ↬ Close quarter combat ↫ 4 (okay at it, learned from Kyoufu) ↬ Distanced combat ↫ 5 (Uses crossbows) ↬ Leadership ↫ 5 (Very good leader) ↬ Wisdom ↫ 5 (as i said, very smart, and thinks things through) ↬ Intelligence ↫ 5. (again, very smart) ↬ Confidence ↫ 4.5 (he’s fairly confident, but could be better) ↬ Endurance ↫ 3.5 ❦ ╔════════════╗ ♚ R E L A T I O N S H I P S ♚ ╚════════════╝ ↬ Father ↫ Arata Asahi. Fairly good relationship with him. Deceased. ↬ Mother ↫ Asami Asahi. Best relationship. Alive. ↬ Brother(s) ↫ Koi Asahi (Brother) (Youngest), Daichi Asahi (Brother) (Second Oldest), Katsu Asahi (Second Youngest), Kyo Asahi (Third Youngest) ↬ Sister(s) ↫ Rio Asahi (Oldest sister), Sora (Youngest Sister) ↬ Other relatives ↫ Toru Asahi (Grandpa) ↬ Enemies ↫ N/A ↬ Rivals ↫ Surprisingly, his friends. They’re rivals, but also very good friends. ↬ Friends ↫ Apollo Ryu, Kyoufu Tomo ↬ Best friend ↫
Both! He can’t choose. ↬ Love interest ↫ N/A ↬ Marital status ↫ Single. ↬ Spouse ↫ N/A ↬ Children ↫ N/A ↬ Pets ↫ Marigold: A Black Rat Snake
Clementine: A Cecropia Moth
Dragoneye: A Cinnabar Moth ❦ ╔════════════╗ ♚ P A S S - T I M E ♚ ╚════════════╝ ↬ Hobbies ↫ Enjoys making, listening, and talking about music. ↬ Talents ↫ Sings, dances, and plays instruments. ↬ Sports ↫ He plays volleyball/badminton with Apollo, basketball with Kyoufu, and Soccer with all three of them! ↬ Classes ↫ Mostly takes regular classes but does major in Music Production. ↬ Occupation ↫ Works as an assistant in Apollo’s family buisness. ❦ ╔════════════╗ ♚ H O M E   L I F E ♚ ╚════════════╝ ↬ Location ↫ Musutafu, Japan ↬ House size ↫ It’s medium-sized. Maybe an average two-floored house. (most of his sibs except a few share rooms) ↬ House type ↫ Looks like an average house you’d find in America. ↬ Level of luxury ↫ It’s nothing luxurious, but it’s not terrible. ↬ Outdoor description ↫ It’s very garden-y, lots of plants and life, in the backyard theres a large garden and such. ↬ Indoor description ↫ It has 5 Bedrooms (3 on the top floor, 2 in the basement), and 3 bathrooms. It’s usually fairly clean, since Karasu and most of his family are very clean. ↬ Bedroom description ↫
Very organized and put together, kind of like this!
❦ ╔════════════╗ ♚ C O M B A T ♚ ╚════════════╝ ↬ Rank ↫ N/A ↬ Weapons ↫ Daggers, and crossbow. ↬ Favorite weapon ↫ Daggers ↬ Specialized weapon ↫ He knows a lot about knives and daggers. He’s mostly trained for that type of stuff. ↬ Range ↫ Best at close range, but OK at far range. ↬ Accuracy ↫ With daggers, always accurate. With a crossbow, not the greatest. ↬ Power ↫ His crow wings help with flying, and his enhanced intelligence makes for good battle plans. ↬ Block/nullified ↫ By keeping far away. He’s not great at far-range, so if you keep far enough away they’re almost useless. ❦ ╔════════════╗ ♚ T H E M E    S O N G ♚ ╚════════════╝ ılı.lıllılıı.ıllı
↳ currently playing ;;
[ocean breathes salty] - [modest mouse]
0:56 ——•———————— 3:46
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Ø ❦ ╔════════════╗ ♚ O T H E R    I N F O ♚ ╚════════════╝
Ø Out of his friend group, he is one of the only ones with alive/good parents. However, his mother does live in America.
Ø He paints with Apollo and Kyoufu, and all three once sold a painting for around 11,300 yen (almost 100 USD) ╔════════════╗ ♚ C R E D I T ♚ ╚════════════╝ ↬ Images, videos, and audio, may be subjected to copy right law. I, Apollo, do not own the images, videos, and audio. ↫ ↬Template created by [Ace_Chick| http://aminoapps.com/p/dbn6m]↫
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